Elizabeth: July 1565

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: July 1565', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp401-419 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1565', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp401-419.

"Elizabeth: July 1565". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp401-419.

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July 1565

July. 1280. Smith to Leicester and Cecil.
1. The Spanish King offered for marriage to the King here the Infanta of Portugal, King Philip's sister, and sixteen years old.
2. The Bishop of Limoges is come to the Court. Seventysix of the Swiss have laid all this time of the interview at Limoges. They are come to see the King sworn to the renewed alliance with the Cantons.
3. Murray brought letters from the Queen, the new Earl of Ross, the Earl of Lennox his father, and Lethington. The Queen shows how near she is to marriage, and that she will do nothing without their advice; she complains that her subjects would compel her and the husband whom she should have, by the support of England, to do what she in nowise would do, and requires aid of France, offering the old amity of alliance, and more. The young Earl, Lord Darnley, offered his service to the French King, and to be ready to do what he shall command him; and hereupon the band of 100 men-at-arms, which was the Earl of Arran's, is given to M. De Aubigny, the Earl of Lennox's brother.
4. The Earl of Arran should have had a despatch for 1,500 francs due for wood, given him by King Henry; now it is stayed and lies in De l'Aubespine's hands. The King and Queen wrote to the Scottish Queen and Lord Darnley by Andrew Beaton.
5. Lethington's letters were to thank De l'Aubespine for the pension the King gave him.
6. The Ambassador of Scotland has made much and secret conference at this time with the Ambassador of Spain and the Pope's Nuncio. On Sunday he was with the Spanish Ambassador, who sent him his packet.
7. To appease such as have pensions and lands of abbeys, and to bring them to receive the Pope again, all the pensions and such things as were given in Scotland out of the abbeys since the Queen's last arrival in Scotland are sent to Rome by the Scottish Ambassador there to be confirmed by the Pope; in which is a request for what Bothwell, Lethington, Cassillis, Seton, and the Lord of Erskine's brethren, and many others have. There is required also a dispensation from the Pope for the Queen's marriage, and the Cardinal of Lorraine has written for it.
8. De Croc comes shortly with a great despatch into Scotland, but comes by the Cardinal of Lorraine at Rheims, and the Duke of Lorraine at Nancy.
9. Bothwell and Seton are at Paris, but Bothwell upon this change shall be revoked home.
10. July 2. At the departing from the King, when the Queen of Spain had taken her leave, Alva gave a writing to the King from the King of Spain, and when it was read to him he said that had it been delivered before he would have answered it. The Duke said he had no other charge but to deliver it at the departing. The King and the Queen were sore troubled with it.
11. The act made at Mont de Marsan in the absence of the Chancellor and Constable is sent to the chief lords and governors to be signed. M. De Forest (who shall succeed M. De Foix) carries it to a number. The Constable would not sign it till he had spoken to the King. M. De Jarnac has hitherto refused to sign it. Many of the religion marvel what it should mean. Sends it herewith.
12. Some great meeting is looked for at Cognac; and not only the Prince of Condé and the Admiral, but also the Queen of Navarre, M. De Rochefaucauld, the Prince of Porcien, M. De Grammont, in sum all the chiefs of the religion shall be there.
13. The Turk sends hither to offer his only daughter born in marriage; he would be content, if the King should take her to wife, that she should be christened. He would pay the King's debts, or give millions with her, and he cannot tell what realms to the King. Others say that this Ambassador comes as for the King of Algiers, at the request of the Turk for a debt of 50,000 crowns, which M. D'Aramon and the Baron De la Garde took up in the King's name, when they were ambassadors in Turkey, of a certain Jew banker.
14. From Tours it is reported that certain Papists deliberated to lie in wait for those of the religion to destroy them coming homewards. This conspiracy was invented by M. De Chauvignie, lieutenant to the Duke de Montpensier. There was one amongst them who sent word to some of his friends at the preaching of this ambush. The Papists, seeing their malice discovered, came home and waited for them on a bridge beside Tours, and on Monday they met them on it. They which came from the preaching, with sword and such arms as they had, defended themselves, and slew some of the Papists On Tuesday, the 10th of July, the Papists entered into the houses of the principal Huguenots and slew men, women, and children, and sacked the houses. At this trouble some say thirty, others above seventy or eighty, were slain, and some say 140, whereof twelve were in one house.
15. There has been in like manner certain murders done at Lyons, of a minister and a gentleman of the religion, upon St. Peter's day last, by the people dancing in the street There came about that time also to Lyons a barge full of men, women, and children from Geneva, such as had been fugitives in the troubles, in hope of this edict of peace to return into the country. The Vice-Governor, M. De Losse, hearing of their arriving, sent his lieutenant to command the master of the barge to carry them back, but he was not there. They cut the cable and put the vessel to the mercy of the river Rhone. Afterwards they were set on land, and the next day led with armed men through the town and commanded under pain of the whip and death not to tarry. The men complain that the edict of pacification is kept in all points against them of the religion, but in none almost for them.
