Entry Book: May 1671, 21-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Entry Book: May 1671, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp841-854 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: May 1671, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp841-854.

"Entry Book: May 1671, 21-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp841-854.


May 1671, 21-31

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
May 21 Royal sign warrant for 100l. to the Countess Dowager of Lincoln as royal bounty. (Money warrant hereon, dated June 12. Treasury order, dated June 16.) Ibid, p. 173; XVIII. p. 418; Order Book XXXVII. p. 113.
May 22 Royal warrant for a privy seal for 340l. to Sir Godfrey Lloyd's executors for a year and a half of his pension for which he had tallies struck, but the tallies not satisfied: said tallies to be [hereupon] delivered up. Warrants EarlyXVa. p. 145.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Lindsey to attend him to-day at the Treasury Chambers. Out Letters General II. p. 470.
Same to the Commissioners of the Wine Licences to forthwith pay in all the monies remaining in their hands. Ibid.
Treasury order of reference to the Attorney General of the warrant on Lord Ranelagh's proposal. If you find it agree with said proposal then draw it accordingly, taking care therein that His Majesty may vary the payments so as they exceed not the total. Out Letters Ireland I. p. 70.
Treasury warrant to John Birch, Edward Wingate and Edward Waring to send to the [Wine Act] Commissioners for the out districts, for every district, for an account of the moneys by them paid to Mr. John Wadlow and of all bonds, entries or other things upon which money is due, and of the persons to whom same have been delivered, and to call such persons or agents so receiving said bonds to appear personally to pay to you all moneys remaining in their hands and to give to you an account of all moneys paid by them to said Wadlow since the Treasury order of 1670, June 24. and further to receive from them all such bonds remaining in their hands, and to cause all moneys due thereon to be paid to yourselves: we. the Treasury Lords having reason to suspect that our order of Feb. 24 last (requiring said commissioners, &c., to pay no moneys to said Wadlow) is not being carried out, and that the moneys are still paying to him. Warrants Early XL. p. 40.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal to cause a commission to pass the Great Seal for the following persons to be Commissioners within His Majesty's Household for the Subsidy Act, viz.:— Ibid, XXXIII. p. 167.
James, Duke of Ormonde, Lord Steward of the Household.
Sir Thomas Clifford, Treasurer of the Household.
Francis, Lord Newport, Comptroller of the Household.
Sir Geo. Carteret, Vice Chamberlain.
Sir John Trever, Principal Secretary of State.
William Ashburnham, Esq., Cofferer of the Household.
Sir Herbert Price, Bart., Master of the Household.
Sir Henry Wood, Clerks of the Greencloth.
Sir Stephen Fox, Clerks of the Greencloth.
Sir William Boreman, Clerks Comptrollers.
Sir Winston Churchill, Clerks Comptrollers.
Clerks Comptrollers.
Sir John Nicholas, one of the Clerks of the Council.
Sir John Berkinhead, Master of Requests.
Sir Edmond Windham, Knight Marshal.
Sir Paule Neale.
Edward Griffin, Esq.
Richard Mason, Esq., Avener.
Dr. Christopher Wren, Surveyor of the Works.
Hugh May, Esq, Comptroller of the Works.
May 22 Marginal Treasury order for the money warrant for 36,000l. to the Cofferer of the Household, ut supra, p. 759. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 55.
Treasury order for 343l. 8s. 0d. to Sir William Temple. Ambassador to Holland. Order Book XXXVII. p. 221.
Money warrant for 106l. 13s. 4d. to Richard Coleman, of Lincolns Inn, being repayment of purchase money of a fee farm rent of 20 marks per an. reserved out of part of the forest of Melchet, co. Wilts, and by him purchased at eight years' purchase: the same appearing afterwards to be part of the Queen's jointure. (Treasury order dated May 25.) Warrants Early XXVII. p. 59 (reverse); Order Book XXXVII. p. 203.
May 23 The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer for process of extent against Humphry Beane and his sureties as late Farmer of Excise for Essex and Suffolk. Warrants Early XXI. p. 48.
Sir G. Downing to the present Farmers of the Customs to attend Sir R. Long to-morrow morning with their accompt so that "His Majesty may receive clear satisfaction on Thursday morning that you have cleared your rent unto Lady Day last past." Out Letters General II p. 470.
Same to the Auditors of the revenue to send a statement on Friday next what accompts of the last Poll Bill, Royal and Additional Aids and Eleven Months' tax are passed and what not and which of those that are passed are transmitted to the Exchequer. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long to send to the late Farmers of the Hearthmoney and the Auditors and such other persons as you think fit and by them to inform yourself what sum the said Farmers undertook to pay the King on surrender of their farm, and what has been paid into the Exchequer and how much remains yet unpaid, and to report to my Lords hereon on Thursday morning. Ibid.
Same to the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord and the seven Auditors of the revenue to attend my Lords on Monday afternoon next when they intend to consider the better collecting of the revenue arising by the Hearthmoney. Ibid, p. 471.
Same to Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord and Mr. Sherwyn. My Lords have appointed to meet at Sir R. Long's house on Monday next at eight in the morning to consider of a way for the better collecting the Tenths of the clergy and for the more ready payment of same into the Exchequer. You are to attend then. Ibid.
