Minute Book: May 1668, 18-29

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: May 1668, 18-29', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp322-337 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: May 1668, 18-29', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp322-337.

"Minute Book: May 1668, 18-29". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp322-337.


May 1668

May 18.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Sir R. Long to send to the Treasury Office the book, which Downing formerly had of said Long, of pensions payable in the Exchequer.
Charnock to minute for Lord Ashley one of the new Acts on wines.
Lord Gerard, Monsieur Blanckfort and Col. Russell called in: present a paper relating to Sir Stephen Fox as to the payment of the Guards. Fox to be heard hereon to-morrow. Lord Gerard makes a proposition to pay them.
The King to be moved about the [allowance of] 30 tuns of wine to each Ambassador, it being a new thing.
Charnock to inquire how the Great Seal for the Grand Commissioners of Excise goes on. Sir Deny Ashburnham, &c., called in and their petition read, praying that they may be continued Commissioners of Excise. Ordered that these Commissioners give their advice to those that are to be Commissioners as to the securities for the present Country Excise Farmers, because they are best acquainted with them. They present a paper about the charge of collecting the new imposition on wines [offering to do it] at 10,000l. per an. Ordered to bring a scheme on Monday to make it appear that they can perform this.
Lord Chief Justice Keeling and Judge Tyrill called in, and report by word of mouth that all the judges, &c., are of opinion that the duties on the new Act for wine cannot be farmed: that as to the two years they desire to give no opinion till all [can meet] together, and hope my Lords will not yet ask it of them, because that matter may come judicially before them. My Lords say that for a guide beforehand to prevent a mischief it is best to have their advice.
The Country Excise Farmers to presently bring in their security to the present Grand Commissioners of Excise, to be by them approved.
Col. Birch, Alderman Bucknell, &c., called in about the charge of collecting the new imposition on wine: [offer] that by poundage they will collect the duties for 18d. per £, and for 2s. 6d. per £ in all others.
Warrant for all the wages payable at the office of the treasury of the Chamber for one year: to be on the Chimney money except for the bills on said office, which are to follow in the course formerly directed.
My Lords to meet on Thursday after dinner.
A form of a commission to be made ready for Commissioners to manage this new revenue on wines, &c. Sir G. Downing to advise with Col. Birch and Mr. Laurence about drawing it. Sir Deny Ashburnham called in again, and is demanded at what rate by the £ they [the late Grand Commissioners of Excise] will collect the duties on the late Act on wines, &c. They say they have not considered this. They are asked if they intend not, by their being [continued in office as] the Grand Commissioners, that there must be no Commissioners as now for London. They say yes. They are to show by Wednesday morning how to make their proposition practicable.
Sir John Heydon's petition referred to Sir C. Harbord.
The Earl of Anglesey called in: presents a paper how the last 100,000l. for the seamen is charged.
Warrant for William Haddock on the Chimney money in pursuance of the order of Council on the letter dormant for 100l.
Send to the Commissioners of the Navy a copy of the order of Council of the 13th inst. concerning a proposition made by Louvis van Heemskerck and John de Moelin about the building a ship to sail three miles to two with any of His Majesty's best ships; for said Commissioners to consider same and to draw up a draft of fitting articles to secure His Majesty, so as that he may not part with his money without true performance on their part.
Mr. Wadlow, vintner, called in. Ordered that he and the Vintners [Company] make their proposition about [collecting] the imposition on wines.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 171–3.]
May 19.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Col. Gilby's petition read and referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Sir Thomas Allen and the rest of the sea officers paid on the Exchequer are to have 6 per cent. interest till paid.
Lord Arlington's defalcations on the Post Office are to be settled on one of Alderman Backwell's tallies on the Customs, which are in Sir R. Long's hands.
Sir Thomas Clifford's brother's wife to have 200l. for one year on her pension: in part of the 6,000l. to be employed for pensions on the Chimneys. Mr. Clifford to let Sir G. Downing know by to-morrow what his wife's pension is.
A commission for Mr. Lawrence to be Solicitor to the new Commissioners of Excise. Write the Solicitor [General] to dispatch the commission for the said new Commissioners: as it imports so much that it should quickly pass the Great Seal.
The letter of the Commissioners of the Aids for Suffolk is to be sent by Mr. Lawrence to the Attorney General for his opinion what may be done to recover the 500l.
Mr. Ashmole's patent to be here to-morrow.
Warrant to Sir Edm. Sawyer for a particular of an office of bailiff in Berks.
The King's body linen to be bought and paid for in the Wardrobe. The King to be moved in it.
