Elizabeth: January 1570

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: January 1570', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp164-180 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1570', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp164-180.

"Elizabeth: January 1570". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp164-180.

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January 1570

Jan. 2. 594. John Knox to Cecil.
If he strike not at the root the branches that appear to be broken will bud again with greater force. Exhorts him to turn his eye to God, and forget himself and his when consultation is to be had in matters of such weight as presently lie upon him. More days than one would not suffice to express what he thinks.—Edinburgh, 2 Jan. 1569. Signed, John Knox, with his one foot in the grave.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Jan. 2. 595. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Letter of credence for the bearer, Mr. Nicholas Elphinstone. —Edinburgh, 2 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
Jan. 2. 596. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. Being advertised of a treaty lately sent hither to the King out of England, he will use great diligence to attain to the knowledge of those who have set it forth. Finds that both here and there they are very maliciously bent against Her Majesty and the quiet of England. Here continues still a bruit of peace, which he would have judged to have been to cause some surcease from wars till the reiters and Swiss be returned; but it is judged by men of good and sound judg ment that the Cardinal of Lorraine will get footmen to land in England to help the rebels' enterprise and force the delivery of his niece. Also to pleasure the King of Spain, whose pensioner he is, with whom he has great intelligence, and who seeks to trouble England for revenge of his money stayed there; and, lastly, the hope the Cardinal has to establish the Queen of Scots and make her Queen of England. The sieurs of Rantz, la Persone, and Bordereau, secretary to the Queen of Navarre, have brought a request to the King that he will establish throughout the realm the exercise of religion, set the noblility and his other subjects in possession of their goods and estates, and give surety for the performance of these articles.
2. Answer was given to them in general terms that the King desired nothing more than to see his subjects live in rest and safety of their lives, goods, and honours. The castle of Bourges was lately like to have been surprised by them of Sancerre, but the enterprise being discovered a number of them were either taken or slain.—Paris, 2 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. partly in cipher, with seal. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 3. 597. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
Orders him to direct either John Vaughan or Sir Henry Gates to the Regent Murray, with her letters requiring him to deliver up the Earl of Northumberland.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 3. 598. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
The Regent has departed towards Dumbarton. The whole country of Scotland is against the delivery of the Earl of Northumberland, unless the Queen grant him pardon. Desires license to repair up to Court. Asks his advice if the Countess offer to submit herself.—Berwick, 3 Jan. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
Jan. 3. 599. Instructions for John Vaughan or Henry Gates.
Is to go to the Regent of Scotland, and after delivering her letters, require the surrender of the Earl of Northumberland. If he may have him delivered upon the first letter he is to forbear the delivery of the second. Is to keep the said Earl from conference with any person.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 3 Jan. 1569. Pp. 2½.
Jan. 2 and 4. 600. Queen Elizabeth to the Regent Murray.
Thanks him for his speedy repair to the Borders, to withstand the entry of certain of her rebels; and requires that the Earl of Northumberland may be delivered to the bearer, and the rest of the prisoners to the wardens of the Marches.— 2 Jan. 1569.
A letter to the similar effect, requesting the surrender of the Earl of Northumberland, in accordance with the ancient covenants between the realms, dated 4 Jan. 1569.
Drafts, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Jan. 4. 601. The Earl of Sussex and Sir Ralph Sadler to the Privy Council.
The Regent had so small a force with him at Jedburgh, as it was convenient for him to retire after he had the Earl of Northumberland in his custody. Buccleugh, Ferniehurst, Johnstone, and others have confederated for the relieving of the rebels. If the Regent go to Dumbarton it is like that the adverse faction will, by his absence, grow the stronger, and the rebels may in that time have comfort from foreign aid, or put over this matter till the spring, when, if they may go to the hills, they shall not be so easily gotten. As long as the principal rebels are untaken it will be convenient to lay garrisons upon the Borders as well for their defence, as also to enter Scotland upon the sudden for the apprehending of the rebels. The garrisons now remaining with a supply of 400 or 500 footmen will be sufficient for these purposes.—Durham, 4 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Jan. 4. 602. The Spanish Ambassador to Cecil.
Thanks him for restoring his letters, and promises to do all in his power to confirm and strengthen the ancient amity between Spain and England.—London, 4 Jan. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. ½.
