Minute Book: July 1668, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: July 1668, 1-10 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp368-381 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: July 1668, 1-10 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp368-381.

"Minute Book: July 1668, 1-10 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp368-381.


July 1668

July 1.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Write Alderman Backwell to advance to Sir John Trevor the money on his tally on the late Customs Farmers. Interest to be allowed Backwell for it.
Sir G. Downing to draw a report of the Earl of Carbery's case [concerning an establishment for him as President of the Marches of Wales] as the first of that kind in the Exchequer by reason the fines failed by taking away the Star Chamber; also to propose that there may be an establishment for the future.
Viscount Fanshaw to certify whether the fees in the Custom House in anno 4 James I reached also to the outports or only to London.
The King to be moved that Sir Edmund Pooly have 3,000l. on Sir John Prettiman's money and that such places as fall [vacant] may be conferred on such as have pensions and are well deserving.
On Thursday week the sixpenny writs are to be farmed. Notice to be given to Mr. Warcup and Mr. Edowes, the Lord Keeper's secretary.
Sir G. Downing to see whether the [late] Lord Treasurer did not send fiat immediately to the Great Seal for Customs places. The warrant for Lavington to be drawn accordingly.
A new privy seal for Estoll: the last being lost.
Write the Earl of Anglesey to certify on Thursday next what are his objections to making assignments out of his last 100,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax to Mr. Colvill for his interest money: as by my Lord's warrant of June 16 last in pursuance of an order of Council.
Petition from Thomas Brent, &c., creditors to Mr. Killigrew. When Mr. Killegrew is paid his pension they shall have the money and his pension shall be paid as soon as any other.
Warrant for Sir William Waller on the privy seal.
The Greencloth to certify the whole of the privy seals for board wages [to the King's servants].
Petition from Mr. Rudyard. My Lords can do nothing in it.
Dormant warrant for Elianor Withers and Joane Halsenoth.
Sir Ste. Fox's account for the Scotch regiment and for interest for same and for the Guards is referred to Auditor Beale.
Petition from Richard Lightfoot. Referred to the Surveyor General to certify where wood is to be had and what is fit to be done. Same from Capt. Beaumont. Process to stay till further order. Same from Peircevall Stany. Warrant on the Post Office. Same from Elizabeth Burrell. [My Lords have] no money. Same from Capt. Staplehill. To be paid at Barbados where they were employed; the former report to be cancelled. Same from Mathew Calthoff about Fox Hall [Vauxhall]. Nothing to be done in it. Same from Sir Philip Warwick, Toby Rustat, &c. Nothing to be done in it, the King being so much in debt.
The certificate concerning the Lichfield perpetuity read. Nothing to be done in it at present.
Petition from John Gunter. He is to pay in the remainder of the money, and then aid to be given him. Same from William Dugdale, Norroy King of Arms. Warrant on the Chimney money for his whole arrear. [In the said warrant] "certify the reason: [viz.] because he is upon a publique worke as his petition mentions." Same from Fran. Sandford. Warrant on the Chimney money for his whole arrear, he being upon a publique worke. Same from Thomas Storye. His petition was read before. Same from Thomas Bristow, deputy sheriff of Lincoln, desiring allowance for an overpayment of 17l. 11s. 4d. paid by him to the Justices of the Peace of that county above the fines set at the several sessions of the peace for the year ending Michaelmas last. Referred to Auditor Chislet.
Certificate concerning Henry Progers read. Warrant ordered on the Chimney money.
Petition from Judith Hobson. Nothing to be done in it. Same from Richard Hodgkinson. Warrant on the Chimney money for a moiety. Same from Joan Cox, the armourer's widow. [My Lords have] no money. Same from John Turnbull. The like answer. Same from Valentine Stuckley. To be paid when there is money to pay the debts of the Wardrobe. Same from Mr. Champant. Nothing can be done in it but he is to be remembered on any occasion for an employment. Warrant to him to deliver all bonds relating to the Excise in his custody to the Commissioners of Excise in Aldersgate Street.
