Elizabeth: March 1562, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: March 1562, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp560-577 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1562, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp560-577.

"Elizabeth: March 1562, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp560-577.

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March 1562, 21-30

March 21. 945. Advices from Italy.
1. Trent, March 16. The Marquis of Pescara arrived at Trent on the 14th inst., and was met by eighty Prelates. He meant to stay there eight days, to return then to Milan, and to be again at Trent on the day appointed for the next session, if in the meantime the Count of Luna does not come from Spain. The Ambassador of Florence arrived at Trent on the 15th inst., and on the morrow the Swiss Ambassadors of the Five Cantons arrived. One is a layman and the other Abbot of Valdo. On the 16th inst. the said Marquis was received by a general congregation, to which he presented the King's letter of exhortation to go forward in the Council. The next day was appointed for receiving the Ambassador of Florence, and the day after the Swiss Ambassadors.
2. Milan, March 18. News had come from Spain of the arrival of the Duke of Florence's Ambassador at that Court. The King of Spain has told the King of Navarre that he would travail for his satisfaction if he would live a Catholic, and do his best to bring the Queen to do the like, and reduce the Court to the same. In the same despatch he exhorted the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre to hasten the Bishops forward to the Council. The Duke of Sessa stays leaving Italy for Spain as much as he can, as the Duchess is great with child. A gentleman has arrived at the Court from the Duke of Savoy to desire the King to be his gossip.
3. From Geneva it was written that the Lomelini had lost a galley by tempest, in which were drowned Don Inigo, cousin to the Duke of Florence, brother to the Duchess, a secretary of the said Duke with his wife and two children, and others; only twenty-five were saved. The galley was going to Spain with a number of passengers.
4. Rome, March 21. Conte Gio. Francisco De Petigliano having taken possession of Petigliano came to Rome with the Duke of Florence's soldiers, he not being able to bear the charge of the garrison. Count Frederico travails to set his galleys in order, having appointed Signor Gabrio Serbellon to be his lieutenant. He lost at Civita Vecchia a galliot by tempest, wherein escaped but three persons. The difference of Camerino is remitted to the Ambassador Vargas. Cardinal Farnese offers 60,000 crowns and the Pope 40,000 to increase the dower of Signora Virginia, and all things to stand as they do at present; but this seems not much to like the Boromei. The case of Marc Ant. Colonna is remitted to three Cardinals, whereof Puteo is one. The Pope is not well; albeit he sets a good face on it, some fear is had of him, it being his annus climactericus, he being sixty-three. Count Brocardo is in great likelihood to be Cardinal, and to be sent again to Spain for the full despatch of the provisions appointed to the Baromei. Mgr. Nicolo De Ponte and Mgr. Matheo Dandalo are appointed to resort to the Council as Ambassadors from Venice.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4.
March 22. 946. Cecil to Mundt.
1. Lately many means have been made to the Queen from Spain and France, to send to the Council at Trent, and within the past four days secret means have been made by France for the Queen to procure the Protestant Princes of Almain to send to the Council, as well as herself, which together might exhibit to the Emperor and other Princes a complaint of the abuses of the Church by the Pope, and in so doing the Legates of France should concur. The motion has an appearance of good meaning; but, being considered, there is more peril than is meet to be advertised. The Council is called by the Pope, and is governed by his Legate and President, and none allowed there but such as are sworn to him. Upon these motions the parties in France are assured that the Queen will accord with the Protestant Princes of Almain. He is informed that a gentleman of the Palsgrave reported in the Court of France that his master was disposed to send an embassy to Trent.
2. Upon consideration of these matters the Queen has resolved to understand the minds of the Princes of Almain, and for that purpose sends Mundt to the Duke of Wurtemberg, where he is to remind him of the answer that was made to him [Mundt] last year at Naumburg, the copy of which he shall receive, lest the other is not at hand. The best means to do good to this cause would be for the Princes to send some special messengers to the Queen, to move her that a conference may be had betwixt her and the confederates of the Augustan Confession, with all other Princes of the Protestant religion, in which the two following things might be considered: First, to agree what shall be done towards the world concerning this General Council; secondly, to make a confederacy for defence of all parts professing the Gospel. In the first would be considered whether it would be meet to send an Ambassador to Trent, and exhibit a complaint against the Pope and his abuses; or whether to send an ambassade to the Emperor to declare the causes why the Protestants will not send to the Council; or thirdly, to notify by public writing in the name of the Protestants the causes which cannot be accorded upon without a meeting of Ambassadors of all parts, together, at some convenient place.
3. Wishes Mundt to compass that the Princes would speedily send to the Queen some special persons (though but two) with letters to treat of these matters in England; or to desire her to send into some part of Almain, as Strasburg, some men of authority to meet the Legates of the Protestant Princes; at which assembly he wishes Ambassadors to be procured for Denmark, Scotland, and Sweden, with procurators for all the free Protestant towns of Almain. If this come to pass, it would give strength to the cause, and animate persons in France and elsewhere, who seeing the adversary trying to strengthen themselves daily are afraid to publish themselves. France waxes faint, and the King of Navarre is carried from his conscience with ambition and fear.
