Elizabeth: February 1570

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: February 1570', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp181-196 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1570', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp181-196.

"Elizabeth: February 1570". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp181-196.

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February 1570

Feb. 1. 668. Munitions for the North Parts.
List of munitions and stores required for the Queen's service in the North, with the cost of the different articles.
Endd. Pp. 3½.
Feb. 1. 669. Garrison of Berwick.
A memorial of certain matters for the supply of Berwick, with money and victuals; with notes by Cecil in the margin.
Endd. Pp. 1½.
Feb. 2. 670. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Desires a passport for a servant of the Duchess of Deuxponts, in order that he may convey powder and arms to La Rochelle.—Shene, 2 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
[Feb.] 671. — to Cecil.
Desires that he may be paid 200l., which the Queen has agreed to give him for certain works in marble of which he gives a long description. Also licence for a relative to retail wine in London.
Add. Endd.: Pour le Marchant de Marbre. Fr. Pp. 4½.
Feb. 3. 672. Reply of Charles IX. to the Deputies of the Queen of Navarre.
Having considered their articles, the King is pleased to grant an amnesty for what has passed, and promises the restoration of their estates and offices, the expulsion of foreign soldiers from the kingdom, with liberty to exercise their religion in their own houses, and in two towns, which he will appoint.—Angers, 3 Feb. 1570.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 4.
Feb. 4. 673. Lord Home to William Drury.
Cannot assure Randolph a sure passage until he gets advertisement from the nobility of Scotland, after which he will convoy him himself to Edinburgh, or wherever the Lords shall happen to be. Fast Castle, 4 Feb. — Signed, Alex. Home.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓.
Feb. 5. 674. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
Has received her letter of the 5th January, but could not have access to the French King. Has declared to the Queen Mother her happy success against the rebellious Earls, and what good proof she had of the fidelity of her subjects universally. The Queen Mother answered that she was glad of the victory over the rebels, and denied that her son had promised them any aid, and said that she thought that this beginning of a rebellion was sent to warn Her Majesty not to assist rebels against their prince, which, if it sufficed not, she must look for sharper scourges. On Norris denying that she had done so the Queen Mother desired that he would advertise her of her speech, and also that her son could not with honour see the Queen of Scots so unjustly deprived from her estate, but would employ his whole forces to the redress thereof. Teligny has given him to understand that the Cardinal of Lorraine has seven ships at Bordeaux arming to be sent into England; seven at Newhaven, and five at Dieppe, and likewise the galleys at Bordeaux, are coming to the coasts of Brittany, whither Strozzi, has already gone to levy men. Fears that the religion must yield to peace, except they find some aid. Trusts that Her Majesty will be well prepared for their coming, which is the only way to keep them here. Whilst this "purparle" of peace is in hand they use all diligence to hasten forward a new levy of reiters for the King, and use marvellous persuasions to the Emperor to stay such as were levied for the religion, the Cardinal keeping him in a vain hope for the restitution of Metz, Toul and Verdun, as he has done with King Philip to be invested with Bas Navarre and Bearn.—Angers, 5 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 12/3.
Feb. 5. 675. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The Cardinal trusts that if he can land forces either in England or Scotland, he will find great troops to take his part. If the bottom of the late rebellion be searched he will find the spring head to come from hence or from Flanders. Informs him of what he has been told by Teligny and Beauvoir of the Cardinal's preparations against England and of the offer made that those of the religion should aid the Duke of Anjou in his enterprise against that country. A Frenchman has been secretly sent over to England, who formerly served Lord Strange.—Angers, 5 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
Feb. 7. 676. Randolph to Cecil.
Minds to-morrow to depart out of this town to the place appointed to join with such as are to meet him and convoy him to his journey's end. Two of Lord Home's chief councillors and friends have assured him that if Lord Home persists in the maintenance of disordered and rebellious persons, they will neither assist nor take part with him. Trusts to find him reasonable, as he is wholly Lethington's. If he can reconcile Morton and Lethington he doubts less of his success in the rest. They must be dealt with by other means than bare words. Begs that there may be no stay of Sir Ralph Sadler's coming.—Berwick, 7 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 7. 677. Drury to Cecil.
