Minute Book: June 1668, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: June 1668, 1-10 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp337-350 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: June 1668, 1-10 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp337-350.

"Minute Book: June 1668, 1-10 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp337-350.


June 1668

June 1.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Write Mr. Gantlet for Sir Edward Nicholas, Clerk of the Signet attending, to hasten the Commission for the Commissioners of Excise, it very much importing His Majesty's service that it be dispatched, the new Farmers being to take place the 24th. inst. "and none of the new leases can be despatched till this be done." Write also the Lord Privy Seal and the Lord Keeper to hasten the above Commission and the privy seal for letting the farms.
Send back to Sir R. Long the book of pensions payable at the Receipt of the Exchequer for him to look over that part of it which concerns pensions to see if there be any mistakes therein or any pensions omitted, and to amend same and return it by to-morrow. Charnock to draw a list of all pensions payable in all places [offices], naming each person, and as far as may be for what service granted and how much in arrear thereon.
The [King's] printer to send to the Treasury a book of the Acts of this last session bound together.
The Earl of Lindsey called in: moves for payment of 179l. 15s. 4d. for repair of Havering House and the Lodge in Larton Walk, in Waltham Forest. Sir R. Long and Sir J. Denham to certify the nature of these bills and by whom to be paid.
Lord Richardson called in about his discovery. Says he can propose no certainty, but desires a proportion may be allowed him.
Col. Disney called in: says he has not the money which is charged on him; possibly he may have had some of it, but says he will engage his servant, who is the collector, shall pay the whole money in two months. Two months allowed him to pay it in.
Sir Cerill Witche to be told that my Lords say the right of those lodgings in Gray's Inn belongs to the Duke [of York].
Mr. Hartlib to attend to-morrow about what was written April 10 last to the Excise [sic for Hearth money] Farmers concerning certifying their defalcations.
Warrant for 38l. to Sir Richard Cox, late sheriff of co. Gloucester.
The Commissioners of the Navy and Col. Reymes called in. Desire 15,000l. or 20,000l. to buy stores. Move also for another fund for some creditors on Guildhall, whose debt will not be paid by [reason of] the burning of London. The case to be presented to the King. Also they make report about the draft of articles about the covenants about Capt. Hemskerke's propositions about building a ship to sail faster by a third than any other now in being. Mr. Pepys to return the order of Council and see these instructions agree with it, and then send them to the Attorney General to form into articles.
The Grand Commissioners of Excise called in with Mr. Brewer, deputy to Col. Birch, concerning their account.
Sir Ste. Fox to give Sir G. Downing direction to-morrow about his being repaid 250l. disbursed by him [Fox] for paving in front of the Mews.
Mr. Morrice and Mr. Clayton to attend to-morrow morning about Mr. Elliot's tally.
Mr. Lawrence to carry to the Grand Commissioners of Excise a list of the new Farmers of the [Country] Excise and the respective rents they are to pay in order to the considering of their securities. Lawrence also to prepare the sub-commissions for the Sub-Commissioners that are to be for the new farm. Also to obtain the Solicitor General's opinion on a paper sent to the Treasury by the Country Farmers of Excise concerning the tenour of their bonds.
Abbot to prepare a warrant for the servants payable in the Treasury of the Chamber. To follow [the precedent of] the year of suspension. The privy seal for the year of suspension is to be prepared for the King's hand. Charnock to get it fair written.
The business of Mr. Ball's being Receiver of the Country Excise is to be reported in Council.
The present Grand Commissioners of Excise are to make up a state of their office to be delivered over to the Commissioners that are to succeed them, whereby they may be rightly informed how all things stand, and so enabled to proceed therein. Col. Birch to bring this account to the Treasury.
Warrant to Auditor Birch to allow the incident charges to the Commissioners of Excise for the year ending June 24, 1667. Birch is to bring proof to show that 2s. per £ has been allowed on the receipts from foreign spirits.
Warrant for 500l. per an. to Col. FitzGerald; to be on Mr. Pepys, Treasurer of Tangier; as was done for the Earl of Peterborough.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 192–4.]
