Elizabeth: August 1565, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: August 1565, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp429-442 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1565, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp429-442.

"Elizabeth: August 1565, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp429-442.

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August 1565, 16-31

August 16. 1389. Charges at Berwick.
Note of such sums of money as have been paid to the garrisons and works at Berwick since the last pay made at Michaelmas 1564.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 16. 1390. Charges at Berwick.
The rate of the yearly, monthly, and daily charges of the garrison at Berwick (the yearly charges amounting to 17,076l. 4s. 2d.), also an estimate of victuals delivered out of the store for the officers, garrison, works, and fortifications, amounting to 3,400l.
Orig. Endd.: 16 Aug. 1565. Pp. 4.
August 16. 1391. Depredations by Pirates.
Complaint by the French Ambassador of sundry depredations committed by English pirates at different times.
Orig. Noted by Cecil in the margin. Endd.: 16 Aug. 1565. Fr. Pp. 3.
[August 16.] 1392. Conference at Bruges.
The replies of the Commissioners of the King Catholic to certain articles, nine in number, dated 16 Aug., with the rejoinders of the English Commissioners.
Copy. In parallel columns. Endd. Lat. Pp. 6.
August 17. 1393. Smith to Cecil.
Sends a complaint, made to him against Sir Ric. Buckley, of Beaumaris, along with the copy of his own letter, to the merchant and his factor, and the whole accounts. Hereby Cecil may understand the case.—St. Sulpice, beside Cognac, 17th Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 17. 1394. Sir Francis Englefield to Arthur Lallart.
Thanks him for his letter of 29 July, and for the comfortable news in it. This day his Lordship's man arrived, and to-morrow morning his Lordship will away so early that he has no time to write any occurrents. Desires him to burn all his letters.—Louvaine, 17 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 18. 1395. Queen Mary and King Henry of Scotland to Lord Hume.
Mr. Thomworth having refused their passport, Hume shall not suffer him to leave their realm, without their passport subscribed with their hands. — Edinburgh, 18 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Copy. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 18. 1396. Murray to Cecil.
Received his letter, and understands by his [Murray's] servant Cecil's care and diligence to further the writer's suit. Their estate is both dangerous and troublesome. Perceives nothing but greater extremity.—Dunoon, in Argyle, "in haste upon my departure towards Ayr," 18 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: by Mr. Tamworth. Pp. 2.
August 18. 1397. Charges at Berwick.
Note of the charges of the fortifications at Berwick from Oct. 15th, 1564, to Oct. 13th, 1565, 10,820l. 3s. 4d., whereof 1,676l. 11s. 10d. were paid by Mr. Ashton in July last.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 18. 1398. Charges at Berwick.
The estimated charges of the fortifications at Berwick from the 15th of Oct. 1564 to the 28th of April 1565 amount to 2,964l. 8s. 0d.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 18. 1399. Sir Robert Peckham to Cecil.
Has found at his physician's hands effects contrary to their promises, for he is fallen into the jaundice, by which he is so enfeebled as he is constrained to continue their patient here still.—Paris, 18 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 18. 1400. Charges for prisoners in France.
The charges for the ransom of thirty prisoners are 120 French crowns, which, with other charges for the same, amount to 481 French crowns; of which Condé caused the parties to forgive 150 French crowns.
Orig. Signed by Tho. Otley, of Harwich, and Wm. Johnson, of Winterton. Additions by Cecil. Endd.: 18 Aug. 1565. Pp. 2.
August 20. 1401. Randolph to the Queen.
Praises Mr. Thomworth. Finds marvellous alteration in this Queen; he wonders from whence it proceeds. The injuries done to the Queen how they may be recompensed she knows best, for will in her to repair them he finds but little. There were never more addicted to Queen Elizabeth's devotion in this country than there are at this present. — Berwick, 20 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. in Randolph's hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 20. 1402. Randolph to Cecil.
1. After the first day that Thomworth had audience, this Queen willed that he should confer with her Council, and Tuesday being the day, Thomworth and he being present in Lethington's chamber, Lethington said that his Sovereign's will was that they should talk only with the ambassador, Mr. Thomworth, and therefore desired him [Randolph] to give them leave. To that Thomworth said that he was a stranger to many matters that had passed, and could not discharge his duties except Randolph were present. Athol somewhat spoke against it, that he should be there, and seeing them somewhat persist therein, he let them understand that he thought that dealing very strange that he should be secluded from 'any matter that was to be dealt between the Queens; and therefore not only opposed what was said, but also advised Thomworth to proceed no further, except that he [the writer] might be privy to their doings. They went unto the Queen to know her pleasure, and at their return he was admitted.
