Elizabeth: June 1565, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: June 1565, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp378-394 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1565, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp378-394.

"Elizabeth: June 1565, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp378-394.

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June 1565, 1-15

June. 1211. John Count of East Friesland to Cecil.
Begs that his servant, Arnold Walwich, may receive his pension for next year. Has been put to great expenses in retaining certain colonels for the Queen's service.—Aurich, 1565.
Orig. with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
[June.] 1212. Provisions for Berwick.
Orders to be given for Berwick by the Privy Council; to the effect that the Treasurer direct 3,000l. to be delivered for the victualling thereof, and that he command the customers of the ports to suffer such provisions as shall be shipped thither to pass without payment of custom.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
[June.] 1213. Money for Berwick.
Note of the payments made out of the money that Mr. Richard Ashtone brought, which amount to 1,676l. 11s. 10d.
Endd. Pp. 2.
June 1. 1214. Drury to Cecil.
1. Has conferred with Mainwaring, the treasurer's deputy, to understand the state of the victuals and other things in his charge, which seem to grow very scant.
2. Understands from Randolph that the affection of the Queen of Scots decreases not towards Darnley. She has annexed unto his earldom the bishopric of Ross, and his father has resigned unto him the earldom of Lennox. The Queen is yet at Stirling, and within six days she will be at St. Johnston, where the assembly will be on the 10 inst.— Berwick, 1 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 1. 1215. The Duchess of Parma to the Queen.
Whereas at the conference at Bruges a question has arisen on the subject of poundage, (which her commissioners say should only be 3d. in the pound sterling, whereas those of the Queen maintain it should be 12d., which can be proved by the old registers in England), she sends Jehan Auxtruyes, Jehan de la Porte, and Dr. Nicholas van Eimeren for the purpose of inspecting them.—Brussels, 1 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
June 1. 1216. Beza to Cecil.
Is not ungrateful for the kindness shown to the French churches, and therefore has dedicated his labours on the New Testament to the Queen last December. Has not been able to send it on account of troubles on the Rhine. Sends several copies along with that forwarded to the Queen, one of which he desires Cecil to accept.—Geneva, 1 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 2. 1217. Gresham to Cecil.
There is already taken up 9,000l., and more will be taken up ere his letter of stay comes to Clough's hands. Sends a brief of his receipts and payments, also of the amount of the Queen's debts.—Osterley, 2 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 2. 1218. John Fitzwilliams to Cecil.
Is here to inform the Queen's commissioners of such wrongs as her subjects have received, and for proving the privileges granted to them. Certain particular merchants of these countries would have the same called back. They are put in good comfort by a lewd person, Nicholas van Eimeren, who is appointed to attend certain commissioners for the "resetting" of certain registers in England. He has talked much against England, saying that it was easy to be gotten. —Bruges, 2 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
June 2. 1219. Intelligence from Vienna.
In Germany all is quiet. The Turks have taken some castles in Transylvania. Dr. Seltz has been killed by jumping from a coach. Agents from the Dukes of Florence and Ferrara have been here about their masters' marriages.
Extract from a letter written at Vienna, 2 June 1565.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 2. 1220. William Phayre to Cecil.
1. Excuses the untrustworthiness of what he writes, being the ordinary discourses of this idle court. When the Queen was within one league from Burgos, she was advertised that the whole country from thence to France was infected with the pleurisy; she therefore returned back to Arada de Duero, where she tarries. She will make her journey by Pampeluna. The Duke of Alva is appointed to go before to concert the matter, also to carry to the French King the Order of the Toison. The King is at the Escurial. There has been marvellous variance between the churches of Old and New Castile and Aragon, each asserting that by their poverty they were more oppressed by the subsidy than the others. There is in Valladolid a Capitulo General of the order of St. Francis, where there is much strife about the election of their general. Don Garino has given chase to the King of Tripoli, and taken two foists and a galiot.
2. The Turk is abroad with 129 galleys. The Prince returns with an illwill to this town. The King passes his time in hunting. The Archbishop of Toledo is as fast as ever, and so fat that he is scant able to stir. The bones of St. Eugenio are arrived, and they make triumphs and great feasts. Mr. Morgan has arrived, who was well entertained by the Count de Feria, and came marvellously recommended from the Spanish Ambassador. He was above an hour with the King in great secret communication.
3. Mr. Moffet spoke certain words at Medina del Campo, and swore certain oaths, whereby they laid blasphemy to his charge, so he was laid fast in prison, but the Count caused the King to write for his delivery. Pedro Melendez is ready to start to chase Villegaignon from Florida, and scour the seas of pirates, amongst whom are English. He carries with him 50 ships, most of them merchants; of his own six fair ones with 1,200 soldiers; "the soldiers be jolly fellows." The King has in his hands above 150,000 ducats a year of church offices to provide.—Madrid, 26 May 1565. Signed.
