Entry Book: May 1671, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Entry Book: May 1671, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp826-841 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: May 1671, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp826-841.

"Entry Book: May 1671, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp826-841.


May 1671, 11-20

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
May 11 Same for 500l. to Baptist May for healing medals Ibid, p. 245.
Same for 100l. to Nathaniel Bradley, Consul at Tripolis Ibid, p. 477.
Same for—to Sir Dennis Gawden, Surveyor of Marine Victuals. Ibid, p. 480.
Money warrant for 222l. 13s. 4d. to Peter Massonet for one year on his pension. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 402.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to deliver to Sir Ste. Fox orders to the amount of 5,189l. 17s. 6d. (being the remainder of 25,500l. directed to be paid him for interest of money borrowed for the Guards and Garrisons by several privy seals of 1668, Nov. 30, and 1669, Dec. 18) and 8,561l. 6s. 1d. (part of 20,000l. directed to him for the like service by privy seal of 1670, Sept. 30), "all which orders were directed by our several warrants to remain with you till order from us: and whereas there appears to be due to the said Sir Ste. Fox the sum of 13,751l. 3s. 7d. by two accounts of interest made by him, one to the 1st of Jan., 1670–1, amounting to 11,324l. 8s. 5d., the other to the 9th of March following amounting to 2,426l. 15s. 2d. being for interest of money advanced and borrowed for the service aforesaid: both which accounts declared by [before] us the 20th of April last we herewith send to you." Ibid, XXIV. p. 105.
May 11 Privy seal for 2,000l. to Henry Bishop for secret service: to be paid out of the remain of the Queen's dower. (Money warrant hereon, dated May 25. Treasury order, dated May 27.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 157; XVIII. p. 411; Order Book XXXVII. p. 112.
Same for 4,300l. to the Duke of Buckingham, Master of the Horse, for providing a stock of coaches for the service of the King and Queen: to be received without accompt, and as over and above the 11,000l. per an. granted by the privy seal of Jan. 13 last. (Money warrant hereon, dated May 26. Treasury order dated? May 26.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 157; XXV. p. 4; Order Book 37, p. 500.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Col. John Pinchback. The grant of the increased rents petitioned for would be inconsistent with your Majesty's commands lately laid upon us of preserving and keeping apart all the moneys which shall arise by the tenants of the Duchy of Cornwall buying off their increased rents. In view of petitioner's merit and sufferings he may be granted 300l. out of the first fines that shall arise for granting any new estates in said Duchy. Ibid, XXXVIII. p. 45.
Same to same from same on the petition of Thomas Price, late Receiver of Aids for co. Hereford. The moneys desired by him already are disposed of and directed to be paid to several creditors of the Navy. For his particular merits petitioner may be considered some other way. Ibid, XXXV. p. 23.
The Treasury Lords to the Hon. Francis Powlett, Edward Strode and William Coward, Commissioners of the Eleven Months' tax in co. Somerset. Thanks for getting in the 600l. due from George Walrond (Wallrond), late one of the head collectors of said assessments in your county (viz. for the hundred of Wells Forum, Glaston Twelve Hides and Whitstone). You are to pay same to John Trethewy, late Receiver General of said assessment there and now Receiver General of the Subsidy there. Ibid, p. 24.
Same to said Trethewy to receive the above and with all speed to return it to the Exchequer, striking a tally thereon in the name of said Walrond so as to discharge him of the super resting on the foot of his accompt. Ibid.
Sir G. Downing to the Commissioners of Excise. On Mr. Arthur Cailey's application and by my Lords' consent, the lease of the Excise of Warwickshire is to be in Mr.Purefoy's name only. Out Letters General II. p. 459.
Same to the Attorney General to attend my Lords on Monday with the book drawn by you concerning the new farm of the Customs. His Majesty will be at the Treasury Chambers at that time. Ibid.
Same to the Grand Commissioners of Excise. My Lords have directed that Capt. Brabant and John Parsons have their lease drawn in their own names for the ensuing three years for the Excise of Durham, Northumberland, Newcastle and Berwick. Ibid, p. 460.
Same to Col. Birch to attend my Lords on Tuesday with the accompts of the Farmers of the London Excise. Ibid.
Same to the Auditors of the revenue to bring to my Lords with all speed the accompts of all the Receivers of the revenue, for my Lords intend to sit every day this week and next. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Sir Henry Wood to pay to Sir Thomas Bond 253l. 4s. 7d. for interest at 6per cent. on the 5,000l. warranted to him by the royal warrant of 1669, Sept. 28. Warrants EarlyXLII. p. 26.
May 12 Fresh Treasury warrant to George Wharton, Treasurer of the Ordnance, to pay 693l. 11s. 10d. to the Earl of Craven (ut supra p. 793 under date 1670–1, Feb. 27) out of other funds, as the funds prescribed in the warrant of Feb. 27 are appointed to other sources of the Ordnance. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 403.
Money warrant dormant for the several fees and wages of 2s. a day to Sir Francis Lake, kt. and bart., as Captain of the Blockhouse of West Tilbury: and 20l. a year and 4d a day to him as Captain of the Blockhouse near Gravesend: as by the letters patent of Jan. 19 last granting same to him as from Sept. 29 last. Ibid, pp. 403–4.
Same for 240l. to the Earl of Marlborough for two years of each of his annuities, viz. of 100 per an. (on which there is 425l due to Xmas last), and of 20l. per an. for creation money (on which there is 70l. due to same date). Ibid, p. 404.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 126l. 10s. 0d. to the seven Auditors of the Receipt (Sir Edm. Sawyer, Sir Joseph Seymour, Sir William Godolphin, John Phelipps, Rich. Aldworth. Anthony Parsons, and Humphry Morice), and 6l. 13s. 4d. to the Auditor of the Staple (Sir William Godolphin) for one year to Michaelmas last for auditing the accounts of the Customs and the Staple respectively. Out Letters Customs II. p. 159.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for 51,010l. 16s. 11¾d. for the Queen Consort. Warrants Early XVa. p. 141.
