Minute Book: July 1670

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Minute Book: July 1670', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp468-490 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: July 1670', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp468-490.

"Minute Book: July 1670". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp468-490.


July 1670

July 1.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir J. Duncomb.
Write Sir Tho. Player "to know what authority he hath given and what security he has taken of the persons mentioned in [the paper] that [was] brought in by Lord Ashley yesterday about the Poll Act, 1660." Sir G. Downing to see what [has been] done about the Northumberland old [1660] poll and then write Sir Thomas Player to employ Mr. Newton, if he find him fit: taking good security.
Sir John Nicholas called in: brings a particular of his case [relating] to the park in Windsor. The King to be moved whether he will continue it a park or not.
Mr. Downes called in about his old Excise account in anno 1653, which is passed.
To be inserted in the report about Sir Hugh Bethell how far the matter is advanced.
Lord Arlington's letter about Mr. Montague is read. [Ordered] that there must be a demand made by Mr. Montagu and signed by him and allowed by Lord Arlington and [then] a warrant on his present privy seal.
Lionell Walden, Sir W. Doyly and Sir Dennys Gawden are called in. Gawden says there is 1,000l. in his hands of Walden's, that he will pay it in a month with interest at 10 per cent.
The fine to be remitted in Mr. North's warrant [for a lease].
Sir Rich. Oatly and Col. Scriven called in about his [Oatley's] chimney account.
Write Auditor Sir Edward Sawyer to certify when the receiver of Crown revenues for Co. Kent received the last arrears of the fee farm rent of the manor and park of Aldington and when he accompted for same.
Mr. Gilbert to have liberty to go into the country for a month on bail in order to the getting in the money.
Sir R. Oatly and Col. Scriven called in, with Deputy Auditor Chislet about the Chimney account: say they can't account for [the fact] that several of their books are burned and lost: that they will make oath.
Mr. Aram called in about certain rules to be settled in the Exchequer relating to the Greenwax. The Barons of the Exchequer [called in. Ordered] that for the future he draw no orders till my Lords are first acquainted therewith: that my Lords think not fit that the Barons of the Exchequer settle the remitting of fines in open Court, but that nobody attend the Barons about a composition without Aram having notice: [and further that it is] not necessary that two barons be present. The business to be further considered when the Lord Chief Baron comes to town. Ordered that a copy be brought of the privy seal about the Greenwax.
[Ordered that] three Barons of the Exchequer, or any of them in term time, are to hear the business of the Chimney Farmers, the Lord Chief Baron being out of town. To see what is already done in the business and give an accompt.
Warrant to Sir R. Long to pay no dormant warrant without direction.
Certificate from Secretary Trevor about the two gold cups to be sent to the Jewel Office: to allow it in the Jewel Office account.
His Majesty came in, also the Duke of York and the Commissioners of the Navy are called in; and Mr. Pepys opens a paper about what moneys are necessary for the Navy and at what times. Also the victualler is called in about the business of the short allowance money, for that he ought to have so much less. But Mr. Pepys says the fleet is bigger, which will overbalance that. Consideration to be had how to provide this money, and to give an account to the King [hereof] on Wednesday.
Mr. Lawrence to attend the Attorney General about prosecuting Mr. Mellish (receiver of Crown revenues for Co. Lincoln, &c., and collector of tenths for the diocese of Lincoln), for the King's money of the Crown revenues and of Tenths: and to receive information from the Bishop of Lincoln.
[List of Customs tallies to be made ready.] The Custom House tallies to be in the same ranks as in Sir Robert Long's, and then to be signed.
Mr. Cob and Mr. Paradine, sureties for Lewis Harding [Receiver for Beds], called in and promise to pay in 500l. in six weeks and the remaining 800l. or thereabouts in Michaelmas term and then to have up their bond. Lawrence to see them sign the agreement.
The officers of the Works to attend on Monday about their extraordinaries and particularly for Hyde Park wall and St. James's [park] wall and about the poor workmen at Greenwich.
[Minute Book III. pp. 367–9.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Earl [sic for Viscount] of Stafford: dormant warrant for his creation money. Query on what?
Earl of Peterborough: the like.
Lord Arlington: 600l. order for defalcations [on the Post Office]: to be directed on the fee farms.
Mr. Roper to have the whole due to him: a warrant.
A drummer: warrant: Devereux. Memorandum: to stay the drummer's warrant.
Commissioners of the privy seal: dormant warrant.
Lord H. Howard: warrant for three months as Ambassador: on fee farm loans.
David Chateline: warrant for 300l. for a jewel sold to the King at Dover: on the general dormant: on the fee farm loans.
Edw. Leer, the messenger: warrant for 10l.
Ch [arnock]: Customs list: Danvers, &c.
[Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 92.]
Mr. Sandford's affidavit about the Excise against Parrott [is] to be found out.
Sir Robert Townesend's warrant to be despatched to the Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall for a particular.
The docquet for the Portugal wines is to pass reciting the King's warrant.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 122.]
July 4.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir J. Duncomb.
Warrant to Mr. Packer to provide carts and porters to carry into the Treasury of the Exchequer the records of the Common Pleas according to Lord Chief Justice Vaughan's warrant.
The warrant for the payment of dormant warrants is to be despatched, but the payment is to be by direction from my Lords, that so an equality may be observed.
Write Sir John Shaw to attend to-morrow about the 5,000l. to be lent for the Queen's servants: as to which my Lords lately spoke to him.
Mr. Hill called in. Warrant for an extent against Cotes, and [ordered] that if Hill do not in 14 days agree to go to trial with Cotes then he [Cotes] to have his liberty. [Query: Mr. Lawrence. He says there's one already].
The Custom tally warrant is delivered to Sir R. Long to consider.
The King came in.
The King commanded that Sir Hen. O'Neale's petition be forthwith despatched. Abbot to bring it out to-morrow, that a time may be appointed for my Lords to hear it.
My Lords give his Majesty an account that they have spoken with Alderman Backwell: that he offers to lend on the Customs but not elsewhere [on any other fund]. The King bids my Lords borrow on the next farm of the Customs.
[Ordered] that Hyde Park be paled [instead of walled] to save charges.
Sir Stephen Fox called in. The King tells him that the whole money to be borrowed of the city is for him.
Write Alderman Bucknell and his auditor to know how his account stands.
Write Deputy Auditor Chislet to attend to-morrow with the accompt of the Alum Farmers. The patent of the Alum Farmers is to be sent to the Attorney General for his opinion as to a point of law.
[Ibid. III. p. 370.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Enter Mr. Seykes and Grabu.
[Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 92.]
The alum privy seal to be despatched.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 123.]
July 5.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir Jo. Duncombe.
Alderman Backwell [sic crratum for Bucknell] to attend tomorrow with the rest of the London [Excise] Farmers. Write Col. Birch, the Auditor of the Excise, to bring then the accompt of the Excise of London to Midsummer last. Write Sir R. Long for an accompt by to-morrow of what remains due from said Farmers of their rent to that date.
