Elizabeth: July 1571

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: July 1571', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp484-500 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1571', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp484-500.

"Elizabeth: July 1571". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp484-500.

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July 1571

July 1. 1839. The Queen to Sir William Drury.
Directs him to use all efforts to bring about a surcease of arms between the Regent and the Queen of Scots' party.
Draft in Burghley's writing. Endd. Pp. 3.
1840. Another draft of the above.
Endd. Pp. 32/3.
July 1. 1841. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
1. Has travailed to stay some unkindness growing, and to hinder any secret practice of principal persons on both sides to agree between themselves without the Queen of England's mind being further known therein, both which heads he is assured shall be observed. The respects that chiefly move his coming to Berwick are that the thieves and loose persons are nightly doing upon the Borders, and no day escapes without complaints from some of the King's party of outrage done to them by Englishmen. Has to take some order for Home and Fast castles. The Regent has earnestly dealt with him that Lord Home's rents may be stayed from him. A little before his departure from Leith, Lord Lindsay was sent with certain soldiers into Fife to apprehend one Chisholm, who has landed from the ship in the roads with a coffer, in which there is supposed to be money.—Bewick, 1 July 1571.
2. P.S.—The misliking of the Regent of both parties increases, and if he tarries he will find neither surety or quietness. There are those who seek to kindle the fire of unkindness between him and Morton. Morton is offended for not obtaining the bishopric of St. Andrew's. The other party seeks him much and offers largely forgiveness of sins past if he will not concur with the Regent. Has in secret dealt with him and caused him to promise that he will not discountenance the Regent or any way conclude with them of the castle until the Queen of England's pleasure may be known. He says that of his own charges he has maintained this action which he is no longer able to do. Gathers that some money or pension is the matter he would be at. He greatly desires to know what course the Queen would have kept. He is the strongest man in Scotland and best able to stand in stead. He serves under the Regent impatiently as do the rest. "If he tarry he will pass the same passage the late Regent did; he waxes weak of body, and debilities of body and limbs grow daily." Trusts that he will so use this that it may not return to his harm. If he were with him he would say more. Lethington has received some consideration to answer his journey, it is thought, into England. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4.
July 2. 1842. Thomas Glover to Cecil.
Would gladly be at a clear end with the company, as his only desire is to be in his native country. On the 24th May there came to Moscow the King of the Crims with at least 120,000 horsemen, who environed the city round about, and in one instant set the suburbs and city afire, which was consumed within three hours, all timber work, wherein were a great number of people burnt with all their goods; as more at large he has written to the company. He himself escaped very hardly.—Narva, 2 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd.: The burning of Moscow by the Tartarians. P. ½.
July 4. 1843. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
John Chisholm, master of the ordnance of Scotland, has been taken by Lord Lindsay and brought to the Regent. There was taken about him 6,000 francs. In the ship he came in there is twelve barrels of serpentine powder and other arms and munitions, all meant for the castle. On the second at night there was an enterprise intended against Tantallon, where Lord Home is prisoner, or to meet Chisholm, but Morton understanding thereof has got four of them, and caused the rest to seek another way for their return than they came out. There is great means made by them of the castle for the release of Lord Home. Lord Semple and the Laird of Drumlanrig will be both offered for him. There is found more in the ship dags, corslets, and some better portion of money.—Berwick, 4 July. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
July 5. 1844. James VI. to the King of Denmark.
Desires that Captain John Clark may be set at liberty and sent over to Scotland, as he has need of him on account of his skill in military matters.—Leith, 5 July 1571.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1½.