The late Lord Treasurer's warrant read for two tun of wine for King's College, Cambridge. A warrant ordered on the Butlerage.
Petition from Arthur Hewet, Surveyor of His Majesty's stables at Reading. Sir Robert Long is to certify what is paid on it to said Hewet. Warrant for it on the Chimney money.
Certificate read from the Lord Mayor of London about the 4,000 chaldon of coals for the London poor. Warrant ordered for it and for the Auditor to allow it in the coal farmers' account.
The Auditor to state Alderman Backwell's account for interest and allowances due from His Majesty for money by said Backwell advanced to several persons for the use of His Majesty.
Mr. East's privy seal read. Warrant ordered on the Chimneys.
Sir George Carteret to certify who Mr. Portman is who demands an interest account to be stated and what is the money demanded by him in this account.
Sir G. Downing to certify what moneys of the Royal Aid there are in any Teller's office uncharged.
Petition from John Van Haesdonke read, with the King's warrant. He should petition the King and then the petition be referred to my Lords for report according to the rules. Same from Jonas Savage. Referred to Sir R. Long to consider how it may be paid, and to draw such a warrant as may be fit for my Lords to sign in pursuance of the certificate from the Commissioners of Accounts.
Sir G. Downing to carry to Lord Ashley the privy seal for paying the patents by orders: also a clause to be inserted to look forward if Lord Ashley think fit.
Warrant for Mr. Ashmole on the Excise according to his petition.
Mr. Wadlow to attend to-morrow.
The Earl of Anglesey to go on in paying the tickets as the Commissioners of the Navy direct, and my Lords will provide 10,000l. for him.
The late Excise Commissioners called in: present an account of the Excise. To be considered to-morrow.
Order for 40l. on the Excise, for Mr. Gaywood and Mr. Wood.
Write Sir Edw. Hungerford to carry to the Attorney General the deeds of conveyance made by Sir John Prettyman to Sir Edw. and Sir Tho. Dolman in 1663 of parts of the manor of Loddington.
The certificate of the Mayor of Dover about Sir Francis Vincent's soldiers is to be sent to the Muster Master to see if their names be in the muster rolls and how much 14 days' pay to them comes to.
The Privy Purse to have 300l. per an. more on the Tin Farm. Warrant ordered for this.
The Privy Purse account of the Healing money (or medals) is referred to Auditor Beale.
Warrant for Mr. Lely's 500l. loan money: to be on the imported liquors with interest, and the former warrant on Sir Ste. Fox to be cancelled.
Mr. Gohory's petition to be considered when the list of such as have Privy Seals for board wages is sent in from the Green Cloth.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 233–5.]
July 2.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Sir W. Temple and Mr. Glanville called in. Sir R. Long is to look over Mr. Glanville's account to-morrow with Alderman Backwell and present it in the afternoon to my Lords.
Write the Commissioners of Aids in every county that the Receivers are called on to pass their accounts, and that if the collectors delay the payment of the money it will be set in super on them (the Collectors) or on the county when the said accounts are declared, and then they will be made accountants in the Exchequer, and process will issue accordingly. Sir W. Doyly to draw this letter.
Mr. Wadlow called in. My Lords desire [him to get the Vintners to advance] more money to pay off the fleet.
Warrant for the person to whom Mr. Lavington desires to resign his place. To be by a fiat to the Great Seal and during pleasure.
Sir G. Downing reports, upon advice with Sir R. Long, that the Lord Treasurer may grant offices during his own life under his own hand and seal, and by fiat to the Great Seal during the King's pleasure; and by [letters patent drafted by the Clerk of] the Signet or the Attorney General if for life.
Mr. May called in: presents a paper about bridges. Warrant for 350l. more for making those bridges. This to be in addition to the 8,000l. per an. [for the Works]. Mr. May and Mr. Crispe to attend on Monday about the agreement for bricks for His Majesty's service.
