Elizabeth: June 1571, 16-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: June 1571, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp471-484 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1571, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp471-484.

"Elizabeth: June 1571, 16-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp471-484.

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June 1571, 16-30

June 16. 1794. Advices from Italy.
News from Rome, 9 June 71; Prague, 30 May; Venice, 16 June. Assembly and movements of the forces of the holy league against the Turk. Execution of the Prothonotary Pallantiero. Disturbances at Cattaro. Siege of Famagosta and movements of the Turkish fleet.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 8¼.
June 17. 1795. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
According to the Queen's instructions, he went on the 11th inst. to the Earl of Morton at Dalkeith, and the next day to to Edinburgh where, not two hours before his coming, the Duke and the rest of the nobility had assembled themselves in the Tolbooth beginning a Parliament. Declared to the Prior of Coldingham and Robert Melville, that he found this innovation strange, as they had written to the Queen that they would commit all their matters to her, and knowing of his coming would not stay the Parliament till they might have heard what answer to their letters he had brought. The next day he declared to Grange that he thought that the Queen would not take this in good part, who answered that they had of late written to her of their intention to hold the said Parliament, and assured him that she would not mislike thereof. Came that night to Stirling and declared to the Regent according to the Queen's instructions, and by his advice returned on the 15th to Morton, whom he found in Leith. In the afternoon, as he was on his way to Edinburgh to confer with Grange, they of the town, both horse and foot, issued out towards Leith, and the other party seeing them likewise came forth. Travailed to persuade either party to retire with what success the bearer, Captain Brickwell, can tell him, to whom he likewise refers him for information on other matters. Desires further directions.—Leith, 17 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3½.
[June 17.] 1796. Memoranda by Drury.
Notes of certain matters about which Captain Brickwell can give information. Signed by Drury.
Endd. Pp. 2.
July 17. 1797. Sermon by the Bishop of Galloway.
Laments the misfortunes which have fallen on the country; the cause of which he ascribes to "particularities" of all classes. Assures his audience that the Queen of Scots is not kept as a prisoner in England, but is better treated and reverenced there in one day than she was in Scotland in a year. Wishes them to send for their ministers and cause them to pray for her. The more wicked she is the more they should pray for her. Though she is an adulteress and murderer, so was David. No subjects have power to depose their lawful magistrates, although they commit whoredom, murder, incest, or any other crime. The ministers have grown so wanton and ceremonious that they will not pray for their lawful heretrix, who has given them such liberty of conscience. Asks whether Morton on the one side or Argyle on the other can cast the first stone at the woman taken in adultery, and confesses that he is himself altogether given over to the lusts of the flesh.
Preached at Edinburgh, on the Sunday after the defeat.
Endd. Pp. 2½.
June 18. 1798. Instructions for M. Verac.
He is to repair into Scotland and assure the Duke and other Lords of the Queen of Scots' party of the King of France's favour and assistance, and to deliver letters to the Earl of Mar, the governor of the young Prince, urging him to assist in bringing about a reconciliation between the hostile parties. He is to keep both the King and the French Ambassador in England well informed of the progress of affairs in Scotland. —Gaillon, 18 June 1571. Signed.
Copy. Endd. by Burghley. Fr. Pp. 2¼.
June. 1799. Articles by the Regent Lennox.
Will consent to a surcease of arms for fifteen or twenty days on condition that the King's authority shall have perfect obedience within the town of Edinburgh, and the town be restored to the same liberty it enjoyed in the end of January last. The session to proceed in doing justice, and the Laird of Grange to keep only the ordinary garrison in the castle.
Endd. P. ½.
[June.] 1800. The Earl of Lennox's Answer to Drury.
Where the Queen of England's intention was to have some surceace of arms on both sides if the same should not appear unprofitable for the King's party, he trusts that she would not have sent him if she had suspected that form of dealing of the adversaries which he has seen since his arrival. Repeats his conditions for the surcease, but thinks that those of the adversaries are so unreasonable that no indifferent person will allow them. All that has been enterprised by the adversaries has been done within the time of the assurance agreed to by Her Highness's order. Has good cause to refuse the abstinence on conditions so dishonourable and unprofitable for the King's party. Points out how dishonourable it would be for him and Morton, as Regent and Chancellor of the realm, to be dictated to by a man of Grange's condition, who is unable to maintain above five men on his own rents, and complains of his conduct in seizing on and fortifying Edinburgh, and raising companies of soldiers. If the surcease had been agreed unto on reasonable conditions, he should have been answered to the Queen's satisfaction for the summons to be executed on Lord Seton and others. Begs that he will report the truth of the whole to Her Majesty and be a means that by her aid these things may be redressed. Signed: Matthew Regent.
