Elizabeth: December 1569

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: December 1569', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp147-160 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 1569', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp147-160.

"Elizabeth: December 1569". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp147-160.

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December 1569

Dec. 522. The Queen to Lord Hunsdon.
Orders the return to Berwick of 300 foot and 100 horsemen of the garrison, who were lately used against the rebels.
Draft in Cecil's hand. Endd. P. ½.
Dec. 4. 523. The Earl of Sussex and Council to the Regent Murray.
Are ready to march from this town against the Earls of Northumberland and Westmoreland, and doubt not to give them the overthrow. They will, in that case, fly into Scotland and join themselves with his contraries. Advise him to stand on his guard, and to repair with some power unto the Borders.—York, 4 Dec. 1569.
Copy. P. ½.
Dec. 8. 524. Advertisements.
News of conversion of Jews at Rome, anticipated troubles in the Low Countries, interception of treasure by the Moors of Grenada, and aid afforded to them by the Turk and out of Barbary. Signed by John Marsh.
Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Dec. 8. 525. Proclamation by the Regent Murray.
Warns the inhabitants of certain counties to be in readiness at twenty-four hours' notice at such time and place as he shall appoint, to oppose the entry of the rebel Earls into Scotland.—Edinburgh, 8 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Copy. Endd. P. 1.
Dec. 8. 526. The Regent Murray to the Council of the North.
Upon the receipt of their last letter has warned the people of divers counties to be in readiness at twenty-four hours' notice to accompany him towards the frontiers, for which purpose he continues at Edinburgh, in readiness to march forward, in case these Earls of Northumberland and Westmoreland hold their course towards this realm. Cannot perceive what succour they can look for in Scotland, the principals that might be suspected their favourers on this side of Forth being inward, and Murray holds many and good hostages for the obedience of the broken men of the clans inhabiting the Borders. Their principals are almost all here to know his mind, how they shall behave, being suited to both by the Queen's officers and the rebellious Earls to come and serve. Has shown himself content that they should serve in Her Highness' cause, and has inhibited them to have "melling" with the disobedient faction.—Edinburgh, 8 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1½.
527. Another copy. Endd. P. 1.
Dec. 8. 528. Jean Roulleau to George Rawe.
Corn will be very dear as all the country is laid waste. St. Jean D'Angely has surrendered on composition. The enemy has gone to Cognac, M. Montpensier will be the chief of their army. The princes have gone towards La Charité to assemble their forces. M. de [Rouvre] has entered Xaintes and slain certain people, and taken two gentlemen prisoners.
Copy extract from a letter sent from Rochelle, 8 Dec. 1569. Fr. P. ¾.
Dec. 8. 529. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Desires that certain arms and powder intended for the defence of Rochelle, which has been seized and placed in the Tower of London may be restored. Also that he will procure a passport for certain vessels to go to Hamburg.—Shene, 8 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¾.
Dec. 8. 530. The Vidame of Chartres to the Queen.
Complains of the conduct of certain of the farmers of her customs in detaining certain wines belonging to him which thereby daily lose in value and quantity.—Holborn, 8 Dec. 1569.
Copy. Endd., Dec. 9. Fr. Pp. 1½.
Dec. 9. 531. The Answer of the Princes of Navarre and Condé and their Company.
Having seen the answer in writing, which it pleased the King to make to the Sieur De la Personne, and understanding also by himself the King's desire to establish good peace and quietness in this realm, declare that they hold no town or place, but for his service and under his obedience, and deny that any can justly charge them with having done anything amiss against His Majesty. Have sent M. de Teligny towards His Majesty for the "continuance suit, and most humble request to be made for a good assured and inviolable peace."— Montpezat in Agenois, 9 Dec. 1569.
Copy. Pp. 1¾.
Dec. 10. 532. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The King will go to Bordeaux and take order for sending ships into Scotland, whereof Martigues gave some light two days afore his death; saying to Master Douglas that he should declare to the Queen of Scots that he would be within one month in Scotland. This is certain that peace made here the Cardinal of Lorraine will labour to garrison footmen to Dumbarton, whereby the French may set foot in Scotland at their pleasure. Understands that two are sent, one into England and the other into Ireland, of which one is Standen, who now receives the Cardinal of Lorraine's annuity. They are sent to advertise the Cardinal of the state and proceedings there. The Cardinal travails earnestly to get the King of Scots hither into France. Except the Admiral be assisted Norris sees no likelihood, but that the Protestants of France will be ruined, whereof as most carefully he has aforetime considered so he prays him continue still to the end.—Niort, 10 Dec. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal, mostly in cipher. P. ¾.