16. At the trouble before this, Mareshal De Villeville was sent to Tours to take order there, and took one of the seditious, but was so threatened by M. De Chauvignie that he was glad to let him go, and went his way without doing anything; which is thought the occasion of this boldness to begin a new sedition. M. De Villeville is written to again to take order in this matter, and if need be to assemble power.
17. While the King was at Mont de Marsan a complaint came to him from the Cardinal of Lorraine that Captain Salzede, a Spaniard, and bailiff of all the bishopric of Metz's lands, (who has the keeping of four or five strongholds and castles which the King holds about Metz, which appertains to the Bishop,) would not allow him to enter with his guard. The Bishop of Metz in profit is the Cardinal of Lorraine, in name another simple priest, who has but what it pleases the Cardinal to give him, as many more are in France.
18. July 21. The captains of the Swiss and Grisons came to Mont de Marsan, and there they were entertained till the King had sworn to the new league and alliance with them.
19. July 29. News came to the Court that the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Duke D'Aumale, with 8,000 Almains and Lorrainers, besieged Captain Salzede in one of the castles and took it by assault, hanged the captain, and used much cruelty against them which were in it, and at this time besieges another of those castles.
20. It is told that the Duke of Savoy has commanded all the Huguenots to avoid out of his country.
21. They of the religion think that there has been at this meeting at Bayonne some complot betwixt the Pope, the King of Spain, and the Scottish Queen, by their ambassadors, and some say also the Papists of England.
22. It is constantly told of the Scottishmen here that the French have promised aid both of money and victuals to the Scottish Queen, if she will attempt to overturn the new religion in her country; and her future husband has promised, as soon as he is married, to come to France. Some say that the Cardinal of Lorraine for his part has offered to lend her 30,000 crowns.
Orig. Add. Endd.: July 1565. Pp. 11.
July. 1281. Victualler of Berwick.
Blank form of warrant of discharge for the victualler of Berwick.
Copy. Endd.: July 1565. P. 1.
July. 1282. Charges at Berwick.
The estimated daily and monthly charges for the work at Berwick, amounting to 1,226l. by the month.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4.
July. 1. 1283. William Phayre to Cecil.
News from Malta. Don John and many gallants of the Court have gone to Barcelona to the rescue. The Kings of Algiers and Fez besiege Oran. The fleet of the Indies bring 1,500,000 ducats. The Germans are well willing that the Archduke should marry the Queen. News of the intended marriage of the Duke of Ferrara, and also of the Queen of Scots From Flanders they hear that the English Commissioner have done nothing. Strangers marvel that they went England can do without Flanders, but Flanders cannot do without England. Craves to be provided with money —Madrid, 1 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
July 2. 1284. Cuerton to Phayre.
Forwards letters. Whereas he writes to him for 400 reals will send to Medina del Campo to a friend who will send him a letter. Begs his help for the poor men in prison a Guipuscoa.—Bilboa, 2 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 3. 1285. Smith to Cecil.
1. The marriage in Scotland their ambassador here, since his secretary's coming, seems not so much to mislike as he did at first. Thinks he had rather she should have had the young Duke of Guise, but seeing it is done with the consent of all the nobility of Scotland (which consent he says was showed and subscribed unto in the presence of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton while he was in Scotland), he takes it rather well than evil, and rather the more because thereby he hopes his religion there shall eftsoons take root. The match was not so suddenly done as it broke out. The writer smelled that there was a practice against Murray and that faction, but was not made so privy that he could particularize it. The matter was finally handled to make the Queen appear as labourer for the restitution of the father, and a sender of the son. If Smith had known of either before they had been done, he could have said somewhat to have given occasion to look deeper in the matter.
2. Touching the succession and the crown, the Queen has good choice offered.—Hastinges, 3 July 1565.
3. If Cecil would understand the particularities of the masks, triumphs, &c., &c., the bearer, Mr. Beaton, the Scots' ambassador's brother, can declare them to him. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary Pp. 4.
July 4. 1286. Dominicus Lampsonius to Cecil.
Reminds him of the good terms on which he was with him and his wife whilst he was Cardinal Pole's secretary; would not have left England, could he have remained with a safe conscience. Also reminds him of the conversation in which Cecil tried to persuade him to change his religion, which he could not conscientiously do. Refers to the sentiments expressed in More's Utopia. Recommends to him William Wryght, a theologian, for whom he asks his good services. Sends him an unfinished book, which explains the reasons why he could not change his religion; will send a perfect copy when it is completed.—Liége, Non. iv. Julii. Signed, Dominicus Lampsonius, Brugensis, Reginaldi Poli Cardinalis olim scriba, nunc Episcopi Principis Leodiensis secretarius.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
[July 4.] 1287. Dominicus Lampsonius on the nature of the Church.
