Elizabeth: August 1571

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: August 1571', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp500-520 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1571', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp500-520.

"Elizabeth: August 1571". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp500-520.

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August 1571

August. 1896. Ivan Basilowitz to Queen Elizabeth.
Has received her letter complaining of the stay of her merchants' goods in Russia. Complains that certain mariners which were taken up for his service were stayed in her dominions; that the goods of those who come with his ambassador had to pay custom, and that his ambassador was not esteemed by her. Desires to understand what manner of men they are with her; if they are men of war it is reasonable for her to write, but if they be merchants they are not worthy of it. Complains that her merchants have employed themselves to their trade of merchandise and not to his matters, and that they have disdained his merchants and not suffered them to buy good wares; also that the Queen did not kiss the cross upon his letter in the presence of his ambassador. Her merchants have very ill behaved themselves, and used the company of his traitors. If she means to have his friendship she will send her ambassador by times. Has tidings of Anthony's arrival.—Schlebode, August 7071 [7079].
On two broadsides. Russian.
Translation of the above. Pp. 4½.
August 1. 1897. Frederic, Elector Palatine, to Lord Burghley.
Letter in favour of one of his household named William Melville, whom he sends on certain matters to the Queen of England.—Heidelburg, Cal. Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. ½.
August 1. 1898. Charles IX. to the Queen.
Letter of credence for M. De Foix.—Fontainebleau, 1 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
[August 1.] 1899. Catherine de Medicis to the Queen.
Is glad to hear her goodwill towards the increase of the amity between them, and desires her to give credit to that which M. de Foix has charge to communicate to her.—Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
August 1. 1900. Charles IX. to Lord Burghley.
Letter of credence for M. De Foix.—Fontainebleau, 1 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
August 1. 1901. The Duke of Anjou to Lord Burghley.
Letter of credence for M. De Foix, whom he has directed to thank him for the goodwill which he has shown towards him. —Fontainebleau, 1 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
August 3. 1902. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Has had conference with the ambassador of Florence, who is in great good opinion with both the King and the Queen Mother, and has been a great furtherer of the matter in hand. By him perceives that there is nothing more desired (this match not proceeding) than a straight amity with England, and that there can be nothing desired either for Her Majesty's safety or the benefit of her subjects at the King's hands which will not be granted. He has persuaded them that they should not omit the opportunity now offered through the unkindness between England and Spain. Further, he showed them that it was most necessary in respect of the present greatness of the house of Austria to enter into some strait league with England and the Princes of Germany, in which he was sure that Venice and his master would join. The King and the Queen Mother confessed that it behoved them to strengthen themselves with the said confederates, and therefore they would not spare to use all means to bring the same to pass. Walsingham thinks that if the same proceed not, that the Edict cannot continue in force, for if they grow out of hope of amity with England they will seek to appease the unkindness with Spain, whose friendship they will only have with very hard conditions, and amongst other the breach of the Edict will be one. On the other hand, if they be strengthened with the amity of England there is great likelihood that there will grow wars between them and Spain, wherein they of the religion shall chiefly be employed, and if Her Majesty may be a peaceable looker-on, he supposes there will grow no great detriment to her thereby. Hopes, besides, that the amity may yield an inward remedy to a very dangerous sore, meaning the Queen of Scots. First, they begin to see that they have not that need of a Scottish league as before. Secondly, she is here generally condemned as guilty of divers indignities, whereby she has made herself unworthy of government. Lastly, they are not ignorant that the amity of England may stand them in as much stead as that of Scotland. If he may understand the Queen's inclination in this behalf he hopes to be able to do somewhat herein.—Melun, 3 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 22/3.
August 3. 1903. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
M. de Foix passing through Melun, Walsingham told him that he gathered that his going into England was either to conclude marriage or amity, and that he hoped that for the first he would deal plainly and sincerely with regard to the Queen's honour, and that if he found Monsieur unsettled in his affection that he would leave to treat of it. For the second, touching amity, he showed him that it would not be sound unless one block were removed, which was the King's earnest recommending of the Queen of Scots' cause, who being so dangerous an enemy to the Queen, she cannot interpret the earnest soliciting on her behalf to proceed of sound and perfect amity. To the first, he protested that he would have no less regard than if he were the Queen's natural subject. For the second, after some bitter speech in dispraise of the Queen of Scots, he said that he thought that hereafter the King would forbear to recommend her, and that his former recommendation proceeded rather for manners' sake than from any affection of his own towards her, being by him thought guilty of such horrible crimes. Notwithstanding he told him that if the Queen sent any forces into Scotland, that his master was in honour bound, in respect of the ancient league, to do the same. Recommends that much should be made of De Foix and also of Florence, his secretary, who bears Burghley much goodwill.—Melun, 3 August 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¾.
August 3. 1904. Guido Cavalcanti to Lord Burghley.
Dispatch of M. de Foix to England. Has had conference with the Queen Mother and Monsieur, and find the former very anxious that the negociation should take good effect.— Paris, 3 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. P. 1.
August 4. 1905. Anne Dowager Countess of Emden to Queen Elizabeth.
Desires the restitution of goods belonging to one of her son's subjects, which have been seized at sea and taken into Dover, and complains of the connivance of the Captain of Dover Castle, Cobing [Cobham], with the robbers.—Ex arce Grethana [Grethsiehl], 4th August 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2¼.
