Elizabeth: March 1562, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: March 1562, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp553-560 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1562, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp553-560.

"Elizabeth: March 1562, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp553-560.

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March 1562, 11-20

March 12. 933. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Has been to York and examined the parties touching the taking of Lord Keith. It falls out that William Selby and William Parrat, soldiers of this town, have interest in the prisoner, but by what the Earl of Northumberland's men allege the judgment is suspended until shortly after Easter. Begs to have a licence to repair thither to finish the suit.— Berwick, 12 March 1561. Signed.
2. P. S.—Complains of being hindered from apprehending Thomas Clavering by his being conveyed and bolstered by Sir Henry Percy and others of his affinity here.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 14. 934. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. In his last letters of the 9th inst., sent by Mr. Somers, he mentioned that he sent the edict therewith, which was not printed until 13th inst., which he sends by this letter. The King of Navarre, Duke of Guise, the Constable, Cardinal of Ferrara, Marshals St. André, Brisac, and De Termes, the Cardinal of Tournon, and all their favourers, have joined together to overthrow the Protestant religion and exterminate the favourers thereof, which enterprise is pushed forward by the Spanish Ambassador here and Spanish threatenings. The Queen Mother, assisted by the Queen of Navarre, the Chancellor, the Prince of Condé, the Cardinal Châtillon, the Admiral, M. D'Andelot, and their followers, countenances the matter on the other side. Hopes that she will not slip her collar. The Queen Mother will the better persist in her devotion if M. De Foix may know now and then at the Queen's hands that she approves this inclination, with some good words of comfort to animate her to continue so. The late misfortune attempted by the Duke and Cardinal of Guise, the Grand Prior, M. De la Brosse, and their train, against the Protestants assembled at Vassy in Champagne, (where there were forty persons killed, and about sixty hurt,) irritates the Protestants against the whole house of Guise. The King of Navarre and his band will not allow any of the house of Châtillon to come to the Court, and they intend to take the seal from the Chancellor and give it to the Cardinal of Armignac, who is sent for to come to Court for that purpose. It is time the Protestants were countenanced, lest all quail. The favourers of Protestantism make as great account of the Queen's favour as the Papists do of the King of Spain's. The Papists in France fear the Queen as much as they presume upon the King of Spain's aid.
2. It would be to the Queen's purpose to inform the French Ambassador there of her devotion to the Prince of Condé for his constancy in advancing this cause, or some good words towards him, for there are many enticements used to win him to the Papists' faction. The King of Navarre has lately tormented his wife because she will not suffer the Prince, her son, to go to Mass, nor to be present at the ceremony of the christening of the Spanish Ambassador's child, where there was great pomp. The King of France gave a present of plate worth 2,000 crowns to the Ambassador's wife. All this kindness to the Spaniards proceeds from the King of Navarre. The Duke of Guise's well wishers, for justifying his act before mentioned, say that he was sovereign concurrent with the King in the "bayliage" of Vassy. His adversaries allege that though he had the prerogative of three sorts of justices (namely, high, mean, and low,) he had no power over men's lives, and that it was not lawful for him in the Duke of Nevers' government to put any person to death without process, and they infer that he is within the compass of the law as a homicide. Whatsoever the law is, and how desirous any may be to have it executed, he knows no person in this realm who dares make out the Duke's process.
3. He cannot understand what the French mean by making such choice of their hostages to be sent thither as they do. Such as now are nominated (except M. De Paliseau) have not 3,000 or 4,000 francs a year, and some under, as M. D'Herbault. Desires that the French Ambassador there may be spoken to in this matter.
4. The bill enclosed is concerning the Provost of Paris, M. De Nantouillet, the contents of which are true, whereby it appears he is not now so good a hostage as he was at the first nomination.—Paris, 14 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
March 14. 935. Guido Giannetti to Cecil.
