Elizabeth: March 1570

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: March 1570', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp196-212 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1570', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp196-212.

"Elizabeth: March 1570". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp196-212.

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March 1570

March 1. 723. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has sent five letters since coming to Berwick. Finds never an honest man in his posts. Lethington is presently at Seton to "air" himself before this convention. His wits are sharp and his will good, but he is fearful to take matters in hand as he doubts some thunderclap out of the south, which if it fall in this country wrecks himself and his friends. Lethington has now only his heart whole and stomach good, an honest mind somewhat more given to policy than to Mr. Knox's preaching; his legs are clean gone, his body weak, and inward parts feeble. To this the blessed joy of a young wife has brought him unto.—Edinburgh, 1 March 1569.
2. It is oft cast in his teeth that peace is made with France, and soldiers ready to be sent over. This day was hanged forth in the street an ensign of black satin, in which was painted the King lying under the tree as he was found dead, and the Regent in his bed with his wound open, and the King on his knees crying, Judge and revenge my cause, O Lord! Sends the Regent's epitaph of eight Latin verses by Buchanan who never rejoiced since his death. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
March 1. 724. War in Grenada.
Confession of a Moor taken in Calahorra, 1 March 1570, touching the numbers, equipment, and condition of his countrymen.
Span. P. 1.
March 1. 725. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Warns him again of the great danger the Queen is in through the machinations of the Cardinal of Lorraine. Thinks it were better for the Queen's preservation that the Queen of Scots were further out of the realm, as she being there the Cardinal daily devises some mischief here to be practised by the Papists there. In a tourney between the Duke of Anjou and Marshal Schomberg, both went to the ground, and Monsieur has his shoulder out of joint, and Schomberg has his face very ill broken. They of the religion have won two other towns. The Secretary of the French ambassador complains that his money was taken from him by the searchers of Dover and Sandwich, which he prays may be restored, otherwise none of his servants shall return hither without the like usage.— Angers, 1 March 1569. Signed, partly in cipher.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
March 1. 726. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Desires a license for Nicholas Boulangier, an exile for religion, to import from Flanders and retail in England a thousand weight of white salt.—Sheen, 1 March 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
March 3. 727. Lord Hunsdon to the Privy Council.
The Thursday after the overthrow of Leonard Dacre, the Earl of Westmoreland, Leonard and Edward Dacres, the Nortons, and others assembled at Jedburgh in consultation, and since then have been at Home, and Lord Home is determined to maintain them. They look daily for and out of Flanders. Sends a letter which Drury has received from Rowland Forster. Has placed 100 footmen and 100 horsemen in the town of Wark. The castle is not guardable. Rather doubts Newcastle than Wark. Sends a copy of Ferniehurst's letter to the Laird of Grange. Has received 200 horsemen out of Yorkshire, and thinks that they cannot find in all the shire 200 so ill horses again. The footmen are as evil or worse.—Berwick, 3 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Feb. 24. 728. Rowland Forster to Drury.
Is credibly informed the Ferniehursts and the Earl of Westmoreland intend to make proof of the town and castle of Wark, and that they have made ladders for the scaling of the same. Desires assistance, as he will not take in hand to defend it with the numbers which he has.—Wark, 24 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3. Enclosure.
Feb. 24. 729. The Laird of Fernihurst to Kirkcaldy of Grange.
Where he would have him forbear to ride in England, he assures him that he has suffered thrice as much damage as he has done. Will, however, do so if they can make him sure that England will not invade or ride upon him or his friends. —Ferniehurst, 24 Feb.
Copy. Endd. P. 1. Enclosure.
March 3. 730. Simon Musgrove to Lord Hunsdon.
Since the overthrow of Leonard Dacres this country has become very ill, for the very next day after the Borderers wholly with Scotchmen have not letted to spoil as well the good subjects as the rebels with such force, as the Lord Warden was not able to deal with them. The Lords Home, Herries, and Maxwell, and all the Lords of the West Borders of Scotland will be aiders of Leonard Dacre, and he fears greatly that the Douglases will also take his part. The readiest way to overthrow these rebellious doings is to send such a force as shall not only be able to save the Borders from spoiling, but also to daunt those of Scotland who have received the rebels, and to burn and waste their lands.—Carlisle, 3 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
March 5. 731. The French Ambassador to Cecil.