The report of the 13th ult. read from Sir R. Long and Sir C. Harbord concerning Mr. Catcher, officer at the blowing houses in Cornwall. Ordered that he be allowed according to this report. For the future settling of this business said Long, Harbord and Mr. Napper are to attend the Treasury on Thursday week with Mr. Catcher, and bring a copy of the agreement made with the Earl of Bath by the convocation of tinners. Mr. Harbord to attend then also and bring a copy of the charter of the tinners. Also Mr. Courtney, Steward of the Duchy of Cornwall, to attend then.
Mr. Lawrence and Col. Birch called in with Mr. Downes about the Duke of York's wine licences. My Lords desire to know of them at what rate the Duke values his licences for these two years and how now let and whether there is any obligation on the Duke for the restraint of the number of taverns. Mr. Downes to give an abstract of all leases now in being and under what covenants, which of them have covenants to restrain the number of taverns and how many counties let to farm. The Solicitor [of the Excise Commissioners, viz. Mr. Laurence] to be spoken to, when he comes next to the Treasury, about an information given by Mr. Downes that in several parts the Commissioners tax the Duke's wine licences and whether this way may not touch the King's revenue.
Mr. Laurence called in: presents a draft of a Commission for the Commissioners of the new Wine Act. To be shewn to the Solicitor General by Mr. Lawrence. Ordered that there be a draft of a commission to the Grand Office, which is to be to receive directions from my Lords both for issuing the money and giving accounts to the Commissioners of Accounts. And another commission for the Commissioners in the several counties.
Sir William St. Ravy called in.
Sir Martin Lumley (Lomly) called in about his Chimney account with his auditor, Mr. Jeoffryes, who saith all the acquittances of his deputy express "for his use" or "for his year." The deputy's name is Dereford. Sir Martin must pay the money standing on his account.
The King to be moved about the list of pensions to be paid on the 6,000l. privy seal in Charnock's name; to know whom he will have paid out of that money.
Mr. Cole called in about a complaint made by him against Mr. Coppinger for vexing the people in Dorsetshire on the Excise. Coppinger also called in. My Lords have nothing to do in the matter; Mr. Cole has the law on his side. Lord Ashley to try and agree Cole and Coppinger as to the fine of 200l. set upon the latter by the Justices of Dorset.
Write Lady Portland to send a certificate of what is due to her.
Mr. Courtney, Steward of the Duchy of Cornwall, called in: presents a paper of several abuses in the revenue of the Duchy. To attend on Thursday week.
Mr. Windham called in: moves for pay of a pension of 200l. per an. which he says is not a pension, but salary to him as first Equerry to the King, and in accordance with former precedent. My Lords having perused his patent find nothing of that nature therein expressed. Sir R. Long to certify whether the eldest Equerry hath heretofore had any such pension, and what the names of those who have had it, and whether Windham's patent was in truth granted upon any such score.
Warrant for 30,000l. for the Treasurer of the Navy on the Wine Act. The warrant is to mention the money to be employed for the uses as in the Act.
Sir John Winter to be heard on Monday afternoon, and to bring the order of Council passed on Friday last.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 173–5.]
May 20.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Several establishments for retrenchment in several offices brought in: having been made by His Majesty by the advice of the Privy Council: bearing date March 16 last. Write the offices concerned (viz. Sir Stephen Fox for the Guards and Garrisons, Col. Legg and the rest of the officers of the Armoury, the officers of the Wardrobe, the officers of the Tower, and Lord Belasyse, Captain of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners) to know if these papers of establishments have come to their hands: that they may govern themselves accordingly.
Write Sir Stephen Fox to send to Sir G. Downing to-morrow a signed establishment of the forces now in being.
Write Mr. Newcombe, the printer, to expedite the printing of the Act for getting in moneys out of the Receivers' hands and to forward some copies to the Treasury.
The Navy officers to send an account on Monday next what wages were paid between Jan., 1666–7, and Jan., 1667–8, and how much money is yet unpaid of that year's wages to the seamen for which the 380,000l. is security. Write to Mr. Colvile to lend 5,000l. or more on the seamen's 80,000l. (sic for 380,000l.) and to Mr. Backwell to advance 6,000l. on May next on the Customs.
Sir Ste. Fox called in: says he can pay the forces no otherwise than he has agreed.
Warrant on the Chimney money for one year's pension to Lady Cornwallis, &c. To be inserted where the 6,000l. in Charnock's name is to be.
Mr. Finch and Capt. Wingate called in: say that their clerk and Mr. Birch with their papers did not attend them yesterday, so that they [the present Grand Commissioners of Excise] could do nothing, and therefore [beg] to withdraw their proposition about collecting the wine impositions for two years for 10,000l. [a year].Also they confess the thing can't be done for that money unless the [Excise] Farmers comply that they may use their officers. Also that they see it not possible that any but the Grand Excise Commissioners can settle it in that time limited by the Act, for that their officers tell them they cannot under many days make a model, and then the men must be sought out, commissioned and settled: that their papers being disordered by the fire they could not do it without their clerk. All this to be sent up to the King in Council.