4. Desires Mundt to write to the Queen in this matter, and inform her how well the Protestant Princes think of her intention; also that if she does not attempt the furtherance of the Gospel in France, and the keeping asunder of France and Spain, she will be in greater peril than any other Prince in Christendom. The Papist Princes that seek to draw her to their parts, mean her subversion, of the which, were she informed by any of the Princes there, it would do great good. It is not intended because three letters are sent, (namely to the Palsgrave, the Landgrave, and the Duke of Wurtemberg,) that he should go to any but the Duke, unless he sees cause; and yet the writer wishes he might see the others. His charges shall be well paid by order of Mr. Mason. Hears that Vergerius is dead, in whom he never saw great weight, and if he lives he would not wish him to come hither. If any is sent let it be a courtier, or a martial man, for learned men have not so much credit with Princes as courtiers or noblemen.—Westminster, 22 March 1561.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: My master's letter to Christopher Mount. Pp. 4.
March 22. 947. Gresham's Accounts.
A list of various payments made to different persons, amounting to 5,023l. 6s. 8d. Signed by Gresham.
Pp. 3.
March 23. 948. The Queen to Mundt.
1. The Queen perceives by Mundt's letters of the 24th ult., sent to Cecil, that he had communication with the Duke of Wurtemberg at his return from Tuberne [Tubingen]. When he was asked whether any English Bishops were at Trent, and whether the Queen meant to publish why she refused to send to the said Council, he [Mundt] has answered them well; but he is to repair to the said Duke with her letters of credit sent herewith, and say that none is sent from England to the Council, nor has she signified to the world her refusal or the cause thereof.
2. For the first, it may be that one Goldewell, "a very simple and fond man," who was named in Queen Mary's time to the bishopric of St. Asaph (though never thereto admitted), fleeing from England, on her sister's death, to Rome, and there using a Bishop's name, might have gone in some Cardinal's train to Trent, and it is likely the speech has arisen that an English Bishop is there.
3. Mundt is to say concerning the not sending to the pretended Council, that the Queen has forborne to determine anything therein since her answer to the King of Spain's Ambassador last year, upon a request made for the Pope's Nuncio to come hither, meaning to observe that appointment which was made at Naumburg with the said Duke and the other confederate Princes that were at the Diet; at which time Mundt assured them that she would not do anything without giving them knowledge thereof, and they promised to do the same, and to hold a correspondence with her. Not having had intelligence from them for a long time, Mundt is to enquire of the said Duke what has been done and what is intended by him and the other confederate Princes of the Augustan Confession concerning the Council of Trent, which is meet to be signified to her, to the end that like as the adversary, by conference among themselves, seek to uphold their faction, so they and all other Princes Protestants must do the same.
4. If the Duke and the others think it necessary that an union be made betwixt her and them, and other potentates of their profession for a mutual defence of religion, or shall think it meet to notify to the assembly at Trent, by Ambassadors, or otherwise by public writing, that which is thought necessary on their part to be declared, she will give ear to such device for the cause of religion. If the Duke can presently, without the advice of the other confederate Princes, give a resolute answer to these matters, Mundt is to accept them; and if not, to accept such answer as may be had within three or four days, and send them to the Queen by this bearer. If the same answers shall not seem resolute, and the Duke offers to procure the advice of his confederates, which will take some further time, Mundt is to return her courier, and abide himself where he thinks meet, until a perfect answer may be had.
5. If he chances to find any others of the Protestant Princes with the Duke, he is to communicate so much of this matter as shall seem meet, praying the Duke to forbear showing to them that which the Queen has specially written to him. Because the Count Palatine or the Landgrave, hearing of Mundt's repair to the Duke, may think it strange that he does not come to them, the Queen sends herewith letters of credit to be delivered to both of them for his going to them, and such of this matter to be imparted to them as shall seem convenient. She desires to know by all means as soon as possible what is meant by these Princes concerning the Council, for she would be glad to do that which might tend to bring some charitable quietness to Christendom on the one part, and on the other not to be negligent to withstand the devices of the adversary against the truth, but to accord in this matter concerning the Council with the said Princes; so that without inconvenient charges a good league might be made betwixt her and the Princes of Germany for this cause. He is not to deal directly therein as her minister, but rather to leave them if convenient, wherein his wisdom must be used, setting apart the office he holds at present of her.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Pp. 4.
March 23. 949 Copy of the above, with additional corrections by Cecil.
Endd. by Cecil: 23 Martii 1561. Pp. 8.
March 23. 950. The Queen to Lord Grey.
His revocation at this spring has not been forgotten, but she cannot allow it at present. Prays him to execute her late order touching the conveying of her moneys into Scotland.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by his secretary: 23 March 1561. Pp. 2.