Treasury fiat for letters patent to constitute Thomas Hampson, gent., under searcher of Customs in London port loco Leonard Scott, surrendered. Out Letters Customs I. p. 236.
May 23 Money warrant for 25l. to Henry Harris, His Majesty's chief engraver, for half a year to Lady Day last on his 50l. per an. as by his letters patent of appointment of date Jan. 11 last. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 410.
Same for 3,000l. in part of 51,010l. 16s. 7¾d. as by the privy seal of the 19th inst. to John Harvy, Esq., Treasurer and Receiver General to the Queen, for the use and service of her Majesty; without accompt other than what he is to make for the same before the Auditor and officers of said Queen. Ibid, XXV. p. 4.
Mar 24 The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to suspend process against the executors of Sir Richard Oatley, Kt., deceased, and Richard Scriven, Esq., and their securities as late Collectors of Hearthmoney for co. Salop for the three half years ended 1665, Michaelmas, said Scriven having undertaken to pay the balance of the super set on said account. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 208
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Meynell and Mr. Lindsey to attend him to-morrow. Out Letters General II. p. 471.
Same to Sir Tho. Penniston and Mr. Knollys. My Lords have appointed to hear you both on Friday morning about the Excise Farm of co. Oxford. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Sir R. Long to cause payment to be made of orders for 15,000l. to Sir Henry Wood as Treasurer and Receiver General to the late Queen Mother as by the privy seal of May 15 ut supra p. 820. Warrants Early XXI. p. 46–7.
Privy seal for 800l. to Sir William Temple, Ambassador to the States General, "for his extraordinary expenses by our particular orders and command after the signing of the peace at Aix till his dispatches were sent him as our ambassador to the said States, which was for the space of three months, and for the letter enabling him to return to his said embassy." (Treasury order hereon, dated? May 27.) Ibid, XVa. p. 166; Order Book XXXVII. p. 482.
Same for 1,917l. 16s. 6d. to Bullen Reymes and George Pley for moneys expended and services performed by them for the King upon several occasions. (Treasury order hereon, dated ? before June 6.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 160; Order Book XXXVII. p. 496.
Treasury order for 26l. 13s. 4d. to Peere Williams, clerk of Foreign Estreats. Order BookXXXVII. p. 112.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Lord Paget as to merits of his father and the debt of 4,000l. due to petitioner, and praying that some part of the purchase money may be remitted to him so as to enable him to become the purchaser of a fee farm rent of 715l. per an. which he paid to the King, so that he may not fall into the hands of a stranger to the ruin of himself and his family. As to the said debt a previous report thereon allowed same as true. As to the proposal the moneys arising by sale of fee farms ought to be applied to satisfy orders charged thereon. Provision for petitioner should only be made by way of orders charged on said fee farms and registered after what is already charged thereon. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 168.
May 25 Privy seal for 426l. 10s. 5d. to Edward Proger, one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber, as royal bounty: same being an arrear due to the late King from Charles Read, who about thirty years since was Receiver of part of the King's revenue in Ireland: same to be by striking a tally on the executors of said Read. Ibid, XVa. pp. 171–2.
[May 25] Royal warrant for a privy seal for repayment of 10,000l. to the Farmers of the several branches of His Majesty's revenue in Ireland out of the last half year's rent of their farm. Warrants Early XVa. p. 172.
May 25 Royal warrant for a privy seal for 2,700l. out of the 4½ per cent. duty to Sir Charles Wheeler, "and to Edmond Andros all such sums of money as shall appear to be due and in arrear to the soldiers in His Majesty's regiment of foot under the command of Sir Tobias Bridge in the Island of Barbados." (See infra, p. 850, under date May 31, for the slightly differing terms of the privy seal itself.) Ibid, p. 155.
[?] Same for same for 1,000l to Barnham Doble (Dobble), Dr. in Physic, for his interest in the Paddock Walk in Windsor Forest, viz. several closes or parcels of land containing 100 acres and 25 acres lying in or near the said Great Park called the Paddock Walk and the lodge or house called Listers Lodge, in the parishes of Old and New Windsor, which premises were granted by letters patent of 1661, Aug 19, to Robert Huntington for 31 years and afterwards conveyed to said Doble. (Privy seal, dated May 26. Money warrant hereon, dated June 6. Treasury order, dated ? June 12.) Ibid, pp. 155, 164–5; XXVIII. p. 116; Order Book XXXVII. p. 415.
May 25 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long to send to my Lords a list of all the warrants signed and charged upon the arrears of the late farm of the Customs ended at 1667, Michaelmas. Out Letters General II. p. 472.
Same to the Lord Mayor of London. The King in Council has referred to my Lords the petition of the Mayor and Aldermen of London about the arrears of the Assessments due from the city. My Lords desire to speak with you about it to-morrow at eight in the morning with such Aldermen as you think fit, as the report must be made to the Council to-morrow afternoon. Ibid.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for 22,865l. to Sir Robert Vyner, His Majesty's goldsmith, for plate. (Money warrant hereon, dated 1671, July 8, for said sum for divers chains, medals and other gold works with some jewels and also several parcels of gilt plate and white plate with some money by him disbursed: as by particulars acknowledged under the hand of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Master of the Jewel House, to have been delivered into the Jewel House. Nine Treasury orders hereon for in all 22, 865l. 8s. 8d., dated July 19.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 157; XXI. pp. 52–3; Order Book XXXVII. p. 131.
