Minute Book: June 1670, 15-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Minute Book: June 1670, 15-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp452-468 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: June 1670, 15-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp452-468.

"Minute Book: June 1670, 15-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp452-468.


June 1670, 15-30

June 15.
Write Sir Edm. Sawyer and the rest of the Auditors of the Exchequer Court to return to Sir W. Doyly the several states of the Receivers' accounts: which my Lords understand they have not yet given in, although several directions have been given in that behalf.
Mr. Pritchard to be taken into custody, he not having paid the 500l. according to engagement.
Write Sir W. Doyly to send to my Lords a state of the account of all the Aids of London, both within the time he has been Receiver thereof and since.
"Write Mr. Sherwin to examine the securities [of the persons proposed as receivers and collectors of chimney money] as also those tendered by the persons mentioned in the note lately sent him."
A letter from Col. Birch to Mr. Norcot, Receiver [of Aids, &c., for Devon] and to Mr. Martin, Alderman of Plymouth, to let them know what they are appointed to do about the retrospect of the Wine Act.
The paper of considerations about the collections of the Chimney money in London is to be considered when Mr. Sherwyn [and Mr. Webb] return their report about persons [proposed as Receivers] and [their] securities for London.
The sergeant to take Mellish into strict custody. Ordered that he call in Mr. Wade again, who has failed in paying the first payment. An immediate extent to go against said Wade. The sergeant to deliver to Sir G. Downing the bonds of Mr. Rewse's securities. Mr. Foley to be sent for in custody. Write Mr. Jay, Receiver for Norfolk, to pay in the moneys in his hands belonging to the King and Queen Mother in ten days, on pain of being again suspended.
Write the Auditors of Imprests to return a new certificate of such Receivers of the Tenths as have not passed their accompts and what every of them is in arrear.
Mr. Slingsby called in with the officers of the Mint concerning the indenture of the Mint.
Mr. Sherwin called in: presents a draft of instructions to him and Mr. Webb [as Agents or managers of the collection of the Hearth money] and a draft of a privy seal for their salaries [herein] which [are] approved and ordered to be made ready, viz. the privy seal for the King's signature and the instructions for my Lords' signature.
The officers of the Works called in about building Lyndhurst stables. Ordered that they speak with Lord St. John as to the 1,500l. already ordered out of dotard trees to know how they may depend upon the money and then to move my Lords for the remainder of the money. Warrant for the officers of the Works to do the business of Lyndhurst stables. Also a privy seal for Lord St. John to pay 1,500l. to Mr. Packer and 1,500l. more to be imprest [ed] for that work. This to be done when Mr. Packer makes report that he has spoken with Lord St. John.
My Lords to move the King about appointing a time when the Lord Keeper may be at the Treasury about concluding the cases under which [it may not be lawful] to sell the fee farms.
Ordered that the business of the difference between the Customs Farmers and Mr. Walter, of Yarmouth, about spices imported from Holland be considered this day week. Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord and the Solicitor General to attend then.
Mr. Colvile called in: says that he's [a creditor by virtue of orders registered] in course on the Wine Act [to the amount of] about 50,000l. and that Mr. Man stops his payment and Mr. Wadlow. Ordered that Colvile and Man attend on Friday.
The King to be moved about a privy seal for 50,000l. to Mr. Chiffinch.
Sir C. Harbord's report read about the supers on several Receivers. [Ordered] that their bonds be delivered up and they discharged of their supers by privy seal.
Warrant for Mr. Bennet to have [up] his bond on the certificate from the Pipe [Office].
Mr. Montagu, of the Queen's Council, is called in and the proposition about the Queen's surrender of her fee farms and lands is put in writing and delivered to Mr. Montagu, a copy being first made of it.
Write the officers of the Mint to be at the Treasury on Friday to attend the King about Alderman Backwell's proposition for coining small pieces of silver money. Backwell's proposition to be looked out. Backwell to have up his bond on production of the certificate from the Mint.
Mr. Stanlye's petition is to be considered when consideration is had of placing again the Navy debt at Guildhall.
Several businesses of New Forest to be considered next Tuesday which Mr. William Pawlett will then inform my Lords of.
Capt. Hill called in and his petition considered; and Counsel is called in for Mr. Cotes. [Ordered] that no liberty be granted Coates without the consent of Hill. Both of them to attend my Lords on Friday.
Mr. Colvile and Mr. Manne called in about the wine money stopped by Mr. Manne. Write Mr. Wadlow to attend on Friday to shew what is become of the money which Manne says is diverted, viz. 13,000l. Write Wadlow that my Lords have directed that the Commissioners for the Act for 310,000l. [on wines] do forthwith signify unto him how much money has been paid by them out of the moneys arising by the said Act to said Wadlow and his partners, and that when Wadlow attends my Lords on Friday next he do shew how the moneys have been paid and applied in discharge of tallies of loan upon the credit of said Act.
[Minute Book III. pp. 350–2.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Sir Jo. Robinson: his Tower [prisoners' diet] bills to be on the fee farms.
Duke of Buckingham: warrant for 500l. for horses: on his privy seal: on the loans on fee farms.