Sir Edwd. Wingfield called in: is to bring a certificate of 200l. of Byam's money being paid, and process shall stop till Michaelmas.
The warrant for a privy seal for the New Grand Commissioners of Excise to let the farms of the Country Excises, is to be carried to the King for his signature.
Major Reeves, &c., are to have their accounts of their Excise and Chimney farm perused on Friday next.
The paper of the charge of the [King's] Musicians is to be sent up to the King.
Col. Birch called in [concerning the imposition on wines]: says the business of the payment of the money must be in the commission: that every precinct must have a distinct commission, which precincts my Lords may make as large as they please: that he and Mr. Lawrence have drawn the commissions and left them with the Solicitor General.
The report of the Judges [which is now made in writing] by the Lord Chief Justice is to be carried to the King, it being against farming the new impositions on wine, &c.
The paper and proposal of Alderman Bucknall [et al. are also to be carried up to the King: the same] concerning the charge of collecting the new imposition on wines, &c., and offering to lend 50,000l. which they are content to be repaid after 70,000l. They propose it will be necessary that the King have the Duke of York's licence, least persons of insufficient means have licences. Ordered to be here to-morrow, when they shall know what the King hath directed. They say they did once bid the Duke 12,000l. per an. for his licences and might have had them for 14,000l. Also they say after the two years the Duke's licences will be better because the number of taverns will be increased and so persons of insufficient means excluded. Write the Solicitor General to let Mr. Bucknall see the commissions in his hands for the new imposition on wines, for him to make his remarks upon. Alderman Bucknall proposes that for 10,000l. per an. additional money they will collect the country Excise.
Mr. Wadlow called in: who came from a Common Hall of their [the Vintners'] Company, at which about 140 of the ablest of them present: saith they are a very ancient Company, have power of searching all cellars by law, will collect that duty cheaper than any, advance what money the King shall want, will give what security shall be needful, can do all without distaste or disturbance, do more in five days than any other can do in six weeks. He asks for a copy of the Act, and they will give an answer in a day or two. His petition is read. My Lords say they cannot farm the duty. He saith they will go any way; they will be collectors or farmers. My Lords give Wadlow a copy of the Act for the duty, and advise that he with four or five more of the principal of them attend the [Privy] Council this afternoon with their proposition.
The paper of pensions on the 6,000l. is to be sent up to the King.
The paper concerning retrenching the charge of the musicians is to be sent up to the Privy Council.
Write the Grand Commissioners of Excise to attend this afternoon at the Privy Council without fail.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 175–7.]
May 21.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
The Earl of Anglesey called in and Alderman Backwell. Write the Commissioners of the Navy that the Earl of Anglesey make use of 5,000l. per mensem on the Customs for July, August and September for paying off the growing charge of the ships now to be paid.
The several offices (viz. the Master of the Robes, the Cofferer, the officers of the Wardrobe, the Treasurer of the Chamber, the Treasurer of Tangier Garrison and the officers of the Works) are to send a certificate of the debt standing on them respectively for this year to Saturday next.
Sir R. Long to return the certificate of what the Queen Consort has had paid to her since her arrival in England. The Queen's 10,000l. to be despatched.
Charnock to send Sir R. Long to-morrow a list of all warrants on the Chimney money.
Mrs. Wells called in: moves to have liberty to cut her coppice. My Lords will first see the certificate on which the privy seal in the late Lord Treasurer's time was grounded.
Write Mr. Bevis Lloyd, Receiver of Wales, to keep the money in his hands till June 1 next, till which time my Lords have given the Earl of Carbery to bring in his accounts.
Write the Earl of Anglesey to make assignments to Alderman Backwell on any of his orders on the Eleven Months' tax for his poll orders.
Sir G. Downing to prepare all accompts for this year ending May 24, 1668.
The Earl of Berkshire called in about his discovery. He is to certify the particular manor out of which the discovery is to be made. This to be written on the petition.
Sir Daniell Harvy called in: brings three tallies belonging to him and Sir Eliab Harvy. Downing to take a list of them and then deliver them back to Sir Daniel: which is done. He also moves for a cloth of state for his embassy into Turkey, for which he saith there is a warrant signed by the King. He confesses the Earl of Winchilsea had it not, but saith some others had it. The King to be spoken to about it. Warrant to Sir Daniel for a year's salary as Keeper of New Park.
Warrant for 10,000l. for the Ordnance: to be on the Wine Act.
Send Sir R. Long a list of the names of several persons for whom the King has given special directions for the payment of a year of their pensions: and desire him to send a certificate of the amounts due thereon respectively.
The docquet for the Grooms and Pages of the Queen's chamber is to be returned back for them to certify who procured the warrant; seeing that my Lords ought to have procured it.
