Elizabeth: February 1562, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: February 1562, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp515-524 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1562, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp515-524.

"Elizabeth: February 1562, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp515-524.

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February 1562, 1-15

Feb. 1. 859. Lord Gray to Cecil.
Received notice from Lord Rutland of people suspecting that money would fall, and they assured him that no such matter is purposed, wherefore he writes to Cecil that no suspicion thereof has not yet come here. They are in good quiet of that, and all other things necessary for the garrison and fortifications. Has lately caused the soldiers here to take money passing into Scotland, and have so interrupted sums amounting to 7,000l. English, amongst which is Scots money, about which he asks whether that, as well as the rest of foreign gold, of less value than 40s. English, (as pistolets and French crowns,) is to be forfeited.—Berwick, 1 Feb. 1561. (fn. 1) Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 2. 860. The Queen to the Mayor of Newcastle.
Lord Claude Hamilton, one of the sons of the Duke of Châtellerault, James Connyngam, son to the Earl of Glencarn, Mr. Archibald Reven, Lord Reven's son, Mr. Douglass, brother to Earl James of Scotland, Mr. George Grayme, the Earl of Montethe's son, and Archibald Campbel, cousin to the Earl of Argyll, having lain at Newcastle for some time as hostages for matters now performed, are to be set at liberty; for which purpose she sends herewith her passport.
Draft. Stained by damp and slightly imperfect. Endd.: 2 Feb. 1561. Pp. 3.
Feb. 2. 861. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Received his letters of the 23rd. ult., together with the licence to go to York, where he intends to be about the 18th inst. Perceives that he has been ill used in the conveying of his letters, of which he has divers times complained, but without redress. Trusts Capell has declared what has been committed to him.—Berwick, 2 Feb. 1561. Signed.
2. P. S.—Received this day a great packet of letters from the Queen of Scots, with a letter charging him to send them to the Queen, but having been so ill handled by the posts, dared not adventure them in their hands, so has sent them by his own servant to the Court.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary.
Feb. 2. 862. Chamberlain to John Frampton.
At his leave taking of the King the writer desired him to grant his schedules to his officers there of the confiscates arising from the Inquisition, commanding Frampton's creditor's goods to be restored without further process, and also to set him at liberty, which the King granted him. Has at present received but one schedule, which is enclosed, for Frampton's release, which he would do well to let Mr. Tipton deliver and follow the execution thereof. The other schedule for his creditor's goods he will send hereafter. If these are not obeyed, and he has further need, the writer has recommended the matter unto the Ambassador, his successor. Advises him when he is at liberty not to tarry in Spain or Portugal, for if he is accused hereafter of anything, although false, he is but a dead man. If he fears his creditors in England, he is to go to Chamberlain, who will keep him out of their danger.—Madrid, 2 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 3. 863. The Queen Mother to Throckmorton.
Since writing to him she has taken pains to ascertain the amount of the debts owing by the Sieur De Courtenay, which do not exceed 6,000 francs at the most. She hopes that Throckmorton's objections will now be removed.— S. Germain-en-Laye, 3 Feb. 1561. Signed: Caterine,—De l'Aubespine.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 3. 864. Maitland to Cecil.
The Marquis D'Elbœuf has desired him to write to Cecil for a passport and commission for post horses, for his passage through England with 25 persons with him. Would be sorry that his journey should be retarded or hindered. Next to the principal matter, he wishes nothing more earnestly than his prosperous journey with speed.—Edinburgh, 3 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 3. 865. Ships seized by Spain.
Certain English ships having been arrested at Seville by Captain Pero Morrendez on their voyage from the Indies, King Philip hereby orders that the same should be set at liberty and permitted to depart.—Madrid, 3 Feb. 1562. Signed, and countersigned: Franc. Erasso.
Copy. Span. P. 1.
Feb. 3. 866. King Philip to Pero Menendez.
The Ambassador of the Queen of England having informed him of the seizure of certain English ships at Seville on their homeward voyage from the Indies, Menendez is required to set the same, with their cargo, etc., at liberty.— Madrid, 3 Feb. 1562. Signed and countersigned: Franc. De Eraso.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Copy of the King's cedullis for the despatch of the Bristol and Barnstable ships. Span. Pp. 2.
Feb. 3. 867. [Throckmorton] to the Cardinal of Ferrara.