Jan. 4. 603. The Earl of Sussex and Sadler to the Regent Murray.
Thank him for apprehending the Earl of Northumberland, and his other honourable doings. Send their opinions for the apprehending the rest of the rebels. First, by the Regent's secret commandment to Ferniehurst, and the others who maintain them, to deliver them up. Secondly, if this has no effect, to point out to them the peril of disobeying his commandments. Thirdly, that they should write a secret letter to Ferniehurst, and the others, charging them to deliver the rebels or to look that the Queen would revenge this injury to the uttermost. Lastly, if they will not be induced by persuasion or threatening, then it will be necessary to prepare a force on both sides and at one time set upon them.—Durham, 4 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Pp. 2.
Jan. 4. 604. —to Paul de la Wale.
Desires him to deliver letters to certain people and to pay for their carriage.—[Louvain], 4 Jan. 1569.
Add. Dutch. P. ⅓.
Jan. 5. 605. Advertisements from Hamburg.
There being a bruit of certain soldiers of the King of Denmark coming over the Belt into Holstein, some have suspected that the King means to do some exploit against Hamburg, which he has long threatened because they have refused to furnish him with money. They have furnished their walls with artillery, and watch day and night, and the boors and their neighbours bring into the town all their substance, and they have prohibited any burgher from departing from the town or sending away any of his goods. Mr. Deputy went to the burghermaster to learn the effect of this, who declared that there were 800 or 900 Scots come over, and 7,000 or 8,000 looked for in all, and that though they did not know that the King meant any evil against them; nevertheless, they were always accustomed when any number of soldiers passed through the country to make ready their force, and to bring in their goods from abroad to avoid pillage, like as all other their neighbours did the same. He also said that the prohibition did not affect strangers trafficking to Hamburg, whose privileges they would maintain.—Hamburg, 5 Jan. 1570.
Endd. Pp. 2½.
Jan. 5. 606. The Earl of Sussex and Sir Ralph Sadler to the Privy Council.
This morning Mr. Elphinstone arrived with letters of credit from the Regent of Scotland, by whom they perceive how careful the Regent has been to apprehend the rebels. He has required their letters in general commendation and furtherance of the matters which Elphinstone has to move to the Queen.— Durham, 5 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P.½.
Jan. 5. 607. The Queen to Sir Henry Norris.
Directs him to inform the French King of the complete suppression of the rebellion in the North, and to show him how the Earls of Westmorland and Northumberland were enticed into revolt through giving place to such light companions and neighbours as they entertained about them, who not only increased their fear that she would punish them, but persuaded them that they would find great numbers in other parts of the realm ready to assist them. They were utterly frustrated in their expectations as the very lords and parties to whom they sent their letters, became their open enemies, desiring of her to be employed to subdue them, the like as did all her nobility universally. Though they gave out that they should shortly have aid of money and munitions from France and Flanders, she has no disposition to enter into any such conceit, yet for the satisfaction of her own people has resolved to put her whole realm in full strength, and have her subjects trained to be able to serve. He is to assure the King that her meaning is but to arm for defence.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 5 Jan. 1569. Pp. 5.
Jan. 6. 608. The French Ambassador to Cecil.
Complains of the detention of the persons and goods of certain French merchants which he desires may be remedied. —London, 6 Jan. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
Jan. 6. 609. Count Schomburg to Sir Henry Norris.
Reminds him of his promise to procure the Queen's order for Lasco the Palatine, and excuses himself for not having written before.—Niort, 6 Jan. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. 2/3.
Jan. 6. 610. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
Orders him to direct John Vaughan to repair to Berwick and there to confer with the governor and marshal how it may be obtained of the Regent that the Earl of Northumberland may be safely brought to Berwick, and afterwards conveyed through Northumberland and Yorkshire. He is to discharge as many of her forces on the Borders as he conveniently can.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Jan. 6. 611. The Queen to Lord Hunsdon.
Directs him to confer with Vaughan and the Marshal of Berwick how the Regent of Scotland may be best induced to give up the Earl of Northumberland, and also to induce the said Earl to utter the circumstances that moved and comforted him and his confederates to this rebellion, and what persons have been privy allowing or assenting to the same, and so to order it, that what he shall utter may be duly testified, lest hereafter he may deny or alter the same.
