Elizabeth: January 1562, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: January 1562, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp501-514 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1562, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp501-514.

"Elizabeth: January 1562, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp501-514.

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January 1562, 21-31

Jan. 22. 827. Throckmorton to M. L'Aubespine.
Has been unable through illness to reply to the Queen Mother's letter of the 18th, respecting an exchange of hostages. M. De Palloiseau is sufficient in all respects; but M. De Courtenay, notwithstanding the nobility of his family, is not of sufficient wealth.—Paris, 22 Jan. 1561.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp 2.
Jan. 23. 828. The Queen Mother to Throckmorton.
De L'Aubespine has informed her of his objections to accept M. De Courtenay as one of the hostages. He is much esteemed by the King, has ample means, and is of a very illustrious family. He has already been put to considerable expense in preparing for his journey.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 23 Jan. 1561. Signed: Caterine,—De L'Aubespine.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 23. 829. Anne De Montmorency to Throckmorton.
Immediately after receiving his letter yesterday he spoke to the Queen and the Council. What despatch they have made, Derdoy, the writer's secretary, will inform him.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 23 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 23. 830. L. Regius to Throckmorton.
Cannot answer his two letters at length, as his people will not wait whilst he writes. What passed in the last assembly is well known. Has reduced all the proceedings into writing, which he will show him when he comes to Paris. On Tuesday there will be a conference of the theologians in order to come to some accord. Ten of the presidents and counsellors have been retained to assist thereat in the presence of the Legate and the Privy Council. Does not think that much will come of it. They have put in full force the edict for the reformation of justice, according to the request of the last States held at St. Germain.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 23 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 23. 831. The Duchess of Parma to the Deputies of Antwerp.
In answer to the memorial presented by the Deputies of Antwerp declaring the perplexity that they are in by reason of a new Bishop coming to reside there, she reminds them of the affection with which the house of Burgundy has always regarded that town, and also how necessary it is for their prosperity that they should be kept in the true religion. She will inform the King of the matter, and beg him to take such steps as shall be best for the service of God and the good of the town.—Brussels, 23 Jan. 1561. Signed: Berty.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Jan. 23. 832. D'Avanson [?] to Mr. Robert Friar [?]
Has published the letters against the Governor of this town, his council and registrar, but has not gained much. Advises him to employ an apparitor, but fears that he will not be able to find one who will dare to execute the commission. The Governor announces that he will obey none but the King. He should not incur much expense in this business, and his fellows should send their proxies. Further advice as to the management of his affairs, and professions of devotion. —Bayonne, 23 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: A mon bon amy le Sire Robert Frier [?] marchant Anglois, au logis de Saint Jehan prez du Palais à Bourdeaux. Endd: A French merchant's letter to an English merchant. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 24. 833. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 12th inst., the Duchess of Savoy was delivered of a son, and M. De Pinkeney, brother to the Vidame of Amiens, was sent in post to this Court with the news; whereupon the King, the Queen Mother, and all the Princes made great triumph, and there was a banquet. As yet there is no talk who shall be gossips for the christening. With all this show, he cannot perceive that the King means to surrender the towns in Piedmont according as the Duke of Savoy interprets the treaty.
2. At the late assembly at St. Germain, mentioned in his last, little or nothing was concluded; what is done is more against the Protestants in France than otherwise. The Cardinal of Ferrara has at last obtained his faculties as the Bishop of Rome's Legate here. Concerning the disadvantageous resolutions concluded in this assembly, the King of Navarre is reputed to be the principal author, being induced thereunto by promises from the King of Spain and the Pope. Before long the Queen shall have the Cardinal's faculties, as they are printed, and also the edict concluded at this Assembly, which is disliked by those who seek the advancement of the religion. However, there is some hope the Pope will agree to some reformation to be had in France, according to a remonstrance which the French King has lately sent to the Pope to be declared by his Ambassador there, the copy whereof he sends, which is not very discrepant from the Queen's formula in England.