Has received the Cardinal's letter from the Abbot of Salerno, and understands by it his goodwill towards the Queen and himself. M. De Morette on his return will be able to state whether the writer has faithfully reported to his mistress the amiable discourse which the Cardinal held with the bearer of this letter, Throckmorton's relative [Francis Petowe].
Copy. Endd.: The copy of my letter to the Cardinal of Ferrara, 3 Feb. 1561. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 4. 868. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Writes at the request of D'Elbœuf and Lethington for a passport for the former through England to France, where his wife is like to die. His desire is so great to be there, and they are so well content to let him depart, that they hope he may have it within fourteen days. Incloses a letter, whereof Cecil shall have further knowledge when he has spoken with the Earl of Argyll.
2. There departed lately out of Leith a pirate towards Emden, as is said; some of Newcastle are suspected to have furnished him. The captain's name is Smith. It is inhibited that any hides be transported out of the country for three years. There comes great store of leather out of England. There is great means made for English money, and he does not know how it may be remedied. The Apology is very well liked. Has caused one to be given to the Bishop of Ross, and purposes to send another to the Bishop of St. Andrews, not to do them good, for he knows that is impossible; but to heap mischief upon their heads.—Edinburgh, 4 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3,
Feb. 5. 869. [Windebank to Cecil.]
The surest way of sending money will be by a bill of exchange, but if in the meantime they receive any money, the writer will not put it into effect.—Paris, 5 Feb.
Draft, imperfect at beginning. Four lines of poetry on the back. Pp. 2.
Feb. 5. 870. Throckmorton to De l'Aubespine.
Having already informed the Queen that the Queen Mother had decided upon not sending M. De Courtenay, the writer cannot now accept him as a hostage.—Paris, 5 Feb. 1561.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 6. 871. The Queen to the Merchant Adventurers.
1. Has commanded the Lord Treasurer to deliver to them by way of reward the sum of 500 marks, to be divided equally amongst them for their relief, in case the forbearing of their money at the time of payment has been a hindrance to them.
2. Appended is the draft of a warrant for 333l. 6s. 8d. to be employed as above.
Draft, corrected by Cecil, and the warrant in his hol. Endd.: 6 Feb. 1561. Pp. 3.
Feb. 7. 872. Throckmorton to the Queen.
M. De Foix (brother to the Count of Carmaing in Languedoc, and cousin to the Queen of Navarre,) making his repair to England to reside there as Ambassador from this King, has requested the writer's letters. Foix seems inclined to maintain amity betwixt both Sovereigns. The Queen of Navarre lately wrote to the Queen by him [De Foix], and would have been glad to have received a similar kindness from her, either by letter or otherwise, at his return. Hopes she will use good words to the Ambassador at his access unto her, for that the Queen of Navarre is well affected unto her. Lately there have been many dinings together, and interviews between De Foix and him. He is accompanied by a young gentleman of the Low Countries, named Charles Utenhovius, who is esteemed here very learned, especially for his knowledge of Greek; and who, being lately in England with De Foix, presented some Latin verses to the Queen in commendation of her, and did the like to the Queen of Scotland, who presented him with a chain of [the value of] twenty pounds. Some reward to him would not be ill disposed.—Paris, 7 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 7. 873. N. Stopio to Mason.
Sends news as usual, together with a pasquil from Rome about the affairs of Petigliano. Bishops are arriving every week at the Council, chiefly from Spain. They will treat first of all about the catalogue of books.—Venice, 7 Feb. 1562. Signed: N. St.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: 6 Dec. 1561. Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 8. 874. Intelligences from Italy.
1. Milan, 4 Feb. 1562. Last night arrived the Duke of Savoy and the Marquis of Pescara.
2. Rome, 8 Feb. 1562. Last Saturday the Cardinal of Pisa was discharged from the castle. The Pope has decreed that all priests shall wear their proper dress. The Cardinal De Cesis is too ill to accompany Cardinal Gaddi. Cæsar Gonzaga gave a sumptuous banquet last Thursday, with various entertainments. The niece of the Cardinal of Vercelli (sister to the Abbot Ferreto) is married to a Roman gentleman of the house of Buffalini. The Duke of Florence has sent his secretary, Concino, to the Pope, upon the business of Petigliano. Others say that his object is to induce His Holiness to make certain Cardinals at the Duke's devotion. Three ships have been wrecked off Sardinia (one Ragusan and two Portuguese), laden with sugar and spices; only seven or eight persons escaped.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 9. 875. The Queen to the [Lord Treasurer].