June 2.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Write the Attorney General to know what progress is made in drawing the articles between the King and the Vintners' [Company] concerning the wine duty. And further to consider the contents of a paper now presented to my Lords by said Company: with a view to the meeting of the Privy Council at three p.m., where it is to be discussed. Write Mr. Wadlow to hasten to the Treasury the additional names of the further securities for the contract for the wine duties: also the names of the proposed Commissioners.
The advance quarter to be paid to [sic for by] the London Commissioners of Excise with speed. Ordered that Mr. Williamson insert in Thursday's Gazette that the leases and sub-commissions will be ready next Monday at the Excise Office in Aldersgate Street, and that all concerned repair thither and pay in there the increase of rent of the last quarter of their respective farms, bringing with them at the same time a certificate from the present Grand Commissioners of Excise that they have cleared with them up to Lady Day last. The same to be posted up on the door of the Excise Office, the Exchequer and the Treasury.
Mr. Bamfield's ill usage of the Excise Farmers is to be represented to the Privy Council.
Sir Tho. Bridges called in about some alteration of a rate in co. Somerset which is complained of in a petition from the inhabitants of Wellow Hundred in said county. Write the Commissioners [of the Aids] for said county to appoint some indifferent people to hear the business. A copy of the petition to be sent herewith.
Mr. Bennet's money to be paid into the Exchequer and issued to Sir Ste. Fox. The Auditor of the Receipt to keep it for Fox.
Warrant to split Sir R. Viner's tallies.
Warrant to swear Mr. Robert Tayr.
The Earl of Carbery called in with Auditor Beale about the said Earl's accounts. To be considered on Tuesday next.
Warrant for Charles le Gard, the Queen's servant.
Write Mr. Bevis Lloyd, Receiver of South Wales, to keep the 400l. in his hands till further order: the Earl of Carbery being now upon his account.
Mr. Hartlib called in: is asked for an answer in writing to the letter of April 10 last. Has not brought it. The King to be acquainted in Council how the accounts of the Farmers of the Hearth money stick.
Write the Earl of Anglesey to charge no more on his last 100,000l. for the seamen, till further order: in order that the money may be reserved for Mr. Colvile.
Write Viscount Fanshaw to certify on Thursday next whether process has issued against Sir Henry Coker and Mr. Bennett for the money in super on said Coker's Firehearth account for co. Wilts.
Write Mr. Colvile to know whether he will be content that his interest account be placed at the end of the Eleven Months' tax, where there is 60,000l. yet uncharged [unassigned]. Also for a statement of the sum due to him on his interest account.
Write the Auditors of the Imprest to send to the Treasury any accounts in their hands of the Treasurer of the Navy or the Lieutenant of the Ordnance for any period before that for which the commission of the Commissioners of Accompts is to give them the inspection.
Write the Grand Commissioners of Excise to prepare a state of all the suits between them and all the Farmers of the Country Excise for imported beers.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 194–5.]
June 2.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Write Mr. Colvile that upon the foot of his interest accompt there remains due only 2,775l. 16s. 6d.; and ask him if there be any other interest accompt due to him.
Mrs. Windebankes' petition read. A quarter of a year ordered for her; and half a year for Mrs. Haughton. Mrs. Mullet's petition read. Nothing done.
Petition read from John Huntingford, Farmer of Excise of beer and ale in co. Derby. To name the place where the fault was done and who did it. Write the Excise Office to know where this Huntingford lives.
Lady Dryden's petition read. No money now to be had, but she is to be considered when there is money.
A paper to be prepared of all the money [assigned, &c.] of the 200,000l. for the King on the Eleven months' tax to show how disposed: and as to Sir Stephen Fox's 68,000l. [68,820l.] in part of the same how that also is disposed.
Petition from Gabriel Walter, gunner of the "Prince." Mr. Tuke, the steward of the manor of Northfleet, in Kent, that chose said Walter to be beadle of said manor, is to be sent for to answer why he suffered such a man to be chosen.
Petition read from Francis Walker. To be considered hereafter. Same from Richard Roberts. The Treasurer of the Chamber to pay it. Same from Sir Peter Killigrew. To be again considered when there is money.
Same from John Collins. If the method of the Excise or the new Act for wines will admit he shall be employed. As to his invention to prevent frauds in accounts, my Lords will encourage him in it.
Same from Charles Coleman. Nothing can at present be done in it. Same from Ann Chadwick. The like answer. Same from Van Haesdonck. To apply to the King for His Majesty to declare himself thereupon. Same from Rich. Pight. To be considered on Friday next whether they be discoveries and he the discoverer.