July 6. 1845. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
John Chisholm being examined before the Regent has confessed to have received from the Bishop of Glasgow at Gallion 7,400 francs, who also caused the munition mentioned in his last letter to be delivered to him. 500 crowns were also given him to deliver to Lethington without making the same known to any body, and he was to let him understand that both the Laird of Skeldon and M. Verac had as much more for him. The bishop also showed him that M. Verac would carry with him both great credit and great support, and commanded him to declare to those in Scotland that in the communing betwixt France and England it should be specially provided for the Queen of Scots liberty, and if it came not that way to pass he assured them that there should be another shift, and that in the mean time they should not lack money. After this he was again examined and charged by some of them that came in the ship with him that he had received 30,000 francs, when he confessed that he had said that he had received so much, alleging that he was commanded so to cause the bruit to pass, but that he had not received above 10,000 francs. On the 4th M. Verac came into the Firth in a small French vessel, and sending a man to understand the state of Leith, he was stayed and being brought to the Regent; told him that his master was landed on the north side. Boats and a ship was sent to seek him and the pinnace. Thinks that Lord Home will be set at liberty so that they may proceed with his forfeiture, which being a prisoner they cannot do. There is an Englishman with a ship laden with timber here from Denmark, who assures him that he saw seven or eight great ships well furnished upon the seas bound for the Orkneys. Wishes that he were discharged hence as he is no longer able to follow his suits and increases daily in debt. Desires that order may be taken for William Smith that his life may be saved, and that he may dispose of his living as he pleases. The Regent longs to understand Her Majesty's resolution in these Scottish causes. Morton looks for something at her hands. The Regent has reserved for himself the 500 crowns sent to Lethington, wherewith some others are not well pleased. If the Queen will bestow a pension of 200l. or marks yearly, he will find a person on whom the same will be well employed.—Berwick, 6 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 5.
July 8. 1846. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
Is comforted to hear of Her Majesty's restorement to perfect health. Has by the Provost Marshal received her letter for some further dealings with the Regent, and has sent him thither. Does not go himself because they look for other meat than he has got to bring them; besides one of the heads in the Queen's letter was that if he should find that the Regent had met with any more advantage, and that a surcease from arms should be prejudicial to him, he should treat no further therein, and he has since gotten money, munitions, and ministers meant for the other party. Verac was brought to the Regent on the 5th with his coffers, wherein were many writings both of his last dealings in Scotland, as what was now for him to do. Sends what knowledge he has got of the same herewith. Lord Home is delivered for the Laird of Drumlanrig. Certain powder and arms sent from Leith to Stirling by water have been taken by them of Edinburgh, who have also got some cattle and victuals coming to Leith. The combat between Grange and the young Laird of Garlies is deferred till Aug. 25. It was to have been tried on Tuesday half the distance between Leith and Edinburgh, where Garlies tarried from nine till twelve. Grange not coming as he alleges upon cause reasonable.—Berwick, 8 July 1571.
2. P.S.—Has received 150l. for himself, for which he thanks him. Perceives that the Queen will not pay for rewards for intelligence, and as they will not give him knowledge without reward he trusts that fewer advertisements will be looked for from him. Will no longer hold this advertisement of Verac's from him, reminding him of the warning of the Scotchman given therein of the holding [knowledge thereof] from Lady Lennox, as he assures him that he has heard the effect of some of his letters written to him in Scotland by Scottish persons. The Queen may better serve herself by maintaining one party than remaining neutral, or else to make a quiet end between both, and not for accord to pass between them without her. Does not desire to leave this place for that he would not serve, but in other respects. If every hair in his head were a man they should be all adventured in Her Majesty's service. Would rather be his herd or labourer at Tong or Burghley than remain here. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
[July.] 1847. M. Verac's Mission into Scotland.
Verac arrived at Leith on the 5th inst., and being inquired of the causes of his coming, answered that he was commissioned to remain agent with them of the Queen's faction, and had also some directions to some lords that were favourers of the King. In his coffers, being four in number, were found his clothes, great store of books, with exceeding great number of letters, and which are the whole writings and memoirs that he had received the time of his first and last being in Scotland, together with the doubles of his answers. There was likewise found the whole proceedings he had being at Rome. Gives the substance of his instructions (see ante, 18 June). There are likewise long letters from the Bishop of Glasgow and La Mothe to Lethington and Grange, with sure promise that if he cannot obtain the Queen of Scots liberty by treaty, that the French King will denounce war for that cause. There are many writings of Lethington and some of Grange, desiring assistance of money and men, and promising to employ themselves to restore the Queen to liberty, and in her absence to set forward her authority. In some of their letters is contained that part of the nobility of Scotland are busy travaillers to join with the realm of England, persuading the people that the friendship of that realm is more meet for the country than the help of France, which must depend on wind and weather, where the other lies by dry marches, which persuasions are over true in case the King of France cause not the contrary to appear by visible demonstration. This writing is written by Grange to Virac after the winning of Dumbarton. "I think it shall be sent to your court by the Regent for augmentation of Grange's credit there." There is a writing of the Queen of Scots from Sheffield (see Mary, Queen of Scots, vol. VI., No. 43), thanking him for coming into Scotland for her causes, and especially for sending her word that the Regent had declared to him that her life was to be taken by poison, whereof there was appearance, as she alleges, before the receipt of his writing. The Regent is offended by this letter. Verac is still detained, and no resolution taken what to do with him. It is all that the writer can do to keep concord betwixt the Regent and Morton. Prays him to haste hither, and if he writes anything hereof to the court, to be wise that Lady Lennox gets no knowledge thereof.
