Elizabeth: April 1562, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: April 1562, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp577-583 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1562, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp577-583.

"Elizabeth: April 1562, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp577-583.

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April 1562, 1-5

April 1. 973. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Advertised her on 31st ult. by Adam Hume (a Scotchman, who was sent from the Duke of Guise to the Queen of Scots in post,) of the state of things here, and in his letter of the same date advertised Cecil that the Prince of Condé was come from Meaux in Brie, with his force towards Paris. On the 31st ult. the said Prince, having with him 3,000 horse well armed and in good order, lodged that night at St. Cloud, four leagues from Paris. Order was given for the guarding of the town, as though a powerful army had come to besiege it. The Cardinal of Bourbon is the King's lieutenant here; but Marshal De Termes, assisted by MM. De Candalle and Crevecueur, two Knights of the Order, (accompanied with seven ensigns of footmen, besides the inhabitants of the town,) have the guarding of the town. This day the Prince marched from St. Cloud to a village called Longjumeau, also four leagues from Paris, on the highway from Paris to Orleans. His determination is not known as yet, but he presumes the Prince intends when his company is increased to march to the Court at Fontainebleau, and there to reason the matter for the difference of religion and other things, and also to compound things reasonably, or hazard the same with more extremity. The Prince takes the matter very ill, first, that the Duke of Guise was suffered to enter the town so amicably with all his force, the entry of the Prince being refused. Another cause is that the said Duke and his company went from hence to the Court, where they entered armed. The Prince will either cause them to desist from arms and disperse, or he will not leave his so easily. The King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, and the Constable, upon the Prince's proceedings, begin to give order to assemble greater force.
2. Men's minds on both sides are much moved. In his opinion it would be for the Queen's service to declare to the French Ambassador there that, albeit other Princes begin to fortify factions for overthrowing religion, she will not use towards the King and Queen Mother any other behaviour than amity, but would rather assist the King to the conservation of the state of his realm in quietness, and to the advancement of the true religion, than nourish any trouble. She would be loath, however, under pretence of chastising disobedient subjects to see the Queen Mother, the Prince of Condé, and such as favour the advancement of religion, overthrown, for that would only serve the turn of the Pope's champions. The cause of writing this is because he sees the Papists' faction in France is much stronger, and countenanced by the King of Spain, the Pope, and the Duke of Savoy, "and it standeth your Majesty upon, for the conservation of your realm in the good terms it is in (thanks be to God), to countenance the Protestants as much as you may, until they be set afoot again, I mean in this realm; for here dependeth the great sway of that matter." "And if it shall stand with your Majesty's pleasure to use these or such like words to the French Ambassador (your Majesty not offended) it shall not be amiss, as the state of the world standeth here presently, you had as lieve the Queen Mother understand your devotion privately as others. And this you do more familiarly speak unto him, inasmuch as he, the said Ambassador, is known to your Majesty to be both well affected to the advancement of religion, as the Queen Mother's most devoted servant."— Paris, 1 April 1562. Signed.
3. P. S.—"This day the fury of the Papists is grown so great as that they have killed twenty-five of the poor Protestants in this town coming from their preaching."
Orig., large portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: By Hume. Pp. 6.
April 1. 974. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Cecil may perceive by his letter to the Queen that matters here are in doubtful terms. Thinks it meet that the Queen, or some one in her name, should move the French Ambassador in the matter of the hostages, so that none be appointed who are not worth 120,000 or 140,000 crowns in goods and lands, so that the four may be responsible for the penalty of 500,000 crowns. Prays Cecil to think of his case.—Paris, 1 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 1. 975. The Admiral of France to Cecil.
Will understand from M. De Bricquemault (for whom he asks credence) the reasons why the Prince of Condé has despatched him to the Queen.—Orleans, 1 April 1562. Signed: Chastillon.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: The Admiral of France to my Master. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 2. 976. The Prince of Condé to [the Queen].
She will be pleased to hear of the fortunate occurrence which will bring about a cessation of the troubles and divisions that have arisen in France on account of religion. Sends M. De Brigmault to tell her all that has occurred here, and thank her for her assistance and favour which she has afforded for the defence of justice in so righteous a dispute.— Orleans, 2 April 1562. Signed: Louis De Condé.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 2. 977. Cecil to Windebank.
