Elizabeth: August 1565, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: August 1565, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp419-429 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1565, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp419-429.

"Elizabeth: August 1565, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp419-429.

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August 1565, 1-15

August. 1341. Bedford to Captain Brickwell.
He is to declare the situation of Eyemouth, and the weakness and wants of the garrison of Berwick, and the rest of the Marches, in men, provision, and munition. Signed.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 3.
August. 1342. Requests of the Captains of Berwick.
They desire that various kinds of provisions may be lowered in price. Signed by Wm. Reed and eleven others.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 3.
August. 1343. Requests of the Captains of Berwick.
Objections to the above requests by the Lords of the Privy Council.
Copy, signed by Oliver Claydon, in the absence of Valentine Browne. Endd. Pp. 3.
August. 1344. Requests of the Captains of Berwick.
Answers to the above, in the form of marginal notes, and an abstract of the above in the handwriting of the Marquis of Winchester and signed by him.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 3.
August. 1345. Requests of the Captains of Berwick.
Decision arrived at on the above subjects.
Orig. Signed by Bedford. Pp. 4.
August. 1346. Stores at Berwick.
Note by John Bennett of munition remaining in Berwick, and of what things are wanted there. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd.: Aug. 1565. Pp. 2.
[August?] 1347. Prices of Victuals at Berwick.
Order for the prices of victuals at Berwick for the soldiers and labourers, so long as they do not exceed 1,500 men. The penny loaf to contain 24 oz; a bottle of beer for 1d.; beef and mutton, 2d. and 1½d.; butter 46s. 8d. and 56s. 8d. the barrel; cheese, 33s. 4d. and 42s. 8d. the wey; stockfish, 3d. each. Appended are regulations fixing the profits of victuallers of bands.
Endd. Pp. 3.
[August?] 1348. James Nicholson and John Johnston to the Queen.
Their Sovereign has put them to great extremity, only because they were employed to take from Mr. Thomworth the first aid of money sent by her to the Lord of Murray. Their goods have been confiscated and they are exiles in her realm. Ask some support for their wives and children.
Copy, in a Scottish hand. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
August. 1349. Traffic in the Low Countries.
It is agreed that the subjects of the Low Countries may ship such number of cloths as they have yearly shipped between 1550 and 1560, paying into the fellowship for every short cloth at least 2s. 6d.
Copy, dated by Cecil: Aug. 1565. P. 1.
August. 1350. Conference at Bruges.
Short notes relating to the questions raised at the conference, thirty-six in number.
Orig. in Wotton's hol. Endd.: Agreement of the Merchant Adventurers for the merchants of the Low Countries to ship as many cloths yearly as they usually did ten years past. Aug. 1565. Corrected by Cecil. Pp. 3.
August 1. 1351. The Queen to Thomworth.
Gives the reasons why she is offended with the marriage of the Queen of Scots, being chiefly the reception of the Earl of Lennox and his son, they being her subjects, and the chance of the dissolution of the amity betwixt their realms principally through the suppression of religion in Scotland.—Richmond, 1 Aug.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., with two endorsements by him: the first, The Queen to Mr. Thomworth, sent to him after his departure from Richmond; the second, A second instrument for Mr. Thomworth, but not sent. Pp. 8.
August 1. 1352. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
1: The Lords of the Congregation (upon the occasion that the Master of Maxwell, whom they specially trusted, is gone to the Queen and remains with her or her party) are determined to request him by some means to draw the Master from her to his charge.—Morpeth, 1 Aug. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—Has been for one day with Bedford at Berwick.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 1. 1353. Drury to Cecil.
Thanks for a warrant directed to Mr. Ashton to pay him 100l. for his charges in the absence of the Governor.—Berwick, 1 Aug. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 1. 1354. Pietro Bizzari to the Queen.
Sends her his book "De Optimo Principe," printed at Venice and dedicated to her, together with some of his Latin poems. Professions of devotion to her service.—Venice, 1 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
August 1. 1355. Pietro Bizzari to Cecil.
Sends him two books, one entitled "De Optimo Principe," dedicated to the Queen, and the other, "Petri Bizzari Poemata," and desires him to be his Mecænas. Sends copies for Lord Robert, himself [Cecil], and John Ashley. Among the poems are some in praise of Cecil's wife and sisters, and of the Chancellor, which are to be shown to them. As it is now some months since he has written to him every week, he is anxious to hear from him.—Venice, Cal. Augusti 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat: Pp. 4.