Mr. Greenvile's note is considered. [Ordered] that he have as much as [will serve] to make up the 2,000l. which he is to have by the year for horses [for the King and Queen].
The officers of the Works called in and are bidden to go on with the paling of Hyde Park. Warrant for 1,500l. on the Wine Act [postea fee farm sales] for this work: to be on the privy seal for extraordinaries of the Works. [Speak with Mr. Corbet: query if a privy seal.] Also they are to sign their estimate for extraordinaries and [then to have] a warrant for the remain of it on the fee farms: but first see what they have had for ordinary and extraordinary [for the year] last past and on what privy seals.
Sir G. Downing is to consider of the 300l., which is part of the 14,000 loan from Alderman Backwell, as to what it is for, and if it can be spared my Lords intend it for a little house near St. James's Park, to be bought for Lady Castlemaine. Write Sir R. Long not to dispose of the said 300l.
Alderman Backwell to be spoken to about the 2,000l. for my Lords' salaries due at Midsummer last. He says he'll do it on the new farm of the Customs. Give Sir R. Long notice of this loan.
The King to be acquainted with the certificate for the Cobb [pier] at Lyme: for his pleasure whether they [the town of Lyme] shall have a privy seal for it.
At the request of the office of Works the business of the Greenwax is referred back to Sir R. Long, Sir G. Downing, Sir C. Harbord and Mr. Sherwin, who are to advise with the officers of the Exchequer, and Mr. Aram, now appointed to collect that revenue, who is to bring a copy of the patent now passing.
Alderman Backwell called in. My Lords tell him the King is content to charge on the new farm of the Customs and ask him what money he can help my Lords to for the Navy.
Warrant for a particular in Lady Castlemaine's business on Sir C. Harbord's report.
Mr. Raworth's petition is referred to Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord, Mr. Sherwin and Sir G. Downing to report particularly whether any money is due to the King.
Sir Tho. Player called in with Sir R. Long about the security to [be given by] the King for the 60,000l. to be borrowed of them [the city]. Ordered that Sir R. Long shew Sir Thomas Player [and] Sir Ste. Fox his orders to-morrow, and Sir Ste. Fox to be there and then all three to come to the Treasury. "Also my Lords tell Player that they will give 8,800l. for the 6,000l. and for all that Sir Tho. can get where it will further to encourage them to lend."
The King to be moved about Lady Saunderson's rent.
Mr. petition considered. Ordered that he bring the state of his account and my Lords will consider what allowance to make him.
Mr. Trevanian's petition considered. Warrant for splitting the tally. [Query: if any certificate?]
Mr. Meynell called in with Auditor Aldworth about his interest account which is declared. [Warrant is ordered for] a privy seal for 26,000l. on the Chimney money to pay the interest and reward: and the 1,831l. 1s. 8d. to be paid every six months and to be placed on his account.
The interest account of the London Excise Farmers is to be considered to-morrow. Auditor Aldworth and Alderman Bucknell to attend then.
Dormant warrant for Dr. Fra. Glisson.
Sir Charles Wheeler et al. called in about the Barbados [4½ per cent. duty] farm. [Ordered] that the farm commence at Xmas and so [they] to pay half-yearly at Midsummer and Xmas, and 1,500l. at [the time of] sealing [the agreement of farm]. Warrant to the Attorney General to prepare the grant in these words. Capt. Cranfeild to be left out and Col. Strode to be put in.
Mr. Harris to have leave to go, on bail, as a witness to the assizes.
A book to be kept of the contracts for fee farms as passed. Write Mr. Lightfoot that those contracts for the sale of fee farms which have been signed by my Lords have been taken away without any entry being made [here in the Treasury] and that he attend tomorrow with copies thereof that they may be entered, and that for the future care be taken that they be constantly entered. Mr. Lightfoot to account for the money twice a month.
Sir Hen. O'Neale [his petition] and the rest of the Irish petitions about fee farms are to be considered this day fortnight and the Lords of Ireland to attend then.
Col. Birch called in. Ordered that Sir G. Downing, Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord and Mr. Sherwyn send to Mr. Colvile and Mr. Wadlow to see that the moneys of the Wine Act be applied to pay the orders in course ["to consider what money hath been raised on the late and present Wine Act and how the same has been applied, that is whether for payment of the orders registered in course with six per cent. interest: and to report to my Lords with all speed"]. Col. Birch says as to the rest in hand of the [moneys arising by the] Wine [Acts] there is received in London last night and secured about 25,000l., and that he thinks it [? the proceeds of the search on the Retrospect of the Wine Act] will come to about 5,000l. more for London. He also proposes a paper about defects in the [wine dealers' certificates as to the] quantity of wines, entituled an allowance for the same as to the Retrospect and what tare to take, viz. 16l. and 24l. or 8l. and 12l. per tun, but he left not the paper. Write the late Commissioners of the Wine Act to give an accompt to-morrow what moneys they have received upon the late Wine Act and how they have paid the same to June 24 last.
Warrant for the arrest of Nath. How: on the affidavit.
[Minute Book III. pp. 371–3.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Mr. Seyks: Sir W. Doyly's report read: Warrant to allow [him] 5s. per 100l.
Earl of Marlborough: warrant for 200l. on the loans on the fee farms or on any money uncharged in the Exchequer. Query: if as creation money or otherwise.
Mr. Meynell. Query: warrant about interest.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 92.]
Report on Halsteed's petition: nothing can be done in it.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 123.]
July 6.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir Jo. Duncombe.
Write the late Farmers of the Hearthmoney that my Lords are informed that a great deal of money has been collected by their sub-farmers [Collector for London and Westminster] which was due to the King since the last accompt delivered in by said Farmers and since said Farmers' surrender of their farm: and that my Lords desire an accompt of the same by Friday next. Write them to attend my Lords on Friday and to take care that said collector receive no more.
Ordered that in order to the clearing Mr. May's account as late Paymaster of the Works it be referred to Sir G. Downing and Sir R. Long and Sir C. Harbord to consider what is fit to be done to discharge Mr. May of Mr. Squibb's 300l., same having been paid to said May for the repair of Squibb's house as a Teller of the Exchequer, but having been disbursed by May, by order, in the repair of the Duke of Monmouth's lodging.
Warrant to stay process against Mr. Andrewes and his surety, he having given security to answer the money in super on him at times [stated]. The bonds to remain in the Treasury.
John Dodson [Dobson] to be collector of the Chimney money for London instead of Mr. Dunklyn. Write Mr. Sherwyn and Mr. Webb to consider of Dobson's fitness, as Mr. Bruncker has desired that this change should be made. [Ordered] that the Commissions for Somerset and Bristol be despatched. Write to Mr. Bruncker for the name of the person he intends to be employed as receiver of said duty for Somerset and Bristol, that so a warrant may be prepared.
The King to be moved about the buildings at the Tower for the Mint and officers thereof.