Sir Jo. Benet: warrant for his Post [Office] defalcations: [the warrant to be charged] on the sale of fee farms.
Jno. Smith: warrant on his petition.
Mr. Lawrence: warrant on the Lord Chamberlain's letter and his privy seal: [to be] on the fee farms.
Dr. Wilson.
Mr. Colby.
Mr. Barker: a warrant.
Mr. Castle.
To keep a book of warrants now for the King's servants.
[Minute Book DCXXIV. pp. 88–9.]
That Sir Hugh Pollard be Collector for the Chimney money for Suffolk: a warrant for the King's hand.
King's servants: a warrant for all.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 114.]
June 17.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir Jo. Duncombe.
The warrant lately directed for felling some timber in Windsor Forest is to be despatched: there being present at the appointing [or selection of the trees] thereof some persons to be deputed by the officers of the Works, so as it [the felling of the timber] may be with least inconvenience to the woods and deer.
Write Mr. John Cooper, Receiver of Aids for Norfolk, to return the bonds signed for him by his brother or my Lords will again take him into custody.
My Lords are not willing to offer [to the King] that the grant to the Queen Mother's Trustees pass by immediate warrant.
[Ordered] that Lord Arlington get Mr. Bowman's privy seal as in the late Treasurer Southampton's time, and then my Lords will pass it and provide the money.
The Earl of Sandwich called in with Mr. Newport and Mr. Reymes: [they] bring a state of the Wardrobe account for two years. Also Lord Ashley offers a draft of the Earl of Sandwich's, which [was] delivered to Mr. Newport and Mr. Reymes to consider and report.
Sir Stephen Fox's [signet for the] 10,000l. for Secret Service is to be [altered and to be made to be] without account.
Col. Birch and Mr. Wadlow called in. [Wadlow] moves about the form of the oath [to be taken by wine merchants] about what they have sold to retailers. The Solicitor General also came in. Ordered that the Attorney General draw the form of the oath which is to be perused by the Solicitor General and is to be affirmative and negative, viz. so much sold to a retailer and no more. And for the remain after to pay 8l. and 12l. per tun. Col. Birch to attend the Attorney General about it. And that the merchants [give on oath] the names of all the persons to whom they have delivered wines, for that the Commissioners [for the retrospect of the Wine Act] may prove them to be retailers. Also Col. Birch reads a draft of instructions for the [said] Commissioners to make the search on the 24th of June [instant] in London. The draft is approved. Birch to get it fair written.
The sergeant is to let Mr. Wade have his liberty on bail until he fail of his further payment.
Charnock to pay 30l. or 40l. to Mr. Harrys and Mr. Snow, the Attorney General's clerks, on account for writing the deeds of the fee farms.
Dormant warrant for the Gravers of the Mint: on the Coinage Act.
Mr. Wade and John Lloyd called in about the Chimney money of Norfolk in said Wade's hands. The [? Treasury] Commissioners will not meddle in it.
Write again to Col. Birch to hasten in the account of the late Commissioners of Excise, my Lords having been applied to by such as are to be paid out of what is to be paid in by said Commissioners on the foot of their account.
Report to be drawn up that Bridport be made a port. Ordered that it be referred back to the [? Treasury] Lords as to the rules and limitations that it be not spoiled in that.
The King came in and the Duke of York.
The officers of the Mint called in and Alderman Backwell about Backwell's proposition for coining small money, and his proposition is read. Backwell says he has 5s. 3½d. of the East India Company for each ounce [of silver], that he cannot afford this so cheap [for minting terms] because there [i.e from the East India Company] he has ready money but here [in the Mint] it must be some time coining. The paper is delivered to the officers of the Mint to consider and report. Ordered that the officers of the Mint also coin about 20 [samples] of divers moneys whereby to know the [minting] charge thereof.
Lord Ashley moves the King about Mr. Chiffinch's privy seal for 5,000l.: to be done.
Warrant to the Attorney General to draw a warrant for renewing the London Excise Farmers' lease for three years from June, 1671, according to His Majesty's covenant.
Warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe and another to the respective Auditors with a copy of my Lords' warrant to Sir R. Long to pay any super of the Aids [that is in cases of any such super resting on the foot of the account of any Receiver of Aids]: that they do make a memorial upon such account and state of account respectively how such super was paid that so the super may not be [subsequently again] demanded of the King.
[Minute Book III. pp. 352–4.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Warrant for stay of process against Mr. Adrian May and Mr. Hugh May.
Lewis Harding: warrant on Sir W. Doyly's report.
Mr. Goodwyn: warrant on Sir W. Doyly's report.
Mr. Smith: warrant on Sir W. Doyly's report. To stay a while.
Clerks of the Council.
[Dr.] Chamb[erlain].
[Mr.] Castle: warrant.
Mr. Porter: discharge of the 12 per cent.
Sir D[ennis] G[auden] 40,000l. orders. Mr. Colville.
Marquess of Worcester.
Master of the Robes.
[Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 89.]
June 20.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir John Duncomb.
Write again to the Auditors of the Revenue that my Lords hear from Sir W. Doyly that they have not yet returned to him the states of the accounts of any Receivers who have passed their accounts: and that they forward same this week without fail.