March 23. 951. Windebank to Cecil.
Mr. Thomas has borrowed twenty crowns from Mr. Belmain, and promised the payment thereof by Mr. William Cook. Mr. Belmain is rather loath that Cecil should know thereof, although he says that he has done it for his sake. Since their last there has been such likelihood of great troubles in this realm that Throckmorton doubts of the safety in travelling, and yet he thinks sometimes that it will be safer out of Paris. Both the factions are great in Lyons and Languedoc. "It may please you, Sir, in your next letters to remember unto him somewhat earnestly the observing of our order and custom of prayer."—Paris, 23 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 23. 952. Corrected draft of the above.
In Windebank's hol. Pp. 2.
March 24. 953. Lord Gray to Cecil.
The enclosed letter from the Lords of the Privy Council of Scotland will show how circumspect the writer has been in restraining English moneys from being taken out of the realm. Prays to know the Queen's pleasure therein. Has written to Mr. Randolph for suspending the answer.—Berwick, 24 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
March 24. 954. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Cecil may perceive by his letters to the Queen the state of things here. The bearer, Mr. Belman, can inform him of all the particularities. He has declared some things to him not meet to be written. The bearer deserves thanks. Hubert Languet, the agent here of Augustus, Elector of Saxe, deserves good usage if he comes to England, which he may do shortly for his master; and if the Queen should desire any minister of hers to treat with the Princes of Germany about the General Council (as he thinks it necessary to be done) it would be well for such minister to have some conversation with the said Hubert, who is a learned and experienced man in affairs of state, and who knows the humours of the principal Councillors in Germany and how to treat best with them. He here herewith the places where Hubert mostly resides, which is at Dresden or Torgau, where the Duke chiefly is. If he is not there he is then at Wittenberg.
2. By letters from Challoner of the 7th inst. he perceives that the Spanish Council dislikes the toleration the Queen of Scots allows to the Protestant religion in Scotland, and that she begins to order the Church lands in such sort as she does. The Spaniards desire to marry their Prince to her, he therefore desires Cecil to advance the religion there with all diligence, and so work that it may appear that the Queen of Scots will become a Protestant. The Spaniards also practise to impeach the interview between the two Queens. He perceives by Challoner's last letters that he is not in love with being in Spain at this time, and therefore he entertains the amity of the French Ambassador there, by whose means his letters have better receipt than by the Spanish despatch, for a packet sent to the writer by the said despatch has miscarried. Chamberlain was at Bordeaux on the 15th inst., coming hither. He has sent by Mr. Belman the twelve months, painted, to set in Cecil's cabinet or gallery. Defers until his next the news of his negociation with the Duke of Guise. If this despatch comes to hand before his next (which will be sent with diligence), Cecil is to inform the Queen that he finds the Duke of Guise inclined to accord to the interview between the Queens of England and Scotland. He also finds by the Duke's conversation that the Queen of Scots is very desirous to see the Queen in England. The Duke desires, as the Queen of Scots will go to England, and the Queen will not go to Scotland, that she will meet the said Queen of Scots as near Scotland as convenient, and then the Queen may conduct her where they may be better accommodated. Cecil may now think of Berwick, Alnwick, Morpeth, or Newcastle as a place of meeting, and from thence conduct the said Queen to York; it being a most commodious town for their abode. He sends herewith to the Queen the safe-conduct granted by the Legates at Trent to the Protestants of the Augustine Confession, with an extension to all others dissenting with them in opinion.—Paris, 24 March 1561. Signed.
3. P. S.—The full resolution of the interview depends until the Cardinal of Lorraine's opinion is known, who is at Rheims, so he thinks the conclusion of the matter will not come thither until the Lord St. Colme comes, who has done good offices in this matter since he came hither.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: By Mr. Bellemayne. Pp. 5.
March 24. 955. Cecil to Mr. Thomas Cecil.
It is true that bought wit is better than another. Can find no good in sending his son into France but discomfort and loss of money, and to him [Mr. Thomas] shame and increase of lewdness. "I am to seek what to do; to suffer thee there is my charge faultless; to send for thee home shall be my discomfort. Well, I am overcome; I know not how to make a further proffer.—Ye are privy what it hath cost me thereto, and I advise thee live within the compass, without further prodigality or borrowing, for I mean to bear no further burden.—In your writing I see no amendment of your hand; and where I appointed you to keep a journal observation of things there, I know not what is done, and therefore see that you send me by the next convenient messenger a double of your daily observations in French, that thereby I may see some account of my money. I have willed you not to forget to write to my wife more frequently and show yourself careful of the health of your brother and sister, wherein, besides satisfaction of natural love, you shall acquire your mother's goodwill." He may show this letter to Windebank. "I wish you grace to spare yourself, and by some virtue to recover your name of towardness, being here commonly reputed by common fame fleeing from thence, a dissolute, slothful, negligent, and careless young man, and specially noted no lover of learning nor knowledge. These titles be meet for me to hear as thou thinkest, or else thou wouldest procure me some better reports.—Your father of an unworthy son."—Westminster, 24 March 1561.