Sir W. Doyly called in: presents an account of what was done by the Commissioners for the Aids for Suffolk about the business of Mr. Keene.
Mr. Lawrence called in: makes report what is to be done about the Royal Aid money paid in by Mr. Keene on his Firehearth account.
The tally for 6,500l. on Mr. Snowe is to be divided; one tally to be for 4,000l., which sum he has in his hands, and the other as occasion arises.
Send Col. Disney a copy of the affidavit made against him by Mr. Humphry Browne charging a considerable sum of the Aids to be in his hands, and another 50l. thereof in the hands of Eustace Seymour, a late head collector and a servant to said Disney. Out of civility to said Colonel my Lords forbear proceeding, but desire him to pay in both said moneys.
Warrant for the arrest of Philip Harpham.
Process to be stopped against Sir Edward Wingfield till Michaelmas term, Mr. Byam having paid in the 200l. according to my Lords' order.
Commission read for William Forth, &c., to be Grand Commissioners for Excise. Mr. Lawrence to carry it, with the King's warrant, to the Solicitor General to draw the bill.
Write Sir John Talbot [and the other Farmers of the country Excise] to bring in on Monday next a list of all the persons whom they wish to be Sub-Commissioners of Excise within their respective farms.
Letter read from the Customs Farmers about the building the Custom House. To attend next Thursday with Sir Anthony Cope, et al.
Sir Thomas Player, junr., called in: presents a petition from his father to the King with an order of Council thereupon referring it to my Lords. To be considered hereafter, and Sir Thomas to bring in writing what moneys were lent and when.
The Earl of Anglesey and Alderman Backwell called in again.
Sir Allen Apseley to have a warrant as soon as there is money to be paid.
The Secretaries [of State] to be assigned 4,000l. per an. [for secret service] on the wood farm instead of 4,000l. per an. on the Post Office. The said Secretaries to be acquainted herewith.
Mr. Guy called in. To present his desire in writing about their bonds.
Sir Henry Herbert's petition read about his 200l. per an. Ordered that he stay a while. William George's petition read. He must pay for the imported beer.
Mr. Kilby to attend this day week to make good his word or to be sent for.
Petition from Thomas Bishop, butcher in the Isle of Wight. To be considered when there is money.
Petition read from Col. Roger Whitley. My Lords are willing to give him aid against his deputies, but he must answer the King's moneys and accompt.
Same from John Staplehill, &c., read with the order of Council. My Lords will make report to the Council concerning this petition.
Mr. Chislet to attend to-morrow to inform my Lords how the accompts of the Chimney Farmers stand both for the half-year ended 1666, Lady Day [for which they were only receivers], and for their farm. The Solicitor General to make a return about the said Farmers' defalcations.
"Petition of Edward, footman to the King, read. [Report hereon to be made] that he was at sea and at Tangier and turned out of the King's service for the time for which he demands wages."
Petition read from Mr. Samuell Terrick. He must pay the money and accompt with Col. Whitley.
Mr. Bevis Lloyd's security to be inquired out. As he is now in custody, the Sergeant is to ask him.
Ask Sir R. Long if one Mr. Berkley have any pension on the Exchequer, whose brother was squire of the body to the late King: and if so that he be paid a year on it.
Lady Radcliff's petition read. If Maxy have no right in it, but the right is in the King, my Lords will move the King in it. She is to explain the matter.
Edward Wilkinson's petition read. [To be considered] when [there is] money.
Sir Edward Walker's fee on the Customs is to be settled when it appears what is to be [charged] on the 2,500l. on the Customs.
Petition from Benjamin Southwood, a Coldstreamer. Warrant to set free the payment to him. Same from Capt. Richard Brett, with the King's reference thereon [same concerning Brett's parting with his pension and taking Mr. Comptroller Clifford's part of the logwood farm in place of it]. Same from Henry Thomas. To be considered when there is money. Same from Thomas Baily. Referred to the Navy Commissioners. Same from Matthew Barret. Mr. Kilby of Ailesbury to attend this day week to answer the complaint in this petition.
Warrant for Elsmore Hopkins and Thomas Kidder, Coldstreamers. Warrants to be drawn for them if not already done.
Petition from Halsdonck. Referred to Sir R. Long and Sir Philip Warwick. Same from William Morley, barber. Ordered to have the benefit of the men's wages till paid. Same from Francis Roper. If it were the Queen Mother's he hath a title. If not, he ought not to have a title made from the King, to whom he paid nothing for it. Same from Richard Roiston. To be considered when the bills in the Treasury [of the] Chamber are considered. Same from Sir Charles Cotterell. he hath a year now paid. Same from Ann Windham. She hath a dormant warrant. Same from Mary Whitacker. Nothing can be done in it.