Mr. Newport and Mr. Reymes called in with Capt. Cook about he clothes for the Children of the Chapel. [Ordered] that the King will have them made as formerly. The officers of the Wardrobe say they have no money. My Lords desire Capt. Cooke to furnish the money by loan on the funds on which the Wardrobe has orders: which he promised [to do].
The business of Mr. Madden, Surveyor of Woods, is to be heard on Friday week. Write the Attorney General to attend then, and Mr. Lawrence is to see that proceedings against Madden be stayed till then.
A warrant not to prosecute Mr. Broxholme's securities.
Sir R. Long, Mr. Sherwyn, Sir C. Harbord and the Attorney General to attend on Friday about settling the [security for] the [60,000l.] loan from the city. Some of the aldermen will be here at the same time. Write Sir Richard Ford to attend then with such others as the city shall appoint.
Write Mr. Wadlow and the rest of the Commissioners or Undertakers of the [late] Wine Act to attend on Friday with an accompt what money has been received by them or their order on the said late Wine Act, and how same has been disposed.
Write Auditor Aldworth to attend on Tuesday week with a state of the interest accompt of the London Excise Farmers. The state of accompt of the late Commissioners of Excise to Midsummer last is to be brought in by Auditor Birch then.
Sir G. Downing and Sir R. Long are to consider where [out of what fund] to pay the Masters of the Chancery.
The business of the Cobb [or pier] at Lyme is referred to Sir Jo. Strowd and Col. Bishop before the King be moved in the business.
Col. Birch reports that Mr. Wadlow and the [rest of the] Undertakers of the late Wine Act have as well paid the 4 per cent. [over interest or reward] as the 6 per cent. [ordinary or legal interest]: "and the 4 per cent. cannot be allowed out of that money."
Write Auditor Sir Edmond Sawyer to bring in on Tuesday next a state of Mr. Harlackenden's accompt as late Receiver of Assessments for co. Kent.
Sir Edward Hungerford called in: [ordered] that the business be done according to Sir C. Harbord's report. Warrant for the money, but first as to his demand for interest [ordered] that he bring a paper of his demand which is to be referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Mr. Rustace called in about his petition, together with Mr. Fisher. [My Lords find] that there is a petition of the tenant himself. Sir C. Harbord to make a report on it before anything more be done in this business.
Warrant for Mr. Ogilby on his privy seal.
Write Mr. Charles Porter to attend on Friday next about the days of payment of Mr. Prettiman's 7,000l. odd hundred pounds.
[Minute Book III. pp. 373–5.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Privy purse: warrant for 10,000l., part of the 28,000l. [on the] last privy seal: on the fee farm loans.
Wardrobe: warrant for 8,000l. on the fee farms in course on their 16,000l. estimate, in full thereof.
Mr. Chaffinch: warrant for 5,000l. on his privy seal on the London Excise 2 years hence, and without interest [erased]: to be registered to be paid on the quarter commencing the 24 June, 1672.
Works officers: warrant: Mr. D.
Mr. Loup to-morrow morning.
Sir Peter Pell's warrant.
Mr. Lanyon and Mr. Oudart.
[Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 93.]
The privy seal for New York, 1,000l. per annum, to be made ready to the Duke of York.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 123.]
July 8.
Present: Sir J. Duncombe.
Process to be stopped against Sir Rich. Oatly and Col. Scriven.
The case about Mr. Carter's planting tobacco is to be carried up to the Privy Council.
Warrant for the arrears of the Duke of Buckingham's pension: [the warrant to be] on any money uncharged in the Exchequer.
There is, or will be, 200l. paid into the Exchequer for, or in the name of, Dr. Charleton, which is to be issued to the Wardrobe on their orders, and they to make an assignment of the like sum [to him]. Give Sir J. Duncombe [sic ? erratum for Mr. Newport] and Sir R. Long notice hereof.
The assignment to Sir Ste. Fox upon the fee farms, being about 72,000l., is to be the security to the city for lending the 60,000l. [Ordered] that from time to time as any of the money is brought in to Sir Thomas Player, before he pay it to Sir Ste. Fox, said Fox is to make him an assignment for so much [and] that Sir T. Player have always 5,000l. beforehand in assignments: that as to the payment of the interest a privy seal be passed to pay it to the lenders, from time to time, out of the Exchequer every six months out of any money coming in by the fee farms or [any] other money remaining in the Exchequer.
The Bishop of Lincoln offers to make some discovery of Mr. Mellish's estate towards payment of the King's debt. Ordered that this money be employed to clear that part of the [Mellish's] debt for which the said Bishop is engaged [or responsible, said Mellish having been appointed by him receiver of the Tenths of his Diocese].
The farthing business recommended by the Prince [Rupert] is to be considered on Wednesday next, and Mr. Ball of the Excise is to have notice.
On the motion of Sheriff Forth my Lords appoint Tuesday next for hearing the business of the Excise accompt of Mr. Butts. Write Stockton, Butts, the Excise Commissioners and said Forth to attend then.
Ordered that Mr. Foley presently pay in 900l., and then to be referred to Sir W. Doyly for an allowance.
Write Mr. Lassells, lieutenant in the earl of Craven's regiment, to attend on Monday upon a complaint from the Commissioners of the Wine Act, that he has 1,500l. remaining in his hands [of the moneys arising by said Act]. The like letter to Walter Lister who has 1,600l. [of the same in his hands].
Write Mr. Sherwyn and Col. Webb to enquire of the fitness of Richard Churchill, junr., of Dorchester, to be the Receiver of Hearth money for Somerset and Bristol.
Mr. Elliot's [sic; erratum for Mr. Foley's] paper considered concerning Alderman Jaye's not having yet paid him the money which said Jaye owes to the King, and which was transferred to Foley in lieu of so much in orders upon the Additional Aid [which said orders were] by said Foley delivered up to the King. Write said Jaye to attend hereon on Wednesday.
Mr. Elliot's paper considered concerning the moneys in arrear to him. [Ordered that] the 250l. remainder of his fee of the Harriers [be registered in course on the fee farms] and the 300l. remainder of the 400l. be placed on the Chimneys. Write Ellyott to attend Sir G. Downing hereon on Monday.
The persons in Mr. Crispe's note are to be summoned to attend my Lords. Write Sir R. Long and Sir C. Harbord to attend then.
Sir C. Harbord's report about John Tuthill is considered. The business to be done accordingly.
Write Mr. Hen. Baldwyn, of Worcestershire, to attend this day fortnight upon the complaint against him from the Farmers of the Worcestershire Excise.
The [Wardrobe] patents for the Earl of Sandwich and for Mr. Townsend are to be prepared for the King's hand: to be directed to the Clerk of the Signet.
Sir Edward Hungerford's paper demanding satisfaction with interest for his lands taken in for the enlarging of Plymouth Fort is referred to Sir C. Harbord.
[Minute Book III. pp. 375–7.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Col. Russell of Chinckford Walk. Warrant for a year on the loans of the fee farms.