On the 4th Mr. Randolph come hither, whereupon he sent immediately to Lord Home for his safe conduct. Has caused Randolph to speak with certain of the March not of the unablest, who offer that if Home or any other run any course to the offending of the Queen they will be in his and their contrary. The Earl of Marr is fallen sick with sorrow taken for the Regent's death. The Hamiltons and the Earl of Argyle are convened at Glasgow. The Regent's body is brought quietly to Leith, and shall be at the convention brought to the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, there to be seen openly, and such as mind to revenge his death to protest it there publicly. The Laird of Ferniehurst has written to Grange how the Bishop of St. Andrew's, the Duke's children, the Lord Fleming, and other of the nobility that favour the Queen wrote to him and Buccleugh, and others to take in hand these enterprises in England, and that they would presently send them the French who came to Dumbarton and that they look for foreign support. The Earl of Morton is in Edinburgh. Home sent Drury word that he had to thank him for his life, for that it was meant by Ferniehurst and Buccleugh to have slain him in his return from Edinburgh. Randolph's journey will not be without danger of body, and he must bait with a golden hook. The Hamiltons levy men of war. There is an assurance of quietness during this convention between the Earls of Huntly and Morton. It is reported that the Laird of Minto, the provost of Glasgow, has slain Andrew Hamilton. There are two English priests come to Fast Castle with their furniture, for the mass. Takes one of them to be Morton, the Pope's patriarch.—Berwick, 7 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 7. 678. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Complains of difficulty in getting a passport for the bearer. Desires him to warn the Regent of aid to be sent to Dumbarton, and for that the galleys are about the coast of Britanny it is doubted that an enterprise will be done about Dover.— Angers, 7 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ⅓.
Feb. 8. 679. The Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
Understanding that it is sought to expel all foreigners from Guernsey, he begs that the Queen's permission to reside in that island given to M. De St. Marie, may not be withdrawn. —Shene, 8 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Feb. 9. 680. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
On the 8th inst. the Queen Mother told him that her son was advertised that the Queen of England had sent money to the Duke of Holstein to levy 8,000 reiters and two regiments of lansquenets, which he found very strange, and desired to know whether he was to account her as a friend or a foe; and although she had aforetime kept from her son's knowledge such aid as she had sent to his rebels of artillery with her arms engraved upon them, and causing her merchants to bring shoes for men and horses and other necessaries, yet this last levy being so great he desires to know what account he can make of her friendship. Whereunto Norris said that he wished she would not lightly give credit to rumours, and that the artillery and other necessaries were brought in by merchants with whose traffic the prince meddled nothing, and that the levy was made to withstand such as sought the unquiet of her country. The Queen Mother answered that she would be better advised than to bring such a number of strangers into her country, and to be plain, neither her son nor she could judge it to be but to their annoyance and to aid their enemies. Takes these quarrels offered, whereby to begin their enterprises against her moved thereunto by Don Pedro Mandrik, the Duke of Alva's brother-in-law, who came to this court the last of January. Trusts that they shall find a queen of England better able to withstand their malicious attempts than an Admiral of France, and does not think that they will get any aid from those of the Romish religion in England. Three of the King's galleys have been taken by certain of Sores' ships.—Angers, 9 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
Feb. 9. 681. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Complains of his servants. He will see by the Queen's letter what menaces they use here, which must be appeased with some round speech. All men's mouths are full of the invasion of England, but take a reasonable day thereto, as when peace shall be concluded, which is yet far off. If they follow their enterprise the English will reap the commodity of forgetting great hosen and gay apparel, and learn to defend God's cause, their Queen and country.—Angers, 9 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
[Feb. 10.] 682. The Queen of Navarre to Catherine de Medicis.