3. Lately the Queen Mother informed him of her resolution to send two other hostages, named MM. De Paloiseau and De Courtenay, to redeem MM. De Pont and De Mermoustier [sic]. He was content to accept Paloiseau, but Courtenay, although he knows him to be of the house of Damartin, he thought not meet to accept, his living not exceeding five or six thousand francs a year, and that is encumbered. Sends copies of the letters herein. It appears the Queen Mother is resolved to send Courtenay, as appears by her letter.
4. Lately a lewd book came to his hands, printed at Paris, wherein the author speaks slanderously of Kings Henry VIII. and Edward VI. It is dedicated to the Constable, to whom he addressed his complaint to have reformation of the matter, who procured order to be addressed to his son, Marshal Montmorency, to have all the books suppressed, and the author is likely enough to be punished. The Constable sent his secretary to him, who said that although the book was dedicated to him he never saw the same, nor did he know the author, and that he would be loath to suffer anything prejudicial to the Queen. Marshal Montmorency (after the book was suppressed) sent a gentleman, with the like manner of speech. It may therefore please the Queen to acknowledge to the French Ambassador there her acceptation of the Queen Mother's proceedings, and also those of the Constable, and his son.
5. He has received by Montignac, the Queen of Scots' servant, the Queen's letter of the 13th inst. Montignac did not stay long here, but departed in post towards Lorraine to the Queen's uncles, of whose coming to Court against Shrovetide the rumour is very rife. Will accomplish the contents of the same and inform the house of Guise of her good disposition towards them, which he has opened to Montiguac to be declared to them; who at his leaving Paris desired the writer to convey the packet enclosed safely to the Queen of Scots. Desires the Queen to command Cecil to take order in the matter.
6. Being informed lately that the French begin to arm some ships at Newhaven, he sent to the Admiral of France to know the cause thereof, who desired him to inform the Queen that they were being put in readiness for a voyage to Canada, where yearly the French fish, and because, being suspicious of others amity, it was meet they should have good conduct, the rather because they were informed that at Flushing in Zealand a number of ships were arming. If the Spanish Ambassador there will satisfy her of their preparations at Flushing and elsewhere in the Low Countries, as the Admiral has done, she need not be at charge to arm herself.
7. M. De Foix is preparing to repair thither with all speed. He expects he will be in England before the middle of February.—Paris, 24 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
Jan. 24. 834. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Montignac desired the writer to send this packet to Cecil to be by him forwarded to the Queen of Scotland. He arrived here on the 20th inst., and delivered the Queen's packet, by which he perceives how she has the safety of the house of Guise in mind, at the Queen of Scots' request. He thinks they stand in as good favour as any family in France. The Papists begin to raise their crests, and that so highly that the champions on the other side begin to droop. Our safety is for neither part to overthrow the other. For fear of after claps he will use his doings to the house of Guise according to the Queen's instructions. He desires to know her pleasure concerning the accepting of M. De Courtenay. He has seen the Bishop of Salisbury's Apology. He wishes he had as well answered the Calvinists and others, who were grieved with retaining too many ceremonies in the Church of England, as he hath done the Papists, who are offended with taking away too many. Trusts that by the time M. De Foix comes thither, his own revocation shall be resolved on, notwithstanding the comfort Cecil put him in by his last letters; else if his wife goes home without him Cecil will like enough have somewhat to do with her.—Paris, 24 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Jan. 24. 835. Lord Gray to Cecil.
1. Has taken a bond of 400l. of Thomas Clavering to appear before the Privy Council on the 1st Feb. They neither instructed him what the matter was nor the amount the bond should contain. The Treasurer will delay his journey to the Court until the arrival of the money for the pay here, which Cecil wrote was coming.—Berwick, 24 Jan. 1561. Signed.
2. P. S.—Encloses letters to his servants with Cecil's, as he cannot get them conveyed in any other manner without their being opened on the way, men being desirous for the news.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 24. 836. Intelligences.