Dec. 13. 533. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Requests passports for certain French and German gentlemen, who have come from Rochelle, and desire to go into Germany.—Shene, 13 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
Dec. 14. 534. Proclamation by the Regent Murray.
Directs proclamation to be made warning all Scottish skippers and mariners against receiving any of the rebels of England into their ships.—Edinburgh, 14 Dec. 1569. Signed, Hay.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Dec. 15. 535. The Queen of Navarre to Queen Elizabeth.
Desires that she will allow the bearer to purchase corn, meal, gunpowder, and other merchandises of which they have need in her kingdom.—Rochelle, 15 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
Dec. 16. 536. Antonio de Fogaça.
Copies of two commissions from the King of Portugal to Antonio de Fogaça sent into England to procure the revocation of a letter of marque, and the removal of other impedi ments to the commerce between that country and Portugal, dated at Evora on the 12th April and 16th Dec. 1569 respectively. Also a copy of the Queen's passport for Fogaça, dated 4 Sept. 1569.
Portuguese. Pp. 2½.
Dec. 16. 537. Another copy of Fogaça's commission, dated 16 Dec. 1569.
Endd. by Cecil. Portuguese. P. 1.
Dec. 17. 538. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
The bearer, M. [Tasfir], whom he sent with letters to the Princes of Navarre, Condé, and Orange, three or four months ago, being returned with answers from them, has had his packet taken from him at Bristol. As the packet contains nothing but what concerns the common cause he begs that Cecil will open it, and send the contents to him.—Shene, 17 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
Dec. 18. 539. Lady Norris to Cecil.
Understanding by this last messenger out of England of the troubled state of that realm, she sends her son to offer his services according to his bounden duty to be appointed where he shall think it best.—Paris 18 Dec. Signed, Margery Norreys.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ⅓.
Dec. 18. 540. Proclamation by the Regent Murray.
The rebellious people of England not being able to withstand the force prepared to resist their insolence and cruelty intend to enter Scotland with displayed banners in warlike manner, and to destroy the goods of the subjects of that country, and set up again the papistical idolatry and abominable mass. Therefore he charges all the male inhabitants of certain counties, between sixty and sixteen years of age, to meet him on 20 Dec. at Peebles, "well boden in feir of weire," with ten days' expense and provision in their purses.—Edinburgh, 18 Dec. 1569.
Copy. Add.: To the Earl of Sussex. On a broadside.
Dec. 19. 541. The Queen to the Duke of Alva.
Was very desirous to have entered into treaty with the Marquis of Cetona if his authority had been sufficient, and would have done so if his commission had had the like good words duly expressed, as were in Alva's private letter. Has written her opinion therein to the King.—Windsor, 19 Dec. 1569.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
542. Translation of the above.
Endd. P. 1.
Dec. 19. 543. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. The King was minded after St. Jean D'Angely was rendered straightways to have besieged Cognac, but both the great wet that has lately fallen, and also the great and dangerous sickness which Madame Margaret is fallen into, which is thought to be either the plague or a pestilent fever very contagious, has let that enterprise, insomuch as they have revoked their artillery. The country being in such misery where the King is, he must be driven to go to Angers. The Admiral has lately written to the Captain of La Charité that he might now join with the Viscounts at his pleasure, and that he had forces sufficient to make head to his enemies, praying him to provide all things necessary for the coming of M. De Lizy with the army of Almains. Notwithstanding that they use all means to treat of peace, those of Orleans have twelve days past murdered in prison eighty and odd poor men of the religion who had neither borne arms nor otherwise offended the King. At Paris they have hanged in effigy the Vidame of Chartres and M. Montgomery, and trained their armories through the street at a horse's tail.
2. Is required by the two Gaspers Sconbiras to make offer of their service with 4,000 reiters of Poland or Germany. Schomberg has gone into Germany not contented with the stipend which the Admiral allowed him. They of Picardy and Normandy have granted to the King 100,000 lbs. of powder, and 6,000 bullets, which are stayed at Estamps for fear of those of the religion. The Duke of Longueville narrowly escaped taking, who is now gone to his government of Picardy, the yearly fee whereof is 12,000 francs. The Germans who have served the King for thirteen months have received pay but for three, so there is now owing to them 2,000,000 crowns paying all these thirteen months for 9,000, whereas for these five they have been but 4,000 which comes because the King had not payment ready to make musters, and till the musters be made the whole number must be paid. Desires to know the state of England, as the French Ambassador's secretary has bruited that the Earls of Northumberland and Westmoreland are revolted; also he has declared that he had conference with the Queen of Scots, which is thought here very strange.—Tours, 19 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
Dec. 19. 544. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
The bearer having had his ship seized at Waterford, into which place he was driven by the weather, whilst returning from the Indies, he desires that it may be restored to him.— Shene, 19 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ¾.