Mr. Tompkins, now belonging to the Queen Mother's Council and whose father was hanged for the King, is to have a year's pension.
Petition from Mr. Noel Warner. As to the value, my Lords can only say as certified by Sir C. Harbord. "If His Majesty think fit they be bought: that in the present necessity of His Majesty's affaires my Lords know not where to find the monie."
Petition from Dr. Wells for a perpetuity. Dormant warrant ordered. Same from Charles Whitacker. A warrant ordered for a year on the Chimney money, if not already done. Same from William Smith. My Lords do not give particular directions for payment of Navy debts. Same from Elizabeth Simpson. [My Lords have] no money. Same from Robert Crawford and James Perry. My Lords can do nothing in it. Same from Thomas Sale and Thomas Pennyman. To be considered with the bills on the treasury of the Chamber. Same from Robert Gossage, &c. This business is rather proper for the Lord Chamberlain. Same from Francis Tony and Daniell Eldridge with an order of Council. My Lords have no money for it.
The Lord Great Chamberlain called in. His paper to be referred to Sir John Denham to state and report.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 178–182.]
May 22.
Present: as above.
Write Mr. Downes that the list he sent of such wine licences as are in lease does not particularise the part which my Lords desire, viz. how many of them have covenants for a set number of taverns or as to what number of taverns are to be in any place or county. My Lords desire this information by Monday.
Petition read from Justice Morton for a lease of a manor, part of the Duchy of Cornwall.
Sir Allen Apsley to send a list of all the King's falconers and other the King's officers under him that are to stand by the late retrenchment and to be paid according to His Majesty's late establishment from and after Lady Day last.
Report to be made to the King that by the Act of 13 Charles II. His Majesty cannot let manors or lordships. This report to be made to Justice Morton's petition.
Warrant for 250l. to Lady Brentford on the list of 6,000l. for pensions.
Petition from Henry Thomas. Warrant for 30l. on the Exchequer.
When the waggons come in Sir W. Doily to be sent to Herefordshire and those parts to see how the arrears of those counties stand, and to expedite the getting in the arrears of the Aids.
Write the Solicitor General for a return from him and the Barons of the Exchequer about the rules for defalcations for the Chimney Farmers.
Auditor Chislet called in. He acquaints my Lords that the Chimney Farmers do not pursue the stating of their defalcations in those cases in which he is ready to proceed with them. Therefore my Lords think it necessary to press for further security from said Farmers for the amount which may appear upon accompt to be due from them. The Farmers to be informed hereof and to attend my Lords on Tuesday.
Write the Vice-Chamberlain from my Lords that Auditor Chislett in casting up the interest accompts finds the bankers' demands agree not in the days [dates] with the charge in the Navy Office.
Write Alderman Backwell that Mr. Glanvile charged to him the greatest part of the tin at Ostend as delivered to him [Backwell] or his order. Backwell to speak with Auditor Chislet and set this matter right.
Write Mr. Newcombe, the printer, that he may now disperse the Act for the 310,000l. on the wines.
Col. Birch called in about the accompt of Major Reeves, et al., for their Excise Farm of London with Sir John Robinson, et al.
Thursday next to be for hearing accompts at 3 in the afternoon and Tuesday and Thursday in every following week to be for accompts, each Auditor to be heard according to his seniority and at least two Auditors to be heard in a day. This to be posted at the [Treasury] door. Write Sir Edm. Sawyer to communicate this to the Auditors of the revenue and the Auditors of Imprests.
The original [establishments for the] retrenchments are to be sent to Sir R. Long [after] being entered at the Treasury.
Write the Excise Commissioners to send to the Treasury their accompt for contingencies. To be represented to the King that all that live in the King's houses keep them in repair or what [portions] they hold of them.
Some of the goods at the house [in Southampton Buildings] of the Grand Commissioners of Excise are to be brought hither to furnish the Treasury Chamber.
Sir John Robinson, et al., called in with the deputy of Auditor Philips, about Robinson's Firehearth accompt for London, &c. Auditor Philips himself is ordered to bring in this account, and in the meantime process to stay for three weeks.
Order of Council read about a third rate ship to be built at the Forest of Dean. Also a letter from the Commissioners of the Navy. Report to be made to the Council that my Lords will continue 5,000l. per mensem to the Navy out of the Customs, so if they will allow 5,000l. per mensem for this use it may be done. Otherwise my Lords cannot assure them any payment.
Henry Shelley's petition read for a searcher's place in Berwick port, void by the death of one Conyers. Write Mr. Christopher Musgrave to know if he will accept of the same or if his (Musgrave's) father will recommend any to it who has been a sufferer for the late King, but with the understanding that whosoever receives the place must not expect any salary during the time the Customs are in farm, but only the profit of the fees.