Copy, in Windebank's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 2.
March 24. 956. Cecil to Windebank.
1. "My complaint is strong to you of my son for his lewdness and for your so long suffrance. If ye had advertised me thereof I should have been sooner grieved, yet better contented than I am now. Because you shall see what offendeth me, will Thomas Cecil to show you my letter now sent to him. That which I write I hear it by many, and that part is true without informers I could guess; for what amendment hath he made of his writing, nay, what empair ment?" Doubts as to their journey, fearing the country will prove very tumultuous; "being anywhere known as you be, you may have of purpose displeasure." Let him enquire of the Ambassador. Has made over to Windebank 300 crowns by Gresham. Sees their amount rises greatly with trifles; likes Windebank's own allowance best. "Good Windebank, if there be left any spark of any recovery of a good name to my son, attempt all your cunning."—Westminster, 24 March 1561. Signed.
2. P. S.—"That which is sharply written concerning yourself is only to shadow misliking of my son towards you, so as you may pretend grief for your own part." (fn. 1)
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Windebank. Pp. 2, and a small slip of paper.
March 26. 957. The Queen to the Keeper of the Privy Seal.
Directing him to make out a passport for Luke Wilson, a Scotchman, to trade between England and Scotland, or France.—Westminster, 26 March, 4 Eliz. Signed: John Somers.
Orig. on vellum, with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 26. 958. French Hostage.
Oath of Esprit D'Harville, Seigneur De Palloiseau, one of the hostages sent into England by Charles, King of France, to the effect that he will observe the articles of the treaty of 2 April 1559.—Westminster, 26 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., on vellum. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Lat.
March 26. 959. Challoner to Mason.
1. The writer's letters to the Queen and Cecil (which he doubts not Mason will see) will inform him of occurrences here. All the talk here is about the King going to Monzon; the affairs of those "Coortes" [Cortes] may detain him a twelvemonth before he returns, howsoever unwillingly he suffers himself to be taken from his sirens of Madrid, Prado, and Aranzuez, his favourite hunting houses, "which, because he hath no better, he cherisheth most daintily." The Prince is not yet convalescent, nor his sickly constitution clearly over-ruled by the physicians. Men judge of him and his humour diversely, he is sullen and melancholy. "If with his quartan quitted his solemness alter not, it may prove worse."
2. "Don Juan De Austria is of another tremp, the favour of all sorts of men here do much propend to him. They say, seeing the Emperor begat him 'solutus cum soluta,' that he is legitimus. And ye know how Spaniards esteem their bastards." The Duke of Florence's usurpation of the comté of Petigliano grieves this King and his Council; they now see they have made him too great. Of the Duke of Savoy's case here is little hope the French will restore. It may breed a new brawl. Verum argentum nondum cuditur.
3. This King is so addicted to his natural country, as nought but wars or sedition may bring him into Flanders. Perchance, the Cortes ended, he may send the Prince thither to reside as Regent. Desires a few lines, so that he may know of his and Lady Mason's welfare. Wishes he were out of this Hispania, vallis miseriæ, fons superbiæ. Beati qui non viderunt et crediderunt.— Madrid, 26 March 1562.
Draft, in Challoner's hol. and endd. by him. Pp. 3.
March 26. 960. Challoner to Hugh Tipton.
1. A fortnight since he received Tipton's letter sent by Mr. Rikthorne, with his present of four barrels of herrings and salmon, two barrels whereof (according to his letter) he presented on Tipton's behalf to the Countess De Feria. Concerning Tipton's offer to bespeak for him a hanging of Gwadamezzilles, he is not yet provided readily of his arms painted to send him for a "patron." This day he received another packet of letters from him and the merchants of Bristol. In answer to his private letter he will do all he can either for himself or others of England. As to their letter written on the 11th inst., specifying that Peter Mellendez with his fleet for the Indies would depart from Seville within fifteen days after the date of the letter, Tipton is to consider that he only received the letter this day, so he cannot procure help so speedily as their case requires. The King is absent from Madrid, being retired for the Easter to a monastery nine leagues distant, and will not return for ten days, so till then there is no hope of redress; what may be done shall be done. Concerning Mr. Frampton, he thought Chamberlain had cleared his case; not knowing how far he had proceeded he desires Frampton to send him his original letter, so that he may solicit the despatch of as much as was promised. Concerning. Tipton's patent of privilege under King Henry VIII.'s seal, Chamberlain delivered it to him, which is still in his custody. Desires Tipton to inform him in his next letters what he would have him do in the matter.—Madrid, 26 March 1562.