Understands by his letter that the Queen is angry with the detention of her courier at Amiens, and the publication of certain writings at Paris. Does not offer any excuse, but assures him of the wish of his master not to offend Her Majesty.—London, 5 March 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
March 5. 732. The Queen to Lord Scrope.
Perceives by his letter the evil state of the Borders, and orders him to levy such number of horsemen and foot soldiers as he shall deem sufficient for their defence until the arrival of the Earl of Sussex with her army.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
733. The Queen to Lord Scrope.
Understanding that the great multitude of her subjects were incited to resort to the traitor Leonard Dacre, under pretence of withstanding the invasion of the Scots and English rebels, she is content in such sort to extend her mercy as by a proclamation herewith sent may appear. Means to except from the proclamation all constables, gentlemen having inheritance in possession or reversion, and all such as have any farms of her lands and are her tenants.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. P. 1.
March 6. 734. Thomas Randolph to Sir John Forster.
1. Desires that the Laird of Cessford may be well used, and that Martin Elliott (who is laboured unto by Ferniehurst) may be made sure.
2. P.S.—"I pray you that the first good horse that any man of yours doth steal let me be partner with him."—Edinburgh, 6 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
March 7. 735. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
The Earl of Westmoreland has been at Linlithgow with the Hamiltons. Lord Home has so far discovered himself to take part with the Hamiltons, as his best friends in the Merse have refused him. Has written oftentimes what succour the Earl of Westmoreland has out of the bishopric, and many times both Cuthbert and Christopher Nevil lie lurking thereabouts. The country is in a great hatred with Sir George Bowes, so as he dare scant remain there. The country has no man of credit to resort to between York and Berwick, which makes many of the honest sort ready to fly the country. Desires that he may have leave to lie sometimes at Bransby [Brancepeth] and sometime at Newcastle, as he shall see cause.—Berwick, 7 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 8. 736. Robert Hogan to the Earl of Leicester.
Craves his favour in his suits. It is a busy world here, for there never wants one mischief coming on another's neck. The taking of Tunis troubles the King very much, for he may in no case suffer the King of Algiers to nestle there, unless he will lose Sicily. There is news that the Turk arms this summer 200 galleys and fifty ships. The King makes great preparation of men to defend the coasts. There are four camps to encompass the Moriscos, who be a great number of stout and desperate men who will sell their lives dearly. Signor Luis Quexada is dead of the harquebus shot which he had. The Pope has given 600,000 ducats, and the Duke of Florence 200,000 ducats in aid of the Catholics of England, and order is sent to the Duke of Alva for the making of the men and the paying the money. Commends the bearer, Hugh Tipton, who has been long consul of the English nation here, to him.—Cordova, 18 March. Signature partly obliterated.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 8. 737. The Queen to Lord Hunsdon.
Is in hand to send the Earl of Sussex with an army levied in the South not only to defend the Borders, but to avenge the injuries done by maintaining her rebels and invading her country. Would think him worthy of great praise if he could take Fast Castle, where her rebels are fostered. Commends the towardness of his son, the bearer, in his readiness to serve her.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
March 8. 738. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Has caused Livingstone, a boy brother to John Livingstone, the Queen of Scots' servant, who minded to pass into Scotland, to be searched for letters, but has found none. Has detained him until he can know Cecil's pleasure.—Carlisle, 8 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
March 8. 739. Reply of Charles IX. to the Deputies of the Queen of Navarre.
Copy of the reply made on 3 Feb. 1570 at Angers by the French King to the deputies sent by the Queen of Navarre to settle conditions for a peace, with notes of objections to each separate clause, chiefly on the ground of want of security for the fulfilment of the King's promises.
Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 5⅓.