"Windebank; I am here used to pains and troubles, but none creep so near my heart as doth this of my lewd son. I am perplexed what to think. The shame that I shall receive to have so unruled a son grieveth me more than if I had lost him by honest death. Good Windebank, consult with my dear friend Sir N. Throckmorton, to whom I have referred the whole. I could be best content that he would commit him secretly to some sharp prison. If that shall not seem good, yet would I rather have him sent away to Strasburg, if it could be possible, or to Lorraine, for my grief will grow double to see him until some kind of amends. If none of these will serve, then bring him home, and I shall receive that which it pleaseth God to lay on my shoulders; that is, in the midst of my business, for comfort a daily torment. If ye shall come home with him, to cover the shame let it appear to be by reason of the troubles there. I rather desire to have this summer spent, though it were but to be absent from my sight. I am so troubled as well what to write I know not."—Westminster, 2 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Windebank. Pp. 2.
April 2. 978. Windebank to Gresham.
Apologizes for neglecting to send an acknowledgment of the 300 crowns which he received along with his letters of the 22nd ult., by Mr. Governor.—Paris, 2 April.
Corrected draft in Windebank's hol., and endd. by him: M. to Mr. Gresham, from myself, by Mr. Fitzwilliams, Governor. Pp. 2.
April 2. 979. Windebank to Gresham.
Acknowledges the receipt of 300 crowns by the hands of Mr. John Fitzwilliams, to be employed in the expenses of Mr. Thomas Cecil.—2 April 1562.
Draft, in Windebank's hol. P. 1.
April 2. 980. Intelligences.
1. The King's resolution concerning the bishoprics has been made known to the States. The general opinion is that it must be effected by force. There will be danger, so opposed is the will of every one to it.
2. Within the last few days it has been written from the Court that it is there reported that here matters of religion were going on so badly that scarcely anyone lives as a Christian. This certainly is not the case, nor is the suspicion so great as it was before, during the whole of last Lent. Witness all the churches in this city, which are more than usually full during the sermon and other services, and the jubilee has been celebrated with much devotion.
3. It happened a few days ago in Louvaine that twentyfour masked men forced open with hatchets the door of one of the principal houses, where a rich widow lived, and robbed her of property worth 4,000 crowns.
4. Letters from England of the 4th inst. say that the Ambassador of Sweden, without having properly negotiated for the marriage of his King within the appointed number of days, sets out for Scotland, whereas (as every one sees) he is going home. Nevertheless, if he went to Scotland, he might cause some trouble between the two Queens.
5. Madame Margaret, wife of the Count of Lennox, has been sent here to prison, her husband being likewise imprisoned; it is suspected that they desired to marry their son to the Queen of Scotland. The prison will soon be full of "the nearest relations of the Crown."
6. The banker [?] has not arrived, consequently the writer cannot do with the twenty crowns what he ought.—Brussels, 2 April 1562. Signed, but signature carefully defaced.
Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 3.
April 4. 981. Intelligences.
1. Rome, April 4. On Easter Day the Pope sang the Mass after the old custom, and dined with Cardinal Boromeo, Conte Federico, Lady Virginia, the Ambassador of Portugal, and Conte Brocardo. On the following Tuesday a resolution was passed touching contribution of the Church to the galleys of Spain. Conte Brocardo goes to Spain with this despatch.
2. On the 10th inst. the Ambassador of Florence offered the process against the Conte of Petigliano to the Emperor's Ambassador in the Pope's chamber of presence.
3. The Pope is very ill with a disease of which died his brother, the Marquis.
4. The alliance between Marc Antonio Colonna and the Boromei goes forward.
5. There has been a skirmish between the Huguenots and Catholics six leagues from Paris, in which the Prince of Condé had received his death wound, and the Duke of Guise had received a dangerous stroke from an arquebusade in one of his arms.
6. The French messenger sent for restitution to the Conte of Petigliano has been answered that the Pope will yet do his best for the satisfaction of France.
7. The Duke of Bavaria has sent to Rome to obtain contributions, under the name of tithes, from the churchmen of his jurisdiction.
8. The Prince of Florence minds to go to Spain shortly.
9. Prague, March 24. The overthrow of the King of Transylvania by the Emperor's army is confirmed. The coronation of the King and Queen of Bohemia is talked of. The Queen is very great. The murderer of the Bishop of Herbipolis was taken, and hung himself to avoid justice.