Endeavours to prove that the Church is not liable to error in matters which are necessary to salvation, though she can err in matters not appertaining to faith or such as are not necessary to salvation.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 19.
July 5. 1288. Victuals for Berwick.
Note of victuals and other provisions necessary for Berwick, by Robert Arden.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 8.
July 6. 1289. Randolph to Cecil.
The Earl of Argyll has gathered his whole force against the Earl of Athol, and intends to invade his country, and to lay waste as much of the same as he can. Lord Hume was sent for by the Queen to be here, but came not himself, but sent young Coldingknowes, who is servant to Lord Darnley, with forty or fifty of his servants with jack and spear. The Lord of Murray is at St. Andrews. On the 15th inst. the Protestants assemble again at Glasgow, where will be the Duke, the Earls, and others of that faction.—Edinburgh, 6 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
July 7. 1290. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has received the Queen's letters and his by Mr. John Haye, who arrived here yesterday, evil at ease for the evil success of his journey. Hay's answer is as evil taken by the Queen and those about her, as it was sorrowful for him to report it. Hears they begin to find themselves in very hard case. Her country broken round about, and herself so left of all her nobility (at least of the best of them) that she knows not which way to turn herself. They mislike in her nothing but that which also may be hurtful to his sovereign, that is, the overthrow of religion and breech of amity. In Lord Darnley, his usage has been such, his behaviour so strange, his words so full of boasting, that they find nothing that can content them, but as far as the writer perceives are become mortal enemies unto him. The Earls of Argyll and Athol have gathered their forces. It is said that the Queen has warned the gentlemen of Angus and the Mearns to assist Athol, and then must the Duke concur with Argyll; and so are they like to have cumber enough. To persuade that these two meet not, and that they leave gathering of their forces, there is sent to the Earl of Athol the Lords Ruthven and Lethington, and to the Earl of Argyll the Justice Clerk and St. Colm; so that of Her Council there is none left near her but Erskine. Trusts that her Majesty, with the expense of 4,000l. or 5,000l., shall have this Queen once again at her own will.—Edinburgh, 7 July 1565.
2. P.S.—Is advised by some that the Master of Maxwell should be friendly dealt with. He sees now so much mischief towards that he mislikes as the rest do. Some others travail with him to preserve friendliness in the action of religion and amity, to both which he has consented. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
July 7. 1291. Drury to Leicester and Cecil.
1. Sends a proportion made by Robert Arden of the wants in the office of victualling.—Berwick, 7 July 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—Petitions for some consideration for himself.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2
July 7. 1292. Drury to Cecil.
Has heard that the ambassador, John Hay, has made some stay in Yorkshire. Has given a safe-conduct to "Jambes Meneyze," to pass to the Court. Has received their letters for the aiding of Robert Arden for the making of provision for their wants. Has less entertainment than any other Marshal has had since the beginning of Queen Mary's reign.—Berwick, 7 July. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 8. 1293. Drury to Cecil.
There are many bruits of cumbers in Scotland, which he leaves to the report of Randolph. Desires to know what should be done with the three of her Majesty's servants, who are here for their undutifulness stayed.—Berwick, 8 July Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 9. 1294. Randolph to Cecil.
Recommends to him his two friends M. Montgomery and William Gutshyre, to have his favour to pass into France.— Edinburgh, 9 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
July 10. 1295. The Queen to Randolph.
1. Has seen his letters of the 4th and 6th instant to her secretary, and perceive to her no small grief the appearance of troubles to arise in Scotland. She cannot judge that the Lords there, with whom the Queen is offended, have any intention but to the weal of their Sovereign. If he shall find occasion to speak with her, he may say that the writer, hearing by common report how troublesome the estate of that realm began to be, did pity the same, and would have let Mary understand her advice but for two causes; one is her late dealing with her in her marriage, without her knowledge and consent; the other, lest at this time she should think her willing to intermeddle in her affairs. In like manner he shall speak with them of the nobility with whom she is offended; and as long as they shall intend nothing but to maintain the truth in religion, and consequently uphold their Sovereign's estate with good advice, and nourish the amity betwixt these two realms, she shall allow them, and so esteem them as in all just causes they shall find her to their estate and continuence. She wishes they should give the Queen to understand their intentions.
2. Finally, he shall assure them that if they, doing their duties, shall be forced to any inconvenience, they shall not find lack in her to regard them in their truth.