Sir Tho. Fanshaw: dormant warrant: one year on the fee farms and after [that his warrants to be] on the Exchequer.
Sir Hen. Wood called in and presents his certificate of the moneys paid by him to Mr. De Bussy [Dybusny]. [Ordered] that as to the interest and taking in the bonds, notes, &c., it be referred to Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord, Sir W. Doyly and Auditor Beale.
Write Mr. Napper (Napier) to know why his accounts for this year [as Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall] are not passed. Write Mr. William Harbord, Auditor of the Duchy [of Cornwall], to call on him for said accounts.
Sir William Bolton's petition and business referred to Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord and Sir Philip Warwick.
Mr. Blany to attend the Attorney General for an additional instruction about the fee farms: [viz.] that of course they [the intending purchasers of the fee farms] shall have a warrant from the Treasury to put their rent out of charge [that is to say in the Pipe Office] on a certificate from the Trustees for sale that they have taken out their conveyance.
Sir C. Harbord takes home Sir Amos Pollard's warrant to consider how my Lords can grant a lease of it, it being a manor.
Sir Francis Leake: a dormant warrant on the Exchequer after this year.
Lord Widdrington's privy seal for discoveries [is] to be confined to the Receivers of the revenue and made ready again for the King's hand.
The letter from Sir John Shaw et al. about lending 5,000l. is considered. Sir G. Downing to consider whether they can be placed on the Customs before Xmas.
Warrants to the Auditors of the Imprests to allow 30l. for making a great seal: reciting the Lord Keeper's warrant to pay the money.
The Privy Purse docquet for 20,000l. is considered. Ordered that the bill be viewed to see if it be for a year and from what time.
Sir Gilbert Gerrard presents his petition and [he] demands [that] as Clerk of the Duchy [of Lancaster] he may make the conveyances of the Duchy fee farms [such of them as should be sold]. To be considered to-morrow.
A state to be made how Sir Hugh Bethell's business began and how my Lord General [Albemarle] carried him to the King and how far [the matter is] advanced.
Mr. Carter's docquet to be made during pleasure and then to pass.
Sir C. Harbord's report upon the petitions of Martin Wyan and Eliz. Coach is considered. [Answer to be made] that these things are granted to Sir Jonathan Trelawney by Lord Ashley.
Petition read from the Clerks of the Signet and Privy Seal. The Clerks of the Signet to have 20l. among them and the like for those of the Privy Seal, as done to the auditors' clerks and others, for writing.
Petition considered from Mrs. Jane Stuart [a correction written after the name Wright erased]. Warrant accordingly.
Same from Robert Wright. Sir G. Downing to write to Sir C. Harbord that he take care that the man do enjoy his right and my Lords will sign it.
Write Mr. Long, of Barnard's Inn, undersheriff of Lincolnshire, to attend my Lords to-morrow to show cause why there was no inquisition made on a process issued out of the Exchequer last term against Mr. Broxholme on his debt as Receiver of assessments for co. Lincoln (alias why the extent against his estate is not executed).
[Minute Book III. pp. 354–6.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Mr. Trevanyon: warrant on Sir W. Doyly's report.
Duke of York: warrant for his 20,000l. on the Wine Act: on the year commencing the 24th inst.
Prepare a form for the King's warrants.
Mr. Smith about Exc[hequer] fines [? fees].
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 89.]
Sir Thomas Littleton moves for their [the Navy] warrants on the Customs. [Ordered] that they be dispatched.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 116.]
June 21.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir J. Duncomb.
Sir C. Harbord delivers a report about some lands mortgaged to the Six Clerks in Chancery (some lands of the Crown wherein the Six Clerks are concerned). Write them to attend my Lords hereon on Friday.
Warrant to take Mr. Holland's security: like [that] for Mr. Okes.
The Marquess of Worcester and Sir Baynham Throckmorton called in about the abuses in pulling down the hedges in the Forest of Dean. Ordered that Mr. Lawrence prosecute the rioters in the King's behalf.
Mr. Long, undersheriff of Lincoln, is called in about process against Mr. Broxholme for the moneys in his account of the Eleven months' tax. Says he has not heard of any such process. Another warrant for an extent against him.
Lord Ashley desires Lord Arlington will get Mr. Bowman's warrant for a privy seal in regard my Lords are not privy to the quantities or prices.
The King to be moved to give directions to the Lord Keeper to direct the judges before they go their circuits that they do in their circuits give countenance to the King's Chimney revenue.
[Ordered] that there be a paper prepared for Friday on two heads, viz. first what is charged on the Wine Act, then what direction [there was for such] to be so charged. The like also for the fee farms, not mentioning the particulars.
Several considerations are had about fees [to be charged] in the sale of the fee farm rents. The auditors [of the revenue] say there is a fee due to them on making out every particular, but for this they refer themselves to my Lords. [Ordered that the various parcels be comprised in one general particular for which no fee be taken] but if over and above the general particular the purchaser will have a special particular [ordered] that he pay for it. That where the purchase money comes to [refers to fee farms of the value of] 20s. per an. and upwards to 8l. per an. the fees to be taken [are to be those] which [are] set down in the paper given in by Mr. Lightfoot, which [are cases where the purchase price] will amount to two years' purchase, and from 3l. to 10l. per an. the fees therein also set down, and from 10l. and upwards as is therein also set down. But ordered that Sir C. Harbord carry the paper to the Lord Keeper ere it be concluded here.