2. After full resolution taken of matters Thomworth had commission to deal in, the writer offered to their Lordships a supplication of certain of his countrymen of Chester and [blank], in Wales, who had been spoiled by English pirates, and for the surrender of certain other pirates.
3. After the conference was ended, Lethington (by command from this Queen) required Randolph to promise upon his honour that he would in no way have to do with her rebels; and if he would not so promise, then she would appoint persons to be with him that should see unto him that he should have no means to work her any displeasure that way. To the first he answered that he would promise nothing. For guards to attend upon him he gave them to understand that they should fare full evil, or be more in number than he keeps of his own, or else they should sometimes seek their lodging. He said that the injury to his mistress was too great in time of peace to have that offered. If she would proclaim it open war, she might do as she lists; but of his liberty he would not be restrained; nor should other commandment take place upon him but such as came from his own mistress. After they had consulted, Lethington asked if he would be content to be at Berwick, and come hither as they have occasion. He denied also that, and said that wheresoever their Sovereign is there is his place. Will do in all things as he was accustomed until he hears further of the Queen's pleasure, whereof he asks to be advertised, as also what he may say to such Englishmen as have recourse hither. Cannot put into legal form, for a jury, the refusal of Lennox and Darnley to return. Asks credit for the bearer.—Edinburgh, 20 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
August 20. 1403. M. de Foix to the Queen.
Complains that the Master of the Compter in Wood Street refuses to obey her letter commanding him to deliver up the prisoner of Calais.—London, 20 August 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: For the delivery of Lestreille. Fr. Pp. 3.
August 21. 1404. Bedford to the Privy Council.
1. Has despatched the bearer, Captain Brickwell, to declare that of money there are not 100 marks, and grain not sufficient for two days.
2. Mr. Thomworth is stayed there, and cannot be suffered to depart, for that he will not accept his safe-conduct made in Lord Darnley's name, as King, joined with the Queen's. "They mean no good to this realm." — Berwick, 21 Augst. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 21. 1405. Thomworth to Cecil.
The only cause of his silence has been the daily expectation of his return having been despatched upon Thursday, in all things saving the letter to the Queen. He sent to the Court on Saturday last to know whether she would command him any further service. Received answer that the next day he should receive a letter to the Queen, and the same instant she sent him a passport, signed by her and the King, for his departure out of the country; which being considered by Mr. Randolph and himself, they thought it not expedient to accept the same, but returned it, alleging that he might not receive any such in that order. Yet he kept his day, and passing quietly till he came on this side Dunbar (where he lodged all night) certain horsemen dogged him out of the town, and some laid in wait for him in the way, and carried him to Hume Castle, by command of the King and the Lord Hume.—Hume Castle, 21 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 21. 1406. The Queen to Smith.
1. On the 17th, the French Ambassador came hither to inform her that, notwithstanding his master had written to her on behalf of the Queen of Scots, moving her to be content with the marriage of Lord Darnley, her subject, and offering to be a mean betwixt that Queen and her, if there were anything that miscontented her, yet thereby he did not mean to prefer the cause of the Queen of Scots before hers.
2. The ambassador also reported of the interview betwixt the King, the Queen Mother, and the Queen of Spain.
3. What has passed from the ambassador to her she would he should report to the King and his mother. And as to the matter betwixt the Queen of Scots and her, he shall say she does so deal with her, except she shall be very ill counselled, that there shall nothing fall out that shall require any other Prince's mediation betwixt them. For although she has in this marriage otherwise proceeded than either she or any of her friends would have counselled her as to the manner and order thereof, yet considering she has sent unto her for her goodwill thereunto, requiring to know wherewith she is miscontented, and offering therein to satisfy her, the Queen thereupon sent an express gentleman to let her understand the points wherewith she is not contented, and therewith also expressed unto her means to make all things sound betwixt them and their countries as they were. And because her requests are reasonable, she does not much doubt but success shall follow to both their contentations, which shall appear upon the return of her messenger.
