Minute Book: May 1668, 4-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: May 1668, 4-15 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp311-322 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: May 1668, 4-15 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp311-322.

"Minute Book: May 1668, 4-15 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp311-322.


May 1668

May 4.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Mr. Laurence to be spoken with to-morrow about preparing the country Excise Farmers' leases.
Mr. Pritchard called in with his petition. To speak with Mr. Harris and then come with it again.
The King to be moved in Council that all the Wardrobe do account to the Great Wardrobe from time to time and that they give a list of all goods now in every place, so that an entry may be kept thereof in the Great Wardrobe.
Write William Loven (Loving) to take care with Mr. Williamson that Sir Hugh Bethell's fee farm rent of 79l. 5s. 8d. per an. out of the lordship of Rise, part of the manor of Sheriff Hutton, be excepted out of the grant now passing of the Yorkshire lands.
Sir W. Doyly called in. Process of immediate extent is ordered against Mr. Herlackenden's security as Receiver of the Aids for Kent.
Mr. Snow to attend on Wednesday morning about his account as receiver of the Aids for Middlesex.
Write Sir Geo. Carteret to make the assignments of the 3,000l. odd, remainder of the 100,000l. tallies in the Exchequer.
Process to stop for 14 days against Mr. Nich. Veile, he promising in that time to pay the 405l. now remaining due from him as Receiver of the Royal Aid for co. Gloucester.
Mr. Window, an Attorney of the King's Bench, to attend on Wednesday morning about the suit brought against William Newark, late sub-collector of Aids in co. Gloucester, by Mr. Selwin.
The Attorney General's report read about Mr. Stamp's case. Mr. Laurence to attend on Wednesday with Sir W. Doyly about it.
Sir R. Long's certificate about payments made to the Privy Purse is to be sent to Mr. Bridgeman to answer next Thursday.
Mr. Pepys called in about Tangier: moves that he have his whole order for 17,000l. for the quarter ended in February last and that he have 4,000l. less on the next quarter instead of the money he received elsewhere. Sir R. Long to draw a warrant for this. "Mr. Pepis says you may have Pieces of Eight delivered at Tangier for 4s. 6d. paying at a month's usance." Sir G. Downing to speak with some merchants about it.
Mr. Henley presents a petition about the 100l. per an. to Lyme Regis for the repair of the Cobb pier. Warrant for what is in arrear.
Sir G. Sonds called in: prays a respite concerning the rent of certain lands from the priory of Pilton, in Devon, in regard it cannot be said who shall pay it: and that he'll pay the rent in Michaelmas term. Warrant to stay process.
Col. Norton and Sir Charles Harbord called in about the value of the land at Portsmouth which was taken to made fortifications upon, and which is certified by Mr. Moore. A blank to be left on the Chimney money for the money [for same] amounting to 1,180l. Sir C. Harbord to make a report hereof in writing and send it to the Treasury.
Col. Reymes (Reames) to speak with Col. Norton that care be taken that Capt. Cock do satisfy by money or assignments the rent of the place near Portsmouth which was made use of for keeping the Dutch prisoners.
Process to be stopped against Major Reeves, &c., for their farm of the Chimney money till next term, they having undertaken to perfect their accounts in that time.
Mr. Chislet called in with Mr. Thomas Oliver's account, which is declared. Sir Edm. Sawyer is called in with Sir Ge. Benyon's account for Northampton and Rutland, which is declared. My Lords to be moved to-morrow that Mr. Laurence do prosecute Sir Francis Crane for 7,500l. due to the King for the manor of Grafton, as appears by Sir G. Benyon's account. A mortgage to Sir John Lamb of a fee farm rent at 159l and several other such mortgages. They receive the money at the rate of 8 per cent. My Lords to be moved to-morrow that the several auditors may bring in an account of whatever there is of this nature. Write Sir John Lamb's executors to call them to an account about this mortgage and about the moneys due thereon from said Lamb to the King. My Lords to be moved to-morrow to give Mr. Oliver time to pay in 200l. which he's in debt on his new account.