Sir Thomas Higgens called in: moves for money for his going to the Elector of Saxe. To attend to-morrow about it. Ordered that he be allowed according to the new establishment for an envoy, viz. 3l. a day and the Herald 30s. a day and 150l. advance in part thereof. Warrant for 300l. advance to Sir Thomas Higgens.
Write William Hastings to know what is the 120l. which he demands of Alderman Backwell.
Sir Dan. Harvy and Mr. Harbord called in: move for an order to take up 300l. on said Harvy's 2,000l. assignment on the Eleven Months' tax. Sir Daniel to attend on Monday about this.
The Earl of Anglesey called in. It is to be inserted in his warrant that he assign to Mr. Colvill his interest account.
Sir R. Long's opinion to be asked about Mr. Kirkby's tally. A warrant for it to be altered in accordance with Auditor Chislet's certificate.
Sir R. Long to hasten an account of all the moneys received for the Navy.
Sir Solomon Swayle called in and his petition read. He must apply to the King to express his pleasure concerning accepting his proposition, and my Lords will declare that they have nothing to say against it.
Sir W. Doyly called in: presents a letter from the Commissioners of the Aids for co. Oxford: and will give a report of his journey on Monday.
The report from Sir C. Harbord and Mr. Harbord about Dean Forest is to be considered to-morrow.
See if Col. Whitley's warrant be with a non-obstante to the King's ordinary rule of [leases not exceeding] 31 years: otherwise that it be made so.
Sir Ste. Fox's interest account for his garrison moneys is referred to Auditor Beale.
Sir W. Doyly to have 300l. per an. Warrant for this and for his extraordinaries besides.
Commission for Mr. Laurence and warrant for his salary of 150l. per an. on the Excise.
Warrant for 40l. per an. to the Comptroller of the Pipe. To be on the Exchequer.
Write Mr. Williamson to insert in his next Monday's Gazette and for two or three weeks together an intimation to the Receivers to the following effect, viz. that Monday afternoon in every week is appointed for the taking of all such accompts as pass the Auditors of Imprest, and Tuesday morning in each week for land tax accounts, that is all accounts of the Aids or monthly assessments payable into the Exchequer, viz. the One Month's tax from 1660, Sept. 29; the One Month's tax from 1661, July 1: the Eighteen Months' assessment; the Royal and Additional Aids; and the Voluntary Presents and Subsidies: and Thursday afternoon in each week for all other accounts that pass by the Auditors of His Majesty's revenue. All Receivers are to take notice hereof and apply themselves with diligence to their respective Auditors and prosecute their accounts. And all collectors are admonished that when they shall have any sums set in super on them by the Receivers they will thereby become accountants in the Exchequer, which will be both chargeable and troublesome to them; and to prevent same they are to pay all moneys in hand to the Receivers.
Mr. John May's letter to be considered to-morrow.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 236–7.]
July 3.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
[Warrant for] 20,000l. for the Ordnance: to be next after the City of London on the Chimney money.
Write the principal officers and Commissioners of the Navy, the Victualler and the Ordnance that although their orders on the Wine Act are on old privy seals, yet that these moneys are only to be applied for the setting out and maintaining an extraordinary fleet this summer.
Sir William Temple called in: desires he may be discharged of the tin account. My Lords say Alderman Backwell must be spoken to in it. Backwell to be spoken to about lending Sir W. Temple money on the Customs tallies. Send Temple's warrant (for him to be paid partly on a Customs tally) to Sir R. Long to see if he have anything to say against it.
Sir C. Harbord to send a return about Lord Holles's Dorsetshire grant.
Auditor Beale to attend on Monday next with the account of the Customs during the time it was in commission; also some account of the late Customs Farmers for some part of their farm.
Sir Tho. Higgins to have [his advance money paid out of] the Royal Aid money deposited in Sir William Doyly's Office. His warrant to be made accordingly.
Mr. Glanvile called in and told that 2 per cent. is too much for provision [of] money; but if he will take 1½ per cent. my Lords will order his account to be engrossed. But he refused it.
