Minute Book: June 1668, 11-19

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: June 1668, 11-19 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp350-358 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: June 1668, 11-19 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp350-358.

"Minute Book: June 1668, 11-19 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp350-358.


June 1668

June 11.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Comptroller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Fenne to attend to-morrow with Mr. Beckford, the slopseller. "Send to the Clerk of the Council to see what order about the additional security for [? the Hearth money Farmers].
Mr. Sharp's discovery to be looked out.
The Earl of Carbery called in with Auditor Beale about said Earl's accounts as President of Wales.
Mr. Elliot called in with Mr. Thomas Howard about a discovery about the coal farm and says the King bids him tell my Lords he was deceived in his grant and desires my Lords to go on with vacating the grant. Mr. Howard presents a paper about the discovery. The King to be spoken to about it.
The Earl of Ailesbury called in and his petition read with reference to the manor of Ampthill. My Lords will speak with the King about it and report that they have no objection save His Majesty's orders against reversions and his order against granting lives.
Mr. Killigrew to have the whole money of the debt due by Mr. Powell to the King for a picture the King hath of his: provided the money be not already assigned to someone else.
Write the Earl of Anglesey that if he make any assignment to Mr. Wadlow it be only in general for money lent and that he and Mr. Wadlow attend to-morrow.
"Next Monday to insert in the Gazette that such Receivers as pay not in their money according to the late Act for Receivers shall be prosecuted: and my Lords to see the advertisement when penned."
Mr. Hyde called in with Auditor Beale and Wood: his account is declared. Consideration to be had to-morrow about a new fund for him, he having had no money since Michaelmas.
Write Mr. Wadlow to bring the names of the Commissioners [for collecting the wine duties] for the counties "at least for one set of them whereby they may be set a-passing."
The Marquess of Worcester to be acquainted with the names of such as are to be Commissioners for Dean Forest.
Col. Kirby called in about his brother's Chimney account for co. Lancaster. To attend on Thursday next with Auditor Chislet if Lord Ashley be then well. Meanwhile process to stay for three weeks.
The Grand Commissioners of Excise called in, and the orders agreed on yesterday are notified to them. Capt. Story also called in, who prays that his [Excise] lease be not hindered. The Commissioners say that his plague defalcation is not adjusted. He says that he then sub-farmed the lease to others that have not paid up. My Lords say they have made a rule that they will not seal any leases till the present farm is cleared.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 209–10.]
June 15.
Present: Mr. Comptroller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Write Mr. Williamson about Ruvigny's jewel, that the latter must go to the Lord Chamberlain.
Warrant on the Chimney money for board wages for such as have privy seals.
Mr. Wadlow to attend to-morrow about 6,000l. furnished to the Earl of Anglesey.
For the future my Lords to meet on Thursday mornings for accounts. The note at the [Treasury] door to be altered.
Write the Customs Farmers to give an account this day week what they have paid of their rent.
An account to be drawn of what has been assigned to the Navy on the Customs since Michaelmas and then the charge for paying off the yards to be considered.
The Master of the Robes to have 2,000l. in part of the 10,000l. for the Wardrobe. Quere: how that can be done ?
Mr. Newport and Col. Reymes to attend to-morrow about furnishing hangings to the King for his new lodgings in Whitehall.
Warrant on the Chimney money for Lord Wotton's Post defalcations.
The Earl of Newburgh called in and his petition to the King read. His Lordship is to pass his account for his farm of the sixpenny writs with Auditor Beale or with his proper Auditor. Beale to state said account.
Mr. Trevanion called in about Mr. Heron's lease from Mr. Keyt. To have his lease of the Excise of Cornwall.
A stop to be made about the dispute as to the assessment in the Isle of Ely till Sir Edw. Turner go his circuit.
Mr. George Porter called in: moves for his salary as Surveyor of London port. To-morrow my Lords will look over the list of the King's officers of the Customs. Charnock to lay the book then on the table.
Sir Thomas Higgins called in with a letter from Lord Arlington about providing money for his going to the Elector of Saxony with the Order of the Garter. Sir Edw. Walker to attend hereon on Thursday.
Mr. Williamson is to put into his Gazette another advertisement about Receivers, viz. that process shall go out against those who do not make payment by July 1st of the King's money in their hands: in accordance with the Act of this last session.
Mr. Harbord called in. To go with Sir Charles Harbord to the Attorney General to advise what is fit to be done about settling the business of the Forest of Dean according to the late Act of Parliament.
Warrant to the Attorney General for Commissioners for the Wine Act for co. Southants. The King's hand to be got to it.