Draft corrected by Cecil, and Endd. Pp. 4.
July 10. 1296. Fair copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 4.
July 16. 1297. The Queen of Scots to—.
1. The evil and untrue report spread by seditious persons that she intends to molest any of her subjects in the using of their religion and conscience freely, grieves her. In case he shall be desired to rise and concur with any under pretence of this vain bruit, she prays him to stay and take no heed.
2. P.S.—Prays him to come with what force he can make, provided for 15 days.—Edinburgh, 16 July. Signed.
Copy. Endd. partly by Randolph and partly by Cecil. Pp. 3.
July 16. 1298. Randolph to the Queen.
Upon Monday last, the 9th, this Queen was married secretly in her palace to Lord Darnley; not above seven persons were present; and went that day to bed to Lord Seton's house. This he knows by one of the priests that was present at the Mass. If this be true the Queen sees how her promise is kept, and may measure the rest of her doings. Believes unfeignedly that the Queen shall find more fair words than good meaning.—Edinburgh, 16 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
July 17. 1299. Drury to Cecil.
1. Wrote yesterday of the fall of some part of the old wall.
2. It seems that the letters from Mr. Randolph are forced to leave the way for doubt of intercepting.—Berwick, 17 July. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 17. 1300. Lee to the Marquis of Winchester.
Sends the parcels of provisions with the prices by bearer, and note of their wants. The works are in such forwardness that by Michaelmas will dispatch the greatest number of workmen.—Berwick, 17 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[July 17.] 1301. Charges at Berwick.
Estimate of the charges and freights of all manner of provisions for the furniture of the works at Berwick for this year 1565, amounting to 341l. 9s.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 18. 1302. Châtelherault, Argyll, and Murray to Cecil.
Trust that the state he left them in be not forgotten with him, as yet they are in no better, but rather worse and worse; wherefore they have directed the bearer towards the Queen, fully instructed, who will show Cecil the heads of his commission.—Stirling, 18 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
July 18. 1303. Chatelherault, Murray, and Argyll to Throckmorton.
Crave the Queen's assistance and comfort in their present case, and doubt not but that he will further all honourable suits of his old affectionate friends.—Stirling, 18 July 1565. Signed.
Orig., with Murray's seal. Add. Endd. by Throckmorton's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 20. 1304. The Bishop of Durham to [Bedford].
Desires his advice for a preacher for Berwick and his stipend Thinks he could procure Mr. Sampson thither. If so, asks the Earl to let him have his letters to Cecil to procure Sampson liberty and licence.—20 July. Signed.
Orig. Hol. P. 1.
July 20. 1305. Drury to Bedford.
Repeats the intelligence contained in his to Cecil of this date. The Protestants assembled on the 18th instant at Stirling. The Court is now all in arms, and the Queen has assembled her whole power. She has appointed her marriage on Sunday come eight days. 2,000l. have come for the works —Berwick, 20 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 20. 1306. Drury to Cecil.
1. There is great repair to the Scottish Queen of men in warlike manner (as with jacks and spears), with assembly of the Duke and that faction. Mr. Ashton has brought 2,600l.
2. The other day caused a "loghe" upon Tweed within their bounds, which the Scots had builded, to be overthrown, who came by night and cast down two of theirs.—Berwick, 20 July.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
July 20. 1307. Drury to Throckmorton.
The Scots in the night having come into their bounds and cast down two "iawes" of earth for the commodity of fishing in Tweed, he has this night caused a mill of Jasper Hume's, of Hutton town (one of the principal men who procured this displeasure) to be overthrown, and has neither hurt man or suffered any gear to be taken.—Berwick, 20 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 20. 1308. Bedford to [Cecil]. (fn. 1)
Sends him the names of certain Scots who pulled down the fishing places of the English, wherefore Mr. Marshal pulled down the mill of one Hume belonging to the Earl of Murray.—Alnwick, 20 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
July 22. 1309. Bedford to [Cecil].
The enclosed letter was sent from Randolph to Mr. Marshal here. He writes that the troubles in Scotland begin to wax hotter.—Berwick, Sunday, 22 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
July 22. 1310. M. de Foix to Cecil.
Desires a passport for the bearer, who is sent from the Marquis D'Elbœuf to the Queen of Scots.—London, 22 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 23. 1311. Randolph to the Queen.
1. The bearer is sent to signify unto her the state of this country, which is both pitiful and lamentable to hear of, that a Queen of such a realm and her people should fall into such danger as they are like to be brought into.
2. Their request unto her is that she will please tohave pity upon them, and support and assist them. Asks credit for the bearer.—Edinburgh, 23 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 23. 1312. Bedford to Cecil.