March 9. 740. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Is informed by one whose advertisements he has always found true, that the Ambassador of Scotland's secretary has been sent into Scotland, to declare the King's intent of aiding them, and further to require the Duke of Alva to be ready to execute the enterprise already intended whereof Chapin Vitelli is appointed to be the chief conductor. Moreover, there is a gentleman of credit to be dispatched within four days, with two ships, wherein are thirty or forty Spanish and Turkish horses, and to land as near as possible where the Queen of Scots is, and at such time as she shall ride hunting, the said horses to be laid at the relay and she by force taken away; which enterprise has been once already attempted but failed, yet not then discovered. There are at two houses of Martigues 4,000 corslets and 6,000 harquebusses, with other armour to be sent to Dumbarton, for the furnishing of the country. Also there is a man who has but one eye and a cut over the face, the one part whereof burnt with gunpowder, who is sent to work treason to Her Highness. The advertiser of her proceedings is an Italian, whose name he has not been able to attain unto. For her preservation it were expedient to rid the Queen of Scots out of her country in such sort as shall be thought most expedient. The Duke of Chatelherault is dissembling in order to gain the friendship of both Protestants and Papists, whereunto Lethington persuades him what he may.—Angers, 9 March 1569. Signed, part in cipher.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
March 9. 741. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Sends his letter to the Queen to him unsealed to use as he thinks most expedient. The gentleman who will be dispatched within four days he thinks is Strozzi. The marked man is thought to be called Villenus, who has been in prison at Rochelle for conspiring to kill the Prince of Condé, out of which he and one Badcheko broke. Badcheko is a great familiar of Baptistis of the Queen's privy chamber. Urges him again to rid the Queen of Scots out of England.— Angers, 9 March 1570. Signed.
Part in cipher. Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
March 9. 742. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Has already informed him of the overtures for peace which the Papists in France have made. Assures him that the Queen of Navarre and the other Protestant leaders are resolved never to agree to any unless the free exercise of their religion is granted and the Queen of England and the princes of the empire appointed guardians of the treaty. Declares the goodwill that the Protestant party bears to England, and the importance that this war should have a favourable issue for them. The bearer can inform him of their plans for continuing the war.—Sheen, 9 March 1570.
Fr. Pp. 2¾.
March 10. 743. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Desires that the bearer, a French merchant, may have restitution of his ship and goods seized by John Mitchell, near Falmouth. Thinks he meant to arrive at Dumbarton with the powder and harquebusses.—Angers, 10 March. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
March 10. 744. The French King's Answer to the Queen of Navarre's Articles.
A short discourse on the French King's answer to the articles of the Queen of Navarre and Princes of Navarre and Condé, acknowledging the King as their rightful sovereign, and pointing out that considering they were driven to take up arms in self-defence on account of the bad faith with which the former treaty of pacification was kept, it is reasonable that they should now require the assurances which are necessary for them, and which he ought not to deny.
Endd. by Cecil.: 10 March 1569. Fr. Pp. 2.
745. Translation of the above.
Endd. Pp. 2.
March 10. 746. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Assures him that Burford and Calverly have used him so ill that he and they will not serve in one place. Desires that some further supply of money may be sent. Informs him of the arrival of a great number of the Scottish noblemen at Edinburgh. The overthrow of Dacres has disappointed all the purposes of the Hamiltons. Is yet "St. Thomas of Ind" touching the delivery of the rebels. The comfortable words that Her Majesty wrote put him in great hope of some relief, but reminds him that whilst the grass grows the steed starves. Craves his furtherance for his coming up to Court. Bestowed the keeping of certain of the rebels and their goods upon some who served in that journey, the best of them not being worth 20l., desire that the Queen will confirm the same, as it will be some credit to him and some relief to the poor men. Desires also to know her pleasure for the stewardship of Middleham.—Berwick, 10 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
March 11. 747. Lord Hunsdon to the Privy Council.
Has received their letters of the 3rd and 5th inst. As for Burford and Calverly, he discharged them for two causes, the one that having passports for six weeks, they have been away since August and April; the other because he could not suffer so great an injury as to have those who had their entertainment under him, to seek to serve under any other, he being in the field; therefore he desires them to bear with him if he denies their request in this case. Has sent Sir John Forster some money, and requires that a greater proportion than 2,000l. should be forwarded to him.—Berwick, 11 March. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 11. 748. Instructions for the Earl of Sussex.
Orders him to levy 3,000 foot soldiers and 1,000 horsemen with whom he is to proceed to the Borders and do his best for the apprehension of her rebels, who have fled into Scotland, and the punishment of those who have assisted them.— 11 March.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 6¼.
March 11. 749. Martin Elliott to Sir John Forster.