4. The French Ambassador has of long time been earnest to have L'Estrille, a Frenchman (taken prisoner about Calais before the conclusion of the peace) to be delivered. The takers show a writing of the prisoner confessing that he would pay 5,000 crowns for his ransom, which bill he says he made by reason he was put to torture, whereunto they say he made the bill frankly, and that he being put to convenient liberty practised by letters and messages not only to depart himself, but also to advertise such things as he thought to the disadvantage of their realm, being then in war, whereupon he was put in fear by what he calls a torture, which was tying a string about his head to cause him to confess. And hereupon she required him to be a mean to the King for the delivery of a small number of her subjects remaining in the galleys at Marseilles.
Draft, partly in Cecil's hand. Endd.: 21 Aug. 1565. Pp. 8.
August 22. 1407. Bedford to Cecil.
Since he wrote yesterday Tamworth is brought to Hume Castle, where he remains. Encloses copy of Lord Hume's commission, and also a little paper written to him from Mr. Tamworth, giving him to understand of his stay. Randolph, he doubts not, writes what offers were made to him for keeping his house, and also that Knox has been forbidden to preach for this fifteen days. The Protestants stick together, and are in the field already not far from Edinburgh. Her Majesty might do very well to take speedy order for the keeping of them. One ship of wheat have they brought from Lynn.— Berwick, 22 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 22. 1408. Lee to the Privy Council.
Has here sent an estimate of the charges of the Queen's works for seven months this last winter, and of four this summer. If money were here against the latter end of August he would decrease the number of workmen.—Berwick, 22 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 22. 1409. Lee to Cecil.
Forwards estimate of charges here for seven months.— Berwick, 22 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 23. 1410. The King and Queen of Scotland to the Master of Maxwell.
1. It has been reported of him that he has had intelligence with their rebels. Pray him to meet them at Stirling on the 28th, where they may confer freely with him and take his advice.—Edinburgh, 23 August 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—They have heard by one of his own surname that he passes and speaks with their rebels, which they would have him delay until he comes to them.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 23. 1411. M. de Foix to Cecil.
Sends him a book written by Ronsard, in whose name he begs it may be presented to the Queen.—London, 10 Cal. Sep. 1565.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 3.
August 24. 1412. M. de Foix to Cecil.
Desires a passport for the bearer, a Scotchman, named Tho. Maguisson, who is going into Scotland. Sends him a letter from M. De Mailleraye, Vice-Admiral of France, complaining of the depredations committed by the English on the French.—London, 24 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 3.
August 25. 1413. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Sends a book of the charges of this garrison, as also what has been paid.—Berwick, 25 Aug. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—Malt is now come to serve awhile, and wheat to serve till Christmas.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: By Mr. Tomworthe. Pp. 2.
August 25. 1414. Lord Paget to Cecil.
1. About the 10th September minds to depart into France. The Turks continue their battery still at Malta, and make preparations of galleys and munition.
2. There is at Rome arrived a Scottish bishop. They say that he comes for a dispensation for the Queen's marriage, yet as it is more than six weeks since that was procured by the Cardinal of Lorraine's means and sent away, it is to be thought that he has some other errand.—Venice, 25 Aug. 1565. Signed: Henry Paget.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 25. 1415. Requests of the Spanish Ambassador.
Desires that all convicted pirates and their abettors may be severely punished, as an example to others. Also, that it may be forbidden to furnish them with provisions and necessaries, and that rewards may be given to informers.
Copy. Endd.: 25 Aug. 1565. Lat. Pp. 2.
[August 25.] 1416. Reply to the Spanish Ambassador.
Abstract of the answers to the demands of the Spanish Ambassador respecting the suppression of piracy.
Orig. Draft, in Cecil's writing. P. 1.
August 27. 1417. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has complained to the Lords of the injury done to the Queen that her ambassador was stayed in time of peace. Nothing for that time was answered but that they would speak with the Queen. After dinner he returned, and (Lethington and Athol only being present) this was said unto him: It is the custom of all Princes that whensoever any ambassador come from another, at his departure he receive a safe-conduct, which Tamworth refused; and therefore if he were stayed by the warden, the Prince is not to blame, but himself. He answered that there was nothing omitted of his part towards the Prince, and thereof he could well enough judge; but to acknowledge Darnley King, or to pass under his safe-conduct, he thought it neither his part nor duty; and having the Queen's letter to his mistress, that was sufficient for any man to pass out of her country. Other answer then he could get none, but either he must take that passport or remain where he was. Not satisfied with that, he desired to speak with the Queen.