Duke of Buckingham: warrant for his arrears. Query: what [has he had] formerly. [Find out] against Monday. [The warrant to be] on any money uncharged in the Exchequer.
Lord Arlington: the warrant according to the minute [erased].
Mr. Shillingford's money to be put on the fee farms. Query: loans [on the fee farms]? The warrant not yet brought.
Mr. Dethick: warrant for a year.
Sir Amias Pollard: query.
Lord Arlington's last [Post Office] defalcation warrant is to be paid out of the loans on the fee farms: at 6 per cent. interest only. Query: about the word 'year's' to be left out.
Serj. Gide: warrant for a year; mentioning the dormant.
Izaac Le Gouche: warrant for a year on the fee farms. Query sales [or loans thereon]?
Mr. Whittacre. Find Mr. Elliot's warrant.
Warrant for over interest to be made ready.
Col. Whitley.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 93.]
Dormant warrant for 4,000 chaldrons of coal custom free for the poor of London.
Write Mr. Mead to bring Baron Spelman's impost bill.
Mr. Sayers: a warrant for his [privy] seal.
Sir Amias Pollard: a warrant.
The Earl of Nottingham's creation money: a warrant.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 124.]
July 11.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir Jo. Duncombe.
The Earl of Carbery called in about his discovery in South Wales. Papers to be looked out against to-morrow, and also Col. Carlos Papers [and Sir Herbert Lunsford].
Duke of Richmond: warrant for a year as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber.
Sir Gilbert Gerrard called in: moves that he may have a clerk to sit at the office of the Trustees for Sale of Fee Farms to be ready to despatch anything that relates to the Duchy [of Lancaster]. [Ordered] that he attend on Friday with two of the Trustees, and then my Lords will consider of it.
Mr. Collingwood called in about buying Holy Island for his Majesty. To be referred to Sir C. Harbord to inform himself of the value and the title, his Majesty having signified his pleasure to my Lords that he will buy the royalty of the island in regard of the harbour.
The King to be moved about the warrant to Mr. Young for the repairs of Hampton Court [viz.] that interest may be allowed [so] that the money may be advanced and the business despatched.
The Countess of Lincoln called in and her petition read. The King to be moved in it for his pleasure.
Lord Buckhurst's petition read, praying a grant of the land where the Wardrobe stood. The Earl of Sandwich to be first acquainted with the reference of this petition from the King to my Lords by which reference my Lords are enjoined to give order for effecting his Majesty's gracious inclinations to Lord Buckhurst in his suit.
Memorandum: a tenth part of Sir Dennys Gauden's orders are to be kept for Mrs. Davis.
Mr. Preston called in. [Ordered] that he see Mr. Breames' accounts, and that he be paid out of the money to be paid in by said Breames.
Ralph Whitley's petition read. Referred to Sir R. Long.
Sir Edward Walker's petition read. Referred to Sir C. Harbord to report the value.
Lord Arlington's letter read for Mr. [Monsieur the Marquis de] Montbrun. Warrant for a privy seal for 3,000l. in land and 1,000l. per an. for his life.
Write Mr. Backwell to attend to-morrow about the 2,000l. [promised by him to be lent or] to be paid into the Exchequer for [the salary of] my Lords.
Write Mr. Pocock (Bocock) to attend this day week, my Lords having received an information of his practices in felling the King's timber in Waltham Forest, "my Lords being willing to proceed this way without going to severer courses at first."
Warrant to discharge Mr. Deering upon producing the tallies for the King, and to have 14 days to make up the business. The King to be moved about Lord Arlington's letter for Sir John Nicholas.
Sir G. Downing to give notice to the Tellers that Alderman Backwell will lend 3,000l. upon the next farm of the Customs "and other moneys in Backwell's notes."
Sir Ste. Fox's paper considered. Warrant for the 3,920l. for the Horse and 617l. 8s. for the Foot Company, and for 5,000l. part of the 12,462l. 6s. 5d., which is as much as he [Fox] is at one time to assign beforehand.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir C. Harbord to find out something for Capt. Baron in lieu what he last petitioned for: and to give Lord Ashley an account of it.
Mr. Foley's petition referred to Sir W. Doyly so far as concerns him as Receiver of the Aids: and for what concerns Mr. Jay a warrant [is ordered] for process against him.
Sir Cha. Wheeler called in: moves for a remainder of some money due to him and produces his papers. A warrant [ordered] accordingly.
Dr. Morrison's petition considered and referred to Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord and Sir G. Downing.
Mr. Permentier's petition referred to Sir C. Harbord to examine whether petitioner may be accommodated at Foxhall.
Col. Whitley's petition read. Ordered that he pay in the remainder of the moneys, and then to be considered as to his allowance.
Warrant to take Mr. Agar into custody for the moneys of the subsidies in his hands, and [for] the remainder of the [said] money to be applied for finishing St. James's Park wall.
Petition from the sub-farmers of the Hearth money is considered and a direction made accordingly.
Edward Wood's petition referred to Sir R. Long and Sir H. Wood.
Mr. Lawrence's account of [Treasury legal process] business depending in his hands is brought in. To be carried to Sir G. Downing on Thursday morning to overlook [and see] what is fit to be done.
Petition from Sir Edward Savage. Referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Col. Gilby: warrant to stop process [against him] as Mr. Broxholme's surety; he being a parliament man.
The warrant for Mr. Maddan and Mr. Agar is to be made for Mr. Agar only.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 377–9.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Query: for the over interest warrant.
Sir W. Godolphin: envoy in Spain: [warrant for] 3 months: on the loans on the fee farms.
Officers of the Works: warrant to them to take up money at interest and gratuity for 8,000l. ordinary and 5,200l. extraordinary.
Mr. Packer: warrant to stay process: he being on his account.
Mr. Arundell to be paid equal [with the other Pages of Honour].
Hyde Park [paling charge] to be made [or fixed] on the Wine Act.
Letter from Mr. Capell read and considered: warrant for his brother as formerly.
Mr. Legoose: warrant as in his papers.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 94.]
Warrant for a particular on Mr. Jones's petition.
Sir Dennis Gawden's orders not to be delivered out.
[Ibid. DCXXV. pp. 124–5.]
July 12.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir Jo. Duncomb.
Sir Sam Sterling's warrant to be despatched according to the order of the Exchequer Court.
Warrant for the King's hand to Col. Legg that whereas Sir Thomas Chichley's patent as Master of the Ordnance bears date 1669–70, March 24, and the late Commissioners of the Ordnance continued in the execution of their duty of Commissioners of the Ordnance most part of the ensuing quarter, that therefore Col. Legg do pay to Lord Berkeley and Sir John Duncombe their allowance for the quarter ended at Midsummer last.
Process of immediate extent against Mr. Jo. Cooper and his securities.
Write Auditor Beale to take the accounts of Andrew Lawrence, surveyor of His Majesty's highways, and to present a state thereof.
Mr. Newport and Col. Reymes called in: present an estimate of the charge of new liveries, &c. for the footmen. The Duke of Buckingham [to be] spoken to about it.