My Lords to be minded to-morrow that all the ancient receivers of the [Crown] revenue their securities were before 1642, so if by the act of Oblivion they're discharged then there's no security: and that therefore if it be necessary they give new security.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 155–7.]
May 5.
Present: Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
The privy seal for paying the Duke of York's children out of the money to be saved on the fees of such officers of the Excise as shall be dismissed, is to be prepared for the King's signature.
Warrant to pay the Poor Knights of the Garter. Sir Henry de Vic to be spoken to to know what is due to them and how they are wont to be paid.
Mr. Clerke (of Sir Edward Griffin's office), is to attend Sir John Duncomb with a list of payments to be made by the Treasurer of the Chamber for one year's wages and bills.
Write the principal officers of the Navy to keep a distinct and separate account of the charges of this summer's fleet, comprehending as well the pay of workmen in the yards, as victuals and wages of seamen, and of stores employed for setting out the same, either bought now or formerly: to the end that what money His Majesty has disbursed may be repaid by the Act now passing, which restrains the money now levyable for this service only.
Write a similar letter to the Commissioners of the Ordnance.
[Ibid. p. 158.]
May 6.
Present: Duke of Albermarle, Sir W. Coventry, Mr. Controller [sic for Treasurer of the Household], Sir J. Duncomb.
Warrant for 500l. to the Commissioners of Accounts in pursuance of their last letter. Also a warrant for the first 500l. [to same] and my Lords' letter [for that payment] to be taken in [and vacated].
Warrant to Auditor Beale to accept as a sufficient voucher the Lord General's warrants to Sir Ste. Fox for payment of the money for the two Guardhouses (for the Stables) and to state Sir Ste. Fox's accounts and bring it hither.
Lord Richardson called in: his petition read with the report from the Attorney General and Sir C. Harbord. Lord Richardson says he knows not what rent to offer for these reliefs, but prays he may be allowed so much in the £ for collection. To be considered again when Lord Ashley is here.
Sir Robert Viner called in: moves for liberty to change his life term in the office of water bailiff of Dover so as it may be during pleasure. To be considered when Lord Ashley is here.
The Attorney General's report concerning Mr. Stamp is to be delivered to Mr. Laurence to prosecute.
Sir W. Doyly to deliver to Mr. Laurence the bonds of the securities of Mr. Herlackenden, receiver of Kent, in order to immediate process thereon, and likewise the bonds of Lewis Harding, of Bedfordshire, and his securities; for the like process.
Sir W. Doyly to examine a paper of the accounts of moneys of the Royal Aid of Cornwall and several other counties due on tallies; and report.
Mr. Snow to attend to-morrow about moneys in his hands as Receiver of middlesex.
Leave to Mr. Leicester to go into the country for 14 days on good security to the serjeant.
Mr. Stockdale's bonds are desired by Mr. Butts to be made over in security to him, he having paid 1,000l., part of the 3,000l. to be paid by him. Mr. Laurence to advise what is to be done in this business.
Mr. Sands, Receiver of Cumberland and Westmorland, is to be considered with the Welsh receivers [as to his expenses] for bringing up the money [from the Aids, &c., of those counties] to York.
Warrant for 2,000l. to the Wardrobe for their present supply, and in part of the 10,000l. to them.
Col. Grey called in: warrant to him to sue on the bonds for the Piedmont money.
The papers about recommendation of persons for the new wine office are to be reported to the King, and that this will not consist with His Majesty's former intentions for the disposal of these employments.
"Mr. Long. The perpetuity to that family. A warrant for it."
A lease to be granted of the King's revenue in Jersey. Sir G. Downing to speak with the Earl of St. Albans to know [about] the men [the grantees].
Auditor Aldworth called in: presents Mr. Pike's accounts. A warrant to vacate the double tally.
Mr. Trevanyon, Deputy Receiver of Cornwall, called in. To attend to-morrow with Auditor Parsons.