August 4. 1906. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
Virac has license to repair to the Earl of Mar to declare his commission; he has further to say that if he and the rest of the King's party will at his master's motion be content that matters generally may be accorded, he will send commissioners thither to that end. He has also license to repair into any part of Scotland so that he resort not with any of the King's enemies. The parliaments are fenced yesterday, but the forfeitures and other ceremonies will not be executed till the 18th and 28th inst. On the 10th or 11th the King's party intend to assault the town of Edinburgh, which is well understood to them of the Castle. The sum of the money which Cunningham brought is well known to them. The Regent and Council will not agree that Robert Melville shall come into England as he has been a great enemy to the King's cause. Captain Cunningham is shortly again to repair to the Court with requests that the Queen's commissioners will either not at all treat of the differences for the matter of the crown or keep them till the last. The bruit of Her Majesty's marriage is much hearkened upon.—Berwick, 4 Aug. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 5. 1907. The Regent Lennox to the Queen.
Thanks her for her gracious usage of Cunningham whom he sends again, and requires her favourable answer in the matters whereof he has instructed him to speak.—Leith, 5 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
August. 1908. Memoranda by Drury.
Notes on affairs in Scotland. They of the castle had the better share of the money brought by Chisholm (in Burghley's writing, "30,000 franks, and the castle had 20,000"). The refusal of the King's party to have the title of the crown to come any more in question. If the Queen do not further countenance the Regent he must of force leave either Scotland or his life. Morton's speech that he could do no more without support. The conditions of the Lords who met at Dalkeith to acknowledge the King, but if their Queen be set at liberty then to be free. "My Lady Lennox's advertisements touching Captain Brickwell and John Case."
Signed and Endd. by Drury. Pp. 2.
[August.] 1909. The Countess of Lennox to Lord Burghley.
Desires the speedy dispatch of the bearer back to Scotland, and that he will move Her Majesty for such comfort as her husband looks for, so that the action may not quail.—Hackney.
Holog. Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 7. 1910. M. de Morvilliers to De La Mothe Fenelon.
Desires his assistance in obtaining the restitution of goods belonging to certain French merchants which are retained in England.—Fontainebleau, 7 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
August 8. 1911. Anthony Jenkins to Lord Burleigh.
It having pleased Her Majesty to send him as ambassador to the Prince of this realm, on his arrival at the road of St. Nicholas on the 28th ult. he dispatched his post to the Emperor, being at Sloboda about 1,200 miles, to know his pleasure for his further access; without which by reason of the great plague which rages and the stopping of the ways he may not pass. Remains at this town called Colmagar [Kolmogarod] attending answer. The late ambassador at his return slanderously reported to his lord that he was evil entertained and used in England, which, with the spiteful practices of such abjects and runagates of the English nation as are here, has caused him not only to take away their privileges from the company, but also forbidden them traffic throughout his dominions, and what he has taken from them he has given to companies of other nations. This country has been plagued many ways; first, by famine, that the people have been forced to eat bread made of bark of trees, and it is reported that in some places they have eaten one another. Also the Prince has by sundry torments put to death a great number of his people, chiefly of his nobility, gentlemen, and principal merchants. Further, the plague has consumed by credible report this last year above 300,000. Besides all this "the Crymes," a valiant nation of Tartars, in the latter end of May invaded this realm, gave the Prince an overthrow in the field, burnt and consumed all the country before them, and coming to Moscow set it on fire, not leaving one house standing. The number of those burnt besides those carried away captive is thought to be above 300,000. A just punishment for such a wicked nation. It is to be doubted that the "Cryme" will be here again next year.—Colmogar, 8 Aug. 1871. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
August 10. 1912. John and Thomas Ogilvy to Lord Ogilvy.
Are not willing to come home this summer, and desire that he will thank Lord Seton for the kindness which has shown to them.—Louvain, 10 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 2/3.
August 11. 1913. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
The order taken with Virac is now altered, and he is commanded to remain in St. Andrews. On the night of the 7th some of the Regent's footbands gave them of the town an alarum, but no harm done, but one of the soldiers of the abbey with his piece slew one of his fellows. On the 9th inst. the Laird of Ormiston, who has charge of certain horsemen under Grange, about two p.m. sent to the young Laird of Applegarth at Leith to know if he with twenty-four with him, "jacked and speared with swords and knapskulls," would, about six of the same, try their forces together against him, and so many, which Applegarth readily accepted. Both parties repaired to the place appointed, and it was agreed that they should first make their trial with their spears and end it with their swords, but the same was stayed being ready for execution, the cause whereof he shall understand by his next. The Provost Marshal's return is expected of both sides. Some look for reward, which if they find not, Burghley will be thought the let of the same, "being judged to be the chief procurer of Her Majesty to keep her purse shut and close." Is sorry that these garboils amongst them breeds so many to be skilful in the use of pistol and harquebuss; "there is not a gentleman that comes to the field without his pistolet or two, yea, some three, and many of them will as well use them as any of any other nation, the like doth the footmen with their harquebusses." Their skill and number increases daily. The Laird of Pitarrow, constable under Grange, is secretly seeking his peace.—Berwick, 11 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
August 11. 1914. Articles agreed on between the Earls of Morton and Marr, and the Earl of Argyle, and others.