4. P.S.—The Duke of Alva is departed for France. The King enters Madrid this night. There is fear of ill intelligence between the Kings of France and Spain about Villegaignon. There is no news of the Turks landing.—Madrid, 2nd June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 7.
June 3. 1221. Randolph to Leicester.
1. In this Queen's mind can no alteration be perceived, but as great tokens of love as ever before, which in her has wrought so strange effect that shame is laid aside, and all regard of that which chiefly pertains to princely honour removed out of sight. Her councellors are now those whom she liked worst. The nearest of her kin the fartherest from her heart. Murray lives where he lists. Lethington has now both leave and time enough to make the court unto his mistress. David is he that now works all, chief secretary to the Queen and governor to her goodman. The hatred towards him [Darnley] and his house is great, his pride is intolerable, his words not to be borne but where no man dare speak again. He spares not also in token of his manhood to let some blows fly where he knows that they will be taken. When this people have said all and thought what they can, they find nothing but that God must send him a short end, or themselves a miserable life to live under such government as this is like to be. What comfort can they look for at the Queen's hands, seeing the most part are persuaded that to this end he was sent into this country? Spares to speak so much as he has heard; and knowing so little of the Queen's mind, knows not what advice to give. To see so many stand in danger of life, lands, and goods, it is a pity to think. To remedy this mischief, either he must be taken away, or such as he hates to find such support that whatsoever he intends to others may light upon himself. The Queen, if she lists not to do it by force, with the expense of 3,000l. or 4,000l. may do with this country what she would. With England this Queen is determined to make a divorce, and yet shall they lack no fairer words until she be able to make a better party. To France she intends now to speak fair. What she is like to come by there, or what friendship she is like to find, he leaves it to others to judge; but thinks if it be come to that pass, as it is now commonly spoken, that they [the English] should ally themselves with Austria. Trows France will not refuse the old league with Scotland. Need also forces them to fall into some man's hands or other; and when they [the English] might have had them, they drove so long a time with them that they are like to go without them, and repent it too late.
2. This Queen is so much altered from what she was that who beholds does not think her the same. Her majesty is laid aside; her wits not such as they were; her beauty another than it was; her cheer and countenance changed into he wots not what. A woman more to be pitied than any that he ever saw. Such one now as neither her own regards, nor she takes count of any that are virtuous or good. The saying is that she is bewitched, the parties named to be the doers; the tokens, the rings and bracelets, are found and daily worn that contain the sacred mysteries.—Edinburgh, 3 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
June 3. 1222. Randolph to Cecil.
1. The convention appointed at St. Johnston the 10th inst. is to persuade them present to allow of the Queen's marriage with Darnley; and to make them more willing thereunto, rumors are spread that she will the next Parliament establish a law for religion, thinking that there is no other cause why they should mislike what husband soever she takes, so that they may have their conscience free. To give over her own mass she would be 10th, for fear of the loss of all the papists that are her friends; of whom there is such account made, yea, of those amongst the English, that Darnley has said that if there were war to-morrow between England and Scotland this Queen should find more friends in England than the Queen herself. Lord Ruthven has undertaken that if the Queen will follow his advice, and such as will take to him, he will both put this country to quiet and make England be content with reason. Athol continues in that opinion he uttered in Council, that for all that Queen Elizabeth seems to mislike of this Queen's doings, she is well enough pleased therewith, and that the sending hither of Throckmorton was but to boast her. Marry, the wiser sort think it no small matter that so many of her Council gave testimony under their hands of their disallowing of it, whereunto they cannot give contrary advice. Sees not yet that any great care is taken by this Queen what inconvenience may ensue through England, so that she may win into her devotion the French King's good liking; which is one great part of Thornton's commission to the Ambassador there, as also to her uncles and friends, of whose misliking Mauvissier has said very much which troubles her. To some he has said that the French King has already declared his discontentment, for that he hoped to have been a means to have made another match more to both their advantage, which also Mauvissier affirms to be true, and that the Queen has sent to the King to declare her misliking.
2. They begin here to lay their account who are their friends; Athol, Caithness, Errol, Montrose, Fleming, Cassillis, Montgomery, Hume, Lindesey (who has shamefully left Murray), Ruthven, and Lord Robert. These they think themselves assured of, and with greatest force intend to be at St. Johnston; whereof the contrary party, only two of every shire, are required by her to be there; and yet are they not willing so to do, but to come as strong as the other, or not to come at all.