Sir John Talbott to come with Auditor Chislet about Mr. Keyte's account when he thinks fit.
Mr. John May's letter of the 2nd inst. from the Forest of Dean is read. To be again considered when Lord Ashley is present.
Warrant for 300l. to Sir Henry de Vic for the Poor Knights of Windsor towards their arrears.
Petition read from Mr. Wilson [et al.], discoverers of the false coiners. Warrant for 50l. between them: the warrant to recite their services and the certificate of Baron Rainsford.
The Earl of Carbery called in: moves that the order in the hands of the Receiver of South Wales may yet remain in his hands, his accounts being near ready. Warrant to stop 400l. in his hands yet for 14 days, and process to stay till then.
Mr. Windham's annuity of 200l. per an. in lieu of his place as Page, to be considered hereafter.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 158–160.]
May 7.
Present: Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
The report from the Attorney and Solicitor General on Lord Lovelace's petition is to be sent to Lord Arlington to present to the King: and my Lords' return [report] accordingly to be written upon the petition.
Letter read from Lord Arlington with a draft warrant for 4,000l. for Mr. Chichley for moneys due from the King to him. Col. Legg to attend on Thursday to give an account what these moneys are and whether disposed.
Sir John Bennet called in: moves about the defalcations on the postage money in arrear. This to be speedily considered.
Lord Colepeper called in: presents a warrant from the King about the 1,090l. due to him. The King to be acquainted with the language his Lordship gave now and the former time to my Lords.
Sir W. Doyly called in: presents that Mr. Lewis Harding hath paid in lately 700l. of the 1,100l. in arrear. Process respited for 14 days, and in the meantime he to pay in the remainder.
Mr. Haynes to pay in the 100l. and give security to pay the remainder and then have liberty to go into the country for 14 days.
Mr. Trevanion and Col. Trevanion called in with Auditor Parsons' deputy concerning said Col. Trevanion's account. Mr. Trevanion's account to be brought in to-morrow.
Sir W. Doily to draw up a letter about Mr. Keene, high collector for Suffolk.
Warrant for 500l. to the Privy Purse for healing gold. My Lords' former letter concerning it is to be called in.
The Farmers of the Norfolk Excise called in about the defalcations for the plague. Mr. Ashmole to inspect their accompts and books and vouchers.
Mr. Bridgeman called in: presents a paper of what money has been paid to the Privy Purse since the [my Lords' Treasury] Commission.
Mr. Smyth and Mr. Scowen called in about their accompts as Receivers of the King's revenue for Wilts.
Write Mr. Hanning, Searcher of Kent, to certify next Thursday why he has seized a parcel of foreign gold going to the East Indies, seeing it was entered in the Custom House, as is affirmed by Alderman Backwell.
Alderman Backwell's and Sir John Shaw's Dunkirk accompt is to be dispatched by Auditor Beale.
The gentlemen called in about the 250l. due to Judge Browne for this term and claimed by Judge Wild. Those for Judge Browne consent to the warrant being made in Judge Wild's name.
Sir John Knight called in: presents an order of Council about a ship. To attend the week after next.
Mr. Prichard called in, he being security for Mr. Harris late Receiver of Hearth money for co. Devon. He must presently pay 500l. and give proven security for the remaining 1,000l.
Sir R. Long to attend next Thursday about the docquet for 22,500l. for the Privy Purse, "and why such a docquet if this [sum is] in arrear for that it is to be supposed they should ere this have a privy seal, "for that my Lords are not satisfied how they should have such a sum due and in arrear to them without having a privy seal for it.
Mr. Mellish called in with his accompt as Receiver of the King's revenue for co. Lincoln: with Mr. Morrice's deputy as his Auditor. His accompts declared.
Mr. Randall called in about the petition of Amy Cleaver. The 22l. and 17l. to be allowed on her accompt, and the rest to be paid.
Mr. Nic. Moseley called in: prays that his deputies may account to him in custody in the country. Granted.