1. The bearer was recommended to Mr. Marshal and the writer, and required to be used and sent away in secret, for which cause he has given him passport as though he meant to go into France.
2. The Queen of Scotland has already 6,000 or 7,000 men and her power daily increases. She has called in Lord James and others. Darnley was yesterday made Duke of Albany, and on Sunday next the marriage shall be made. Asks him to have consideration of the state of this piece, as they remain unfurnished of munition both at Newcastle and here—Berwick, 23 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 23. 1313. The Countess of Lennox to the Lord Chamberlain and Cecil.
Complains of not hearing from her husband and sons and of lack of money, and desires them to be means with the Queen not to continue her heavy lady, she having not deserved it.—The Tower, 23 July. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 23. 1314. The Queen to the Elector Palatine. (fn. 2)
Has received his letter of 6 Cal. Junii, and heard what his messenger had to say. Reciprocates his goodwill.
Orig. Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
July 24. 1315. The Marquis of Winchester to Cecil.
Sends Lee's letter, and his bill of parcels, amounting to 8l. or 9l.—24 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 24. 1316. Bedford to Cecil.
The troubles and broils between the Scotts and the Elwoods on Liddesdale side have been such as the Elwoods, being the weaker party, are driven to seek aid otherwhere. If they be received in England it will serve to good purpose. The countrys on both sides fear wars, and by withdrawing their cattle and other gear provide therefor. He affirms the contrary for Her Majesty's part, but it will not serve. This town lacks both victuals and munition.—Berwick, 24 July 1565 Signed.
2. P.S.—These Elwoods have burnt the Lord of Cessford's corn and his houses.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 24. 1317. Randolph to Bedford.
Here they intend the utter overthrow of the poor Earl of Murray. He stands in hard case, as Bedford may perceive by the enclosed letter, which being delivered him and directed to no man he burst it up, and found it chiefly concerned Bedford. If any good can be done by his lordship God requires and duty binds him to do it. He [Murray] would that the Borderers had occasion to keep themselves at home, for then should she lack one of her chief poor helps. This the writer knows might do much good, chiefly to weary all others continually to attend upon her, and to put her in that case that she should not know where to turn her. So soon as those now about her are "scaled" the other will give her new "larum;" and then if Bedford keeps the marches so occupied that they come not hither, she shall have but a small number to attend upon her. Trusts he spoke with the man that went hence, and knows his errants. Beton this day followed him, who he fears has letters to persuade against him. Asks Bedford to write to the Court to procure a commission to do further than he now may. They are in marvellous fear of Queen Elizabeth, and she must remedy the whole, or all will come to naught.— Edinburgh, 24 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: With a letter from the Earl of Murray. Pp. 3.
July 24. 1318. Randolph to Cecil.
"We" are in marvellous fear that if Cecil stand not good unto "us" this message sent by Beton (if he entreat the Queen not to take part with the Duke and the rest) may turn them to great displeasure. And the writer is required to assure her that come what fortune soever God will send them, they will never accord to other end than what the Queen shall make between this Queen and them. 300 men this day and yesterday are levied under Robert Lawder that struck the minister, a great occasion long since of displeasure between the Queen and the Lord of Murray, and not Hugh Lawder that lately slew the man at Dunbar for his pleasure. Companies repair daily, and to-morrow Lord Darnley takes the musters.—Edinburgh, 24 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 24. 1319. The Queen to the Prince of Florence.
Congratulates him on his marriage with the Emperor's daughter. Is sorry that she cannot fully grant his request for some pacing horses, as so many have been lately exported; however, licenses Ridolpho to export [blank] horses.—Richmond, 24 July 1565.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
July 25. 1320. Bedford to the Queen.
1. Departing on Monday the 16th instant from London he came here on Friday the 20th. At his departing from her, and before, desired her direction touching the matters of Scotland, especially concerning the Protestants. It is now come to pass that the Gospel, and the chief professors of the same in Scotland, are brought to great distress, as by the enclosed letter of Murray sent him from Randolph she may see; and if she helps not herein both the Gospel shall be rooted out and a noble gentleman overthrown. Desires to know her pleasure how he might proceed to impeach the devices of the men of the Middle March, who are Murray's greatest enemies, without any demonstration of open war; and therein she might suffer him (as it were, without her knowledge) to take some way herein, and then to lay the matter to him as a thing attempted of himself; and then might Murray in the meantime work in some sort for himself. Asks her to signify to Lord Scrope how the Elwoods might be used. If not soon signified, there will ensue, under colour of peace, such slaughter and spoil as in open wars has not been greater.