Will come at any time, when he can make him sicker to come and gang, for he has many unfriends. Where Forster desired him to bind himself to no man he is still of that same mind. Desires to know what he would have him to do, and for that purpose would have him and some special servant to meet him.—At the Reidheut, Saturday. Signed.
Add. P. 1.
March 14. 750. The Earl of Mar to Queen Elizabeth.
Has understood from Randolph of her comfortable direction towards the preservation of the King's innocent person, which animates him with greater boldness to employ his care, travail, and attendance thereto.—Edinburgh, 14 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
March 14. 751. Extraordinary Charges in the North.
Wages of 300 horsemen and 200 footmen and their captains, amounting to 1,781l. 6s.
Endd. P. 2/3.
March. 752. Rate of Pay for the Earl of Sussex's Army.
The Lord Lieutenant has 5l. per diem with 20s. allowance of 30 halberdiers. Every captain of 100 horsemen, 6s.; every captain of 100 footmen, 4s.; demi-lancers, 1s. 6d.; light horsemen, 1s. 4d.; harquebussiers, 8d., and armed pikemen, 8d. It is not meant that the wages should continue longer than the army continues. Armour and weapons to be had out of the Queen's store for ready money, which will be repaid when they are returned to the stores unspoiled.
Draft chiefly in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 2⅓.
March 9. 753. A Memorial of the Earl of Sussex.
A miscellaneous list of things required by the Earl for his expedition, such as commissions, instructions, and warrants, money, powder, provisions, and munitions.
Notes in Cecil's writing. Endd. P. 2/3.
March 14. 754. The Queen of Navarre to the Queen of England.
Understanding that Captain Launay, who holds her commission to cruize against her enemies, has been detained in England, she begs that he may be released.—La Rochelle, 14 March 1750. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1½.
March 15. 755. Transport of Munition into the North.
Charge for the carriage of certain munitions to Newcastle in carts, at 4d. the mile for 240 miles, amounting to 102l.; 242 tons, at 8s. the ton, are to be conveyed by sea, amounting to 96l. 16s.
Endd. P. 1.
[March.] 756. Office of the Ordnance in the North.
Note of such things as are necessary for the repair of Her Majesty's ordnance at Berwick and other places in the north, together with an estimate of the cost of the repair of the Friar's Church called the Queen's manor at Newcastle, wherein the ordnance and munitions are stored.
Rough notes. Endd. Pp. 3½.
[March.] 757. Office of the Ordnance in the North.
Note of the numbers of pieces of ordnance at Berwick and other strong places in the North, whose carriages require repairing.
Endd. Pp. 1¼.
March 16. 758. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
Sends a copy of Martin Elliott's letter, and desires to know the Queen's pleasure as to how he shall deal with him.— Alnwick, 16 March 1569.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
March 6. 759. Randolph to Sir John Foster.
Martin Elliott is laboured unto by Ferniehurst to take his part with his friends. If Forster thinks him to be used he prays him to make him as sure as he can.—Edinburgh, 6 March 1569.
Copy. P. ⅓. Enclosure.
March 11. 760. Copy of Martin Elliott's letter to Forster of the 11th inst.