The extent against Sir not to be stopped, but the money to be paid.
Sir Rob. Southwell's queries and my Lords' answer to be drawn at large. The answer is against the queries and is to be shown to my Lords before being signed by them.
Sir Eliab Harvy to come and produce on Thursday next three tallies in his hands which are upon the Receiver of Lincolnshire as appears by the constat: and they will be returned to him again after my Lords have viewed them.
Sir John Ernley and Mr. Pratt called in about an estate of the King's held by Mr. Stepney. Write to Stepney that whereas he appeared not on my Lords' summons, he appear the first Thursday in the next term to show how he holds that estate of the King; else my Lords will proceed against him.
The Duke of Albemarle reports [from the King] that Consul Tooker's privy seal is signed [by the King]: also the privy seal for 3,000l. per an. on the Excise for the Duke of York's children: also Sir Robert Southwell's privy seal.
My Lords to be moved when Lord Ashley is present for 20l. per an. to Mr. Mellish, Receiver of Lincolnshire: which [fee] has been paid for 60 years.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 160–2.]
May 8.
morning.Present: Sir John Duncombe.
Adjourned till Wednesday, May 13.
[Ibid. p. 162.]
May 13.
Present: all my Lords.
Sir Jonathan Trelawny called in and his warrant from the King about the coinage duty is read. The King to be spoken to about it.
Mr. Paston's paper read about a discovery made by him of moneys in the hands of one Dancer Hancock on account of the Yorkshire engagement.
A paper of memorandums is read about letting the Excise. [Ordered] that the new Grand Commissioners of Excise overlook the commission to the late Farmers of Excise and report to-morrow afternoon if they desire any alterations therein.
Mr. Chiffinch's warrant for 4,000l. without account (which is to be to buy Berkshire House) is to be on the Exchequer out of the Customs for January next. Alderman Backwell to attend to-morrow morning about furnishing the money.
Warrant for 500l. for Lady Portland: on the same receiver as her former warrant was on.
Warrant for a commission for the King's signature for the Commissioners of the London Excise to be the Grand Commissioners of Excise from June 24 next at 500l. per an. salary each. This to be done when the reports about the commission are passed.
Col. Birch to attend to-morrow about settling the business of the wine licences.
A book of establishments for the new retrenchments [is ordered to be kept]: establishments to be made and a letter sent to each office to know if they have received the King's order for the retrenchments. Charnock to make a book of all the establishments.
A commission ordered for Mr. Ball to be Treasurer to the New Commissioners for the (Country) Excise from June 24 next. Ball to bring a copy of his former commission in order to its being drawn.
Sir G. Downing to send to Col. Birch to come to him to-morrow about the business of the new impositions upon wine. My Lords spoke to him to be here.
Send Alderman Bucknell the commission for the Grand Commissioners of Excise for him to send my Lords his remarks upon it by to-morrow.
Mr. Finch to attend to-morrow about his claim to the imported strong waters, which are in the new farm of imported liquors. Alderman Bucknell to attend then.
Write Mr. Newcombe, the printer, to print off the Wine Act with all speed, to print it before all the other Acts, and to send to the Treasury the proof to Sir G. Downing and Col. Birch to correct, in order to the avoidance of all errors.
Mr. Elliot called in: moves for payment of his tally by the Farmer of the Post Fines. Mr. Morice and Mr. Clayton to attend to-morrow about this tally on them, and to present a reference about Newmarket House.
Warrant for Elizabeth Johnson, relict of Thomas Johnson, the Coldstreamer.
Sir C. Harbord and Mr. Sherwyn to attend to-morrow about Sir William Poultney's exchange of his land near St. James's Park.
Mr. Courtney, steward of the Duchy of Cornwall, to attend to-morrow afternoon.
In the minute book of warrants for money the value of each revenue is to be set in the margin of it.