August 2. 1356. Murray to Bedford
Desires his protection for his servant, Nichol Elphinston, sent with a boat with some ordnance to Holy Island, for eschewing present inconvenience.—Lochleven, 2 August 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: R. 8 Aug. Pp. 2.
August 2. 1357. Randolph to Cecil.
Upon Wednesday they sat in council about the choice of a lieutenant-general. Lennox was chiefly allowed, but not yet resolved upon. It is determined that the Lord Gordon shall be set at liberty, and that process used against Murray that was used against his father, that is, to be warned within six days to "compere," or to be pronounced rebel, and further to pursue him according to the law. It appears that their hasty choler to ride upon him is delayed. This day the warning is gone to Murray, the Earl of Rothes, and the Laird of Grange. Of her Grace's departure out of this town he is not yet assured. This day received Cecil's letters of the 25th and 28th. The coming hither of any man from the Queen will serve to good purpose, both that this Queen shall know how much she has been abused by such assurances as have been made unto her of the friendship that she shall find amongst the Papists of England, and also that such as are pursued shall know that the Queen will not suffer them in their just action to be overthrown. Of the manner and circumstances of the refusal of Lennox and Darnley to return, Cecil shall hear. Knows not how these 300 men and the 100 horsemen shall be employed. Does not a little wonder from whence these old angels are gotten that pay them their wages.— Edinburgh, 2 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 2. 1358. Intelligences from Italy.
Notices of recent occurrences in Italy, chiefly respecting the proceedings of the Pope.
Copy. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
August 3. 1359. Colburn to Cecil.
1. It appears to him that the Papists of England and Scotland and those here are after some great conspiracy.
2. Stays at the Court to learn more. The Duke of Savoy has caused his Huguenots to avoid his borders. The Cardinal of Lorraine besieges certain towns.—3 August. Signed, George Bemont.
3. P.S.—Asks him to close and forward certain letters.
Orig. Hol., with Smith's seal. Add. Endd.: 3 Aug. 1565, Capt. Colborne to Mr. Secretary. Pp. 2.
August 3. 1360. Minute to the English Commissioners at Bruges.
Gives them instructions as to what they are to agree to in the different articles proposed. If any stay is like to grow for anything belonging to the Queen's subjects, she minds not to bind them too straightly, but in things touching her own interest they are to advertise her.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 9.
August 5. 1361. Bedford to the Queen.
1. He has received her resolution touching the Elwoods, whereupon he has had conference with the Lord Warden touching some secret succours to be given them, and some way to be devised for annoyance of Lord Hume and Cessford, which shall be done accordingly. The 4th instant came hither Mr. Thomworth, who brought him her commission aforesaid, for which he thanks her, and therewith her letter touching that commission. Has published the commission here, and means not only to do the like in other places of his charge, but also to appoint an assembly of the best and meetest of all these shires and places for an order to be generally observed in the execution of the same.
2. Hears that the Queen of Scotland means to fortify at Eyemouth, and to work also all annoyance and hurt to the realm of England. The store of victuals here will not serve above twelve or fourteen days.—Berwick, 5 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 5. 1362. Rowland Forster to Bedford.
The Elwaths [Elliots] have overthrown the Scots, and slain many of them. The Laird of "Hakupe" (whose name was Charltoune, and who dwelt in Tiviotdale) was slain on Friday last in Jedwart forest in stealing; "ane tuik him on the heid, and dang out all his harnes." Has appointed watches and also beacons to be kept.—Wark, 5 August. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Pp. 12.
August 6. 1363. Phayre to Cecil.
The noise of the shot of the ordnance and battery of Malta not having been heard in Italy for three days, it is thought that all is lost. Ascanio De la Cornea has been released, but has given to the Pope 25,000 ducats and two towns in the Romagna. A certain person desired the King's letters of favour to the Pope, and was answered no, for that there was no amity between them, so good as he could write unto him. In Toledo on the 15th a conference of the grandees and bishops is appointed; the principal cause is for the declaration of the Council of Trent. Begs to be provided with his allowance. The King is at Segovia with the Queen and all the ladies.—Madrid, 6 August 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
August 7. 1364. Thomworth's Speech to the Queen of Scots.