Dec. 20. 545. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Signor Pesaro, the Venetian consul, having complained to him of the seizure of a Venetian vessel, off the English coast, by Captain Sores, and the detention of another one in Dartmouth through fear of his cruizers, he has furnished him with letters to the said captain desiring him to deliver up the ship immediately, as otherwise the Queen and the Privy Council would be offended. Assures him that Sores is very well affected to the service of Her Majesty, and desires him to inform the Council of what he has done.—Shene, 20 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Pp. 1½.
Dec. 20. 546. Queen Elizabeth to Philip II.
Has received his letter of 20 July, by the Marquis of Cetona, in which he finds it strange that she did not admit the envoy sent by the Duke of Alva to an audience. Professes her strong wish to continue in friendship with the King, but complains of the oppressions exercised on her subjects by the Duke of Alva and others of the King's officers, but which she has not retaliated on his subjects. Wishes that some other person better disposed to the preservation of amity between them, might be sent in the place of the present Ambassador. Had hoped that the Marquis of Cetona had come prepared to remove all causes of quarrel, but found that he was merely charged to demand the delivery of certain money and merchandise which she had preserved from the attacks of foreigners, and afterwards detained for most just reasons. Could not agree to this unless the wrongs inflicted on her subjects were first redressed, which the Marquis has not power to concede. If the King will send him complete authority to agree to this, all the matters of complaint can be gone into and settled.—Windsor, 20 Dec. 1569.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Dec. 21. 547. The Earl of Sussex to the Regent Murray.
Yesternight at midnight, the rebellious Earls of Northumberland and Westmoreland, with certain of their principal confederates fled from Naworth into Liddlesdale, and be there under the conduction of Black Ormiston, John of the Side, the Laird's Jock, and other outlaws. Desires him to do what he can by force or policy to apprehend them, or to put them from any succour in Scotland. Intends to send to-morrow a gentleman of credit to confer with him, and in the meantime sends this, which Sir John Forster will cause to be conveyed by a shorter way than the messenger can come.—Hexham, 21 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Copy. Endd. P. ½.
Dec. 21. 548. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Letter of recommendation for Captain Du Puy, a servant of the Queen of Navarre.—Shene, 21 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¼.
Dec. 22. 549. Great Northern Rebellion.
Copy of the second proclamation of the rebel Earls of Northumberland and Westmoreland. Advertisements from Hexham, of the reception of the Earls by the Scottish borderers, 22 Dec. 1569. Printed at length in the Calendar of Domestic State Papers Addenda, 1566–1579, p. 162. Other advertisements dated 17 Dec. List of gentlemen who are prisoners at Carlisle.
Pp. 3.
Dec. 22. 550. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Has received his letter of Dec. 2, whereby he finds to his great grief the unnatural and disobedient behaviour of the Earls of Northumberland and Westmoreland. Humbly craves his revocation, whereby he may show the earnest desire he has to deserve Her Highness' great goodness by venturing his life in her service. Has returned William Norris to be employed as it shall please Her Highness. There has been of late a packet surprised, sent by the Duke Casimir to the Admiral, wherein was specified that he used all diligence to come to Vezelay, whereof these thinking that the Admiral would repair thither have caused M. Sansac with all his forces to give a sharp assault to the town, which continued from morning till night, when he was constrained to retire with the loss of many of his officers. The Parisians go about to make the process of such as were slain at St. Denis. Dacier, a man of great credit, who was taken prisoner at the late battle, and who, as he heard La Noue say, brought to the Prince of Condé 17,000 footmen, has given his faith not to join with the Admiral for the space of one year, and has been dismissed to his house. There is some muttering of a surcease from war for three months, which the Cardinal of Lorraine labours to bring to pass, thereby to send forces into England. The rebels in the end of their proclamation look for the aid of strangers. The French King is advertised out of England that if he will send forces thither the Queen of Scots shall be set at liberty and the Roman religion established.—Tours, 22 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
Dec. 22. 551. The French Ambassador to Cecil.