2. P. S.— Sends enclosed a memorial which a friend delivered to him at London to procure redress to Tipton's benefit. Requests to be informed what he conceives therein, so that he may solicit the remedy. Desires Tipton to speak with Anthony Maznels touching the aforesaid matter, for if the 200l. be in the judge's hands in deposits, his friend will send him power to receive it to his use.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: 26 March 1562. Pp. 3.
March 26. 961. Challoner to Peter Osborne.
1. Since his coming over he has not received one letter from the Court. Osborne is the first (excepting this writer's brothers and servants) from whom he has heard. They expect here that in May King Philip will take his journey towards Aragon, visiting his frontiers by the way, namely, Biscay, Fontarabia, and Navarre. At Monzon in Aragon the "Coortes" [Cortes] there so long deferred shall now be kept, which it is thought will not end in ten or twelve months time.
2. Chamberlain is by this time about Paris. He is expected at London by the 12th of April. The way was very bad until he got beyond Bayonne. Will answer him [Osborne] every time he writes. Sends commendations, to Mr. Haddon especially.—Madrid, 26 March 1562.
Copy, in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 3.
March 28. 962. Charges at Berwick.
"A brief of the charge of the fortifications for six whole months, ended 28 March, 4 Eliz.," for wages, provisions, taskwork, and certain necessary charges, amounting to 5,225l. 5s. 6d.
Orig. Pp. 2.
March 30. 963. Challoner to Cuerton.
1. By this bearer he received Cuerton's last letter of the 9th inst., informing him that his folks and stuff arrived at Madrid upon Saturday the 14th inst., upon whose arrival he wrote to him by those muleteers upon whose mules his servants rode hither, so that Cuerton should know of their arrival and how his servant Tempest had lost his letter by the way, requesting him to write another concerning the account of the money which Cuerton disbursed for him, which he expects daily, so that he may know what he owes. Expects letters and money shortly from England. Thanks him for the news of Fuentarabia and France, of which here is little talk, excepting that there should be tumults about Paris and Languedoc concerning matters of religion. It is now said the King with the Prince will make his journey about the middle of May towards the Cortes of Aragon, as follows: first to Valladolid, thence to Burgos, Vittoria, St. Sebastian, and so to Fontarabia, at which place he will fortify, and so to Pampeluna, and thence to Caragoza [Saragossa] where the Queen will meet him, and then jointly go to Monzon to keep the Cortes, during which, ere they be finished, they will visit Valencia and Barcelona, so it may be twelve months ere they return to Castile. If he goes to St. Sebastian or Bilboa, Cuerton may be sure he will be glad to see him and Mrs. Cuerton, to whom he desires his commendations to be given, also to Mr. Jefferson.—Madrid, 30 March 1562.
2. P. S.—Was sorry to hear of his infirmity, but prays God to send him a strong body, to chase the wild boar in those mountains. Sends enclosed the testimonial of the Inquisitor's deputy, which Cuerton delivered to Tempest, and wrote to have returned.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Ult. Martii 1562. Pp. 2.
March 30. 964. Lord Grey to Cecil.
The Queen's determination that he shall remain here some time longer will impoverish him much, he having disfurnished his provisions here and laid a store in the south. He has also put his furniture in point for receiving the Queen of Scots, which will heap charges upon him. Begs Cecil to procure some remorse towards him.—Berwick, 30 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March [31]. 965. The Queen to Throckmorton.
1. The Queen has requested the French Ambassador here to inform the Queen Mother and the Prince of Condé that she allows of their constancy, and sees how dangerous it is for the King of Navarre to separate from them to join those who have sought his ruin. The Queen gave him an example of the overthrow of the late Duke of Somerset, in England, by dissension with his brother. She requests Throckmorton to encourage the Queen Mother, the Queen of Navarre, and the Prince of Condé to show their constancy, for that she means to assure them and the Admiral of her intention to stand by them. Sends him herewith letters to the said Queen, the Prince of Condé, and the Admiral, only requiring them to give him credit in such things as he shall impart to them.
2. He is to request the Queen Mother and the Prince of Condé to avoid the devices of such as seek their own ambition, and to assure them of the Queen's amity and assistance by all possible means. As for the Prince of Condé, "let him remember that in all affairs second attempts be ever more dangerous than the first."
3. He is to assure the Admiral that his constancy has deserved the greatest commendations, and that one of the causes why the Queen did not follow the advice of the Queen Mother, opened by her to Throckmorton, for sending to Trent, was, that until the Queen knew of the intention of the Almain Princes, she would do nothing to discourage them, or to comfort the adversaries. As soon as the Queen hears from them she will omit nothing that may further the tranquillity of Christendom.
4. The Court not being near Paris, he must make a journey thither, where he is to declare to the King of Navarre and the Queen Mother that she will not hereafter receive any other hostages than such as shall be comparable with the first. He is to deal plainly with them, and he is to say privately to the Queen Mother that she is not to interpret this, the Queen's earnestness, in any sinister part towards herself.
Draft. Endd.: Martii 1562. Pp. 4.
