Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1559

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1559', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp160-164 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1559', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp160-164.

"Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1559". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp160-164.

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Miscellaneous, 1559

1569. 572. Proclamation of Charles IX.
Commands all gentlemen and others who are liable to serve in the ban or arriere ban, to repair to the army under pain, in case of refusal or delay, of forfeiture of goods. 1569.
Printed copy. Fr. P. 1.
[1569.] 573. Petition to the Queen.
Petitions for relief from certain French mariners and merchants who have either been detained in prison or had their goods seized in different places in England.
Fr. P. ¾.
[1569.] 574. Felix Dumont to the French Ambassador.
A ship of Rouen being detained at Rye, and not daring to make the voyage across to Havre on account of the numbers of pirates in the Channel; the writer begs that he will procure him permission to sell the cargo on payment of the proper tolls and duties.
Draft. Fr. P. 1.
[1569.] 575. A Letter for the most part in cipher, to which there is no key.
In the other part of the letter the writer complains of the treatment of one M. De la Vigne, who is ill, and who is very discontented at the want of recognition for his services.
Signature and address in cipher. Fr. P. 1.
[1569.] 576. Captain of Rochelle.
The Mayor and Council of Rochelle having elected M. de la None to command them during this war; he promises in their presence to execute his charge truly and faithfully. The keys are to remain in the custody of the mayor.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
[Dec.] 577. Letters from Rochelle to the Cardinal of Chatillon.
1. The Cardinal has received letters from his brother the Admiral, dated from Montauban, 22 Nov., informing him that the Princes are well, and that their army is increasing, and that the reiters are content, and have received pay, and that there is no difficulty in joining with Montgomery and the viscounts. Their army will consist of 6,500 horse and 12,000 harquebussiers.
2. By other letters he is informed of the siege and capitulation of St. Jean D'Angely, and of the loss sustained by the King's army before that town. The Princes' party are not anxious to use precipitation in agreeing to peace, knowing that the people with whom they have to deal have formerly broken their faith.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
578. Commissions by Sigismund, King of Poland.
List of three commissions, dated 26 May 1566, 12 March 1569, and 5 September 1569, by the King of Poland to his Admiral, and others to seize all munitions brought to his enemy the Muscovite.
Copy. Endd. P. 1.
579. Foreigners in Denmark.
A decree of Frederick II., consisting of twenty-five articles of religious belief, in which all strangers shall be examined, who require the King's license to dwell in Denmark or Norway. If any man be convicted of having sworn deceitfully to the said articles he shall be punished with death, and the loss of all his goods; and if any refuse to swear to them he shall, within three days, convey himself, his family, and goods out of the kingdom under pain of the fore-named punishment.—1569.
Translated by Anthony Wastlyn. Endd. Pp. 6.
[1569.] 580. Instrument by the Earl of Murray and certain Noblemen of Scotland.
Recapitulates the reasons why the Queen's person was sequestrated, and the King invested with the Crown. As the Queen of Scots is the ground and fountain from whom all these troubles, practices, and daily dangers flow, to the performing whereof her remaining within the realm of England gives her opportunity; there is no more likely means of remedy, and for the quieting of both the realms, than that the said Queen's person were again in Scotland, and so be something further from foreign realms, and daily practice with the princes thereof. If she returns she shall be provided for in competent estate like unto a Queen, and may live her natural life without any sinister meaning to shorten the same. Offer to send five or six pledges into England being either earls or Lords of Parliament for the fulfilment of these conditions.
Draft. Endd. in Cecil's writing, with the names of Murray and eight other noblemen. Broadside.
581. Allowance for the Treasurer of Berwick.
Various expenses connected with the victualling of Berwick.
Endd. P. 1.
[1569.] 582. Sir Henry Percy to Valentine Browne.
Heard this night that certain horsemen were to come over the water; whereupon he sent for all the men within this rule, so that he is 200 in the house, and has 1,200 horsemen abroad as far as Newcastle. The captain of the Queen's ship has offered him 100 men.—Tynmouth, this night. Signed.
Holog. Add. Seal. P. 1.
[1569.] 583. Munitions for Berwick.