1. Desires that he will obtain a letter from the Council to the Queen's officers at Rye, ordering them to liberate a ship belonging to a native of Rouen which they have unjustly seized.
2. Requests that he may be excused payment of the duty on 30 casks of wine which he expects from Bordeaux.—London, 22 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
Dec. 22. 552. The Regent Murray to the Queen.
Has received her letter and advertisements from her officers, and promises to omit nothing either by force or policy which may tend to the advancement of her service.—Peebles, 22 Dec. 1569. Signed, James, Regent.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¼.
Dec. 22. 553. The Regent Murray to the Earl of Sussex and the Council of the North.
On the first knowledge of the retiring of the rebellious earls and their confederates, he made despatch for the convening of forces at Peebles on the 20th, where he came and has tarried, being uncertain which way to direct his journey. Is certified that yesternight the two earls, with some others, came towards the Harlow woods under the conduct of the Laird of Ormiston, and other notorious thieves and outlaws. Will be to-morrow night at Hawick. In the meantime he has commanded diligent search and watch lest any of them privily take ship or boat, and has directed some of his special servants in Liddlesdale to attend what purpose they may take whilst he himself may approach.—Peebles, 22 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1¼.
Dec. [22]. 554. Instructions for Sir William Drury.
Notes of instructions directing him to treat with Murray for the delivery of the rebel earls and their confederates, also to take order for their safe keeping and for their examination upon interrogatories.
Rough Draft. Dated, Dec. 12. Endd. P. 2/3.
Dec. 22. 555. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
1. Informs him of the reception of the Earls of Northumberland and Westmoreland by the Laird of Ormiston, and of the steps which he has taken to prevent their escape by sea. Will omit nothing either by policy or force for their apprehension, and stopping them from all receipt or consort in this realm. This matter no doubt has branches yet unknown, extending, peradventure, to the furthest marches of both realms, and wants not the malice of many foreign adversaries. As for the present, it seems most expedient that Her Majesty should retain some "substancious" force of footmen near the Borders, to be ready at all occasions for the repressing of the insolence of her own people or the invasion of foreign enemies. And because it shall be with time alike dangerous to both the realms when either is invested with civil troubles or outward pursuit, the quarrel being one and the intention of the adversaries alike, and he cannot well retain this realm in frame, without some reasonable force; the charges whereof if Her Majesty would support, she might surely make account to have both him and them and the whole force of this realm, to be employed as she shall have occasion. Would not have touched on this matter if the estate of both realms, their religion, and his own life, were not so directly sought by all means foreign and intestine.
2. Commends the vigilance and discretion of the Marshal of Berwick during the whole of these troubles.—Peebles, 22 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Dec. 22. 556. Instructions for Mr. George Carey.
He is to repair to the Regent of Scotland, and inform him that the rebellious Earls with 100 horse of their train are received into Liddlesdale by Black Ormiston, and that divers others of the principal rebels, being gentlemen of name, are in other places thereabouts, being hidden by such as favour the Queen of Scots' party.
He is to desire the said Regent to take means that they be not conveyed away by sea or by the help of the Lord Home be received into Fast Castle, and also to devise how they may be apprehended and delivered into the Queen of England's hand. If the same may not be done by promise of reward to be given by Her Majesty, or promise of pardon to the said Ormiston for the murder of Darnley, he is to desire the Regent to allow her officers to enter Scotland with some convenient force, and also to aid in the apprehension of the said Earls and their confederates.
If neither by these or any other means this can be compassed, he is to desire that his Grace will do his endeavour that they receive no aid from any foreign prince, or that they escape out of that realm by sea or be permitted to have any succour therein.—22 December 1569. Signed by Sussex, Hunsdon, and Sadler.
Copy. Pp. 1½.
Dec. 24. 557. Mr. George Carey to the Earl of Sussex and others.
Delivered their letters yesterday to the Regent, to whom also he imparted such articles as he was instructed to do. The Regent is of opinion that it will be necessary for the Queen to retain some garrison upon the frontiers this winter, to be a terror to his reconciled friends of the Queen of Scots' party, and a bridle to the rebellious papists who would join with them. His taking of hostages at his Liddlesdale journey stayed the aid of 4,000 horse promised before this attempt. Touching the answer of the articles propounded by him, the Regent declared how, before Carey's arrival, he had taken measures to prevent the escape of the two rebellious Earls, and had by his trusty servants promised the outlaws in whose power they were not only pardon but also rewards of large profit if they would deliver them up, and had even directed them to offer Ormiston the same conditions. The Earls have removed from Harlow woods, and the Regent himself moves to Jedburgh to do what he may for their apprehension. The Regent not only consents that they may be taken in Liddlesdale or elsewhere by force out of England, but will give all aid and assistance possible.—Hawick, 24 December 1569. Signed.