Sir Tho. Dolman called in with Sir John Prettiman.
The Lord General's hand to be got to the letter to the Justices of North Wales.
Mr. F. Berkly called in with Mr. Lawrence. Lawrence to bring a state of the case in writing. Write the Judge that goes the Monmouth circuit to see effectual execution of the writ sent thither against _.
The King to be moved about Col. Whitley's grant, seeing that it is for 51 years, whereas His Majesty's ordinary rule is only for 31 years.
Write the Lord Privy Seal to pass the privy seal for removing [to the Exchequer] payments from the Customs.
Sir G. Downing with a Clerk of the Council to draw the order of Council for Mr. Wadlow et al. to receive the moneys on the Wine Act for their reimbursement and satisfaction.
The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to be spoken to about Mr. Pery's letter about the obstructions on the business of the French tonnage.
Alderman Bucknall to attend on Monday about Mr. Ball's business. Mr. Bostock to give him notice.
Lord Ashley to be sent to for the privy seal for drawing orders on letters patent with his opinion thereon.
Send to the Greencloth for the list of privy seals.
Sir G. Downing to draw a warrant for the Mayor, magistrates and merchants of Lyme Regis about Mr. Elsden's fees. Elsden to attend Downing hereon.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 237–8.]
July 6.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Sir D. Harvy called in: moves for power to borrow 300l. to begin the repair of New Park. Mr. May also called in: moves that the officers of the Works may have the repair of New Park. Ordered that Mr. May be joined with Mr. Harbord in the disposing of the 2,000l. for repair of New Park wall. Warrant to Mr. Harbord to borrow the 300l., but that it be not disposed save with the approbation and direction of Mr. May.
Warrant to pay over-interest out of the Royal Aid money in the Exchequer.
Warrant to repay Alderman Backwell his 4,000l. lent into the Exchequer to repay loans: same to be out of moneys that shall come into the Exchequer on Alderman Bucknell's Customs tallies.
Warrant for stay of process against Mr. May till the end of Michaelmas term.
Mr. Henry Howard of Norfolk, Mr. Hayes and Mr. Slingsby to attend this day week about the farthing business: which is put off till then by reason of the indisposition of said Slingsby.
Write the Grand Commissioners of Excise to take special care that all such tallies as were struck on the late Excise Commissioners be paid in the same course in which they should have been paid in the late Excise Office.
Write Mr. Ball to bring hither on Wednesday a list of all unpaid tallies struck on the late Farmers of the Country Excise; arranging same in the course in which they ought to be paid.
Mr. Dudley Rouse to attend on Monday next about his account. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Baron, of Windsor, and Mr. May to attend then.
Write Mr. Williamson to ask why there was put into to-day's Gazette only the short notification to accomptants which was in a week since: and desire him to insert in next Thursday's Gazette the larger notification sent on the 2nd inst.
Write Sir R. Long to know if Mr. Lely, the painter, have not a pension in the Exchequer.
Sir W. Doyly called in, makes report in writing of what he did in his late journey to get in the arrears in Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Oxfordshire.
Mr. Harbord and Mr. May called in about the money for New Park. Mr. Harbord desires that Mr. May should make the contracts whilst he pays the money. Agreed to.
Petition from Patrick Crow. To be considered next Wednesday.
Mr. May and Mr. Crispe to attend on Monday next about the business of the bargain made with Sir Nicholas Crispe, deceased, for furnishing His Majesty with bricks.
Sir Ste. Fox and Auditor Beale called in about an account of Sir Stephen Fox. Though the payments for contingencies exceed the allowances, yet in regard there is money in Fox's hands it is to be allowed on his account to save the charge of a privy seal. The 150l. paid to Mr. Halsall for intelligence is to be allowed on this account. The warrant to be directed to Auditor Beale.
Auditor Beale propounds an account of the French tonnage, which is declared.
Auditor Wood called in with Sir Jo. Robinson's accounts for 1660 and 1661 as Lieutenant of the Tower, which are declared.