2. Next day she accused Tamworth that he knew not so much his duty as appertained; that being in a strange country he did not accommodate himself to the laws and orders. He said that he had broken none. If she meant it in that he refused the safe-conduct subscribed with Lord Darnley's hand, he thought it his part so to do, for that had been no less than to have acknowledged him a King, where he (being the Queen's ambassador) looked that both father and son should have come and done their duties unto him. It had been too much, said she, for either of them. Much greater, quoth he, for Mr. Tamworth otherwise to take them than they have showed themselves. Well, she said, he is now a King. To her, he confessed, and to as many as so will take him; but to them he was not, nor to any that were true subjects to his Sovereign. He may be peradventure, said she, she knew what right he has, and next unto herself is assured the best, she meant after her good sister. He said he never greatly travelled to know their rights, but was assured if their rights were any, they took the readiest way to be put beside them. Yea, said she, she knew that they are about to establish the crown to another. He said her knowledge was more than his therein, but so it might be. She trusts, she said, to find otherwise in her sister than so; or if she do, trusts she shall not want friends that will be loth to see her lose her rights. And she assured him she had received letters from the King of France that he will take her part in any wrong that shall be offered her, and some other friends she trusts to find that will help her, if she stands in need. He said he could but allow that she had many friends, and asked if any could stand her more in stead than the Queen. She said she has sought her friendship as much as she can, and had offered as much as reason requires. He said he allowed well of her offers, but that the conditions added unto them were too hard to be allowed of, and more contained in them than ever she desired with the Lord of Leicester. So has she reason, she said, for this man, her husband, has a right and so has not the Lord of Leicester; and to provide for him, his mother, and brother, it is her part, and without that she will never accord to any agreement. He said he thought she should never be greatly pressed, but how his mistress would take these offers, he knows not.
3. He desired her to answer touching Mr. Tamworth. Now, said she, that he knows how he may use himself hereafter, she was content he should be at his own pleasure free, and would direct her letters to that effect. And for the writer, she knows he has intelligence with her rebels, and in special with Murray, and she advised him to leave it. She is content he shall live at liberty. She seems to be offended that a garrison-man coming to him was stayed by Lord Hume. Of Murray she said she will rather lose her crown than not be revenged upon him. She is now determined to pursue them; certain shires are commanded to attend upon her. This day, Sunday, they departed out of this town towards Linlithgow, from thence either to Stirling or Glasgow. What their power will be is uncertain, for they know not who will be their friends, no not of those that are of their nearest.
4. They went very few out of this town. The arquebusiers are now 600 in the whole; 200 spears follow to-morrow with the artillery, six field prices.
5. Such as she pursues are now at Ayr, and think themselves strong enough for this pursuit, and are determined rather to come to this town, or into Fife, than to show themselves against their Sovereign. Proclamation was made upon Friday that any that are with them and will leave them shall be pardoned. Lord Gordon is restored to honours by proclamation. Divers gentlemen of Fife are put to the horn, and divers commanded to ward. Liberty is for all men to do as they list; the provost of this town is put out of his office, and Cragmillar in it. Controller Patarrowe is removed, and the Laird of Tillibardine in his place, who had within these four days four villages spoiled and eleven men slain by the Highland men. Stealing and killing on every part. This town has now given 200l. sterling, and none of them goes with her, for she knows how they favour the other part. She has borrowed money of divers, and yet she has not wherewith to pay so many soldiers as are levied for two months. Yesterday there arrived out of Flanders two ships; in one was the Earl of Sutherland, Francis Yaxley was in the other.—Edinburgh, 27 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
August 27. 1418. The Master of Maxwell to Lord Scrope.
Is required by his Sovereign to come to her. If he finds her minded to extremity he will go with the Lords his brethren. This constrains him to desire Scrope to continue the day of March to the 11th of September. If he goes to the Prince and takes their quarrel against the Lords, he shall first advertise Scrope, sueing the Queen's leave.—Dumfries, 27 Aug. Signed.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 27. 1419. Smith to Cecil.