1. Has not written for long. Besides the Italian Bishops there are at Trent about seventeen from Spain and Portugal, some also from Sicily and the rest of King Philip's dominions. The Archbishop of Prague is from Bohemia; the Bishop of Funfkirken (which is in the hands of the Turks) from Hungary. From Poland comes Stanislaus Osius, a Cardinal and Legate a Latere, one of the five Presidents; from Germany two Cardinals, both Italians. One of the Presidents is Cardinal Madrucci the nephew of the Cardinal of Trent. From England (or rather from Rome) there is Thomas Godwell, styled Bishop of St. Asaph. Besides whom there are four Greeks from those who profess allegiance to the Romish Church. There is an Envoy from the Emperor, but he has not the public authority of the German Empire. The envoys from the Kings of France and Spain have not yet arrived.
2. The Spaniards really desire reformation, and that Popes shall not invalidare the decrees of Councils, by the use of the "Non obstante." But who shall circumscribe their absolute power?
3. When the Legates at the beginning referred it to the Council whether they should treat of affairs of so great importance to the Church whilst the Legates were presiding, the Archbishop of Grenada enquired whether it were fitting that any one should preside in the Synod in such sort that the liberty of the others were taken away. Many were of this way of thinking, for the Spaniards deem that the Pope ought to be subject to the Council, that is to say, to the Church. The French also hold this, for in the Council of Poissy last year they decided that the Pope had no more authority in a Council than any other Bishop. On the other side, the Germans and many others loudly declared that the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures should preside in the Council, and not men. The request of the French Envoy made four months ago, that the French might have the Communion in both kinds, greatly offended the Pope and the Cardinals. M. De Lansac arrived a few days ago and tried to persuade the Pope that the King of Navarre was much affected towards the See of Rome, which the Papists believe to be feigned. There were twenty-four Bishops from France with the King's Envoy.
4. In the meanwhile they are endeavouring to curb the multitude who have embraced the new doctrine, who now exceed 600,000. The King's concessions are trifling. In order that they may be brought to obey the Pope, it is sought that he will allow them the Communion in both kinds, that images should be removed from the churches, and also other things which are intolerable to their ears.
5. Considering these things and the remonstrances made to the Emperor by the Princes of the Augsburg Confession, the wonderful spread of the new doctrines in France, and the fear lest the whole of that realm should desert the Papacy; the more prudent part see that there is great peril, lest the Pope should not always be able to revoke members from the Council, and lest at the instigation of the French King and Emperor a Council should be held on the Rhine, to which the French and German Bishops would summon the Pope. Thus they have been so perplexed that at the first two sittings nothing has been done. The third session is appointed for May 14. This is done because the Emperor has sought for time in order to assemble the German Diet to consult about those points which will be discussed at the synod.—Venice, 14 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 3.
March 16. 936. The Queen to Gresham.
She perceives by his letter to Cecil that he did not find so much profit to be made in paying of the sum of gold which he carried from hence in sovereigns, to her creditors, as in the other coins, but that it appears her debts shall be better paid by way of exchange. If he cannot make payment by the sovereigns after twenty-three shillings and two pence in the pound, then he is to bring the same back again by land to Dunkirk and from thence transport the same in two vessels to Dover, and thence to the Tower of London, and to see the rest her debts due in February paid by exchange, except the sums of due to Bantzove and Brocktropp, which were prolonged for six months before his coming thither. He is also to see the 15,000l. due in June paid by exchange, so as it shall not fall under twenty-three shillings, but as much above as he can. She trusts he shall find much money there to be delivered him, which shall be here paid at sight.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: To Mr. Gresham, 16 March 1561. Pp. 2.
March 16. 937. Gresham to—
A fragment of a letter from Gresham concerning money matters; wherein he sends his commendations to the Lord Keeper, and mentions;—Money taken up 20 Feb. 1562 to be paid 20 Aug. 1562; of Paulus Brocktrope 26,800 florins, principal and interest; of Mauricius Banzovi 29,263 florins.
