Elizabeth: January 1562, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: January 1562, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp486-500 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1562, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp486-500.

"Elizabeth: January 1562, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp486-500.

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January 1562, 11-20

Jan. 12. 794. Cecil to Windebank.
Means to send, by his next, a bill for 200 crowns. Asks for Windebank's opinion as to remaining abroad till next spring, and at what charges. Would be grieved if his son returned with but little knowledge of France. Wishes that he should know the estates and families of the nobility of the realm, in which matter the writer has been diligent. "I would have him acquainted with some herald, to understand the principal families, and their alliances."—Westminster, 12 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Windebank. Pp. 2.
Jan. 12. 795. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Perceives by Cecil's letter of the 3rd inst. that Dacre's opinion seems allowable to the Council, touching the ancient disorder of quitting and filing by assize being continued. Thinks it altogether inconvenient towards the true subjects, and a maintaining of thieves to steal. Encloses a schedule in which that article is made plainer. The honour of the Prince should be preferred to any man's ease. Lord Dacre may disagree herein, but Cecil knows that for the continuance of quiet it is needful to look further than themselves. Asks him to forget no longer to send a licence for him [Grey] to ride to York.—Berwick, 12 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
[Jan. 12.] 796. Border Disputes.
The schedule referred to in the above letter, consisting of:
1. Considerations for quitting and filing bills.
2. For quitting and filing bills of assize, according to the ancient custom.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 13. 797. The Queen to Throckmorton.
Montignac, a servant of the Queen of Scots, brought letters this day to the Queen, from her, wherein she declares that she sends the bearer into France with letters to her uncles, the Duke of Guise, and others, to know of their estate, doubting what she hears that the Duke should be at the Court on the 15th inst. She has also requested the Queen to will him [Throckmorton] to confer with the bearer, or the Duke, if need be. Hereupon the Queen, to gratify her request, wills him to confer with Montignac and give him his advice for furthering the causes of the Queen of Scots, or her uncles. Throckmorton (fn. 1) is to forbear to confer with the Duke in any secret manner, for avoiding jealousy, and yet to let him know that the Queen wishes to gratify him and the rest of the house of Guise. Of the occurrences thereof she desires to be informed by his next letters.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 14.
Keith, ii. 136.
798. The Queen to Queen Mary. (fn. 2)
The bearer, St. Colme, on his coming from France, understanding by Montignac how long she had been expecting to hear of his return, desired to pass towards her. Has had no leisure to answer her letters received yesterday by Montignac, touching the negociation of Sir Peter Mewtas with her; nor can she presently send her portrait to her, which she required, as the party who should have drawn it, is sick. These things shall be sent as soon as they can be despatched. Thanks for another private letter, and has, according to the request therein, given Montignac special letters to her Ambassador in France.—14 Jan. 1561.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 14. 799. Lord Gray to the Privy Council.
1. The Treasurer here, Browne, having resolved that the horsemen and footmen of the great retinue should be fully paid to last Midsummer (as the sum would not pay the bands), offered to the constables and companies of the old garrison to receive their pay, but they refused it. The writer and Council here thought this should be sharply punished. Having retained them in ward twenty days, they all stand discharged of their rooms, and more especially the ringleaders, Robert Storye, Raph Lordesman, and Clement Carston. Is about to send his servant, Capell, to the Court, who will meet Lord Dacre's man.—Berwick, 14 Jan. 1561. Signed.
2. P. S.—Asks Cecil to forget no longer the writer's business to York.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 14. 800. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Since he wrote that Forbes might be had whenever Cecil pleased, the writer has received letters from Scotch noblemen and Mr. Randolph, offering to be the means of his being preferred into the service of some gentleman about the Court. Wherefore he writes to his friends in the south parts to receive Forbes, where Cecil can have him whenever he pleases. —Berwick 14 Jan. 1561. Signed.
2. P. S.—Asks for his licence for York.
Orig. P. 1.
Jan. 15. 801. Maitland to Cecil.
