Elizabeth: June 1565, 16-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: June 1565, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp394-401 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1565, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp394-401.

"Elizabeth: June 1565, 16-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp394-401.

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June 1565, 16-30

June 18. 1251. The Queen to the Queen of Scots.
Has sent command to the Earl of Lennox and Lord Darnley to return to England, and desires her to give them safeconduct to pass through her countries.—Westminster, 18 June 1565.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 18. 1252. The Queen to Madame de Crusole.
Thanks her for her letter, and expresses the esteem in which she holds her.
Draft in Cecil's Hol. Endd.: 18 June 1565. Pp. 2
June 18. 1253. Cuerton to Phayre.
Is glad that he has received the 750 reals. Challoner was at Exeter within four days from St. Sebastian. The Queen four days ago entered into France.—Bilboa, 13 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 19. 1254. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Has received letters from the Master of Maxwell, with others, to Sir John Forster, requesting that they would join in aid with him and the Warden on the Middle Marches of Scotland for suppressing of the disobedience of Liddesdale.— Carlisle, 19 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 19. 1255. John Maxwell to Sir John Forster.
Has received writings from Queen Mary to ask the help of the Warden of the Middle Marches and Forster to suppress the disobedience of Liddesdale, which help he now solicits.—Carlaverock, 19 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 19. 1256. Another copy of the above.
Copy. Add. Pp. 2.
June 19. 1257. Articles between the Queen and Count John of Friesland.
1. Articles between the Queen and Count John, dated Westminster, May 24. The annual pension is to be 600l.
2. Also copy of the agreement of the Countess Anna and Count John to the above articles.—19 June 1565.
Modern transcripts. Lat. Pp. 4.
June 20. 1258. Replies to the Spanish Commissioners.
The Queen will not be bound to the following concessions unless all matters be settled. She will remove the restraints upon the navigation and open the fisheries to the subjects of the King of Spain. She will not diminish the poundage, but will reduce the customs on cloth.—With notes by the Spanish Commissioners, dated 22 June.
Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 4.
June 21. 1259. Drury to Cecil.
1. By the examinations of the Queen's servants stayed here he cannot get any more but that they minded to offer their services to Darnley. Sent the Queen's letters to Randolph, from whence he hears that the Court is small, the courtiers all letters of the Queen's affection. Randolph's company is shunned; and his men "foghten" withall at the court gates. Fowler, having slandered one of his men to the Queen, they have met in the field, having divers lookers on, whereof Fowler has little cause to boast. One of his company would not be idle, whom another of Randolph's answered, who has taken away with a blow the use of two of the other's fingers.
2. Of late there has been more harm done between Liddisdale and Tividale. Murray is in Edinburgh. Most persons in Scotland fear they shall have much unquietness.— Berwick, 21 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 21. 1260. Eric XIV. to the Queen.
Desires that she will enjoin her subjects to import provisions and munitions into those parts of Norway where his army is, and they shall be well paid.—Stockholm, 21 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
June 22. 1261. Sir John Forster to the Privy Council.
Encloses a letter from Lord Scrope of the 19th inst. and one from the Master of Maxwell. As yet he has not been advertised from the Lord Warden of the opposite march of any fugitives of Scotland to be proclaimed, nor has he heard of any bill presented to him against any fugitives. Is of opinion that the Scots should themselves suppress their rebels of Liddisdale, for if war be between these two realms, the men of Liddesdale will offer to do the Queen pleasure.— Alnewick, 22 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 22. 1262. Phayre to Cecil.
1. The King has written letters of recommendation to the commanders of his galleys for five English gentleman, who have offered to serve him at their own charges. Letters from the Spanish Ambassadors avouch the marriage of the Queen of Scots to Lord Darnley. Also he writes that the Queen is much offended with the bishops and ministers, because they have refused a certain Act concerning the wearing of surplices and priestly apparel, which the Queen and many of the nobles much misliked, which was so far forth grown that in divers places openly there is mass said, with the ceremonies of the Roman Church, in great contentment of the people.
2. Gonsalo Perez asked who Dr. Wolston was, and what was his religion. The Queen Catholic is at Pampeluna and goes to Irun, where she waits the King's pleasure. M. de Lansac departs this day. It is said that the principal point he denied was that the Queen Mother wished for license to come and see her daughter at Irun. Divers ambassadors of credit say that it was about the Turkish ambassador in France, Florida, and French King's marriage with this King's sister. An ambassador from Denmark arrived a few days ago, who desired this King to forbid his subjects of the Low Countries to carry succour into Sweden. Don Garcia de Toledo craves licence to fight with the Turk.