He shall receive 24,440l. from Gresham, who is to be allowed out of the said money his charges by way of exchange and interest for the sum of 5,000l. procured by him last summer.
Corrected draft. Endd: 9 Feb. 1561. Pp. 2.
Feb. 9. 876. The Queen to Gresham.
He having lately borrowed of sundry merchants in London 24,440l. sterling upon his own credit, whereof 22,840l. was to be repaid in six months and the residue in twelve months, he is to deliver the same into the Receipt of the Exchequer, taking a bill of the Lord Treasurer, testifying the receipt thereof. She will pay before the last of July next the first sum, and before the last of January following the residue; he is to be paid for the exchange and re-exchange on 5,000l. taken up by him last summer out of the said sum of 24,440l. and of the interest thereupon, which is as yet unpaid to him.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Feb. 9. 877. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Does not repeat what he has said in their joint letter to the Queen, but expresses to Cecil the state of his case. This journey has been to him the most painful he ever found, namely, coming into New Spain (now not Old Spain,) both for ill stoney ways of the mountains and miry ways of the plain country, and also for the worse fare and lodging, such as in eight weeks journey, for want of his own things he came not three times "in naked bed," almost famished for want of bread to his taste, until he came to Madrid, where, until Chamberlain left, he could only get but one sorry chamber for his lodging. The servants which came with him in post are at a village three leagues distant, and to this misery is to be added the want of his stuff, which he sent from London to Plymouth three weeks before his departure, esteeming well (though he was chidden for tarrying) that he would come hither to find neither men, apparel, plate, linen, or other stuff to serve his turn at need. In respect of the Queen's service, he made all the diligence he could, yet it would have been better to his poor purse to have tarried, and had his implements either before or with him, seeing the want thereof has cost him 800 ducats, which he might have saved at his entry into this service, besides other charges. His diets will not bear at the prices here, for all kinds of victuals are double, treble, or quadruple the price they are in England. If he keeps but a dozen servants, their wages, liveries, and clothing will cost him above 600 ducats per annum, besides lodging and bedding, which amounts to thirty-eight ducats a month. The dearth of things here is such that he knows not how to deal, and that his predecessor has felt, being at his departure unpaid of his diets since last June, and was fain to borrow upon Mr. Gresham's credit at a large interest.
2. He makes already reckoning to sell a piece of land towards maintaining these charges, whereby his living of inheritance shall be diminished, to redub the want of the same. He pays to the Queen for the fee farm of Gisburgh 115l. per annum, and he would redeem either 100l. or else 80l. per annum, parcel of the same, by annuity during his life, and in recompence to pay the Queen five years' purchase. If she grant this suit he will give her for 80l. annuity at Gisburgh during his life, 500 marks ready money, and present her with two fair jennets from hence that shall be worth 300 ducats apiece, or for 100l. per annum 400 marks ready money, and the said jennets. He has willed his brother Farnham to prosecute this matter unto Cecil.
3. Reports matter concerning Sir Richard Shelley which he cannot affirm for certain. Some time before the writer came hither Shelley left here for Malta, as appears by a letter to the writer, a copy whereof is enclosed. Yesterday Shelley returned to this Court, and it is said in the Conte De Feria's house that the King intends to send him in embassade to the Sophi with the entertainment of 10,000 ducats ("a jolly round sum") per annum for his diets. The King in his letters to Shelley, endorsed it "a tal . N., gran prior d'Inghilterra," which, if he admits to be called so, the writer will inform Cecil.
4. "Mrs. Clarentius determineth shortly, as she saith, to repair into England, first to Flanders. It skilleth not for her, good old woman, where she make an end of her days." There is a report that the Count De Feria shall be made Viceroy of Navarre; others say of Naples. His usage to the writer's predecessor has been very friendly, as likewise in any suits of English merchants. If Cecil is pestered with attendants at home, so is Erazzo here. Lately the King gave him a confiscation of a merchant's goods after the rate of ten cuentos, which is 10,000 marks, esteemed the treble in true value.
5. The Duke of Alva bears the principal part of any Councillor about the King; he seems well affectioned towards the Queen. Chamberlain returns so well instructed that for the present he refers the rest to his declaration.—Madrid, 9 Feb. 1562.
6. P. S.—Desires Cecil's advice concerning this troublesome matter of these inquisitive inquisitors. Always wrote to Cecil from Flanders what he should find here. Sends a copy of the petition he exhibited to the King in that behalf.