Treasury warrant to Capt. John Wadlow. There are certain orders to the value of 25,000l. registered on the 310,000l. Wine Act, which are assigned to Sir John Bankes and are yet unpaid, as also the interest thereon, by reason of the falling short of the money intended to be raised upon the said Act within the time therein limited, "and wee having taken care that the said orders shalbe satisfied out of some other branch of His Majesties revenue with interest from the 24th of May instant inclusive," you are therefore to pay to said Bankes all moneys due to him on the said orders for interest to said date. Warrants Early XL. p. 41.
A warrant signed by His Majesty to pass the Great Seal for the Queen about St. James's buildings. Ibid, XVa. p. 204.
Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Treasury Lords to grant the lease of Excise for Durham, Northumberland, Newcastle and Berwick to Henry Brabant and John Parsons (Sir Gilbert Gerard having prayed for said Parsons' name to be inserted instead of his own, the two names having been coupled together in the royal sign manual of the 18th inst. as partners in the said farm) and similarly for that of Notts to be granted to Richard Lloyd (on the similar request of Anthony Eyre, farmer [or contractor for the farm] of Excise of Notts), and similarly for that of Cumberland and Westmorland to be granted to John Parsons, citizen and brewer of London (on the similar request of William Christian and George Williamson, who have contracted for a lease of the Excise of said counties for three years, from June 24 next, at 3,400l. per an. rent with a quarter's rent in advance; but who by writing under their hands have desired said lease to be granted to said Parsons): with a Treasury order for same in this last instance to the Grand Commissioners of Excise. Ibid, XXV. p. 5–6
May 25 Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to pay 100l. to Sir Edward Walker, Garter King of Arms, for one year to Easter last on his annuity. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 117.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for the allowances to Lord Lovelace as Lieutenant of Woodstock Park by letters patent of 1625–6, March 20, the farm and custody of the manor of Woodstock and certain woods there were granted to Philip, Earl of Montgomery, under the reserved rent of 114l. 1s. 10d. per an. for the manor and 20l. for the woods, but with an allowance by privy seal of 40l. per an for wages and entertainment of keepers, and 40l. for hay for the deer: which allowances were contained by the privy seal of 1666–7, Jan. 7, to Edward, Earl of Clarendon, then Lieutenant of said manor, who was disenabled for holding same by the Act of 19 Car II. for his banishment, whereupon John, Lord Lovelace, was constituted Lieutenant of said manor in place of said Earl of Clarendon, to whom the abovesaid allowances were continued by privy seal of 1670, June 20. The said Lord Lovelace beingsince dead and his son John, Lord Lovelace, being now Lieutenant of said manor, the said allowances are hereby continued to him, together with the arrears since 1670. Mar. 25, being the time the same was last paid as appears by the certificate of Chri. Crow, deputy to Auditor Sir Ed. Sawyer, "and whereas we are satisfied by writing under the hand of … Sir Philip Warwick dated the 7th of April, 1668, that Sir William Fleetwood at the time of the great plague in London when we were at Oxford did by our command disburse the same 100l. for provision of hay for our deer in Woodstock," of which only 60l. has been repaid him, therefore the remaining 40l. is to be hereby paid to said Fleetwood. Ibid, XVa. pp. 155, 162–4.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to Sir Robert Dallison, Bart., as royal bounty. (Money warrant hereon, dated May 30. Treasury order, dated May 31.) Ibid, p. 159; XVIII. p. 411; Order Book XXXVII. p. 112.
[?] [? Two] Treasury orders [apparently duplicate] on the new additional Excise for 10,000l. [each] to Sir Edw. Griffin: for wages and other expenses of the Household. Order Book XXXVII. p 500.
[?] Letter of direction concerning five Treasury orders of 5,000l. each of date Mar. 25 last payable to Mr. Wadlow and Mr. Sayers: said orders to be transferred from the register of the first Wine Act to the register of the Additional Excise, and so to bear 7 per cent. interest till paid. Ibid.
May 25 Same for 3,000l. to John Hervey for the Queen Ibid, p. 261.
Same for 1,500l. to Patrick Wans in repayment of loan Ibid, p. 119.
May 26 The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer for process of extent against Christopher Jay, the Receiver of Hearthmoney for Norfolk, on the arrear of 4 335l. due on his account, which sum is by the privy seal of 1669, Sept. 30, directed to be paid to Robert Foley, iron master, in part of a greater sum then due to said Foley from the King. Warrants Early XXI. p. 48.