P. 2/3. Enclosure.
March 16. 761. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Thinks that these moved in conscience with such and so many injuries done to Her Majesty by the Queen of Scots can neither reply thereto nor justly make any request in her behalf, having made so small an answer to her Highness's letter. Wishes that it were printed for the satisfaction of those who are in opinion that the Queen of Scots is unjustly dealt with. Thinks the King and Monsieur are now satisfied, to whom he finds a great part of the Queen of Scots' dealing was utterly unknown. Seeing that since the keeping of the Queen of Scots Her Majesty has not been void of danger, both abroad and at home, and weighing the dishonour that would arise of her escape, which she so often hath and does attempt, he thinks it were better that by her departure some commodious composition might be made. Thinks that thereby the redelivery of the transgressors might be attained. Has been lately advertised by the Spanish Ambassador that his master has gained a great victory over the Moors at Galera. These being subdued, it is doubted whether he will divert his forces hither or send them into Scotland. These here also cease not to make great offers of peace. It is agreed between the Kings of France and Spain that one of them shall not invade England without making the other privy thereunto, and within these two days has one been dispatched into Spain with great speed and another into Scotland. Nothing causes him more to fear false dealing than this unaccustomed smooth speech, used to Her Majesty, denying that they sent any forces into Scotland, when two ships landed at Dumbarton with men and munitions from hence. When they are charged with it they will say that the Cardinal of Lorraine did it, they not knowing thereof.—Angers, 16 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
March 17. 762. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
Had audience on the 12th inst., when he declared at length what was given to him in charge by her letter of the 23rd February, the King, the Queen Mother, and Mons. Anjou being present. Passing the first part wherein was mentioned the Scottish Queen's usage of Her Majesty in his father's and brother's time, and her fresher dealings no less ungrateful than the former. The King suddenly required him to stay and demanded why Her Majesty would not permit his servant Monluc to go into Scotland. As this question was unawares Norris answered that he had no particular instructions in this behalf, but doubted not that her Highness would sufficiently satisfy him. He then declared how well the Queen had entertained the Queen of Scots, and the great care she had rather to hide her faults, whereunto the King replied that for all these commodities he wished she had free liberty to go where she would, and the Queen Mother added that it would not only be a great honour to Her Majesty, but also a firm and faithful uniting of amity between them, and also that the Queen of Scots had advertised them that she needed not to have escaped into England had it not been for the confidence which she had in Her Majesty. Touching the other parts of his discourse of her ingratitude, her secret dealing of marriage with the Duke of Norfolk, and her intelligence with the Queen of England's rebels; these points were wrapped up in silence, but the summary and effect of their whole talk tended to procure the Queen of Scots' liberty, with her reestablishment by Her Majesty's help into her realm and country. Made further relation according to his instructions touching the aid and munitions said to have been conveyed to Rochelle, and denied that she made any levy in Germany, though she had such friendship with sundry princes there that she could be speedily furnished thereof. He further declared the Queen's intention to prepare force both by sea and land, and required the King not to conceive any jealousy thereof, and further said that the Queen thought it an honourable act for the King to make a general pacification, and that she would be glad to employ her credit with them of the religion, so that she might see how they could be assured. The King, as well to this as to the premises, said that he would write to Her Majesty by his ambassador resident ere long. Was sent for again on the 14th and early on the 15th. Was brought to the Queen Mother walking in a garden, who declared that he was sent for upon receipt of letters from their ambassador, by whom they are advertised of the doubt which the Queen conceived of the King's conveying forces into Scotland, which he neither had done nor was to be persuaded thereunto, although there might be some solicitation used to that end. She also counselled the Queen as a mother, that in order to end her late began troubles she should set the Queen of Scots at liberty, and herself take a husband for the general satisfying of her subjects. Norris said that these matters were of so great importance that he dared not enter into talk of them. The Queen Mother earnestly desiring him to advertise Her Majesty on these two points, he took his leave and went to the King, who said he was much beholden to Her Majesty for making him privy to all her proceedings with the Queen of Scots, and assured him that he never meant to make any preparations into Scotland, and wished that the Queen would credit nothing but what she heard through her ambassador.—Angers, 17 March. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 3¼.
March 17. 763. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Has written to Rye and Dover to have that performed of which Cecil gave him to understand yesterday discreetly and without noise.—Sheen, 17 March 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
March 17. 764. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
1. The Lords at Edinburgh are broken up, and Huntley and that faction returned home, they will not consent to any certainty of government.
2. The Earls of Morton, Mar, and their side are resolved to remain in Edinburgh, by turns to keep the stake for all events. The Earl of Argyle refused to come to the convention, and finds himself much aggrieved with the burning of the house at Linlithgow. Lethington comes within a day or two to Fast Castle. His head governs Argyle and Huntly and all that gang. Having certain intelligence that Egremont Ratcliffe, Jenye, the Patriarch, and other rebels, have prepared a ship to pass into Flanders, he has fitted out a small bark to intercept them off the Fern Islands. Mr. Randolph has practised with the master of the ship, so he is in great hopes to meet with them. Desires that a pinnace may be sent hither and another to the river of Dumbarton. There is nothing done at the Court, or resolved on amongst the Council that they are ignorant of in Scotland. Expresses his goodwill towards the Earl of Sussex, but declares that neither he nor any of the town will stir without special commission to himself.