Sir Edward Thurland and Sir Allan Apsley called in about the settling 24,000l. per an. to the Duke of York for [in lieu of] the wine licences. They say they are willing [on the Duke's behalf] to accept the Excise after two years, viz. a rent charge on it. [And meanwhile] during the two years to be paid out of the fee farms, viz. 48,000l.: which is agreed to.
Ordered that the Auditors make particulars of Chantry rents as well those that stand as [pensions out of rectories] or portio decimarum as others and of all rents that have been constantly answered unto 1642. Also that they make a certificate of all rents resolute and perpetual payments out of His Majesty's revenue.
Mr. Lewis Harding's warrant not to be delivered out till he have settled how to pay the King the remain of the money.
Col. Birch and Mr. Wingate called in about the Wine business [viz. the retrospect of the Wine Act and the general search of Vintners' cellars connected therewith]. Instructions are signed for the search for London. Ordered that Col. Birch and Sir C. Harbord attend my Lords to-morrow about the oath to be taken by merchants about wines delivered by them to retailers.
[Minute Book III. pp. 356–7.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Lady Cornwallis: warrant for 300l. more; on the loans on the fee farms.
Mr. Griffin: warrant [for him] to take up money at interest [for the chamber].
Master of the Robes.
To get Mr. Elliot's note from Mr. Burges again.
To bring the book to Sir G. Downing to-morrow about Mr. Arundell.
Mr. Porter: 18 March.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 89.]
Report to be made on Mr. Dobson's petition for my Lords to sign to the King reciting the case and what is done.
Serjeant Maynard: a warrant.
[Minute Book DCXXV. p. 117.]
June 22.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir Jo. Duncomb.
Petition of Lyme read [concerning the cobb or pier there]. Referred to the Customs Farmers to consider whether the money has been expended and the usefulness of it and whether it will require the money demanded.
The auditors [of the revenue] before they put any rent out of charge which is [i.e. when it is] sold [are ordered] to certify the arrears. A warrant to them.
[Ordered] that it be put into the Earl of Sandwich's grant that notice be taken of the 6d. per £ out of the livery money to the clerks [Clerk of the Wardrobe] to be also discounted as part of the 2,000l. per an. [salary payable] to the Earl of Sandwich [as Master of the Great Wardrobe]. Also that the 200l. per an. [allowance to said Earl for a deputy] be made 300l. per an. and to be for a sufficient deputy. Also that an account be made of what fees he has taken since Michaelmas, 1667, and that the whole 12d. per £ on livery [liveries] be received and accounted for by [?the said deputy to] the Earl of Sandwich.
Sir Edmd. Sawyer and the rest of the Auditors [are to give an account on] Thursday next what Receivers of the revenue have not yet passed their accounts and [of] the supers [set] on [the accounts of] such as have passed.
On Mr. Bland's account process of extent is ordered against Mr. Read, as Receiver of Lennox lands, and a scire facias is granted against his security. Warrant to the messenger to arrest him. Warrant for the arrest of Bland if he pay not his money in 28 days. Warrant to a messenger to assist Mr. Bland on a certificate from said Bland of his desire thereof.
Write Sir Edmd. Sawyer, Sir C. Harbord, Sir R. Long and Mr. Marriot, Receiver for Windsor, to attend on Monday about a rental of [the honor of] Windsor.
A paper about the Greenwax [is] delivered to Lord Ashley by Sir Robert Howard. [Ordered] that Mr. Aram attend on Monday to be heard about it.
The warrants for the clerks of the peace for the first penny [are] to be for the whole time and the two pennies [the second penny] only for such time as they have done their duty.
Mr. Gilbert called in: moves for liberty to go into the country to get in the money. Ordered that he and Sir W. Doyly attend next Thursday with an accompt showing in whose hands those moneys are.
Sir C. Harbord's report of Capt. Castle's petition is read.
The Bishop of Oxford's letter is to be sent to the Wardrobe to be paid out of the first [available] money. A [clause or letter of] direction on it for Sir G. Downing to sign.
Warrant for 130l. for Mr. Hingston [the King's organ builder] for a year for the organ [in Whitehall]: to be on the loans on the fee farms.
[Ibid. III. pp. 358–9.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Madam: warrants on her privy seal.
Mr. Packer: warrant for stay of process, he being on [the preparation of] his account.
Mr. Hosier: warrant on Sir W. Doyly's report.
Mr. Granger: warrant for a year with [or the same as] others.
Mr. Green: warrant on Sir W. Doyly's report.
King's servants: their warrants to be placed on the loans on the fee farms.
Sir Jo. Robinson [for the Tower: warrant to be] on the fee farm sales.
To keep an account of what is charged on each year of the wines and fee farms.
Query: warrant for Dr. Williams.