Endd. Pp. 1¾.
[June.] 1801. Articles by the Queen of Scots' Party.
Are content to grant to a surcease of arms on both sides for fifteen or twenty days, providing there be good surety made for the true keeping of it. The town of Edinburgh to be patent for all subjects to repair there in peaceable manner, they in like manner being allowed to repair to other towns. The artillery to be removed out of the town. As it will be hard to get the full number assembled, the point of the Session needs not be spoken of. Grange's soldiers to be kept in a part of the town near the castle out of which they shall not come in arms; others not coming in arms within the town or suburbs.
Endd. P. 2/3.
1802. Another copy.
P. 1.
1803. Similar articles providing more fully for the disposal of the soldiers on either side; also for the securing the observance of the abstinence, and that in the meantime the forfeitures lately decreed shall not be executed.
Endd. Pp. 1¼.
June 18. 1804. Lord Scrope to Lord Burghley.
Yesterday the Queen's party and that of the King's met and fought. There is killed on the Queen's party, the Abbot of Kilwinning and about 30 men; Lord Home is taken and 100 besides, and also two cart-pieces. The Marshal of Berwick was present, who by all good means would have persuaded them from fighting.—Carlisle, 18 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
June 18. 1805. The Duke of Montmorency to Lord Burghley.
Recommends the bearer, M. de Larchant, captain of the Duke of Anjou's guard, to him, who will inform him of the purpose of his journey.—Gaillon, 18 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr.
Lord Burghley to the Duke of Montmorency.
Has received his letter and conferred with the bearer. Assures him of his particular inclination to advance a straiter bond of amity betwixt their sovereigns and their realms.
Draft in Burghley's writing. Pp. 1¼.
June 19. 1806. The Duke of Montmorency to Lord Burghley.
Assures him of the goodwill of the King, the Queen Mother, and Monsieur, to proceed in this matter, which has been begun to establish a good and lasting alliance between the two realms, for the more speedy completion of which they intend to send over personages of importance to the Queen of England. Refers him for further particulars to the bearer, Guido Cavalcanti.—Gaillon, 19 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
June 20. 1807. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
The Queen Mother has desired him to recommend to him the case of Ludovico Dadiaceto that he may find at Her Majesty's hands such speedy redress of his complaints as her subjects would find here if they had sustained the like injuries.—Louviers, 20 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1⅓.
June 20. 1808. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
1. Her Majesty's sending over her demands so well qualified and redressed is here accepted in very good part, in which it is conceived that Burghley has been a very good instrument. The King has willed him to tell him that his dealing in furthering this match has won him the friendship of such a King as will never forget it, and that he should find the effect thereof when occasion offered. His resolution is to send M. L'Argentan, captain of Monsieur's guards, to thank Her Majesty for her honourable proceeding, and to signify that he means to send Marshal Montmorency and M. De Foix with his full answer to the demands propounded of either part when it shall please her to appoint the time. The Queen Mother desires that if Burghley knows any occasion why the match should not proceed, he may be a stay of their coming, which would but engender disdain, whereof would grow no good effect. There is another appointed to join with them named Sheverney, who is Monsieur's chancellor of the religion; a "Nicodemite," and very well reported of.
2. P.S.—Cavalcanti is appointed to accompany M. L'Argentan. Hopes no cause will make them break off as upon this action depends either their ruin or release.—Louviers, 20 June. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2¼.
June 20. 1809. The Earl of Rutland to Lord Burghley.
Has received great thanks from the Queen Mother for the good offices which he has done. Desires him to thank Cavalcanti so as he may know who has recommended him. The King and all the rest have made a posting journey to Paris. Is glad to have so good an occasion to retire awhile from the Court. Receives many French promises which he accepts as such.—Louviers, 20 June. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
June 20. 1810. Guido Cavalcanti to Lord Burghley.
The departure of the captain of Monsieur's guard is deferred till Saturday. Urges the great importance of diligence in this negotiation. They are resolved to maintain Monsieur's resolution. Thinks that he will bring over a portrait of Monsieur. —Paris, 20 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. P. 1⅓.