Royal warrant for a privy seal to discharge George Marsh, from being a farmer of the 4½ per cent. duty in the Barbados. Ibid, XVa. p. 157.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords and the Lords of Ireland in pursuance of the order of Council of April 28 last, referring to them the report of several of the Privy Council of Ireland concerning a grant to Michael Archbishop of Dublin, Dr. John Parry, Dean of Christchurch, and Dr. Thomas Seele, Dean of St. Patricks, and their successors for ever, such impropriations and appropriate tithes as are mentioned in said report for the use of the vicars and choirmen of the cathedral churches of the Holy Trinity and St. Patrick's as were vested in the Crown by the late Act of Settlement. We consider such grant is consistent with said Act and that it may pass accordingly under the Great Seal of Ireland and with such rents and reservations as may seem fit to the Lord Lieutenant: provided that the interest of Robert Boyle, Esq., in the said impropriations or appropriate tithes be not prejudiced in anything within his clause in the Explanatory Act. Out Letters Ireland I. p. 71.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for paying the money of baronets to the Master of the Wardrobe. Warrants Early XVa. p. 158.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Newport. The Duke of Buckingham only desires that you will make him assignments of the 4,500l. upon the several quarters of the Subsidies concerning which I spoke to you to-day, and the remaining 2,500l. his Grace desires he may have out of your assignments on the Law Bill. My Lords direct you to comply herewith and to make the assignments accordingly. Out Letters General II. p. 472.
Same to Viscount Brouncker and Mr. Pepys. The King expected you both at the Treasury Chambers this morning, but as you came not he has directed you both to attend him this afternoon at three in the Council Chamber. Ibid.
Same to the Grand Commissioners of Excise. My Lords have charged several warrants on the money of the Excise payable into the Exchequer by Sir Samuel Sterling and Mr. Beane. You are to take care that these moneys be paid into the Exchequer and kept distinct there so that the persons to whom it is assigned may receive it. Ibid, p. 473.
The Treasury Lords to Sir Robert Holmes. On surrender by Lord Colepeper of the office of Captain of the Isle of Wight it was agreed that the arrears then due to him should be put into your grant of the said office to be paid over to said Lord as soon as you should receive the same out of His Majesty's fee farm rents within said island. This you promised to do. Said arrears due from Michaelmas. 1668, to Xmas following amount to 172l. 10s. 7¾d. Lord Colepeper had made several applications to us for payment hereof, affirming that you have long since received same out of the fee farms. You are to make present payment hereof. Warrants Early XXXIII p. 169.
Money warrant for 100l. to Mrs. Winifrid Wells for half a year to Lady Day last on her annuity. Ibid, XVIII. p. 410.
May 26 Money warrant for one year to Allen Apsley on his several allowances, viz., 30l. per month [390l. per an.]; 10s. a day [182l. 10s. 6d. per an.]; and 800l. per an. the latter for four falconers and provision of hawks. (One Treasury order for 800l. in part hereof, dated June 5.) Warrants Early XXIV. p. 59; Order Book XXXVII. p. 262.
Treasury order for 592l. 17s. 7d. to William and Robert Packer [for their bill of necessaries] as Usher of the Receipt. Order Book XXXVII. p. 379.
May 27 Treasury warrant to the Receipt for letters to be levied from time to time on the Collectors of Tenths in the dioceses of Oxford, Worcester, Hereford, and St. David's for the annuity of 850l. granted by letters patent of the 15th inst. to James Hamilton, one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber, the first payment thereof to be made at Michaelmas next: and also for the annuity or yearly pension of 500l. granted by the said letters patent to Elizabeth, wife of the said James Hamilton, in case she survive him, &c., ut supra p. 825, under date May 5. Warrants Early XXII. pp. 14–15.
Treasury order for 830l. 12s. 0d. to Edward Backwell in reward for loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 112.
Same for 200l. to Mr. Meynell as reward Ibid, p. 204.
[?] Sir G. Downing to the [Grand] Excise Commissioners to forbear making out any lease of the Excise farm of co. Gloucester till receipt of order from my Lords. Out Letters General II p. 473.
[?] Same to Sir William Bucknall to attend the Treasurer of the Household on Monday about the business of the abovesaid Excise farm of co. Gloucester. Ibid
May 27 Same to Lord Ashley and Sir J. Duncombe. The Treasurer of the Household desires that there may be no [meeting of the] Treasury [Lords] on Monday next in the afternoon in regard it is His Majesty's birthday. Ibid
Same to the Chief Baron of the Exchequer. My Lords' meeting about the collecting of the Hearthmoney is put off from Monday next as that is the King's birthday. Ibid, p. 474.
[?] Two Treasury orders for 3,000l. each to Sir Edw. Griffin Order Book XXXVII. p. 480.
[?] One same for 20,050l. to George Wharton, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance: for the Ordnance. Ibid.
Same for 175l. to the Earl of Sandwich as President of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Ibid, pp 480–1.
For 125l. to Lord Gorges.
For 125l. to Lord Arlington.
For 125l. to Col. Titus.
For 125l. to Sir Humphry Wynch.
For 125l. to Sir John Finch.
For 125l. to Mr. Waller.
For 125l. to Mr. Grey.
For 125l. to Mr. Brounkerd.
For 125l. to Mr. Slingsby.
For 250l. for incidents for said Council.
For 75. to Dr. Worsley.
Same for 600l. and 600l. to Ralph Montague. Ibid, p. 481
For 500l. to Sir John Finch.