2. They are here evil stored of munitions and victuals for that end, and ever were inferior in men and horses for these East Marches, they being almost six for one. As for Beton's coming he trusts she will not give too much credit thereunto; for as his religion is, and theirs from whom he comes, so will his talk tend to more vanity than truth. Enquires whether he should muster the Borders, and asks her to send them a treasurer.—Berwick, 25 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
July 25. 1321. Bedford to Cecil.
1. The bearer was commended to the writer by the Queen's letters and Randolph's, who will peradventure make much ado for the mill destroyed by Mr. Marshal. If Beton say ought therein Cecil can answer him well enough, which he wishes were quick and sharp, for the Scotch never were so haughty unto them as now. They have threatened either to steal their "harrege" or destroy certain bricks that are making near this town. Sends Randolph's letter, whereby he shall see what preparation they make. Prays his help that they may be provided with munition and victuals. The lustiness of their neighbours and the malice of Lord Hume (who is now a counsellor and does almost all with the Queen) requires this. All of that surname are sworn enemies to this realm. The slaughters, burnings, and wastes between the Elwoods and Scotts are very great. The Elwoods are driven out, and are come to English ground.—Berwick, 25 July 1565. Signed.
2. P. S.—The Protestants' party is very weak "and much feared;" they are all in their castles, having no power as the Queen has.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
July 25. 1322. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Refers to his of this date to the Queen and to Murray's letter. "It pitieth me to see the estate of religion there, and namely in what case that good gentleman is. I wish (and now it is high time) that we dealt plainly, either by aiding them at this their great extremity or else by a flat denial, that they should not look for any help at our hands; for standing thus they cannot long continne. The Lord Hume and they of the March are they that most do fear the rest, who might (if Her Majesty's pleasure so were) be soon called away home to look to their own things, and if I had good warrant therefor I would soon take upon me the doing of it."
2. Lord Hume and they of the March are they that most fear the rest. Desires him to help them with munition and victuals. Sir John Forster would gladly understand whether he shall obtain his twenty men for Harbottell Castle.— Berwick, June 25, 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 26. 1323. Forster to Cecil.
1. They of Liddlesdale have destroyed a place of the Laird of Cessford's, and killed two of his servants, for which he minds to complain to the Queen and crave aid of her, so as he may ride upon them.
2. Desires that he may have twenty soldiers to lie at Harbottell Castle, which he is more importunate for by reason that the Redesdales have of late been assembled together.— Alnwick, 26 July 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
July 27. 1324. The Marquis of Winchester to Cecil.
Is glad that the Council rest upon Valentine Brown for the victualling of Berwick, and sends articles for the management of that service.—27 July 1565. Signed: Winchester,— Valentine Brown.
Orig., in Winchester's hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 28. 1325. M. De Foix to Cecil.
Desires a passport for a gentleman of Anjou to go into Scotland. Has been expecting a letter from th Privy Council directing the prisoner [L'Estille] to be given up.— London, 28 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 28. 1326. Randolph to Bedford.
1. Near 9 p.m. Darnley was proclaimed King of Scotland by consent of all the Lords present in this town.
2. Received his letter by Corbet this night, requiring his advice touching the Laird of Riccarton. Is glad that he has fallen into his hands. He is Lord Bothwell's chief friend, and has the Queen's letter to him to fetch him home. —Edinburgh, 28 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[July.] 1327. Supplication to the Queen of Scots.
Recital of the progress of the Reformation in Scotland, and complaint of the erection of that idol, the Mass, at the arrival of the Queen. The petitioners exhibit certain articles of complaint against the Mass, and request that the people be compelled to resort to preaching; and that none but sound ministers and able in doctrine be permitted to instruct youth. They also ask for the sustentation of the poor; for the suppression of crime; and that order may be devised for the labourers for reasonable payment of their "teind;" and against the setting of their steadings to others over their heads.
Copy. Pp. 4.
July 29. 1328. Reformation in Scotland.
The Queen of Scots' answer to the Articles presented to her in the name of the last assembly of the Church.
1. To the first, desiring the mass to be abolished, as well in the head as members, with punishment against the contraveners, it is answered, first, that she neither will nor may leave the religion wherein she has been brought up; and she prays her subjects (seeing that she neither has nor means hereafter to press the conscience of any, but that they may worship God in such sort as they think best) that they also will not press her to offend her conscience.
2. As for establishing of the religion in the body of the realm, they know that the same cannot be done by her consent only, but she requires that of the Estates in Parliament; and therefore, so soon as the Parliament holds that thing which the Estates agree upon, she shall grant unto them.
3. To the second article, it is answered that she thinks it in nowise reasonable that she should defraud herself of so great a part of the patrimony of her crown as to put the parsonages and benefices forth of her hands. Nevertheless she is pleased that consideration be had of their necessity, and if it may be sufficient for the sustentation of the ministers, a special assignment may be made to them in places most com modious.