3. Yesterday Don Pedro de Avila departed for Rome as ambassador, upon two matters. First, whereas the King had advertisement from thence that the Pope was determined to grant to the Germans certain articles which they demanded, viz., that their priests may marry, and that "under certain specia they may celebrate the sacrament eucharistia," with other such, the Pope seeing that the country was almost grown out of the obedience of his Church, thought better to save it under some conditions than thereby to lose his profit, whereat the King did storm out of measure and sent for the Nuncio to Guadarrama and for his confessor to render account of the agreement, and to settle the broil among the Grey Friars. The King began to complain much of the Pope's proceedings, that he would give ear to any such request; and willed the Nuncio to dispatch to the Pope that he should take heed how he granted any matter not agreed upon in the Council, and that it were much better to let loose that which must needs be lost, than to win it with so much shame by permitting any such error. Has heard say that the King in all his life was never seen angry till that he heard this of the Pope. The second point of Don Pedro's mission is to have confirmed the agreement of the quarta.—Madrid, 12 June.
4. The Turkish armada has landed at Malta, and there has been a skirmish and battery of the town and castle. A renegade told the Grand Master that all the Turks were the worst canaglia that ever were seen. The Queen is at Irun. The King will only be seen of his ordinaries.—Madrid, 16 June.
5. Saw the contents of M. de Lansac's instructions. The reasons for taking Florida were that it was a country of infidels, and to avoid the realm of the seditious people. He was also to intreat the King to be himself at this aboccamento. The Turkish army is but 18,000 soldiers, whereof 4,000 are harquebusiers, the rest bowmen, with 8,000 to keep the galleys; in all 26,000. It is said the King raises 18,000 men in Italy. Reports of divers marriages in these Courts.— Madrid, 21 June 1565.
6. The two Queens have met. The King of France received the Queen in the boat, having one foot in Spain. The States of Italy, the Pope, and King of Spain are those who raise the 18,000 men in Italy. The whole army of Christains will be 35,000. Understands that Richard Barret writes letters to his discredit, who has also accused him to the Inquisition.— Madrid, 22 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 15.
June 23. 1263. John Fitzwilliams to Cecil.
The device of certain noblemen and others for the maintenance of endrapping of cloth in their towns, which they cannot pursue unless order were taken that no English cloth should be retailed or worn, being understood by the magistrates of this town, they have ordained a book of what damage might follow to the Prince and their town. Has perused the book, which will be exhibited to the Regent and Council.—Antwerp, 23 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 23. 1264. Cuerton to Phayre.
Forwards letters from England.—Bilboa, 23 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 24. 1265. John Selby to Cecil.
One Bell challenged his son Ralph Selby into the field to fight, and with three others made a fray on him, and maimed him in one of his eyes, he being alone, as was proved before Sir Thos. Dacre's deputy, and Valentine Brown, treasurer, who banished Bell from the town, and afterwards restored him to it. His son riding in the field, and one with him, met Bell and there made a fray on him, for which his lordship banished him the town, and discharged him of his constable's room. His lordship has suffered his son the liberty of the town. Asks him to request Bedford that he may be restored to his room of constable without loss of entertainment for the time since his discharge.—Berwick, 24 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 25. 1266. Lee to Cecil.
The fortifications next the castle green are nearly finished. Has of late been sick of a fever five days. Money here is none.—Berwick, 25 June 1565. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 25. 1267. Lee to Leicester.
To the same effect as that to Cecil of this date, touching the fortifications and the want of money at Berwick.— Berwick, 25 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 26. 1268. Frederic, Elector Palatine, to the Queen.
Begs her not to credit the rumours which as he hears are spread against him. The bearer, his servant Gallus, will declare how anxious he is to preserve the bond of mutual religion between them.—Heidelburg, 6 Cal. Julii, 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—Credence for the bearer. (fn. 1)
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
June 26. 1269. Journey of the Queen of Spain.
The Queen Catholic remained at Irun, and the French King and the Queen Mother at St. Jean de Luz. They met on a boat moored in the centre of a stream dividing the two countries on June 14. On the 15th they all entered Bayonne, where there were triumphal arches, addresses, processions, joustings, and pageants.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 11.
June 27. 1270. The Queen to the Queen of Scots.
Has received Queen Mary's letters of the 14th inst. at St. Johnston, and has heard the message by Mr. John Haye, wherewith she is sorry to find so small cause of satisfaction after such case offered to her of offence and misliking.— Greenwich, [blank] June 1565.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. and endd.: 27 June 1565. Pp. 2.
June 27. 1271. The Queen to Lord Scrope.
Approves of the delay of himself and Sir John Forster in answering the Master of Maxwell's letter desiring them to aid in reforming the rebels of Liddesdale. They shall both persist in delaying their aid. If Maxwell shall renew his demand according to the treaty, he shall pretend (as of himself) to doubt how she will be content to have him so ready to pleasure them, seeing the Queen of Scots has so manifestly broken the treaty in maintaining and keeping the Earl of Lennox, Lord Darnley, and other of her subjects there contrary to her will.
Copy, partly in Cecil's hand. Endd.: 27 June 1565. Pp. 4.