For 450l. to John Warden, Envoy to Sweden.
For 890l. to Sir Wm. Temple.
[? May 27] Four Treasury orders for, in all, 12,500l. to the Privy Purse Order Book XXXVII p. 481.
Ten same for, in all, 6,855l. 0s. 0d. to the Treasurers of the Navy. Ibid.
Four same for, in all, 15,500l. to the Prince of Orange Ibid.
One same for 1,000l. to Mr. Le Gouse, jeweller Ibid.
Three same for, in all, 8 000l. to the Earl of Sandwich for the Great Wardrobe. Ibid p. 482
One same for 400l. to Mr. Le Gouce, jeweller Ibid.
Two same for, in all, 1,623l. 10s. 0d. to Viscount Fauconberg, Envoy to Venice. Ibid
One same for 200l. to Mr. Ward, Consul at Algiers Ibid
Three same for, in all, 13,050l. to Sir T. Osborne for the Navy Ibid
Two same for, in all, 7,000l. to Sir Edw. Griffin, Treasurer of His Majesty's Chamber. Ibid.
May 30 Treasury warrant to Sir Edmond Sawyer to allow 72l. 2s. 6d. in account to Col. John Strode, late Receiver of Hearthmoney in the Cinque ports for the three half years ended at Michaelmas, 1665, the same representing the in super resting on the foot of his accompt: and also to discharge him of that 12 per cent. interest charge: said Strode's having represented that his disbursements and losses by collectors amounted to 349l. 18s. 1d., which is sworn to by James Talbot, an officer employed under him. Warrants Early XXI p. 49.
Royal sign manual for 229l. to Edward Backwell to repay 200l. advanced by him by request on the 7th Dec., 1669, to Sir Robt. Hamilton, Kt., as royal bounty, together with 17l. for interest and 12l. for fees at the Receipt. (Money warrant hereon, dated July 26. Treasury order, dated July 27.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 199; XXVIII. p. 131; Order Book XXXVII. p. 418.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal. You have put a stop to passing the patent for the place of Comptroller of Customs in Chester port to Roger Lloyd and Philip Lloyd in regard the Treasury fiat for same is for their lives contrary to the general directions which His Majesty has given against making grants during life. In this particular instance we have received the King's direction for so passing said office. Therefore please pass it so. Out Letters Customs I. p. 237.
Treasury warrant to Sir C. Harbord for a particular of lands in Twickenham, Middlesex, part of the late Queen Mother's jointure, of which Sir Francis Cobb prays a lease. Warrants Early XXXVIII. p. 59.
Same to Sir John Norton, high woodward of New Forest, to raise 288l. by sale of dotard trees, to be disposed for the purposes detailed in the royal sign manual of the 26th inst., viz., repairs at the New Park, at Feineing Holmehill Coppice, making pens and paddocks for the red deer, repairs at the New Park Gardens, purchase of the ground on which the King's stables are built at Lyndhurst, and for the charge of many extraordinary swinemotes in order to the Justice seat. Ibid, p. 60.
Same to Sir Robt. Croke, Kt., Clerk of the Pipe, for a grant of the office of steward of the manor and wapentake of Newark, co. Notts, to Thomas Howard, one of the sons of the late Earl of Berks, and Robert Dymocke, Esq., in as large manner as same was enjoyed by William, late Earl of Exeter, and Thomas, late Earl of Berks. Ibid, p. 70.
Prefixing and appending:—Particular of said office and entry of the demise.
May 30 Treasury warrant to Sir Robt. Crooke, Kt., Clerk of the Pipe, for a grant to Francis Calmady at the nomination of Margaret Couch for 99 years (if Ann Couch, daughter of said Margaret and Christopher Browne, of Stoke Climsland, Cornwall, shall so long live) of a messuage lying in Woda alias Woods in the manor of Climsland Prior, demised by letters patent of 1662, Dec. 23, to Edward Kneebow, executor and assignee of Edward Couch, in reversion after Margaret Couch and Philip Cutty. Warrants Early XXXVIII. pp. 129–30.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises by Ja. Symes, deputy auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall, and ratal thereof by Sir C. Harbord.
Sir G. Downing to Sir Denys Gawden to attend my Lords tomorrow about the payment of the money to the man whose bills of exchange came from Leghorn. Out Letters General II. p. 474.
Treasury warrant to Sir R. Long to receive ad interim the rents, &c., of the lands, &c., late in jointure to the late Queen Mother locoSir Henry Wood, lately deceased, Treasurer and Receiver General thereof. Warrants Early XLII. p. 26.
Same to Sir Heneage Finch, Attorney General, or Sir Edw. Turner, Solicitor General, to prepare a bill for extending to 31 years the following grants already held by Lady Barbara Villiers, viz., 2d. by tale for every poundweight troy of silver that shall be coined at the Mint from 1660, Aug. 9 (granted to her for 21 years by grant dated 1660, Aug. 20), and the sum of 500l. per an. payable out of post fines and Greenwax (granted to her for 21 years by a grant dated 1662–3. Jan. 6). Ibid, XXXIII. pp. 176–7.