June 21. 1811. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
On the 15th he showed Her Majesty's articles to the King, who accepted in best part her frank and confident dealing, and told him that he would confer with his council, and in a day or two send him answer. Accordingly on the 18th he told him that he was resolved to dispatch M. de L'Archant to the Queen to thank her for her sincere dealing, and to signify to her that he had made choice of the Marshal Montmorency and M. De Foix to send over with his full mind touching the articles propounded on either side when it should be her pleasure. The Queen Mother told him that certain had gone about to persuade the King that Her Majesty meant nothing less than to proceed in this marriage; notwithstanding which, such is the opinion they all have of Her Majesty's sincerity, that no such sinister practices can prevail to make them think otherwise than honourably of her. Monsieur has willed him to present to the Queen his most humble commendations, and to show her that he has forborne to make demonstration of the great goodwill he bears her for fear of being thought presumptuous.—Louviers, 21 June. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Printed by Digges. P. 1.
June 21. 1812. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
Will travail all he can for a surcease, and that the Queen should be appointed the "moderatrix" of their causes how perilous soever the same may be to him. Is hateful for his dealings for pacification to them that have pay on either side . . . . . spoil of others, to young men full of blood and others in private respects. From this side he has been narrowly missed with two or three harquebuss shots; and when he was in Edinburgh, the Lord Herries accompanying him up to the castle, a soldier in their hearing said that it were a good deed that they were both shot. Is in more grief remembering his estate how he will leave his wife and children than for the danger to his life. There is some occasion to use money here. Has done something for their content already by using his credit in Edinburgh.—Leith, 21 June. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 21. 1813. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Details at length all that passed between him and the Queen Mother upon the delivery of the articles. The Queen Mother having required him to tell her frankly as a private gentleman, and not as an ambassador, what was the best way to bring the matter speedily to an end; he declared that he wished two things reformed, namely, that they would not stand upon the matter of religion, and that there should be a more honourable kind of wooing, and thereupon recapitulated all the dangers that might arise from permitting Monsieur to use the mass in England. He told her that he had delivered a form of the English prayers to Monsieur De Foix, which form the Pope would have by council confirmed as Catholic if the Queen would have acknowledged the same as received from him. [Note in margin, "an offer made by the Cardinal of Lorraine as Sir N. Throgmorton showed me."] That the Queen was bound to prefer the tranquility of her realm before all other respects. There was never before offered to France like occasion of benefit and reputation. If this inconvenience could be salved over Monsieur would be welcomed as a temporal Messias through hope of issue to deliver England from the mischief of the civil sword. The Queen Mother told him that the only stay of a more honourable kind of wooing was that in case the matter broke off there might grow no unkindness. About two days after he learnt that they grew to some jealousy, that all was but dalliance, and having access to the Queen Mother he assured her of Her Majesty's sincerity, and had further conversation with her on the point of religion, showing her that no hasty change was required. The greatest cause of the jealousy here comes from speech uttered by Her Majesty in her chamber, in the hearing of her women, whereof their ambassador has been advertised. The best way of redress will be to persuade him not easily to believe what is reported lest there follows an overthrow of what he chiefly desires. Thinks that they will not yield here before they break off, as there is great suspicion of breach with Spain, and they mislike this late league, suspecting that it reaches further than the Turk. Those who wish the continuance of peace here desire nothing more than the separation of the brethren. The King, as secretly he learns, is no enemy to the religion, and therefore would not have it any cause of breach. Monsieur's religion depends upon his mother's direction, whose persuasion induced him to be so superstitious last Lent for conserving his credit with the Catholics if this match did not proceed. "What her religion is your Lordship can partly guess." M. de Foix secretly swore to him that within a twelvemonth Monsieur would be as ready to forward religion as any man in England. Lastly, Monsieur the other day visiting Madame Carnevalet, his governor's wife, amongst other talk, said merrily, "Carnevalet, thou and I were once Huguenots, and now again are become good Catholics." "Aye," says she, "we were so, and if you proceed in the matter you wot of you will then return to be a Huguenot." He then, putting his finger to his mouth, said, "Not a word of that good Carnevalet." This, she herself showed Walsingham, and further, that he knew the abuses of the Roman Church, and did not mislike of the reformed religion. If Burghley gives the Commissioners no cause to suspect but that they mean to proceed, religion will not prove a cause of breach.—Louviers, 21 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 10¾.