Is glad to understand the goodwill that she and the King have to agree to a peace which she hopes will be firm and lasting. Recapitulates at great length the former negociations for that end, and complains of the want of good faith towards those of the religion, and of the machinations of the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Duke of Alva in Germany and elsewhere. —La Rochelle.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 4.
Feb. 11. 683. The Queen of Navarre to Charles IX.
Has received his letter and communicated his reply to her son and nephew, and the noblemen who are with them. Assures him that it is impossible for them to live without the free exercise of their religion, which in the end he will be constrained to grant, and declares that all those who advise him otherwise are no true subjects to him.—La Rochelle, 10 Feb.
Feb. 11. The Queen of Navarre to Catherine de Medicis.
They are much disappointed with the King's answer to the article touching the free exercise of their religion, which she has often assured her is the sole method of pacifying the realm. Begs her to prevent the cruelties which it is reported are used against those of the religion, as otherwise it will be impossible to prevent their making reprisals.—La Rochelle, 11 Feb.
Feb. 11. The Queen of Navarre to the Duke of Anjou.
Informs him of their dissatisfaction with the King's answer. —La Rochelle, 11 Feb.
Copies in French. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
Feb. 14. 684. Decree of the Privy Council of Scotland.
Declaring Lethington to be innocent of any participation in the murder of Darnley, and restoring him to his own place and rank.—Edinburgh, 14 Feb. 1569. Signed by seven earls, eight lords, and six prelates.
Copy. Endd. Broadside.
[Feb. 14.] 685. Murder of the Regent Murray.
Information anent the punishment of the Regent's murder and the preservation of the King's innocent person, given in to the Lords of the Convention by the Laird of Whitburn. Charges the Duke, the Archbishop of St. Andrew's, and the rest of the Hamiltons, with being privy to the murder and assisting its executor, and also with taking arms to bereave the King of his crown and life, and to destroy all noblemen and others that profess his obedience. Urges that they should be proceeded against by force, and not be summoned to underlie the law, and gives reasons and examples for adopting this course.
Endd. Broadside.
Feb. 15. 686. Lord Hunsdon to the Privy Council.
Perceives that in their opinion 500 footmen and 300 horse are sufficient to defend the wardenry, and take revenge upon such as are the common burners and spoilers in England. If he had had them in any convenient time he might have saved this country. Upon the death of the Regent he sent 200 men to lie upon the frontiers, but in the meantime Ferniehurst, Buccleugh, and the Earl of Westmoreland entered with 2,000 horse. Gives an account of the places they burnt and destroyed and of the spoil they made. At Mindrum they carried away 5,000 sheep and 140 head of cattle, and at Kirk Newton 400 head, besides horses, mares, and household stuff, and above 200 prisoners, besides the hurting of divers women and the "throwing of sucking children out of their clouts." The principal burners are the English rebels. This is the doing of both East and West Tividale, and all the gentlemen present at it, saving young Cessford and Sir Andrew Kerr, whose servants and bailiffs were at it, so they are all in one predicament, and must drink all of one cup. Refuses to receive men from the bishopric, as they are all traitors. The borders will be in no safety until both East and West Tivydale be overthrown. Lord Home, the warden, is the principal receiver of the Queen's rebels, and has mass in his house for the patriarch who was at Durham with the earls, is now at Fast Castle. Has received a warrant for 1,200 weight of corn powder, which was left at Newcastle, at which he marvels; as indeed there was not one pound left there.—Berwick, 15 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 22/3.
Feb. 15. 687. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The bruit is great here of two men coming out of England, and stayed at Boulogne. It is secretly talked that Harcourt is one of them; if so, he beseeches his help for his release. The King keeps his chamber, which they marvel not at who know his diet. They of Rochelle have taken one of the King's galleys in the river Charente, and it is thought that two others which fled into the seas are perished.—Angers, 15 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 16. 688. — to the Vidame of Chartres.