TheEarls of Argyle, Cassilis, Eglinton, and Lord Boyd, considering the calamities wherewith the country is plagued, and that the King is crowned and inaugurated whilst the Queen is in England, are content to serve the King and his present Regent, and to subscribe a bond to that effect. They shall have a remit to themselves and friends for not obeying the King in times bygone, and for all other causes except certain matters specially mentioned. All escheats against them shall take no effect from the date hereof.—Stirling, 11 Aug. 1571.
Endd. by Burghley. P. 1.
1915. Another copy of the above.
P. 1.
August 11. 1916. The Duke of Feria to Sir John Hawkins.
1. Promises to use his influence for the liberation of the prisoners taken in the Indies. Assure him that he may esteem him as a friend and good Englishman.—Escurial, 11 Aug.
2. P.S. by Don Lorenzo, his son, "I pray you to know mi for your good frind as mi father is."
Copy. Add. Endd. Span. Pp. 1½.
August 12. 1917. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
Upon some advertisement that the Regent has received by Fowler, he seems very much discontented with reports made to Her Majesty, that he is misliked of divers in Scotland, and that there should be difference between him and some of the nobility, and has said that the advertisers of the same, whereby the Queen's aid to him may be hindered, mean not well to her cause. Assures him that he can make good what he has written. The young Laird of Applegarth is now with two of his brothers and five of his band taken prisoner. The unkindness between Ferniehurst and them of Jedburgh increases. He has burnt their fuel and cut their passages, and intends to burn and spoil the town which Cessford and divers others intended to let. His grief is for their having torn a writing sent to them touching obedience to their Queen.—Berwick, 12 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[August.] 1918. Sir Willian Drury to [Burghley].
Is promised that neither shall the matters between Morton and Argyle be subscribed and sealed, nor conformation of the articles between Morton and them of the castle made before hearing from him. Morton would gladly know what the Queen would have him do, and also that she would consider him by pension or some other way. He affirms plainly that he cannot continue as he has done. He has also promised to keep good offices with the Regent. Morton may have of the French King, and words will no longer content them.
P. 1.
August 12. 1919. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Has put the gentleman (Count Ludovic) in no hope of help, wishing them so to direct their doings that they may stand in no need of England. Perceives that the French King being assured of Her Majesty's friendship, Spain and he will not long continue friends, and, therefore, hopes that she will give that assurance to him as may encourage him to proceed.— Paris, 12 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 12. 1920. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
After Count Ludovic had had sundry secret conferences with the King and Queen and certain chosen of the Council, he desired Walsingham to devise some means how they might meet secretly, whereupon, coming to a conference, he frankly showed what had passed between him and the King, as also the present state of their cause. First, he showed the King that the cause of taking of arms in the Low Countries proceeded only upon the King of Spain's seeking to plant there the Inquisition the foundation of a most horrible tyranny, and the overthrow of all freedom and liberty. Also how the Cardinal of Lorraine practised secretly with Cardinal Granville (wars being then betwixt France and the Low Countries), wishing him to advise the King, his master, to grow to peace, discovering to him that the French King was reduced to that extremity that he would be forced to yield to anything the King of Spain would require, and further signified that unless there might follow some accord, the Catholic religion would not long continue either in France or Flanders so great increase was there daily of Protestants which could by no other means be suppressed, but by the establishing of the Inquisition in both countries. Hereupon followed a peace dishonourable for France, after which Granville laboured to plant the Inquisition in the Low Countries, first, by persuasion, and when that would not serve, by violence. The nobility presented a writing to the Regent, and sent to the King to declare the mischiefs that would follow, the people being so much incensed against the Inquisition, and desired that the allowing or disallowing of the same might be committed to the consideration of the assembly of the Estates. Of these dutiful means used no redress followed, and the people afterwards took to arms, the Duke of Alva behaving like a tyrant. They being void of all help, and thinking themselves discharged from all duty of obedience to the King of Spain, throw themselves down before the King of France, beseeching him to take them to his protection, and procure their deliverance from the present tyranny. Both the King and the Queen Mother seemed very satisfied with this. Count Ludovic proceeded to show him that all the inhabitants of the Low Countries, as well of one religion as the other, mislike Spanish tyranny, and desire nothing more than to be rid of the same; that all the towns maritime were ready to receive garrisons from his brother, and the frontier towns will be ready to receive forces, and that the King of Spain has not above 3,000 men there whom he may trust, and with twelve more ships they will keep the seas so that no more can come. The Princes of Germany are most willing to join so as the French King may be content with Flanders and Artois, and that Brabant, Gueldres, and Luxembourg may be again united to the Empire. As for Zealand and the rest of the islands they would be content that the Queen of England might have them, so that she would be content to join in this enterprise. The French King seemed very well to like this, especially if the Queen of England might be brought to be a party, she being lady of the narrow seas. The matter being afterwards considered by certain chosen of the council was well liked if two things could be provided for, the one being a league with England and the Princes of Germany, and the other treasure for the maintenance of the said enterprise. For the first, the King told them that he would send ambassadors, and for the second, that he would tax the clergy generally one year's revenue. This is as much as he imparted touching his proceedings with the French King, saving that it was secretly agreed that Strozzi, who shall embark about the midst of next month, shall do some enterprise in Spain to amuse the King of Spain, which the French King means notwithstanding to disavow openly. Touching their present state he told Walsingham that they have much to do to bridle the people from discovering themselves by committing some rash enterprise, and they find the Papists no less inclined than the Protestants to seek with the hazard of their lives deliverance from their present tyranny. The greatest help they have of money comes from the [ambassador of] Florence. Before winter they mean to do nothing, and then only to enter the towns by the sea, and in the spring to assail the country with two several armies. He then required Walsingham to propound to the Queen whether she would join in the enterprise, lend them the sum they require, and suffer Hawkins underhand to serve them with certain ships and victuals, and, lastly, suffer 800 Walloons to repair thither. Count Ludovic then pointed out the advantages which would arise to the Queen of England by the possession of Zealand; the ill-affection that Spain bore her on account of the arrest, and how Alva had become a protector of the Queen of Scots, and was only stayed from molesting her at home by the fear of his brother's enterprise. He further said that Hawkins' ships would prevent the Spaniards from landing in Flanders, and that Strozzi's enterprise would breed war between Spain and France whereby the Queen might be a looker on with more safety. Desired speedy answer, being forced thereto by necessity. Furthermore, the Count understanding that divers, under colour of serving his brother or himself by sea, had committed sundry violences against the Queen's subjects utterly disavows them, and wishes the Queen will punish them as they deserve. Intends to send some secret token to the Lord Admiral whereby those who really serve them may be discerned.—Paris, 12 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Endd. Partly in cipher. Printed by Digges. P. 7⅓.