March 31. 966. Another draft of the above, corrected by Cecil.
Endd.: Ult. Martii 1562. Pp. 4.
March 31. 967. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. The Duke of Guise, since he came to Paris, sent the Lord of St. Colme, the writer requesting to speak with him at the Duke's house, to which he assented. On the 23rd inst. he went to the Hotel de Guise, where M. D'Oisel met him at the gate, and conducted him into a chamber where the Duke was, accompanied by his brethren and many other great personages. After the Duke had embraced him, he said openly before all that the occasion not offering for him to acknowledge to the Queen the greatness of his band to her, both for the good intelligence betwixt her and the Queen of Scots, the honour shown to his brothers, the Grand Prior and the Marquis D'Elbœuf, passing through England, but also to him and his brethren for the Queen of Scots' sake, he could do no less than acknowledge it to Throckmorton to enlarge to her. The Duke then conducted him to his bed-chamber, where he said that whilst this amity was shown by the Queen to their niece, he and his house are ready to do her service. The Duke also told him that he had received a letter from the Queen of Scots, brought by the Marquis D'Elbœuf, wherein she declares the Queen's kindness, and the desire she has to see her, and has taken upon herself to answer all the objections made by her Council against the interview. To restrain her from this her desired purpose, the Council of Scotland has sent to the Cardinal of Lorraine and him the reasons why they do not allow the same, unless the matters of difference betwixt the Queens were first amicably settled according to the matter proposed by the Duke to him at their last conference, to which the Duke has had no answer from the Queen, which he desired him to send.
2. The Duke then repeated some of the reasons alleged by the Council of Scotland against the interview.
3. First. It is of great consequence that any Prince should commit themselves into the hands of another, especially where there has been such enmity as betwixt Scotland and England.
4. Item. The matter is greater, for the difference between the Queens which remains still uncompounded.
5. Item. In her absence the perils that may ensue in her realm, considering that by the casualty of the Queen of Scots, the crown must fall to those who have not been best affected to her.
6. Item. The expenses that must be made, to the profit of England, for accomplishing this voyage.
7. Item. That the Queen of Scots should be somewhat touched in honour to come into England as it were like a petitioner, who being there might be constrained to accord to some unreasonable conditions, upon which article they have discoursed at large.
8. Item. The jealousy of the King of France by this interview, who might enter into practice with some other Prince, prejudicial for Scotland.
9. Item. The demand of a league offensive and defensive betwixt England and Scotland, which does imply a dissolution of the ancient league betwixt France and Scotland.
10. For answer to these matters the Duke said he accorded to the interview, and for the same to be in England, and in what place the Queen thinks most commodious; but he wished the first meeting to be as nigh the frontier as the place would allow, in respect of their niece's honour; then the Queen may lead her farther into the country. Throckmorton was not to take this as a perfect resolution in the matter, because the Queen and Council desired the Cardinal of Lorraine's opinion in this, as well as the Duke's, the resolution whereof the Lord of St. Colme shall shortly know, and return with the same into Scotland through England. The Duke also perceived that the Council was well disposed to the amity betwixt the Queens, namely, the Earl of Pembroke, Lord Robert Dudley, and Cecil, of whose devotion to augment the amity the Queens, of Scots informed him by her late letters. He likewise thanked Throckmorton for his good offices between the Queens, which his niece acknowledges.
11. If his leisure would allow he said he would tell him something of his doings at Vassy, to justify himself. The Duke then declared how arrogantly the Assembly at Vassy used him and his company. At this moment a gentleman entered and informed the Duke that the Cardinal of Bourbon, the Constable, and others of the King's Council requested his presence at their consultation. The Duke then said he would end the matter another time. The Duke then took him forth, where the Duke D'Aumale, the Grand Prior, and Marquis D'Elbœuf did together and severally acknowledge themselves bound to the Queen.
12. The Queen may perceive the state of things here at that time by his letters of the 24th inst. and Mr. Belman's report, and how the King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, and all their company abiding here did attend the Queen Mother's repair hither to them, together with the King, to authorize their determination and doings the better, and for that purpose the King of Navarre sent M. De Gonorre, brother to Marshal Brisac, to the Queen Mother at Fontainebleau. Suspecting this assembly there, she answered that there was little need of her presence there. As for herself, she thought it more meet to have regard to the health of the King than to inform so many wise men what they had to do in a time of so many garboils. This answer little pleased the King of Navarre and his assistants, who on the 26th inst. left Paris (towards Fontainebleau) for Corbeil, to his bed. On Good Friday, 27th inst., the said King with his company went from Corbeil to Fontainebleau, where the King, and especially the Queen Mother, made them strange countenance, because the train came in arms to the Court. After the Easter holidays, if the King of Navarre and his company prevail, he means to bring the King to Bois de Vincennes, to strengthen with his name the authority of their doings, which will prove to the disadvantage of the Protestants. The Prince of Condé has changed his determination to receive the Communion at his own house, for he and his company are come to Meaux in Brie to receive the same.