The several officers [offices] to certify in their weekly certificates the debts in their several offices.
Sir Sam Sterling called in about his Firehearth account for Kent. Mr. Rooke says he collected for same for 1665, Michaelmas, but had no deputation from Sir Francis Clerk, and says that Sir Francis called him off. Says he will pay in what he has received. Sir Francis Clerk to attend on Tuesday with Sir Sam Sterling and Sir Edmund Sawyer.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 195–6.]
June 3.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry, Sir. J. Duncombe.
Sir R. Long took with him for consideration the report from the Attorney and Solicitor General about the defalcations of the Farmers of the Hearth money. The King to be acquainted that the said Farmers deny to give further security. Said Farmers to attend to-morrow with the Attorney and Solicitor General, and to bring in writing their answer to the Treasury's letter of April 10 last.
A Great Seal to remove the Customs payments from the Customs House to the Exchequer: a schedule to be annexed of the particulars of those payments.
Petition from Thomas Price, late Receiver of co. Hereford. He must pay 12 per cent. till the money is paid.
Write Mr. Joliffe to know the difference between Flanders and English weight, and what is usual to be allowed by merchants in London to merchants in Flanders for factorage: as Sir Robert Long reports that Glanvile received the tin by English weight and discounts it by Flemish weight.
Petition from Mr. Thrup. Resolved that the case as to receiving coinage money is the same with all others.
Abbot to keep a blank on the coinage money for 1,100l. for [the purchase money of] the land [for the fortification] at Portsmouth.
Petition from Rowl: Houlden read. To be paid at the treasury of the Chamber.
Same from Col. Berkeley for arrears of Excise, 1660 and 1661. The King to be moved that he may have 100l. of those arrears in the hands of Gunter, Jones and Dover. Mr. Lawrence to certify how the suits against these men stand.
Same from the King's coachmen. Mr. Newport and Col. Reymes to certify how the case stands.
Petition read from John Gamon. Quere if he be now a gunner. He is called in. To inquire whether his patent should be above his 12d. fee in the Tower.
Mr. Bret to have Sir Thomas Clifford's part of the logwood farm in lieu of his pension. His patent for his pension to be vacated.
Petition from Capt. Geo. Cock (Cooke) for a lease of his discovery of a messuage and several parcels of land of about 50l. per an. value, lying in Plumstead, Kent, concealed from the Crown. Referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Same from Col. Howard. No money at present.
Same from the Earl of Berkshire. The discoverers to nominate the concealed lands, and my Lords will inform themselves and grant letters so as the discoverers recover them at their own charge, "but general leases produce always vexations to the people."
Same from Mrs. Mitchell read and she called in. Same from William Thornebury. To be considered with the rest of the officers. Same from the Harbingers. To be considered in the bills of the Treasurer of the Chamber. Same from Mr. Beckford, the slop seller, about a 3,000l. order on the Poll Bill received from Sir Geo. Carteret. He and Mr. Fenn to attend about it next Wednesday. Same from Tho. Page and James Jenifer. They must apply to the Navy [Treasurer]. Same from Lady Jackson. Nothing can be done in it. Same from the King's musicians. If they are in the list for the board wages they will be paid. Same from Lieut. Col. Meautys. Mr. Hillary and the executors of the other party are to attend hereon next Wednesday. Same from Mary Warren. To be considered when there is money in Ireland. Same from the King's and Queen's footmen. Warrant for half a year on the Chimney money for them, and to be told that at Midsummer they shall have a quarter in ready money at the Exchequer. Same from the Clerks of the Peace. To be moved when Lord Ashley and an Auditor is present. Same from Widow Hooker. She is to bring a certificate of what is due to her. Same from John Beamont. Referred to the Excise Commissioners. Same from William Dunker. To be considered hereafter. Same from Mr. Trussell and others dealing with the Wardrobe. To be considered when there is money. Same from Arthur Hewit. The like order. Same from Mrs. Lancer. To be hereafter considered. Same from Mr. East. To be paid with the bills on the Treasurer of the Chamber. Same from Mr. Ellesden. He is to prove what was the practice in anno 4 James I.: in the mean time my Lords' late order is to stand.