1. Cecil mentions in his letter of the 3rd instant the receipt of the writer's letter, but gives no special advice what answer should be given to that of the Queen of England. How is the answer taken of which he wrote him by Montaignac? If it is disliked, the fault is the writer's, who meant well to his mistress, whose intentions are always just and sincere. His desire is to see their Majesties joined in friendship. This makes him hazard more than his best friends require. The matter between them is such that he advises his mistress therein himself, there being none with whom he dare confer, except the Lord James; for some who have received the greatest benefits from England have not much desire to see friendship between their Majesties. Cecil is offended that in such a matter the writer should have him write. When he was last with the Queen of England, he understood her to mean that for greater secresy he and Cecil should write freely to each other with the knowledge of both Sovereigns. On his return home he declared the same to his mistress, who said it was good; and by her will he continued the trade, which has made him bold to crave his [Cecil's] advice, and to write as plain as he does. Their scope is the same, the union of this isle, so they should not deal like strangers seeking to take some advantage. Asks him to write plainly what he would have spoken or done by them here, and what hope he has of success; and he promises to use his writing as he shall direct. Cecil knows their demand, and how far they will go towards his; and so that the matter may be accorded, they will not stick for ceremonies. Sees that the love of the Queen of England has taken such possession of Queen Mary, that she can wish her as much honour as she could desire for herself. Unless the other point should follow upon the interview, he sees not to what purpose it can serve, but rather to hurt than good. If the interview must be the means whereby the other shall be obtained, then the writer trusts that they will spare neither letters nor ambassadors to that effect.
2. Trusts that Lennox's practices here will do no great harm, and the Queen answered him to the same effect yesternight, when he mentioned them to her. Thanks for summary of public advertisements, though not so ample as he could have wished, seeing there was nothing about France. Cecil knows there are not many things pass there but what they in time hear thereof, but it would be a singular pleasure to him if he would be the first to advertise him of the news from thence. Can resolve nothing until he receive Cecil's answer to the despatch sent by Montaignac.
3. Thanks for advice touching their Papists, which has as yet been meetly well followed; and trusts that since the Queen's arrival they have attained no great advantage, but, to be plain, they are in worse case a great deal than before.— Edinburgh, 15 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Jan. 15. 802. Randolph to Cecil.
1. In this Christmas time all men have given themselves to mirth, which in this Court has been comely and good enough. All suits ceased, and every man has given himself to that he likes best. Foreign news they have none, and their own is scarce worth the report.
2. On Sunday last the Lord John's marriage with the Earl Bothwell's sister was honoured with the Queen's presence at Creighton, with good sport and many pastimes. The next day the Queen was with the Lord Borthwick. The Lord James, notwithstanding the unkindness with the Earl about the hurting of the Laird of Ormiston, was there by the Queen's commandment. His pageant is next with the Earl Marshal's daughter. On Shrove Tuesday the marriage is to be kept in the Court. The Queen likes his wife, and his choice is to be preferred to any of the other brethren that went before him. Men wish the Queen might be the next, but where they most desire there is her fancy furthest off. In a day or two she purposes to be at Linlithgow for eight days, and here again at the Convention on the 24th inst. Then they look for the utter overthrow of the Pope's ministers, in spite of all their practices since last Convention to frustrate the decree against them. The only Lords of the Council of their party are the Earls of Huntley and Athol; the one has utterly lost his credit, and the other is able to do them no good. The Duke purposes to give the Earl of Arran a sufficient portion of his lands to maintain an honest port. Thinks the Queen will be content with that, and let him go again into France, which matter is not yet out of his head. Is assured that if he seeks it by any other means than by her advice, she will hinder it what she may, and do him besides what displeasure she can, for so it is already said. "There is one looked for unto him out of France. His counsels are too patent, and of that he will never be broken."
3. It is reported that the Scotch men at arms shall be levied again in France, to be whose chief Lord Seton makes great labour to the Queen. What pleased these people best was, that a Frenchman came through England to call the Marquis home; if it so be, it is beside his determination, as he told the writer as assuredly as though the day was appointed that he would be at the meeting of the two Queens, and also that he had sent into France for armour to run at the tilt; his running at the ring is very commendable. There are not many better than the Laird of Lethington. The Master of Maxwell is not satisfied with Lord Dacres, and has of late written again. Sends letters whereby he may perceive the Master's grief.—Edinburgh, 15 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 2.