3. When any number of men have been sent to the Borders the governor of this town has always had a band of horsemen and another of footmen during the time.
4. Complains that he is here with less reputation and credit than any who have had the charge heretofore.
5. P.S.—There is in this town but 1,200 weight of corn powder and 500 at Newcastle, which will scant serve one day of service.—Berwick, 17 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 22/3.
March 18. 765. William Douglas, of Lochleven, to Queen Elizabeth.
As she was so good and favourable a mistress and friend to the late Regent, and he so faithful and true a servant to her, he craves that she will seek by all means the just revenge of his innocent murder.—Edinburgh, 18 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
March. 766. William Douglas, of Lochleven, to the Lords of Convention.
Begs that they will revenge the murder of his late brother, the Regent, which was committed by James Hamilton of Bothwelhaugh at the instigation of the Duke of Chatelherault and the rest of the Hamilton's.
Endd. P. 1.
March 18. 767. The Queen to Randolph.
Orders him to let that part of the nobility of Scotland who are friendly to her know that she has appointed an army under the Earl of Sussex to punish those who were maintainers of her rebels, who at the same time are their enemies and favourers of the murder of the late Regent. He is to ask them to join hereto their goodwill and forces. Though it is not expressed by words that her army shall come to maintain the King, yet the maintenance of his estate must needs follow when his enemies are weakened and suppressed. He may, if he sees cause, say to some of the wisest that the Queen forbears any express profession of maintenance of the young King lest she should be thought to have taken upon her to have pronounced the lawfulness of the whole cause as it has passed between the Queen of Scots, her son, and them. He is to warm them against letting any French or Spanish soldiers land at Dumbarton.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 18 March 1569. Pp. 4.
March 19. 768. Proclamation by the Warden of the Middle Marches.
Orders that all those who have any complaints against any of Tynedale or Reedsdale shall send in the names of the offenders within ten days to the keeper of Harbottle.—19 March 1570.
Written on a strip of paper.
March 18. 769. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
It is like that all the Borderers of Scotland hearing of this force coming will use all their friends to procure assurance, and do what they can to cover their faults, so he thinks it not amiss to have good assurance of them beforehand, lest otherwise they break hereafter at their best advantage.— Exton, 18 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 22. 770. The Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
Expresses his goodwill towards Cecil and desire for his friendship.—22 March 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
March 22. 771. Frederic II. to Queen Elizabeth.
Requests license for Simon Surbeg to export 300 cloths for his private use.—Copenhagen, 22 March 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
March 23. 772. Queen Elizabeth to the Queen of Navarre.
Complains of the seizure by Captain Sores within her jurisdiction of certain Venetian ships, which she desires may be given up.—Hampton Court, 23 March 1570. Signed.
Copy. Add. French Royal Letter.
March 24. 773. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Has written to every of the warders to advertise him of the state of their charges and of the borders opposite, and other information, and required them to have good espial of all intentions and actions in Scotland. Has written to Randolph giving him to understand of his lieutenancy, and sent him a cipher and required him to advertise the particular disposition of every man of the Scottish nobility. There are few gentlemen of any credit in this country who have not offered to serve with him in this journey as private soldiers in his band, which for their service at home he has forborne to accept.—York, 24 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
March 25. 774. War in Grenada.
Relation in Spanish of the progress of the war against the Moriscos in Grenada.
Endd. by Cecil. P. 1.
March 26. 775. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Has intelligence that the Earl of Rothes is returned out of France with assurances of aid from that country. It is also bruited that force is already prepared and coming from the Duke of Alva either to land in Scotland or England. One of the Hamiltons and a "Rome runner" from the Pope has been of late with Lord Home and the English rebels, who make show of great contentation and comfort.
P.S. on separate slip of paper. Desires him write to Randolph of the charge committed to him.—York, 26 March 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓.
March 27. 776. Thomas Randolph to Maitland of Lethington.