Directions to be observed in drawing warrants for felling timber in New Forest. When any trees are felled they are to be first marked by the woodward of the forest or his deputy. [The felling is to take place] in the presence of a verderer and two regarders and to be entered in Lyndhurst court book, and the woodward to sell the lops, tops, bark and offal wood and give an account thereof. Ibid, XXXVIII. p. 1a.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to John Lawrence to be laid out for a quantity of scarlet cloth as a present from the King to the Bassa of Tripoli, and 100l. for same as same to the Dey of Tunis: to be without accompt. (Money warrant hereon, dated June 6. Treasury order, dated, June 7.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 161; Out Letters Customs II. p. 164; Order Book XXXVII. p. 30.
Money warrant for 10,000l. to Sir Edw. Griffin in part of this year's service for the office of Treasurer of the Chamber. Warrants Early XXV. p. 7.
May 31 Same for 3,000l. to Baptist May for the Privy Purse. (Treasury order hereon, dated June 2, registered on the Alum Farm.) Ibid, XXII. p. 42; Order Book XXXVII. p. 439.
Same for 6,000l. to same for same. (Treasury order hereon, dated June 2.) Out Letters Customs II. p. 162; Order Book XXXVII. p. 30.
Same for 5,000l. to Henry Slingsby, Master and Worker of the Mint, for the Mint. (Treasury order hereon, dated June 2.) Warrants Early XVIII. p. 412; Order Book XXXVII. p. 112.
Same for 51,000l. to William Ashburnham in part for the service of the Household for the year to begin Sept. 29 next (Nine orders hereon, dated ? June 10, for, in all, 50,000l.) Warrants Early XXV. p. 8; Order Book XXXVII. p. 263.
Privy seal for 200l. to Elizabeth Wolseley, widow, as royal bounty for her husband's great loyalty: to be paid out of the fine for a reversionary grant of the manor of Walton to John Ferrers. (Money warrant hereon, dated June 8. Treasury order, dated June 13.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 170; XVIII. p. 413; Order Book XXXVII. p. 113.
May 31 Treasury order for 10l. to Edward Teare for extraordinary services in carrying out letters, despatches, &c. Order Book XXXVII. p. 112.
Privy seal (see supra. p. 844, under date May 25) for the issue (out of the moneys in the Exchequer of the 4½ per cent. in Barbados and the Leeward Isles) of 2,778l. 10s. 8d. to Sir Charles Wheeler, Governor of the Leeward Isles, as imprest for the entertainment of two foot companies in the Leeward Isles: this privy seal being to revoke and make void the previous privy seal of Mar. 10 last for the payment of the said 2,778l. 10s. 8d. to said Sir Charles Wheeler for said two companies, consisting of 80 men each, as by the establishment thereof signed Mar. 8 last: and further for the pay to Edmond Andros, major of the regiment of foot under the command of Sir Tobias Bridge, in Barbados, all moneys due to the said regiment upon stating the accompt of their arrears until they shall be disbanded, and likewise a moiety of the money due to the officers of said regiment: to be paid out of the moneys in the Exchequer arising out of the 4½ per cent. duty. Warrants Early XVa pp. 218–9.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to forbear process against Sir Francis Clerke, late Receiver of Hearthmoney in Kent. Ibid, XXI. p. 49.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for 1,000l. a year to Sir Robt. Vyner for 12 years from Michaelmas last. Ibid, XVa. p. 172.
Sir G. Downing to Sir Edmond Turner. You have made no return to my letter of April 24 last, for an accompt of the moneys received upon the 4l. per tun on wines and other liquors in the outports; and of the receipts in the outports on the Wine Act, commencing June 24 last. You are forthwith to prepare said accompts. Send the first of them to Col. Birch and the second to the Treasury. Out Letters General II. p. 474.
Same to the Customs Farmers, to the like effect, concerning the account of receipts on the above two heads in London and the outports. Ibid.
Same to the Marshal of the King's Bench. You are to give no further liberty to Mr. Cadwallader Jones, surety for Mr. Harris late Receiver for Devon, but to keep him close prisoner, he not having complied with any of his proposals for satisfying his debt to the King, to which purpose he had lately some liberty given him. Ibid, p. 475
Same to Viscount Ranelagh. My Lords have to-day received from the Attorney General your proposition about farming the revenue of Ireland, and have appointed Friday for the consideration hereof. Ibid.
Same to Lord Aungier. My Lords will hear Viscount Ranelagh's proposition as above on Friday. If you please you may then be heard [hereon] by Counsel. Ibid, p. 476
Same to the Attorney General to attend on Friday at the hearing of the abovesaid proposal of Viscount Ranelegh. Ibid, p. 477.
Same to Lord Hawley, Sir C. Harbord and the rest of the Trustees for the sale of Fee Farms to attend my Lords tomorrow morning. Sir C. Harbord will inform you of the business. Ibid, p. 475.
May 31 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Sherwyn and Col. Webb to attend my Lords to-morrow about bringing up from the several counties the moneys arising by the subsidy. Out Letters General II. p. 475.