Being on his voyage towards Rochelle, the vessel was driven by the winds into the Downs, where being attacked by two hulks of Hamburg, they captured one. Complains that Mr. Holstock has seized them and put them into very strait prison, and begs his intercession in their behalf.—Sandwich, 16 Feb. Signature illegible.
Add. Fr. Pp. 12/3.
Feb. 17. 689. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. Having understood that one was arrested at Boulogne and his letters sent to the Court, and hearing that the Cardinal of Lorraine had given forth that the Earl of Murray had been murdered in Linlithgow with a harquebuss, he mistrusts lest some one of his servants has been stayed. Is secretly given to understand that it is Harcourt, whose delivery he begs Cecil will seek as soon as he can. Heard that the Ambassador of Scotland gratified the King and Queen with the death of the Earl of Murray, assuring them that the army of England which rose at the devotion of the Queen of Scots, is joined with that of Scotland, and is stronger and more puissant than that of Her Majesty. The Queen of Navarre is not content with such towns as the King accorded by his answer to the articles, and by a packet which has been intercepted, the dissimulations and hidden treasons which the King's Council thought to use against them of the religion are discovered. Does not think that peace will be so soon concluded as is given forth. Touques in Normandy has been taken by them of the religion, who have also done great hurt about Toulouse. The Ambassador of Spain has sent to him sundry times to understand of some good accord and agreement between the Queen's Majesty and his master.
2. P.S.—The Duke of Lorraine has advertised the French King that near Strasburg there are in arms 12,000 footmen and 8,000 horse, whereupon the King sent to stay the reiters, whom he had given leave to depart to their country.—Angers, 17 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 12/3.
Feb. 17. 690. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Forwards copies of certain letters, and thanks him for the passport which he has sent for the conveying of victuals to La Rochelle.—Shene, 17 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Feb. 17. 691. Lord Scrope to the Privy Council.
1. Encloses a letter which he has received from Leonard Dacre. Doubts that under colour of defending himself against the Scotch he puts himself in force for defence of the other. Desires to know their pleasure herein.
2. P.S.—The friends of Lords Maxwell and Herries will all repair to Dacre.—Carlisle, 17 Feb. 1569. Signed.
P. 1.
Feb. 17. 692. Leonard Dacre to Lord Scrope.
Hearing that Buccleugh and the others mean to make a raid into Gilsland, he intends to make preparations against them for the defence of his house and his poor tenants.— Naworth, 17 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Endd. P. ½. Enclosure.
Feb. 17. 693. The Earl of Morton to Drury.
Desires that he will procure the setting at liberty and restoration of his horse and gear to a tenant of his who has been taken prisoner by certain Englishmen. — Edinburgh, 17 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
Feb. 17. 694. The Lords of Scotland to Lord —.
Summon him to a convention to be held in Edinburgh on the 4th of March, so that by common advice some perfect resolution may be taken for the establishing of good order and the retention of quietness in the commonwealth.—Edinburgh, 17 Feb. 1569. Signed by Athol, Morton, Cassillis, and several others.
Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 695. Address to the Nobility of Scotland.
Exhorts them to revenge the murder of the Regent, and shows the different conspiracies and crimes which the Hamiltons have entered into for the purpose of setting up their authority during the last fifty-seven years, charging them with endeavouring to prevent James V. from marrying and detailing their numerous plots to destroy all that stood between them and the crown.
Endd. Pp. 13.
Feb. 17. 696. Proclamation by the Secret Council of Scotland.
Directing proclamation to be made in all market towns that no one should take part with the murderers of the late Regent under pain of treason.
Endd. Broadside.
Feb. 18. 697. The Earl of Rutland to Cecil.
Thanks him for the care which he has taken for his good education and behaviour, and hopes that he will continue his friendly advice. The Ambassador on Wednesday presented him to the King, from whom and Monsieur he received great good words. In his journey he saw both Chantilly and Ecouen, the Marshal Montmorency's houses. Ecouen has not its match in England either for good site or uniform and costly building. —Paris, 18 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Feb. 19. 698. Proclamation by the Lords of the Secret Council of Scotland.