Jan. 15. 803. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Cecil's letters came after he had written his former letter; the books and letters received therewith have been despatched as Cecil requested. Does not doubt the excellence thereof, considering by whose means it came to light, the argument so necessary as none could be fitter for the time.
2. Has conferred with Lethington about that whereof Cecil wrote, and required him to show in his writings to Cecil his desire to perpetuate this amity, and that it may appear that he so persuades his Sovereign that all suspicion of doubting on her part may be utterly set apart, and that such resolulutions be speedily taken as shall appear to have proceeded entirely from herself.
3. Finds in him a great desire to further the amity, but he alleges that the danger is so great, and the event so uncertain, that it behoves him to proceed warily therein. The felicity will be great if good comes of the meeting between the Princesses, but if the least thing frames amiss, it would be his utter ruin. He does not find such maturity of judgment in his mistress as in the writer's Sovereign; he therefore wishes to proceed therein by Cecil's advice. The writer and Lethington have disagreed herein; the latter looks for assurance in all things, but Randolph says, Audaces fortuna juvat, et non fit sine periculo facinus magum et memorabile. Thinks Lethington will write Cecil more at length hereof.
4. As Cecil likes the diminution of the Bishops and the livings of others rather than the augmentation of the Crown therewith, askes what can he say better than what he finds written, Merx meretricis, et ad meritrices reversa est? Finds it is neither done from zeal to Christ's religion nor from hatred of the vicious lives of those who had the same. If she did it from need, they themselves offered the whole, that they might enjoy much more. Does not find that all men beside the kirkmen are pleased with this. The Duke begins to groan, as he must part with seven parts of Arbroath, the Bishop of St. Andrews from as much of his livings, the Lord Claude, the Duke's son (who is in England), futurus succesor to Paisley, also the seventh, and the Abbot of Kilwinning as much, besides divers others of that race; so that many an Hamilton will shortly have to beg. Does not know whether this will make the Duke a Papist again, for now conferunt consilia, the Bishop and he.
5. The Bishops are so intolerably licentious of their lives that it was no longer to be endured, and a better way to plague them is to pluck at their livings now and then, especially by her in whom alone they trust. There is a merry tale about Cardanus, the Italian, that took upon him to cure the Bishop of St. Andrews of a disease which was judged to be incurable, by practising upon him divers strange inventions. He hung him up by the heels for certain hours in the day, to cause him to void at the mouth what nature could not otherwise expel; fed him for many days with young whelps, used him with extreme heat and cold, and before he left him "rounded" certain unknown words in his ears for six days every day, and used no medicine after. It is said that he then put a devil in him, for that since then he has been better, and that this devil was given him but for nine years, which are nearly expired, and that he must then either go to hell with his devil or fall again into his old mischief to poison the whole country with his false practices. In token of his repentance, (besides his old concubine, who was taken from her husband then,) he has had two children this year, and his devil, the writer trows, was father to one, if not both. His bastard brother, the Bishop of Argyll, has two women with child, besides his own wife. It is as shameful to speak of the Bishop of Dumblane, who spares not his own daughter. The rest are like to these.
6. The prelates and clergy offered as great a sum for one year as she has now taken for herself, but that seemed less than this Queen has presently need of, her charges being great and things extremely dear, and having been brought up in that licentious country. Those here are so accustomed to their manners that nothing is liked which is not as theirs is. For this cause the wiser sort thought it better to be bold upon the kirkmen than to take from her people, or otherwise to burden her realm.
7. Though the hostages were written for by those who sent them, yet he knows it was pressed by others that they should be demanded in haste, rather to try who favoured the country, and by their answers to form some judgment of their sincerity in other things.
8. The Laird of Lethington having made this Queen privy to Cecil's letter, the writer this day spoke to her, before she departed for Linlithgow, touching the Earl of Lennox. She said that whatever he intends she will advertise the Queen. Whereas he would persuade the two Queens not to meet, it is contrary to her will.