Sir Philip Warwick to send on Wednesday next the certificate made by the officers of New Forest on which the King's grant of some coppice wood in New Forest was made to Mrs. Wells. Charnock to go to Mrs. Wells to send them if she have them.
Warrant for Lord Colepeper's 1,090l. on the Chimney money with interest.
A new privy seal for 8,000l. per an. to Stephen Fox for secret service. Charnock to get the warrant for 10,000l. per an. which is now passing, and to alter it, making it for 8,000l. per an.
Sir Ste. Fox called in with Auditor Beale about his (Fox's) account.
Mr. Trevanion called in with the deputy of Auditor Parsons about his account. Col. Trevanion to attend to-morrow about his account as late Receiver of Cornwall Aids.
My Lords to meet in the future on Mondays at 3 p.m., and Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 7 a.m. These to be the ordinary times of meeting. Abbot to put up a paper of it.
Mr. Hill, now a prisoner in the Fleet, is to attend my Lords on Friday with Mr. Jeffreys, the deputy to Auditor Phillips. The Warden of the Fleet is to send Hill hither.
Warrant for Andrew Newport and Col. Reymes to be paid according to their patent.
Mr. Coppinger to attend on Friday about the complaint made against him from Dorsetshire by John Cole.
Warrant to discharge Mr. Trevanion, he having paid in a considerable part of the money in his hands as agent to Col. Trevanion, and having undertaken to pay speedily the rest.
Sir Robt. Southwell called in. To apply to the Commissioners for Prizes to certify what money remains applicable to Tangier, and then my Lords will direct the disposal thereof. Then write to Mr. Pepis informing him what money for prizes is in Col. Norwood's hands for Tangier, and that so much be defaulted on his next quarter.
Col. Birch called in about the new impositions on wine. To attend to-morrow about this business and bring a list of all taverns in London and elsewhere.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir Rob. Southwell about his paper of memorandums or instructions this afternoon at the Treasury Chamber.
Write Sir Philip Warwick to give an account of the state of the Queen's portion speedily, how much thereof has been received and where and by whom and what yet remains unpaid: for that Sir Robert Southwell's present expedition to Portugal stops for want thereof. Write Sir R. Long to know what part of the Queen's said portion has been paid into the Exchequer and how issued out and to whom.
Sir Dennys Gawden called in. He moves for money by imprest on the Wine Act. Write the Commissioners and principal officers of the Navy to despatch Gawden's accompt before them, that my Lords may see how his imprests stand in view of his demands for more money. Warrant for 25,300l. for Gawden on his privy seal of Feb. 21 last: to be on the Wine Act and for victualling the fleet for this summer's guard.
Lord Arundell of Trerice called in: moves for the 1,000l. remaining due to him for things done in Pendennis Castle in the late king's time. To be considered to-morrow.
Mr. Jones called in: moves about the reference for the salaries of the Welsh judges. My Lords will speak with the Lord Keeper and Lord Arlington this afternoon about it. A memorandum to be taken to them with the papers.
Col. Whitley to attend on Friday morning about his petition.
Lord Arlington's letter about his allowances in the Post Office is to be considered to-morrow.
Warrant for Mr. Capell.
Sir G. Downing to make out what constant payments are charged on the small branches of the revenue. Charnock to do it. Sir R. Long to hasten against Saturday week at latest a state of all the branches of His Majesty's revenue and the present charge thereon: and for the smaller branches of the revenue my Lords desire to have it this day week at furthest.
Mr. Lawrence to prosecute Sir Francis Crane for 7,500l. due on the account of the revenue of the manor of Grafton to the King.
The Auditors of the revenue to give an accompt this day week of all mortgages of any of His Majesty's lands and to whom mortgaged and for what considerations, and upon what reserved rent and where the counterparts of those mortgages are lodged.
Mr. Thomas Oliver to have time to Michaelmas next to pay in the 200l. remaining in super on his account for the last year: he having promised to pay it then.
All the Receivers of the Crown rents and revenue who were receivers before 1642, are to give new security for their receipts. Write the Auditors to give them notice hereof.