Mr. Glanvile called in. His account to be declared, and what is due to him on the foot of it is to be paid on the Chimneys. Auditor Chislet to engross it and then bring it to the Treasury to be passed.
Alderman Bucknell called in about Mr. Ball's business. Says they will allow him 200l. per an.
Warrant for the Duke of York's children out of what is retrenched on the Excise Office.
A letter [read] from the Commissioners of the Navy for money for Norway stores.
Mr. Wadlow to attend to-morrow. My Lords expected him to-night.
Petition from Robert Philips. Referred to the Attorney General.
Peniston Whally's oath [received] about his acquittances from Sir Tho. Player. A warrant to strike his tallies.
Warrant to the Auditor to settle Sir George Carteret's interest money according to his privy seal.
Dormant warrant for Mr. Burnet.
The Lord Almoner to be placed [for payment] among the bills for the Treasurer of the Chamber.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 239–41.]
July 7.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Charnock to see that all paper books be numbered.
Warrant to Sir R. Long to deliver to Alderman Backwell, one of the old Customs tallies for 7,500l., whereof 4,000l. to be for so much lent by him into the Exchequer to buy Berkshire House, and 3,500l. lent to Lord Arlington.
Mr. Champante to have a press in his office: Mr. Seager to first report the value.
Write Mr. Sherwin and send the Duchy of Cornwall account for 1666 to Lord Ashley for his remarks on it to be returned by next Thursday when it is to be considered with the account for 1667.
The report from Sir C. Harbord and Mr. Harbord read about the appointing of officers for Dean Forest. Warrant to the Attorney General for a commission out of the Chancery for the country to choose three verderers. Mr. Harbord to draw this warrant and also to prepare a draft of instructions agreeable to the Act for abuses in the Forest and to send to Sir G. Downing the names of the Commissioners he would have for the seven manors of the Duchy that renew every seven years. The Attorney General to advise the fittest way to choose the twelve regarders, viz. whether by royal letters patent or by the Justices in Eyre at the Justice Seats, or by the freeholders of the county at a County Court.
Sir R. Long to return the warrant for the old Customs House tallies that it may be drawn as he desires it should be.
Mr. Cooper, deputy to Auditor Morice, presents a state of Mr. Cooper's account for the Hearth money of co. Notts. To engross it as also that of Mr. Scawen.
Mr. Taylor called in: presents a petition. Sir Edmond Sawyer and Mr. Dudley Rouse to attend on Monday.
Sir J. Courtope et al., Commissioners for Fines and Alienations, called in and the lease is signed. Warrant for their [office salaries or] fees for Easter term. They are to come for a warrant every term.
Auditor Beale called in with an account of the Customs during the time it was in commission. My Lords are informed that Sir Job. Harby accounted for coals by the Newcastle measure, but received London measure. [The executors of said Harby] are to account for London measure. The account to be made ready against Monday.
Mr. Hodges presents a draft of a letter to be written by my Lords and the Justices of Assize for suppressing tobacco planting. It is to be prepared as desired.
Warrant to be prepared for 300l. for the Privy Purse.
The King's Remembrancer to give into the hands of Auditor Beale the Customs books from Michaelmas, 1665 to Michaelmas, 1667.
The Earl of Anglesey to attend to-morrow with an estimate what money will be necessary for paying off the fleet now abroad, and when it will be best to provide it.
Mr. North called in: [desires] that particular process issue out for the whole 600l. Granted.
Mr. Hinton and Mr. Gould called in: move for an assignment for the 30,000l. which was lost by burning the tallies at Guildhall. Write Sir Thomas Player for an account by Monday next of how much money is paid upon the tallies lodged in his office and to whom, and how much remains unpaid and to whom, and how much the said tallies are like to fall short [on the Excise or Hearthmoney] by reason of the burning of London.
Warrant for three months for Mr. Thynne on the Customs for June.
Process against Mr. Perin to be sealed, but then respited for some days.