Pp. 3½. Enclosure.
July 8. 1848. — to Robert Hogan.
He may be thankful that he has escaped from Spain with his life. It is reported that he has lost everything, and that the Queen has not rewarded him for his service. Conversation with Stuckley. Secret conferences of Stuckley and others with the King and the Cardinal. Money given to him by the King. The arrival of many Englishmen into Spain.—Madrid, 8 July 1571. Signature obliterated.
Add. Endd. Span. Pp. 3½.
July 8. 1849. Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Informs him of his trouble through certain lawsuits against him in England. Desires that the bearer, who is to bring him over money, may have warrant to pass without search. The King begins to like so well of the Admiral that all the adversaries cannot persuade him from sending for him. The marriage between Madame Marguerite and the Prince of Navarre is in great forwardness. Mentions other intended marriages. Is much beholden to M. De Foix and the Marshal Montmorency. Since the gentlemen of the religion have haunted the Court he finds himself more honourably used.— Paris, 8 July, 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
July 8. 1850. The Queen to Charles IX.
Is very glad that he acquits her of the charge which malignity has brought against her. Her reply to his ambassador and M. L'Archant, if well considered, will not diminish their friendship. Is very anxious to remove all suspicion of illwill. —Hampton, 8 July 1571.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
July 8. 1851. The Queen to Catherine de Medicis.
Thanks her for her good opinion, which she intends to merit by her sincerity, and for that purpose has given a very plain answer to the ambassador and M. de L'Archant touching their negociation.
Copy. Endd. by Burghley. Fr. P. 2/3.
July 9. 1852. Queen Elizabeth to the Duke of Anjou.
Although her royal rank causes her to doubt whether her kingdom is not more sought after than herself, yet she understands that he has found other graces in her. Is grieved that she cannot come up to the opinion which M. L'Archant tells her that the Duke has conceived of her. Whatever virtues she may lack, he shall see that she hold so dear his fraternal amity that she will never give occasion for its decrease. As for her answer, she begs that he will not add a bad interpretation to so good a text.
Endd. by Burghley. Fr. P. 2/3.
July 10. 1853. Lethington and Grange to Sir William Drury.
Have received the articles containing the conditions of the surcease required by the Queen of England, which they have communicated to the noblemen being present, who have yielded to the principal and most part of them. Have imparted to the bearer the reasons moving them not to yield to every point, which they trust Her Majesty will well consider, and how willing they are to satisfy her in anything not directly tending to their subversion.—Edinburgh Castle, 10 July, 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 10. 1854. The French King to M. De Lussan.
Orders him to restore the ships belonging to certain English merchants which have been detained at Bordeaux.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
July 11. 1855. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
As he looks for the under marshal to return to-morrow with answer to his instructions, and with other matters, that he may get the knowledge of, he stays something to be sent which already has come to his knowledge.—Berwick, 11 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 2/3.
July 11. 1856. The Earl of Rutland to Lord Burghley.
Has altered his disposition for travel, and intends to return, and therefore desires his advice.—Meaux, 11 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 11. 1857. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
The bearer having haste homewards through his mother's sickness, he refers him to him for the present state of affairs. He is godly, honest, and secret.—Meaux, 11 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Burghley: "Sent by Warcopp," with seal. P. ⅓.
July 11. 1858. Francis Walsingham to Mr. Heneage.