Mr. Peryn (Perin) is to be heard on Wednesday next in the matter of the petition against the Customs officers.
Petition from Col. Barry. To be considered hereafter. Same from Hartgill Baron. To be considered with the list of pensions.
Report to be made as to Col. Morley's petition in the sense as drafted by Sir W. Coventry.
Petition from William Not, stationer. Write the Lord Keeper that if he have no other objection than what is alleged in the petition his Lordship will order the payment.
Petition from Lady Ratcliff.
Write Lord Ashley to remember the despatch of the Commission for New Forest.
Write all the Auditors of the revenue and the Auditors of Imprests to attend on Monday next, when my Lords will consider of a convenient place or places for keeping their respective offices and lodging all papers relating thereto.
Write Mr. Courtney, steward of the Duchy of Cornwall, to attend on Monday for the consideration of the business of that Duchy.
Petition from William Burges and Thomas Dean for a lease of divers lands in and about the manors of Holbeach and Whaplode, co. Lincoln. Referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Same from Mathew Emerson, that he can't continue. His answer to be considered.
The messenger to go to all the Auditors to let them know that my Lords called this day for the account of the pensions and annuities on the revenue, and that the King must have it to-morrow morning, and that therefore they send it presently.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 196–8.]
June 4.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Write Mr. Norman, deputy to Mr. Seymour, Receiver of the Aids, concerning his going out of town without clearing Mr. Seymour's accounts: and to attend hereon in 14 days or be arrested.
Mr. White, Receiver of co. Oxford, to have liberty for three weeks on bail.
Petition from William Newark and John Davyes. To be represented to the King in Council.
Mr. Kidder to apply to the [Lord] General before his warrant be signed.
The Hearthmoney Farmers called in with Sir Robert Viner. Ordered that where they are collectors, as in the case of last year, the in supers are to be set upon Sir Richard Pigot, Mr. Trot and Mr. Beane, and not upon their sub-collectors. "The account must first pass through the Clerks of the Peace: the schedules to charge them [are] to be signed by them."
Lord Gerard, Col. Russell and Sir Ste. Fox to attend on Monday about settling and adjusting between them the business of the payment of the Guards.
My Lords say they must have further security from the Chimney Farmers for what may be due to the King for their rents and covenants, because it is supposed that their advance money is repaid or very near. The Attorney General to draw a proposition of this nature for them to return their answer upon. The Chimney Farmers will clear their account for Lady Day, 1668, and the bill and answer in the Exchequer Court will clear their defalcations. The Auditors appointed (Aldworth, Birch and Chislet) are to send to them for all their accounts for Lady Day. And then all the Auditors to meet and make their exceptions to the Farmers' method of accounting for Lady Day, 1666; and if they make any doubt in point of law they must advise with the Attorney and Solicitor General. They are to set no supers on any man where the time is elapsed in such a way as that the money cannot be collected by the King. They must also make a list of all the houses excused for poverty, so that my Lords may examine them, arranging same by towns, parishes and precincts. The Attorney General to be desired to prepare an information and direct a process against the Chimney Farmers, as farmers, for their farm account, whereby to compel them to a speedy accompt.
The accounts of the Grand Commissioners of Excise are to be read on Saturday and Monday.
The commission for the new imposition of wines, &c., in London is read. A clause to be inserted in this and in the country commission that they be required to execute the Act with the powers, rules and directions therein.
The privy seal for the last [i.e. late] Grand Commissioners of Excise is to be on moneys coming into the Exchequer of the London Excise, and to be paid quarterly.
[Ibid. pp. 199–200.]
June 5.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Pight called in. To attend again. Lord Ashley to examine what moneys have been paid into the Exchequer on his discoveries and what recompense is due to him for them.
Mr. East to attend on Wednesday next about his privy seal.
Sir John Shaw called in, and his petition read about the Navigation duty. Referred to the Auditors to report what is the proper way of clearing that matter. The Auditors to examine Sir John's tin account by the book of rates and allow what is due.
The Earl of Ailesbury called in. My Lords say the King has given them his petition, but without any direction. My Lords say the usual way in which such matters come to them is by reference from a secretary and that his Lordship is to set down what the benefits are which he demands, and that it [the grant] must be during pleasure.