Lord Arlington called in: moves for an allowance to Sir William Temple. [Ordered that Temple have] 7l. a day as ordinary as an ambassador and ten days' pay before his departure for his equipage. On Friday next the business of allowances to public ministers to be sent abroad is to be considered: and also concerning presents to be made to public ministers that come hither. Lord Arlington has promised to be here then.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 241–3.]
July 8.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Charnock to keep a book of all petitions [to state] when read and what is done on them.
Lord Holles, Sir William Killigrew and Sir R. Long called in: move for some money belonging to the Queen, and desire that they may have it, and present a paper about it. My Lords say that when the Earl of Carbery's account passes they will stop as much money as to pay the Queen.
Mr. Bishop's petition to be offered on Friday. Petition from Miss Mary Blague. The King to be moved for his pleasure therein. Same from Francis Crane: referred to the auditor and Sir R. Long to determine how this difference ariseth and what is to be done in it.
The Earl of Lauderdale and Lady Dysart called in, and Lady Dysart's petition is read. A report to be drawn reporting Sir Philip Warwick's letter and that she will quit all her right [in return] for [payment of] her arrears.
Petition from George Macharty. There's no reference [thereof] to my Lords [from the King].
Charnock to go to Lord Ashley for the lease and other writings of the Commissioners for Alienations.
Petition from Patrick Crowe. My Lords can allow only according to the law. Same from John Barwell, His Majesty's saddler, for several sums of money due to him for furnishing His Majesty's stables. Referred to Mr. Newport and Mr. Reymes, of the Wardrobe, to report what is due to him.
Mr. Wardour to give an account what the Wardrobe has had since 1660. The King to be moved (the Lord Chamberlain being present) that Mr. Townsend be left to the law; that the Wardrobe creditors may have the liberty of the law against him.
Petition from Thomas St. George, Somerset Herald. My Lords will in his absence take care of his arrears.
Same from Sir John Pretiman. Unless he pays the 10,000l. in five weeks the King will prosecute his estate for the whole money.
Sir George Carteret's warrant on his privy seal about his Muünster account is to be sent to Sir R. Long to consider.
Petition from the Poor Knights of Windsor. To be paid when the Great Seal is passed. Same from Robert Gydes. To be paid on the Chimney money. Same from Sir Edward Hungerford. Referred to Sir C. Harbord, who is to satisfy himself from Sir Bernard de Gomme of the quantity of the land taken in and also to report the value.
Petition from Edmund Baker. Ordered that Mr. Perin account to-morrow. Same from Robert Long. To be considered when there is money for bills for the Treasurer of the Chamber. Same from Sir Thos. Player. Report to be made of what he has received of the King. Same from John Place. The 53l. to be remitted to him. Same from John Rose. The money petitioned for is to be applied to pay him for what is after his Chimney money warrant.
Petition from the falconers. On surrender of their patents they shall have their arrears on the Chimney money. Same from Thomes How, falconer. The like order. Same from Wilkes Fitchett. A state of the case to be drawn up and reported upon the papers to His Majesty. Same from John van Haesdonck for stay of all process in the future against him upon the accompt for 500l., same being on a reference from the King of the 6th inst. Referred to Sir R. Long.
Paper read from Francis Manby. To be paid the half on Mr. Newport's money for the Wardrobe.
Auditor Aldworth to inspect Alderman Backwell's books concerning the money of the Royal Aid received by him on his privy seal of 1665–6, Jan 19, to see if the times of the receipt thereof agree with his books.
Sir R. Long to give his opinion of the warrant for dividing Major Broxholm's tally.
The Earl of Anglesey and Mr. Wadlow called in. My Lords consent that instead of 40,000l. two months after Midsummer and 60,000l. at Michaelmas the 100,000l. be paid at Michaelmas. This to be moved in Council. Also Mr. Wadlow undertakes to pay 5,000l. a week to the Earl of Anglesey and 5,000l. more if desired. Mr. Wadlow moves that Mr. Benson's name be left out [of the lease of the wine duties ? as one of the securities] in regard he says his estate is settled.