9. The occasion of the Lord James writing to Cecil for the Laird of Barre was in respect of the honesty of his father, who was not then suspected of the crime with which he is now worthily charged. The writer wrote also to Lord Grey and the Bishop of Durham to have him released, upon a bond to enter when he shall be called, but now there is no apparent matter to stop the suitors.
10. This Queen has written to the Queen touching the ratification of the treaty, which she thinks she has good reason to stay. Cecil's purpose touching the General Council must needs be allowed by all godly men. De Moret travailed with this Queen to have some men sent thither, who willed him to confer with Lethington, who otherwise persuaded her to the little contentment of the other. Both in that and in the matter touching favour to be borne to the Duke of Nemours, he was more wilful than reasonable.
11. Has had this day words as good from this Queen, towards Her Majesty as ever he had. She liked well to hear of the quietness and obedience in the realm, and is desirous of hearing about France, not having heard but very little from thence for a long time, and longs for St. Colm's return. She told that she saw these advertisements from divers places beyond the seas, and marvelled that there was none of France.
12. Has written the Earl of Argyll the news of Shane Oneyle, of which he will be glad to hear. The Earl is ridden to Glasgow to accord Mac Conel and Mac Lene, who lately fell out about the slaying a man. Trusts to hear from Mac Conel touching Buthead. The Earl of Argyll has promised his friendship therein. Sees no reason why Sir Ralph Bagnall should repair towards the Borders, but rather to have some money in readiness. The Earl has undertaken to dress the cause as the writer's private suit.
13. Lord James with many merry words makes his commendations to Cecil, whose advice to be constant and precise so likes him that he has promised upon his marriage to drink to Cecil in the presence of this Queen. He has willed the writer to write for Tremayne to be here.—Edinburgh, 15 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
Jan. 15. 804. Challoner to Throckmorton.
1. Has not answered his letter of the 20th ult., (which enclosed one from the Privy Council,) for that the King Catholic before the holidays for devotion "went to keep his Pasche abroad," so that yesterday he had his first access to him. Thanks him for his letter and is sorry that his successor comes no speedier. Proposes to relieve each others irked burden by mutual writing.
2. Touching warlike motions, if the French suspect these men they likewise stand in jealousy, misliking very much their toleration of gospellers creeping forwards, and the entertainment of pensioned captains, which they now go in hand withal. When of late the Duke of Brunswick, who served at St. Quentin's, for a small merced of money refused him, went away discontented to Flanders and resigned to the Cardinal Granvelle the patent of his pension, the King (lest he should turn French) has written to the Count Horn to repair to the frontiers of Germany and keep a diet with the King's pensioners to retain them at his devotion with full pays and larger promises; and to do what he may for the Duke of Brunswick's reconcilement, though he ask treble what would have contented him before.
3. To meet the Turk's preparations, the King consults daily how his device of arming 150 galleys may proceed. The Pope has willingly granted 300,000 ducats to be levied in five years of the spiritualities of Spain upon certain conditions not yet fully accorded, for the finishing of which the King is sending to the Pope the Count Brocardo, a Milanese. Supposes that if the French do not begin for this year, these men making only their preparatives will not further stir; for as yet the money ebb draws not to any flowing water. The King, a good and gentle Prince, is a lover of rest and quiet, delighting in hunting and retired solitariness with a few of his familiars, to take the more at large the fruition of such pastimes as best delight him.
4. Chamberlain (who within six days makes account by easy waggon journeys to depart through France) can discourse more at length hereon. The Prince of Spain, who of late escaped his quartan fits, has had six fits of new return, which may make the King stay his going to the Cortes of Aragon. Has heard nothing of his men and stuff which he sent eleven weeks past from Plymouth to Bilboa; and for his more trouble certain coffers which came to Bilboa were before his coming broken up and ransacked by the Inquisition, whereof he has complained, but to little effect. Will be most thankful to be advertised of the most light matters from home. It was bruited here for three or four days that the King of Sweden had already passed through Flanders. The other matter (of which Throckmorton wrote that it has laid in water) is here counted fresh and out of pickle. Is sorry for those monastical ladies, who for want of their frocks and long pilchers this cold winter have lacked good coverture. Mr. G. Cobham kisses his hand for the good news of the forwardness of his sister's New year's gift. "The Scottish Queen's conformity I would rather than my best gown would prove true; and would God all parts were inclined to tender the common case. Ye understand what I mean." Sends his commendations to Lady Throckmorton, Mr. Carew. and Mr. Petoo.—Madrid, 15 Jan. 1562. Signed.