August 12. 1921. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
At the request of the King he recommends the suit of one Morrice Chamail. Has received order from the King to repair to Blois where the Princes and the Admiral are to meet him about the first of next month. There are many practices to overthrow this journey, but the King is very resolute. Is most constantly assured that the King conceives of no other subject better than of the Admiral, and there is great hope that he will use him in matters of the greatest trust, for he begins to see the insufficiency of others, some being more addicted to others than to him, others more Spanish than French, or given more to private pleasures than public affairs. This Prince is of far greater judgment than outwardly appears. There is none of any account within his realm whose imperfections and virtues he knows not. Those who love him lament that he is so over-much given to pleasure. The Queen Mother, seeing him so well affected towards the Admiral, labours by all means to cause him to think well of her. She seems much to further the meeting. The marriage between the Prince of Navarre and the Lady Margaret is not yet thoroughly concluded, religion being the only let. The gentlewoman being most desirous thereof falls to reading the Bible, and uses the prayers of those of the religion. The marriage between the Prince of Condé and the Marquise of Lisle is thoroughly concluded. The Spanish Ambassador making complaint to the French King that certain ships of the Prince of Orange were harboured at La Rochelle, and that Count Ludovic had had secret conference with him, whereof wars would arise; was answered that they were no subjects of the King of Spain, and that his master should not look to give laws to France. He found like answers at the Queen Mother's hands, who is very much incensed against Spain, being thoroughly persuaded that her daughter was poisoned. They of the religion humbly desire that the Queen in talk with M. De Foix would use some speech of liking the King's calling the Princes and Admiral to the Court, and to say that so rare a subject as the Admiral should not be suffered to live in such a corner as Rochelle, which would much advance his credit.—Paris, 12 Aug. 1571.
Printed by Digges. Pp. 3½.
August 13. 1922. The Earl of Argyle to the Duke of Chatelherault.
Excuses himself for having entered into terms of agreement with the noblemen of the King's party. Trusts that all noblemen will in time prefer the weal and safety of the country to their own particularities, and desires to understand if there is anything that he may do to procure his ease and quietness.
Copy. Endd. by Burghley: 20 Aug. P. 2/3.
August 17. 1923. The Earl of Argyle to the Duke of Chatelherault and the Earl of Huntley.
Has received their letter of the 16th, but will not pass to Edinburgh to put the title of the crown of Scotland under the judgment of any other Prince, for he believes nobody in Scotland has that power of the Queen's Majesty.—Glendarnowyll [Glendaruel], 17 Aug. 1571.
Copy. Endd. P. ⅓.
August 13. and 17. 1924. Copies of the Earl of Argyle's letters of the 13th and 17th August to the Duke of Chatelherault.
Endd P. 1.
August 17. 1925. Sir William Garrard to Lord Burleigh.
Sends the news which he has received from Glover of the destruction of Moscow by the Tartars.—London, 17 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3. See ante, July 2, No. 1842.
August 17. 1926. Deputy Governor of the Merchants at Hamburg to Lord Burghley.
The magistrates of this city have complained of their ships being taken by certain freebooters of the Lower Countries, who make sale of their goods in sundry ports of England, and now, lastly, have declared that a "boyer," named the Black Lyon, belonging to, and laden with goods appertaining to their burghers, was taken and brought into Dover. The said freebooters are a great impediment to the traffic here, as they have no respect whether the goods belong to friend or enemy, whereby wares are sold so dear here that they cannot transport them into England. Beg that he will be a means that the burghers may be restored to their goods, and that reformation may be provided for the future.—Hamburg, 17 Aug. 1571. Signed: Nicholas Leddyngton.
Add. Endd. with seal. Pp. 2¼.