Has been sent to inform her that the Queen of England finds her proceedings very strange with respect to her marriage, the detaining of the Earl of Lennox and his son, and her indirect dealing in the mission of Mr. John Hay. The Queen also requests to be resolved of a somewhat obscure sentence in her letter, and that her fugitives and offenders may not be sheltered. She admonishes her that she is much abused to conceive indignation against her faithful subjects, and advises her not to make any alteration in religion; she also wishes her not to conceive evil of the Earl of Murray.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 6.
August 7. 1365. Randolph to Cecil.
Yesterday Murray was put to the horn, and proclamation made that all Lothian men should attend upon the Queen with fourteen days' provision. Believes her purpose will be stayed. This day the Lord Ambassador shall have audience, who yesterday spoke with Lethington. There is variety and change of purpose in those who are our directors.—Edinburgh, 7 August 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 7. 1366. Mundt to Cecil.
The Emperor's army in Hungary from want of succour has retreated. His general, Schwend, has burnt a town, which would have gone over to the Vaivode. The Elector of Saxony has sent 1,000 horse to the Emperor. The Emperor is said to have 6,000 horse and 24,000 foot. The Duchess of Lorraine and her daughter have set out for Lower Germany, whither also goes George John the Palatine with his wife, the sister of the King of Sweden. A Spaniard named Salsedo (who has had the administration for twenty years of the bishopric of Metz for the Cardinal, and has amassed great wealth) agreed with the Queen Mother, if he might be invested with the French order, to pretend a quarrel with the Cardinal, and to turn out all his ministers from his castles and towns. The Duke of Aumale however, in defence of his brother, sent some soldiers into the bishopric. The French King has commanded them both to cease from arms, and has occupied some of the strongest places. Gives the movements of different German princes.—Strasburg, 7 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 3.
August 8. 1367. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Yesterday at Ridingborne he held a day of Trewe with the Laird of Cessford. Nothing was done there but in the Queen's name; albeit some gentlemen present would have had their King to have been named also, whereunto he answered he had no commission to deal but with such as he was first directed unto at his coming hither. Cessford might easily be enticed to become of the other side; whereunto Lords Ogilvy and Lindsey are now returned, for some strait handling used to some of them. On Monday last, Murray was put to the horn. Fowler has taken shipping, some say into Flanders, and some into France.—Berwick, 8 August 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—"By this letter enclosed you shall see how fearful my Lord of Murray was for the safe return of his man out of England."
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 8. 1368. Lee to Cecil.
Asks money for the despatch of those he would discharge, and to certify what number shall be continued this winter for burning lime and making other provisions.—Berwick, 8 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 8. 1369. Smith to Leicester and Cecil.
1. August 8. There is news from Malta that the castle of the port is won by the Turks by eight or nine assaults. Lazarus Swendel has had great success against the Turk in Transylvania, so that truce shall be taken betwixt the Emperor and the Turk.
2. August 14. De Ramboillet is returned from Rome. The matter between the Pope and the Duke of Florence and the Duke of Ferrara is appeased.
3. August 18. At the King's coming to Angoulême a bruit was raised that the Huguenot princes and noblemen were coming toward the Court, and had raised a great number of men of war, intending to make such a tumult as at Amboise in King Francis' time. The King sent for all his archers and companies about him, and came in as almost in war to Angoulême. Count Rochefoulcault, understanding this, came and declared to the King and Queen that these tales were false.
4. It is said in the Court that Salzede is not slain, but that the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Duke D'Aumale have taken two of those towns and castles whereof Captain Salzede has the keeping for the King.
5. De Mauvisiere is again sent into England, and from thence into Scotland. He shall present to the new King of Scots two horses richly apparelled, which the Duke of Savoy sent to the King here. It is said that he, the King of Scots, and his father, have promised to come into France within three months after the marriage.
6. The castle of Cognac where the King lies is kept with a great number of men of war and arquebusiers, and three or four companies of men-at-arms are appointed to follow the Court, as though they were in some fear. The Prince of Conde was sent for from Nerac. Bruley, Captain of Rieux, who was sent to him, is returned, and is sent to him again.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
August 10. 1370. Thomworth and Randolph to Cecil.