June 27. 1272. The Queen to Drury.
Has commanded treasure to be brought thither for the payment of the garrison and the works at Berwick, and at the coming of the Governor thither there shall be a determination for all their wants.
Copy in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 27 June 1565. Pp. 2.
June 27. 1273. The Queen to the Marquis and Marchioness of Baden.
Thanks them for their presents and will be glad to see them whenever they please to come to England.—Greenwich, 27 June 1565.
Draft, corrected by Cecil and Endd. by him. Lat. Pp. 2.
June 29. 1274. Advertisements from Abroad.
Intelligence from Vienna, 29 June.
Orig. Injured by damp. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
June 29. 1275. Advertisements from Abroad.
Intelligence from Rome, 29 June.
Orig. Injured by damp. Endd. by Cecil. Ital. Pp. 4.
June 30. 1276. Charles IX. to the Queen.
Has heard of the marriage of the Queen of Scots with the Earl of Ross, of which he approves, and hopes that she does the same.—Bayonne, last of June. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
June 30. 1277. Interview at Bayonne.
The first and last pages of a printed pamphlet in quarto, containing an account of the interview between the King of France and the Queen of Spain at Bayonne, dated last of June 1565. Printed "A Paris, par Guillaume de Nyuerd, Imprimeur et Libraire."
Fr. Pp. 4.
June 30. 1278. Robert Hogan to the Earl of Leicester.
Two galleys of the Duke of Savoy have been taken by the Moors. To the rescue of Malta are gone many gentlemen, amongst them Don John of Austria; one of the King's chamber is sent after him post from the King. The King is very poor and has taken up 200,000 ducats of Nicolo Grimaldi. The King of Algiers and the Sheriff are in great league, and are determined to besiege Oran. The fleet of the Indies brings 2,000,000. Villegaignon and the French in Florida have been killed and eaten by the people. M. Lansac advertises the King that the Turk has sent an Ambassador to the French King requiring safe portage for his armado according to the treaty with Henry II.—Madrid, 30 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
June and July. 1279. Journal of Affairs in France.
1. June 11. Strife among the Dukes of Longueville, Nevers, and Guise, wherefore they were commanded to be absent on the King's entry into Bayonne. Count Egmond makes a new fortress near Abbeville, hard by Dourlens.
2. June 12. The Ambassadors of the Turk, the Pope, and the Venetians have arrived. The King of Sweden has destroyed eleven of the best ships of Lubeck.
3. June 14. The Duke of Alva has come to the King from the King of Spain. The Turkish Ambassador is at Dax with the Baron De la Garde; he is a Pole and of a good house, but a Christian.
4. June 15. The Queen of Spain entered into Bayonne by night with torchlight. The King of France and the Queen Mother met her upon the river that runs to Bayonne not far from Irun. The French say that the King of Spain came to Fontarabia disguised, and saw the meeting; the Spanish Ambassador says he came indeed on the way, but that upon report of the coming of the Turkish Ambassador he went back to Madrid.
5. June 17. Arrived here the Ambassadors of Scotland and Florence.
6. June 18. The King dined with the Turkish Ambassador at a nunnery called S. Bernard, near Bayonne.
7. June 19. Here are diverse noblewomen who came with the Queen; they go soberly apparelled, but the demoiselles go more richly than the great dames of the French. The Lords go plainly, without lace or embroidery. There is a jester among them (such as Briskel is), who wears a chain of gold worth 700 or 800 crowns; is richly dressed, and every day in change.
8. June 21. On Corpus Christi Day (as they were wont to term it) the King took the Order of the Toison D'Or, and went in the robes thereof at evensong. At S. John De Luz, in March or April last, was brought a rose from the Pope to the Queen of Spain.
9. June 25. Peace is concluded between the Vaivode and the Emperor. Although the Pope has been the chief cause of the marriage in Scotland, yet his Nuncio and the Ambassador of Portugal meddle not, and are kept as far off as any other ambassador.
10. June 26. The Mass and solemnity for delivering the rose to the Queen of Spain from the Pope was celebrated. Presented the Queen's commendations to her, and to the Duke of Alva and Don John Maurice. Dined the same day with the Spanish Ambassador, where dined also the Rhinegrave, the President of Flanders, and the Ambassador of the King of Denmark, named George Lucke, newly returned out of Spain, who had a chain given him worth 800 crowns. Duke John of Finland is still prisoner in the castle where he was taken.
11. June 27. The Turkish Ambassador took his leave of the King at Bayonne.
12. July 2. The Queen of Spain returned to S. John De Luz. About 1,200 horse have stolen away or taken their leave. Marriage has been mentioned between the French King and the Emperor's daughter. The Spaniards having sounded the ditches of Bayonne, the French will set men on work there for its better fortification.
Orig. Add.: To Leicester and Cecil. Endd. Pp. 12.


  • 1. This P.S. is in the Elector's hol.