5. P. S.—Has not sent this letter till Feb. 7th for want of a convenient messenger. The French Ambassador has been very sick. These two months no courier has been despatched till now for Flanders. Chamberlain writes presently. Has heard nothing of his Plymouth gear, the want of which puts him in a pretty pickle.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 15 Jan. 1561. Pp. 7.
Jan. 15. 805. Sir W. Dansell to Challoner.
Asks him "to make no more Spanish ladies than shall need." Sir James Acrofts, Sir John Pollard, and Sir Arthur Chamberne, both the Pastons, and others with whom he supped last night, were glad to hear of him. The writer's wife, Mr. Shee's wife, and the writer desire to be recommended. He trusts to have the debt Challoner owes him at the day he last wrote to him, and also a discourse of the occurrences of the country.—London, 15 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 18 Martii. Pp. 2.
Jan. 15. 806. Hugh Typton to Challoner.
On the 6th inst. received Challoner's letters of the 27th ult. by which he perceives that he has been appointed Ambassador in Spain. Chamberlayne has showed himself to be an honourable man in their causes. The writer is in bondage here for certain Englishmen who have great wrongs here; of which he desires him to have remembrance. He also perceives by Challoner's letter that Antony Hickman and Edward Castlinge have given him a letter of credit for 600 ducats, which shall be complied with.—Seville, 15 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Jan. 15. 807. Copy of the preceding, with the addition, that they are now in the 27th January and that this is a copy of one sent to Challoner by the last courier, he not being sure of the other coming to hand. There is no news worth writing of.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Jan. 15. 808. John Norris and Others to Challoner.
On the 6th inst. received letters from two of their companions from Madrid, by which they were informed of his coming. They have been delayed here for a long time by their judges. Eighty-six of them have been kept in prison for six or seven months since they have been in Seville, and they are accused of being thieves and pirates. At their first coming the Ambassador sent for their books, charts, bills of lading, &c., which are now in the judges' hands, and after four of the King's counsel were appointed for judges by the King to make a final end, who have had it nine weeks. They were promised that at the coming of the process to the Court it would be finished, whereupon they wrote home to their friends that they expected the same, otherwise they think Challoner would have been informed thereof before he left England. Chamberlain wrote in his last letters, that he was promised they should have a final end shortly, who has done much for them in other ways to stop their punishment in prison, and also through the help of Mr. Tipton, who knows all of them and has entered into bonds for them and lent them 3,000 ducats besides. The rigging out of four of their ships with victualling them, cost besides 2,000 ducats. The fifth ship remains here with all her lading and twenty tons of woad. The ship that remains here they sold for a quarter the money she was worth, in consequence of their spoiling her tackling and injuring her hull, for in a calm they boarded her with a hulk, so that she was not able to serve the voyage. The keeping of their woad here will break at the least five tons upon every ship. "If that our ships might again whome, the woad had been sold for twenty-four pounds the ton, and here we shall not make above nine or ten pound at the most," so they lose by their coming here 30,000 ducats. Herewith goes certain "aprovans" which Chamberlain wrote to them to make, trusting the same will do them good. It is their "letrades" advice that the "aprovans" concerning the wines should not be presented till occasion serves, but in that his Lordship may do as to him seems good.—Seville, [blank] Jan. 1562. Signed: John Norris, Richard Barret, John Hodges.
Orig., in Barret's hol. Add.: To Challoner at Madrid. and endd. by him: 15 Jan. Pp. 3.