Treasury warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General to prepare a lease under the Great Seal to Henry Brouncker of the scite of the manor of Gillingham and the several parcels and lands as in the particular thereof. Ibid, XXXVIII. p. 46.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease under the Exchequer seal to Sydney Godolphin, one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber, of all the mines of tin that shall be discovered in the manor of Rialton and Retraigh alias Riterth and the hundred of Petrockshire alias Pidershire alias Hundred of Pyder, co. Cornwall: reserving to the King a tenth of the yearly value thereof. Ibid, p. 47.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises.
Sir G. Downing to Sir John Meynard, Mr. North, and Sir William Ellis. All the Judges having appointed this afternoon to meet at Serjeants Inn to consult about the new impositions upon law proceedings my Lords desire you to assist. The Judges meet at four, but my Lords desire you to be there at three, and Sir Robert Atkins, His Majesty's Receiver General of those duties, will then meet you in the cloisters to advise with you and prepare you in it, and each of you will do well to bring with you a copy of the printed act. Out Letters General II. p. 460.
Same to Sir R. Long and Sir C. Harbord. My Lords are informed that the names of several gentlemen of Westminster who were very fit to be in the list of Commissioners for the Subsidy were left out. You are to consider hereof and say what names you think fit to be added. Ibid, p. 461.
Same to Mr. Lawrence. Attend me at my house to-morrow about the business of Sir Samuel Starling and the Grand Commissioners of Excise. Charnock will be there with the papers relating thereto. Ibid.
May 12 Sir G. Downing to Sir Tho. Orby. My Lords have received a certificate from the Trustees for managing the late Queen Mother's jointure about money owing by you to the King as testee of the manor of Crowland. You are to attend my Lords hereon on Wednesday next. Out Letters General II. p. 461.
Same to Sir C. Harbord, Sir R. Long and Mr. Sherwyn to attend my Lords to-morrow about Sir Ste. Fox's interest accompt. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long and Sir C. Harbord, to consider with Mr. Hall, one of the Attorneys in the Exchequer, what security Sir Robert Atkins ought to give to the King as Receiver of the revenus arising by law proceedings. Ibid.
Same to the Grand Commissioners of Excise to put the names of Sir Philip Howard, Mr. George Dashwood and Capt. Richard Gwynn into the three years' lease of the Excise of South Wales. Ibid. p. 462.
Same to Sir Ste. Fox to attend my Lords to-morrow about your accounts, also about your [14,000l.] loan: Alderman Backwell being dissatisfied that you are put before him [on the register on the Subsidy]. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Lawrence to inquire what Mr. Mellish owes to the King as Receiver of the Tenths for the Diocese of Lincoln, and what to the Queen Mother, the bishop of Lincoln having applied to my Lords to have said Mellish's estate made liable for his debt of the Tenths. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long and Sir C. Harbord to consider the enclosed draft of a lease of the Country Excise. Ibid.
May 13 Same to Sir R. Long. Some time since you returned a certificate of what money was before Lord Gerard's money on the Eleven Months' tax yet unpaid. My Lords desire another certificate how that business stands now. My Lords have this day heard Sir Ste. Fox and Alderman Backwell and have directed that Fox's 14,000l. be placed on the first quarter of the Subsidy next before Alderman Backwell's 50,000l. Ibid, pp. 462–3.
Four Treasury orders for, in all, 50,000l. to Edward Backwell [in repayment of loan]. Order Book XXXVII. p. 478.
Four same for, in all, 50,000l. to Edward Backwell in repayment of loan (possibly duplicate of the above). Ibid, p. 111.
[?] Letter of direction on a Treasury order [or ? the unpaid balance thereof] of 1668, Oct. 2, for 370l. 10s. 0d. to Edward Backwell. Ibid, p. 478.
May 13 Treasury order for 156l.1s. 3d. to Sir Robert Viner as reward for loan. Ibid, p. 29.
Same for 1,750l. to Rob. Cozens Ibid, p. 203.
[?] Treasury order for 35l. for the officers of the Exchequer, Mr. Falconberge, Mr. Low, Mr. Brayne, Mr. Taylor. Ibid.
May 15 Privy seal for 300l. to Ferdinando Littleton as royal bounty. (Money warrant hereon, dated May 23. Treasury order, dated May 26.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 154; XXII. p. 14; Order Book XXXVII. p. 379.
Money warrant for 36,000l. to Sir T. Osborne and Sir T. Littleton, Treasurers of the Navy, for the service of the Navy. (Twentyseven orders hereon, dated May 20, for, in all, 36,000l.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 113; Order Book XXXVII. pp. 118–9.
May 15 Report to the King from [the Treasury Lords and] the Lords of Ireland of Committee with them on an order of reference of April 4 last on the petition of Cormack Ryan, &c., ut infra, p. 834. [It is permissible to infer from the double entry of this report and from the discrepancy of the date of the two entries and from the absence in both of the signatures of the Treasury Lords (who in the matter of these petitions for remission of quit rents in Ireland were joined in one Committee with certain of the Lords of the Council of Ireland) that the matter was disputed, and that the Treasury Lords finally disagreed with the Lords of Ireland herein. The inference is, however, rendered uncertain by the fact that during 1671 the Treasury records are not so well kept as during the earlier years of Downing's Secretaryship.] Out Letters Ireland I. pp. 43–4.