1. Every eight or ten days there comes a packet from M. De Foix hither, and another from hence to him. They in England practise busily in and with Scotland. They would have made away chiefly the Earls of Murray and Argyll, the Lords of Glencairn and Grange, and also the Duke of Chatelherault. Asks him to warn them to look well to them selves, and to take heed of the Master of Maxwell and Lord Hume. It is thought here that if they were rid of those five (especially of the first four) they would achieve the breaking of the league and alliance with England, joining afresh with France, and bringing again the Mass and Popery into Scotland. Bothwell is privily sent for home; he is gone from Paris, no man knows whither.
2. The Ambassador of Scotland's secretary, Thornton, is to come shortly with a dispatch of bulls, licences, and dispensations from Rome. He goes by the Cardinal of Lorraine. It were well done if those things were seen; Cecil should peradventure learn something of some of his neighbours which he would not think. The bearer can tell him more of the matter and means. The discourses he sends of the conspiracies of the house of Guise was set forth and printed with the consent of the Council here. This book the writer sends he lent to Captain Cockborn, who showed it to the Bishops of Orleans and Limoges, and asked if it were true, who answered that it was. They bid the bearer, Captain Cockborn, carry as many of them as he would into England and Scotland.— St. Sulpice, besides Cognac, 27 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 28. 1420. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
Has sent a gentleman to the King of France to inform him of her affairs, and desires her to show him favour.—Stirling, 28 Aug. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: By Mr. Betone. Pp. 2.
August 28. 1421. The Queen of Scots to Bedford.
Requests him to give a passport to the bearer, Andrew Betoun, to go to the Court.—Stirling, 28 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
August 28. 1422. The Queen to Bedford.
Means to increase his force with 600 footmen and 100 horsemen. Would have him do nothing against Eyemouth, unless it plainly appears that his neighbours will certainly fortify the same. He is to appoint present officers as captains, and shall proceed with all severity against any that have fled into Scotland.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 28 Aug. 1565. By Captain Brickwell. Pp. 4.
August 28. 1423. Bedford to the Privy Council.
Has sent towards the Court the four men stayed here, and also two books of the charges as well of the garrison as the works here till Michaelmas next.—Berwick, 28 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 28. 1424. Bedford to the Privy Council.
The captains here have exhibited their mind in writing touching the victualling, which they desired might be pre sented unto their Lordships.—Berwick, 28 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 28. 1425. Bedford to Cecil.
Is sorry that the Sergeant Porter has so fondly used himself. Has sent towards the Court those four that the Lords wrote for. In a former letter spoke of a murder by certain pirates. Such men were here as were accused of that fact, and, as he wrote long since, they fled hence into Scotland. Partridge remains at Newcastle in gaol, and tarries his trial at the assizes. The Queen and hers go towards the Protestants, so as they may meet within a day or two. Knox is the second time forbidden to preach. Douglas (very honest and godly), that was Provost of Edinburgh, is displaced, and one Cragmillar, a rank Papist, placed; and so are all the other chief officers of that town that are Gospellers. Francis Yaxeley is landed in Scotland coming out of Flanders, and is highly received there.—Berwick, 28 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 28. 1426. Bedford to John Tamworth.
Lord Hume has advertised him that the Queen has commanded him to stay any that should come from the Earl of Murray, "but he said he will not be very hasty thereunto. He remaineth still at home, and at the Queen's command he stirreth not abroad any way, pretending to keep the March from danger if we should commit anything; and is the same man you left him."—Berwick, 28 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 28. 1427. The Laird of Cessford to Lord Scrope.
Has received the commission of the King and Queen to meet him at the days of Trewe, and will meet him with forty gentlemen on the side, upon any day next week.— Kelso, 28 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 28. 1428. The Queen to the English Commissioners at Bruges.
1. If the Flemish Commissioners will not accept the motions of her grants to be de gratia, she is content that the English should use in all such articles words implying concord and friendship. Has caused such number of records to be searched in the Tower and other places as are most clear to maintain her demand about poundage, tonnage, &c., which they shall receive. Complains of the wording of some of the articles, and that they seek to deprive her of her ancient custom of 3d. in the pound due on all strangers' goods, and also their misliking of the rate which is generally made.
2. Cannot be content that her subjects should pay the same duty as foreigners for cloth, and cannot allow that they should tarry to make a new treaty, which cannot be done without consultation of Parliament. If otherwise they cannot bring these matters to a good end, she wills Lord Montague to return.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 6.
August 29. 1429. Winchester to Cecil.