Endd.: 16 Martii 1561. Pp. 2.
March 16. 938. The Earl of Mar and Others to Lord Grey.
Forasmuch as divers of the Merse have complained that having furnished victuals to the soldiers at Berwick upon credit abiding the downcoming of the pay from London, and having been paid, the same was taken from them upon alleging the breaking of some Statute, whereupon they have moved the matter to Randolph and his Lordship. If he thinks the exchange of money of this realm may be had, they will be glad to see them paid in the same. Or if there shall be no furnishing to that town from hence, they can easily stay the same.— "From Scotland," 16 March 1561. Signed: James Stewart, Morton, W. Maitland.
Copy. Pp. 2.
March 16. 939. The Governor and the Council of Berwick to the Queen.
1. She having signified that merchants, haberdashers, creelmen, pedlars, and footpackers continually resort here and the adjoing Marches, and for their wares carry away the fine moneys, they assure her that they never knew so few of that faculty repair hither as at this instant, and such as do are victuallers and sellers of linen cloths, or other things, which could not be spared by the people of this town. Also that they stand bound with Englishmen not to carry any coin. To prevent them purloining money from hence, the writers have appointed searchers to ransack them; and sometimes they find English moneys which they take from them, and as much of the Scots' coin as is found with the same, for greater terror. The residue being merchants, who come hither to pass into the realm, are presented by the Wardens at their entry and conducted to free lodgings appointed for strangers, and also nightly reported to him, the Governor, by name.
2. Touching the granting safe-conducts, he, the Governor, is considered to be as curious as any officer that has ever served on these frontiers.—Berwick, 16 March 1561. Signed: Lord Gray, Thomas Morton, Thomas Dacre, John Selby, and Thomas Jenyson.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 17. 940. Lord Gray to Cecil.
Perceives by his letter of the 9th inst. that Cecil had no knowledge of the Marquis's coming to the Court until he was at Ware, which offence the writer trusts will not be imputed to him, as he was not at Berwick upon the arrival of the Marquis there; nor did he meet him in his journey, or hear of his passing until he was at Newcastle, from whence he was advertised thereof, being at Sir John Dallaval's, on his way homeward. Will perceive by the enclosed letter received from Sir Thomas Dacre, his deputy, that the writer did not neglect to give order to be advertised about the Marquis. Touching the certificates of horses passing through this town has always signified thereof. The Marquis had no horses in his company. Will he further his licence of revocation?— Berwick, 17 March 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 17. 941. Thomas Alred to Cecil.
1. Mr. Jenyson asks what brick he has here for the fortifications at Berwick, and that it might be sent as soon as the season served. Touching the carriage and lodging of the brick he would not intermeddle, unless commanded, and also order taken how the 149l. 6s. 6d. laid out by him last summer shall be answered, which he begs may be paid before he delivers the bricks, having disbursed the same.
2. Has according to Cecil's request repaired the Dripole Clowe in Holdernes, which costs 2l. 9s. 10d.—Hull, 17 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Pp. 2.
March 20. 942. Lord Grey to the Queen.
He has been a suitor unto her heretofore for release of his "importable" ransom. Being now driven to forfeit a great part of what remains of his poor living, by not being able to keep the day of payment covenanted to her, he is obliged to beseech her graciously to release him, and redeem his poor livelihood from forfeiture. Asks her to give remembrance to her Privy Council to allow some device for the performance of their promises on that behalf.—Berwick, 20 March. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 20. 943. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Since his last letter sent by Mr. Somer, and one to Cecil of the 14th inst., the Duke of Guise, accompanied by his brothers, (except the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Marquis D'Elbeuf,) came to Paris on the 16th inst., conducted by the Constable, his sons, the four Marshals of France, and twentyone Knights of the Order, which train amounted to 3,000 horse. He entered at St. Denis' gate, "accosted" with the Constable and Marshal St. André. His son, the Prince of Joinville, was in the midst between two of the Constable's sons. Numbers rejoiced at his coming, as though he was their protector. Having arrived at his house, the Provost of the merchants of Paris, accompanied by many of the principal merchants here, there made an oration testifying his joyful welcome, with an offer of two millions of gold to serve him in defence of the Catholic religion and quietness of Paris, where they desired him to reside. The Duke thanked them, and said they need not be so suspicious of their state, for the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre would (with the advice of the King's Council,) give such order that all troubles should be appeased. He also said that being the King's subject he must abide where the King commanded him, and he expected hourly to have to repair to the Court.