August 17. 1927. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
In behalf of the bearer Canail who has been most earnestly recommended to him by the Deputies of the Religion, that his cause may receive such success and expedition as may stand with justice.—Paris, 17 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
August 17. 1928. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
The marriage between the Lady Margaret and the Prince of Navarre is so far forward, as both jewels and apparel are already provided, and some device found that the solemnization may be without a mass. Of late, the Spanish Ambassador, having audience with the Queen Mother about the ships taken by them of Rochelle, was desired to have patience till the Admiral came to the Court, who, forsaking his purpose, inveighed against his coming, crying out that the realm was growing to ruin. The Queen Mother takes some bye occasion to meet the Admiral on his way towards Blois, as she would be glad to be assured of him. Hears that he means to depend on her. Some think these are but colours tending to a dangerous issue, but he means to proceed. The composition between England and Flanders which is given out by the Spanish Ambassador somewhat dismays those of the religion. Movements of Don John of Austria.—Paris, 17 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 19. 1929. Answer to the Demands made by M. De Foix.
Objections to the demands made by M. De Foix and the French Ambassador, that the Duke of Anjou should be allowed the free exercise of his religion in England to the effect that it was not agreeable to the Queen's conscience, contrary to her laws, and might grow to great peril, considering that all the troubles which lately had been in the countries near England had grown by permission of diversity of usage of religion. Also he might content himself with the usage of the prayers and ceremonies of the Church of England, and further, that he might use privately to himself, in some place of his inward lodgings, where no resort might be to him of any subject of the realm, such other rites, prayers, and ceremonies over and besides the rites of England, as shall be for the satisfaction of his conscience, and not repugnant to Scripture. If it happen that by this permission any notorious trouble shall grow or be likely to grow by the disobedience of such as may hereby take comfort, the Duke shall, upon advice of Her Majesty and Her Council, if they avow of their honours that they think the said troubles do grow by occasion of the said permission, forbear from the same in such sort and for such time as may seem meet to avoid such troubles.
Draft in Burghley's writing. Endd.: 19 Aug. 1571. "Not made." Pp. 3¼.
August 19. 1930. Don Guerau Despes to Lord Burghley.
Complains that thirteen or fourteen ships fitted out by the Duke of Alva, for the suppression of the pirates infesting the Channel, when on the point of overcoming them, were fired at out of Dover Castle, and sustained great injury. Desires that the officers may be severely punished, and that no further countenance may be given to the pirates.—London, 19 Aug. 1561. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. Pp. 1¼.
August 20. 1931. Lord Scrope to Lord Burghley.
Has this day received advertisement from Lord Herries, that the Earls of Argyle, Cassilis, and Eglinton have been at Stirling with Earl Morton, and promised their obedience to serve the King. He himself hanging in the balance as to which side he should depend, has required to have some conference with Scrope, who although he does not mean to speak with him, has by his own messenger advised him to join with the others on the King's side. Desires to know Burghley's pleasure as to whether he shall travail any further with him in that matter.—Carlisle, 20 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
August 20. 1932. Rowland Johnson to Lord Burghley.
Concerning repairs to be done to the bridge at Berwick.— Berwick, 20 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Almost entirely obliterated by damp. P. ⅓.
August 22. 1933. Lord Scrope to Lord Burghley.
Sends the copy of a letter which he has received from Lord Herries, and desires to understand his pleasure how he shall deal with him. Thanks him for his friendly dealing in helping his servant to pass his book of fee-farm.—Carlisle, 22 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
August 21. 1934. Lord Herries to Lord Scrope.
The Earls of Argyle, Cassilis, and Eglinton, and Lord Boyd having appointed to recognise the Prince as King, and the Earl of Lennox as Regent; he humbly prays him to advertise what end he supposes the Queen of England will take with his mistress, for if he could see any appearance of good to her, he would be one of the last in Scotland to leave her obedience; yet, if no remedy be, he must do as the others do. He grudges in conscience to recognise one sovereign whilst another is alive.—Terregles, 21 Aug. 1561.
Copy. Enclosure. P. ¼.
August 22. 1935. Geoffry Preston to Cecil.
Has had the charge under the King of Sweden of 200 English horsemen, during the war with Denmark. Peace being now concluded, he offers to lead them to any warlike expedition they shall be commanded by the Queen. In December 1570, Duke Francis of Saxony being driven by the tempests to land, on the Island of Ewland [Oeland], which was garrisoned by his soldiers, and being received with courtesy, told him that he was much aggrieved at the Duke of Alva, for being entertained by the King of Spain, with a charge of 2,000 horses, and to have a yearly pension for the payment of the same; he was driven off, with promises touching the same, and was content that Preston should offer his services to the Queen of England.—Follingron, in Sweden, 22 Aug. 1571.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¾.
August 22. 1936. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
Perceives by his letter of the 17th instant, that Cunningham has brought Lady Lennox divers letters, disproving such reports as have been sent out of Scotland, of doubtfulness in friendship betwixt the Regent and others of the nobility of the King's party, which are but raised to diminish his credit. Trusts that it will not be thought that in a matter of such weight, he would hastily have advertised. Has been a dealer to appease matters between him and Morton, thinking that by degrees, it might in some part touch Her Majesty. Would have been far better contented to have found cause to have advertised of his government being well liked. Believes that the Regent is wholly at the Queen's devotion, which makes him the more hated, and together with the bruit of her marriage has stayed divers purposes. Is of opinion that that which is to be or has been received from Her Majesty will alter divers devices intended, and that between him [Morton] and the Regent, things will outwardly seem appeased, though not inwardly forgotten.—Berwick, 22 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 22. 1937. John Case to Sir William Drury.