4. To the third article, she will do to them as shall be agreed by the Estates in Parliament.
5. To the fourth article, her liberalty towards the poor shall always be as far extended as can be reasonably required.
6. To the fifth article, she will refer the taking order, as well as that of the sixth article, to the Parliament.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: 29 July 1565. Pp. 4.
July 29. 1329. Bedford to the Privy Council.
Now that the imprest is made, which was under 3,000l there remains only 60l. The garrison still wants coal, bread drink, corn, beeves, and munition supplied.—Berwick, 29 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 29. 1330. Bedford to Cecil.
Delivered the Council's letters to the Bishop of Durham, whose answer to them he herewith sends him. As this place is void of a preacher, and the Bishop may not spare any of his, from what he writes about Mr. Sampson they would be glad if the Queen would grant him [Mr. Sampson] to them for preacher, whose doctrine (albeit he sticks in some things) they should the better embrace. Trusts by his means that she will grant him licence to come hither. The ceremonies of caps and tippets they shall refer to her pleasure and the Bishop's order, albeit they could be better content to be without them, for (as far as he could ever hear) the same were never seen to have been observed in these rude parts. Prays him help them to have some other preacher, for Sampson will be hardly got.—Berwick, 29 July 1565. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 29. 1331. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Mentions the lack of victuals and money here. Prays him to thank the Lord Warden for looking to his charge in his absence.—Berwick, 29 July 1565. Signed.
2. P. S.—Darnley is proclaimed King of Scotland.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
July 29. 1332. Oliver Harris to Fayre.
The writer and the other English prisoners complain of their misery and trouble and ask his assistance. If money be needed "Mr. Kyertane" will advance 100 ducats.—Tolosa, July 29. Signed.
Orig., in Harris's hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 30. 1333. Instructions for John Thomworth.
1. First, he shall obtain access with Randolph to the Queen of Scots, to whom he shall deliver her letters, and say:—
2. The strangeness that the Queen has noted in Queen Mary towards herself consists in these points. First, whereas the offer made to the Queen in her realm (being thereto required by her sister) was sincerely meant for her weal, she is induced by sinister advice to report that therein the Queen means nothing but to abuse her.
3. Next, she finds it strange that where Mary sent Lethington to require the Queen's goodwill in her marriage (making mention of her disposition of favour towards Lord Darnley, if Elizabeth would so thereof allow), Elizabeth, on sending Throckmorton to impart her mind in the same, found that before his coming and before any answer received from her she had entered so far in that matter with Darnley as that at Throckmorton's coming she was not in case to receive any advice for that matter. Nevertheless she promised to forbear from the marriage for three months, the end whereof should be about the 15th of August next; whereupon the Queen accounted certainly, and so by her occasion did some other princes. And now, contrary to her promise, she hears that she should cause the banns of matrimony to be asked the 22nd of July, to be celebrated on the 29th of the same, without any cause to her notified of the breach of her promise.
4. And as for detaining the Earl of Lennox and Lord Darnley (for so shall Thomworth name them) the Queen has by Randolph given Queen Mary to understand what she thinks thereof, and now has willed him [Thomworth] to renew the same and to make her some answer, considering the same is directly against the treaty betwixt them. She finds also some innovation by her ministers upon her frontiers in her East Marches, in that of late a number of her subjects have overthrown and destroyed certain "loghs" of fishing in the Tweed, belonging to her subjects of ancient right.
5. Secondly, for her strangeness in her proceedings within her realm, she cannot forbear to admonish her that she is much abused if she be so counselled; and if she does it of herself she forgets herself marvellously to rise up such factions as by common report is understood amongst her nobility.
6. And if she shall be advised that by prosecution of those with whom she is brought to be offended she shall suppress and extirpate out of her realm the religion received by her subjects, with order of law of her realm, he shall say that the Queen earnestly charges her to take good heed to her counsels or such vain imaginations, for what shall ensue in that realm by intending to alter the religion by force, she will not speak but wish her not to believe fair speeches therein. For any devices that she may be fed with that may concern her and her realm, she can, by God's grace, assure her she shall find al her designs, consultations, and intelligences, and advices vain and deceitful.
7. After he has uttered these things, and shall have heard what she will say, he shall say apart, as a message divided from the other, that because she hears that she has conceived displeasure against the Earl of Murray, the Queen wishes Queen Mary not to show her nature so subject to change, as to conceive evil of him without evident cause. And it is commonly reported that the malice of certain having credit with her has been such towards him as of late it was fully determined to have slain him at his coming to the Court there when he was sent for; wherefore it were expedient that she should in such cases give indifferent ears to both parties, and not to call the Earl to appear before them whom he has cause to judge his mortal enemies.