Captain Sheldon called in and Lady Staresmore's petition read. She shall be paid along with the bills of the Treasurer of the Chamber.
Mr. Beckford called in with Mr. Fenn about a Poll money order he had for seamen's clothes. Write to the Navy about it.
Sir W. Doyly called in.
Mr. Hugh May called in: moves for an assignment on the Chimney money for 3,500l. for the Works. Warrant ordered.
Mr. Morrice called in. Says he has advice that the Customs Farmers in Ireland have not yet brought their accounts into the Exchequer in Ireland: moves that a letter go hence to the Lord Deputy to hasten those accounts. Also moves that if my Lords will [not] go on with the Farmers of those Customs [of Ireland] he will go on with his proposition. Mr. Morrice shall have notice. Charnock to enter a caveat for that purpose.
Mr. Bostock called in [on behalf of the Vintners]. The time for commencing their first payment is to be two months from June 24, and so for the other payments: and that June 24, 1670, be the time for their paying in the 13,000l. for charges. The proviso formerly sent to the Attorney General is laid aside by the Privy Council. For the rest if according to the law and to the order of Council my Lords have no objection to the engrossing. Order for a Privy Seal to authorise my Lords (in accordance with the order of Council of May 27 last) to pay the Vintners 4 per cent. for the money they shall advance into the Exchequer on the Wine Act. A fiat to be made to the Lord Keeper for other commissions [under the said Act] for the rest of the country similar to that for Southampton.
Mr. Ashmole called in: offers a state of the [account] of Sir Samuell Sterling for the Excise of Norfolk. Write Mr. Collins to deliver his books to Mr. Ashmole.
Mr. Lawrence called in with Mr. Watts concerning Felix, Thomas and Peter Calverd, Sub-Farmers under Mr. Watts of the Excise of co. Herts, who detain the moneys of said farm. If they appear not on Wednesday they are to be arrested.
Mr. Hinton called in and Mr. Stanley and move for another fund for tallies at the Guildhall.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 210–12.]
June 16.
Present: Mr. Comptroller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
A privy seal for the Wardrobe to assign 3,000l. to the Master of the Robes [in part] of their order on the Eleven Months' tax. Warrant for 3,000l. for the Wardrobe on the Chimney money. This warrant to recite the former and to be in full for a year. Sir R. Long to deliver to Mr. Newport and Col. Reymes orders on the Eleven Months' tax for the use of the Wardrobe to the amount of 2,500l. (2,000l.).
The Customs Farmers called in about the business of Mr. Hanning, searcher of Kent. Hanning called in and confessed he gave directions the goods should not be put into the King's warehouse. His statements, detailed, about the appraisements are heard, and Henry le Cocke's affidavit read about a parcel of lace seized worth 120l., but appraised at 7l. My Lords to consult with the Attorney General and the Barons of the Excheqer how to punish under-appraisers.
Mr. Henry Howard and William Hayes, Secretary to Prince Rupert, called in: present a paper concerning the farthing business and some farthings and an ingot or bar of metal. My Lords will read the paper and appoint a time to hear them. The paper and farthings, &c., are referred to the Warden, Master and Worker of the Mint for report.
As to the gold of Alderman Backwell seized in the East India ship, Mr. Turner, the under-searcher of Kent, who seized it, says that he saw no cocquet for it, so that he ought to seize it. My Lords say the business is in the Exchequer, so there it must proceed.
A letter to be prepared for my Lords' signature for Mr. Pepys to make Alderman Backwell his assignment for the 4,000l. he advanced for Tangier.
Petition from John Mathers. Referred to the Customs Farmers.
Same from Charles Trevanion. Mr. Lawrence to advise tomorrow what assistance my Lords can give him against his deputy, Mr. Trevanion.
Sir Denny Ashburnham, &c., called in: present a paper of securities of the country Farmers of the Excise which is read. Some are put out but the rest left for the consideration of the new Commissioners of Excise. Also Mr. Huntingdon and the other said new Commissioners are called in about the same business. Ordered that where Parliament men be Farmers the securities be not Parliament men nor persons otherwise privileged.
Warrant to the present Grand Commissioners of Excise that the papers, writings, &c. [from the Excise Office in Southampton Buildings] be delivered to Col. Birch by indenture.
Sergeant Stevens to attend to-morrow about his house.
The leases of the Yorkshire and Durham Excise are to be given out by the Excise Commissioners, and where any pay in their advance quarters their leases are to be granted. Mr. Cox and Mr. Geerse called in: say that Mr. Cole, Farmer of Excise of Sussex, did not know he was to pay in a quarter's advance, and is now out of town. He must pay in his advance.