Query: Auditor Aldworth and Stubbing: warrant.
[Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 90.]
Warrant for the Ushers of the Exchequer for their two years' fee: on the Customs.
Mr. Newport and Mr. Reymes called in. Warrant for the 4,007l. 10s. 8d. on the loans on the fee farms. As also for 8,000l. part of the 16,251l. 0s. 8d.
Warrant for three months for the Earl of Essex on the loans on fee farms.
Mr. Hamilton called in: moves for money on his privy seal to go to Tuscany. Warrant for 300l. on the Exchequer. Sir G. Downing to speak with Mr. Backwell to lend that sum and the 2,000l.
Mr. Sawyer's petition [read]: a warrant [ordered].
[Ibid. DCXXV. pp. 117–9.]
June 22.
Wednesday afternoon.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir John Duncombe.
Sir C. Harbord and Col. Birch called in about some further instructions for the retrospect of the Wine Act, particularly the oath for the merchants as to wines sold to retailers and other matters.
Mr. Agar's petition read: ordered that he have three years on his account [on the found or fund desired: which is as much] as others the king's servants have had. [He'll speak about it first].
Petition read from Sir Tho. Culpeper. Referred to Sir Ste. Fox to certify whether he may not be paid out of the contingencies of the army.
Sir C. Harbord's report on Mr. Catesbye's petition is read. Ordered that the business be left to Her Majesty's Council. A report to the King to be drawn accordingly.
Petition read from George Smith. Referred to Sir R. Long to hear him and Trist.
Same from Mrs. Plat. Nothing done in it.
The [Privy] Council to be moved to send to the Commissioners of Accounts to certify whether the 310,000l. [granted by the late Wine Act] be [entirely] raised, because that the 4l. per tun is to be raised after the 24th of June instant.
The King also to be moved in Council about this 4l. per tun whether [it be] "advisable to take it that the 310,000l. should not be yet raised and not better to make good out of his [the King's] own revenue what thereof shall not be raised by that and the retrospect of the last Act."
[Minute Book III. pp. 359–60.]
June 24.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir J. Duncombe.
Warrant for Mr. Meynell for his over interest for such money as he lent or shall lend on the fee farms. The like for Mr. Watts.
Warrant to stop 1,278l. of Sir Dennys Gauden's next money to repay Mr. Gibbs for so much by him [Gibbs] lent to him [Gauden] as [is stated] in his [Gibbs'] account of the aids.
Warrant to suspend Mr. Read [as Receiver of Lennox lands] and a warrant to appoint Mr. Walter Strickland to receive that revenue.
Warrant for the arrest of Mr. Deering, Sir John Cutler, William Tayler and such others whose names are written by Sir J. Duncombe on the Auditor's paper.
Sir W. Doyly to attend every Tuesday and Friday with what relates to the Aids. Mr. Whitley [Receiver of Aids in Wales] to attend on Tuesday next to shew why he has not accompted for the Aids.
Petition considered from Sir Cerill Wiche and Mr. Guy. Referred to Sir C. Harbord, who is to advise with the Attorney or Solicitor General.
Write the Auditors of the Imprests to certify on Monday what Receivers of the Tenths have not yet passed their accompts.
Mr. Andrewes brings in his account. Send the account to Mr. Lawrence, who is to see the agreement my Lords made with him drawn up and signed for the 1,600l. in his hands according to my Lords' order and then consideration to be had about stopping process. [Process to stay. Postea: not yet].
Major Andros to attend Alderman Backwell at his house in Mark Lane this afternoon about adjusting the business of the tin: Backwell says he's then ready to pay the money.
The bill about Houghton and Best is to be considered. Care to be taken that my Lords do nothing unless authorised by the King [in their capacity] as the Lord Treasurer: and that the King may not be made to confirm the bargain whereby to be his. Referred to Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord, Mr. Sherwyn and Sir G. Downing.
The King's Counsel and the Customs Farmers are to attend on Monday about the business of ships going from the Plantations to Ireland with sugars and tobacco and from thence into foreign parts: there being to be a trial about it in the Exchequer on Tuesday next.
Petition from Jo. Tuthill. Referred to Sir C. Harbord to consider the case and how he may be discharged.
Mr. Sherwyn called in: moves for some business about the Hearthmoney about some certificates. Write to those concerned about them to let them know wherein they are short and to know what exceptions they have to the form sent from my Lords. Mr. Sherwyn to draw the letter. And as to the paper about the Smiths [blacksmiths] in Oxford Mr. Lawrence is to attend the Attorney General about their prosecution and to take care that it be done.
Sir Hen. Wood to have back the certificate from Sir R. Long et al. concerning Sir Thomas Bond's interest money.
Mr. Ball called in presents an order of Council of reference, which is to be delivered with the other papers to Mr. Slingsby to consider and report.
Sir Gilbert Gerrard called in and an order [is signed] to the Trustees for sale of the fee farms, that he be admitted as clerk for passing the grants for the Duchy [of Lancaster] on like allowances as the other clerks for [passing the like grants of] the rest [of said fee farms].
[Minute Book III. pp. 360–1.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Warrant for 500l. for the Commissioners of Accounts: on the loans on the fee farms.