Morton thanks the Queen for the money, and will do anything that she shall command, and will do to the Regent all good offices. The Regent sent Fowler to him twice to desire him to let him know sometimes of his intelligences, and that it should be gratefully taken and secretly kept. Told him that he was here to make all the friendship he could in Her Majesty's behalf; and wished he would leave his suspicions of men's dealing, and then they would deal franklier with him than they do. Promised if he understood anything of the adverse party to advertise him thereof, but with every man's speeches, he had not to do with. The Regent trusted that whatsoever he heard he would make the best of it, and not to his discredit. Has been before the council for certain Border matters, which he mentions, and has proved a cunning Borderer.—Leith, 22 Aug. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 22. 1938. Considerations for a League with France.
1. It shall be hard to make a league with France, but the discommodities shall be greater than the commodities; for France will make no league but with equal conditions for mutual defence and offence. It is not to be thought that France will make this league, but they have an intention to break with Spain, and then must England do the same, and sooner receive loss than France. Ireland, being as easy to be taken by Spain, as defended by England, for as soon may Spain send an army by sea to the south of Ireland as England can. As to make account that England might recover some part of the Low Countries; it is a great folly for a prince to venture the loss of a kingdom in possession, to seek another country by conquest, and Ireland would be of more moment to a King of Spain, for thereby he would become a more potent prince on the sea than England. Again, when England and Spain are at enmity, France, may, by practice and cunning of the Pope and his faction fall off from England. Again, there can be no such commodity for trade of the commodities of England in France as in Spain and the Low Countries. The aid which the French will seek is to have service by sea with the Queen's navy, which is more chargeable for England than service by land, besides the loss of men by land is not so hurtful as the loss of mariners by sea, but most dangerous of all if many ships shall be lost, they being the wall of England; it were to be compared to a town besieged, where the walls shall fall flat down to give entry to the enemy.
2. The best points to be desired by a league with France are these:—First, that the league might be made with France and the Princes Protestants of the Empire, to join together for defence against any who for matters of religion should use force against any of them. Secondly, that France would permit the King's authority in Scotland to continue without aiding the Queen's party. Thirdly, that France would forbear to use any other trade with the Low Countries than in former times it did when the intercourse was used betwixt England and the Low Countries.
Draft in Burghley's writing. Endd.: 22 Aug. 1571. Pp. 2.
August 23. 1939. The Earl of Morton to the Queen.
Has received her letter purporting sorrow that her motions for abstinence from hostilities, and the appointment of commissioners to meet with hers on the Borders have taken no effect; is sure that she will be satisfied by the Regent. Will not be tedious with repetition, as she has commanded him to let her understand the affairs of this country through Drury. Acknowledges the consideration it has pleased her to visit him with, by order directed from the said Sir William.—Leith, 23 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 23. 1940. The Earl of Morton to Sir William Drury.
Has received the Queen's letters by the provost Marshal of Berwick, with the consideration of 500 marks sterling, which it has pleased her to visit him with, and heard his credit of Her Majesty's favourable promise in times hereafter, for which liberality he is obliged to serve Her Grace. Needs employ small travail in letting Her Majesty by him understand the affairs of this country, as by his diligence there is nothing unknown to Drury himself. Is content both with force and good advice to aid the Regent. Sundry of the noblemen are already come to the King's obedience, and good appearance of more to follow if Her Majesty's helping hand be known to be holding to this action.—Leith, 23 Aug. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 23. 1941. Money stayed in England.
A relation of the money which was taken out of the two Spanish ships at Saltash, in the end of December 1568, contained in sixty-four chests, and shipped with the King of Spain's license at Santander, by John Andrea Pignone and Francisco Diaz, Genoese. Account of the contents of the different chests, some of which were missing, being detained by Sir Arthur Champernoun, and declarations touching the ownership sworn before Pieter van Shele, apostolical and imperial notary.
Translated out of Italian. Exhibited by Thomas Fiesco Endd.: 23 Aug. 1571. Pp. 13½.
August 24. 1942. Reply of the Queen to the Duke of Anjou's Envoys.
1. First, that the Duke cannot be crowned King without the consent of the three estates of the realm; but she will agree that he shall be accounted and crowned King by right matrimonial. Secondly, she thinks it just that he should be allowed to join in the administration of the affairs of the realm. Thirdly, in respect to toleration of religion, that he may privately use such further ceremonies of religion as are not plainly repugnant to Scripture.
2. On the part of the Duke, it is agreed that he shall not use any rites and ceremonies contrary to the laws of England any longer than until he may be persuaded that the rites of the Church of England are sufficient for proper worship; or if they shall be the occasion of troubles in the realm. Lastly, as the envoys admit that they have not full power to agree to the promises Her Majesty reserves the right of further adding to, or altering them as may seem fit to her Council.—
Endd. by Burghley: 24 Aug. 1571. Latin. Copy. Printed by Digges. Pp. 2½.