Copy, in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 8.
Feb. 9. 878. Challoner to Mason.
He desires Mason, if he has incurred, or may hereafter incur, any misliking at home, to inform him thereof, so that he may redub the fault as well as he can. Chamberlain is on his way homeward, but journeying by waggon. Mason will not see him this six or seven weeks. There has not been so much rain in Spain for twenty years. "Spain, quoth he? nay, rather pain." Mason shall understand by Chamberlain what he has found and felt here. Seven years in Flanders is less penalty than seven months here, "which maketh one aforehand knock't in the head." Remembers Mason was once of opinion that the Queen did not need her Ambassador here so much as in Flanders; wishes that he and others were of the same opinion now. King Henry VIII. in distant parts oft used the services of Italians, or other strangers, for his ambassadors. In Spain, as things now stand, perchance it might pass; at least no deformity for disliking about matters of religion should trouble the one part or the other. "Though I could conform myself to all tolerable things, reserving my opinion to myself, yet ye know our statute censures at home, of the which, as long as our lawyers be censors, if they say the camel hath horns, what remedy? Ye know the fresh example at home not as yet fully remitted to some that lie for weight and fashion. Remember how your own well meaning, authorized by such setters on, was not so well taken in King Henry's time. I assure you this case nippeth him that would do the best to please both sides, and yet must rather have regard to the gold than to one course at the base. I crave your opinion herein, if ye so vouchsafe; or rather, that ye procure I may have it from the Board." "Littera scripta manet, transitque volatile verbum." Sends commendations to "all the troop of good fellows at home, where they sit warmest and merriest at your table."—9 Feb. 1561.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
[Feb. 10.] 879. The Marquis of Winchester to Cecil.
1. Made an offer to [Sir Robert] Grey's man for the barony of Norham, account whereof is enclosed. He asked the writer 3l. more for the Bailiff's fee, which is no matter to stay upon. Told the servant that if his master refused this order, the Queen had commanded the writer to take the barony as forfeited, upon breach of his covenants; which matter Cecil is to remember to the Queen.
2. The country will never come to any order unless the enclosure and the repairs at Norham, Wark, and Harbotell March are proceeded with. Encloses a valuation of the barony of Wark, which with Leirmouth and Mindrom amounts to 52l. 10s. 2d. per annum.—Shrove Tuesday.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 10. 880. The Cardinal of Ferrara to Guido Cavalcanti.
Will Cavalcanti take charge of certain matters which the writer is anxious to transact with the Queen? His house, and he himself more especially, hold her in the greatest respect.— St. Germain, 10 Feb. 1562. Signed: Hip. Card. Di Ferrara.
Orig., with seal. Add.: To Cavalcanti, in London. Endd.: 10 Feb. 1561.
Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 10. 881. M. Moretta to the Queen.
His mistress and her infant son are well. Thanks the Queen for the beautiful present she has sent him, and professes his devotion. By her permission he informed the Cardinal of Ferrara that she had desired her Ambassador here to call upon his Excellency, but the Ambassador has been prevented hitherto from so doing. Trusts he will do so soon, so as to silence the reports which have arisen in consequence of his delay.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 10 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 10 Feb. 1562. Ital. Pp. 3.
Feb. 12. 882. The Earl of Argyll to Cecil.
1. Has been informed by Randolph of Shane O'Neale's submission, of which he is heartily glad. Because the Calwach O'Donnel and his wife (who was sometime wife to the Earl's father) are held as prisoners by the said Shane O'Neale, notwithstanding that the said Calwach has always been a good subject to the Queen of England; he desires Cecil to find means that they may be put at liberty.—Holyrood House, 12 Feb. 1561. Signed.
2. P. S.—Looks for Cecil's answer.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 12. 883. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has received his letter of the last of Jan. with two packets unto the Queen. What judgment soever Cecil has that the interview of the two Queens will grow cold except it come hotter from hence, either by this time he is resolved how earnestly Queen Mary desires it, or else he must help their judgment that are almost at their wits' end to know how it may be brought to pass. His letters to Lethington are earnestly looked for. For procuring the sentences of divorce which Cecil writes of, he will use the best means he can; but the Clerk of the Register has them, with whom he is not very "sibbe." It is not lamented of any that the Earl of Lennox is prisoner, as he deserves as well here as where he is. It is yet unknown to many who are very near the Queen that he had any servant at Stirling. His friends have little hope that he or his shall get great good in Scotland. The more blame he has unto Lord James, the less likelihood has he ever to do any good at this Queen's hands.