Draft, partly in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 7. 612. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Sends the bearer, M. De Villars, who has lately returned from Germany to inform him of what he saw and heard there. —Shene, 7 Jan. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
Jan. 9. 613. Sir Ralph Sadler to Cecil.
The Earl of Westmorland and the Countess of Northumberland are in Ferniehurst's house and the rest bestowed amongst the other borderers. Thinks that the Regent will not be able to deliver up the said rebels, as none of the nobility or others will agree unto it, and specially the borderers who will never be induced thereunto but by force. Understands also that the Earls of Huntly and Argyle, and others of the Queen of Scots' faction, are minded to revolt and make some trouble to the Regent. Advises that the forces under the Earl of Sussex and the Lord Admiral be continued, so that in case the Scots on the Borders refuse to deliver up the said rebels, they may by often incursions have their houses, lands, and goods overthrown, wasted, and destroyed by fire and sword; wherein no time should be lost in case any foreign aid be intended. Sir Henry Gates is now to go into Scotland.—Durham, 9 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 10. 614. Instructions for Sir Henry Gates.
Instructions given by the Earl of Sussex that he shall repair to Berwick and take the opinion of Lord Hunsdon for the place and time of the receiving of the Earl of Northumberland, and then repair to the Regent of Scotland and demand the delivery of the Earl of Northumberland and make arrangements for his safe custody.—Durham, 10 Jan. 1569.
Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Jan. 10. 615. The Earl of Sussex to the Regent Murray.
The bearer, Sir Henry Gates, one of Her Highness's Council in the North, has been sent to demand the delivery of the Earl of Northumberland, and also that he will cause to be given up to Her Majesty's wardens on the Borders all such rebels and fugitives as are contained in the enclosed schedule.— Durham, 10 Jan. 1569.
Copy. P. ½.
Jan. 11. 616. The Earl of Sussex and Sir Ralph Sadler to the Lord Admiral.
In respect of any cause proceeding from England, they see no necessity to continue any garrison. Nevertheless having received intelligence that certain principal borderers of Scotland are confederated with the rebels, they enclose a schedule of such forces as shall be continued.—Durham, 11 Jan. 1569. Signed.
P. 2/3.
617. Another copy.
Endd. P. 2/3.
Jan. 11. 618. English Forces on the Borders.
A note of such forces as should be discharged or continued in service on the Borders. Two hundred horsemen and 300 shot are considered sufficient to be retained, as if more are required Lord Hunsdon can in two days levy 300 or 400 trained soldiers who have heretofore served at Berwick.
P. 2/3. Enclosure.
619. Another copy. Signed by Sussex and Sadler.
Endd. P. 2/3.
Jan. 11. 620. M. De Mongueville to M. Nicolas Carree.
The army of the Princes joined to that of Montgomery is as firm and great a force as they have had during the whole war. M. D'Anville has written to the Admiral to know by what means they may have peace; who has demanded full liberty of conscience. At the request of the King envoys have been sent by the Queen of Navarre duly accredited with certain articles which he gives.—Rochelle, 11 Jan. 1570. Signed.
Add. Fr. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 12. 621. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Thanks him for the well taking of his service in this troublesome time. Has written to the Regent demanding the delivery of Prestall. Gives the names of those on the Borders with whom the different rebels remain. There is great want of a supply of munition of all sorts.—Carlisle, 12 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 14. 622. Lord Hunsdon to [Cecil].
To-morrow Sir Henry Gates and the Marshal of Berwick ride together towards the Regent of Scotland. They will be able to work the furtherance of Her Majesty's desire as much as any; yet he thinks that neither will the Earl be delivered or the others apprehended. Sends herewith the article of the treaty which the Queen wrote of, but fears that it will be answered that it only touches such as inhabit upon the Borders, and not any nobleman or gentleman dwelling inwards. Has instructed Gates and the Marshal to desire that if the rebels may not be apprehended yet that they may be kept safe in Scotland.—Berwick, 14 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Pp. 1¼.
623. Article touching the apprehension of Fugitives.
Article providing for the delivering up of fugitive criminals by the respective wardens of England and Scotland. Signed by Lord Hunsdon.