August 24. 1943. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
1. If it shall please the Queen's Majesty to employ Morton, now is the time, whilst the iron is hot, to use him as shall seem good, either to quench the fire or to make the same flame and break out farther. Morton says that he will now use all good offices with the Regent, who goes to-day towards Stirling to use the forfeitures. There is secret labouring to draw Huntley and Home to him, which Morton is not made privy unto. On Monday the town of Edinburgh had like to have been surprised by this strategem. Early in the morning a horse laden with meal should have come in at the Nether Bow with twelve or fourteen of Crawford's and Davy Home's soldiers, apparelled like meal men, with each of them a dag in his hose, who should have made good the gate, the rest of the Regent's soldiers being placed the night before near to the gate. It chanced that one out of the town was the first to pass forth after the gate was opened who, finding certain armed persons, returned, crying treason, and caused the gate to be shut. It was the same man whom the Regent caused to have his hand smitten off for counterfeiting his hand. There is daily somewhat ado between the soldiers in the Abbey and them of the town. On both sides they profit more in skill of the use of their weapons and to be soldiers than he could wish. Virac is at St. Andrews upon promise not to depart without license. Lord Claude, on Wednesday, came into the town with 200 horsemen.
2. P.S.—Lady Lennox has advertised the Regent that Morton requires a pension, whereof he is very desirous to know. Desires further directions how to employ himself.
3. P. S.—It is thought that Virac, notwithstanding his promise, will escape away. The pay lately made to the soldiers in the castle is in sovereigns, [and] ten-shilling pieces. The Regent's and Morton's letters are to be such as either may see others. A surcease or peace will content both parties. Morton will now make fair weather to the Regent, but inwardly there are storms.—Berwick, 24 August 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3½.
August 25. 1944. The Regent Lennox to the Queen.
Thanks her for the favourable advice and counsel contained in her letter, and assures her that he has had special regard to preserve together in friendship the noblemen professing the King's obedience, and that he has not done anything in any public action of government without their consent and counsel. Declares that the adversaries have wrought no separation amongst them. Denies that he has taken in hand the revenge of any particular cause of his own under pretence of suspicion for the late King's murder, but trusts that she will not think it unreasonable for them to proceed by order of law against the adversaries.—Leith, 25 August 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
August 25. 1945. The Regent Lennox to Lord Burghley.
Declares that there have been most untrue informations delivered to Her Highness and council concerning his estate; as that the whole nobility, two or three excepted, has left him and gone with the Earl of Morton, and that they would join with those of the town and castle of Edinburgh, to acknowledge the King's authority if he were from the regiment. Declares that Morton and his are at his devotion, though he finds in him some haughtiness and self-liking more than needs, which he doubts not the Queen's letters to him will aggravate. Has given no cause to be misliked of the nobility as most of they have tasted of his liberality. Unless he finds the Queen's goodness in helping him to maintain his force of waged men he will have to leave this place shortly. Lady Marr's report is most untrue.—Leith, 25 August 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
August 25. 1946. Spanish Money stayed in England.
Thomaso Fiesco's relation of the number and weight of fifty-nine chests of Spanish money, taken out of Lope de la Sierra ship, and delivered into the Tower, 30 March 1569; total, 11,651 lbs. 2 ozs.
Endd.: 25 August 1571. Lat. P. 1.
August 25. 1947. Spanish Money stayed in England.
Thomaso Fiesco's declaration of the chests and sum of Spanish money delivered into the Tower, as well Spaniards as Genoese goods
Endd.: 25 August 1571. Lat. P. 1.
August 25. 1948. Spanish Money stayed in England.
Thomas Fiesco's relation of the chests and money laden in the ship of Lopes de Sierra, with the proofs thereof pertaining to Spaniards.—25 August 1571.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 26. 1949. Spanish Money stayed in England.
Claims advanced in behalf of certain Spaniards as to the ownership of the money which was stayed in England at the end of the year 1568.
Endd. by Burghley Lat. Pp. 4.
August 26. 1950. Nobility of Scotland.
A list of the nobility of Scotland setting forth to which of the two parties they severally belonged, or whether they were neutral.
Endd. by Lord Burghley. P. 1.
1951. A similar list.
Endd. by Drury. P. 1.
August 27. 1952. Spanish Money stayed in England.
Declaration of the shipment of 140,000 reals on board the Sta. Lucia at Santander, in the month of Nov. 1568.
Exhibited by Thomaso Fiesco, 27 August 1571. Pp. 3½.
August 27. 1953. Spanish Money stayed in England.
The sum of 26,866 reals have been restored to Lope della Sierra, and that of 5,000 to Pedro de Cubiaur, by Captain Horsey.
Exhibited by Thomaso Fiesco, 27 August 1571. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
August 27. 1954. Spanish Money stayed in England.
Proofs of the ownership of the money laden in the ship of Lope della Sierra.
Exhibited by Thomaso Fiesco, 27 August 1571. Endd. Pp. 6½.
August 27. 1955. Spanish Money stayed in England.
Proofs of the ownership of money shipped on board the St. Martin at Castro in Spain, in Nov. 1568.
Exhibited by Thomaso Fiesco, 27 August 1571. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 27. 1956. Spanish Money stayed in England.
Notes of the money embarked on board the St. Nicholas at Santander in Spain, in the month of Nov. 1571.
Exhibited by Thomaso Fiesco, 27 August 1571. Endd. Pp. 6.
August 27. 1957. Spanish Money stayed in England.