13. At the closing hereof the Duke of Guise sent the letter enclosed, not sealed, for the Queen. M. De Lansac has arrived in France from Rome, and will be shortly at Court, so his legation as the King's Ambassador at the Council of Trent hangs in suspense. It is thought he brings the resolution of the recompence which the King of Spain will give the King of Navarre in satisfaction for Navarre. Suspects the matter will be drawn at such length that the King of Navarre in the end will find himself abused. The King of Spain intends to make his profit of the Bishop of Rome and his party, for lately he has given amongst the Pope's kinsfolk in one place and another, but chiefly in Naples, the yearly sum of 100,000 ducats at least.
14. The Spanish Ambassador at Trent has requested the Council there to defer the next session (one being finished) until the 20th April next, at which time the Ambassador said the Princes of Germany and others who do not accord with the Roman Church will send their Ambassadors and clergy thither; adding in the end threatening speech if they do not. —Paris, 31 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 9.
March 31. 968. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Cecil may perceive by his despatch to the Queen what passed with the Duke of Guise. The bearer is Adam Hume, kinsman to Lord Hume, who has done the Queen and him good service. Had it not been for his bringing this packet, he would have had to send it by an express courier, so forty or fifty crowns given him to pay for his post-horse home and thither will be well bestowed. The Duke of Guise and his brethren (by Lord St. Colme's news) is the cause of Hume making this journey, to renew him again into his Sovereign's favour, which was very strange to him before, because in the time of the garboils during King Francis' reign a packet of letters was brought to the Queen of Scots' hands directed from the said Adam to him. Cecil's son will inform him [Cecil] how courteously the Duke of Guise lately declared himself to be Cecil's friend. The Lord of St. Colme has done good offices to advance the amity between them.
2. Perceives that if the interview takes place, the Queen of Scots intends to show her liberality as well to ladies as to gentlemen of the English Court, if finance would be by any means recovered here, or if the Cardinal of Lorraine would lend or employ some part of his treasure. Prays Cecil that Sir Thomas Smythe's oversight may be no cause to stay him from hence.—Paris, 31 March 1562. Signed.
3. P. S.—His despatch being thus forward, the Governor of the English merchants at Antwerp, named Mr. Fitzwilliams, with six or eight merchants, arrived here, who passed hitherwards by Valenciennes, where there was some trouble; for there were two men condemned to die for religion, which the people will impeach. He said there is like to be garboils in the Low Countries. In the writer's opinion, it would not be amiss if the Count of Egmont and the Prince of Orange could be by some good words brought to believe that the Queen did repute them as her friends. That would advance the pique betwixt them and the Cardinal Granvelle, which it is said here is well forward.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 31. 969. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Having made up the Queen's packet, and this gentleman stopping three or four hours longer than he expected, the writer understands the Prince of Condé, accompanied by the Admiral and M. D'Andelot, repaired to Paris with a great force, and at the despatch hereof were within two miles of the same. Whereupon the Cardinal of Bourbon (being the King's lieutenant here), assisted by Marshal De Termes, M. Candalle, and others, has given orders to put the same in force, and has drawn up all the bridges. He knows not what will become of the town or those therein, nor what will be the sequel. Desires these advertisements to be communicated to the Queen.—Paris, 31 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Send these letters to Mons. De Foix. Pp. 2.
March 31. 970. The Master of Maxwell to Cecil.
Offers of service and professions of devotion.—Dumfries, 31 March 1562. Signed: John Maxwell.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 31. 971. Randolph to Cecil.
1. On 28th inst. received Cecil's of the 14th. The Marquis's good entertainment is very well spoken of here. He left nothing unreported by his letters to this Queen, who let Randolph have the reading of them. He wrote also to the four principal ladies of his entertainment from day to day. The Earl of Mar delivered the Queen's letter to this Queen, who laughed heartily all the time of the reading of it, and said to Randolph that she was much beholden to her good sister for writing so long a letter with her own hand and trusted that when they saw each other she would know her heart better than she could judge of her writing, and continued many purposes of her desire to the interview. Trusts that Lethington will shortly be sent with ample commission to demand the same. The Queen writes to her uncles that it is a thing resolved in her heart, and is so expedient that she cannot maintain her state without it, or keep her people in obedience. As Cecil writes that there are some in England, so are there many here who envy greatly that any such interview should be. Some allege the hazard of herself and nobles; many are loath for the charge; others say that, amity being once made, her power will be the greater, and she will exercise it upon such as have ruled at will. The charges will be great, and it will be a hard matter to find so much gold in Scotland that is current in England as will furnish this voyage. Knows that this last point is more feared of many in Scotland than either of the other two. Such shall be appointed to come as are most suspected to practise at home, and have most money in their purses to work mischief with. The difficulty is for the exchange, as many who have great sums of silver have little gold. Lethington will have commission to confer on this and other points with the Lords of the Council.