Commanding that none of the lieges of Scotland reset or supply any of the English rebels, and that none who had already received them should suffer them to depart out of the realm.—Edinburgh, 19 Feb. 1569.
Endd. P. ½.
Feb. 20. 699. Drury to Cecil.
Lord Hunsdon departed on the 16th, with 300 footmen of this garrison, and the 100 horsemen out of the bishopric. The Scots have been in nightly since his departure, burning and spoiling and make their account to be near 4,000. They intend to lay waste all beyond Till. Their next journey is into Norham and Islandshire. Can spare none of his number, there remaining but 200 footmen, and but 40 of the old band of horsemen serviceable. It would pity any English heart to see the state of the country.—Berwick, 20 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Feb. 20. 700. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Desires that he will cause justice to be done to a French merchant whose goods, to the value of 2,000 crowns, have been seized, and whom, notwithstanding he has obtained judgment against them, the captors seek to have arrested on a pretended debt of 2,000l.—Shene, 20 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
Feb. 22. 701. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
1. Encloses a letter from the Earl of Argyle.
2. The 20th instant the Hamiltons were at Glasgow to the number of 140 horse and 80 harquebussiers, which is thought to be their chief force, and hardly to be maintained except they get support from France or elsewhere. There met them, the Earl of Argyle and Lord Boyd, with a small number. Ferniehurst and Buccleugh have returned unsatisfied in what they looked for, which was to have some harquebussiers to break the Borders, for it is now certain that they were moved to break the Borders by that faction, thinking that all men after the Regent's death would acknowledge the Queen's authority, whereunto he finds many more inclined than bear her goodwill, doubting lest she be sent home against their wills.
3. This will be the stay of any good assurance of these men's hearts towards England until they be assured that it shall pass her power to do them that evil which they fear. Perceives that nothing will be resolved on until Sir Ralph Sadler comes, and therefore wishes he might come in time for their convention on the 4th proximo. Cecil knows by their letters what they would fain be at.
4. The Regent Murray was brought from Linlithgow by water to Leith, and thence secretly to the Abbey until the morning that he was brought by the noblemen to St. Giles' Church. Gives the order of the funeral. Mr. Knox preached upon "Beati mortui qui in Domino moriuntur." Desires him to a mean with the Earl of Lennox that he follow chiefly the advice of Morton, Marr, and Glencairn. Hears that Leonard Dacre has come into Scotland. Morton has caused order to be taken that the Queen's rebels be not transported by sea.—Edinburgh, 22 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
Feb. 18. 702. The Earl of Argyle to Randolph.
Expresses his willingness to serve the Queen of England, his duty to his own Queen and country reserved. Desires to meet and confer with the nobility at Edinburgh, and also with Randolph.—Glasgow, 18 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½. Enclosure.
Feb. 22. 703. M. D'Anville to Charles IX.
Complains that notwithstanding the well-known loyalty of his family he is accused by Monluc of holding intelligence with the King's enemies, and keeping M. De Joyeuse inactive in order that they may the better carry out their enterprises. Declares that this is false, as he hopes to prove on the body of Monluc, and also that his charge has been administered with the most order.—Toulouse, 22 Feb. 1570.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1¾.
Feb. 23. 704. Instructions for Sir Henry Norris.