To the same effect as his letter of this date to Lord Burghley. —Meaux, 11 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
July 12. 1859. Charles IX. to M. de la Mothe Fenelon.
Has received his dispatches containing the particulars of his two last audiences with the Queen of England, with which he expresses his content, and desires him to thank her for the concern which she showed about his wound, and to declare to her that his affection to her shall not be that of a brother-inlaw, but rather that of a brother. Is also glad that the Queen has assured him that she has not sent men and succour to the Earls of Lennox and Morton, and that her councillors have declared that the Bishop of Ross shall be honourably treated. Directs him to urge the Queen to prevent the attempt of Lennox and Morton against Leith.—Monceaux, 12 July 1571.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 13. 1860. Frederick II. to Queen Elizabeth.
Has received her letter requesting the remission of the dues at Oresund for the merchants of London, which he defends on the ground of ancient right, and hopes that she will take it in good part if he declines to do as she asks. When his subjects in England complained of the imposition of new customs they were told that the Queen had a right to exact what dues and taxes she liked in her own kingdom, and he therefore claims the liberty to do the same in Denmark. Complains that notwithstanding his interdiction her subjects continue to use the traffic and fisheries of Iceland and Norway.—Sora, 13 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4¼.
July 14. 1861. News from Italy.
Rome, 14 July.—Murder and robbery committed by a servant of the Cardinal Rustieucci. Assembly of the fleet at Naples. News from France. Genoa, 6 July. Preparations for the reception of Don John of Austria.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
July 14. 1862. Advices from Italy.
News from Rome, 7 July; Prague, 30 June; and Venice, 14 July 1571. Chiefly relating to the preparations against the Turk. Fall of Famagosta.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 6.
July 14. 1863. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
Desires him to credit the bearer, the Provost Marshal, in reporting such matters as being in Scotland he has there understood. Encloses the Regent's answer and other writings. Both sides desire with speed to understand the Queen's resolution, as otherwise they determine to agree amongst themselves, and the same already in hand. The misliking of the Regent's government still increases; the same not hindered by Morton, who will use all good offices till he hears again from Drury. Complains of the heavy charges he is put to, having only his diet as Marshal.—Berwick, 14 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
July 11. 1864. The Regent Lennox to Sir William Drury.
Has received his letter of the 8th inst., and a note of certain heads to be considered, of which he with the nobility and others have advised upon. They have already for the most part answered the effect of the said notes. Has not yet heard of a messenger from the adversaries, except Lethington, whom he hopes the Queen will never admit to her presence, he being not only convicted by Parliament as culpable of the murder of the King, but having proved so evil an instrument to the quietness of both the countries. They are content that Grange should keep a sufficient number of men for the guard of the castle, but there can be no surety for the inhabitants or themselves if he keeps any soldiers in the town, nor can they consent to transport the King's power from Leith. It cannot but be prejudicial and dishonourable for the King's cause to have surcease of arms, and the town of Edinburgh to continue in thraldom and under tyranny, or to suspend the public execution of anything in the King's name. Lays the fault on the Queen of Scots and her Commissioners that the Queen of England's order and resolution has not taken effect.—Leith, 11 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½. Enclosure.
July. 1865. Answer of the Regent Lennox to Mr. Case.
Is willing to agree that the Parliament intended on both sides shall only be fenced at the days appointed, and no proceedings be moved for forfeitures or other acts of moment, but only authority given to persons to treat with the Queen of England's Commissioners. For security of true performance on both sides, it is convenient that the Marshal of Berwick shall promise that the Queen of England will be party against them that violate the abstinence.
Endd. by Burghley. P. 2/3. Enclosure.
July 10. 1866. Answer of Lethington and Grange to the Articles.
Are content to withdraw their soldiers from the town of Edinburgh with the exception of 150 for the guard of the castle. Also that nothing shall be publicly executed in the King or Queen's name during the abstinence, provided that they may have liberty on the 3rd Aug. to fence the Parliament in the Queen's name, which they must do, as the adverse party have their Parliament at Stirling on the same day, wherein they may proceed to their prejudice and destruction. The Earl of Lennox's power is not to remain nearer to Edinburgh than Stirling, and their's at Hamilton or Draffine; but they cannot allow any number of the noblemen of the adverse party to be in Edinburgh at the same time. Agree to the rest of the articles providing for the observance of the surcease.