8. He shall use himself in all these matters, as the end of his negotiation be to procure that Queen to reconcile to her favour the Earl of Murray and his party.
9. The principal scope of his service shall be, to procure her to offer the continuance of peace and amity with her and her realms in such sort as that Queen be not provoked to renew the old league with France.
10. If the Earl of Lennox or Lord Darnley shall desire to speak with him, he shall, according as the time shall move him, make it somewhat strange; but in the end he shall not refuse utterly to hear them, without saying anything to them as from her, but shall use them with such strangeness as their cause requires. And yet, he may, as of himself, advise them to use themselves otherwise than is reported they do; and to move them the more, he may remember to them the hard case of the Lady Margaret, now in the Tower, whose wellbeing must depend upon their behaviour there.
11. If the Queen shall move him to speak to the said Earl or his son, or shall require him to direct his speech to Lord Darnley as to her husband, he shall refuse so to do.
12. In the end he shall say that after she had given him this message, and had sent him to take his journey, Beton came to her with a private letter of Queen Mary's own hand, wherewith the Queen was much moved in her old affection.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol. and endd. by him: 30 July 1565. Pp. 9.
July 30. 1334. The Queen to the Queen of Scots.
Has received her letter by Beton, wherein she cannot deny but there are many friendly offers, but considers her other late actions towards her not allowable in way of friendship. She cannot, until she shall see some proofs of her last writing, determine what to answer otherwise than she has commanded a servant of hers to declare unto her, whom she had despatched at the coming of Beton.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 30 July 1565, by Mr. Thomworth. Pp. 2.
July 30. 1335. The Queen to Bedford.
Letter of credit for John Thomworth of her privy chamber, sent to the Queen of Scots.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd. (fn. 3)
July 30. 1336. Similar letter to Tho. Randolph.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.
July 30. 1337. Bedford to Cecil.
Since yesterday received this packet from Randolph. Has not heard from him anything since his coming hither, except of the death of Mrs. Ashley. What shall be done if any passports shall come hither in any respect from Lord Darnley, now proclaimed King of Scotland?—Berwick, 30 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 30. 1338. M. De Foix to the Lord Chamberlain.
Desires that he will send a letter to the Master of the Compter to deliver up L'Estrille, who has not had any better treatment, being kept with irons on his feet.—London, 30 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 31. 1339. Smith to Cecil.
He never did message with better will than this last, for he loves when the Queen is resolute. Trusts she will not so refuse all that she will choose no mate. Prays him to be earnest with the Queen for his revocation. The Queen Mother makes no haste to Paris. At Cognac men look for great things to be, but he sees no haste made thither.—Baroco, beside Nerac, 31 July 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
July 31. 1340. Phayre to Cecil.
1. Hopes that the Queen will not interfere in the affairs of France. Assures Cecil that this King will be able to do them little hurt these ten years. The Queen will be at Segovia till the summer be past. The King is at the Escurial. Have had news of the Queen's intended marriage with the house of Austria, and that of the Queen of Scots with Lord Darnley. If it lay in these folks' hands to raise a faction in England they would not let to procure it. The King, not knowing how to send the gallants hence, privily caused Don John of Austria to take the post, which was a goodly policy, for all the rest followed for the succour of Malta. The King has sent for him back again. The Turks have taken the fort before St. Elmo. The Spanish galleys are still at Barcelona, as the King of Algiers is besieging Oran. The Pope is resolved to have the Archbishop of Toledo's matter sentenced. Wishes that some one of some great living were sent as Ambassador to this Court.—Madrid, 11 July 1565.
2. P.S.—The castle of St. Elmo is taken, and all within it hewn in pieces. The fleet from Peru has brought 600,000 for the King and 3,000,000 of silver and gold of particulars. The King has taken all. The King is at the Escurial and the Queen at Soria. There have been fastings, processions, and prayers for Malta. Sir Richard Shelly has gone towards Malta at his own charges. He has had all arrerages paid him, but refuses letters of naturalization. He called on Phayre and desired him to write to Cecil. Does not think that he will go to Malta. News came that Don Garcia had fought with 40 galleys, and taken 25 and sunk the rest, whereupon there was much feasting and "running bulls."
3. The King and Queen came to Segovia on Saturday, and the Court is there now. Villegaignon has finished his fort in Florida and has been joined by John Ribaut. They have built three forts, and are in good peace with the people of the country. They are minded to send some great personage into England to treat of the Queen's marriage with the Duke Charles, also a league and various other matters. Dragut Reis is slain.—Madrid, 31 July 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 12.


  • 1. The draft of a letter to the Count Palatine is written on the back. See July 23.
  • 2. Written on the back of a letter from Bedford to Cecil of the 20th inst.
  • 3. This and the following letter are on the same page.