June 21. 1814. The Duke of Anjou to Lord Burghley.
Assures him of his esteem, and that he will always be ready to recognise his integrity and ability.—Paris, 22 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr.
Lord Burghley to the Duke of Anjou.
Thanks him for his letter.
Draft. P. 1.
June 22. 1815. The Duchess of Feria to Thomas Harvey.
1. Has written to the Duke to show him all the favour possible. Desires to know if her letters may yet find passage to Flanders, likewise when Chapin Vitelli comes, and what news he brings.
2. P.S.—Holog. Thanks him for his Louvain gloves. Signed: "The Duchess."—Escurial, 22 June 1571.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 23. 1816. Kirkcaldy of Grange and Lethington to Drury.
Desire to send a messenger to the Queen of England to declare what course they have followed, and what they intend to do, and how earnestly they are bent to conform themselves to Her Majesty. Promise to use their credit at all hands, that she may have the whole honour of making an end of the controversies of Scotland.—Edinburgh, 23 June 1571. Signed.
Endd. P. ½.
June 23. 1817. News from Rome.
Proceedings in the Consistory. Fortification of Grossetta by the Grand Duke of Tuscany.—Rome, 23 June 1571.
Ital. Pp. 4.
June 25. 1818. Lord Scrope to the Earl of Sussex.
1. Has received letters from him and the Privy Council willing him to bring those under his charge to show themselves dutiful subjects, and especially Fergus Greame. Has, therefore, both by letters and proclamation admonished him to withdraw himself and his company from their disorders, and repair unto him before Saturday, or else to be taken as rebels and outlaws. As he deems that they do not mind to reform themselves and repair unto him, he has given orders to all the gentlemen and forces of the wardenry to be here at night on the 5th July, meaning to burn the houses of Fergus and his adherents, Englishmen, and Arthur Carlyle and Edward Irwen, of Kirkpatrick, Scotchmen, which is the greatest hurt he can do to them at this time, for as there is no officer on that border of Scotland to concur with him for their punishment they are already there with all their goods and cattle. Has always used favour towards those of the King's side. None of them have received any hurt save Boneshawe, which has grown by means of feud between him and the Greames.
2. P.S.—The Greames who upon his first letters dutifully entered themselves he has punished with 20 days in the castle, and now they have the liberty of the city upon bonds in good sums.—Carlisle, 25 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 25. 1819. Lord Ruthven to the Countess of Lennox.
The King increases daily both in growth of person and judgment. Cannot half express in writing the good qualities appearing in His Majesty, and the good success of her husband in all his proceedings. Desires her to obtain a placart of the Queen for leave to transport three or four horses and two mares out of England.—Leith, 25 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
June 25. 1820. The Regent Lennox to Queen Elizabeth.
Sir William Drury has travailed painfully and carefully, and has omitted nothing of the duty of a peace-maker. Notwithstanding that he has given him such a resolute answer, he has desired him to tarry here for a few days that he may be the more ready to execute whatever it may be her pleasure to direct.—Leith, 25 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd.
June 25. 1821. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Has been informed that there are divers indirect practices of great moment to impeach the marriage in hand, and also one for the stealing away of the Scottish Queen. About 10 days past it was hinted that she had escaped into Flanders. There rise daily causes of grievance between Spain and France. Begs that he will be a means that the Queen may have consideration of the great charges he is at. Has already spent of his own 1,100l., which has decayed his living 60l. the year. Sees no hope of decrease in his charges. The Earl of Rutland can yield good testimony of the chargeableness of this place, who having but eight persons besides himself spends monthly well nigh 100l.—Louviers, 25 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
June 25. 1822. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Notwithstanding that the Queen Mother wishes that if he sees no hope of proceeding they may be forwarned thereof to stay their ambassadors, he finds by conference with those of judgment that nothing is more necessary than their coming thither, howsoever the matter afterwards proceeds. They are of opinion that being once there they will yield to anything before they break off, and if it break off they will not depart without establishing some good league.—Louviers, 25 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
June 26. 1823. The Regent Lennox to Lord Burghley.
Desires his favour for John Crawford of Ayr, who has a suit pending in the Court of Admiralty for his ship and goods stayed at Bristol last Lent.—Leith, 26 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓.