Sir W. Doily to attend on Tuesday about Mr. Harlackenden's account of the Aids of Kent and Mr. Strickland's accompt of the Aids of Yorkshire.
Warrant to Serjeant Stevens for the discharge of John Widdows, collector of the Royal Aids for the upper part of the four Hundreds in the county of Gloucester: he having paid in the 70l. in his hands.
Petition from Tho. How, et al. My Lords conceive they cannot grant lives in the Duchy of Cornwall till a new Act [be passed].
Order of Council read about John Thompson about a ship hired at Barbados by Lord Willoughby. A report to be made [from my Lords to the King in Council] that it's not His Majesty's practice to repair damages at sea by ordinary accidents. But for the wages to the time she was left [?derelict] that it's reasonable he be paid: but [the money to be paid] in Barbados.
Petition from Caleb Came about another ship taken up by Lord Willoughby: with an order of Council. [Resolved] that the wages and accompt be settled, but in Barbados.
Same from Samuel Barker about another ship. [Resolved] that the ship being lost in a hurricane the King is not obliged to make good such accidents at sea.
Same from William Lloyd about another ship: with an order of Council. [Resolved] that satisfaction be made, but at Barbados.
Same from Samuel Randall about another ship: with the order of Council. The freight and ammunition to be paid, but at Barbados.
Same from John Williams about another ship: with an order of Council. To be paid, but at Barbados.
Same from Elizabeth Burrill. My Lords can do nothing in it. Same from John Sayer for continuance of his allowance. Referred to Sir R. Long to certify if the King's Master Cooks had this allowance formerly and when this began. Same from John Story, security for Peniston Whalley. Process not to stop till he pay in all the money. Same from John Stubbing. Referred to Sir W. Doyly. Same from Thomas Cox. Referred to same. Same from Thomas Willoughby, Farmer of Excise of co. Lincoln. Write Sir William Hickman at Gainsborough to take care that the offenders be punished and better order preserved for the future.
Write Sir Tho. Player to certify to-morrow morning an account of all moneys remaining unpaid in his office to this day, both principal and interest, upon the account of the Chimney money, as also upon the account of the tallies lodged in his hands: and also what value the tallies are which he has towards the paying thereof: provided that in case any of them be upon the City of London he deduct by way of estimate as much as he conceives they may fall short by reason of the fire.
Petition from the Gentlemen and Yeomen Harbingers. Sir G. Downing [Sir R. Long] to certify the debt on the Poll Bill that they will have a year's wages.
Warrant to be drawn for the Queen for 10,000l. on the Chimneys.
Sir W. Doyly to bring on Tuesday a state of William Strickland's accounts.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 183–6.]
May 23.
3 p.m.
My Lords met with a Committee of the Privy Council about a general consideration and view of the state of His Majesty's revenue.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe: together with the Lord Keeper, the Lord Chamberlain, Earl of Carlisle, Earl of Anglesey.
Write Sir Gilbert Talbot for an account of the debt upon the Jewel Office.
Sir W. Doyley to have a number of the Acts for making the Receivers to pay their moneys, to send one to each Receiver and each Solicitor: and that the solicitors [of the Aids] make a state of the Aids of each county.
Write Mr. Jay to attend on Tuesday fortnight to finish his Firehearth account.
Sir W. Doyly to certify on Thursday week a list of all Receivers of the Royal and Additional Aids who have not passed their accompts, and on Tuesday next a list of all those who have passed them: so that speedy directions may be given to the defaulters.
Warrant for 500l. for Sir John Trevor. Consider where to get it. The warrant to be on the Exchequer.
Write Sir R. Long to come to town to-morrow night, my Lords having been all afternoon with the Lord Keeper et al. as above "concerning the general estate of His Majesty's revenue, expenses and debts, and something is thereupon to be prepared against Wednesday for the King s view": to which end Long is to be at hand, as my Lords may have occasion to make use of him.
Col. Birch called in. He thinks the brewers' proposition [concerning the collecting the wine duties] better than the Vintners' but says let the Vintners be obliged to raise the money according to the Act and admit gaugers, then it's well. As to gaugers my Lords say it's better to have none, so the King have the money and good security for the money. Col. Birch to tell the Farmers of the London Excise that he that will offer most money and soonest must have it on Monday morning, in order that, if possible, the additional year on the Customs be saved.
Write the Farmers of the London Excise for an account of their unpaid tallies on the London Excise.
Col. Birch to bring on Thursday next such of the accounts of the Grand Commissioners of the Excise as are in readiness. Sir Denny Ashburnham and the rest of the said Commissioners to attend then for the declaring said accounts, and to move my Lords then about their incident charges.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 186–7.]
May 26.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Warrant for a Great Seal to remove all payments from the Custom House to the Exchequer. Sir R. Long to see the draft of the privy seal; in order to prepare a draft of a warrant for the King's signature for a Great Seal to the same effect.