Mr. Slingsby called in about the indenture of the Mint, and a paper brought in by him is referred to Sir R. Long, Sir G. Downing, Sir C. Harbord and Mr. Sherwin, and then to be sent to the Attorney General to prepare.
Mr. Breames called in about moneys by him received of Mr. Cadwallader Jones's office [as customer of Sandwich]. Warrant to Sir Edmd. Sawyer to take his accounts. Mr. Lawrence to advise with the King's Counsel how Breames may pay the money and be secured from Jones's prosecution. Mr. Bagnoll, of Faversham, Kent, to attend this day week to give my Lords an account of what he has received for the customer, said Cadwallader Jones, who is suspended from his office.
Hill and Coates called in. They both agree that if Hill obtained [sic for obtaine] a judgment at the Assizes against Coates, Coates shall not bring a writ of error to reverse the same. Coates to sign a paper.
The Earl of Carlingford and Viscount Dillon called in, and said Viscount Dillon's petition is read. Ordered that he bring his patent to Sir G. Downing, who is to make a short state of it and present it to my Lords.
Mr. Halsted called in about his proposition about imported liquors at Jamaica, and produced a paper. [Ordered] that the latter part of it entituled 'custom paid,' &c. be written out for Lord Ashley. My Lords tell Mr. Halsted that he should inform himself more exactly of the value of the customs on imported liquors at Jamaica, and where [sic? for whether] it is to be farmed or collected. My Lords promise him the preference.
Mr. Arden called in. Write Alderman Backwell to furnish 500l. more on the next farm of the customs for the Commissioners of Accounts.
Deputy-Auditor Crow called in with Mr. Taylor's account for Bedford and Bucks. As to the 80l. [ordered] that process be respited and the account declared.
Warrant for Mr. Bowman on his privy seal on the fee farms: to be registered in course.
Write Sir R. Long not to issue without particular order such money as Mr. Backwell pays in upon the next farm of the customs, and that 2,000l. of it is for my Lords, and 500l. for the Commissioners of Accounts, which he is presently to issue.
Warrant for Chevalier Grammont's money upon Sir Ste. Fox's privy seal. Ordered that the bill and warrant for Sir Ste. Fox's privy seal for 110,000l. be brought to Sir G. Downing to-morrow.
Write the Marshal of the King's Bench to give Coates liberty for six weeks on bail.
The meeting with the Irish lords is to hold to be to-morrow afternoon at the Treasury Chambers.
The petition of the Barbados officers is read. The Council to be moved in it.
The warrant for the Commissioners of the Ordnance is to be sent up for the King's hand.
As for Mr. Swayle's business he must apply to the Treasurer of the Chamber. My Lords can do nothing in it.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 379–81.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Mr. Maugridge: warrant for a year more on the loans on the fee farms.
Chapel [Royal] boys: warrant for 214l. 4s. to complete 300l. They have had 85l. 16s. To be employed and laid out for provision of liveries for the said children in full of the estimate dated 16 May last.
Mr. Dethick: to have two years.
Dr. Glisson: to have two years on the register of fee farms.
Mr. Felton: warrant: presently.
Lord Belasyse: warrant for half a year on the Customs.
Col. Whitley: [warrant] now.
Col. Warcup's 2d [?second penny] minute.
Mr. Foley: warrant to Viscount Fanshaw that Mr. Foley may have process against Mr. Jay, and his sureties, from time to time, such as he shall think fit for the bringing in of the arrear due on the foot of Jaye's account being due to Foley, as having been assigned to him by privy seal.
Mr. Broxholme, Mr. Kilby, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Whalley. To discharge a super of Hearth money: the warrants directed to Sir Robert Crooke.
Mr. Jephson's petition: to query Sir G. [Downing] to-morrow if I [R. Charnock, Downing's clerk] may deliver it to Mr Williamson to get a reference.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. pp. 94–5.]
Privy Purse: warrant for 5,000l. on the new farm of the Customs in further part of their [the Privy Purse's privy seal for] 28,000l.
Viscount Stafford's warrant for his creation money to be made for three years.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 125.]
July 13.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir Jo. Duncombe.
Warrant to the Auditor to insert in Sir Robert Viner's account the 1,200l. paid by him to John Cary.
The report from Sir W. Doyly about Mr. Foley is considered. Ordered that he have 6s. per cent. [per 100l.]
Same from same considered about Col. Whitley. Warrant ordered accordingly.
Same from same considered about Mr. Mason. Warrant to Capt. Cock to pay the money [which is] to be allowed upon his [Cock's] account.
Report from Sir Ste. Fox is considered about the business about Sir Thomas Culpepper. Warrant to Fox to pay it [him] out of the contingent money of the army.
Sir Richard Ford et al. called in about the city loan as to the city's counter security. It is proposed to them, that if they be not paid by Michaelmas come twelvemonth, then 5,000l. per an. or so much thereof as the city shall desire according to the proportion unpaid, shall be set apart as a collateral security.
Write the Attorney General to look over the patent of the Surveyor of the Woods, and to report whether Mr. Agar cannot be paid without Mr. Madden, my Lords having been moved by Agar for his salary as Surveyor of Woods, and being willing to grant it him, but do find that he and Madden are jointly in one patent for that office, the said Madden being under prosecution for misdemeanour.
Certificate from Sir R. Long of some moneys for Mr. Pepys charged upon the Customs of May [and which cannot be met out of same]. Examine how [the Customs rent for said month of] May comes to be overcharged.
Mr. Ball brings in some papers of proposals from Prince Rupert about the farthing business. To be further considered on Wednesday next, and the Attorney and Solicitor General, Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord and Mr. Sherwin to attend then.
Mr. Dreyden's docquet considered. Ordered that it be made during pleasure and then to pass.
The 20l. to be paid to the Clerks of each Auditor for their pains in the business of the fee farms last year out of the moneys in Charnock's hands.
Deputy Auditor Jeffryes called in about Mr. Fitz's chimney account.
Coates and Hill called in again, but agreed not.
Mr. Wainwright's petition is to be considered this day week. The Attorney and Solicitor General to attend then with Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord and Mr. Sherwin.
Ordered that 39l. be paid to Mr. Abney (Aubrey) one of the Six Clerks for enrolling the patent for the [sale of the] fee farms.
Mr. Trevanion's proposal about getting in the arrears of the Aids in Cornwall is considered. Ordered that Sir W. Doyly bring to my Lords on Monday the accounts of the respective receivers of assessments of those counties, whereby my Lords may see on whom those arrear moneys stand, and then consideration to be had for the recovery thereof.
The warrant to the officers of the Works to take up money at interest is to be for extraordinaries [viz. 5,200l.] as well as the usual 8,000l. per an, ordinary. Warrant on the Wine Act for 1,000l. for the Works for the Duke of York's lodgings at Hampton Court: to be on the Works' privy seal for extraordinaries.
The Order of Council about the houses at Woolwich is to be looked out.