1. Upon Sunday night he [Thomworth] arrived at Edinburgh, and next day considered the matter committed to his charge (by Randolph's advice) to talk with Lethington, who durst not have to do with him until he knew the Queen's pleasure. Having obtained her leave he came to them, with whom they could not have so much talk as they desired. Understood by Lethington that there was little hope of any reconciliation between the Queen and Murray. By him also found that so great misliking has proceeded from the Queen, Lennox, and Darnley towards the noblemen of this country, and such a hatred entered into their hearts, that credit cannot be had neither of word nor writing that passes between them She remains always in mind to pursue them to the uttermost.
2. Upon Monday Murray was declared rebel, and put to the horn. Upon Tuesday letters were directed to the Duke and the Earl of Argyll that they should not assist, comfort, or support Murray, or any of those that assist him. Upon Wednesday a new charge was given to the gentlemen of Lothian to attend upon the Queen into Fife with fifteen days' provision, as by letter enclosed he shall perceive. Divers gentlemen in divers parts, of whom she has suspicion to favour Murray, are commanded to ward in the north parts of Scotland, but yet hears of few that obey it.
3. Upon Tuesday this Queen gave them audience. The same night Lethington came again from the Queen, desiring that he [Thomworth] should recite again to Lethington the matters he had propounded to her, which he did.
4. Has given this Queen occasion to make some offers to the Queen, which he suppose she will, whereupon he shall have occasion to use his last instruction.
5. Besides conference with her and Lethington, they have also privately talked with some others of knowledge and credit, and find it confirmed that there is no likelihood of any accord between her and these noblemen. Divers others there are, whose names he omits for good respects; but if Cecil remembers such as the Queen and he [Cecil] doubted of, they now are content, when time comes, to take open part, and thereof the writer can most certainly assure him.
6. Has had some sharp words that bite the quick in the answer given to the sentence in the letter. Finds her marvellous stout, and such as he never would have believed, which he thinks grows rather of the good advertisements received out of England than of any good will or surety she has at home.
7. The Duke, Argyll, Murray, and Rothes are together in Argyll, attending only to see what the Queen will do, and which way she will bend her face. Without the Queen's support they will be in time overthrown, where now a small thing will help them, and such a bargain made as she had never.
8. Sees their necessity so great, and is so earnestly pressed from Murray and the rest, upon Her Majesty's promise for their relief, that he must send to Berwick for the money he left there, which he means to deliver to such here as by Murray are appointed to receive the same.—Edinburgh, 10 August 1565. Signed.
Orig., in Randolph's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
August 10. 1371. Thomworth and Randolph to Leicester.
The state here they find so troublesome that it passes their wits to consider which way it may be brought to a good end. If these noblemen have no support of the Queen they are in the end like to be overthrown. Their action shortly shall be manifested to be such, as many others will take their parts that have as just cause to be offended as the others. This Queen stands in marvellous fear of the Queen, and yet at the return of Beton gave forth to all such as she spake unto that the Queen has promised that in the quarrel between Mary and her subjects she will not meddle. Many take courage that Her Majesty, having so many occasions to be offended with her, will so provide that once she may taste what it is to have provoked her displeasure. So good an opportunity should not be let slip.—Edinburgh, 10 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig., in Randolph's hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 10. 1372. Thomworth to Leicester.
1. The lords here are in great perplexity, so mortally hated of the Queen and that faction that it is not possible to reconcile them. Some greater matter is in it than is fit to be written, which he perceives by the talk he had with her. The more he travails in the Queen's behalf for them the worse they speed, as it appeared that the day after his arrival Murray was put to the horn, and she has refused utterly that the Queen shall meddle to compound the controversies between her subjects and her, who, as far as he can perceive, as mortally hate her as she does them. If he intends to save or do anything good unto these noblemen, bids him look well about him, and stay not hereafter.
2. "The advice you willed me to give serveth to no purpose."—Edinburgh, 10 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig., in Randolph's hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 10. (fn. 1) 1373. The Queen's Reply to the Envoy of the Emperor. (fn. 2)
There are three considerations in the matter of the Queen's marriage:—
1. That the person who shall be approved of on account of his gifts of mind and body shall conform to the Queen's religion.
2. That the same conditions and engagements shall be entered into as were done at the marriage of Philip II. and Queen Mary by Charles V.
3. That it should be known how much he will bring annually into the kingdom for his expenses, and what patrimony his father will leave him.—Windsor, 10 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Endd. by Cecil: 11 Aug. 1565. Responsum Reginæ datum oratori Cæsaris Wyndesoriæ. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 11. 1374. Bedford to the Queen.