1. Constantinople, Dec. 24, 1561. The Turk has appointed sixty galleys to be on the sea by March, as he understands that King Philip will have 100 galleys ready by next spring. He has granted to the Venetians to use their accustomed traffic for corn with the Archipelago only.
2. Spain, Jan. 10. The Count of Monterey having refused to resort to the Council as Philip's Ambassador, another will have to be appointed. The gentleman has returned to France who was sent to Philip; he had commission to excuse the late assembly and the promises touching religion; also that the passing of preachers from France to Flanders, of which Philip complained, was not done with their consent.
3. Finally he requested, in the Queen Mother's name, that the King of Navarre should receive some recompence. He was answered with good words, but all passed in a generality.
4. An Ambassador from England has arrived at this Court, and another from Sweden. His errand is not known, he not having had an audience.
5. Milan, Jan. 18. The bastard son of Conte Scipion Fiesco has arrived, sent by his father to the Senate touching his claim to Pontremoli. The Duke of Savoy sent a Spaniard with news of the birth of his son. The horsemen of Naples are daily looked for, and the soldiers from Goletta are to be placed here. The soldiers have been lately retained for service, which breeds suspicion of war.
6. Trent Jan. 21. It was ordered that the Bishops should, without respect of age or dignity, be placed according to their creations. The Council was opened on the 18th inst.; and the first session was to begin on the second Thursday in Lent. It has been disputed whether it shall be termed Continuatio Concilii, or Indictio novi Concilii. The Bishop of Coimbra preached, and in speaking of the reformation said that the Church consisted of the spirituality and the laity. The latter would be soon reformed if Cupiditas left, and the former if "Non obstantibus" (meaning dispensations), were taken away.
7. It is advertised from Prague that the Duke of Moldavia sought to recover his estate, and was overthrown by the Despot.
8. Rome, Jan. 24. King Philip, not contented with the resolutions touching the galleys, requires that the money should be gathered by one of his own appointing, and that the sum may amount to 400,000, crowns a year.
9. It was advertised from France that the sect went still forward, and that there was no remedy but toleration.
10. The Prince of Condé, sending to Gascoign under pretence of repressing the Lutherans, was suspected to make some attempt on Avignon.
11. The Duke of Florence has sent his purgation to the Pope, the Emperor, and King Philip, touching Petigliano. It may be that the old Count may leap in again.
12. The masks were begun at Rome, and much triumph should be that Shrovetide, after the Spanish manner. Albeit the astrologers threaten the Pope with danger of death yet let not men to make merry.
Endd.: From Venice. Pp. 4.
Jan. 24. 837. Portions of the above, viz., Intelligences from Milan, Rome, and Trent. Ital. Pp. 4.
Jan. 25. 838. The Earl of Argyll to [Randolph].
If any pirates come into the West seas he will do his diligence that they be stayed, because it is the pleasure of his Sovereign and the Queen of England. Has communed with James Macconell concerning Butthyd, and offered him 100 angels, but he would not condescend without 200; the communing therefore is continued until his coming to Edinburgh. Thanks him for his news concerning the expectation of the meeting of the Queens. Would gladly lose the hunting of Argyll this summer to have that meeting take such effect as he looks for.—Linlithgow, 25 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
Jan. 26. 839. Throckmorton to Cecil.