Warrant for the dismissal of Nath. How upon his submission.
Warrant to be despatched for 1,000l. to Mr. Marriot for Windsor [repairs].
The Speaker's orders which are charged on the Eleven Months' tax are to be transferred to [charged upon] the fee farms when he brings them.
[Minute Book III. pp. 381–2.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
The petition of Mr. Jeffson [Mrs. Eliz. Jephson] is looked out and delivered to Mr. Brunker by order.
Mr. Bowman.
To enter Mr. Oudart's warrant; 80l. for one year on the loan.
Mr. Bagott.
Warrant: Edes.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 95.]
All Sir Dennis Gauden's orders to be sent to Sir G. Downing's house to-morrow.
Lord Belasyse: warrant for half a year on the Customs.
Lord Buckhurst: [warrant for] 1,000l. on the loans on the new farm of the Customs.
[Ibid. DCXXV. pp. 125–6.]
July 13.
Wednesday afternoon.
Lord Ashley will send Mr. Welsted to Sir G. Downing to take care of his 30l.
Warrant for Lord Buckhurst's 1,000l. on the new farm of the Customs.
Breviat of the grant of the London Excise farm (to commence 1671, June 24) is brought in from the Attorney General.
[Ibid. III. p. 382.]
July 18.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household.
The London Excise farm warrant is to be considered to-morrow. Write Alderman Bucknell to attend then.
The Bishop of Derry called in: presents a petition about rebuilding churches in his diocese.
The King directs that the Earl of Bristol's patent be drawn anew and [that he be assigned or] placed on certain Collectors of the Tenths: and the 500l. received [is] to be mentioned and to be paid by warrant of the Treasury and it is to be inserted in general words that it's in full of all pretences: as in the order of reference and report.
Sir Gilbert Gerrard called in about his executing his office as Clerk of the Duchy [of Lancaster]. [Ordered] that the profits of what [official business] belongs to the sale of the Duchy fee farms be allowed to Sir Gilbert only for the conveyance and where there is a mixed conveyance of Crown and Duchy rents that proportionable dividend be made of the fees for the conveyances.
The warrants for nominating the agents for the Hearth money are to be written over again, leaving out the clerks, &c.
Warrant for all the creation money due to the Earl of Bristol: to be payable upon the Customs of Bristol.
The Earl of Carbery called in about his discoveries. My Lords say that the particulars are too general. Ordered that he name the particulars for which he desires commission and in whose possession they are.
The bill about the Earl of Crawford's docquet is to be sent for.
Lord Ashley brings in a letter from Mr. Henley about the business of Lyme [pier or cobb]. Ordered that this letter be sent up [to the Privy Council], and His Majesty moved for this cobb as formerly directed.
Mr. Sherwin and Mr. Webb bring in a letter for Sir William Gentleman, of Hertfordshire, about some Chimney money in answer to my Lords' letter. The letter is delivered back to Mr. Sherwyn.
Write Mr. Snell to acquaint the Lord Keeper and the Commissioners of the Privy Seal that my Lords are informed that endeavours are being used to obtain the King's grant for erecting the town of Penryn to be a coinage town for tin, and that my Lords request the Lord Keeper not to pass the patent till my Lords have notice of it.
The Lords Commissioners of Ireland [are to meet with my Lords] on Wednesday afternoon. Write the Attorney General to attend then.
The late Excise Commissioners' accounts are to be considered to-morrow.
Mr. Porter to attend to-morrow about the agreement with Mr. Prettyman about paying in His Majesty's money.
[Minute Book III. pp. 383–4.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Mr. Montague: warrant for three months' [ordinary]: on the loans on the fee farms.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 95.]
Earl of Crawford and Lindsay to be. . . .
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 126.]
July 19.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household.
Sir Edward Sydenham's petition is read. [Ordered] that the arrear be paid on the loans on the fee farms.
Warrant for Wilson [et al.] discoverers of the [false] coiners: according to the certificate of the judges.
Alderman Bucknell called in [on behalf of his partners in the farm of the London Excise] about the settlement of their tallies and new farm [of the Excise of London]. Warrant to Auditor Aldworth to make up their interest account to Midsummer.
Warrant for the Envoy from Portugal for his wines.
Sir W. Doyly called in about the arrears of the assessments in Cornwall. Write Doyly to take care to get in the money.
Mr. Meynill and Mr. Colvile to be placed for what they are unpaid on the Customs, on the next month that will bear them.
On the Auditor's certificate process to be stopped against Sir Dennis Gauden.
Write Mr. Pocock again to attend on Monday about the abuses committed by him in felling timber in Waltham Forest. A warrant to seize the trees till the case be heard.
Mr. Porter to attend to-morrow about Mr. Prettyman's debt.
Write Mr. Skynner to attend on Friday about his pension.
Petition read from Sir Bernard Gascoigne. Can't be done, but [ordered that he] have warrant for his whole arrears on the fee farms.
Same from Jo. Lawrence. Referred to Sir R. Long et al.
Warrant for the remaining 4,000l. for the Privy Purse on the new farm of the Customs. Write Alderman Backwell to attend to-morrow [as my Lords wish] to borrow the 5,000l. last charged for the Privy Purse. Alderman Backwell's 300l., part of the 14,000l. he lent some time since and now in the Exchequer, is to be for St. James's Park wall. See last minute of June 8 last [sic for June 10 supra p. 448].
Sir C. Harbord, Mr. Sherwin and Auditor Aldworth to have notice to meet on Thursday at Sir R. Long's house about Wadlow's Wine Act account.
Auditor Aldworth called in with Alderman Bucknell about the [London Excise Farmers'] interest account: which is declared. Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir R. Long to see that their interest for their money on the Eleven months' tax be paid.
Write the Alum Farmers to forthwith pay in the remainder of their rent.
The warrant for the lease of the London Excise farm is agreed to. To be prepared for my Lords' hands.
Mr. Cooper called in. Ordered that he have a month's time to pay the 1,000l. and to pass his account then, and so to have his liberty for that time.
The case of Mr. Brett is considered. To be represented to the King that he makes very little [profit out] of what [has been] given him, and whether it be His Majesty's pleasure to remit the 100l. per an. rent.
Sir Charles Wheeler's warrant to be grounded on Mr. Lock's: on an establishment first to be made.
Auditor Aldworth called in with Sir Ste. Fox about his interest account, which is declared.
Sir Charles Wheeler and Mr. Cranfeild called in about the Barbados lease of the 4½ per cent. duty [viz.] about his recompense. Sir Charles says they are ready to make good their agreement and make it sure. Ordered that the warrant pass and be signed.
Alderman Bucknell declared that if his 13,000l. interest money were paid him or secured so as to make money he would stop no part of his London or Country [Excise] rent.
Warrant for the remaining 500l. on the Duke of Buckingham's privy seal for horses: to be on the fee farms.
Petition read from Mr. Carter. Ordered that the affidavits be looked out and then the officer to be summoned.