Mr. Wadlow called in. Sir R. Long and Sir G. Downing to set right the business of the payment of the Vintners' money and the 6,000l. paid in already to the Earl of Anglesey.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 212–4.]
June 17.
Present: Mr. Comptroller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
The Earl of Anglesey is to sign his weekly certificates, and when any ships are paid off he is to mention their names and how much money is taken up for their discharge.
Write Felix Calverd and Thomas Calverd to attend on Friday at Mr. Watts's desire or else be arrested.
Write Viscount Fanshaw to issue process against such Receivers of Tenths as have not paid in their money this year and accounted according to law.
Alderman Backwell to attend to-morrow to say what money he will lend on the Customs; for paying off the yards.
The Attorney General to attend to-morrow about the amendments of the Customs grant, and he is to be prepared with his advice as to what is to be done with the Chimney Farmers for their half-year [to Lady Day, 1666] and their farm rent; Charnock to look out the Customs papers about their new covenants.
Warrant to Mr. Townshend to assign 2,500l. on his 10,000l. order for the Wardrobe.
Sir William Blackston's petition read with the order of Council. Ordered that he procure the whole 300l. and then his person and estate shall be discharged.
The Attorney General came in. My Lords order that he must insist on more security from the Vintners, and if they will not [give it] then to acquaint the Council therewith. He says no more Custom is to be paid for leather than in the late Act. He is to consider how my Lords may get in their money from the Chimney Farmers because my Lords apprehend the danger of delay for that in the meantime they still receive the King's money.
Write Mr. Wadlowe to pay 4,000l. to the Earl of Anglesey, and 20,000l. on the Michaelmas money; [to be] for paying the seamen only.
Write the Auditors to go on with the Chimney Farmers' account notwithstanding the process in the Exchequer.
The Earl of Anglesey called in. Write the principal officers and Commissioners of the Navy that my Lords are surprised to find in the Navy certificate ending the 7th inst. that orders have been signed by the said officers, &c., for the sum of 290,000l. for tickets and seamen's wages, and that my Lords desire to be satisfied how this great sum doth arise.
Petition from Sir Herbert Lunsford, &c. They are to specify the lands about which they would enquire.
Commissions to be passed to Alderman Bucknell's [Excise] Sub-Commissioners.
Mr. Lawrence called in. He is to advise with the Attorney General as to what help the Treasury can give to Col. Trevanion against Mr. Trevanion. Meantime process to stay against said Colonel and his sureties.
The Earl of Anglesey is to state what the Navy has had and spent this year.
Sir Denys Gauden called in with Mr. Meynell about said Meynell's poll orders. Ordered that he [Meynell] be placed on the Chimney money for 50,000l. for his poll orders and for his interest account when settled. If that fall short he shall have it made up in money and he shall have interest for his 18,000l. and 5,000l. from this day and the reward of 4 per cent. Sir Denys Gauden to have assignments also on the Chimney money for his remaining 12,000l. poll orders.
Charnock to attend at the Exchequer to-morrow about the Chimney money [salary] list [i.e.] for the King's officers.
Petition from Thomas Corbin. He is to account and then my Lords will consider him.
Same from Sir Charles Wheeler. To apply to the Lord General and His Majesty to be moved.
Same from Dorothy Lluellin. She shall be paid as others in the Treasurer of the Chamber's list. Same from the Rockers. Warrant for a year for them on the Chimneys.
Mr. Perin called in about his claim to an under searcher's place in London now in possession of Foster. He must have recourse to law. Mr. Whitlock and his counsel called in. Say that both patents are during pleasure, so that the business is cognisable by my Lords. [My Lords are of opinion] "that what granted thus during pleasure they think granted by the King in his politique capacity."
The Attorney General to be spoken to about Mr. Harding's petition.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 214–5.]
June 18.
Present: Mr. Comptroller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Sir R. Long called in about drawing orders on the warrants on the Chimney money. He says that by decree made in the Exchequer in Henry VIII.'s time [sums due on letters] patents are to be paid by debenture.
Mr. Harpham, Collector of Lincolnshire, called in. To be discharged on his bond to pay the money in his hands in 14 days in consideration of Sir Robert Carre's testimony as to his ability and care in his collection.
Petition from William Lavington. To pay the money by July 1 to the Receiver of Gloucester, and to have leave to go into the country till then on bail.
Sir Thomas Higgins called in with Sir Edward Walker: present a paper of what must be sent to the Elector of Saxe, and that most of these things are ready in the Wardrobe and the Jewel House; but that an allowance must be made to the Officer at Arms who goes [to carry the insignia of the Garter to the Elector].