3. The Queen has in great haste dispatched Mr. James Thornton towards France, with whom she seeks again to recover credit. Is sure she has intelligence from the Spanish Ambassador. She knows that to all these practices the English have remedy in their own hands, and that makes her more willing that the Queen should marry the Emperor's brother than the French King. Of Spain she stands nothing in doubt, what alliance soever the English make with the Emperor, and if England match with France, she knows herself clean undone. The adversaries to their intents find themselves no ways assured. In disobeying their prince's will, they see to themselves manifest danger to yield to her desire with the overthrow of religion. They know also that if the Queen but continues her displeasure towards this country, without France again take their part, they are utterly undone. Seeing that the principal cause of their debate is religion, if that be granted and established, what cause have they to contend for, or why should they not obey her? She seeks to draw men unto her by gentle letters and fair words; and spares not to give where she thinks any service to be done, or any stay will be made to his [Darnley's] will. They shall have shortly as many Earls in Scotland, as there are Knights of the order in France. Lord Robert the elder shall be Earl of Orkney, Lord Erskine, Earl of Marre, Lord Hume, Earl of March, Lord Fleming, Earl of Wigton. These jolly Earls, if they have the whole livings, will leave her but little to maintain her estate. To Lord Darnley she has given also the bishoprick of Ross, and his father has resigned to him the Earldom of Lennox, so that now his living is counted worth 2,000 marks by year. Lord Ruthven sues to be treasurer. The controller is as weary of his place, as the Queen is willing to take it from him. She seeks to reconcile the Duke and the Earl of Lennox, and would have out of the bishop of St. Andrew's hands the abbey of "Percelaye" for the Earl of Lennox, and intends to give again into his keeping the castle of "Dombriton," which belongs to him by inheritance. To confer upon all these matters between the Duke and the Earl, she has sent for Sir Robert Kernegie, who is there, a friend to the Duke, and made up by him to great wealth.
4. As Randolph was thus writing, thus arrived this bearer, M. Mauvissier, who has declared to this Queen the misliking of the French King and her friends of this match. "I send you a ticket, given to me this day." The cause of the stay is the fear they have of the assembly of Protestants, who have practised that such as were named should not come without more company. Such matters are now abrewing that without mischief he knows not how to have them appeased.—Edinburgh, 3 June 1565. Signed.
5. P.S.—Upon Wednesday he purposes to be at St. Andrew's with "his Lordship," upon Saturday at St. Johnston with the Queen. A servant of Lord Bothwell's arrived by sea in Fife with many letters containing practises against Murray. All his letters were taken.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
June 3. 1223. Randolph to Cecil.
Meant to have written at good length, but hastily there arrived this bearer, M. Mauvissier; by him he shall know of this Court, where the writer has not been since Throckmorton's departure; partly because he had nothing to say, and partly for that Murray has been much in this town and from the Court ever since he [Throckmorton] left it. Upon Wednesday he must be with him [Murray] at St. Andrew's, and from thence the writer will to St. Johnston's. The convention holds not, where the Protestants intended to be so many that the Papists mistrusted their party. Mischief enough will follow. Thanks for his letter at Doncaster, as also for another he sent him.—Edinburgh, 3 June 1565. Signed.
2. Macconell is not returned, but sorely dealt with by Shane O'Neil.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 4. 1224. Conference by the Privy Council on the Marriage of Queen Mary.
1. Present, the Lord Keeper, the Lord Treasurer, the Earls of Derby, Bedford, and Leicester, the Lords Admiral and the Chamberlain, the Controller, the Vice-chamberlain and Secretary; Cave, Peter, and Mason. The questions propounded were these two:—
2. First. What perils might ensue to the Queen or this realm of the marriage betwixt the Queen of Scotland and Lord Darnley.
3. Secondly. What were meet to remedy the same.
4. To the first, the perils were reduced by some councillors into two.
5. The first, that a great number in this realm might be alienated from Queen Elizabeth to depend upon the success of this marriage as a means to establish the succession of both crowns in the issue of the marriage, and so favour all devices that should tend to the advancement of the Queen of Scots.
6. The second was that considering the chief foundation of those who further this marriage was laid upon the trust of such as were Papists, as the only means left to restore the religion of Rome, it was plainly to be seen that both in this realm and Scotland the Papists would most favour this marriage, and would (for the furtherance of their faction in religion) devise all means within this realm to disturb the estate of the Queen, and consequently to achieve their purpose by force rather than fail.
7. By others these perils were reduced into two sorts, and these were such as could not be easily severed.
8. The first was that there was a plain intention to further the pretended title of the Queen of Scots, not only to succeed to the Queen's Majesty, but to occupy her estate, as when she was in power she did declare.
9. The second was that hereby the Romish religion should be erected and increased daily in this realm. And these two were thus knit together so that the maintenance of the title stood in furthering of the religion of Rome within this realm, and in like manner the furtherance of the same religion stood by the title.