Endd. by Drury. Pp. 1¾. Enclosure.
July 10. 1867. Lethington and Grange to Mr. Case.
Desire him to declare to Drury their goodwill to satisfy the Queen of England's pleasure, and to request that by his procurement Lethington and his father may be restored to the enjoyment of their lands, and his brother to his benefice of Coldingham, and also that restitution be made of Lord Home's house.
Endd. P. ¾. Enclosure.
July 15. 1868. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
Sends a packet from the Regent. Since Morton's departure over the water, they of the castle and town have shown themselves abroad every day, their horsemen being more in number than the others. On Friday night they issued out minding to have surprised Holyrood House, where lie 100 soldiers of the Regent. Captain Arthur Hamilton with his lieutenant and ensign bearer and some others are sore hurt with shot, and some slain.—Berwick, 15 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
July 15. 1869. The Queen of Navarre to Queen Elizabeth.
Has lately taken a quantity of papers and letters on a courier of the King of Spain on his return from Flanders by sea, written some in English and others in cipher, which seem greatly to touch her estate. As they seem of far too much importance to be sent by the ordinary post, she forwards them by the President Jambe.—Rochelle, 15 July. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 12/3.
July 16. 1870. Mr. Heneage to Lord Burghley.
Has received the following news through Warcop, Mr. Walsingham's secretary. After M. L'Archant's coming, the news was in France that his entertainment was so cold that there was very little likelihood that the match would go forward. The King said that whosoever was against the match should be hanged by the neck. Monsieur having long talk with the Duchess of Sessa of the Queen, the Duchess said that now that he went into England to be married to so noble a lady as the Queen of England, he must remember that the English nation were accounted to be the best husbands in Europe, and therefore, both for his honour and surety, it behoved him to take great care to be so. To which he answered with solemn oath, that if he should be so happy as to make that match there should not be found a more loyal husband, either in England or France. The Cardinal of Lorraine has written letters of great imperfections that Her Majesty should have of body and mind. Great heed was to be taken for the Queen of Scots, for whose deliverance he heard daily that there should be practices used.—From the Court, 16 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
July 17. 1871. De la Mothe Fenelon to the Earl of Leicester.
Relates a conference which he has had with the Queen about the affairs of Scotland, and for a passport for one to go to the Queen of Scots, in which she has promised to do what she can for the pacification of that country. Desires that he will do all in his power to promote the friendship between the Queen of England and his master.—London, 17 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Pp. 1½.
July 18. 1872. Charges for Soldiers.
Charge for the entertainment by the Regent of Scotland, of 200 horsemen and 500 foot, for one month; total, 5,938 pounds Scots, or 1,190l. 12s. English.
Endd. by Burghley. Broadside sheet.
July 21. 1873. Advices from Italy.
Venice, 21 July 1571. Forts built by the Turks in Dalmatia. Defeat of the Turks in a skirmish before Zara. Movements of the Christian fleet. News from Ragusa and other places.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 1½.
July 23. 1874. Pietro Bizarri to [Cecil].
Forwards advices which he has received from Venice.—Lothbury, 23 July 1571. Signed.
Endd. by Cecil. Ital. P. 2/3.
July 23. 1875. De la Mothe Fenelon to Lord Burghley.
Thanks him for the command which he has caused to be sent to the Judge of the Admiralty for the expedition of the affairs of certain Frenchmen. Complains of the conduct of the Earl of Lennox in expelling out of Scotland M. Verac, who was sent there by the French King, and also for his fortifying Leith contrary to the treaty. Begs that he will endeavour to cause the Queen to desire that this may be amended.—London, 23 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
July 24. 1876. The Earl of Lennox to Sir William Drury.
1. Complains of the nightly incursions made on them, professing the King's obedience by some under his rule and some inhabitants of the Middle March. Also of the favour shown to the King's disobedient subjects by Her Majesty's ministers by public hunting and banqueting, naming Ferniehurst and Sir George Heron.