P. ¾. Enclosure.
Jan. 14. 624. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Has certified his mind in a letter to Mr. Nicholas Elphinstone, which he prays may be delivered to him so that he can declare to Cecil the state of their matters.—Stirling, 14 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
Jan. 15. 625. The Queen to the Queen of Navarre.
Complains of the seizure of certain Venetian ships within the bounds of her territories by Captain Sores and other Frenchmen, and desires that reparation may be made.
Draft. Endd.: 15 Jan. 1569. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 18. 626. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Forwards certain letters together with the copy of one which he has received from the Regent Murray. It seems Dumbarton should not be delivered, and that he mislikes the arrival of certain French ships in those parts. The Scottish Borderers receive the English rebels openly.—Durham, 18 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Jan. 14. 627. The Regent Murray to the Earl of Sussex and Sadler.
Has again assayed Ferniehurst and Buccleugh by a secret message to persuade them to render up to him the Earl of Westmorland and the other rebels in their bounds with promise not only of oversight for bypast evil behaviour but to make them assurance of large reward. If they cannot be won to do their duty with favour he means, according to Sussex's opinion, to use strait commandment against them to deliver up the rebels upon the highest peril. Desires him not to think it strange that the Countess of Northumberland is in Home Castle, for at his being at Jedburgh hearing of her great misery and inhuman usage by the outlaws and thieves, he declared to the countrymen that he would not take in evil part whosoever re-set her making him privy thereunto. Desires more evident proofs of the receipt of the rebels in Scotland, as the persons burdened therewith stand at their denial; and also the names of those whom he requires most earnestly to be apprehended. Has been very earnest to have the castle of Dumbarton obedient, but has received no satisfaction. There are some French ships in their waters who have taken both Scotch and English ships, so that it would serve to great purpose if two or three ships were directed to attend upon that firth.—Stirling, 14 Jan. 1569.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 12/3. Enclosure.
Jan. 18. 628. The Spanish Ambassador to Cecil.
Complains that not only are the goods of his master's subjects spoiled by pirates, but they themselves are sought to be slain if they complain as happened to a certain Baptista Sannittor. —London, 18 Jan. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. ½.
Jan. 19. 629. Note of Instructions for Mr. Elphinstone.
A note of the principal matters contained in Mr. Elphinstone's instructions, chiefly recapitulating the services rendered by the Regent Murray and the impossibility of his continuing his forces without the assistance of the Queen of England. He charges the Bishop of Ross with being the principal instrument of this late rebellion.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 19 Jan. 1569. Pp. 3.
Jan. 22. 630. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Forwards a letter by which Her Majesty may see what likelihood there is of having any of the rebels. Perceives that the Lord Lieutenant is commanded to discharge the 300 shot and the other bands, so that it seems that the Council are persuaded that the marches with the garrison of this town are able to do wonders. Is sorry to see Her Majesty's purse more regarded than either her honour or the present necessity of her service. The Regent is desirous to have some ships for the attainment of Dumbarton which he considers is nothing either to the delivery of the Earl that is taken, or them that are yet at liberty.—Berwick, 22 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 24. 631. Queen Elizabeth to the Regent Murray.
Has well considered the things imparted to her by Elphinstone, and is determined to send some trusty servant to confer with him and show her pleasure and resolution to his message. As the rebels, besides their high treason against her, have purposed the alteration of the common religion, she cannot think that any godly wise councillor will either maintain them or impeach their delivery.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 1.
Jan. 24. 632. The Queen to Lord Hunsdon.
Orders him to employ himself the best he can to aid the Regent of Scotland to get into his power those of her rebels who are fostered by certain of the Borderers. Before force is attempted, she would be content if some reasonable reward might attain them.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Jan. 24. 633. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
Has seen the copy of the Regent's letter of 14 January, and directs him to order the three wardens to have secret conference with the Regent as to what manner of force and assistance shall be necessary to procure the delivery of her rebels. He is to send to Lord Scrope and Simon Musgrave that such of her lewd subjects be apprehended as have aided her rebels at the time that the Earl of Northumberland was sent from Hector Armstong, when Captain Borthwick was slain by certain of the Fosters.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 24. 634. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
The Regent coming from Stirling to meet Sir Harry Gates and the Marshal upon Her Majesty's affairs, being in Linlithgow, among divers others, was shot at with a courier by one of the Hamilton's being hidden in a house, and was charged with three or four pellets, whereof all missed him saving one which hit him through the belly beneath the navel. If he die as there is little other hope, Her Majesty shall be fain to send as good a company as the Earl of Warwick and the Lord Admiral brought, or else this country to be clean overthrown. —Berwick, 24 January. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Jan. 24. 635. Lord Hunsdon to the Earl of Sussex.