Complains that he has not heard from him for a long time. Laments the troubles and disorders in Scotland, and that the remedy offered by the Queen of England is so little accepted, which if they let slip they will make the gap open for their own Queen to come home again or to let in foreigners. Though he knows he is unwilling to this, yet he assures him that he bears the burden with a great number who lament his doings, and wish that he would employ his wisdom to serve his country. Tells him not to be doubtful or suspicious of Mr. Secretary. Advises him to cut off all particularities and apply his mind to serve his country and his King wherein already he has failed, seeing that Randolph being come to serve his country he cannot have that advice of him as aforetime he had.—Edinburgh, 27 March 1570.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 3½.
March 27. 777. M. De Lumbres to Cecil.
In behalf of Charles Vasques, a gentleman of the Low Countries, who was arrested on Change at the suit of John Beemand, a mariner of Norwich, for a false debt of 250l. The said John being employed by Vasques to carry 160l. in his vessel to Norwich, alleged that he was robbed of the same but was sentenced by law to pay it, and now hopes by this arrest to retard the execution.—London, 27 March 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¾.
March 27. 778. Information against M. De Monluc.
Charges him with having agreed to deliver over the province of Guienne to the King of Spain. The Seneschal of Quercy, his alleged accuser, denies that he had ever made any charge against him. Monluc has issued a cartel against all his adversaries, saying that all who maintain that he holds intelligence with the King of Spain are liars.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 1⅓.
March 28. 779. Robert Hogan to Sir Henry Norris.
1. Has received his letters and whereas he desires to know of the wild "rogge's" proceedings here, as yet it stays for the time does not serve, and the matter is remitted to the Governor in the Low Countries to provide what shall be necessary therein, the King here having so many irons in the fire. These wars of Grenada will shortly grow to an end. The King has four camps wherein are in all about 38,000 footmen and 4,200 horsemen, with which he intends to encompass the Moors. Since they lost Galera, wherein were put to the sword about 3,000 Moriscos, they never durst abide to keep any town but render themselves to mercy. All the rest ask mercy at the King's hands. They offer to build up the churches which they destroyed, and to make fortifications at any part which the King may appoint. Heard that the Turk would come to the relief of the Moriscoes, also that the Venetians had broken with him. The French have come down towards Perpignan and Narbonne. The Duke of Florence is made Grand Duke of Tuscany and crowned by the Pope, whereat the other Italian Dukes are not a little offended.
2. In Almaine the King makes 8,000 men. Into Flanders shall be sent 5,000 more. The Cortes in this town have granted the King 1,450,000 ducats. There is great preparation of victuals for the sea sent down to the coast of Galicia. At Rome they go about to elect an English Cardinal, some say the Lord Prior Sir Richard Shelly and Dr. Harding are in the election. The Pope has granted 600,000 ducats towards the aid of the Catholics in England, and the Duke of Florence 200,000, the bestowing of which money the Duke of Alva shall have. They have sent hither for aid long since, and there has been a gentleman from them, and some say a Scotchman about the Queen of Scots' liberty, about which there will be great trouble and so much the sooner as the Governor of Scotland is killed, and although the Catholics be down they shall be set up sooner than all men think. There shall want no practices or aid.—Cordova, 28 March. Signature cut off.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3.
March 29. 780. Lethington to the Earl of Leicester.
In order to make him sensible of the sincerity of his meaning he will lay before him the "platt" of this country, which is divided into two factions, the one for the maintenance of the King's reign, and the other alleging the Queen to have been unjustly deprived of her estate. The former is composed of a good number of the nobility, gentlemen, and principal burghs of the realm, and has the Queen of England's allowand protection. The other has some of the principal nobility and a good number of the inferior sort throughout the whole realm. There is fallen out another division accidentally by the Regent's death grounded upon the regiment of the realm, it not being thought tolerable that three or four of the meanest sort of Earls should rule over the whole realm by reason of the Queen's commission granted at the time of her demission of the crown. This division has besides the Queen's faction a great number who have hitherto preferred the King's obedience. If the Queen of England sends an army into Scotland to overthrow this faction, it will move them to sue for the maintenance of some foreign prince. There is arrived at Dumbarton a galleon with a messenger from the King of France to the nobility that favour the Queen to learn what support they lack. It will not prove commodious for the Queen to gain the friendship of the lesser faction and to lose that of the greater. Recommends that she should by way of treaty go about to pacify the whole, and so give them all occasion to think well of her doings. If the Queen for the pleasure of a few sends forces to suppress the many, men are not so faint hearted but that they have courage to provide for their own safety. Protests that he desires never to see strangers set foot in Scotland, yet knows not to what point necessity may drive men to. Force will bring forth no good fruit for Her Majesty. It must be by some way of treaty wherein Leicester already knows what is his judgment.— 29 March 1570.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
March 29. 781. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
A Frenchman has lately landed at Dumbarton who is very welcome to the Hamiltons and that faction. The Treasurer only brings 4,000l., which is a scant proportion for 4,000 men to invade foreign parts, which he beseeches him to declare to the Queen. Some bands of the Southern men are already come, but it will be the 4th proximo before many of the horsemen come.—York, 29 March 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 30. 782. Count John of Emden to the Queen.