Whereas M. Monluc lately on the part of the French King required her to use towards the Queen of Scots all honest and favourable treatments, and to set her at liberty and aid her to be restored to her realm; to which she made some brief answers. Norris is to resort to the French King and the Queen Mother, and to ask leave to read the following answer which, however he shall not deliver out of his hands except it be very earnestly pressed for. Has considered their letters in favour of the Queen of Scots and has thought good to communicate her meaning and doings in her case to which she requires them to give an indifferent ear. First, where she is required to use all honest and gracious treatment due to a Queen of her quality, the truth is since her flight into her realm she has caused her always to be honourably attended upon with persons of nobility, and entertained her at her charge with a company of such as she made choice of, and appointed her houses with such commodities and pastimes as the country could yield. Has been assuredly informed that when she lived at her own will in Scotland she had no better entertainment or diet, but rather many times worse and baser. So as for the state and honest and favourable treatment of her person, she is sure no lack can be justly found. If the fault be found that she has not such honours done in the service of her as are due to a Queen, she herself is to answer for the same, for by her own servants she has been and is continually served. Is credibly informed that in Scotland she had commonly less reverence done by the self same servants than here. Has been always careful of her person to be honourably used, of her health to be by all possible good means preserved. If the rest that is required be not granted, that is to have her aided to the restitution of her realm, she trusts to make it appear that to consent thereto were not only a great folly and dangerous, but against all common reason. First, she is the person by whom her kingdom and crown was challenged almost as soon as she was called by right title thereunto. Mentions Mary's refusal to confirm the treaty of Edinburgh, and her sudden marriage with Darnley as one thought to be a meet person to work troubles in England for her advantage, and afterwards sundry practices not only with Queen Elizabeth's subjects but also with foreign persons. After Darnley was cruelly strangled and horribly murdered, the principal murderer Earl Bothwell having a lawful wife living became suddenly her husband. Afterwards when she was in present danger to have had her life taken by the fury of her nation, she only by speedy messages and other kinds of earnest means saved her life. Again when she was driven for safety of her life to fly into England, she commanded to have her comforted and honourably used, and had her brought from the Borders, where she was in manifest danger to be surprised, further within the realm to a castle of an ancient nobleman with all her company, where she had such entertainment as was meet for a Queen. Omits the cause why her commissioners did not answer such matters as were brought against her touching her complicity in her husband's death, and has hitherto forborne to notify the multitude of arguments produced against her by which if she had been disposed she might have made and yet may make no small advantage to abase her estimation in the whole world. Last year whilst Queen Elizabeth was occupied at her request in travailing with the estates of her realm for her return, she entered into a secret dealing of marriage with a principal nobleman of England, and also had secret intelligence with certain noblemen in the north, who have since burst into open rebellion and whose meaning was to set her up not only in Scotland but in England. Has passed over no small number of unkind and dangerous enterprises against her. Excuses the more strict custody of the Queen of Scots because she well understood that she was a party to the rebellion, and also her restraint of the Bishop of Ross for the same reason. Norris may assure the King that she will be very glad to be a furtherer of peace between him and his subjects, and also that she has not directed or licensed any of her subjects to carry arms or munitions to Rochelle, but that generally she must permit the merchants to resort to all places indifferently in France. Has made no levy of soldiers in Almain, but has such friendship with sundry princes there, that if she required any numbers for her service she could speedily be thereof furnished. Is determined to prepare a force by sea and land, whereof she requires the King not to conceive any jealousy.—Hampton Court, 23 Feb. 1569.
Endd. Pp. 102/3.
Feb. 23. 705. Morton, Lord Admiral of Scotland, to his Officers.
Orders them to use diligence in inhibiting the transporting of strangers out of the realm.—Edinburgh, 23 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
Feb. 23. 706. Proclamation by the Lord Admiral of Scotland.
Commands his officers to charge all masters of ships not to transport out of the realm any Englishmen or other strangers without licence, on pain of confiscation of the ship and goods. They are to take away the sails from the ships.—Edinburgh, 23 Feb. 1569. Signed: Morton, Admiral.
Endd. P. 1.
[Feb. 24.] 707. Arrest of Goods in England.
Things to be considered upon the demand of the merchants for the restoration of their goods.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Pp. 1¼.
Feb. 24. 708. Drury to Cecil.
As Sir Ralph Sadler is looked for to come into Scotland so is it thought that his passage will be most dangerous between Darnton [Darlington] and this town, for that the Earl of Morton minds her to receive him and be his guard to Edinburgh.—Berwick, 24 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Feb. 24. 709. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
The wife of Captain Frobisher has begged him to write and require Cecil's aid in delivery her husband from the misery and captivity in which he now is.—Shene, 24 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ⅓.