The Marshal writes that yesternight the Regent Murray died of his hurt. Being required by certain of the nobility they repaired this afternoon to Edinburgh.—Berwick, 24 January 1569.
Copy. P. ½.
Jan. 24. 636. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Informs him of the death of the Regent Murray. They cannot now look to have any of the Earl's rebels or their confederates. Considering that there are so many outlaws in Scotland, both English and Scotch, he will be driven to lay the most part of the garrison of this town in towns upon the frontiers, for the Regent was the only stay and cause of quietness. The great faction which remains is all French.—Berwick, 24 January 1569. Signed.
P. 1.
Jan. 24. 637. The Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
Desires that he will command the farmer of the Customs to admit certain wine for the use of his household free of duty.— London, 24 January 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
Jan. 26. 638. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The bearer has received from him 33 crowns and 3 testons. Forwards copies of letters.—Angers, 26 January 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¼.
Jan. 26. 639. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
The death of the Regent will breed great alteration in Scotland, and he fears if the Queen put not in her foot quickly and deal liberally, the French will shortly have a greater faction than will be for her profit. Suspects that the killing of the Regent came from thence, as all of the surname of Hamilton depend upon France.—York, 26 January 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 26. 640. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Desires that reinforcements may be sent to him. Is advertised that Westmorland was in the late raid. Hears that suit will be made for the pardon of some of the rebels, which he trusts will not be granted without hearing from Sir John Foster and himself, for some of them have been guilty of murders and March treason. Has sent 200 men to keep Wark. If the Queen sends bands of horsemen and footmen, there are good captains here for them. Desires that he may have the stewardship of Richmond. The Regent was struck three fingers above the navel at the buttoning of his doublet and out above the "hukkelbone," and struck Arthur Douglas' horse who rode by him to the heart, so as it was all with one pellet. The Regent was warned that he should not ride through Linlithgow as Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh lay to kill him, yet had he no power to take heed.—Berwick, 26 January 1569. Signed.
Pp. 2.
Jan. 27. 641. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Has received a letter from the Queen of Scots which he has sent to the Queen unbroken, and stayed those who brought it.—York, 27 January 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Jan. 27. 642. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
Has received a letter from the Queen of Scots, which being the first that ever he received from her he sends unbroken in the same sort as it was delivered to him. Has detained the bearers until he may know her pleasure.—York, 27 January 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 27. 643. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
1. Shortly after Christmas M. De Teligny was sent by the Queen of Navarre to the French King at Cologne with petitions from the Princes and the rest of his subjects of the religion, certain of which being denied he returned to the Queen. In the meantime there was a great bruit that peace was ratified, but this feigned hypocrisy was revealed by a letter sent by the Queen Mother to the Governor of Bordeaux that he should not be troubled with the rumours, for that whatever was given forth there was no peace meant, which letter was intercepted by them of the religion and sent to the Admiral who made an unsuccessful attempt to take Bourges. The King being advertised of this, agreed with certain of Rochelle to let in Captain De la Riviere, but this attempt was disclosed and the conspirators apprehended, who shortly will be condemned. Hereupon Teligny wrote to the King, that it might please him to hold his coming excused, and added that notwithstanding the King's safe-conduct he had hardly with great danger escaped by St. Jean D'Angeli. In the meantime they of Angouleme, Cognac, and Rochelle made an excursion, and slew to the number of 300 of the garrison about St. Jean D'Angeli, and were like to have recovered the town. The King has gone to Angers to the intent his companies might be the better refreshed, and also by the solicitation of the Cardinal of Lorraine, who desires that the marriage of M. Montpensier and the Guise's sister, his niece, might there be celebrated. Three were dispatched from Cologne to seek by all means possible the death of the King of Navarre, the Prince of Condé, and the Admiral. The King is deeply indebted to his reiters and Switzers, to whom there is owing 1,100,000 francs. The Admiral has paid his reiters by