2. Prays that he will redress these disorders and admonish the warden deputy of the Middle Marches. If such behaviour continues he will be constrained to require the reparation at the hands of Her Majesty and her Council.
3. P.S.—Encloses a letter for Sir George Heron.—Leith, 24 July 1571. Signed: Matthew, Regent.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 24. 1877. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
Thanks him for his advice and promise to his comfort, and craves pardon for his unmannerly importunity. Complains that he has had to pay at the rate of thirty years' purchase for some land and requires relief therein. Has sent the Provost Marshal again to the Regent. On the 17th there was a meeting of the Earls of Morton and Marr, and other noblemen at Dumblane, where they by words are agreed. Captain Coolyne is beheaded greatly to the contentation of the people, especially the women; but Huntly says that he will have revenge. Many men and horses have been killed in the different skirmishes.—Berwick, 24 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3.
July 24. 1878. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
Forwards letters from the Regent of Scotland. Has sent the Provost Marshal to Scotland.—Berwick, 24 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
July 27. 1879. The Regent Lennox to the Queen.
Has received her letter and direction for an abstinence of hostility until the coming of her commissioners to the frontiers, and also until she might have knowledge of their adversaries answer to her motions. Having deliberately considered therein with the noblemen and others of the Council, it is thought by them all that there cannot be any greater inconvenience to the cause of the King and his subjects whilst the town of Edinburgh remains under the tyranny of their adversaries, who fortified the same and levied their forces during the time of abstinence agreed unto by her order. They therefore thought that she would see the town replaced in the state they left it at in the end of January. For them to agree that the others should hold a Parliament would be nothing but a beginning of the subversion of the King's cause. What reverence the others bear to her motions may appear by their dealings, the experience whereof gives just occasion of mistrust. They are only a few. massed in a walled town, and sustaining their rebellion with waged men at the charge of foreign princes. Beg that she will not put them in the same balance as the innocent King, her cousin, and his nobility and subjects, but that she will incline her favour to that part where honour, justice, and friendship leads, so that the rebellion of that faction being repressed by her aid she may be assured of the friendship of the whole realm. There will be no convention of noblemen at the Parliament before the 28th August, and the matter being of such importance no few number dare presume to treat or grant commission, so for the present it is not in them to make further certainty anent the choice of persons.—Leith, 27 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
July 27. 1880. The Regent Lennox to Sir William Drury.
Desires that he will forward his answer to the Queen's letter to Her Majesty, and remits him to the bearer's report for information.—Leith, 27 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓.
July 27. 1881. Lethington and Grange to Sir William Drury.
1. Have communicated the Queen of England's articles for an abstinence from hostilities until the coming of her commissioners to the frontiers to the noblemen of their party who have yielded to every part of the motion. Although the other party obstinately refuse the abstinence it shall not stay them from appointing commissioners to treat.—Edinburgh Castle, 27 July 1571. Signed.
2. P.S.—Perceives that by his favourable report the Queen deals the better for them, for which they thank him, and will faithfully perform all their promises. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 27. 1882. Mr. Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Two or three days after L'Archant's departure there came letters from the Spanish ambassador saying that Her Majesty had nothing less than intention to marry, whereof he was well assured by those about her. After L'Archant's departure from England the said ambassador sent a courier after him who overtook him at Boulogne, and arrived here a day or two before him, after which it was given out that L'Archant brought but a cold answer. L'Archant being come, so honourable a report was made of the Queen's sincerity that they have conferred what resolution is to be taken. Is put in hope that though this matter proceed not yet, the King's intention is to send some person of good quality to thank the Queen for her honourable proceeding, and to desire continuance of good amity. —Melun, 27 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Printed by Digges. Pp. 1¼.
July 27. 1883. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Neither the King's threatenings nor the Queen Mother's persuasions can draw Monsieur to proceed in this marriage, he is so alienated from the same through the Cardinal of Lorraine's practices, and though the Queen would yield in toleration, it would nothing prevail. Seeing he is so much directed by the said Cardinal, he fears that there would grow more danger than surety by this match. Is glad that Her Majesty's honour will be saved, and she thought in all her proceeding in the same sincere. Seeks by such instruments as he thinks fit to persuade the King that it will stand most with his honour to maintain the present government in Scotland, and not to advance the Queen deposed, whose monstrous doings have made her unworthy of so high a calling. Also wills them to put him in mind whether the friendship of England will not stand him in as good stead as that of Scotland, and to show him that now being possessed of Calais there is not that necessity or use of the Scottish confederacy as before. The hatred they bear to Spain will further this. Lack of money makes the [Flemish enterprise] lie asleep this summer. They will, however, endeavour to impeach the bringing of a new supply of soldiers from thence.—Melun, 27. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
July 29. 1884. The French Ambassador to Lord Burghley.