The Customs Farmers to attend on Tuesday week about their new grant.
Write the Lord Chamberlain that having received His Majesty's letter or warrant of such a date his Lordship do certify who are the supernumeraries, so that my Lords may give an order to pay the rest.
A list to be made of pensions to persons who had a hand in the King's escape at Worcester. Another of pensions to the Cold Streamers. A third for such pensions as are granted as an equivalent for places or other beneficial patents surrendered.
The King to be moved that no tradesmen that furnish the King with goods have any salary or any New Year's gifts. Also none to have any liveries or cloth but such as wear them.
A list to be made of the charges of bringing in the revenue. The 8,000l. formerly allowed to the Lord Treasurer is to be set down therein.
Mr. Jay called in and his petition read. The Auditor to certify how his account stands.
Sir W. Doyly to bring on the 10th prox. an account of all moneys due from all Receivers of the Aids to July 1 next: because the Act for the 12 per cent. begins then.
Petition read from Mr. Kirby, collector, concerning his Lancashire Firehearth account, and he and his brother called in. His account to be considered this day week, and process to be suspended.
Petition read from Edw. Wood. To be considered when bills are paid in the Treasury of the Chamber.
Same read from Valentine Stuckley.
Mr. Townsend and Mr. Cooke to attend the Privy Council on Wednesday.
Petition from Andrew Lawrence. Warrant for 52l. 6s. 8d. on the Chimney money.
Sir William Armorer's privy seal read for money for repairing his house in the Mews. My Lords to represent the matter to the Privy Council, and that persons be obliged to repair their houses and apartments at their own cost. To be considered to put under the Board of Works all repairs to be made at the stables and elsewhere.
Order of Council read about Dr. Gorges' pension. Report to be made to the Council that what was done in this matter was not before the Lords of the Treasury as such, but as a committee of the Privy Council; that the lists are not now before my Lords; that if His Majesty will have anything done in it it must be on the said lists when signed by His Majesty.
Petition from James Folke, &c., churchwardens. Warrant ordered.
A warrant to vacate Mr. Eliot's tally and [for] another one [in place of it] on the next half-year on the Post Fines.
Warrant on the Chimneys for 19,809l. 2s. 7d. to Sir Edward Griffin for paying bills for the years 1661–2–3–4. "But that the book be first signed in every page of it."
Sir Charles Cotterell and Sir Robert Viner called in concerning the money due to said Viner in the Jewel House, which is about 35,000l., and also concerning an assignment for the plate for the Swedish Ambassador's wife. My Lords promise him that he shall be paid and he says he will provide it [the said plate].
Capt. Sullivane, et al, called in and their petition read with the reference and the report to be made to the Privy Council, viz. that petitioners were servants to Lord Willoughby, commissioned by him to raise companies, were taken prisoners at Guadeloupe ("Guarde Loup"), and have given bond for 20l. Quere whether the articles of Peace do not cut off the obligation? My Lords to offer to His Majesty's consideration whether he will take such debts upon him.
Petition from John Vaux. Refer to the Board of Greencloth whether there be no officer who by his office is obliged to sweep the house or whether the King must pay bills for it.
The Earl of Carlisle called in with Sir William Blakeston. Blakeston must petition the Privy Council, this being a matter of grace. The papers to be sent to the Council this afternoon about the money due from Sir Robert Blakeston about the Excise business.
Petition from Mr. Willughby, Excise Farmer of Northamptonshire. Referred to the Excise Commissioners.
Same from the officers and soldiers disbanded at Scilly. Write Sir William Godolphin, the Governor of Scilly, to certify how many of these men are still in Scilly, and what are the debts due from them there.
Write the Green Cloth to send to the Treasury the last establishment of the Household. My Lords will return it to them.
Petition from the officers belonging to the King's weigh-house in London. My Lords have no cognizance of the business of prizes nor had the late Lord Treasurer.
Same from William Smith. That money is all assigned and my Lords meddle not with payments in the Navy.
Same from Mr. Gregory, the messenger. Others will be willing to accept his place.
Same from the artificers that have furnished wares to Windsor Castle. The Auditor to certify how far Mr. Taylour has passed his account, and to attend with Taylour and Dudley Rouse on Thursday.
Same from Tho. Dunkly. To be considered with the bills on the Treasurer of the Chamber.