Write the Farmers of the Customs to attend on Monday with Mr. Culliford about his petition, concerning the officer set up by them in opposition to his grant.
Mr. Henry Howard of Norfolk and Prince Rupert's secretary called in concerning the proposition made by Prince Rupert and said Howard relating to farthings. To attend with the officers of the Mint on Monday week about the farthing business, and Prince Rupert's paper to be sent to them [the officers of the Mint].
Lord Arlington's 3,000l. on his privy seal is to be charged on Alderman Backwell's tallies.
Sir W. Doyly called in: moves for the money on the last quarter of the Royal Aid for Nottingham to be employed towards meeting the charge of his office. Warrant ordered for 1,000l. on that head if not already charged. Doyly to prepare to go to Oxfordshire, Worcestershire and Herefordshire: and [Charnock is] to prepare his commission and instructions and [a] letter to the Commissioners of those counties near.
Warrant for Sir Philip Musgrave for his arrears and dormant warrant for the future.
Mr. Lawrence to see how the suit stands against Mr. John Jones and Mr. John Purcell of Montgomery, his securities.
Sir R. Long to send to Sir G. Downing a list of all such patents for [small] farms [of portions of the Customs] as are not enrolled.
On Sir Robert Southwell's instructions there is to be written "about what returned from Sir Rob. Long of what paid in of the Queen's portion."
A privy seal to be drawn by Sir R. Long about moneys to be paid in [arising out] of discoveries [made] by the Commissioners of Accounts. Also a warrant to be drawn by him that the sheriffs in paying in moneys de remanente computi do distinguish on what account each sum is paid.
Write Sir R. Long to send to-morrow Sir Philip Warwick's letter about the Queen's portion.
The Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen to have their impost bills: also Sir John Heath, of the Queen's Council. Mr. Mead to send these bills to the Treasury to be signed.
Mrs. Wells to have what is underwood and no more. This to be made appear upon return of a commission in Lord Ashley's hands.
Alderman Backwell promises to furnish Sir Rob. Southwell with a letter of credit for 600l. for transporting to England such British soldiers as are now in the service of the King of Portugal. My Lords will give him an assignment for same on the Dunkirk account. Write Backwell accordingly to lend the money.
The Earl of Lauderdale called in. Warrant for his pension as of the Bedchamber.
A place to be left on the Chimney money for 1,180l. for the land [purchased] at Portsmouth for the fortifications, till the security for the King be perfected.
The Earl of Bristol called in: moves for payment of what is due to him.
Mr. Stockden called in: is told that the money for the lands at Portsmouth is reserved on the Chimney money.
Alderman Bucknell to attend on Thursday with Mr. Ball to consider Mr. Ball's commission as Treasurer for the Country Excise.
Warrant for 500l. for Sir John Trevor on Alderman Backwell's tallies.
Mr. Tho. Howard of Suffolk called in: made a proposal of a discovery. To see if he can discover more than my Lords know of that business and whether the King did not intend to grant the grantees such a bounty: and he shall be considered if any profit arise thereby to the King.
Mr. Barker and Mr. Porter called in about the Firehearth money in Mr. Porter's hands for the Earl of Berkshire. Mr. Porter is asked what security he will give to pay the money. Cannot give security, but promises to pay 100l. in ten days to clear the Chamber of London, and a warrant for 800l. for Mr. Barker on what was due before the City had the Chimney money. Porter not to be discharged till Sir Thomas Player certifies that he has paid in all that was due to the Chamber of London.
Mr. Newport to send an officer of the Wardrobe to view the goods belonging to His Majesty at the office of the Grand Commissioners of Excise in Southampton Buildings, and inventory them and return a list of them to the Treasury.
Write the Pipe Office to return an account on Tuesday what has become of the 500l. paid in by Mr. Bennet, undersheriff of Dorset, for the Hearth money for Dorset.
Col. Birch called in about the accounts of the incident charges of the Grand Commissioners of Excise. The said Commissioners to attend this day week about it.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 187–9.]
May 27.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley.
Write the several officers that on every certificate they return the state of the debt on their offices.
Charnock to seek for the 8,000l. privy seal in Sir Stephen Fox's name and get it done.
Warrant for the Privy Purse for 22,500l. on their new privy seal for that sum.
[Ibid. p. 189.]
May 28.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
The King to be moved about Lady Wentworth's pension. Done. To be paid when more pensions [are paid].
The King to be moved in Council about the disposing and letting the coinage and preemption of tin.
The Earl of St. Albans and Sir Henry Wood called in: declare they are content to take the 3,200l. for the Queen Mother for Wardships on North Wales and for Liveries and Greenwax. The Receiver of North Wales is to certify what is the value per an. of his clear receipt and what is charged thereon.