10. Milan, April 4. Two galleys of Gio. Antonio Doria are gone to Spain to fetch fourteen Bishops appointed to resort to the Council. The taking of Frederico Boromeo's galliot by corsairs is confirmed. There were a number of condemned slaves in it, who were sent by the Pope to the Duke of Florence to furnish his galleys.
11. Constantinople. The daughter of Sultan Selim is married to Mehemet Bassa, and the widow of Rostan Bassa to Aly Bassa. The Turk is still ill. Salviati, the French Ambassador, has come to confirm the old league between France and the Turk, to whom he presented 100 vestures. A part of his commission is to ransom Don Alvaro Sandi, taken at Gerbes. Forty galleys were ready to sail to the coast of Barbary and join the corsairs, which, with the galliots and foists, amount to 100.
12. The King of Poland has sent to excuse his not succouring the Duke of Moldavia.
13. Alexandre, the old Duke of Moldavia, has been brought here, and will be taken to Rhodes.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4.
April 5. 982. Lord Gray's Requests.
"Remembrance to Mr. Secretary for the requests of Lord Gray."
1. His ransom.
2. His return from the charge of Berwick.
3. The 400l., etc., for victuals at Guisnes. Mr. Va. Browne's and his Lordship's account book to be sent.
4. Licence for his repair to York.
5. Mr. Secretary's letter to the Lord President in that case.
6. Licence for twenty bows and twenty "sheff" of arrows to be sent to the Lord James.
7. The new device of watch at Berwick.
8. The names of the bulwarks to be had from Mr. Secretary, because the Queen said she would name them.
9. A device to amend the old garrison at Berwick.
10. Mr. Treasurer of Berwick to have 100 men in charge, as well for the Queen's commodity as answering the requests of service.
11. Mr. Selby's case.
12. William Morehous, late Under-Marshal, and the rest of his suit.
13. The clerks of the watch.
14. The debts that his Lordship has presently to pay in London.
15. Letters to Sir Rauf Grey and Rowland Forster touching their misorder.
16. Money disbursed by him in the service for the Borders.
17. Dispensation for him for not being at the next Feast of St. George.
18. Order for money taken from the Scots, if it be English or Scotch, upon English ground.
19. The disobedience of Clavering.
20. Sir Arthur Grey's relief.
21. "The meeting or fer . . . . . "[defaced].
22. His request in that case, as well as touching Berwick as otherwise, for necessaries in expenses, etc., if it happens.
23. Nevell's matter upon two indictments.
Orig. Endd.: Quinto Aprilis 1562. Pp. 3.
April 5. 983. John Frampton to Challoner.
1. Wrote about a month since desiring his aid for the recovery of his goods, which were taken here. In October 1559 the writer was taken prisoner in Malaga and brought hither, and has remained in the secret prison for fourteen months, at the end whereof he was brought to a public place, where they read to him a sentence condemning him to a prison for one year, more or less, at their will. At the end of fourteen months after he was released. He wore a coat with two red crosses during that time, and in sentencing him they condemned for lost all his goods; they sold his chest and all his apparel, except what he wore, and dispossessed Mr. Tipton of 2,000 and more ducats which he had appertaining to divers men in Bristol, which they now plead for. When Chamberlain was here they wrote to him desiring his aid for recovery of the said goods. Chamberlain, before his departure, sent the writer a "sedola" for his deliverance, and he wrote of another that was being made for restitution of his creditor's goods, only by his books, without any further suit at law, and that he had declared his mind to Challoner, so if he needed any further aid he was to write to him [Challoner] as appear by the letter inclosed.
2. Two days since Mr. Tipton showed the writer a letter of Challoner's, desiring him [Frampton] to send Chamberlain's letter, which he wrote, to Challoner, so that he might know at what state he left his [Frampton's] business, and upon knowledge thereof Challoner would aid him. Proposes to go to Lisbon. "I have been so ill used in England of such as were my creditors, that I have little joy to go home;" he means those whose goods were apprehended here for this cause, which is only for his faith. At the time of his apprehension they arrested all he had there, and as yet he is not clear thereof, but trusts by Challoner's favour to have their goods here, and his at liberty in England.—Seville, 5 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.