In behalf of a French woman whose goods have been confiscated by the customers at Sandwich on account of her not having satisfied certain dues through ignorance.—London, 30 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
July 30. 1885. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
The Queen Mother having requested him to forbear sending to the Queen for a day or two until the King should impart their answer to him, he was sent for by the King, who told him that after long deliberation they resolved to send M. de Foix to the Queen, whom he hoped he would not find so resolute touching the point of religion; and further, that whatsoever should come of the cause that in respect of her honourable and sincere dealing she might assure herself of his friendship as much as of any body's on earth. Having repaired to the Queen Mother they conversed on the point of religion, and she declared the affection which she had towards the Queen. After he had done with her Monsieur came and declared what intolerable grief it was for him to see so great a block lie in the way, as the point of religion, to keep him from attaining to the rarest good hap that ever in this world could happen to him, and protested how he wished, so the same were removed, he had lost an arm or a leg, and desired that the Queen would account him a champion ready at all times to hazard his life in her defence. Understands that Ridolphi after being at Rome was sent by the Pope into Spain. The cause is not known, as he gives out diversely; to some he says that it is to reduce the realm of England to the Catholic religion; to others, that it is for the re-opening of the intercourse between England and Flanders, and to some for the recovery of certain goods of his stayed in Flanders. M. de Foix has behaved himself in this matter in all points very honestly, wherefore it were not amiss that he were well entertained and rewarded.
2. P.S.—Is informed that one of Lord Shrewsbury's chief men whom he trusts is corrupted, and partly in the practice for the conveying away of the Queen of Scots.—Melun, 30 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
July 30. 1886. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Of late the King finding his brother altered and to stand so stiff upon that point of toleration more than accustomed, said to him before the Queen Mother: "Brother, you should have used some plainness with me in this matter before the dispatch of L'Archant, and not to cause me to wade so far to abuse a a prince I so much esteem and honour. You allege conscience to be the cause, but I know it is a late pension offered unto you by the clergy, who would have you still remain here for a champion of the Catholic faith. I tell you plainly," said he, "I will have no other champion here but myself, and seeing you have such a desire to remain here on such respects, it behoves me the more narrowly to look to you; and as for the clergy, seeing they have so great superfluity, and I so great necessity, the benefices being at my disposition, I will take a new order; and as for those who make the offer, I will make some of them shorter by the head." Upon this Monsieur retired into his cabinet, and bestowed one half day in shedding tears. They have sought to hide these things from him, but the Queen Mother hearing that he was not ignorant thereof, desired him to continue in doing all good offices and not to advertise all he heard. He told her that he would take no light occasion to hinder the match, and desired her to consider if any alteration should happen, how much it would touch the Queen both in sex and calling, and that if she saw any doubt, it were good to end the matter with good amity, and not proceed further, and so breed disdain, which she promised to do. Found her more stiff than ever in the point of toleration, whereby he suspects that De Foix has commission to yield in that behalf rather than break off, and that this stiffness proceeds only of policy to make him advertise that there is no hope of relenting here. Two reasons make him think this; the one, for that the misliking between this country and Spain increases; the other, that the jealousy between the brethren is so great that they cannot refrain half a year from taking of arms. The King is loath to have him here, and Monsieur is afraid to be here. Commends the good dealing of M. De Foix in this matter. The Queen Mother never wept so much since the death of her husband. By her eyes he found that she had wept not long before his coming. Whilst he was talking with the King the Queen Mother walked in the further end of the gallery with Monsieur, with whom he gathered by gesture that she used some earnest persuasion. Monsieur in talk used great protestations to take from him all scruple of any inconstancy in him in this behalf. The truth is, he is to be excused, being torn in pieces with sundry discourses of those who are hinderers, whose reasons are able to divert one of more years and riper judgment. The King and Queen Mother most earnestly desire strait amity with the Queen, and it is thought that M. De Foix shall have commission to offer some towns fit for traffic with as great privileges as Her Majesty can desire, and that the King will be content to join with her in taking such order with the Queen of Scots, as may best tend to her safety. As far as he can learn they rather [seek] the maintenance of the King's government here, than to set her up again, being utterly condemned here as guilty of many horrible facts.—Melun, 30 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 6.