Petition from Tho. Grant. He must apply to the Commissioners of the Navy. "The Lords Commissioners of the Treasury meddle not with particular payments in the Navy."
Robert Scawen called in about his Cornwall Firehearth account. To attend on Tuesday with the account.
Petition from Mr. King. Write Sir William Doyly to deliver up his bonds.
Same from Dr. Massonet. My Lords can do nothing in it unless His Majesty particularly signify his pleasure.
Same from Widow Hobson. My Lords can do nothing in it.
Same from And. Gallway. They are to bring their privy seals and then be further considered.
Same from Mrs. Caltoff. To be further considered.
Sir C. Harbord, Sir R. Long, Mr. Naper and Mr. Katcher to attend on Monday about the business of the Duchy of Cornwall and the tin affair.
Write Auditor Hill to bring on Monday the account of David Powell, late sheriff of Montgomery, as Receiver of the Eighteen Months' tax. Mr. Killigrew not to have his lease till it appear that no money is due from him to the King.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 200–3.]
June 8.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
The Excise officers [in the office of the Grand Commissioners of Excise in Southampton Buildings] to be paid off and discharged the 23rd instant, and an inventory to be made and given in by that day of all things in the house [office] that belong to His Majesty, "as also who shall pay the rent of the house."
Mr. Ashmole to attend to-morrow to receive directions about the future execution of his office, and that from Midsummer next he perform the business that the Accountant General [of Excise] has hitherto performed.
Alderman Bucknall and Alderman Backwell to attend this afternoon.
Auditor Chislet to attend to-morrow about Mr. Glanvill's tin account.
Send to the Attorney General about the late Act concerning Dean Forest.
[Ibid. p. 203.]
June 8.
Warrant for a privy seal for Pendennis [garrison].
Warrant to the Grand Commissioners of Excise to bring into the Exchequer the Country Excise money: to be paid to Sir Ste. Fox's order. Write the said Commissioners to certify every week in their certificate what moneys are due and in arrear on the Country Excise.
Warrant on the Country Excise for 6,266l. 1s. 0d. to Sir Ste. Fox for Berwick and several other garrisons.
Mr. Hen. Howard, Mr. Hayes and the officers of the Mint called in about the farthing proposal. Their proposition is read, and the Mint officers' answer. Mr. Howard to have a copy of said answer.
Concerning the information from Mr. Wood, undersheriff of Oxford, that the Court of Common Pleas has lately ordered the High Sheriff of Oxford to pay into court Oakes's money, Mr. Laurence is to take the advice of the Attorney General as to what is to be done to secure the money to the King.
Lord Gerard called in with other Captains of the Guard and Col. Russell and Sir Ste. Fox about paying the Guards. They move to be paid off four months in arrear, officers and soldiers, and then both to wait till Michaelmas. Fox consents to this. The Lord General says by this means the soldiers will want weekly subsistence money. "They [Fox, &c.] are to wait on the Lord General to see how they can satisfy him."
Mr. Wadlow called in: brings in a commission for the imposition [on wines] for London and for the country. To be written out fair. He will pay 2,000l. to-morrow, 2,000l. Thursday, and 2,000l. Saturday. Write Mr. Wadlow and his partners to pay this on the Earl of Anglesey's assignments on the new Act. And write the said Earl that the money will be ready as above.
Sir C. Harbord, Mr. Naper and Mr. Courtney called in about the Duchy of Cornwall. Mr. Courtney's proposition read and some remarks to be written on it for observation.
Warrant to Viscount Fanshaw to issue process against such receivers of all taxes (not for disbanding the army and fleet in 1660 and before 1664) as have not accounted.
Col. Birch desired to advise with Sir W. Doyly, Mr. Prynn, and other the gentlemen appointed for disbanding the army and paying off the fleet in 1660, &c., to see if my Lords can give them any assistance out of the Exchequer to collect the first Poll Bill and other taxes to pay off the said army and fleet in that year.
Write Mr. Slingsby for the account of the Dunkirk money.
The Auditors [of the Exchequer Court and of Imprests] are to show in writing on Thursday how the King is not liable to prejudice by reason the Auditors keep not all their offices and papers in some public place.
Write the Earl of Newburgh that some overtures are being made to my Lords about farming the sixpenny writs, and that they are prepared to hear first anything he may offer.