A warrant to be drawn up for so much as will make up 200,000l. for the ordinary of the Navy for a year beginning at Michaelmas last to be registered on the Customs after June next by such proportions as the months will bear. The month of June on the Customs is to be reserved for public ministers, but it must be considered what the Earl of Anglesey has already had for the Navy, and what the Victualler has had also on the Customs. The Earl of Anglesey to have a copy of Sir R. Long's certificate of charge and to certify how much of that was for the ordinary of the Navy for the year from Michaelmas last in view of my Lords' intention to make it up to 200,000l. as above.
Charnock to make a great book of orders wherein are to be particularly set down heads for each branch of the revenue.
Warrant for 20,000l. more to the Earl of Anglesey on the Wine Act.
Lord Holles and Mr. Coventry to state what money they demand interest for: on the royal warrant of April 27 last for allowing them interest on moneys borrowed by them for supplying their occasion in His Majesty's service at Breda, viz. what borrowed and what expended, and whether upon their ordinaries or extra-ordinaries.
The Earl of Berkshire called in. To attend to-morrow with the discoverer.
Mr. Beazly also called in about his discovery: says that the King has not after the rate of 6d. in a quarter of malt: proposes that the duty be paid not by the barrel but by the quarter of malt.
Petition from Robert Bendish. Referred to the Lord Chief Baron to examine how these schedules came to be lost.
Some propositions tendered by the Treasurer of the Household about farming the Customs of Ireland. The Treasurer of the Household to speak with the Duke of Ormonde to know if he think fit that Wednesday two months hence be published in the Gazette for the time to let to farm the Customs of Ireland.
Capt. Bret's pension on the logwood to pass: to be during pleasure.
Mrs. Berkly's docquet to pass.
[Warrant for] 3,000l. for Sir Edm. Pooly on Sir John Prettiman's estate. Sir John to have five weeks and no more to pay the 10,000l. to the King.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 243–6.]
July 9.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Major Reeves et al. called in with Auditor Philips about their Chimney account for London. Sir Philip Warwick to be asked if they (Sir John Robinson, Major Reeves, et al.) gave security to collect the arrears due from [London for] the time when the sheriffs acted as receivers [of Hearthmoney], amounting to above 110,000l. (11,000l.). The King to be moved in Council about his pleasure as to this account. But prior to this petitioners to be heard by my Lords this day week.
Sir John Watts's Firehearth account for co. Herts examined in the presence of Auditor Philips. As to the 93l. he is to set it on the accountant as is done in Mr. Scowen's account, so that the law may take its course. As to the 300l. in his hands he petitions for it for his former merits. My Lords say it cannot be remitted as that money is the city's security. He prays time to recover it from his deputies. To pay in three instalments and process stay meanwhile. The Auditor to engross the account.
The privy seal for 180l. for Mr. Killigrew is to pass.
Lord Belasyse called in. Warrant for his fee but not at the Custom House but on the Customs [moneys] in the Exchequer.
Mr. Perin called in (with Auditor Philips) about his Chimney account for Huntingdonshire. Process to stop, the account being to be declared in a few days.
Lady Cornwallis's docquet to be made during pleasure and then to pass.
Col. Fitch's account as Receiver of Hearthmoney for Essex, is brought in by Auditor Philips and examined. The 137l. to be set as in Mr. Scawen's account. Sir Philip Warwick to be asked about the arrears in the sheriffs' time of the Hearthmoney for London and Essex, whether any security were taken from the persons employed to collect it.
Mr. Jay called in about his account: is asked why he has not paid the 237l. Ordered that the Auditors in stating all Receivers' accounts state 12 per cent. on them for all moneys which they keep in their hands since the Act passed last session.
Deputy Auditor Chislet called in with Mr. Keyt's Firehearth account for Worcestershire.
Mr. Smith, Receiver of the [Crown] revenue for Wilts, &c., called in about his account, together with his Auditor, Sir Edm. Sawyer. Ordered that Mr. Smith employ a collector for the rents for which there is no collector, and whom he will be answerable for. The like warrant to all Receivers; so that His Majesty's rents be not lost.