The Customs Farmers called in about their new covenants. Sir G. Downing, with one of the Attorney General's clerks, is to look over the Attorney General's draft of articles and see that it agrees with the old draft, except where my Lords have altered it. The Farmers to attend on Monday hereon. The Farmers also move for a new order to root out tobacco. They are to move it in the Privy Council.
The blank in Capt. Hemskirk's grant is to be filled up [so as] to be on the Chimney money. The Treasurer of the Household to speak with the King whether the time for the build of the ship is to be Michaelmas next, and for the trials to be before Xmas.
Mr. Calverd called in: says he has no money of Mr. Watts's in his hands. To attend to-morrow with Mr. Watts.
Mr. Scawen called in about his Firehearth account for Cornwall with Mr. Pollard, who is deputy to Auditor Parsons. The Attorney General to be advised with about the alteration of the in super.
Mr. Wadlow called in: prays that the Vintners may take their money into the Exchequer and take tallies for it: otherwise they cannot be discharged. Sir G. Downing and Sir R. Long to advise with Mr. Wadlow of the way of their paying in their 300,000l.
Lord Holles's petition about lands in Dorset is to be read to-morrow.
Auditor Aldworth, Col. Birch and the other Auditors called in about the way of accounts for the Chimney money. The Auditors are to make and keep copies of the surveys made by the Chimney Farmers, and to proceed upon the surveys. Write the Farmers to hasten in their books of accounts of such Chimney Farms as they have not yet brought in for that my Lords have given the Auditors order to proceed therein. Col. Birch and Deputy Auditor Chislet to advise with Sir G. Downing as to drawing up the above regulations.
Col. Birch reports about the moneys raised for disbanding the Army and Navy [in 1660], viz. the Poll, the Two Months' and the Six Months' Assessments. He presents a paper about it. To be considered to-morrow.
Write the Grand Commissioners of Excise to grant leases to the Farmers of [the country] Excise as fast as they bring certificates from the late Commissioners of Excise, and clear their advance quarter: and to bring on Monday a list of such as have so cleared.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 216–7.]
June 19.
Present: Mr. Comptroller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
The Treasurer of the Household to enquire if the Rockers be not paid elsewhere than in the Exchequer.
Alderman Backwell to have 6,000l. on [the Customs for] April and 2,000l. on [same for] May for money to be furnished by him to pay off the yards.
Sir G. Downing is to draw up the report made by him from Sir Robert Long as to the method of the Vintners' paying in the 4,000l. and the 300,000l., and it is to be signed by him and Mr. Wadlow. Wadlow is to declare if he is satisfied with that method.
The King's officers of the Customs above stairs of the port of London are to attend on Monday concerning Mr. Porter's salary and what others are fit to be continued.
Col. Birch called in with Mr. Lawrence about the business of passing the leases to the Country [Excise] Farmers.
Warrant for the salaries of the Excise Office for June 24 quarter.
Write the Earl of Anglesey that there will be 2,000l. a week for a month for the yards to be advanced by Alderman Backwell. To enable said Earl to take up the money [on loan] Downing is to draw a warrant on the Customs for 6,000l. on April and 2,000l. on May.
Write the Grand Commissioners of Excise in Southampton Buildings to let Alderman Backwell have all the old iron which was brought from the old Excise office in Bartholomew Lane, whereof some was burned, at 4s. 9d. per cwt., and to take to themselves for their present office the picture of the King's Arms and the clock which are now in their room and three of the iron chests such as they shall choose and the Teller's box with the several locks to it and so many tables lined with cloth as they desire. A warrant to be drawn for such goods as are fit for my Lords to be sent hither to the Treasury Chamber.
Sir John Prettyman and Lady Killigrew and the King's Counsel and the Attorney General, &c., to attend on Monday week; in pursuance of a special reference from the King.
The Attorney General to attend on Monday next about the Customs Farmers' new covenants.
"The Sergeant and the Messenger to have each for their houses half a year and the wainscot, locks and bolts in the houses." [? erratum for from the old Excise office.]
Mr. Calverd called in with Mr. Watts and Mr. Crosby, Farmers of Excise. Calverd to speedily pay to them Lady Day quarter or his bond to be sued.
Write Auditors Beale and Wood to hasten the Dunkirk account of Sir John Shaw and Alderman Backwell.
Petition from Mr. Sanders. Referred to Sir R. Long and Sir Edmund Sawyer.
The assignment by the Treasurer of the Chamber of his part of the logwood farm is to be made to the King and to be enrolled as in law due. Charnock to enquire of Mr. Fisher how this is to be done.
The King's letter for Lord Arlington about Maribone Park read. The case to be represented to the King and his pleasure to be asked concerning it.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 217–8.]