Bedford has written to him declaring the state of the garrison of Berwick. Has had conference with divers persons respecting the charges. Sends him enclosed a brief of the charge of the year.—29 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 29. 1430. Smith to Cecil.
1. Thornton comes not so soon, and when he comes brings nothing from the French King. But brings enough to discover the papistical treasons both of the Scots and English, and the complot which the Pope and the King of Spain have with them. Those things had need be perused by Cecil. (fn. 1) On Friday last, the Papists of Tours having made holes overnight in the walls where the preaching should be, the next day, while the preacher was at prayers and the people kneeling, with arquebuses through the holes slew the preacher and four others, and as the people were coming out they slew sixteen or seventeen more. Condé is looked for to come to the Court, either to-night or to-morrow. The French matter of some trouble is like to be in England. The Queen of Scots has sent for Lords Seton and Bothwell to come home, as the advertisement came to this Court the 27th instant.—St. Sulpice, beside Cognac, 29 Aug. 1565. Signed.
2. PS.—On the 27th instant, Secretary Bourdin was commanded to make the despatch that the company which the Earl of Arran had should be given to Lord d'Aubigny, brother to the Earl of Lennox, to take payment from the first day of this year. It is said that the Earl of Arran is dead of poison, in Scotland, in prison.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 30. 1431. Scrope to Cecil.
According to Cecil's advice upon the letters of the writer of the 1st instant, he has divers ways practised with the Master of Maxwell, not only to stay him here upon his charge, but also has gone about to dissuade him and his friendship from the Queen, and the religion which he seemed always to have professed; and specially, in consideration and for performance of all such friendly promises as he had made unto Queen Elizabeth, that he would use the same towards the Lords of the Congregation, and much rather for that the Duke is at disobedience, who has always been his friend. Whereupon in the end, with much inquiry of Her Highness' intent towards peace or war (whereunto being answered that Scrope did only attend upon command to use hostility towards him), the writer thought that the Master's words savoured that he would stick to the better party, and rather to the Lords, if the Queen should make war, or aid them to the contrary. Knows that he sent Maxwell, Laird of Coohill, to have conference with the Congregation; to what effect the writer knows not. But the Queen (having suspicion towards him in that behalf) directed letters to him to answer the cause at Stirling. — Carlisle, 30 Aug. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 30. 1432. The Queen to the Lady Cecilia of Sweden.
Sends the Lady Cobham to meet her with her congratulations, and conduct her to London. — Windsor, 30 Aug. 1565.
Hol. Draft, by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 31. 1433. Randolph to Bedford.
There arrived here this night, at 4 a.m., the Duke, Murray, the Earls of Glencairn, Rothes, and Lord Boid, to the number of 1,000 persons. To let their purpose be known unto him, there shall be a gentleman with him from them, to whom he may give credit.—Edinburgh, 30 Aug. 1565.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 31. 1434. Gusman de Silva to Cecil.
The merchant of Antwerp, whose ship laden with salt was taken by William Cerle, and who obtained letters to the justiciaries of the Cinque ports, under the Admiralty seal, for their restitution, has found that the Cinque ports are not within that jurisdiction. Desires that the justiciaries may be ordered to obey the letters.—London, 31 August 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 31. 1435. Gresham to [Challoner].
Sends certain letters to Phayre, and desires him to commend his matter to him.—Osterley, 31 August 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. P. 1.
August 31. 1436. Gresham to Phayre.
In June 1558 he became bond for Don Diego de Azevedo for 2,120 crowns, at the request of Phayre and Ruy Gomez. Don Diego being dead, Signor Francis Fonseca, his heir, has paid him about one-third. Desires Phayre to pray Ruy Gomez earnestly that he lose not his money.—London, 31 August 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
[August and
1437. Smith to the Earl of Leicester and Cecil.
1. Aug. 30. There has been great sickness and death amongst men and horses all this journey. The heat has been unreasonable all July and August.
2. By letters from Malta, dated the 7th of August, it appeared that the Turk had to that day gained nothing of the town.
3. Aug. 31. The Duchess of Savoy is sick, and prayed for at all assemblies of the Protestants.
4. The latter end of this year is like the last of Queen Mary's and the first of the Queen's, all towns being full of men, women, and children sick of uncertain agues.


  • 1. Up to this point is in cipher, deciphered.