Begs that a vessel laden with salt, of which three of his subjects, fugitives from the Netherlands on account of religion, have been deprived may be restored to them.
Ex arce Berhumana prid. Cal. Aprilis 1570.—Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1⅓.
March 31. 783. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Refers him to his letter to the Queen for information. Has also written to Her Majesty for money, as this country is so poor, and been so sore charged this year with service and spoiled by the rebels, that there is little hope of money from hence. Would be glad to hear of Sir Ralph Sadler's going into Scotland. There has been some device to trap him by the way, but will see him delivered safely into Morton's rule. It will be time for the Queen to proceed speedily in her causes for he fears that her adversaries sleep not.—York, 31 March 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 31. 784. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
Upon his arrival he wrote to all the wardens to advertise him of the present state of the Borders. Has received several answers wherein they all concur that the English Borders be greatly wasted and impoverished, and those opposite greatly enriched. The people, for the most part, in the west and middle marches not to be trusted, and the whole Borders of Scotland joined together for the defence and maintenance of her rebels. It is therefore conceived by the Borderers that when her forces shall enter Scotland and remain 48 hours the Scots will make a show of 5,000 or 6,000 horsemen, besides footmen, and the wardens of the west and middle marches, which be strongest of horsemen, cannot assure her of 800 trusty horsemen. The Hamiltons, Argyle, and many others of the nobility of Scotland, animate them in all their doings, and be joined in faction with them. Has written to Randolph and sent him a cipher. Randolph confirms the coming of the Frenchman to Dumbarton, and further that a Scot came from France through England, who brought letters from the Queen of Scots to the most part of the nobility to confirm them in obedience to her, whatsoever Mr. Randolph may persuade to the contrary in behalf of her son. Recommends that straiter order be used for the staying such messengers. The wastes and fells upon the Borders are such that if they once reach those parts it will be hard to help the matter. The 4,000l. delivered to the Treasurer will not stretch to pay the army for twenty days. Reminds her of his petition at departing that he might not be so scanted of money and other necessaries, as thereby her service should of necessity be slacked; he bear the burden and shame, and she in the end feel the lack.—York, 31 March 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
[March.] 785. Intelligence from Spain.
1. The matters of Ireland are remitted to the Duke in the Low Countries. The nobles of the West of Ireland have sent hither a messenger. There is gone from hence an Irish bishop to Ireland, who came from Rome with dispatches; he has with him a page of the Marquis of Ser Alva, who is twentytwo years of age and an Irishman. There have been 6,000 men in readiness these five months, and although they say for Flanders they are for Ireland, for there is arrived a great hulk out of Flanders laden with armour. The Pope's Holiness commended the Lords of the North, and requested the King to aid them, and he would assist them with money. They have sent hither for aid, and the Duke of Alva has commission to assist them.
2. It was written to him by Sir Francis Englefield that Lord Montague and the Earl of Southampton should have been long since with the Duke of Alva, and also the Earl of Cumberland's son and heir. The wars of Grenada will not be made an end to this year. The King has above 60,000 men in camp. There was never so much coin in Spain as at this day. There came of late an English gentleman to the King. The King is very angry with the Queen's Grace, who shall send to him before he send thither again, and will be revenged of her. News of the winning of Tunis by the Moors. On the 28th Feb. came news that Don John of Austria going to view Seron with 2,000 soldiers fell into an ambush, and had a harquebuss shot in his head but for his morion. Don Luis Quixada was shot in the arm and leg, and many of the gentlemen and soldiers slain.
Pp. 1½.