Warrant for 4,000l. to Mr. Pepis for Tangier: to be on the Customs of December and January next: part of it to be for this quarter.
Warrant for 15,060l. to Alderman Backwell out of the moneys [to be] paid into the Exchequer for the Customs for the months of January, February and March next: to be in full of his privy seal of April 30 last.
Adjourned to seven to-morrow morning.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 163–6.]
May 14.
Present: all my Lords.
Mr. Killigrew called in: a particular to be made in order to a lease: warrant to the sheriffs to sell the goods seized.
Sir Martin Lumley to attend with his auditor on Tuesday morning about his arrears of Chimney money in Essex.
Sir John Robinson called in: moves for pay of his warrants on the Customs, and that for the future he may have his own warrants and pay the Tower garrison himself. Ordered to send his two warrants to Sir George Downing in order to have a warrant drawn for payment of them: and to have Customs tallies from Alderman Backwell for what past pay is due, and orders on the Excise for the future.
Petition from the officers of the Exchequer about being freed from [liability to militia] musters. Write the Lord General to free them.
Charnock to cast up the alterations to be made in the King's warrant for 10,000l. per an. to Sir Stephen Fox, in order to its being reduced to 8,000l. per an. The warrant with the memorandum as to the alteration is then to be sent to Lord Arlington by Sir G. Downing.
Alderman Backwell to deposit and lend 4,000l. for Mr. Chiffinch on a tally for 7,500l. in the list on the Customs.
Mr. Laurence to hasten the preparation of the blank leases for all the new Farmers of the [Country] Excise, and to inform Sir G. Downing in what forwardness these drafts are and what provision he has made for the leases of those counties in which there are [farms of] parts of other counties included, such e.g. as Cambridge, Herts, &c.
The privy seal for 6,000l. to Charnock is to be altered in His Majesty's presence and made to be "upon accompt" [instead of "without accompt"]. To be sent up to my Lords to be done. Charnock to get the bill and warrant in parchment to send up.
Sir William Poultney and Sir C. Harbord called in about said Poultney's land near St. James's. Order for a royal warrant for this exchange.
Warrant for the 1,118l. for Col. Norton for the land at Portsmouth [purchased for the fortifications]. To be on the Chimney money.
Write all the offices (Treasurer of the Chamber, &c.) to make a state of the King's debt [in their several and respective offices] to the 24th inst.
The Earl of St. Albans and Sir Henry Wood called in: move for payment of 2,000l. per an. to the Queen Mother in lieu of the wardship on her jointure.
Sir R. Long to meet with Sir G. Downing about settling the charge on the small revenues [branches of the King's].
Write the Grand Commissioners of Excise and the Farmers of the London Excise to certify what tallies that are struck on them are unpaid.
The Earl of Berkshire called in. To state in writing the case of his discovery.
Write the Earl of Anglesey to attend to-morrow to inform my Lords to what value he has received orders on the last 100,000l. ordered by the Privy council for the seamen and how far the said 100,000l. is engaged or disposed and for what uses.
Mr. Finch, junr., and his father with Mr. Howland and Alderman Bucknell called in concerning Finch's lease of imported liquors. Mr. Howland says that Sir John Talbot said they had let it to them if no defalcation or other prejudice to the King. Lord Ashley demanded of Mr. Finch if it would be no prejudice to the King if this had been let to him. Write the Lord Keeper to pass the Norfolk lease of the Excise.
Sir R. Long to attend to-morrow about the docquet for 22,500l. for the Privy Purse. "for that the Privy Purse call for it."
Col. Birch called in about settling the Act for the imposition on wine. The Act read. The Barons of the Exchequer and the King's Counsel to attend to-morrow to advise my Lords whether they may farm the wine impositions. Copies of the Act to be sent to the Attorney and Solicitor General and the Lord Chief Baron. Col. Birch to discourse this matter with Alderman Bucknell and attend to-morrow.