The Marquess of Winchester to have no creation money nor impost bill till he have paid what is in super upon him in Mr. Smith's account for his house and lands at Basing. Charnock to take note of it in his caveat book.
Mr. Smith, Receiver of Wilts, to have a warrant to have the books delivered to him that are in a widow's hands when he sends a note of her name.
Mr. Naper's and Mr. Harbord's account to be heard to-morrow.
Charnock to speak with Mr. Williamson to see how Sir Edm. Pooly's privy seal stands and to hasten it.
Alderman Backwell to attend to-morrow about furnishing Sir John Trevor with money.
Sir John Bankes called in: prays that all his orders on the Poll money may be assigned on the Chimneys. Sir Edmond Sawyer also presents an account of Mr. Sanders for the Fire Hearths for co. Oxford. Ordered that it be engrossed.
Write the Earl of Newburgh to pay his taxes for his park. Mr. Smith, Receiver of Wilts, to draft the letter.
Write Mr. Knipe [Mr. Knight, late Receiver of the Aids in Surrey] to attend next Tuesday with Sir Edm. Sawyer about his land tax account [i.e. as Receiver of the Aids].
Warrant for the Hearth money accounts for Dorset, Devon and Cornwall to be referred back to Mr. Pollard, deputy to Auditor Parsons.
The letting to farm of the collection of the Sixpenny Writs is to be considered to-morrow. Mr. Snell and Mr. Warcob to attend to-morrow about it.
Charnock to get a book for all accounts that are declared and enter their passing in it.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 246–8.]
July 10.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Warrant for 50l. to Sir Edw. Savage.
Mr. Naper and Mr. Harbord called in about Mr. Naper's account for 1667, which is declared.
My Lords' salary to Midsummer is to be paid. Write to Sir Ste. Fox that the money is in the Exchequer for this and that he get it out and pay my Lords, the Dunkirk money being paid in which is to discharge it.
My Lords consent that the words "several sums of money to several peers of the realm for creation money" be put out of the privy seal for removing payments from the Customs into the Exchequer. Charnock to go to Sir John Nicholas to advise how it may be done.
Write Secretary Morrice as Havenour of the ports of the Stannaries to take care that his deputy do account.
Write Mr. Courtney, steward of the Duchy of Cornwall, to make up his accompts and pay in what shall be due from him upon the exit to His Majesty for the feodary of Cornwall.
Quere whether the Greenwax of Cornwall be excepted in the Earl of Berkshire's grant because it belongs to the Duke of Cornwall and so the King cannot grant it without Act of Parliament. Write Mr. Wardour, Clerk of the Pells, to satisfy my Lords herein.
A register book to be kept for orders of the Privy Council.
Write Mr. Sherwin for a copy of a warrant for the passing a commission to assession the seven assessionable manors in Cornwall.
Mr. Warren's business to be considered to-morrow.
Warrant for Sir William Hicks for a year on the Chimney money for the Keepers of Waltham Forest.
Write the Attorney General for an account next Wednesday of the plea confessed by him against the King in the case of Lord Hatton for a rent of 16l. 9s. 4d. in Northamptonshire for the manor of Parva Weldon.
Warrant to Edm. Warcup to collect the Sixpenny Writs for one year from at 1,400l. per an., he lending 1,000l. to the Exchequer on his orders on the Eleven Months' tax.
Sir John Shaw and Alderman Backwell called in: present a warrant from the Duke of Buckingham to pass ten horses customs free. My Lords say they will not allow any such warrant on the Customs Farmers' rent. Warrant to cancel all the warrant on Alderman Backwell's Customs tallies and to place all those payments on such months of the Customs as will bear them. The 12,000l. tallies are to supply to the Earl of Anglesey this diminution on the monthly payments on the Customs.
Charnock is to number every paper book of each sort, whereby it may be seen which is first and which second of a sort.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 248–9.]