May 16 Money warrant (crossed through) for 1,000l. to Lady Fisher (Dame Jane Lane now wife of Sir Clement Fisher) for one year of her annuity or pension. Same (also crossed through) for 750l. to her more. (Treasury order for 1,750l. on these two money warrants accordingly dated ? before June 6, registered on the law duty.) Warrants Early XVIII. p. 405; Order Book XXXVII. p. 496.
Same for 173l. to Thomas Loup, one of the engineers attending the Ordnance, being for one year on his fee of 100l: per an. payable at the Exchequer (whereon 600l. is due to Sept. 29 last), and on his fee of 4s. a day (whereon 466l. is due for six years and 140 days to Sept. 29 last). Warrants Early XVIII. p. 405.
Sir G. Downing to the Grand Commissioners of Excise to consider the petition of Mr. Knollys and to speak with Sir John Talbot and the other gentlemen who made the agreement with the King for the Country Excise farm. Out Letters General II. p. 463.
Same to Alderman Backwell to attend my Lords to-morrow at eight in the morning. Ibid.
Same to the present Farmers of the Customs to attend my Lords on Monday next about the arrears of rent of their farm. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Sherwyn and Mr. Webb. If Mr. Seykes do not give you good security for his being Receiver of the Subsidy for co. Derby you are to take the security of Mr. Browne as Receiver thereof. Ibid.
Same to same. The following are to be continued as Receivers of Hearthmoney for the counties named, and to have liberty to go into the country to prosecute their receipts of that money, viz.:—
Mr. Booth as Receiver thereof for co. Chester.
Mr. Hollingshead as Receiver thereof for Lancs.
Mr. Ridley as Receiver thereof for Shropshire and Stafford.
Ibid. p. 464.
Same to Mr. Lawrence to attend Lord Ashley to-morrow about the old arrears of Excise. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord, Mr. Sherwyn, Col. Birch, Auditor Aldworth to consider of the whole state of Mr. Wadlow's accompt. Ibid.
Same to the officers of the Works to attend my Lords to-morrow with an accompt how the 2,000l. for repairs in New Park has been disbursed. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long to satisfy my Lords how it comes about that Mr. Trussell's tally struck on the late Farmers of the Customs is not paid. Ibid.
May 16 Sir G. Downing to the Attorney General. As you could not attend to-day about the draft of the articles of the new Customs farm my Lords have put it off till to-morrow after [the meeting of the Privy] Council [is over]. Out Letters General II. p. 465.
May 17 Treasury order for 700l. to George Arnold [in repayment of loan]. Order Book XXXVII. p. 479.
[?] Same for 439l. 5s. 0d. to Mr. Dodington, Resident at Venice Ibid.
May 17 Letter of direction on Treasury orders of 1670, Nov. 26, to Edward Backwell, viz. for the sums of 797l. 8s. 4d. and 100l. and 927l. 4s. 4d. remaining unpaid thereon [or ? the latter two items may be new orders]. Ibid, p. 478.
Treasury order for 22,000l. and 250l. to the Cofferer of the Royal Household. Ibid, p. 261.
Same for 450l. to Robert Hitchins, gent., in repayment of loan. Ibid, p. 118.
Money warrant for 196l. 13s. 4d. to Thomas Browne for his services as formerly solicitor for quickening the payment of the late monthly assessments in Berks, Oxford, Huntingdon and Bucks, with the yearly salary of 280l., which has been paid him to 1668, Xmas. whereas he has been since employed in the said service and other service. (Treasury order hereon, dated May 20, "delivered to Thomas Browne," May 22.) Warrants Early XVIII. p. 406; Order Book XXXVII. p. 111.
Sir G. Downing to Alderman Backwell. As you did not attend this morning my Lords desire you to attend them this evening at six. Out Letters General II. p. 465.
Same to Sir Robt Carr. My Lords have been acquainted with yours of the 15th. Certainly no persons can be compelled to be head collectors but the Receivers General may appoint whom they please, being answerable for them: and the salary allowed by the Act to the head collectors is to be at the disposal of the Receivers General: as for the allowance for solicitation that which shall be given is to be equally divided amongst the three Receivers in Lincolnshire. Ibid.
Same to Sir John Norton and Mr. Legg to attend my Lords on Tuesday for the hearing of their pretences in the forests of East and West Bere. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Chamberlain, Farmer of the Excise of co. Gloucester, to attend my Lords on Friday on a petition of Mr. Seymour, wherein he claims a consideration for his joint tenancy with you in your Excise farm. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Prettyman to attend my Lords on Tuesday with an accompt what moneys you have paid upon your bonds, what remains unpaid and when you intend to make payment. Ibid, p. 466.
Same to Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord, Mr. Sherwyn and Auditor Beale to attend my Lords on Tuesday with their advice how the Tenths on the clergy may be better collected and paid. Ibid.
May 18 Money warrant for 500l. to the Earl of Sandwich, Master of the Great Wardrobe [for the service of the Wardrobe], for the present year. (Treasury order hereon, dated May 20.) Out Letters Customs II. p. 160; Order Book XXXVII. p. 29.
May 18 Money warrant for 150l. each to Lady Frazier, Madame Thornhill, Madame Clinton, Lady Killegrew, as Her Majesty's dressers, for half a year each to Lady Day last. Out Letters Customs II. p. 161.
Same for 90l. to Sidney Godolphin for three quarters to Lady Day last on his annuity or pension of 120l. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 407
The Treasury Lords to Alderman Backwell to furnish Prince Rupert with 500l. as royal bounty: His Majesty having granted a warrant for a privy seal which is not yet passed. "When the privy seal is passed we shall direct a warrant for payment thereof." Ibid. p. 408.
Letter of direction upon a Treasury order of 1668, Sept. 12. for 20,000l. to Col. William Legg. Ibid, XXIV. p. 106.