On the 24th inst. he received Cecil's of the 8th inst. by this bearer, (a servant of Lord Robert's,) with an Apology of the religion in England. Those that favour the same have much for which to thank Cecil, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Bishop of Salisbury. He saw the Apology before he received Cecil's letter on the 24th inst. Although the Papists are well answered, yet the Calvinists are not, nor satisfied by the said Apology concerning the ceremonies in the Church of England; he therefore wishes that some apology might be made, or added to this, whereby both may be answered. The learned, men here allow the formulary of religion and the policy of the Church in the time of Constantine and Theodosius, although the Church was then vexed with the Arians and other sects. He sends the Bishop of Valence's Apology. It appears that France is troubled with partialities, when councillors are driven to make apologies for defence of the Prince's proceedings. It would be a great comfort to him if the Queen and Council would revoke him, so that he could accompany his wife home, which will be in the beginning of March. He supposes that before Cecil receives this, M. De Foix will be there, who has his spright (as the Frenchmen say) well awake; therefore Cecil must not think because he is learned, and of a noble house, that he will not exercise his wit to the advantage of his Sovereign, and disparagement to others. Throckmorton knows that the chiefest thing amongst his instructions is to divide England and Scotland by all the means he can devise. This point is often pressed by the Constable and Cardinal of Tournon. In his opinion, there is no amity so sure and necessary, and therefore profitable, as that of Scotland, nor no enmity so dangerous.—Paris, 26 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Jan. 26. 840. Windebank to Cecil.
In reply to his letter of the 12th January, he thinks that Mr. Thomas should not go as far as Languedoc or Guienne, but that it would be sufficient for him to see Orleans, Blois, Amboise, Tours, Angers, Nantes, and Poitiers, and so return to Paris. They must have three horses, the hire of which would be sometimes twelve sous the day apiece; the charges of themselves and their three horses would stand them in 1½ crowns per diem, which with the horse hire would be more than two crowns a day. The 200 crowns that he means to send will not be sufficient. Their travels should begin in April, and in the midst of June they should retire to some good town to pass the heat of summer.—Paris, 26 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 26. 841. Draft of the above.
Hol. Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 27. 842. Remembrances to Cecil for Lord Gray.
1. For good relief in his ransom.
2. His return from Berwick at Lady Day in Lent next.
3. The 400l. 10s. for victuals at Guisnes.
(fn. 1) 4. Licence for him to repair to York to confer with the President.
5. The Lord Hume prisoner.
6. Licence to send twenty bows and twenty sheaves of arrows to Lord James.
7. The new device of watch, ward, and manning of Berwick, according to the companies there.
8. The names of the bulwarks to be had from Cecil, as the Queen stated that she would name them.
9. That Lord Dacres be answered "touching spering and filing."
10. The device to amend the old garrison.
11. The Treasurer of Berwick to have 100 men in charge.
12. The stay at Berwick of strangers travelling to Scotland without the Queen's licence when they have with them great stores of money, &c.
(fn. 2) 13. Obstinacy in Lord Northumberland's tenants, touching answering the Scottish merchants that had their ships spoiled.
14. That a commission be had out of the Court of Wards for hearing Mr. Selbye's matter.
15. The continuance of Mr. Morehous, late Under-Marshal at Berwick, in some maintenance for his better relief.
16. Entertainment to be allowed for the twenty-four horsemen in the Marshal's retinue, between the discharge of Sir George Bowes and the entry of Sir Thomas Dacre.
17. The two clerks of the watch.
18. The debts that Lord Gray must pay in London within four days.
19. Some convenient prison for Lord Grey of Scotland.
20. The Lord Eure.
21. His Lordship being at York on the 18th of Feb. about the Lord of Keith.
22. Sir Arthur Grey's relief.
23. John Barnes, for his suit to the Bishop of Winchester.
Copy. Endd.: 27 Jan. 1561. Pp. 3.
Jan. 27. 843. Windebank to Cecil.
The bearer Barnisbye has told the writer that Cecil said that if he would help them to 100 or 150 crowns, the same should be repaid in England on sight of Windebank's receipt, and that Wingate, a merchant of Rouen, would help them. As Cecil has written that he will shortly send 200 crowns, he remains in doubt what to do. As they have but small store of money, he has taken upon him to receive the said 150 crowns from Wingate, who will deliver it within eight days. —Paris, 27 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 27. 844. Draft of the above.
Hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 27. 845. Windebank to Wingate.