Jan. 16. 809. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. On the 14th inst. Nicholas Gripp, one of the King of Sweden's gentlemen, came here to seek ships, as appears by his letter to the Mayor of Newcastle, (who sent it to the writer,) copy of which is enclosed. He was desirous to pass from hence into Scotland, which the writer would not permit, he having such a store of money, and the writer having no command to give him a passage. Gripp has gone towards London; but the writer, doubting whether he would go there direct, has stayed Capell to follow him and understand his meaning therein; he will be there as soon as Gripp if not before.
2. The writer presented him with a horse and greyhounds, which he made motion to buy.—Berwick, 16 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Jan. 16. 810. Chappino Vitelli to the Count De [Petigliano]. (fn. 3)
The Duke of Florence commands the writer to state that, albeit the "nouvelle" chanced of late in Petigliano were without his knowledge and order, yet, as the people have put themselves under his protection, he cannot do less than defend them. He does not however intend to stir unless Petigliano shall molest the town, when he will do his best to defend it.— Castle of Petigliano, 16 Jan.
Jan. 16. 811. The Count of Petigliano to Chappino Vitelli.
As he is feodatory of the Emperor and servant to the French King, the writer has sent to their Ambassadors, by whose advice he will demean himself.—Sorano, 16 Jan.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 17. 812. Maitland to Cecil.
1. The Master of Maxwell has oft and sore complained of the Lord Dacres not only as an evil justiciary but also that he has reported more of him than he can prove true. Will perceive how he has answered the Master by a copy of his letter which he trusts Randolph has sent. The Master of the Rolls knows the most part of their doings. Lord Dacres' excuse contained two points, whereof neither is receivable. The one about the Graham's allegiance himself appears to confess to be untrue. The other, that the offenders of England must answer so many complaints amounting to so great sums and have so little to demand, is so impertinent that it is shame for a Prince's officer to speak it. It is the more praise for the Master that he has so well performed his office.
2. The officers on the other frontiers have done more than was looked for; for where the offenders could not be apprehended, gentlemen of worship, their masters, have been entered for the offences, and the Queen herself has had to pay great sums for the discharge of filed bills. Desires that Dacres may be ordered to make full redress for all attentats, or else that another officer be placed in his charge. The Master of Maxwell is a very unwilling man to bear long a manifest injury. Randolph has travailed with Lord Dacre to appoint some meeting.—Edinburgh, 17 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 17. 813. — to Shers.
The Duke of Ferrara is not yet married. He has sent Julio Rangono to King Philip; hence it is believed that he still hopes to secure the Infanta of Portugal. The writer, however, is not of this opinion. The Ambassador, Faletti, has returned from the Emperor's Court; he has only effected the extension of the privileges of Reggio and Modena. The question of precedency between Ferrara and Florence is quiet. The Council of Trent opens to-morrow. Sends a list of the Bishops. King Philip proposes to distribute a million and a half of gold throughout Italy; the cause is uncertain. A courier lately came to "my Ambassador," sent by the Duke "my master," brings the happy news that Madame had given birth to a son. "I, Signor Giovanni, am in good health."— Venice, 17 Jan. 1562. Signed, but the signature is defaced.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add.: To Shers in London. Endd.: 17 Jan. 1561. Advices. Ital. Pp. 3.
Jan. 17. 814. [The Cardinal of Ferrara to M. De Morette.]
1. This Queen has received letters from the Duke and Duchess of Savoy, which give a good account of the health of the latter, who, however, is said by the physician to have miscalculated the period of her confinement by fifteen or twenty days.—Saint Germain, 17 Jan. 1562.
2. P. S.—When he had written thus far there arrived the Signor Di Picchigni with intelligence that the Duchess of Savoy had given birth to a boy on Monday 12 Jan., and is in good health. The writer was with the Queen when the intelligence arrived. She was much rejoiced, and preparations are being made for a festival to-morrow. Hopes that the person addressed will soon return with good news from the Queen, to whom the writer desires to be recommended.
3. Jan. 22. The Queen wishes that the writer had his faculties . . . . . . . Parliament of Paris.
A fragment, beginning and end wanting. Injured and slightly torn. Orig. Ital. Pp. 2.
Jan. 18. 815. Lord Gray to Cecil.