Asks that provisions be sent hither. Mentions other matters, whereof he wrote this day to Cecil.—Berwick, 11 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 11. 1375. Bedford to Cecil.
1. The garrison here will shortly be as destitute of provisions as it is of money. Was yesterday at a day of Trewe, where he met Lord Hume, who came with the whole power of the March, and were in number to the English as many more; but a small company of the arquebusiers had hence, together with the ordinary number that commonly go, caused the Scotch both to leave off to make proclamation in their King's name (which they had determined to do), and also to grant to all justice that he could require.
2. Randolph between Edinburgh and Leith was lately assaulted by a Scotchman that sometime was his horsekeeper, who had six more with him, and Randolph fewer. No harm was done. Mr. Thomworth in parting the affray had his cloak stricken through. The Scot is committed to prison by Lethington; he was set on thus to do by better than himself. Foweler did not embark, for he is still at the Court.—Berwick, 11 August 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 11. 1376. The Marquis and Marchioness of Baden to Alderman Lionel Duckett.
Letter of credit for 10,000 dollars sent by Mr. North. —Emden, 11 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Copy. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 11. 1377. Commission for George North.
Commission from Christopher Marquis and Cecilia Marchioness of Baden for George North to receive at London certain monies due to them.—Emden, 11 Aug. 1565. Signed: Cecilia, Christoffer.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 11. 1378. Commission for George North.
Commission for George North to receive money in London for the Marquis and Marchioness of Baden. — Emden, 11 Aug. 1565.
Copy, attested by Leonard Duckett, alderman. Lat. P. 1.
August 12. 1379. The Queen to Bedford.
If he shall perceive manifestly that the Queen of Scots minds to fortify Eyemouth he is to omit no time but cause the place to be taken and kept; he is however to be well advised what reports he credits. If any message comes in the name of the Lord Darnley, he is to protest that he has no warrant to accept anything in his name in any other condition than her subject.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 12 Aug. 1565. Pp. 4.
August 12. 1380. Copy of the above, the additions and corrections inserted.
Endd. 12 Aug. 1565. Pp. 4.
August 12. 1381. The Answer of the Queen of Scots to Thomworth.
She did communicate her intended marriage to the Queen by Mr. Hay. She has perfect knowledge of the allowance of the principal princes of Christendom thereto. It cannot be found strange for her to detain within her realm that person with whom she is joined in marriage, nor yet any Earl of Scotland. Desires that the Queen will not meddle with any matters within the realm of Scotland. She does not mean to make any innovation in religion. Desires the Queen to meddle no further concerning the Earl of Murray, or any other subject of Scotland, than she [Mary] has meddled concerning England. Requests that she will liberate the Countess of Lennox.
Copy, in a Scottish hand. Endd. partly by Randolph and partly by Cecil. Pp. 5.
August 12. 1382. Another copy of the above.
Pp. 6.
August 13. 1383. Offers of the King and Queen of Scots.
1. Promise not to do anything to the prejudice of the Queen's title, or enter into any league against her. They are content to enter into a confederation with her and her realm. They will never procure any innovation of the religion, laws, or liberties of England.
August 13. 2. The Queen on her part is to establish the succession to the crown of England in the heirs of the Countess of Lennox. She is not to practise with any subjects of Scotland, nor to enter into any league against them.
Copy, in Randolph's hol., and endd. by him: 13 Aug. 1565; and by Cecil: Brought by Mr. Tamworth. Pp. 4.
August 13. 1384. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 4.
August 13. 1385. Another copy of the above.
Endd. by Randolph. Pp. 4.
August 14. 1386. The Laird of Ormiston to Cecil.
Complains of the unjust dealing of William Raby and William Stringer, who will not repay him money which he has spent for the ransom of the former.—Edinburgh, 14 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 15. 1387. M. de Foix to Cecil.
1. Will be at Windsor on Friday to communicate to the Queen that which he has been directed to do by the Queen Mother.—London, 15 Aug. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—Asks him to forward a letter which he has written to the Queen of Scots.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 15. 1388. Gusman de Silva to Cecil.
Has written letters to the Queen, and begs his assistance for the purpose of repressing the depredations on his master, the King of Spain.—London, 15 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.


  • 1. This date occurs in the margin of the paper, opposite the title.
  • 2. At the bottom of this document Cecil has written the following words: "Rogavit orator. Mandavit regina. Ego subscripsi, Cecilius."