Mr. Castle's business to pass. A warrant on Sir C. Harbord's report.
Send to the Principal Officers and Commissioners of the Navy the copy of the draft of a warrant for the sale of some 1,200 tons of timber in Dean Forest. Before signing it my Lords desire to know what timber there may be useful for the Navy.
Sir R. Long, Sir G. Downing, Sir C. Harbord and Mr. Sherwyn are to consider whether a dormant warrant may not serve for the payment of over interest without [the issuing to Sir R. Long of] blank orders [previously signed by my Lords].
Mr. Dettin (Dytton): warrant for the bailiffships: on the auditor's particular.
Warrant for Sir Robert Townsend: on the particular.
The Viscount of Falkland's bills to be brought to my Lords.
Warrant to the Auditors of Imprest and the Auditors of the Revenue that at the end of every term they bring a certificate of all the accounts depending before them, and of such accounts as ought yearly to be brought to them and are not brought.
A privy seal for keeping a registry [Register for orders charged in course] upon the [sale of] fee farms and upon the Wine Act.
Mr. Trethewy brings in his quietus for the One and the Eleven months' tax. Warrant to the King's Remembrancer to deliver up his bonds.
Warrant upon report of the late Queen's trustees for the King's hand for [the payment of] Lady Katherine Morley's debt: [to be placed or registered] after what is already placed [? on the fee farms].
Warrant for a privy seal for payment of principal and interest for Sir Edward Hungerford's lands taken away at Plymouth.
[Minute Book III. pp. 384–6.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Mr. Bird: warrant: query.
Query: warrant about Mr. Cooper.
Sir Ste. Fox warrant: see the paper.
Mr. Du Mullin: account.
Lichfield [perpetuity].
Query: what done about Carter's petition.
Query: about Mr. Gilbert.
Mr. Osbaston. Query: falconers.
Mr. Treasurer [of the Household] about Mr. Luellin.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 95.]
July 20.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household.
Warrant that the Ordnance assign their 12,500l. to the Navy and the Navy assign as much [viz. 12,500l. back again] to the Ordnance out of the last [or end of] their [i.e. the Navy's] 110,000l. on the Wine Act. The warrant to recite the substance of the report, viz. that the Navy was [by right in matter of date or priority of assignment] before them [the Ordnance].
The lease to Mr. North to be sent up for the King's hand: and a lease of Long Bredy farm to Mr. Baron on the old rent during the present lease and at the improved rent of 80l. per an., and afterwards to make up the present term to 31 years when he brings his petition and reference.
Dr. Morrison called in. My Lords cannot grant the fee farm for that the money is to pay the order registered, but the University may buy it: but 300l. to be paid him on the fee farms and 300l. on the Hearth money on his surrender of his patent.
Sir Robert Vyner says he has an interest account before the auditor, which is all his, 10,661l.
Mr. Ball and the farthing people called in and pray a commission to coin . . . . Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord and the Attorney General being present advise that a commission be only for such as petition, and that care be taken to provide a common farthing, but my Lords decide that they rather gratifie the prosecutor [sic]. My Lords to move the King to pardon them in regard they are not convicted but may [be] in time. Referred to Sir G. Downing and Sir R. Long to look into the case of Mr. . . . . on his petition and to report. Look up a minute formerly passed in the business. Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord and Mr. Sherwin to consider the petition and offers, [and advise] what is fit to be done as to them and what about farthings. The Attorney and Solicitor General to be joined to them.
Warrant to discharge Sir John Cutler, he having paid the money as by his tally.
[Warrant for] 100l. to Mr. Bishop, the butcher: to be on the fee farms: the remainder to be on Hearth money. See how the former money was paid and let this be so paid.
The Solicitor General delivers his petition concerning the accounts of the sub-farmers of the Chimney money. The Auditor to hasten their accounts.
Mr. Madden to be heard on Friday by his Counsel.
Warrants for Mr. Allen and Mr. Mills to exchange their places as [land] waiters.
Mr. Harris's whole arrears to be [charged] on the fee farms in course.
Mr. Hole, Mr. Harding, Mr. Arrundell: their petitions are referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Mr. Veale's petition referred to Sir R. Long, Mr. Sherwin, and Sir W. Doyly.
Write Mr. Porter to attend on Friday about Mr. Prettyman's business; he not having attended this morning.
[Minute Book III. pp. 386–7.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Warrant for Viscount Grandison's 2,000l. on the fee farms.
Sir H. O'Neile's petition delivered 22 July to Mr. Lloyd.
The scrivener is paid for all to this day noon.
Mr. Hyde: warrant to stay process.
Mr. Carter at Capt. Tho. Ellis's, merchant in Bristol.
Reports: [Irish] Corporation [Charters], Mrs. Warren, Col. Molly [Molloy], Earl of Carlingford, Earl of Fingal.
Query: what moneys Mr. Townsend hath assigned.
Mr. F. Patrick: that the petition. . .
Pages. Sydenham. Packer. Lichfield. Bishop. Hyde. Mason. Sir G. Downing. Gipps.
Query: if a copy of Viscount Gormanston's report may be delivered to him.
Query: how far the last dormant [privy seal for 10,000l.] is charged [upon or exhausted].
[Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 96.]
July 20.
Wednesday afternoon.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household. Together with: Duke of Ormonde, Earl of Ossory, Lord Arlington, Sir Edward Deering, Earl of Anglesey, Lord Powis, Sir Geo. Lane.
The Bishop of Derry is called in and his petition is read. Report to be made accordingly, and then the petitions about fee farms and the business of the renewing the Corporation charters is considered.
[Ibid. III. p. 388.]
July 22.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household.
Sir Ste. Fox's 10,000l. privy seal is brought in. Warrant for 1,000l. for Count Grammont on Alderman Backwell's loan on the next farm of the Customs: and [warrant for] 6,000l. more [for Sir Ste. Fox on his abovesaid privy seal] on the loans on the fee farms.
Viscount Brouncker's called in and presents a report of Sir R. Long about his [Brouncker's] demands of defalcations for the issues of jurors. Consideration to be had of taking in the farm of said issues. The Lord Keeper to be first spoken to in it.
Mr. Brunkart called in. Warrant to Sir C. Harbord to make a particular of all that the King has at Nonsuch.
Mrs. Symons: warrant on the fee farms.
Money to be borrowed on [the Customs of] October and November for Mr. Colvile and Mr. Meynell in lieu of what is already due.
The [Queen's] lady dressers are called in: warrant for half a year: on the loans on fee farms.
The Earl of Bristol called in. His warrant for his pension is agreed to. To be made ready for the King's hand. Mr. Cornwallis will be here after dinner about it. Also warrant for 250l. for the Countess of Bristol on Sir Ste. Fox's 10,000l. privy seal.
Lord Crofts called in: moves for arrears of his pension as of the Bedchamber. Warrant for a privy seal: and [money] warrant thereupon: to be on the Wine Act.
Warrant for Sir Samuel Morland's commission as one of the Commissioners of the Excise. His commission to be countersigned by my Lords.