2. On the same day the Prince of Condé, returned from the Court to Paris, being resolved to depart for Picardy to his house, changed his purpose, and at the same hour the Duke entered, the Prince, accompanied with seven or eight hundred horsemen, went from his lodging to the place where ordinarily the Protestant ministers preach, and heard a sermon, whereat there were twelve or fourteen thousand people.
3. The Prince of Condé suspecting the intention of the Duke of Guise and the Constable to persecute the Protestants, remained in the town as long as the Duke did, and for better safety he caused many of those affected to his religion to repair here, whereupon great numbers come daily from all parts, so now the Protestants think themselves strong enough to resist their adversaries. When the Duke of Guise and the Constable saw the Protestants so little abashed, and perceiving the numbers increase daily, they sent to increase theirs also. There must be in Paris, on both sides, about nine or ten thousand horse, whom it will be difficult to keep from disorders.
4. Whilst these assemblies were in the town, the Queen Mother conceived great jealousy (the King of Navarre being allied to the said Duke), lest she should be put from the government and the King taken from her hands, to prevent which she left Monceaux, her own house, for Orleans, thinking they were secure there; because the Prince of Rochesurion (being Governor of the King's person and also of Orleans,) was not conjoined with the King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, and the Constable in their purposes. The King of Navarre perceiving this, would not consent to the King going to Orleans, and after great disputes betwixt the Queen Mother and him, she, with the King, were constrained to reside all this Easter at Fontainebleau.
5. The Queen Mother countenances the Prince of Condé, and the King of Navarre the Duke of Guise and the Constable. The said Prince and all the Protestants in Paris are determined to communicate the Supper of the Lord publicly together next week. Some think the adverse party will impeach them.
6. The King of Navarre to impeach the Protestants' proceedings, has sent his brother (the Cardinal of Bourbon) to Paris as the King's Lieutenant General, assisted by Marshals Brissac and De Termes, for matters of force; and for counsel, M.D'Avançon and the President Salva. Marshal Montmorency, being affected to the Protestants, is displaced of his charge in Paris, but retains his ordinary government of the same and the Isle of France.
7. The Admiral and D'Andelot, who retired to their houses, are expected daily in Paris, upon whom the Protestants and the Queen Mother repose great trust.
8. On the 19th inst. the Marquis D'Elbeuf arrived in Paris, accompanied with the Lord of St. Colme.
9. He has delayed Mr. Belman to see what will be the issue of this great assembly in arms in this town, so that at his coming he may give a good account to the Queen of the matter.—Paris, 20 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
March 20. 944. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. He sent Cecil a letter dated the 14th inst. by a Frenchman dwelling in London, named Charles Le Mort. He may perceive the occurrences here since that date by his letter to the Queen. He hears that the Portuguese Ambassador here is shortly to make a journey thither, who will have some charge to renew the matter of sending to the General Council. He is in great estimation here, and with his Queen, and such as govern in Portugal. Has received Cecil's letters of the 13th inst., whereby he perceives his [Cecil's] faithful services purchase him envy. He would be sorry for the Queen's service, and profit of England, to suspect that any man or cause should be able to remove such a Minister from the management of the state. Hopes this business will not be the cause of his being kept longer from returning home. Forbes is here, as it were in mask, and shuns him utterly.
2. Desires Cecil to let the bearer know that he takes his service in good part for bringing this packet.—Paris, 20 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.