Money warrant dormant for the annuity of 300l. to Sir Saml. Morland as by the letters patent of April 27 last granting same in consideration of his services in the Mechanic Arts. Ibid, XXII. pp. 13–14.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for 1,500l. per an. for three years to Mr. John Lyndesey and Mr. John Baker as royal bounty: the present Farmers of Excise for London, Midd., and Surrey having advanced a pretence of pre-emption of the new additional Excise for said places by virtue of a covenant in their present grant, "which being duly examined we found ourselfe not oblyged thereby: and whereas John Lyndesey and John Baker, Esqr., were very serviceable in discovering unto us the true value of the said additional duty, and did also make unto us a proposition for a considerable advance of rent for the same; which although we did not then think fit to accept of. to prevent any disturbance that might happen to our said revenues being in several hands, yet by reason of the said proposition we were enabled to set a price upon the said additional duty and by means thereof … have obtained a considerable advance for the same in proportion to the real worth thereof, which we look upon to be a very good and acceptable service." (Privy seal hereon, dated May 20. Money warrant dormant, dated May 24.) Ibid, XVa. pp. 142, 150–1; XXV. p. 3; Order Book XXXVII. p. 500.
Same for same for 1,000l. to John Coppleston as royal bounty for services in advancing the additional revenue of Excise upon the farming thereof. (Privy seal hereon, dated May 22. Money warrant, dated May 24. Treasury order dated May 25.) Ibid, XVa. pp. 142, 150; XXV. p. 3; Order Book XXXVII. p. 500.
Royal sign manual for 120l. to Capt. John Berry as royal bounty for his faithful services. (Money warrant, dated May 23. Treasury order, dated June 2.) Ibid, XVa. p. 160; XVIII. p. 412; Order Book XXXVII. p. 112.
Royal warrant under the sign manual to the Treasury Lords. By the privy seal of the 4th inst. we authorised the Commissioners and Governors of Excise to let same to farm for three years at terms to be agreed to by you. "We ourselfe have contracted with Sir John Talbot, Sir Thomas Peniston, Sir William Bucknall, kts., and Randolph Egerton, Esqr., in the name and on the behalf of the present Farmers of our duty of Excise for our present and Additional duties of Excise for three years from the 24th June next under the yearly rent of 281,700l." The said Talbot, Peniston, Bucknall, and Egerton have presented and proportioned the said sums to the respective counties and farms and to the respective farmers therein mentioned. You are therefore to order the Excise Commissioners to grant leases to the [said] respective farmers and at the respective rents set down and expressed in the said list. Warrants EarlyXXV. pp. 1–2.
Appending:—Said list as follows.
Counties. Excise Farmers' Names. Rent upon the old Excise per an. Rent upon the Additional Excise. Total.
£ s. d. £ s. d. £
Berkshire John Peacock and Tho. Rowney, Esq. 4,400 0 0 800 0 0 5,200
Bedfordshire Francis Crawley, Esq. 2,652 10 0 467 10 0 3,120
Essex, Kent, Norfolk, Suffolk, Bucks and imported spirits. Sir William Bucknall and partners 60,835 0 0 12,195 0 0 73,030
Bristol and Gloucester Edmond Chamberlaine, Esq. 11,800 0 0 2,200 0 0 14,000
Cambridge John Milligent, Esq. 6,637 10 0 1,207 10 0 7,845
Chester Thomas Needham, Esq. 4,025 0 0 775 0 0 4,800
Cornwall John Heron, Esq. 3,637 10 0 662 10 0 4,300
Cumberland and Westmorland. William Christian and Geo. Williamson. 2,837 10 0 562 10 0 3,400
Derby Edw. Vernon, Esq. 4,325 0 0 750 0 0 5,075
Devon Sir James Smyth 11,500 0 0 2,875 0 0 14,375
Durham, Newcastle. Northumberland and Berwick. Sir Gilb. Gerard and Hen. Brabant 6,462 10 0 1,292 10 0 7,755
Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Wiltshire, and Dorset. Peter Calverd Esq. 9,950 0 0 2,450 0 0 12,400
Hertfordshire Edwd. Watts and John Gape, Esq. 7,475 0 0 1,325 0 0 8,800
Huntingdon Lionell Walden 1,637 10 0 362 10 0 2,000
Hereford Edwd. Cornwall, Esq. 2,032 10 0 467 10 0 2,500
Lincolnshire Thomas Willoughby, Esq. 9,300 0 0 1,900 0 0 11,200
Lancaster Peirs Leigh, William Banck, Henry Houghton. 6,662 10 0 1,237 10 0 7,900
Leicester and Rutland John Anderne and John Ramsey 4,800 0 0 1,000 0 0 5,800
Northampton John Willoughby and Peter Calverd 4,287 10 0 912 10 0 5,200
Nottingham Anthony Eyres and Wm. Stanhop 3,875 0 0 825 0 0 4,700
Oxfordshire Sir Thomas Penyston and Thomas Peniston, Esq. 6,425 0 0 1,175 0 0 8,500
Salop Fra. Newport and Rich. Seriven 3,725 0 0 775 0 0 4,500
Somerset Rob. Phelips and Geo. Skipp, Esq. 7,150 0 0 1,350 0 0 8,500
Stafford Randolph Egerton, Esq. 3,700 0 0 800 0 0 4,500
Warwick Sir Arthur Caily and Wm. Purefoy 4,150 0 0 850 0 0 5,000
Worcester Sir John Talbot and Martin Sandys 3,875 0 0 825 0 0 4,700
South Wales Sir Phil Howard, Rich. Gwyn and Geo. Dashwood, Esq. 5,225 0 0 975 0 0 6,200
North Wales Roger Whitly, Esq. 2,550 0 0 550 0 0 3,100
Yorkshire and Sussex Ralph Bucknall, Esq. 25,805 0 0 8,395 0 0 34,200
£231,737 10 0 £49,962 10 0 £281,700
Together with:—Treasury warrant to the Grand Commissioners of Excise to grant leases to persons and at rates as above.