Charnock to speak with Mr. Mead for a list of all those that have had impost bills.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 203–4.]
June 9.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Write Sir C. Harbord and all the Auditors to give an account of all the Coldstreamers and of the allowance to each of them from His Majesty.
Sir R. Long is to set up at the Exchequer door a table of what orders on the Eleven Months' tax are paid off and how much principal money is paid off: and another table stating what Custom House tallies are paying. And in his weekly certificate to the Treasury he is to set down how much of the said tallies are paid off and what tally is last paid and how much of the 200,000l. debt to the present [Customs] farmers is paid off.
Write the Commissioners of the Navy to bring to the Treasury on the first Monday in July what matters are fit to be altered in the Victuallers' contract, "Michaelmas drawing nigh and others having made proposals to my Lords," and His Majesty intending to alter the said contract.
Mr. May and others the officers of the Works called in. They are to attend the Attorney General about Sir Roger Palmer's discovery.
Mr. Boreman and Mr. Gardiner are to forthwith make up the fence at Greenwich under the houses taken down or attend my Lords.
Warrant to Mr. Newport and Col. Reymes to take up money at 10 per cent. for the use of the Wardrobe.
The Earl of Anglesey called in: says he has sent to the pursers to bring in their books by Thursday.
Mr. Perin to attend on Wednesday week.
Articles between the King and the Vintners read, and Mr. Wadlow and Mr. Bostock called in. John Ryve, Henry Guy, Griffith Bodurda and John Man [to be] Commissioners for London and 10 miles round for the Wine Act.
Mr. Ashmole called in. My Lords tell him that by his patent he is to keep all the check and the comptroll [in the office of Excise]: so my Lords expect he keep the whole control and execute that part which was executed by the Accountant General. Says he will do his utmost therein. A warrant to Mr. Ashmole to do this duty. Order to Mr. Dugdale to give Mr. Ashmole liberty to inspect his books and to have what is necessary for him. Ashmole prays he may have the goods now in his office to make use of.
Mr. Glanvile's tin account to be reported to the Privy Council.
Warrant to the Keeper of the King's Bench to arrest Mr. Coates: and to the Warden of the Fleet to release Mr. Hill on bail.
Sir Edw. Griffin called in with his Auditor, Mr. Beale, about his account for the year. Said account is declared.
The letter from the Commissioners for the Aids for co. Lancs. is to be sent to Sir W. Doyly for his opinion.
Write Mr. Newcombe, the King's printer, to send to the Treasury a book of the Acts of Parliament since 19 Charles II.: there being already in the Treasury Office a book of all the Acts from 16 Charles I. to 19 Charles II, the last Act in which book is that for the Eleven Months' tax.
Sir John Shaw called in: moves about a fraud committed by Mr. Turner, the under-searcher of Kent, in undervaluing goods seized by him, viz. lace and silks. Write the Attorney General to advise with the Solicitor General as to some method of avoiding the cheats and abuses committed by virtue of writs of appraisement out of the Exchequer (the goods being ordinarily appraised much under value and His Majesty's moiety thereby much lessened): and whether the King may not have his moiety in kind. Mr. Hanning, searcher of Kent, and his deputy, Mr. Turner, to attend this day week with Mr. Hungerford, Sir John Shaw and Mr. Le Cocq.
Alderman Bucknell and the Excise Farmers to attend to-morrow about the leases to the Farmers of the country Excise.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 205–6.]
June 10.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Comptroller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Peake called in, and the Lord Mayor's letter is read. My Lords will be willing to do what they can for him, but cannot meddle with particular debts of the Navy: but will speak with the Earl of Anglesey.
Warrant for 14 days' pay for such of Sir Francis Vincent's soldiers as are certified by the Mayor of Dover to be living.
The Duke of Albemarle says Lieut. Col. Witter must only have his rents during pleasure.
Write to ask the Lord Keeper what may be reasonable to allow Mr. Seymour for collecting the Sixpenny writs.
Sir John Wintour to have a warrant according to the order of Council for taking off the seizure.
Ordered that it be inserted in the Diurnall [Gazette] by Mr. Williamson that such of the Receivers and Collectors of the Royal and Additional Aids as have not passed their account and paid in what money is in their hands by the 10th prox. shall have process against them for the 12 per cent. interest.