Same to Mr. Lawrence to draw such a warrant as is to be signed for an inquisition against Mr. Cadwallader Jones for the fees of his office. Don't fail to let me have it in a day or two. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney and Solicitor General, Sergeant Maynard and Sergeant Ellis. My Lords have information from several counties that the assessors [to the subsidy] do make return of men's estates much below what they ought to do by the Subsidy Act. You are to speedily consider the law and if the fact prove accordingly whether or not directions may not be given for a further enquiry and a reassessment for making good such under value returns, as also for the making a fuller assessment for the following quarters. Ibid p. 476
Same to same forwarding a copy of a summons to the Attorney General in the case of one Carver, late a Collector of Assessments, who has in his hands a considerable sum thereof. You are to give my Lords your opinion whether debtors of this nature have any benefit of the law. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long for an accompt what warrants and orders, charged on the Royal and Additional Aids and Eleven Months' tax, are yet unpaid, and the names of the persons to whom same are due. Ibid
Same to the Grand Commissioners of Excise. My Lords command that you deliver out no Excise leases to any old Farmer of the Excise until he has first performed his covenants upon his present lease and paid in his advance money upon his new lease. Ibid, p. 477.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords and the Lords of Ireland on the petition of Sir Richard Kennedy, Kt and Bart., Second Baron of the Exchequer, Ireland (on the order of reference of date Jan. 12 last), setting forth that in pursuance of a clause in the Explanatory Act the Earl of Ossory, late Lord Deputy, and the Privy Council in Ireland, in view of the barrenness of the lands of three of the lots of the [16] 49 officers given out to Sir John Borlace, Kt., Col. Heyward St. Leger and Col. Randall Clayton and other trustees for the said officers (whose interest petitioner has purchased) did reduce the quit rent thereof from 139l. 6s. 4d. to 95l. per an., and orders for same are drawn up ready for signing, and therefore praying that said reduction may be confirmed. Advise that same may be allowed if it be found on enquiry that said order was so drawn up within the time limited by the Explanatory Act. Out Letters Ireland I p. 78.
Same to same from same on the petition of Sir Connell Farrell, Kt. (on the order of reference of May 20 inst.), setting forth that for his services to the King in foreign parts, the King has divers times directed several yearly provisions to be made to him, from all which he has hitherto received little benefit; and having at this time a grant of 2,000l. payable by the Act of Explanation out of moneys arising from mean profits of lands set out in satisfaction of English arrears of adventurers on the doubling ordinance or interests not satisfiable by said Act, and praying some other recompense for his services on his resignation of his claim to said 2,000l. We advise that petitioner be paid by Sir Stephen Fox such allowance as other reformed officers of his quality do receive until further provision can be made. Ibid, pp. 78–9.
May 31 Report to the King from the Treasury Lords and the Lords of Ireland on the petition of Capt. Edmond Nugent (on the order of reference of Oct. 21 last) praying in consideration of his constant service and attendance on the King in foreign parts a discharge of the new quit rents of 20l. 10s. 11d. on the lands now in possession of his sisters, and of the quit rent of 30l. 0s. 10d. on the lands to which he has been restored in remainder after certain uses not determined and after his father's death. Advise the remission of same. Out Letters Ireland I, p. 79.
Same to same from same on the petition of Sir Henry Tuite, Bart., (on the order of reference of Nov. 11 last) praying the like remission of new quit rent on his estate in Ireland. Advise that a moiety of said quit rents amounting in the whole to 97l. 5s. 10d. per an. be remitted, together with a proportionable part of the arrears. Ibid. p 80.
Same to same from same on the petition of Phillippe How (on the order of reference of April 26 last) setting forth that of that part of his lands in the county of Dublin and Wexford which was excepted to him after the decree passed to his children there were 28 acres Irish measure of his best land worth about 35l. per an. enclosed in His Majesty's park called Phoenix Park, near Dublin, the purchase money whereof with the mean profits for eight years amounts to 980l., which the petitioner did for His Majesty's convenience freely and without any consideration or satisfaction to this time surrender to the King: further that the greatest quantity of petitioner's lands lie in Wexford, the most barren part of Ireland, and yield not much above the quit rent: therefore praying that the new quit rent of 78l. 15s. 9¾d. per an. may be remitted with the arrears thereof. Advise the remission of said quit rents. Ibid.
Same to same from same on the petition of Owen Mac Carty (as by the order of reference of Jan. 18 last) setting forth that he has been twice taken prisoner as captain of foot in his Royal Highness's [the Duke of York's] regiment and suffered very much thereby, and is particularly mentioned in the King's Declaration for the Settlement of Ireland among those that served him in foreign parts, and therefore praying the remission of his quit rents in co. Cork consisting of very coarse land and of which he can make no advantage by reason the quit rents are so excessive chargeable. We consider petitioner a fit object of your Majesty's grace. Ibid, p 81
Same to same from same on the petition of Francis Farrell, of Mornin, co. Longford (as by the order of reference of Aug. 9 last) setting forth that he has served in the late wars, suffered sequestration and was restored to his estate by special proviso in the Explanatory Act, and praying the remission of the new quit of 95l. which is treble the value of the old rent. Advise remission of said quit rent. Ibid
Same to same from same on the petition of Col. Pierce Lacy (as by the reference of Mar. 3 last) setting forth the constant loyalty of his deceased father and himself and their sufferings and that he raised a troop of horse at his own charges for your Majesty, and that after the Restoration he married the relict of Sir Nicholas Comyne, who obtained a decree from the late Court of Claims in Ireland for such lands as she held in jointure and is now possessed of same, and praying remission of the new quit rent thereon, the land being barren and the quit rent almost equal to the year's value thereof. Advise remission of the said quit rent. Ibid, p. 82.