Peter Sebiere's deposition of the money laden by certain Spaniards and Genoese on board the St. Martin and the St. John.
Endd. Pp. 2¼.
August 27. 1958. Spanish Money stayed in England.
Copy of the depositions of witnesses taken before notaries in Spain, of matters relating to the seizure of the Spanish money, in England.
Exhibited by Tomaso Fiesco, 27 August 1571. Endd. Lat. Pp. 142/3.
August 28. 1959. Sir Thomas Gresham to Lord Burghley.
1. The Genoese demand 114 cases, containing 2,371,114 reals, which amount to 55,340l. and a penny; and the Spaniards demand forty-one cases containing 835,290 reals, amounting to 19,383l. 2s. 6d. Fiesco wants the money to pay the English merchants with. It will be very profitable for Her Majesty to pay him as the exchange now goes, and to pay her own merchants so much sterling, and then to coin the Spanish money. —London, 28 August 1571.
2. P.S.—Fiesco makes no mention of the pearls, money, and bullion that Winter, Carew, Barnes, and Hogans brought in. Mr. Stanley, of the Mint, has sent him a note of all such money as has been brought to the Tower, amounting to 3,266,194 reals, and Fiesco demands 3,206,290 reals, out of which must be deducted charges for bringing the money overland to the Tower.—Theobalds, 28 August 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
August 28. 1960. Peter Osborne to Lord Burghley.
Asks whether he has the indentures made between Sir Walter Mildmay and the captain of the ship, of the chests and money brought into the Tower.—I lye [I vy] lane, 28 August 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
[August 28.] 1961. Spanish Money taken to the Tower.
Notes of all the money taken to the Tower of London, amounting in weight to more than 30,000 lbs. of silver.
On separate pieces of paper, about 3 pp.
August. 1962. Sir Thomas Gresham's Demands.
Note of demands made by Sir Thomas Gresham, in respect of charges incurred about the Spanish money, 956l. 13s. 4d. allowed, and 1,935l. 0s. 4d. disallowed.
Endd. Pp. 1¼.
August 28. 1963. Parliament of Scotland.
List of the nobility and others of the Queen of Scots' party, against whom it was intended to proceed by way of for feiture in the Parliament, held on the 28th August 1571, by the Lords of the King's party.
Endd. by Drury and Lord Burghley. Pp. 2.
1964. Another list.
Endd. by Drury. Pp. 1⅓.
August [28]. 1965. Parliament of Scotland.
List of noblemen and others of the Queen's party found guilty, and the doom of forfeiture pronounced against them in the Parliament held on 28 August 1571. Also a list of those whose doom was suspended during the Regent's will. List of the Lords and clergy of the King's side who were present. Names of Commissioners chosen to treat of matters at home, and also with Commissioners from the Queen of England. Speech of the King in the Tolbooth, empowering the Regent and the other Lords to act in his behalf.
Endd. Aug. 1571: For my Lord of Hunsdon. Pp. 3.
1966. Another copy of the above.
Endd: For the Earl of Leicester. Pp. 2¾.
August 30. 1967. News from Leith.
On Thursday the whole force of Edinburgh, to the number of 300 foot and 120 horse, came forth, whom they put off their ground and chased to the foot of Leith Wynd, and slew four or five of them, and came home again towards the gloaming. In the meantime Ferniehurst and Buccleugh came to the town and rang the common bell, whom they charged at the end of the causeway, that goes from Leith to Edinburgh, and overthrew them. As it was late night by this, he cannot tell who are taken or slain. Lord Home was taken and the tutor of Petcur, entering among their footmen, was taken at the port. Thinks many footmen are taken, for his company has nine or ten.—Leith, Thursday at night.
Anonymous. P. 1.
August 31. 1968. Lord Burghley to the Queen.
1. If she shall not, for other urgent causes besides the matter of religion, think meet to marry M. D'Anjou, then it is best for her to persist in her last answer contained in her three articles delivered at Knebworth (Aug. 24), and add thereto the express declaration of the meaning of the words "non repugnantes verbo," to be not to permit Monsieur to have any private mass how secret soever. If she shall take this way, it will be well to dismiss M. De Foix, and the Ambassador also with good entreatment, that they may perceive that the only cause of the interruption of this marriage is the very scruple of her conscience. It will also be as necessary for her state, surety, comfort, and life, for her to seek, by the advice of her best council, the means to preserve her, as in the most dangerous and desperate sicknesses, the help of the best physicians; "and surely how Your Majesty shall obtain remedies for your perils I think is only in the knowledge of Almighty God."
2. Secondly. If she shall for such urgent, necessary, honourable, and profitable causes, as have been by her Council many times at great length delivered to her, yield herself to marry with M. D'Anjou, in order to content the ambassadors, the words "non repugnantes verbo" may be changed into "non repugnantes Ecclesiæ Dei," and may thus conclude that if Monsieur will accept her answer and make thereof such advantage as she shall please to save his honour, and without further moving of questions in this case of religion, will at his coming, by conference with her, consider how his conscience may be satisfied, and this her doubt for her honour, and the preservation of the love of her best subjects; she may in honour assure him that she will not suffer his conscience to be unsatisfied by all reasonable means to be accorded between them, as in reason ought to be between two princes, and especially between a husband and wife.
Draft in Burghley's writing. Endd.: Ult. Aug. 1571. Pp. 1½.