ransoming the towns of Querci. Captain Sores has taken certain ships of Venice, Genoa, and Spain with so great a prey that the least is esteemed to be 500,000 crowns. On the 24th instant arrived at the Court as commissioners from the Queen of Navarre, MM. Beauvois, Querqueroy, Du Compin, De la Chastiere and Teligny. The latter told him that he had learnt from the Duke of Montmorenci that Rambouillet, besides his charge to the Queen of England, had express commandment to assure her rebels both of money and munition. Teligny further said, that being lately sent to the King with charge from the Prince and the rest of the nobility of the religion, to inform him of their readiness to serve him, M. D'Anjou desired to know if they would swear to follow and assist him in conquering England, to which he answered, that he did not find how with good conscience and a regard to their own safety it might be granted, but that if the King pleased to invade Flanders or other places he should see their readiness, skill, and courage most evidently. M. Beauvoir also said that his brother had declared to him that all their articles should be granted and peace fully concluded if they would assist Monsieur in this enterprise. Beauvoir solemnly protested that he uttered not this to the intent to urge Her Majesty the more to defend them of the religion in France, but that she might be truly advertised of the wicked enterprises of her enemies. Teligny also gave him to understand that because there is no sincerity in the Queen Mother they mean nothing less than to conclude a peace, and that they stood in far better state than their enemies thought for.—Angers, 26 January 1569.
2. P.S.—Teligny has learnt from Montmorency and Vielleville that the Cardinal has written into Normandy to prepare six great vessels with 3,000 harquebussiers to invade England at the first spring, and also desired the Duke of Alva to be ready with his ships against the aforesaid time. The Queen Mother has given resolute answer to the articles that they shall have no manner of exercise of their religion.—Angers, 27 January 1569., Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Partly in cipher. Pp. 3.
Jan. 644. Articles sent by the Queen of Navarre.
Certain articles presented to the French King by the commissioners sent from the Queen of Navarre to form the basis of a peace, demanding the restitution of their goods, estates, and offices to those of the religion, and the reversal of all sentences against them, together with the free exercise of religion, for the observance of which articles the King is to provide sureties.
Copy, enclosed in Norris's letter. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1⅓.
Jan. 27. 645. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Informs him of what he has written to the Queen. They mind to send to Her Majesty to declare that unless she restores the Queen of Scots to liberty and permits the exercise of their Papist mass throughout her realm, she shall look assuredly to be constrained thereto by the Pope and the Kings of Spain and France. They blaze abroad with open mouth this their enterprise into England, with this exception, if peace be had here, whereof he guesses they are not so near as they whine for. Of this he has advertised no one else. Jasper Schomberg has written to know if it may like Her Majesty to grant that Lasco Palatino may have her order as his father had aforetime, and when it shall like her to have any force out of that country they will ever be ready for her service.—Angers, 27 January. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¾.
Jan. 28. 646. The Earl of Marr to Cecil.
His nephew's days being shortened by the malice of men, compels him to write to Cecil upon small acquaintance and ask him to present his letter to the Queen. —Stirling, 28 January 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Jan. 28. 647. The Earl of Marr to Queen Elizabeth.
Informs her of the shameful murder of the Earl of Murray, and begs her comfortable assistance according to her promise made to him, to withstand all things that may tend to the King's peril. Also that her power may be extended with speed to the revenge of this detestable murder that this "pernicious preparative" escape not due punishment.—Stirling Castle, 28 January 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3
Jan. 29. 648. Queen Elizabeth to the Regent Murray.
Hearing, to her very inward grief, of the devilish intention attempted by shot of a harquebuss to have slain him whereby he has received a dangerous wound, she sends his acquaintance, Thomas Randolph, to understand certainly of his good estate, and after that to impart such things as he has in charge.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 29 January 1569. P. 1.
Jan. 29. 649. Queen Elizabeth to the Nobility of Scotland.
Letter of credence for Thomas Randolph and Sir Ralph Sadler sent to confer with them on certain matters.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 29 January 1569. P. 1.
Jan. 29. 650. Instructions for Randolph.