Has devised with the Treasurer here, touching an alteration of the old garrison, for the strength of this town, and the contentment of the Treasurer's band to attend upon him, whereof Capell will advertise him. Asks him to speak a good word to the Bishop of Winchester for the preferment of his servant, John Barnes.—Berwick, 18 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 18. 816. Garrison of Berwick.
"A new device for abandoning the greatest part of the old garrison, and for the establishment of a more likely strength in lieu thereof."
The charges for 226 of the old garrison, viz., ninety-six servants, eight constables, eighty horsemen, and forty-two footmen, amounts to 2,052l. 8s. 4d.; and for the pensioners Paston, Stafford, Dethike, and John Ingleby, amounts to 109l. 10s., which the Queen should receive, because they do not reside in Berwick. With the charges for these it is proposed to appoint 116 men, viz., thirty-six servants, halberdiers, and a band of eighty lancers and pistols.—Berwick.
Copy. Endd. partly by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Jan. 18. 817. Lord Gray to Cecil.
Renews his suit for the allowance of the Marshal's retinue, which were employed in watch and ward here between the discharge of Sir George Bowes and the entry of Sir Thomas Dacre. Again asks that William Moorhouse, late UnderMarshal of this town, (who was displaced by Sir Thomas Dacre when the writer was last at the Court,) might be considered. Asks him to hear Capell's statement in the matter. —Berwick, 18 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 18. 818. The Aldermen of Newcastle to Cecil.
1. Received his letter of the 3rd inst. on the 14th, and in answer to his request that they should certify the charges of the hostages remaining with them here, they state as under:—
2. The charges for Lord Claude Hamilton, his schoolmaster, a gentleman and a servant, 125l. 10s. 5d.
3. For Mr. James Cunyngam, the Earl of Glencarne's son, and two servants, 90l. 9s. 9d.
4. For Mr. Archibald Revene, Lord Revene's son, and servant, for the most part of one year, 54l. 12s. 3d.
5. For Mr. Robert Douglas, brother to Lord James, a gentleman and two servants, 126l.
6. For Mr. Archibald Cambell, cousin to the Earl of Argyll, a gentleman and two servants, 126l.
7. And for Mr. George Grayme, the Earl of Monteithe's son, his schoolmaster, and two servants, 101l.
8. Making, for one year and three quarters, ending the 8th of January, 623l. 12s. 5d.
9. They ask to be unburdened of them. Bartram Anderson begs to be remembered for the commission for finding of the office of Ralph Lawson, late son of Edmund Lawson, deceased.—Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 18 Jan. 1561. Signed: Bartram Anderson, Oswold Chapman, and Francis Anderson, Aldermen of Newcastle.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 18. 819. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Lately Robert Rowet, merchant jeweller of Paris, (late in England with jewels and goldsmith's work,) sent his factor Bartholomew into England to sell certain things, and make him over money by exchange received for such merchandise sold. Rowet, doubting the cause of his long absence, has sent this bearer, Lubin Chappellyn, in whose favour he desires letters to Cecil.—Paris, 18 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 18. 820. The Queen Mother to Throckmorton.
As MM. De Pont and Nermoustier, two out of the four hostages in England, have been there a long time, and as they have urgent business at home, she desires to withdraw them, and proposes to send in their places MM. De Paloyseau, gentleman of the King's chamber, and the Sire De Courtenay, of the family of Damartin.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 18 Jan. 1561. Signed: Caterine,—L'Aubespine.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 18.
Labb. Concil. xiv. 841.
821. The Council of Trent.
Sunday, 18 January 1562. At this, the first session, were present five Cardinals, three Patriarchs, eleven Archbishops, and ninety Bishops. It was decreed that for the preservation of faith and manners, the Synod shall take cognizance of such books as offend in these particulars. (fn. 4)
Jan. 19. 822. Windebank to Cecil.
By Cecil's letters of Dec. 27 (received by Mr. Killegrew) the writer is sorry to understand that Mr. Thomas has given occasion to any man to make such reports. Cecil should rather weigh the force of youth than suffer himself to be overcome with reports so as to be discomforted of Mr. Thomas. Wishes that he were home again. Sees no way to diminish the charges, except they should place themselves in another house, where, however, they would have less commodity for the tongue. The sooner it may please him to send some money the better it will be. Mr. Thomas could return to England with Lady Throckmorton, who goes thither within six weeks; and if Cecil sees that he has profited to his contentation, he might send him over again.—Paris, 19 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 19. 823. Draft of the above.