May 18 The Treasury Lords to the Sheriff of [co.] Chester. On the application of the city of Chester touching the 1,178l. 9s. 11d. arrear of the Aids charged on said city by Nathaniel Booth, Receiver, we heard the differences between the county and city, and thereupon wrote on April 26, 1670, for assessing 397l. 9s. 11d. of said arrear on the county. The money has been paid except 40l. 18s. 9d. now returned in super by the Receiver General on the several persons mentioned in the enclosed list [wanting]. You are to summon these persons by your bailiff to pay, or process will issue. Warrants Early XXXV. p. 25.
May 18 or 15 Report to the King from the Lords of Ireland [and the Treasury Lords] on the petition of Mr. Cormack Ryan (as by the order of reference of April 14 last) setting forth that upon certificate from the Earl of Donegall and Viscount Moore concerning his behaviour in the late war your Majesty by letter of date 1661-2, Mar. 4, declared petitioner an innocent and that he should be restored to his former estate, notwithstanding which and the special recommendation and petition of the late Duchess of Orleans on his behalf he could not partake the benefit of said letter, but in regard that in the usurper's time some small parcels of land of transplanted interest were assigned him in the county of Clare he was not allowed to prove his innocence in the late Court of Claims at Dublin and his estate is decreed to others: and therefore praying, till he can be restored, a grant of the new quit rent on said estate amounting to 48l. 1s. 9d. per an. and confirmation of his transplanted interest to him and his heirs free from all quit rent. In view of petitioner's hard case and great merits we recommend him as a very just object of grace. Out Letters Ireland I. pp. 43–4, 91–2.
May 18 Sir G. Downing to the Grand Commissioners of Excise not to deliver out the Excise lease for co. Oxford until Sir Thomas Peniston and Mr. Knollys shall be heard by my Lords. Out Letters General II. p 466
Same to same. In your future certificates about the securities of the Farmers of Excise you are to insert in the bottom some few words of their sufficiency and validity. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Meynell to attend my Lords to-morrow morning. Ibid.
Same to —. My Lords are informed by Mr. Tho. Mun, one of the sureties of Mr. Herlackenden, late Receiver of Aids for Kent that you refuse to obey a certain writ of supersedeas made on my Lords' order against detaining his goods and chattels. You are to attend my Lords hereon on Monday. Ibid, p. 467.
Same to John Lawrence and Francis Hodges to attend him tomorrow at 7 in the morning. Ibid.
May 19 Treasury warrant for 12l. to Constance Walsall as reward [for loan].
For 14l. 8s. 0d. to Ric. Phillipps as reward for procuring loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 221.
Money warrant for 799l. to Francis Parry, His Majesty's agent in Portugal, viz., 518l. for his diet and entertainment at 20s. a day commencing from 1669, June 1 (as by the privy seal of Oct. 31 last) to said Oct. 31 last: and 181l. for same from Oct. 31 last to the 1st inst., and 100l. for his accommodation and settlement in that place. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 409.
May 19 Royal warrant for a privy seal for 50,000l. to Sir Edward Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, as imprest for wages and other expenses of the Household. (Privy seal hereon, dated May 26.) Warrants Early XVa. pp. 145, 158.
Same for same for 540l. and 80 tons of timber to Mr. Edward Wright for repair of lodges in New Forest: same being estimated as necessary for said repairs at Rinfield Lodge and at Hursthill Lodge and Queen Mead, in the bailiwick of Battramsley, in said forest, and at Wilverley Lodge in said bailiwick: as appears by the certificate of Bernard Knapton, deputy woodward of New Forest, and of William Burrard, James Barrow and William Moone, regarders of said forest. (Privy seal, dated May 26) Ibid, pp. 145, 167–8.
Same for same for 200,000l for the Treasurers of the Navy. (Privy seal hereon, dated May 26.) Ibid, pp. 146, 176–7.
Privy seal for 500l. to Prince Rupert in satisfaction of the like sum by him expended for the King's service. Ibid, pp. 192–3.
Treasury warrant to Sir C. Harbord for a particular of 40 acres of land lying within the manor of East Dereham, co. Norfolk, of which Mary Palmer prays a new lease on surrender at the old rent of 8s. per an., said land being only worth 10l. per an. beyond said rent, and the charges of making and preserving the fences and mounds on all sides, the most part thereof lying against the Common out of which it was heretofore taken. Ibid, XXXVIII. p. 55.
Same to Sir John Norton, High Woodward of New Forest, out of offal wood felled in New Forest, Alice Holt and East and West Bere, co. Southampton, to pay 1,750l. to Philip Packer for finishing the repairs of Lindhurst and rebuilding the stables. Ibid, p. 56.
The Treasury Lords to Sir Rich Ford, Lord Mayor of London. Mr. Falconer, of London, merchant, by his petition to the King represents that the whole manufacture of Scotch salt in the kingdom of Scotland is by order bought for His Majesty's use and that the persons thereto appointed have sent the petitioner three ships laden and consigned to him with Scotch salt, and that he has made entry thereof in usual manner, but that your Lordship doth pretend to recover an unusal duty called granage of one weigh in 20, due only from aliens and foreigners, which since the memory of man hath not been demanded by [sic for of] any of His Majesty's subjects of Scotland, and therefore prays that seeing said salt is imported in ships belonging to Scotland and for His Majesty's accompt said restraint may be suspended and said ships permitted to unlade, "which petition being yesterday read to His Majesty in the Treasury Chamber he was pleased to declare his pleasure to be that the said restraint should be taken off" and that petitioner should be at liberty to unlade without paying said duty until it should appear to be due. You are therefore desired to permit hereof on security to answer said duty if found to be due. Out Letters Customs I. pp. 235–6.
Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long forwarding a copy of the project for this year's expense. All the warrants for the first and second quarters of the subsidies are signed by my Lords. Out Letters General II. p. 467.
Same to Monsieur le Hunt, Treasurer of Grays Inn, to attend my Lords on Monday to shew cause why you refuse to pay to the Receiver of Middlesex the 6l. 13s. 4d. due from you to the King. Ibid.
May 19, June 2, 5, 6, 7, 8,
12, 30
Treasury approval of the sureties, entered in detail in every case, of the following Farmers or proposers for the farm of the counties respectively as follows: (each separate entry consisting of (1) the Farmers' petition containing the names of his proposed sureties; (2) the Excise Commissioners' report on the sufficiency of said sureties; (3) the Treasury Lords' approval of the security), viz.:— Warrants EarlyXXV. (reverse) pp. 1–8, 10–13, 16–17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 27.
Sir James Smith, Farmer of the Excise of Devon, for three years from June 24 next, at 14,375l. rent.
Edward Cornwall, of Moccas, co. Hereford, for the like farm of Excise of Hereford, at 2,500l. per an.
Henry Brabant and John Parsons for the like farm of Excise of Durham, Northumberland, Newcastle and Berwick, at 7,755l. per an.
Sir Tho. Penyston, Kt., and Thomas Penyston, for the like farm of Excise at Oxford, at 7 600l. per an.
Edmd. Chamberlayne for the like farm of Excise of Bristol and co. Gloucester, at 14,000l. per an.
Sir Arthur Cayley, Kt, and William Purefoy for the like farm of Excise of co. Warwick, at 5,000l. per an.
John Peacock and Tho. Rowney for the like farm of Excise of Berks, at 5,200l. per an.
Sir William Bucknall, Kt., Dannet Forth, William Dashwood, Philip Jemmet and Jo. Breedon for the like farm of Excise of Essex, Kent, Suffolk, Norfolk and Bucks, and of all imported liquors in the outports, at 73,030l. per an.
John Willoughby and Peter Calverd for the like farm of the Excise of co. Northampton, at 5,200l. per an.
Roger Whitley for the like farm of Excise of North Wales. at 3,100l. per an.
Randolph Egerton for the like farm of Excise of co. Stafford, at 4,500l. per an.
Peter Calverd for the like farm of Excise of Wilts, Dorset, Southampton and Isle of Wight, at 12,400l. per an.
John Parsons for the like farm of Excise of Cumberland and Westmorland, at 3,400l. per an.
Peircy Leigh. Henry Haughton, and William Bancks for the like farm of the Excise of Lancs. at 7,900l. per an.
Lionell Walden for the like farm of the Excise of co. Huntingdon, at 2,000l. per an.
Edward Vernon for the like farm of the Excise of co. Derby at 5,075l. per an.
Sir Philip Howard. Kt., and George Dashwood for the like farm of the Excise of South Wales, at 6,200l. per an.
Thomas Needham for the like farm of the Excise of co. Chester, at 4,800l. per an.
Edward Watts and John Gape for the like farm of the Excise of co. Hertford, at 8,800l. per an.
John Millicent for the like farm of the Excise of Cambridge and E.y, at 7 845l. per an.
John Forth for the like farm of Excise of Somerset, at 8,500l. per an. rent.
Francis Crawley for the like farm of the Excise of co. Beds., at 3,120l. per an. rent.
Richard Scriven and Francis Newport for the like farm of co. Salop, at 4,500l. per an. rent.
Sir John Talbot and Martin Sandys for the like farm of co. Worcester. at 4,700l. per an. rent.
Ra. Bucknall for the like farm of cos. York and Sussex, at 34 200l. per an. rent.
Tho. Willoughby for the like farm of the Excise of Lincoln, at 11,200l. per an. rent.
John Heron for the like farm of the Excise of Cornwall, at 4,300l. per an. rent.
Anthony Eyres and William Stanhope for the like farm of the Excise of co. Notts, at 3,700l. per an. rent.
May 20 Thirty-seven Treasury orders of varying amounts for, in all, 38,061l. to the Treasurers of the Navy. Order Book XXXVII. pp. 479–80.
Eleven same, erased, for, in all, 3,528l. 18s. 6d. to Sir Denis Gawden. Ibid, p. 479.
Six same for 66,093l. 2s. 10d. to Edward Backwell in repayment of loan. Ibid, p. 480.
[?] Two same for 3,000l. each to the Earl of Sandwich Ibid, pp. 478, 480.
[?] Two same for 3,800l. and 3,000l. to Sir Edw. Griffin, Treasurer of His Majesty's Household [sic for Chamber]. Ibid, p. 478.
May 20 Treasury order for 60l. to George Sayer, Page of Honour to the Queen. Ibid, p. 112.
Letter of direction on a Treasury order of 1668, July 7 for 100l. to the Cofferer for the Equerries. Ibid.
Money warrant for 115l. 0s. 0d. to John Chase, Apothecary to His Majesty's person, for one year on his salary. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 409.
Letter of direction upon a Treasury order of 1670, Dec. 21, for 800l. to Thomas Killegrew. Out Letters Customs II. p. 160.
Same as to 75l. remaining unpaid on a money warrant of date — for 150l. to Lady Clinton. The like direction on the like warrant for the Lady Killegrew. Ibid, p. 161.