Is to repair to Sir Ralph Sadler and show him the following instructions. If he is certainly assured that the Regent is dead or cannot escape, he is to advertise Sir Ralph Sadler, but to proceed himself. If he finds the Regent in life he is to deliver her letters with such earnest and hearty com mendations as he can express and declare her earnest grief of mind for his danger. If he is dead he is to deliver her letters to such of the nobility as he shall find meet, subscribing them accordingly and induce them in her name to stand fast to keep common peace, and preserve the state of religion from alteration, and the Prince from all dangers to be transported out of the isle, and also to procure her rebels to be delivered up.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 29 January 1569. Pp. 2.
[Jan. 29.] 651. Stores for Berwick.
List of armour and munitions required for the garrison at Berwick.—Signed, Thomas Sutton.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 29. 652. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Encloses a schedule of certain munitions required by the Lord Scrope for the Queen's service at Carlisle.—Newcastle, 29 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Endd. P. ¾.
Jan. 29. 653. Sir Henry Gates to the Earl of Sussex.
Excuses himself for not coming to him. Sends him the very copy of such things as Mr. Drury and he have delivered to Lord Hunsdon, whereby he may the better understand their travail since the death of the Regent.—Berwick, 29 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
654. A Brief Discourse made by Sir Henry Gates and Drury to Lord Hunsdon.
Account of the movements and intentions of different noblemen in Scotland after the death of the Regent Murray.
Pp. 2. Enclosure.
Jan. 30. 655. Lord Hunsdon to the Queen.
1. On Saturday afternoon returned Sir Henry Gates and the Marshal, not without great peril, but that they were strongly guarded by the way, and only by the practice of her rebels in Scotland. The Regent's murder is so odious to all that faction that they are presently all reconciled, and have vowed the revenge. Grange and Morton and Lethington and Morton are now reconciled. Divers of the Hamiltons presently repaired to Edinburgh thinking to have had the Duke at liberty, but found him kept straiter than before. To prove the consent of all the Hamiltons to this murder, he that killed the Regent is Arbroath's man, the spare horse which was laid for him was Arbroath's chief horse, the piece he killed him with was Arbroath's, and himself was kept and received at Hamilton. The Bishop of St. Andrews is known to be the procurer of it. Grange and Lethington have written to Lord Fleming that he should by no manner of means suffer any strangers to enter Dumbarton Castle. The Earl of Morton and the others declared to Sir Henry Gates that, although the Regent was dead, yet the Queen of England would find them ready to run the same course that he did, so that they might be sure that she would stand with them, and help them in the preservation of their laws. Finds that they are almost assured that she will deliver their Queen, so that they know not what course to run. If she will send the Earl of Lennox into Scotland they will make him the head of their faction. Beseeches her to "forslow" no time. If the Hamiltons bear the sway the Franch will not be long absent. The Earl of Northumberland will be removed out of Lochleven. He is not so liberal in talk as at his first apprehension. The Bishop of Ross should be kept straiter, as all this rebellion and practice with foreign nations proceeds from him. If she takes not heed of the Scottish Queen she will put her in peril, and that ere long.
2. A slip of paper attached with the names of those who will be at her devotion.—Berwick, 30 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil, with seal. Pp. 22/3.
656. Another copy of the above.
Endd. P. 2/3.
Jan. 30. 657. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Perceives that the Queen may have a sufficient party in Scotland so as she will grow to some resolution what she will do. It is plainly given out that the Earl of Leicester was sent to the Queen of Scots, and that she will return to Tutbury, and so shortly home. Sends him a copy of his letter to the Queen of this date. Prays him to cause Nicholas Elphinstone to take heed how he comes, for he is laid for both in England and in Scotland to have his letters and money, and he to be killed, so he desires him to warn him to take heed how he comes from Newcastle. This practice and the apprehension or killing of Sir Henry Gates proceeds from the rebels. The Earl of Westmoreland was at this raid, and was the causer of the burning of Rowland Forster's corn and hay at Mindrum and looked on the whilst. His wife lies so near that he has weekly relief of money. Knows not whence the rebels have their encouragement, but where they sought to take the seas they now mean it not. Westmoreland wrote lately that the Duke should be shortly at liberty and the Scottish Queen sent home. Will be fain to revoke the soldiers out of the country for lack of money. Is advertised that Ferniehurst, Buccleugh, Johnstone and others, have made a gathering in Jedburgh, and will enter again into this wardenry. The comfort comes to the rebels by William Douglas, who is the Bishop of Ross's man, and who brought letters sewn in the buttons of his coat, who has assured them that they shall have aid from the Duke of Alva, and willed them to do what they can to break the Borders. He has brought money twice to them. Newcastle is not out of danger, for considering how that part of Northumberland is addicted to the Earl, it is an easy matter to surprise it. There is no way to prevent this but to lay a great garrison here; besides, if the Queen has not a force upon the Borders she will hardly have any party in Scotland. Desires to know whether if he hears of anything intended against Newcastle he shall repair thither. To-morrow shall Shilstokbrays make his last end. Forgot to write how the Earl of Westmoreland threw his hat in the fire for joy of the Regent's death.—Berwick, Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 30. 658. Lord Hunsdon to [the Earl of Sussex].