Copy. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 25. 558. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Forwards a certain writing which he has just received.— Berwick, 25 December 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
Dec. 26. 559. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
After Carey's departure has apprehended one Burton, the Earl of Northumberland's master of the horse, and another of his serving men. Captain Borthwick, his servant in the convoy of the Earl of Northumberland through Liddesdale, is slain by certain outlaws who were unable to have done any injury, if they had not been assisted by the Queen of England's subjects dwelling under the charge of the keeper of Bewcastle, by whom also some others were hurt. Borthwick was godly, honest, and of great experience, being acquainted with the wars in France from his youth, and a partaker with him in all his troubles. Craves redress for this, which is not however possible without a large force.—Jedburgh, 26 December 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Dec. 27. 560. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Wrote on the 25th of the taking of the Earl of Northumberland. Since then is Thomas Jeny and two others of the Earl's servants taken, and are at Jedworth with the Regent. The Regent complains much of the disorder of certain Forsters of Bewcastle dale, by whose means Captain Borthwick is slain, the Lairds of Mangerton and Whitlaw hurt, and the rebels succoured and defended. It may come to pass that Drury will get him knowledge where some of them are harboured not far from him. Of some he did know but they are removed, and the remover in ward for his labour.—Berwick, 27 December 1659. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Dec. 27. 561. Vidame of Chartres to the Queen.
Desires her letters to the Captain of Jersey and Guernsey, ordering him to suffer M. Ste. Marie D'Aigneaux to reside there with his family.—Holborn, 27 December 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
Dec. 27. 562. Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
Desires his assistance in obtaining permission for M. Ste. Marie D'Aigneaux to reside in Guernsey with his wife and family, and also that a certain captain of the Queen of Navarre may have leave to purchase victuals for his vessel with a crew of 46 persons for five months.—Holborn, 27 December 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ¾.
Dec. 27. 563. Charles IX. to Queen Elizabeth.
Sends M. De Montlouvet to desire her to set at liberty the Queen of Scots and to aid her in recovering her kingdom, also requests that the said Montlouvet may be allowed to visit her and give her letters which he has written.—Camp at Coulonges, 27 December 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Broadside.
Dec. 27. 564. Catherine de Medicis to Queen Elizabeth.
To the same effect as the letter of the French King of this date.—Camp at Coulonges, 27 December 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Royal letters.
Dec. 28. 565. The Earl of Sussex and Sir Ralph Sadler to the Privy Council.
Mr. George Carey returned yesterday from the Regent, by whom they understand how careful he has been to do all things that might further the Queen's service and tend to the apprehension of the rebels, of whom he has already in custody the Earl of Northumberland and Thomas Jeny. The Scottish borderers were very unwilling to deny aid to banished men who sought it at their hands, affirming that it was against their custom and their own surety to deliver such as fled out of England, for that they many times in like manner received succour in England. The Regent used such persuasions that the rebels case was against God, and the Queen (to whom the whole realm of Scotland was greatly bound) and against the weal and quiet of both realms, as in the end they all promised to do their best to apprehend the rebels. Commend Carey's execution of his commission, whereof they desire them to make report to the Queen.—Hexham, 28 December 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
Dec. 30. 566. Lord Hunsdon to the Queen.
The bands are returned to Berwick and those who supplied their places discharged on the 23d instant. Sent the Marshal to the Regent who was at Jedburgh, who found the country very much addicted to the rebels. All sorts, both men and women, cry out for the liberty of their country, which is to succour banished men as themselves have been received in England not long since, and is the freedom of all countries as they allege. If the Regent had not been there in person, it had not been possible to have had the Earl or any of them taken. Doubts whether the Regent dares deliver the Earl to her, as she will perhaps hear some objections as why they should not as well keep her rebels as she to keep their Queen, being fled from them. If Northumberland is to be credited, although he and the rest are overthrown and though Westmoreland were taken, the matter is not ended, for there are a great sort of noblemen and a number of others who are in this conspiracy.