Being advertised by Mr. Barnsby that Wingate is willing to lend Mr. Thomas Cecil some money, the writer will be glad to have 150 or 200 French crowns, which will be repaid by Sir W. Cecil upon sight of Wingate's bill.—Paris, 27 Jan.
Copy by Windebank. P. 1.
Jan. 27. 846. Draft of the above.
Hol. P. 1.
Jan. 27. 847. Throckmorton to Challoner.
Sends a word or two to him by a merchantman from London going towards Bordeaux. Sent lately to Challoner a despatch by M. De Chantonet's way. When he last heard from England on the 13th instant the Queen was in good health. Shane O'Neil made his submission upon "the twelfth day in Christmas" to the Queen, in presence of all the Ambassadors and great personages of the realm, and demanded upon his knees pardon for all offences, which was granted. The Earl of Sussex was daily expected there, upon whose arrival order will be taken with Shane. The Irishmen (especially the great ones), cannot bear the English Deputies. Is thankful there is such good intelligence betwixt the Queens of England and Scotland, their realms and subjects. France is as Challoner left it, vexed with troubles about religion. Many hoped there would be a remedy at the conclusion of the assembly, "gathered of all the Courts, Sovereigns of France;" but they have talked much of the matter, and concluded little or nothing, excepting that the King by an edict tolerates their public preaching, and with conditions takes them into his protection, which will breed a sore. They expect nothing here from thence but peace and amity, and yet they talk much of the great "warlye preparatyve" that is made there, as well by sea as by land. There has been great joy here for the birth of the Prince of Piedmont, but who shall be "gossips" as yet they know not, or whether the towns in Piedmont shall be delivered to the father according to the treaty. Desires to know how the King of Spain will brook the detention of those towns from the Duke of Savoy by the French. They say in France that next spring the Prince of Spain will come to Flanders by sea, and that the marriage with his aunt, the Queen of Portugal, is broken. The Cardinal of Ferrara has obtained his faculties in France as the Pope's Legate, which is a contradictory to the Protestants. Recommends himself to Challoner, and to Mr. Henry Cobham, and desires the enclosed letters to be delivered to him.—Paris, 27 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner: 27 Jan. 1562. Received 14 May, in Mr. Cureton's letter. Pp. 3.
Jan. 27. 848. The Inquisition in Spain.
The Commissioners of the Inquisition in Spain direct the Commissioners in Bilboa to give a safe transit to the trunks and other property of Challoner, although they contain certain forbidden books and other articles.—Madrid, 27 Jan. 1562. Signed: Dr. Ardreas Perez, and three others.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Copy of the Inquisitors' first letter. Span. Pp. 2.
Jan. 28. 849. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. The bearer, William Crancston, D.D. of this university (a Scotchman), repairs into Scotland through England with the Queen of Scots' letter to the Queen for his passport through England, for obtaining which he has desired the writer to recommend the same to Cecil by his letter. He also says that the Secretary of Scotland has written to him [Cecil] in his favour. He is honest and conformable to the cause of religion. Thinks he could be contented to accept the formula of religion used in England.
2. Herewith he sends the edict agreed upon at the last assembly, and afterwards by the King, Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, and the Privy Council. It was ordered to be printed; but was rejected by the plurality of voices in the Court of Parliament of Paris, because it seemed by it that the King received into his protection the Protestants and tolerated their religion, so Cecil must not take it as an authorized ordinance, it remaining yet unpublished, and no man is to sell or give forth the edict under pain of confiscation of his goods. The Protestant ministers do not allow the conditions of the edict for their particular, nor the terms used in the same, calling their doctrine the new religion.