2. Is grieved that Cecil has not yet the divorce. Has no means to come by it but by the Justice Clerk, who is presently here, and has promised to let Randolph have it within four days; and for recompence he has promised him a horse, or to be a means for a licence for a couple. It is nothing lamented here that the Earl of Lennox is in the Tower. The Queen likes not the marriage with the Lord Darnley, and this he knows from those who know most. Cecil's opinion of Shane O'Neale's wisdom is confirmed by the Earl of Argyll, who is here: It will be easier for Shane to beguile himself than to go beyond Cecil. He wrote to the Earl as his good friend, trusting for like friendship. The Earl desires Cecil to remember O'Donnel and his wife, who are yet prisoners.
3. Has conferred with Lethington touching the Master of Maxwell. It passes their wits to accord Lord Dacre and him, unless the Councils of both realms order the controversies between them. It is known how the Earl of Bothwell has used the Earl of Arran. Means have been sought since the Queen's return to accord them. Within fourteen days the Earl of Bothwell, with eight in company, lay again in wait for the Laird of Ormiston. The Laird, with his wife and eldest son, a young man about twenty-four, riding about the fields hunting, espied these eight horsemen, and retired himself and his wife to a little town of his own, and willed his son to ride and see far off what the others were. He approached so near that, being within the Earl Bothwell's danger, he discharged his dag at the Earl, and thought, being well mounted, to have avoided the danger. Howbeit he fell into their hands, and was led away near to Crighton, where the neighbours of the country (friends to the Laird of Ormiston) rescued him, and drove the Earl into his own house. This discontented the whole country, but especially the Queen and Council. Three days after this enterprise, Bothwell wrote to the Earl of Arran that he was sorry that he had offended him, and that he had means to do him notable service to his great advancement if his counsel were followed. This purpose so well liked Arran that they embraced one another, as if no unkindness had ever passed between. Within four days all Edinburgh and most of Scotland spoke of their sudden familiarity, as well in common, in preaching, hunting, and otherwhere. The Queen thought it strange, and gave order to have further intelligence of their doings. The Duke, being at Keneil, rode to see him. Bothwell began in this wise to the Earl of Arran: "I know that you are the man most hated of any man in Scotland, with the Queen, the Lord Mar, and Lethington in special. I know this to be true upon such conference as I have had with the Queen's self and other; therefore it stands you upon to see to yourself. If you will follow my counsel and give me credit, I have an easy way to remedy the whole; that is, to put the Queen into your hands, and to take away your chief enemies."
4. It was concluded between them that the Queen should be taken away by force, and brought to Dumbarton, and the Earl of Mar and Lethington slain. The Earl of Arran, moved in conscience, detected the whole practice with letters to the Queen and Earl of Mar from Keneil upon Easter Eve, and desired advertisement what he should do. Answer was given that he should continue in his duty. The Earl (seeing his father overmuch bent unto Bothwell's persuasions) did what he could to alter his purpose; and when he found him so addicted thereunto, he declared plainly that it was wicked, and that he had detected the same unto the Queen. This put the Duke in such a rage that he would have slain his son. That night and the next day the Earl kept his chamber, and that night (seeing his father in that continual rage) he wrote a letter in cipher to the Lord Mar, which he gave to his servant for Randolph to give to him, which Randolph received as he was hunting with the Queen on Monday. Sends Cecil the copy. The servant said that Randolph must once again save his master's life. The Earl of Mar desired him to show the letter to the Queen, which he did. The Abbot of Kilwinning came, who declared that the Earl of Arran, having offended his father and falsely accused him, was that night escaped out of his chamber with cords made of the sheets of his bed, and no man wist where he was. He desired Her Majesty not to give credit to anything that he had written, or should report, for it was all false, both of his father and of the Earl Bothwell. The Abbot was committed to safe custody. In an hour after the Earl Bothwell arrived to purge himself, who also was committed to ward, being found guilty by his own confession in some points. The next morning the Laird of Grange came and declared that the Earl of Arran was come over the water to his house, late at night, and disguised. The Earl of Mar has ridden to him, and this night they will be both here.
5. Has received Cecil's other letters and those of the Lords of the Council. Has also received the Queen's letter to this Queen, with the packet. The Frenchman who should take this letter departs not for three days.—Falkland, Easter Tuesday, 4 p.m., 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 8.
[March?] 972. Garrison of Berwick.
The petition of Captains Browne, Carvell, Pickman, Brickwell, Carew, Pragell, Yaxlee, Tremayne, Strelly, and Woode, of Berwick, to the Queen, in which they state that they have hitherto at their own charge kept in their bands divers soldiers, in the hope that consideration would have been obtained for their continuance here by the Queen; but no order having been taken, they beseech her to grant such pays as others have. Appended are the lists of soldiers serving under various captains at Berwick.
Copy. Pp. 12.


  • 1. This P. S. is written on a small slip of paper, now affixed to the first page.