May 31 Report to the King from the Treasury Lords and the Lords of Ireland on the petition of Sir Edward Fitzharris, bart. (as by the order of reference of the 22 inst.), setting forth that in consideration of his being deprived of the whole of his estate in Ireland, which was above 1,500l. per an., by the late usurpers, provision was made in the late Act of Settlement that he should be forthwith restored to his principal manor house and 2,000 acres of land thereto belonging as a present subsistence until some way should be found for his further relief, yet that he hath had no benefit by the said proviso and therefore praying for his present support a grant of the quit rent reserved upon his own estate [of which he is thus dispossessed] amounting to 150l. 2s. 7¼d. We find petitioner to be deserving your Majesty's grace. Out Letters Ireland I. p. 82.
Same from same to same on the petition of Richard Talbott, Esq. (as by the order of reference of the 17th inst.), setting forth that upon a report from the late Lord Chancellor of Ireland of the loyalty and sufferings of John Talbott, petitioner's late father, petitioner's restitution to his former estate was directed by royal letters of 1660, Dec. 30, and 1661, Jan. 13, and that he should hold same by the rents and tenures as in Oct., 1641, but that same is now charged with new quit rents and arrears as well of in custodiam rents incurred since the Restoration as of rents reserved by the usurper upon leases by him made and therefore praying, in regard he is declared innocent and thereby restored to a remainder of his estate and the other part is come to him by descent that his whole estate may be freed from said quit rent amounting to 120l. 14s. 8d. and the arrears thereof. Advise remission of said quit rents. Ibid, p. 83.
Same to same from same on the petition of John, Bishop of Clogher (as by the order of reference of Mar. 15 last) setting forth that he is now possessed in right of his bishopric of a lease of four quarters of the Termons Erneaugh [Erenagh] in the province of Ulster, wherein he was but 26 years to come and was forced in regard of a clause of exception in the Act of Settlement to purchase the same of the [16]49 officers within whose security same happened to lie: that after deduction of the bishopric rent and rent charge thereon the value of said lands is but 48l. clear and the quit rent thereon is 266l. per an., and therefore praying remission of said quit rent On consideration of said petition it does not appear to us whether said lease be chargeable by law with said quit rent. If it be remitted the Farmers of the Revenue, Ireland, will demand defalcation for same. Therefore advise that the matter be speedily tried in the Exchequer Court, Ireland, and meanwhile to suspend process against petitioner. Ibid, pp. 83–4.
The Treasury Lords to Sir W. Doyly, Mr. Sherwin and Col. Webb to examine the sufficiency of the sureties of Mathew Freer as Receiver of the subsidy for co. Bucks. Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 166.
May — Money warrant for 3,000l. to John Kirke, Paymaster of the Band of Pensioners, in accordance with the sign manual of 1670–1, Mar. 18, by which the King reduced said Band from 50 to 40, and reserved the gift of said places henceforth to himself and also declared that if any gentleman should part with his place to another person, such person should be approved by His Majesty before his admission to said Band: and further declared that the said 40 pensioners that shall serve in said Band shall be these hereafter named, viz.:—John Dingley, Edward Herbert. Tho. Hales, Sir Tho. Roe, Edw. Brooke, Sir Reynold Forster, Ric. Harrison, John Rotes, Esq., Sir Richard Hatton, William Tate, Esq., Sir Edw. Alston, Charles Skrymshaw. Will Cooper. Esq., Sir George Tash, Charles Crompton, John Raymond, Edmund Barber, Anthony Gawdy, Fleetwood Dormer, Brett Norton, Will. Dickenson, Hugh Tent, John Kirke, senr., Sir Tho. Geery, Walter Rea, Will. Ford, Edw. Games, John Kirke, junr., Ric. Wigmore, Rob. Dacres, Charles Radley, Tho. Shatterdine, Ric. Willis, Edw. Cooper, Henry Slingsby, Edw. Coleman, Sir George Courthopp, Roger Conesby, Sir Philip Honywood, Thomas Sheldon, "and in regard by this method the Captain of the said Band will loose the benefitt of selling such places as fall and the other officers all incidentall profitts and perquisits, His Majesty hath by his said warrant further signified his pleasure that in lieu thereof the captain's salary shall be made 1000l. a year, the lieutenant's 500l. per an., the standard 310l., and every of the said 40 their ancient wages of 100l. per an. respectively: the clerks of the cheque 120l. per an., and the harbinger 70l. per an., amounting in all to 6,000l. per an." (Treasury order hereon, dated June 15, registered on the First Fruits.) Ibid, XXII. pp. 41–2; Order Book XXXVII. p. 399.
May — Money warrant for 875l. to the Earl of Nottingham for three quarters on his several annuities of 1,000 marks and 500l. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 115.