Mr. Pinkney: warrant for 5l. on the Exchequer.
Sir D. Gauden: warrant for a year's fee.
Sir P. Wych.
Mr. Charn[ock]: 100l.
Sir Ch. Cotterell: last dormant warrant (for one year) on the Customs to be now put on the loans on the fee farms: and so for his son on the same.
Commissioners of the Ordnance and the rest on same funds as for Ambassadors.
Query: what [was done] last day about the Duke of Ormonde's orders about 5,000l. in Ireland? what order to Lord Roberts about it.
Mr. Grabu.
To send to Sir Robert Southwell.
Sir Ch. Windham.
Grooms and pages to the King.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 90.]
Sir William Swan: warrant for three months on the loans on the fee farms.
Warrant for Sir Hugh Wyndham as a baron of the Exchequer.
The alum privy seal to be despatched.
Warrant on Mr. Smyth's particular.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir R. Long to know where the Commissioners of the Ordnance may have their salary to the time Sir Thomas Chicheley's patent takes place, which is about three quarters of a year. To remind Sir G. Downing on Monday morning.
Sir William Saunders' paper to be considered by Sir G. Downing. To bring the papers to-morrow morning.
To see if a warrant is not sent to the Customs Farmers to pay the second list of tallies and all after the first list, concerning which directions are sent to the Exchequer to give an account on Monday next.
[Ibid. DCXXV. pp. 119–20.]
June 27.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir John Duncombe.
My Lords [are] acquainted with Lord Arlington's letter. A privy seal [ordered] for 1,000l. for the Comte de Grammont. Lord Arlington to pass it.
His Majesty came in and the Duke of York.
The Customs Farmers are called in about the business of shipping going from the Plantations to Ireland. They say that by the Act of Navigation they might take bonds to let such shipping go to Ireland. But that by the Act of Trade they can take no bond but [for such shipping] to return for England. The Attorney and Solicitor General are called in, with Serjeant Maynard and Sir C. Harbord. The Attorney General says there is no formal motion yet in the Exchequer but only a kind of a complaint of an extrajudicial bond taken by customers [of ports] tying the return of the ship to England: upon which the business of these bonds is ordered to be heard to-morrow [in the Exchequer Court]. The King leaves the management of this business to the Treasury without declaring himself.
Debate is also had of the 4l. per tun at the Custom House [on wines, &c.,] from the 24th June instant. Ordered that the business be considered further at [the Privy] Council.
As to borrowing money for Sir Ste. Fox, [ordered] that my Lords will speak with the Lord Mayor and Alderman of London.
Write Col. Whitley to forthwith pass his accounts of the Aids. Till that be done my Lords cannot pass him any warrant for his salary for this year.
Mr. Percivall Stanny: a dormant warrant.
The Six Clerks of the Chancery called in the presence of Sir C. Harbord about a mortgage to them of some lands of the King's. Ordered that it be referred to the Attorney General to consider what is fit to be done in the case of 800l. per an. mortgaged to them for 10,000l.
Sergeant Maynard: a dormant warrant.
Report on Sir C. Harbord's report about Sir James Rushout's petition. [Resolved] that my Lords see no reason that His Majesty may not grant his confirmation.
Write the Bishop [of Lincoln] to appoint another Receiver of the Tenths in Mr. Mellish's place. Also a warrant to put Mr. Smith to receive the King's revenue for Lincolnshire in Mr. Mellish's place. The information about the Queen's Receiver is to be sent to the Queen's Council.
Alderman Backwell called in about furnishing 1,000l. in France by exchange for the Chevalier Grammont, "which he undertook Lord Arlington to pass a privy seal for it."
As for Madam Vantlet's money, the great seal makes it payable to herself: but [as] for preponing it to all others who are real creditors this will infringe the King's great seal and make the Trustees and Administrators [of the late Queen Dowager] liable.
Warrant for the Duke of Monmouth for his 1,500l. per quarter on Sir Robert Long's certificate (which is first to be brought) as to what time he is paid to. [Downing to speak with Sir Ste. Fox.]
[Minute Book III, pp. 361–3.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Lord Buckhurst et al. Query: privy seals: minute.
Sir G. Gerard: recommended to Lord Hawley et al. [Trustees for sale of fee farms].
Sir P. Wych: warrant on the fee farm loans for a quarter.
Sir Ch. Cotterell and Mr. Cotterell: warrant dormant on the fee farm loans.
Lord Buckhurst: warrant.
Mr. Gregory: warrant on the [fee farm] loans.
Over-interest: general warrant to pay it on loans into the Exchequer at 4 per cent. Shew it to-morrow.
Sir D. Gawden: warrant on the Wine Act on his interest privy seal. ["Warrants on the Customs for Sir Dennis Gawden's ordinary for June and for his extraordinary: on the loans on the Wine Act for that money."]
P. Stanny: dormant warrant.
Sir J. Maynard: dormant warrant.
Privy Purse: warrant for 9,000l. on the fee farm loans.
[Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 91.]
Ask Sir R. Long why Sir John Duncombe may not be paid to Midsummer though Sir Tho. Chichley's patent be from Lady Day.