Feb. 25. 710. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Since the overthrow given to the rebels by Lord Hunsdon the country is grown generally to great disorder partly by a great number of Borderers who joined Dacre for spoils sake, and partly for that the residue of the Borderers being good subjects think that they may lawfully ride upon and spoil the rebels. Has taken the best order that he can by way of proclamation. Desires a sufficient garrison of horsemen and shot, as for want of them he cannot pursue upon the sudden, and the manifest rebels besides Scots are to the number of 2,000. Has appointed his brother Edward and John Musgrove to the custody of Naworth.—Carlisle, 25 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 25. 711. Mr. Fowler and others to Cecil.
Beseeches him to procure their liberty. In the time of their most miserable estate, when they had neither meat, money, or clothes, but ready to die with hunger and cold, the bearer, Mr. Hugh Tipton, not only relieved them (being then 32) with food, but by the means of the Duchess of Feria procured for every Englishman of the number one rial a day. Of late a sickness and death has begun amongst them and taken away four of their company and six lie now at point of death. The air is so evil in this pestered prison, that ere the summer pass most of them will perish.—From the prison in Seville, 25 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 25. 712. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Whereas Cecil advertised him that he had discovered some tokens that made him think that the late rebellion had more branches both of English and of strangers than appeared; to make him more certain thereof he sends him a most spiteful and untrue treatise set forth against Her Majesty and her Council with the privilege. Has moved the Queen Mother to punish the author, but can get no redress but words. Expresses his grief at the lamentable murder of the Earl of Murray, the author of which cruelty is here judged to be the Cardinal of Lorraine. This news coming to the court on the 15th, there could not be more joy both for the loss that they of the religion had received in Scotland, and for the likelihood it had to breed new troubles in England. Seeing the good success that the traitor had of his wicked enterprise, he is credibly informed that the minister of mischief straightways devised to send four to attempt the like to Her Majesty. Cecil must not think that the Queen of Scots remaining there that ever Her Majesty shall be void of danger. The Cardinal of Lorraine will leave no mischief unattempted to bring the Queen of Scots to the crown of England, assuring himself of the aid of the Papists there. If the Queen, though so often warned, will not provide remedies for her safety, he must doubt that they are not considered worthy to have so virtuous a princess to reign over them, but will have the same taken from them by the wicked ministers of the devil, and thereby be driven to great misery or to return to their old vomit again. Informs him of the negociations for peace in France. The Emperor will not deal for a marriage of his daughter with the French King until a perfect peace be concluded. Where Cecil puts him in some comfort for his revocation and names two gentlemen to be his successors, he thinks Mr. Henry Killegrew wanting in none of the qualifications for the post. It is reported that the searchers at the English ports are greatly corrupted, and for little money suffer such to pass who being duly searched would greatly avail to the knowledge of matters of importance.—Angers, 25 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 26. 713. The Queen to Randolph.
Finds it somewhat strange that he has not advertised her that the Council in Scotland have dissolved and prorogued their convention until the 24th March. Cannot send Sir Ralph Sadler thither, he being presently sore travailed with his late service in the North, and without some understanding of the further particular intentions of those then cannot well send any such person with any matter of weight. He is to assure the Scottish Lords that she remains resolute in all things which may concern the maintenance of true religion amongst them, and preserve the concord and intelligence between the two realms, and if they propound reasonable and honourable conditions, her actions will make it appear that she seeks not her own profit otherwise than it may concur with the common weal of both realms. Also that however the reports may devise the same that she will never give ear to any restitution of the Queen of Scots. He is also earnestly to set forth the unneighbourly and barbarous usages of their Borderers in maintaining her open rebels, who are also notorious adversaries of the religion, with whom they have entered her realm in warlike manner spoiling and burning her towns and robbing and taking her subjects, a matter not to be suffered by her to be unrevenged unless by some authority they may speedily be redressed. If they are not able to do this of themselves, he is to confer with them how it may be done by her powers entering the Borders from England. Has just heard of the defeat of Leonard Dacre, who like a caitiff and desperate rebel was the first to fly into Scotland. He is to require redress for this act of the Scottish Borderers now entering her realm and joining with such manifest rebels. Has just received his letters of the 20th, which have given her further contentation to see the general good disposition of the Earls and Lords, especially in their publishing their commandments against her rebels, for which he is to thank them. If the Earl of Lennox's coming be generally liked by her friends, she will then condescend to it. He is to procure some punishment for those who aided the escape of Jenye.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 26 Feb. 1569. Pp. 5.