Has received his letter, but considering the state of the Borders he cannot send any men from hence, and besides must have commission from the Queen for it. If Her Majesty have not a good garrison in this town and upon the Borders, between this and York will be in great peril ere it be long.—Berwick, 30 Jan. 1569. Signed.
P. ½.
Jan. 30. 659. The Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
Desires that he will forward a packet containing an account of the siege of St. Jean D'Angeli to the Earl of Murray.— Holborn, 30 Jan. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
[1569, Dec.] 660. Siege of St. Jean D'Angeli.
Terms of capitulation whereby the garrison were allowed to retire with their horses, arms, and baggage, on engaging not to serve against the King. Many of those who signed the capitulation had promised to surrender if not succoured within ten days, which however they did not do.
Fr. P. 2/3. Enclosure.
Jan. 31. 661. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
1. Forwards a packet from the Earl of Marr. This night have Ferniehurst, Buccleugh, and Johnstone, with the Earl of Westmoreland, been in the Middle March with 300 horse, as far as Morpeth. Complains that the courtiers get the rebels' lands and goods. Reminds him of Newcastle.
2. P.S.—Nicholas Elphinstone has arrived a sorrowful man for his master. John a' Selby came into the Middle March a stealing, and there was he killed with an arrow.—Berwick, 31 Jan. 1569. Signed.
P. 1.
Jan. 662. Munitions for Berwick.
Note of powder and other munitions and arms which are required for the service at Berwick.
Endd., Jan. 1569. Pp. 1⅓.
Jan. 663. Murder of the Regent Murray.
Copy of verses entitled "The Regentis tragedie ending with ane Exhortatioun"; commencing "James Erle of Murray, Regent of renoun, now lies dead and dulefullie put doun." Charges the Queen of Scots with complicity in the murder and exhorts the nobility to revenge it. "Quod Robert Sempill."
Black-letter broadside, printed at Edinburgh by Robert Lekpreuik.
Jan. 664. Murder of the Regent Murray.
Copy of verses entitled "The Deploratioun of the Cruell Murther of James, Erle of Murray, umquhile Regent of Scotland, togidder with ane admonitioun to the Hammiltounis committaris thairof, and to all thair fortifearis, mantenaris, or assistance, with ane exhortatioun to the Lordis and Nobilitie, keiparis and defenderis of our Kingis Grace Majestie; " commencing "Quile as with flesche and blude we go about," and stating of the Hamiltons "come never a gude byrde of the Devillis eg."
Black-letter broadside, printed at Edinburgh by Robert Lekpreuik. Addressed in Drury's writing to Cecil.
Jan. 665. Murder of the Regent Murray.
Copy of verses entitled "The Exhortation to all pleasant things; wherein man can have delight to withdraw their pleasure from mankind, and to deplore the cruel murder of umquhile my Lord Regent's Grace." The pleasant "Paun" and "Popingaw" are to cast off their blithe-like colour and to take the feathering of the crow in sign of woe and dolour. Also the Pelican is to prepare its beak and grind it sharp and long, to pierce their breasts, that they may seek how to revenge this wrong.
Black-letter broadside, printed by Robert Lekpreuik.
Jan. 666. Seizure of Goods.
A list of goods belonging to French merchants seized by one John Michel of Truro.
Fr. P. ½.
Jan. 667. Extract from a Letter from Rochelle.
Describes the position of the armies of the Admiral and the Count of Montgomery, who are on either bank of the Garonne, and in good spirits and health; and also gives an account of the negociations for peace entered into by the Queen of Navarre.
Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2⅓.