Mr. Raworth called in and his report [the report on his petition or business as executor of Charles Read] is read. Report to be made to the King accordingly.
Sir Ste. Fox called in. [Ordered] that if the month of the Customs rent on which he is assigned be overcharged my Lords will make it good.
Mr. Lawrence to see the things done which are to be done by Mr. Porter and Mr. Prettyman.
Warrant for delivery of Mr. Napper's bonds as late Receiver of Chimney money for co. Dorset, on his quietus.
Mr. Baron's petition referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Alderman Backwell's interest account is referred to Auditor Aldworth.
Warrant to deliver up Mr. Fitch's bonds on his quietus [postea: no quietus yet returned].
Count Montbrun's business to be despatched, viz. 3,000l. ready money and 1,000l. per an. during life in full of all pretences.
The Earl of St. Albans: warrant to Sir Henry Wood on the King's warrant.
[Minute Book III. pp. 388–9.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Contingencies: [warrant for] 200l., of which 100l. to be on Alderman Backwell's 14,000l. loan some time since.
Duteil: privy seal.
Query: for a warrant to be signed for a year to James Parker, keeper of the Armoury at Westminster, on Mr. Duppa's request.
He had it on the Hearth money, July, 1668.
[Warrants] to do: Mr. Mason: Mr. Packer 2 warrants: Mr. Lisle, &c., 2 warrants: Mr. Edes 2 warrants.
Delivered to Mr. Ll., 26 July, 1670, [papers relating to the] business [of] Duteil: Symon: Sir Ste. Fox.
Memorandum about Sir D. Gauden's orders.
[Memorandum] about Mr. Gyps.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 96.]
Earl of Craven: warrant for his creation money.
To bring the navy warrant to-morrow morning.
To go to Mr. Williamson about the Marquis de Montbrun.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 128.]
July 27.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household.
Alderman Backwell brings in a paper of queries about the late Wine Act. Referred to the Attorney and Solicitor General as to law points.
Col. Strode's warrant for the farm of the 4½ per cent. in the Leeward Islands is to be prepared and carried to Sir G. Downing.
Edmund Chamberlin's petition is referred to the Commissioners of Excise.
The King to be moved concerning the docquet for the Bishop of Bath and Wells.
Peter Woodcock's petition read. To be allowed. Warrant on Sir W. Doyly's report.
Capt. Brabant's letter read. Sir W. Doyly to be spoken to about a Receiver for the money.
The King to be moved to appoint a time for letting the leases of the Customs, Country Excise and Wine licences.
The petition of the Irish reformed officers in Flanders is referred to Sir C. Harbord.
The King to be moved on Sir Saml. Morland's business.
Sir Dennys Gauden and Mr. Gipps being spoken to about the 1,200l. odd of the Royal Aids which Sir Dennys received from Mr. Keen [Sir Dennys] promises to pay [same] into the Exchequer next month.
Sir G. Downing to write Viscount Brouncker to hasten the particular of the Navy creditors, viz. a list of the particulars of the unpaid bills: my Lords being very earnest about settling the Navy debt.
Col. Whitley called in with his Auditor about his firehearth account: which is declared.
Warrant for a privy seal for 2,000l. to Mr. Mason for the Duke of Buckingham and 300l. for Mr. Stanley for their voyage to the French King and Monsieur.
Warrant for Mr. Dike for his bailiwick: on the Auditor's particular.
Sir R. Long to certify what is due to the Duke of Ormonde upon his pension of 1,000l. per an. as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber.
[Warrant for] 300l. for Mrs. Stuart, the Queen Mother's servant, on her pension: to be on the loans on the fee farms.
The King to be moved in the matter of Sir Philip Frowd's petition for a place as a Commissioner of Wine licences.
The King to be moved in the matter of Sir Edward Walker's petition.
A copy of Mr. Pocock's note (being an answer to Morehouse's information about his felling the King's timber) is to be sent to Mr. Pepys for the Navy officers for their report thereon.
Tho. Skynner's petition read. Write him to attend my Lords on Friday morning next at the Council Chamber. The petition to be sent up to the Council.
Mr. Andrews' memorial is considered. My Lords will grant him no more time to pay the money which he owes as Receiver of Aids for Herts.
The Viscount of Falkland's docquet is considered. Enquire by what Secretary it passed, being made 300l. per an. when it should be but 200l. per an. and is [wrongly] settled upon the Tenths.
Sir Charles Harbord's report about houses at Woolwich is considered. At the Council on Friday my Lords are to inform [themselves] whether there will be the same reason for it as reported, and if there be then direction to be given for contracting for that land and houses.
Sir Hen. O'Neile's petition is considered. Report to be made that it be paid out of the same fund that it was granted out of. The report to be drawn up to be signed.
Sir Jo. Heath's petition is considered. Ordered that it be looked out what has been done at the Treasury and a state of the case to be made to the King. [Ordered] that my Lords did not understand that he sought for any more than what related to the Duchy [of Lancaster] conveyances [of fee farms to be sold].
Tho. Howard's privy seal considered. Warrant to place 750l. of it on the registry of the fee farms and the rest on the Chimneys.
Alderman Backwell [sic; erratum for Bucknall] called in with Auditor Aldworth about the interest account of said Backwell [Bucknell and his co-partners in the London Excise farm] which account is declared. Warrant for a privy seal, then a warrant to register the money after what is [already] registered on the London Excise.
Look out the warrant for the King's hand for a lease in Wiltshire to Mr. North. [Mr. North's warrant to be sent up.]
[Minute Book III. pp. 389–91.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Marquis de Montbrun: copy of his privy seal.
[Warrant for] the Cofferer's privy seal for this year.
Mr. Montague's extraordinaries as Ambassador to be allowed. Warrant.
Warrant for 12,000l. for Plymouth fortifications on the loans on the fee farms on their present privy seal. The privy seal to be fetched or a copy, and the warrant made ready.
The Earl of Bristol: done.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 129.]
July 29. The Treasurer of the Household directs a warrant for Mr. Kirk for half a year as of the Bedchamber: also for a year as Keeper of Whitehall.
Warrant for 2,000l. to Col. Leg for Sheerness: on the loans on the fee farms.
Dr. Wren to attend Sir G. Downing to-morrow about the house near Berkshire House.
Mr. [le Marquis de] Montbrun's warrant to be placed on the next farm of the Customs.
Warrant for two years for Sir Richard Browne: on the fee farms.
[Ibid. III. p. 391.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Query: warrant about taking off lead at Windsor.
Sergt. Midleton's warrant: take it out.
Petitions of Hudson: Luellin: Queen's bargemaster: Cooling.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 97.]
Duke of Ormonde: [warrant for] 3,000l.: to be placed on the loans on the fee farms.
Philip Sayer: [warrant for] 120l.
Mr. St. George.
Mr. Lee.
Mr. Morice to be discharged from the 12 per cent. [interest charge on delinquent receivers].
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 130.]