June 27. 1824. James Cunningham to [Lord Burghley].
Desires that the English Ambassador in France may be directed not to give any passport to Henry Kerr. Also that no freedom be granted to the Bishop of Ross until they may have advertisement from the Regent. Directions to be sent to the Queen's wardens on the Borders to stay the Lords of the Queen of Scots' party from repairing to Edinburgh. That he will procure money to be sent for the payment of the men of war.—London, 27 June. Signed.
Endd. P. 2/3.
June 28. 1825. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
The voyage into Britanny is now held for broken, whereof there was great hope that good would have ensued. Of late the Cardinal of Lorraine wrote to one of good quality in the Court, desiring him to use all means to stay the conclusion of the two marriages for six weeks, and then there would be such offers made from other places as would stop the proceeding of the same. It is thought that Cardinal Santa Croce comes for that purpose, though he pretends that it is to persuade the King to enter into the league. Monsieur on the 26th inst. had a fit of the ague, and will stay in Paris until he be rid of the same.—Louviers, 28 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
June 29. 1826. John Brigantine to Lord Burghley.
Payments and levies of soldiers in different parts of Germany. There have been great disputations in the dominions of the Count Palatine between his learned men and certain Anabaptists. Some articles they allowed and some they disputed, whereupon they are all banished the Palatinate. John Vaivode of Transilvania being dead, the Emperor has furnished his borders and frontiers lest the Transilvanians should revolt and seek aid of the Turk. The Emperor having given him license to go into England on the way between Nuremburg and Frankford, he and his company were dispoiled of all they had, and his servant shot in the shoulder. Is here in debt and cannot leave the town, and therefore begs that he will be a means to the Queen to send him 100 crowns, which he will receive as some reward for the service he has done the State from 1543 to 1562. The Marquis of Baden and his wife are sent for by the King of Sweden, as is likewise John George the Palsgrave, who married another sister. A great number of gentlemen to the number of 1,200 horse are gone to Coblentz for their payment.—Cologne, 29 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2⅓.
June 30. 1827. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
The Regent has caused a trench to be cast about part of the town, and minds to remain here. On Monday there come to remain for 20 days the principals of Fife and Angus, and with them 1,000 persons. Ferniehurst, thinking to have gone into Tivydale with 16 persons, was laid for by young Drumlanrig and others, with 100 or 120 horse, who, there being great rain, retired into a church, the door of which being little they could not issue out at once. Ferniehurst seeing the unlooked for company with speed retired to the town. Captain David Home had him once about the neck, but three or four of his men came and rescued him, and the captain [was] with a sword a little hurt upon the hand. Ferniehurst with much ado recovered the town, being chased hard to the walls. He had six of his taken, and of them one deadly wounded, and one of the Regent's taken the day before released, and two of those who escaped deadly wounded. Drumlanrig was a little hurt with a spear. The day before one Story of this side was slain, reputed as valiant a man and as good a horsemen as any in Scotland. Young Skeldon is lately come to the castle from France through England. The Regent has summoned upon pain of treason divers of his contraries to compere before him on 18th August, and the like have they of the castle done. The Regent intends placing horse and foot in different places to keep victuals and fuel from the town. Intends to retire to Berwick to await the Queen's answer to his last letter. Desires that some money may be sent to him to be employed about the Queen's service. There are great means made to draw Morton from the Regent and his party. Money out of Flanders is looked for by them of the castle, as also the coming of Verac with some men. There is a ship from France now before the haven. Sends the copy of a letter from William Leslie, who pretends to be Earl of Rothes.—Leith, 30 June. Signed.
Add. Endd. Injured by damp. Pp. 4.
June 6. 1828. William Leslie to the Abbot of Newbottle.
Has been in France for two months suiting for his pension. Lord Seton has departed towards Flanders with his two sons, and returns home with all diligence. There is support already delivered to come to Scotland with Verac. If the Queen of England sends men to the adverse party there will come Frenchmen into Scotland, but otherwise not, but these shall want no silver. Wishes him to keep as well with Grange and the Secretary as he can, for he assures him that it will not be as it has been in times byegone. Is to return into England and there remain. If he will send him a cipher he shall understand things in times coming. Desires his favour towards the bearer.—Dieppe, 6 June 1571. Signed.