Hol. Endd. by Windebank. Pp. 4.
Jan. 19. 824. Value of Scotch Money. (fn. 5)
1. At 5s. 3d. the oz. fine. Teston, of Scotland, current for 5s. Scottish; 10 ozs. 18 dwts. silver in the lb. troy, which contains 61 testons, each worth 11¼d.
2. At 5s. the oz. fine. Half teston of Scotland, current for 2s. 6d. Scottish; 8 oz. 18 dwts. silver in the lb. troy, which contains 96 half testons, each worth about 5½d.
3. Nonsunt, current for 12d. Scottish; 5 ozs. 18 dwts. silver in the lb. troy.
4. At 4s. 8d. the oz. fine. The "babie," current for 6d. Scottish; 3 ozs. silver in the lb. troy, which contains 192 "babies," each worth seven-eighths of a penny. The half-babie is worth seven-sixteenths of a penny.
5. At 3s. 4d. the oz. fine. The plack, current for 4d. Scottish; 1 oz. 12 dwts. silver in the lb. troy, which contains 192 placks, each worth 9/16d.; the half-plack is worth 9/32d.
6. At 2s. 6d. the oz. fine. The hardhead, current for 1½d. Scottish; 1 oz. of silver in the lb. troy, which contains 382 hardheads, each worth 5/64d.
7. At 2s. the oz. fine. The penny Scottish; ½ oz. silver in the lb. troy, which contains 576 pence, each worth 7/192;d.
8. Appended are some remarks respecting an intended issue of copper coinage in England.
Endd. by Cecil: William Humphrey's opinion concerning Scottish money. 19 Jan. 1561. Pp. 3.
[Jan. 20.] 825. Complaints of Tho. Fairfax against the Earl of Shrewsbury.
"Certain notes for the answer of the Earl of Shrewsbury, to the slanderous bill and surmise of Thomas Fairfax."
1. To the charge that he has exacted unreasonable fines of the tenants of the lunatic's inheritance, the Earl answers that he has received rents for the lands of the lunatic's mother, to the amount of 140l. per annum, which is insufficient to maintain the charge of his suit against his brother Gabriel, third son of Sir Wm. Fairfax.
2. He denies that he expelled the tenants.
3. He denies that he felled or sold any timber.
4. He denies that he ever granted the custody of the lunatic to his younger brother Gabriel, whom, however, he nominated his bailiff to receive the rents of the lunatic of the yearly value of 77l.
5. He agrees to permit the said Gabriel to have copies of such evidence as is necessary for the defence of the lunatic's inheritance.
6. That the said Gabriel ought to recover the manor of Bylbrough against the said lunatic, by Nisi prius, at the last assize at York, which was stayed by the said Earl; and all the titles and variances were finally determined by the Lord President, Lord Wharton, Sir Thomas Gargrave, and Henry Savyle, for both Thomas and Gabriel to be bound by recognizance in 2,000l. to abide by the said order.—Signed.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: Inter Com. Salop et Tho. Fayrfax. Pp. 5.
[Jan. 20.] 826. Petition of Gabriel and Henry Fairfax.
The petitioners apply for a new commission to be granted by the Council of the North to inquire what lands Sir William Fairfax, Knight, late of Heton, co. York, died seized of.
Copy. Endd. Broadside.


  • 1. The whole of this sentence is added by Cecil in the margin, the draft, as originally drawn, permitting Throckmorton to confer with the Duke in some private sort.
  • 2. Another copy, without the date, was found by Keith, in what he designates a shattered MS.
  • 3. This and the following document are on the same leaf of paper.
  • 4. On the same leaf is contained the Decree of Feb. 26, 1562, which see for the description of the present document.
  • 5. "The money of Scotland cannot be reduced into English money without the use of fractions of the penny, which is to be divided by 32."