[Get a] copy of the privy seal of 1661–2, March 21, concerning the Greenwax.
Mr. Scowen's warrant.
Lord Buckhurst on his privy seal—and Mr. Godolphin—see the minute [of] 27 June.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 120.]
June 28.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir J. Duncombe.
Petition from Sir Edwd. Sydenham. Referred to the Auditor to see what the Receiver has received since the time of his grant.
Sir John Nicholas called in about his grant of keeper of a park in Windsor and produces his grant. Report to be made to the King of the state of the case, how the King may declare it a park again and how Sir John Nicholas is then to have the keeping of it. Sir John to draw a state of the case and present it to my Lords.
Mr. Pritchard called in about the remaining 300l. of his last 500l. Being asked what time he will pay it he promised to pay it in a month. This time is granted him. The sergeant to have notice.
Warrant to be drawn to the Customs Farmers to bring in the 8,000l. per month for what months it is behind [so as] to pay the tallies listed in the Exchequer [on it] except the 1,500l. [15,000l.] which was directed by warrant of . . . . to be stopped and the money not to be disposed of till further order.
Petition read from the workmen at Greenwich. [Ordered] that they bring a certificate of what is due to them, and then to be further considered.
As to Mr. Hughes' docquet importing a grant of the place of protonotary and clerk of the Crown for the counties of Glamorgan, &c., together with a petition thereto annexed and a reference from the King signed by Sir J. Birkenhead, my Lords find that its for a reversion and during life. Write Sir John Birkenhead to attend on Friday about his directions to the Privy Seal.
Mr. B . . . . . . . called in about Mr. Waller's business of the spices, the Solicitor General being present. My Lords declare they see no reason he hath to complain.
Mr. Hill to be acquainted with the note on behalf of Cotes (received by my Lords from Mr. Buxton, solicitor to said Coates, said Buxton engaging to appear for him [Coates] if my Lords will grant Coates his liberty), and that my Lords are willing if Mr. Hill be willing.
Serjeant Beck and Payne: their warrants to be dormant [and for one year thereof on the loans on the fee farms].
[Minute Book III. pp. 363–4.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Sir Edw. Turnor: warrant on his privy seal: on the register of fee farms.
Query: Auditor Aldworth's warrant: Serg. Thorne's warrant.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 91.]
The like for Mr. John Pebles in Mr. Mellish's place [erased].
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 121.]
June 29:
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir J. Duncomb.
Sir G. Downing to see what orders were given here about Sir Francis Cobb's business of the old poll and whether they were [to] receive the money, complaints having been made thereof.
The King came in.
Also Mr. Prettyman and Mr. Scarlet are called in with their counsel, there being present the Lord Chief Baron, the Solicitor General, Sir C. Harbord, the Attorney General and Auditor Beale. Mr. Winnington, counsel for Mr. Prettyman, says that Mr. Prettyman was deputed by the late Lord Treasurer to execute the place of [interim] Receiver of First Fruits on Sir John Prettyman's suspension and upon paying 1,500l., which he did furnish in part of his brother's debt: that he meddles not to interpose whether this be a fit or necessary office, but prays that if it be continued he may have it. Mr. Porter says he thinks they have made it appear that Mr. Prettiman did pay 1,500l.: that if that be repaid Mr. Prettyman is willing to quit. Counsel for Mr. Scarlet confess the money was paid but say 'twas part of the King's money [viz. as being part of the money owing to the king from said Sir John Prettyman]. Counsel for Mr. Prettyman deny it. This matter to be stated and reserved for the King's consideration. The Lord Chief Baron says Mr. Prettyman is on account above 15,000l. in arrear to the King. [Resolved] that its better if it may be that the money [arising from First Fruits and Tenths] were paid immediately [by the Collectors thereof] into the Exchequer. That if there must be [such] an officer [i.e. a Receiver of First Fruits] he be obliged to pay the money into the Exchequer. That as to Mr. Prettyman's pretence, it be examined whether the 1,500l. was his or not. That this be examined by Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord and Sir Philip Warwick as to whether this 1,500l. were the King's money or not. That my Lords consider whether the place be necessary or whether the money may not be paid directly into the Exchequer. The Lord Chief Baron, Sir C. Harbord and Sir R. Long to assist my Lords in this.
The little house about Berkshire House to be taken into the park. Also 700l. for the drain into the park.
The Commissioners of the Navy called in about the Navy debt. Mr. Pepys, Sir R. Long and Sir G. Downing to consider of making a list and state of the Navy debt on bills for goods and hire of ships. Also what [is] yet unpaid which is charged on the old tallies of the Royal Aid at the Guildhall, what [is] charged on the Additional Aid and unpaid [what is unpaid of the orders charged on the Exchequer of the Royal and Additional Aid] and what orders are remaining here [in the Treasury] and not signed, with a list of the persons and sums. They are to meet on Monday at Sir R. Long's. For what [is due] at the Guildhall and the orders on the Exchequer [these are] to be paid the Navy. For the rest a list is to be made and the money paid to the Treasurer of the Navy and they [the Treasurers of the Navy] to pay it in the course [set down] in that list.