Endd. Copy. Enclosure. P. 2/3.
June 30. 1829. The Bishop of Galloway to the Queen.
Since his return he has earnestly dealt with the noblemen professing their obedience to the Queen of Scots, and finds them well disposed that the ground of these civil dissensions were taken away, and that she might be a means that these dangerous garboils might cease. Desires that his letters may have free passage to the Queen, his mistress.—Edinburgh, 30 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 30. 1830. The Bishop of Galloway to the Earls of Sussex and Leicester and Lord Burghley.
Declares the good affection of the Lords of the Queen of Scots' party to the Queen of England, and desires that commandment may be given to the Queen's ministers on the Borders, that their letters should have free passage to Her Majesty, and also to their mistress.—Edinburgh, 30 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 30. 1831. Advices from Italy.
1. Venice, 30 June.—Great losses of the Turks before Famagosta. The Turks have ravaged the island of Tine, but not being able to take the fortress have departed to Candia.
2. Port Hercole, 17 June.—The Duke of Florence has fortified Grosseto with artillery and men.
3. Prague, 14 June.—The states of Transylvania have elected Stephano Battori for their head, and are content to remain united to the crown of Hungary under the protection of the Emperor.
Endd. by Cecil. Ital. Pp. 1¼.
June 30. 1832. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Verac was despatched from the Court into Scotland on the 24th inst. Learns sundry ways that there is some practice in hand for the stealing away of the Queen of Scots. The Scots here give out that this treaty of marriage will in the end redound to their benefit, as thereof will grow disdain, there being no disposition in Her Majesty to marry. This assertion the Guises do what they can to maintain. The English rebels in Flanders grow very gallant, and find no want of their country. All the English Papists here seem fully resolved in conscience that Her Majesty is but an usurper, and most part at home do not dissent from that opinion. Those who wish well unto Her Majesty fear lest some heavy and hard accident will follow of her believing over well of those who mean nothing less than well towards her. Is sorry that the Queen forbore the lending of the 50,000 crowns as it might perhaps have saved 300,000. Spain will never forget the injuries which they have received as will appear when opportunity of revenge shall be offered. Fears unless the marriage proceeds both realms will be in danger of ruin. Encloses a letter from Languet.—Paris, 30 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
June 28. 1833. Nicholas Languet to Walsingham.
In Bohemia the greater part of the nobility have declared that they will not contribute any more money to the Emperor unless he grants them the same liberty in matters of religion as they have in Austria. Affairs of the empire. Election of a Vaivode of Transylvania. The King of Poland wishes to marry one of the ladies of his sister who is with child by him, so there is likely to commence a similar tragedy to that which Henry VIII. played in England. The theologians at Wittemberg have set forth a catechism; and the Saxons do not approve of that part which treats of Transubstantiation. Assembly of soldiers on the frontiers of Flanders.—Paris, 28 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Enclosure. Pp. 12/3.
June 30. 1834. Francis Walsingham to the Earl of Leicester.
Is sundry ways advertised of some practice in hand for the stealing away of the Queen of Scots. Wishes that Her Majesty had not omitted the enterprise of [Flanders] especially if the marriage proceeds. Fears that it will grow to nothing for that are corrupted by Lack of money here has been some great let in this behalf.—Vernon, 30 June 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Partly in cipher. P. 1.
[June.] 1835. Lord Burghley to the Duke of Montmorency.
Thanks him for the confidence which he reposes in him, and has communicated to the bearer, Dupin, what he intends to do.
Draft in Burghley's writing. P. 2/3.
June. 1836. The Holy League.
Summary of the provisions of a league between the Pope, the King of Spain, and the Venetians, against the Turks. The King of Spain is to provide one half of the forces, the Venetians two sixths, and the Pope the remainder. Don John of Austria is to command the fleet. The forces are to consist of 200 galleys, 100 ships, 30,000 infantry, and 1,000 cavalry. The other Catholic Princes are to be asked to join.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 1¼.
June. 1837. Demands of the Regent Lennox.
Requires a ship and a pinnace, cannon, and carriages, together with money to pay fifty horsemen and 300 footmen for two months.
Endd. P. 2/3.
June. 1838. Similar demands. The ship and pinnace are needful to daunt certain houses on the sea side, and to abate the pride of some notorious pirates, who now without fear come into the havens of Scotland and take their pleasure.
Endd. P. ½.