Money warrant for 225l. to Madame de Bordes d'Assigny for three quarters to Lady Day last on her annuity of 300l. from Midsummer last as one of Her Majesty's dressers. Ibid pp. 161–2
Privy seal for the forthcoming sums, as follows, to be paid to Col. John Pinchbeck as royal bounty for good and faithful services. viz., 300l. out of the first fines that shall arise for any new grants of estate in the Duchy of Cornwall, and also the fines which shall arise for renewing estates in the farm of the demesnes of Stratton super Fosse, co. Somerset, now in lease to Frances Long, widow, and George Long, her son, and the renewal fines of a small copyhold tenement in the manor of Portlooe in the possession of Frances Lobb, likewise part of said Duchy. (Treasury warrant hereon, dated July 7, to [Robert] Napper, Receiver of the revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 169; XXII. pp. 124–5.
Privy seal for 1,000l. to Richard Utting without accompt for His Majesty's secret service: to be paid out of the remain of the Queen's dower. (Money warrant hereon, dated May 26). Ibid, XVa. p. 158; XVIII. p. 411.
The Treasury Lords to Mrs. Horne, executrix to—Horne, late woodward of New Forest. to pay the 35l. remaining in her late husband's lands of the sale of offal wood (from the 1,000 trees cut down for building a ship at Portsmouth), to Sir Robert Holmes, Governor of the Isle of Wight, for the repair of His Majesty's castles in said island. Ibid, XXXVIII. p. 57.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords and the Lords of Ireland on the petition of Randall Baron of Slane (as by order of reference of date, 1670, Nov. 16, for discharge of the new quit rent of 226l. 18s. 9d. on his estate; he having been declared innocent and restored to his said estate by the Court of Claims. Advise the remission thereof. Out Letters Ireland I. p. 69.
Same to same from same on the like petition of Capt. Teige Mac Mahon (as by order of reference of Mar. 3 last) for remission of the new quit rent of 48l. 17s. 0d. per an. on his estate. Advise ut supra. Ibid, pp. 69–70.
May 20 Report to the King from the Treasury Lords and the Lords of Ireland on the petition from Sir Patrick Barnwell, bart. (as by order of reference of date Mar. 18 last) for a grant of the quit rents on the lands which were come to him as the property of his father, Sir Richard Barnwell, until he be restored to his estate; his case being postponed hearing by the late Court of Claims in Ireland beyond the time limited by the Act of Settlement upon a pretence of his interest in some lands in Connaught by title of transplantation whereas such estate was only in remainder after his father's death and could not be affected by any acceptance of lands there by his father, whose estate therein was but as tenant for life, and such lands were afterwards evicted from his said father and restored to the ancient proprietors. Consider petitioner a fit object of compassion as his father, Sir Richard Barnwell, was one of the 36 meriting persons especially provided for in your Majesty's declaration for the settlement of Ireland. Out Letters Ireland I. p. 72.
Same to same from same on the petition of the Rt. Hon. James Lord Audley, Earl of Castlehaven (as by the order of reference of April 26 last), praying a remission of the new quit rent of 22l. 9s. 5¾d. on his estate as same is in a remote and mountainous country and of no profit to him. Advise said remission. Ibid, p. 73.
Same to same from same on the petition of Sir William Talbott (as by the order of reference of April 26 last) for a grant of the quit rents on his former estate to which he is not yet restored; his father. Sir Robert Talbott, although particularly provided for in the Act of Settlement, having received no benefit thereby and thereupon your Majesty having declared that he should have a proviso in the Explanatory Act for restitution to his former estate "but that your Majesty thought fitt afterwards to decline such proviso uppon suggestion that the said Sir Robert Talbott, as a nominee, would be restored without it and that the [16]49 officers would decline their pretensions to the rest of his estate lying within their security,' neither of which things have yet been done. Consider petitioner is a fit object of your Majesty's compassion. Ibid, p. 74.
Same to same from same on the petition of Sir Edmond Sutton (as by the order of reference of March 22 last) for remission of a new quit rent of 13l. per an. on his estate in Scullogestown, co. Kildare, same having been previously held free from any Crown rent. Advise remission of same. Ibid.
Same to same from same on the petition of Sir Robert Harpole, of Shrule, Queen's County (as by the order of reference of January 18 last), for remission of the new quit rent of 218l. 16s. 3d. per an., his father and grandfather being slain in the late King's service, and he, being an infant, was sequestered; and a great part of his said estate being mountainous and boggy and yielding no profit and his estate being encumbered. Advise remission of said quit rent. Ibid, p. 75
Same to same from same on the petition of John Fleming (as by the order of reference of 1670, July 13) praying a remission of the new quit rents on behalf of himself and James Fleming, his father, who is as yet restored to only part, and that the worst, of his estate in spite of a particular clause in the late Act of Explanation, the [new] quit rent whereof amounts to 99l. 14s. 0d., the old quit rent being 26l. 7s. 6d. Advise remission of said quit rent. Ibid.
May 20 Report to the King from the Treasury Lords and the Lords of Ireland on the petition of Sir George Rawden. Bart., and William Brett, gent., on behalf of the present Duke of Albemarle and others (as by the order of reference of Feb. 8 last) setting forth that they have prosecuted His Majesty's writ of quo warranto in Ireland for recovery of certain houses and lands in the town of Athby [Athboy] unjustly detained from them by the burgesses and freemen of the town, and by reason of a stop made to the proceedings in law they are not able to recover their rights to the premises. Advise a letter to the Lord Lieutenant to cause said stop to be removed and that the Attorney General there suffer said quo warranto to proceed. Out Letters Ireland I. p. 76.