Feb. 27. 714. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
Requests him to help him to get a piece of land belonging to Martinville near Boroughbridge held of the Bishop of Durham, also a house in the Strand which has fallen into Her Majesty's hands by the late offence of Leonard Dacre.— Edinburgh, 27 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
Feb. 27. 715. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
The Lords here have written to Ferniehurst and Buccleugh to come in and answer the attempts against England. Sends Ferniehurst's answer. The Earl of Argyle and the Lord Boyd have accorded to be at the next convention. Spake to the Earl of Argyle at Dalkeith and declared to him the same things as before he did to the others. He liked of all save the delivery of those who for refuge had come to Scotland, which could not be done with honour, nor would the Queen of Scots ever consent thereto. He said that in all things which he has done in defence of the Queen, his mistress, he did it by such advice as the Queen of England had given him by his brother when he was in England, which had caused him to lose the friendship of others who were very dear to him. Their hope is here great of support out of France and Spain. Travails that none of the rebels escape by sea. Leonard Dacre is at Home Castle, and Jenye with Lady Northumberland in Fast Castle.—Edinburgh, 27 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 23. 716. Kerr of Ferniehurst to Kirkcaldy of Grange.
Will forbear riding in England till next peace day if he can be assured that England will not invade him or his friends and servants till that day. If they would have quietness on the Borders, they are to get all attempts committed in England forgiven, and then he and his friends will forgive the things that they might crave of England, howbeit they be thrice as much.—Ferniehurst, 23 Feb. Signed.
Copy. Note in Randolph's writing of the answer which he gave to Fernieburst's servant. Endd. P. 1. Enclosure.
Feb. 27. 717. Mr. Mather to Cecil.
Sends a discourse which is openly sold here, that he may know the French opinion of their affairs, who neither spare to touch the highest in honour, nor [put] the nobility in suspect of duty of their allegiance. Harcourt's stay at Amiens is partly done in revenge of the discourtesy the French Ambassador's secretary received lately at Dover, his money being there taken from him. There is small likelihood of peace, as the gendarmes are preparing to return to the camp, and the Duke of Longueville's regiment is beginning already to march forwards.—Dieppe, 27 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Feb. 28. 718. The Queen of Navarre to the Queen.
Has received her letter in favour of certain Venetian merchants, whose ships have been seized by Captain Sores, and is sorry that she can do nothing as the case has already been determined in the ordinary courts of Admiralty. The Venetians greatly assist their enemies both with money and counsel. —La Rochelle, 28 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Royal Letter.
[Feb.] 719. Death of the Regent Murray.
Certain heads to be considered of the Queen of England, for the weal and surety of the relict of the Regent Murray, his pupils, servants, and special friends. Chiefly provides that the Scottish parliament should pass an Act of indemnity for anything the late Regent might have done in his office, and that his widow might be allowed to reside abroad, and that the income of her estates might be guaranteed to her.
Pp. 2½.
720. Another copy.
Endd. Pp. 2½.
Feb. 721. Elegy on the Regent Murray.
Copy of Latin verses commencing, Siccine fata vocant sic te clarissime princeps.
P. 1.
Feb. 722. The Queen to Drury.
Orders him to repair the bridge at Berwick, and to admit Captain Brickwell to the office of porter of the town.—Feb. 1569.
Endd. In Cecil's writing. P. 1.