3. M. De Foix intends to leave Paris for England about the 31st inst. The bruit still continues of the Duke of Guise repairing to the Court at Shrovetide. At the despatch hereof, Montignac, the Queen of Scots' ecuier, had not returned from Lorraine to this town or Court. Hears that the Cardinal of Lorraine intends to repair to his bishopric at Metz, where it is said he will travail to accord the learned men of Germany in such sort as not only France, but all countries of Europe, may be contented to receive the formula of religion which will be there agreed upon. He knows not how the Bishop of Rome's authority will be limited in this matter. Others say religion is not only the Cardinal's intent, but also to make alliances with the Princes of Germany by marriage with the daughter of Lorraine and the Prince of Joinville, his brother's son.
4. The Prince of Spain (having recovered from his quartan) will this summer repair to Flanders by sea; he has refused to marry his aunt, the Queen of Portugal. The chief cause of his repair to the Low Countries is to retain the same in the Romish religion, great numbers being already converted, and more are inclined to follow. The Prince of Orange and the Count of Egmont begin to lean towards the Protestants under their charge; one being won by the Conté Palatine (whose sister he married), the other by his wife, Duke Maurice's daughter. Desires Cecil to communicate these advertisements to the Queen, with the edict. He sent by Barnesbye (Lord Robert Dudley's man) on the 26th Jan., a letter in answer to Cecil's of the 8th inst. Dr. Baldwyne sends a letter here inclosed to the Bishop of Salisbury, which when Cecil has read he may send.—Paris, 28 Jan. 1561. Signed.
5. P. S.—M. De Morette has by advertisements from thence to the Cardinal of Ferrara, to the Duke of Savoy's Ambassador in this Court (the Bishop of Toulon), and to other friends, so commended the Queen and her proceedings, that he deserves to be courteously used there.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Jan. 28. 850. The Lord James to Cecil.
Writes partly to refresh the memory of their happy acquaintance, and partly with his desire for the continuance of the amity between their Sovereigns. Esteems it to be the surest means to promote throughout the whole isle true religion. Writes thus that Cecil may enter into some discourse with himself of the good and evil, best and worst, of this matter.—Linlithgow, 28 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 28. 851. The Earl of Arran to Randolph.
Thanks him for his pains. If the French news be so communed as Randolph says, he is sure that they will have some of them. Asks if it is true that the Earl of Lennox and his lady are put in ward. His father is desirous to see his brother, who is a pledge in England.—Hamilton, 28 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 29. 852. Maitland to the Queen.
1. Has received his letter of the 15th inst. by the Lord of St. Colme, and still looks for the Queen of England's answer to the last letter of his mistress. Whereas Cecil thinks that the first motion of the meeting should come from them, his mistress is so transported with affection that she respects nothing so as she may meet with her cousin. She is more bent on it than her counsellers dare advise, having respect to the sequel. It is comfortable to all if it can be brought to a good end, but if it fall out amiss it is like to dissolve the mutual good intelligence, and greatly discredit all its chief promoters. Cecil can judge what her counsellors should advise her. If they were assured that the meeting would produce such good fruit, every one would labour to further it; but if the accord is always to hang in suspense, having no further assurance, they will forbear to deal so frankly in it. Prays Cecil that the two Queens may write plainly to one another (as his mistress has begun), or else with their knowledge they may do so themselves. His mistress loves the Queen of England so entirely that she will stick at no ceremonies in order to see her.
2. Complains that Cecil writes always in parables, or at least in brief and dark sentences. He has experience of Lethington's simplicity. "Davus sum, non Ædipus." Offers frankness on his own part, and wishes to find the counterpart in Cecil. Was once determined to have complained to the Queen of England that though she was pleased that their conference by letters should put in towardness this affair, yet Cecil forbears to deal liberally with him. Prays him to continue to write, as he would rather have to guess at dark letters than have none.
3. Cecil having found such strangeness in the Lord of St. Colm touching the interview, that he began to doubt that either he had advice from France to alter that purpose, or else is otherwise affected himself; the writer assures him that it is not so. Those of France will never dissuade her from embracing the amity of England, as far as may stand with the security of her own State. Considering of what wit they are, they are worthy to be retained in friendship. He need not fear that either French or Scots will trouble the purpose intended. Thanks him for the commodity for carrying his mistress's packets, the letters shall contain nothing noisfull to his conceit as he wrote. Sends his commendations to the Lord Robert and the Earl of Pembroke.—Linlithgow, 29 Jan. 1561. Signed.