Same to same from same on the petition of the Rt. Hon. Anne, Marchioness Dowager of Clanricarde (as by order of reference of Jan. 20 last), setting forth that notwithstanding the proviso in the late Act of Settlement concerning her jointure estate yet her tenants are disturbed and her lands distrained upon demand of quit rent and year's value. Advise remission of said quit rent as the present Earl's estate is free from it. Ibid.
Same to same from same on the petition of Robert Boyle, Esq. (as by order of reference of Dec 29 last), setting forth that by a clause in the Act of Settlement he was to have a trust for 31 years in all the impropriations, impropriate tithes, and rectories belonging to the respective abbeys and late dissolved monastery, detailed, in the counties of Mayo and Galway under the double Crown rent reserved thereon in 1641, yet that he could not obtain possession thereof until about May, 1669, and therefore praying that the Crown rent thereof for said interim period may be put upon the possessor thereof. Find the request reasonable. Ibid, p. 77.
Same to same from same on the petition of Robert Mead (as by the order of reference thereupon, dated Nov. 2 last), praying remission of the new quit rent of 30l. 9s. 6d. per an. on his estate. Having considered Prince Rupert's certificate in his behalf we advise remission of same. Ibid.
Sir G. Downing to the Attorney General to certify my Lords on Monday at what times the Farmers of the Customs are to be repaid their advance money. Out Letters General II. p. 468.
Same to Mr. Meynell to attend him on Monday Ibid.
Same to Sir Tho. Player to attend my Lords on Tuesday about the arrears of the assessments in the city of London. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Sherwyn and Col. Webb. My Lords have advised that Mr. Crawley have liberty to pursue his receipt of the Hearthmoney for Herts and Essex. Ibid
Same to Lord St. John and the rest of the new Farmers of the Customs. My Lords have written to the persons who have any warrants upon the advance of your rent to meet you at the Excise Office on Tuesday next about adjusting the matter of your paying in the remainder of your advance money. Ibid
Same to Sir Tho. Osborn, Sir Tho. Litleton. Sir Ste. Fox, Sir Denys Gawden, Mr. Newport, Mr. Reymes, Alderman Backwell, the Cofferer of the Household, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Bridgeman for the Privy Purse, Mr. Pepys, Capt. Wharton, Mr. Packer, Sir Jno. Trevor, and Mr. Greenvile for the Duke of Buckingham to attend at the Excise office on Tuesday [altered to Wednesday] next to meet the new Farmers of the Customs as above to hear what shall be offered by them about the times of paying in the moneys remaining due upon your respective warrants on their advance money on their farm and to endeavour to adjust that matter with them. Ibid, p. 469.
May 20 Sir G. Downing to the late Farmers of the Hearthmoney to attend my Lords on Tuesday next about the defalcations desired by Mr. Morice, late sub-farmer of [Hearthmoney for] Essex. Out Letters General II. p. 468.
Same to Sir C. Harbord. His Majesty having declared his intention that the lands formerly in jointure to the late Queen Mother should be granted to the Queen Consort as further part of her jointure, you are to send to the several Auditors, if necessary, for the particulars thereof and attend my Lords with same with all speed. Ibid, p. 469.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the order of Council of April 26 last, directing the Treasury Lords to consider how the salary of 80l. per an. may be paid to the schoolmaster of the free Grammar School now erecting by His Majesty within the city of Dublin. Same may be paid by warrant of concordatum to be signed by the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland: to commence from Aug. 1 next and to continue till the vacancy and grant of one of the dignities or sinecures mentioned in His Majesty's letter to the said Lord Lieutenant. Out Letters Ireland I. pp. 64–6.
Appending:—(a) Copy of said order of Council of April 26, made at the Court at Whitehall; there being present the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Keeper, Duke of Buckingham, Duke of Ormonde, Earl of Ossory, Earl of Sandwich, Earl of St. Albans, Earl of Anglesey, Earl of Craven, Earl of Lauderdale, Earl of Orrery, Lord Newport, Lord Holles, Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Secretary Trevor, Sir John Duncombe, and the Master of the Ordnance.
"Upon reading of a letter from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, of the 24th of March last, directed to the Lord Arlington, and also the draft of a letter concerning the setting up a free school in the city of Dublin, of which draught or proposal His Majesty in Council having this day approved was graciously pleased to order that the Rt. Hon. the Lord Arlington should prepare a letter for the royal signature requiring the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to cause letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of that kingdom for erecting of a free school in Dublin accordingly. But in regard His Majesty is to be at the charge of maintaining a schoolmaster for a time it is also ordered that the said letters be herewith sent to the Rt. Hon. the Lord Comrs. of the Treasury, who are to consider of the way how the said schoolmaster may be paid the salary of 80l. per an. mentioned in the said letters."
(b)Copy of a letter from [Lord] Jo. Berkeley to [Lord Arlington], dated Dublin, 1670 1, Mar. 24. "The enclosed draught of a letter for setting up of a free school in the city being recommended by my Lord Chancellor and presented to me by the Lord Mayor and several Aldermen on behalf of the city and by the Dean of Christ Church as a very needful and good work, with their desire that I would represent it as such to His Majesty, I have therefore sent it to your Lordship and desire you will obtain His Majesty's signature to it the first convenient opportunity. Your Lordship upon perusal of the draught will see the grounds of it more particularly than is needful for me to speak, only this I shall say that the house they are to have is of no other use than to lodge a few poor aged lame men who have no allowance out of the Exchequer, and will be otherwise provided for by the city: and for the allowance to the chief schoolmaster from the King it will not long continue, since it must in a short time be otherwise supplied by some of the ways mentioned in the letter."
May 20 Warrant for a privy seal for paying to Viscount Grandison and Edward Villers the fines payable by the tenants of the Duchy of Cornwall. Warrants Early XVa. p. 160.