July 30. 1887. Guido Cavalcanti to Lord Burghley.
Arrived in Paris on the 16th inst. Has had a conference with M. L'Archant, on the point of the toleration in religion in the treaty of marriage between the Queen and Monsieur.— Fontainebleau, 30 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2⅓.
July 30. 1888. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
Refers him to the bearer for the report of his mission to the Regent and the other party, and what he has further understood of their intentions. Robert Melville is presently to come from them of the castle.—Berwick, 30 July 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 2/3.
July 31. 1889. The Duke of Anjou to Queen Elizabeth.
Thanks her for the goodwill, which he is informed by M. L'Archant, that she bears towards him, and assures her that though difficulties hinder the fulfilment of that which he so infinitely desires, he remains devoted towards her, as she will find if she has occasion to command his services.—Fontainebleau, 31 July. Holog. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
July. 1890. Ans wers given to M. L'Archant and the French Ambassador.
After they had thanked the Queen for her sincere dealing, they told her that the King had determined to send Marshal Montmorency, M. De Foix, and M. de Cheverny, to conclude the matter if she would grant them her license to come. The Queen thanked the King and Queen Mother for their friendly dealing, but could not understand that the matter was in such forwardness, and except the King would declare his contentation and his brother's, that she should not grant Monsieur liberty to exercise the Roman religion; she saw it, but labour lost to send any ambassadors. After two or three further conferences, the Queen still persisting in her determination, they required to have conference with the Earl of Leicester and Burghley, which being granted, they were told that there was no hope that the embassy would alter Her Majesty's mind. Hereupon followed some opinions on both parts, that if Monsieur would forbear to require the toleration, and thereby the Queen should not grant it, but the matter passed in silence; it might follow that Monsieur's friends might retain their good opinion of him, as of one that had not changed his religion, and likewise the Queen's good subjects should continue their opinion of her, as of a prince who would not assent to anything against her religion.
Draft in Burghley's writing. Endd.: July 1571. Printed by Digges. Pp. 7.
July. 1891. Instructions by Sir William Drury.
Heads of certain information about Scotland to be imparted to Lord Burghley. Their willingness to agree amongst themselves. The misliking of the Regent's government and his quarrels with certain of the nobility. Meeting of Morton with the Earl of Argyle and others. Grange and Lethington's desire for a surcease. Money to be employed about the Queen's service. Signed.
In Drury's writing. Notes by Burghley of the names of the noblemen with Morton, and those with the Regent. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
July. 1892. Instructions for James Cunningham.
To desire the Queen of England to openly maintain the King's cause, and aid them to recover the town and castle of Edinburgh, and to give them entertainment for soldiers, and to command the wardens on the borders to stay the lairds of Ferniehurst and Buccleugh. Also that she will write to the King of Denmark for the delivery of Earl Bothwell, and that the Bishop of Ross may not be set at liberty, or the Bishop of Glasgow and Lethington suffered to enter her realm.
Endd. P. 1.
July. 1893. Instructions for James Cunningham.
To a similar effect as the above, more especially desiring money and arms from the Queen.
Endd. by Burghley. P. 1.
[July.] 1894. Archibald Douglas to the Regent and Council of Scotland.
Complains that he is deprived of the fruits of his parsonage of Glasgow, and desires for remedy that trial may be taken of his past behaviour.
Copy. Endd. Broadside.
July. 1895. Sir William Drury's Charges.
Bill of extraordinary charges for intelligence, and sending into Scotland for the better advancement of the Queen's service, from Oct. 1570 till July 1571, amounting to 68l. 3s. 4d. Signed.
P. ⅓.