The Earl of Rochester's petition referred to the Attorney and Solicitor General, who are to hear Viscount Cornbury and report.
Adjourned to 3 p.m. this afternoon.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 167–8.]
May 14.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Comptroller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Order of Council for Sir Jo. Wintour read.
Write Sir Ste. Fox to know if he have any legal discharge of the moneys to Monsieur ...
Mr. Henry Seymour called in about payments out of the Hanaper. Write the Commissioners for Fines and Alienations to pass their accounts.
Col. Legg called in about the warrant for Mr. Chichley.
Sir Jo. Wintour called in about his order of Council about the timber and other wood in Dean Forest. My Lords say it's very inconvenient that he claim the 200 dotters trees which are yet unfelled, for that it would hinder the King in his enclosure; which would yet follow upon taking off the seizure, for that he claims them as part of his right. The King to be moved in Council whether he would have Sir John fell any trees or dig up any roots.
Lord Richardson called in: moves that he may be an accomptant for the office, and submit to the King for a yearly profit. My Lords desire that he propound to his partner, Mr. Fabian Philips, what he will demand and then make his proposition, whether for a reserved rent or for so much in the £.
Col. Trevanian and Mr. Trevanian, his deputy, called in about said Colonel's account and the dispute between them concerning the 400l. odd received by Mr. Trevanian. They are to choose an umpire and settle the matter in days in order that the King may have his money. They agreed to refer it to Mr. Burlace and Mr. Tanner.
Alderman Bucknell called in with the present London Commissioners of Excise with their exceptions to the present Grand Commissioners of Excise. Warrant to the Solicitor General to draw a commission to the London Commissioners to have the powers to be Commissioners in London, as by the Acts of Parliament, and to manage the matter in case of re-entry under my Lords of the Treasury.
Mr. called in with Mr. Hanning, searcher of Kent, about a parcel of gold seized by Mr. Hanning. The matter to be left to law.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 169–70.]
May 15.
morning.Present: all my Lords.
Sir G. Downing to take Alderman Backwell's privy seal and Sir W. Coventry's note and the draft warrants for Alderman Backwell and Mr. Pepis and consider them with Sir R. Long, to see if they be right placed as to the months: and to take from Sir R. Long a memorandum of all moneys paid into the Exchequer from Michaelmas next [sic] by Alderman Backwell.
Alderman Backwell to attend on Monday after dinner to lend 500l. to the Wardrobe. Hinton to attend Sir G. Downing at his house to-morrow morning to inform him whether he [Hinton] can furnish the Wardrobe with this 500l., Downing having spoken of it to him this day.
The Earl of Anglesey called in. To have 10,000l. (of the 47,000l. which is be assigned to Capt. Cock, &c.) to help to pay off the ships now to be paid off. Write to Capt. Cock to let my Lords know on Monday how far the assignments are made by him and his friends and to hasten the remainder out of hand.
The Barons of the Exchequer called in with the Attorney and Solicitor General to inform my Lords whether they think the wine impositions may be farmed and whether the King is to have the duty for two years certain or only till 310,000l. be raised with interest at 6 per cent. Ordered that all the Judges be desired to meet and certify their opinion in writing whether the King have the duty for two years certain and whether admitting the grant to be absolute it may be farmed. Write Lord Chief Justice Keeling to summon the rest of the Judges to meet at Sergeants' Inn on Monday morning hereon; where they will be attended by the King's Counsel. Write the Lord Chief Baron to attend this meeting and to report on Monday afternoon to my Lords.
Two or three warrants more for arresting Cotes.
Alderman Bucknall and Col. Birch called in to advise about the way and charge of collecting the new impositions [on wine].
Sir Richard Oatly to attend on Tuesday next, 7 a.m., with his Auditor about his Chimey account for co. Salop.
Write the Grand Commissioners of Excise enclosing the Act [for the duties on wine] and a paper of the number of taverns and that they certify my Lords for what charge [or cost] the impositions [on wine] may be collected.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 170–1.]