List of the provision of powder, harquebusses, bows, and other arms, and stores required for the service at Berwick.
Signed by Thomas Bancks. Endd. Pp. 1½.
[1569.] 584. Proclamation by Charles IX.
Orders a muster to be made on the of March next, of the old and new companies of gendarmerie for the quarter of April, May, and June 1568. Gives the names of the different commanders and the armies to which they are to attach themselves.—1569.
Printed. Fr. Broadside.
585. List of villages in the dioceses of Albigeois, La Vaux, and Castrico.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
[1569.] 586. Leaders of the Huguenot Party.
List of the names of several of the leaders of the Huguenot party with the different governments appointed for each to administer. They are to collect the King's taxes, and also the ecclesiastical revenues.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
[1569.] 587. Vidame of Chartres.
Estimate of losses sustained by him on certain wine shipped at Rochelle for London.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2½.
588. King John of Sweden to the Queen.
On account of the miserable state of the realm through the misgovernment of his brother Eric XIV., he has been called to the throne by the unanimous consent of all classes. Mentions the unjust imprisonment and murder of some of the principal of the nobility by his brother at Upsal, and also his intention of sending the Queen and princesses of the blood, and several of the wives and daughters of the nobility to the Czar of the Muscovites, a barbarous prince. The Princess Cecilia of Baden has desired him to write to her for redress of the injuries done to her by the Queen's subjects by seizing her goods, as it is not just that she should be made to pay her brother's debts in England. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2½
[1569.] 589. Passport.
Request by the Spanish ambassador for a passport for Pedro Marrow to go into Flanders.
Endd. Span. P. ½.
[1569.] 590. List of Jewels.
A list of different parcels of pearls which were brought from Saltash, with the Spanish money, laid with the said money in the vault beneath the jewel house.
P. ½.
591. Spanish Money in the Tower.
An estimate of such Spanish moneys as remain in the Queen's Majesty's jewel house within the Tower of London. Different sums in rials, which being reduced to English currency amount to 90,042l. 4s. 5d. Also bullion to the amount of 467 lbs. 11 ozs.
Endd. by Cecil. P. 1.
[1569.] 592. Request of Giovanni Baptista Agnello to the Queen.
Sends a plan for remedying the scarcity of pence, halfpence, and other small coins, and also for making testons of lead, which he desires that he may be allowed to take in hand.— See 4 Nov., The Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2¼.
[1569.] 593. Petition to the French Ambassador.
1. Sebastian D'Anvalx, gentleman of France, states that about one year and three-quarters past he happened to fall in with one Mary Wynibanke, daughter to Richard Wynibank, of Sandown Castle, gentleman, unto whom being contracted, and her father consenting to the same, he disbursed divers sums for such necessaries as she wanted, and expecting her father's coming to perform the marriage for the space of eight months, he bare her charges for her lodging, meat, drink, and apparel. The said orator being wearied with so long delay being earnest with her to perform her promise, she craved respect for three weeks, and in the meantime he took a chamber for her; she, however, went from thence and spoiled him of certain jewels, stuffs, money, apparel, and writings, which he had committed to her keeping. After this time he found her in the service of the Lady Sidney, who very honourably gave him good words, praying him that she might stay there five or six months, and then she would with the preferment of her friends yield her as his wife unto him. Wherewithal the said orator being well pleased, the said Mary, during the time of her abode with Lady Sidney, sent to him for money and other necessaries, which he sent unto her. The six months being ended he again waited on her Ladyship, who answered that at the coming home of Sir Henry Sidney, order should be taken for the matter and all should be well. A little before his return the said Mary went from her Ladyship, and has since privily lurked in places unknown to the said orator, so as Sir Henry told him that he could not help the matter, and willed him take his remedy by law. Thomas Wynibank, uncle to the said Mary, who had also given his consent, promised that if the said Mary had received anything from the said orator that he would see it answered, now makes a flat denial of any such promise, adding that he would neither meddle or make with his said niece, but willed him attempt the law for his remedy.
2. Begs that he will move the Privy Council to call the said Richard and Thomas Wynibank before them, and upon hearing of their evil dealing in this matter make a final order and determination therein.
Endd.: Pour le capitaine Bastien François. P. 1.