2. The bearer can report what he has heard and seen at this notable marriage of the Earl of Mar. Upon Shrove Tuesday, at night, as he was sitting amongst the Lords at supper, in the sight of the Queen, she drank unto the Queen of England and sent him the cup of gold weighing eighteen or twenty ounces. After supper she uttered in many affectionate words her desire for perpetual kindness with the Queen, and talked long with the writer thereof in the hearing of the Duke and the Earl of Huntley. Things here remain in their wonted sort. The Papists mistrust greatly the meeting; the Protestants as greatly desire it. The preachers are more vehement than discreet or learned. The little bruit that the Queen is advised by the Cardinal to embrace the religion of England makes them run almost wild, of which they say and preach that it is little better than at the worst. Must shortly confer with Knox upon these matters, who last Sunday gave the cross and candle such a wipe that as wise and learned as himself wished him to have held his peace. He recompensed the same with a marvellous vehemence, and "persing" [piercing] prayer in the end of his sermon, for the continuance of amity and hearty love with England. The Earl of Arran came to this feast, "and upon the day of marriage showed to the Queen both at dinner and supper." The next day he fell sick, and so continued the whole time of the triumph; some say it was as much of misliking as of any other disease. Hitherto has had little conference with his Lordship. Fears that they shall grow over strange, for such as have been so well acquainted. "Nemo lœditur nisi a seipso." He has sent into France Captain Forbes." "The Queen nor none about her were privy to it," before he was embarked, which she was right angry at. Buttancourt will shortly depart towards France through England, and the Marquis attends only his passport. They are well enough content that he shall go. It is proposed by this Queen to send to the Queen's Majesty a fair ring with a diamond made like a heart.—Edinburgh, 12 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Feb. 14.
Labanoff, i. 129.
884. Queen Mary to the Queen.
Desires a safe-conduct for Luke Wilson, a merchant of Edinburgh, to pass either by land or by sea in vessels not larger than 100 tons.—Edinburgh, 14 Feb. 20 Mariæ. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Feb. 14. 885. Windebank to Cecil.
The merchant of whom they should have received the 200 crowns has not yet come to Paris; the writer therefore begs Cecil to take order for their money. They have as yet enough to furnish their ordinary charges until March 14. The bearer Rogers, (one of Throckmorton's servants, and kin to Mr. Rogers, that was surveyor of Calais,) desires that his charges may be allowed him.—Paris, 14 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Feb. 14. 886. Draft of the above, in Windebank's hol.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 14. 887. The Queen's Debts in Flanders.
An account of "money taken up at Antwerp to be paid at London in March and April," since 14 Feb. 1561. Total, 5,760l. 11s. Signed by Ric. Clough.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 14. 888. Spanish Bond.
Bond of Fernandez Farina for the payment of fifty reals due to William Fayr, Englishman, for money lent in 1561.— Toledo, 14 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Span. P. 1.
Feb. 15. 889. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. On his journey to York he met with Cecil's letters and a packet to Mr. Randolph, which he has sent him safely and speedily, as Cecil required. Lord Gray of Scotland, accompanied by three or four of the writer's servants, is on his way to London, where the writer's son will receive him. Would be loath that any dealing with Lord Gray during his imprisonment should offend his friends in the other realm, wherein he asks him to advise his son. The writer's conscience is a little scrupulous in the matter of imprisonment, because he was hardly dealt with in his captivity. Would gladly comply with his request touching the naming of his successor, whom, for Cecil's sake, he will assist with his advice.—Berwick, 15 Feb. 1561.
2. P. S.—Asks him to be favourable to Thomas Clerick.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 15. 890. N. Stopio to Mason.
Wrote as usual last Saturday, since which he has received Mason's letters of 13th Jan. Considerable delay having occurred in the transmission of the money sent by Mason, the better plan will be to send the payment for the next six months through Sebastian Rizzio. Yesterday letters arrived from Constantinople, of 17th, 18th, and 22nd Jan. It was not certain, though highly probable, that the Turk was dead. —Venice, 14 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: Advertisements. Ital. Pp. 2.


  • 1. A note on the address mentions that this letter was despatched from Berwick on 2 Feb. at 4 o'clock, p.m.