Sir W. Doyly called in: presented a paper of the arrears of Bucks. He informs my Lords that Mr. Vaughan, Receiver for Pembroke, is dead. He is to present someone for it to my Lords.
Petition from the Commissioner [for the Aids] of Norfolk. If the Attorney General find no objection in law he is to facilitate the matter.
Write Mr. Weeden (Wheedon), Receiver of the Aids for Bucks, concerning the 3,272l. 12s. 7d. which he alleges he paid to Sir Rob. Viner, that if he pay not so much thereof into the Exchequer as belongs to the Additional Aid and produce Viner's tally for what thereof belongs to the Royal Aid my Lords will prosecute him for 12 per cent. interest thereon according to the late Act.
Mr. Killigrew called in. My Lords tell him that the 160l. of the King's money must be secured before the lease of Powell's estate pass to him. Otherwise the lease to be made in Mr. Lawrence's name for him and the King.
Alderman Bucknall called in with Mr. Guy on behalf of the Farmers of the Country Excise: says they are not ready to pay their quarter's advance. Prays they may have liberty of paying by assigning their orders on the Eleven Months' tax, for such of them as have any. This cannot be because my Lords have assigned orders on the Excise which are possibly assigned to others, and are to be satisfied. Inquiry to be made whether the old Excise Farmer of Cornwall that has assigned to Keyt has cleared with the Excise Commissioners before the warrant be delivered out. Ordered that when the leases are let to any new farmer the leases shall pass as fast as certificates come in to the effect that the farmers have cleared for what is past and for their advance quarter. It is to be printed [in the Gazette] that the leases will be signed as certificates come in of their having paid their quarter's advance and cleared for what is past. And as to any case where such certificates shall not be brought in by the 19th inst. my Lords will on the 24th inst. consider what is fit to be done for securing His Majesty. Mr. Lawrence is to show one of the Country Farmer's leases to the Excise Commissioners.
Order to the present Commissioners of Excise to notify [in the Gazette] His Majesty's resolution that their office do continue no longer; but that the Excise Office be in Aldersgate Street from the 24th June, and the house [the present Excise Office in Southampton Buildings] be disposed of and the books, papers and prints be inventoried and delivered on the 23rd June to Col. Birch to keep in the Excise Office in Aldersgate Street: the inventory thereof to be signed by the present Commissioners and Col. Birch and deposited in the Treasury. The present Commissioners to sell all old iron and lead brought from the old [Excise] Office [in St. Bartholmew Lane] which was burnt and the cistern new made. The said Commissioners to attend hereon to-morrow. Sir G. Downing to go [to Southampton Buildings] and see what goods at the Excise Office are fit for his office [in the Treasury]. Write Mr. Newport and Col. Reymes to send an inventory of the goods in the present Excise Commissioners' Office in Southampton Buildings and not to stir any till further order.
Lord Wotton called in and his petition read about allowance of defalcations in the Post Office. To be considered on Friday.
The Clerk of the Council to mend the order about Capt. Hemskerke to make it sense and better English, and that the ship to be built by him is to sail with one of the best sailing ships.
Write Sir R. Long to remember to draw no orders for over interest but according to the order of Council, which limited the times for allowing same, viz. for what time 10 per cent. was to be paid and for what time 8 per cent.
Mr. Bucknell called in again. My Lords tell him that they are willing to allow 800l. per an. for the additional charge of the Excise Office, but that they will speak with the King: and also that this is on supposition that they [the Grand Commissioners of Excise] will furnish money to such as have orders on the Excise as [for instance] for the Cofferer. The King to be moved about this agreement at Council and a copy of the [? Excise Office] list is to be sent to the Council.
Sir Dennis Gauden called in: moves for an assignment for 30,000l. for Poll orders in his hands. Order for assignments for same on the Eleven Months' tax if Mr. Meynell consents.
Write Mr. Wadlow concerning his objection to the clause (concerning a comptroller or supervisor of their office [for collecting the duties on wines]), which was shown him last night, and then sent on to the Attorney General, that if he continue his said objection he attend the Privy Council this afternoon. If otherwise, then to signify his acquiescence in the clause.
Warrant to discharge Mr. Fox, he having paid the money on his bond, as appears by his tally.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 206–8.]