Sir William St. Ravy to have 200l. of his pension on the Chimneys.
The warrant about naturalising the ship "Mary" is referred to the Attorney and Solicitor General to report whether 'tis a thing can legally be done and how.
The King to be moved about inserting Sir Samuel Moreland as a Commissioner of Excise. The King has been moved in it. His commission to be stopped.
Mr. Lavington to pay in 1,200l.; then to have two months' time to pay in the remainder on security.
Mr. Wadlow called in on behalf of the Vintners' [Company, concerning the said Company's offer for the collecting of the wine duties]. The Attorney General to draw articles according to the order of Council and the Act of Parliament. Mr. Wadlow to give the name of their [the Vintners'] Commissioners and to give more security than their eleven men.
Mr. Keat himself to certify his having resigned his Excise farm for Cornwall.
The Customs Farmers called in about Mr. Culliford's business. An order to be sent to the King's Remembrancer that he issue no writ of appraisement or writ of delivery on any seizure until receipt of a certificate from the Register for Seizures that the same is registered with him.
Warrants for the discharge of Robert Haynes, Robert Leicester, Francis Little, Thomas Davyes.
The Chimney Farmers called in: Sir Richard Pigot and Mr. Trot say they'll give no new security.
Sir Allen Apsley to certify under his hand that he desires the Nottingham tally for the Duke of York's month to be divided.
The account of Mr. Bland, Receiver of Yorkshire, declared.
Sir W. Doyly to send to Mr. Auditor Aldworth copies of all the Receivers' accounts of the Royal and Additional Aids which are passed; for the better enabling him to state interest accounts [after the rate of 12 per cent. on all moneys detained in the hands of such receivers].
Mr. Rooke to attend next Tuesday about Alderman Sir Saml. Sterling's Hearth money account for Kent.
The Excise Commissioners' account to be considered next Monday. Also Mr. Glanvile's tin account.
Mr. Wadlow called in again [on behalf of the Vintners]. My Lords tell him they demand as security 11 more men to the 11 proposed, with incomes amounting to 27,000l.
Warrant from the King about Mr. Chichley about money due from the King to him. The King to be moved in it. Done. The King consents to this warrant on money due to O'Neal for powder.
Sir Anthony Cope and the Customs Farmers called in [concerning the rebuilding of the Custom House]. Mr. Dickinson and some one on behalf of Sir Anthony are to attend Sir C. Harbord and Mr. May to draw up a state of the case. But first it is to be referred to the Judges to determine who is to build the Custom House [whether the King or Sir Anthony]. Sir Anthony to have an attested copy of the case.
Auditor Beale to attend on Tuesday next with all the Earl of Carbery's accounts.
My Lords report from the King that it is His Majesty's pleasure no more pensions be paid till further order.
Mr. Wilkinson, the Cursitor, called in: asks for an order to control the sixpenny writs. To have such an order and Mr. Seymour to have one to collect those duties. My Lords will also consider about farming this duty, but first speak with the Earl of Newburgh.
Warrant for Mr. Robert Tomkins.
Commission to Mr. Beale to be Solicitor for Worcestershire.
The bill for a Commission to the Commissioners of Excise is to be sent to my Lords to-morrow by the Solicitor General.
Warrant for 22,500l. for the Privy Purse.
Mr. Kilby to attend to-morrow.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 189–91.]
May 29.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Lawrence to send to the Treasury on Monday the bill for the commission for the new Commissioners of Excise.
Lady Wentworth called in: to bring under Lord Arlington's hand a signification of the King's pleasure that she shall be paid.
Petition read from Percivall Stanier, letter carrier. The King to be moved whether he will have still the charge continued or retrench it by letting the messengers carry the letters by turns.
Warrant on the Exchequer for the unpaid remainder of Sir Allen Apsley's warrant.
Petition from Col. Fairfax. The King to be moved in it.
Sir W. Doyly called in: reads several letters to several counties about the arrears of the Royal Aids.
Mr. Lavington called in: says there is 1,700l. in Mr. Chester's hands of the King's money collected by him.
Petition from Frances Masters. The searcher to be sent to to give an account.
Same from Rich. Vaughan. Nothing to be done in it. My Lords conceive the pension was only given to the father and during pleasure.
Mr. John Kilby of Aylesbury called in. He must return to prison again, he having had permission to be out of prison for a considerable time, and during same not having paid any part of his debt to the King. Write the Warden of the Fleet to keep him up.
Petition from Sir Fra. Clerke. Process to be suspended for three months, there being a reference of his case now depending from His Majesty before my Lords.
Same from John Revet, the King's brasier. For what concerns the Groom Porter he must apply to him: for what concerns the kettle drummers my Lords can say nothing in it.
Warrant to take off the suspension on Major Elsmor, a Coldstreamer.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 191–2.]