4. P. S.—Desires that the enclosed packet may be forwarded through the Ambassador in France to the Queen's uncles.
Orig. Pp. 4.
Jan. 29. 853. Throckmorton to L'Aubespine.
Encloses a memoir by which the Queen Mother may see the reasons which induce him to refuse M. De Courtenay as a sufficient hostage.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 30. 854. L'Aubespine to Throckmorton.
Has shown to the Queen Mother Throckmorton's reasons for refusing M. De Courtenay as hostage. She will choose another in his stead.—St Germain-en-Laye, 30 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 30. 855. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Of this Queen's affection to Her Majesty either it was never greater towards any, or else it is the deepest dissembled and covered that ever was. Besides her good words and writings, her doings (as of late her charge to the Wardens on the Borders) testify the same, for she addressed her letters to the Laird of Cessford to give Lord Grey justice for five horses that he lost. Travails with those nearest about her to know her disposition; her meaning is as she speaks and writes. Of late being informed that Lord Grey had sent hither for a physician, she sent her own; and the writer being absent from the Court on Twelfth Day because he was sick, she sent to him her physician also. Reports this to him and awaits the sequel. Lethington sent him Elizabeth's letter to this Queen, and also Cecil's letter to himself, and asked him what he had heard of the Earl of Lennox, of whom it was reported that he was sent for to Court. He answered that he had gone up of his own accord immediately upon the apprehension of Lockard, the young Laird of Bar. There is neither great account made of him nor will any part of his advice be followed unless it shall stand with the Queen's pleasure. As for the Lord Darnley, he believes that she will never match herself again with any of his age. St. Colm would have it believed that it is better with the Duke of Guise and the Cardinal than any man can persuade himself, and speaks much of the Council's favour towards them. He also reports that the Cardinal has persuaded this Queen to embrace the religion of England. Many wish it to be true, others think them so far from the mark that they say as good never a whit as never the better. Will have further occasion to write hereof by reason of some purposes that he had with Knox and other ministers, who are as wilful as learned. Never knew greater desire than there is here, in the best and wisest, to see the Lord Robert preferred to the highest seat of honour.
2. On the 17th inst. (the third day after the Queen's arrival at Linlithgow) there came the Earl of Arran from Kenele to present his duty. He was received by the Queen with a kiss at meeting and parting; he made three requests, which were all accorded unto; first, to be free of all cumber for intermeddling with the bishoprics of St. Andrews and Dunfermline; next, to have his father released of the payment of 6,000 pounds Scots, which was levied of the Queen's rents at the time that the Ambassadors came into England; third, that the Queen would make him some state of living that he might better serve her. They look for him shortly at the Court. The next morning he departed towards Hamilton. He and his father will be at the Lord James's marriage. The Duke is very desirous to have his son at home. Wrote to the Earl of Arran that the Lord Claude should give thanks presently to the Queen. The Duke purposes shortly, if answer come not to his letter, to send a servant to Cecil It is said commonly with no great sorrow that the Marquis. shortly departs into France through England.
3. This night the Queen arrived from Linlithgow. Upon Sunday last she purposed to have been at Cumbernauld, a house of Lord Fleming, and there to have remained two days. Upon Monday the whole hall fell down, and of eight men being in it seven were slain; the Earl of Athol, Lord Semple and others, being at their pastime in the fields, had departed out of the house two hours before. It is now thought upon again who should be sent from this Queen to attend upon Her Majesty for the better continuance of intelligence with her. David Forrest is the likeliest, he is restored again to his office. "There is with the Queen one called Mr. George Buchanan, a Scottish man very well learned, who was schoolmaster to M. De Brisac's son, very godly and honest, whom I have always judged fitter than any other that I know." Divers of the Popish Bishops have refused to bring in their rentals on the day appointed, which was the 24th inst., wherefore proclamation is made that whosoever fails between this and the 10th prox. shall be put unto the horn. Has received a letter from the Lords of the Council, alleging the cause why answer has not yet come for their resolution upon such articles as were agreed upon between the Lord James and Lord Grey at Kelso. Touching Lord Dacres, it is greatly to be desired that their Honours' minds might be known, that the Master of Maxwell might some way be satisfied. Has grown almost to a point with James Macconel for the release of Butshead.—Edinburgh, 30 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.