Their only pretence was the setting up of the Scottish Queen in Her Majesty's place, and the principal workers thereof are the Bishop of Ross and Lethington. Northumberland confessed to the Marshal before the Regent that the Bishop of Ross sent a Scotchman to him and the rest willing them from the Spanish ambassador to take Hartlepool, and they should have succour out of Flanders. Their confederates in Scotland were Lord Home, Ferniehurst, Buccleugh, and Johnstone, and Argyle suspected. If there had been a sufficient garrison in this town, the Queen would have saved these charges. Commends the diligence and care of the Marshal who deserves thanks.—Berwick, 30 December 1569.
Copy. Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Dec. 30. 567. M. De Lansac to M. Pardaillon, Governor of Blaye.
Has been appointed by the King Governor of Bordeaux. Encloses a letter from the King. Counsels him as a friend to consider the great service he has it in his power to do for His Majesty, and desires that he will either come himself or send some one in whom he has confidence. In case of his refusal he will be very sorry to have to use force.—Mortaigne, 28 December 1569.
M. Pardaillon to M. De Lansac.
Cannot communicate with him as he proposes without the express leave of the Princes, as there is open war between them without suspicion to his honour. Does not see any foundation to believe in his promises, considering that the King's edicts, made with Princes of the blood and a great part of the nobility, and confirmed by public oath, have never been observed. Where he threatens to use force against this place, he will be very sorry for the defeat and loss that he or any other who so does will sustain. Denies that his party is responsible for the ruin brought on the country, as they have been forced into taking up arms.—Blaye, 30 December.
Charles IX. to M. De Pardaillon.
As he has been informed by his friends that he has taken up arms for the purpose of his own preservation and for reli gion and not with the design of throwing off his allegiance, he assures him that he has never thought of doing him harm in any respect, as he may see by the example of those who have remained in their houses. Desires him to deliver the town of Blaye to M. De Lansac, who has full powers to arrange the terms of capitulation.—The Camp near St. Jean D'Angely, 20 December 1569.
M. De Pardaillon to Charles IX.
Is sure that His Majesty desires above all things that his last edict of pacification should be observed, and that this war was commenced contrary to his wishes, and that he never had any intention of touching the persons or religion of his subjects. Considers, therefore, that he would not be doing his duty if he did not employ all his power in enforcing the observation of the said edict. Assures him that neither he nor those of Blaye have ever renounced their obedience to him, and begs him to take it in good part that he continues to defend the said town against the rage of their adversaries. —Blaye, 29 December 1569.
Copies. Fr. Pp. 8½.
Dec. 31. 568. Lord Hunsdon to the Privy Council.
Contains similar information as his letter of 30 Dec. to the Queen. The garrison of Berwick is 500, whereof many old and many hurt in service, and meeter for an almshouse than to be soldiers. If any foreign power should attempt it he knows few in Northumberland he would suffer to enter to help him, for throughout Northumberland they know no other prince but a Percy. The want of all manner of munition here is also great, especially of powder.—Berwick, 31 Dec. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
Dec. 569. Articles for the Pacification of France.
Consists of a great number of articles proposed by the Queen of Navarre, the Princes of Navarre and Condé, and the other chiefs of the Huguenot party, for the pacification of France, and is divided under the heads of religion; restitution of goods and estates; council and justice; arms; and finances; together with measures to be taken to ensure the performance of the edict.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 10¼.
Dec. 570. Advertisements from France.
1. The Count of Montgomery is joined with the Admiral at Mont Auban, and if the King purposes to besiege Rochelle their intent is to levy the same.
2. St. Jean D'Angely is rendered by composition. The captain thereof, M. De Piles, departed with his company, bag and baggage, and ensigns displayed, to Angoulesme, "embracing the King's thigh at his departure."
3. Sends certain conditions of peace. It is reported here by a certain argosy that King Philip has of late lost a battle against the Moors, wherein his whole force of 15,000 men were slain; and that there are 300 galleys of the Turk harbouring within twenty miles of Naples. Count Montgomery has restored all her towns to the Queen of Navarre, and is thought to be the richest nobleman in France, having had in spoil of one town 100 jennets, 200 curtals, and 100 mules. His force was 10,000 shot and 2,000 horse.
Endd.: December 1569. Sent from Dartmouth. P. 1.
Dec. 571. Note of Sir Thomas Gresham's Receipts and Expenditure.
Sums received, 90,001l. 10s. 4d.; sums paid, 87,712l; remainder, 2,289l. 10s. 4d.
Signed, Thomas Gresham. Endd. P. 1.