Mr. Pepys also presents a paper of the charge of repairing the ships and making stores; which amounts to 154,000l.
The Duke of York came in.
Also [it is] debated to have a sum of money for making two docks at Gillingham, which is estimated at 20,000l. Also money to be provided for hemp to make more cordage. Also for taking off the compass made in England. And for money for the fleet in the Straits.
[Ordered] that the Commissioners of the Navy make an estimate first what will be the weekly charge of all these things doing [being done] together and bring it to my Lords and all other charge of the Navy: and to bring it on Friday, together with [a statement of] what ready money is necessary.
Also the victualler is to be then here about the business of the short allowance money and contingent money, paid by the Treasurers of the Navy to the fleet in the Straits.
A privy seal for 1,000l. per an. for New York for the charge of it [i.e. that government].
Mr. Prettyman called in again, and Auditor Beale says there's between 7,000l. and 8,000l. in arrear due from him. Ordered that Prettyman pass his account and pay in the money on it and that he presently give in his security as Remembrancer and then that the stop on his patent as Remembrancer [be removed and that the said patent] pass. Mr. Porter says procure the bond, he'll pay in the money so as [provided that] the hold the King has on Mr. Prettyman be delivered to Mr. Porter. Also there must be security for Prettyman's future well performance. (1) Prettyman to give security to pay the 7,000l. odd stated by the auditor [to be in arrear on his accompt]: he securing it in ten days. Mr. Porter to attend on Tuesday to say the days [on which he can promise to make instalments] of payment, which are to be two. (2) Another security to pay what shall be due from that account which [was] about Xmas to Midsummer. (3) Good security to execute well the office of Remembrancer.
Mr. Baron to be acquainted that the King has already disposed of the thing which he last petitioned for: and that he [must] find something else [to ask for].
Sir G. Downing, Mr. Sherwyn, Sir R. Long and Sir C. Harbord are to consider whether there is any necessity of continuing the office of Receiver of First Fruits and whether the money may not be paid immediately into the Exchequer, whilst keeping up the office of Remembrancer of First Fruits. They are to advise with the King's Counsel and Auditor Beale and to meet on Saturday at Sir R. Long's.
Sir Jo. Banks and Alderman Bathurst are called in about their 2,000l. privy seal on goods exported. The Lord Chief Baron, and the Attorney and Solicitor General, who are present say that they have a right that this business be again considered.
Warrant for the Cofferer for 2,460l. 16s. 2d. for interest money on the London Excise: referring [in the said warrant] to the account which is to be viewed.
Mr. Aram's paper is to be considered on Friday when my Lords will take this business of the Greenwax into consideration: and such of the Barons of the Exchequer as are in town, viz. Barons Turner, Litleton and Windham are to attend then with Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord, Mr. Sherwyn, Mr. Aram and the officers of the Works.
Warrant [for a grant] to Henry North of the things [viz. the demesnes of the manor of Mere, co. Wilts] petitioned for by Mr. [Hartgill] Baron: on Sir C. Harbord's particular [of said premises] to him [i.e. in favour of said North].
The Receiver of Cornwall called in with his auditor about his account: and several remarks are written upon it to be done: and the account is declared.
Sir R. Long's certificate about the 8,000l. per month [part of the Customs Farmers' rent, which said 8,000l. was reserved for payment of tallies] is considered. Write the Customs Farmers to shew cause on Monday why that money has not been paid.
Mr. Madden's petition considered. [Ordered] that he be heard the Tuesday before Michaelmas term.
Lord Widdrington called in about the report from Sir C. Harbord and Mr. Harbord. To consider whether the King or Prince of Wales was wont to repair that gaol or how it should be done [Minute Book DCXXV. p. 121, "Lord Widdrington called in about the report about his haven. Report to be made to the King accordingly"].
Jo. Catcher's petition read. Referred to Sir R. Long, Mr. Sherwyn, Sir C. Harbord, Mr. Harbord and Sir G. Downing to consider of the necessity of these blowing houses and of continuing those officers.
Warrants on Sir C. Harbord's reports on the petitions of Mr. Tucker, Mr. Ward and Mr. Napper.
Write Sheriff Sir Joseph Shelden to attend Lord Ashley tomorrow about the loan from the city.
The Privy Council to be acquainted that as to the accounts of the Navy, Ordnance, &c., when my Lords call for them they [the officers of the Navy, Ordnance, &c.] say their books are [before the Commissioners for Accounts] at Brook House and so [my Lords] can neither know how those moneys have been laid out nor what remains in the said various officers' hands: nor can my Lords issue process to compel them to accompt.
[Minute Book III. pp. 364–7.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Mr. Sherburn: into custody.
Mr. Alexander: order to be looked out now.
Mr. Porter's tally delivered to Mr. Dutton the 29th June, 1670.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 91.]
Duke of Richmond's warrant for his creation money to be despatched.
Report about Lady Castlemaine and Sir Hugh Bethell's business is to be brought in on Friday. To be shewn to Sir G. Downing to-morrow morning.
Mr. Scowen's warrant to be done.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 121.]