Jan. 30. 856. John Willock to Randolph.
These fourteen days past they had a great convention of the Irish to agree James Macconell and Mac Lean, but they are parted without any like of agreement, so as the Earl of Argyll's friends think to travail with the Queen of England, that he have no place of refuge of that side. He and his have slain of late thirty persons in their houses, and further mischief is begun, they having departed in anger. Thanks him for his book. Is sorry that the Laird of Bar's son has so unwisely used himself. Minds to see Randolph shortly.— Glasgow, 30 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Pp. 2.
Jan. 31. 857. Advices from Danske.
1. Divers ships from Denmark came three days ago. They bring us answers how Hamburg and other towns stood with the King of Denmark; but that the Rhinegrave, who was in Scotland during the Scotch and French wars, had been to the King of Denmark as Ambassador from the King of France, and had left for France. What his message is is unknown. Seman Wollez, a Dutchman, is here from Sweden; he is servant to the King, from whom he has 800 dollars yearly. He was in company with those who came from Denmark, who say that he told them that the King of Sweden had given over his English voyage, and what money he has in England will be employed in English cloth. The writer knows him to be both witty and wise, and all too wise to show what he knows of the matter, and therefore he does not believe it. "Yesterday came out of Leefeland Duke Mangrove's marshal. I say the King of Denmark's brother's marshal, who is in Leefeland a Bishop and in Iceland." He says the Muscovite has taken a castle of the Hofmaster's in Leefeland, and will shortly besiege Rye. "The King of Powll [Poland] is in case much like King John of England, but his Lords are not Papists like his were; also as are now the Hamburgers and other towns by the King of Denmark." The King will have the whole river of the Elbe for himself, and builds two blockhouses before their noses, and will receive customs of all goods taken in and out, and will have of them "five barrels of gold, and would that Hamburg stand upon botes for him both day and night."
2. The Rhinegrave is once again on his way from France to Denmark; he was at Rostock (fn. 3) fourteen days past. It is thought to be a bond with the King of Denmark against the King of Spain. If the King of Denmark can have his will against them of Hamburg, then let the Netherlands, Holland, Zealand, Brabant, and England take heed in time of dearth of corn; for therewith the King of Denmark can overcome all of them; of which the writer (who is a natural Englishman) wills that the Council be informed. Seman Wollez has been with the Emperor, and will shortly thither again concerning a marriage between the Emperor's daughter and the King of Sweden. Has no perfect tidings from Leefeland; "nor out of the Mosco;" but no wares came out of the Mosko into Leefeland nor Lettsland.
Orig. Endd.: Ult. Jan. 1561. Pp. 4.
[Jan. 858. Throckmorton to Lord —.
Has received his letter of the 20th of January, with counsel for his conduct in his peculiar estate. As it is looked for at his hands to have knowledge of all things from hence, so that he cannot use the frugality of a thrifty man, will not be able to return with his purse full of money as his Lordship did; however he served the father, and Throckmorton the daughter. Besides that, he cannot do as he would at home. His wife so little likes the French that she will excuse herself from learning the language.
Orig. [?] Much mutilated and in a very fragile condition. P. 1.


  • 1. In the margin it is stated that this is granted.
  • 2. It is stated in the margin that they have lately conformed themselves.
  • 3. This word is written upon a blank space.