10. And to prove that the intention to advance the title to disturb the Queen must ensue, it was remembered that when the Queen of Scot's power was greatest, by her marriage with the Dauphin of France, it appeared of what mind she and her friends were, using all means to dispossess the Queen, first by writing herself Queen of England, by granting charters, patents, and commissions with that style made and with the arms of England, both to French and Scots, which charters remain undefaced. And to prosecute it with effect, preparations were made and sent into Scotland, and other forces assembled in foreign countries, and a shameful peace made with King Philip to employ all the forces of France to pursue this matter by force, which was repelled Afterwards, by her husband's death (this power being changed), the intents began to hide themselves, and although by the Scottish Queen's Commissioners an accord was made at Edinburgh to reform all these titles, claims, and pretences, yet to this day the ratification of that treaty has been deferred. And so soon as she shall feel her power she will set the same again abroad.
11. By some it was thought that the peril was greater by this marriage with Lord Darnley than with the mightiest abroad; for by this, he being of this realm, and having for the cause of religion and other purposes made a party here, he should increase her forces, with diminution of the power of this realm, in that whatsover power he could make by the faction of the Papists and other discontented persons here should be deducted out of the power of this realm. And by marriage of a stranger she would not be so assured of any party here.
12. It was also remembered that before this attempt of marriage, in every corner of the realm the faction that most favours the Scottish title is grown stout and bold.
13. And to this purpose it was remembered how of late in perusing of the substance of the justices of the peace in all the counties of the realm, scantly a third part was found fully assured to be trusted in the matter of religion, upon which only string hangs the title of the Queen of Scots. The friends of Lennox and Darnley had more knowledge hereof than was requisite, and thereby made a vaunt now in Scotland that their party was so great in England as the Queen dare not attempt to contrary this marriage.
14. To the second question, what things were meetest to be done, the answers were reduced to three heads: That it was necessary to obtain that the Queen should marry with no long delay:
15. To advance the profession of religion in Scotland and in England, and to diminish and weaken the contrary:
16. To proceed in sundry ways either to break the intended marriage, or at least thereby to procure the same not to be hurtful to this realm.
17. The first requires that the Queen delay no longer to marry. The second of these had these particularities: First, whereas of late the adversaries of religion in the realm have taken occasion to increase their faction both in England, Scotland, and abroad, with an expectation that the religion shall be shortly changed in this realm by means that the bishops, by the Queen's command, have of late dealt straitly with some of good religion, because they had forborn to wear certain apparel and such like things, being more of form and of accidents than of substance; for that it is known that she had no meaning hereby to comfort the adversaries, but only to maintain a uniformity as well in things external as in substance, nor yet any intention to make any change of the religion as established by law.
18. It was thought by all men necessary, as remedies for suppressing the pride of the adversary, to notify to the two Archbishops that her former command was only to retain uniformity; and that she determined to maintain the form of her religion, as established, and to punish such did herein violate her laws.
19. And some also wished her to notify to the same Archbishops that if they should see that the adversary continued to fortify their faction, in that case they should use moderation therein until the next Parliament, when some good uniform order might be devised for such ceremonies.
20. That the quondam bishops and others, who had refused to acknowledge the Queen's power over them according to the law, and of late dispersed in the plague time to sundry places abroad, where it is known they cease not to advance their faction, might be returned to the Tower or some other prison, where they might not have such liberty to seduce her subjects as they daily do.
21. That where the bishops complain that they dare not execute the ecclesiastical laws to the furtherance of religion, for fear of the præmunire wherewith the judges and lawyers of the realm, being not well affected in religion, threaten them, some authority might be given them from the Queen to continue during her pleasure.
22. That whereas daily lewd and seditious books in English are brought from beyond the seas, received and read, and that specially in the north, order might be taken to avoid the same.
23. That when a great number of monks, friars, and such lewd persons are fled out of Scotland, and serve specially in the north, as curates of churches, all such as are not found honest and conformable may be banished out of the realm.
24. Where sundry having ecclesiastical livings are on the other side the seas, and from thence maintain sedition in the realm, that their livings may be better bestowed upon good subjects.
25. That the judges might be sworn to the Queen according to the laws of the realm, and so thereby they should for conscience sake maintain her authority.
26. The particularities of the third intention to break this marriage or divert the perils.
27. That the Earl of Bedford repair to his charge.
28. That the works of Berwick be advanced.
29. That the garrison be there increased.
30. That all the wardens put their frontiers in order with speed to serve at an hour's notice.
31. That some noble person, as the Duke of Norfolk or the Earl of Salop, be sent into Yorkshire to be lieutenant general in the north.
32. That musters be made in the north.
33. That preparation be made of a power to be in readiness to serve either at Berwick or to invade Scotland.
34. That Lady Lennox be committed to some place where she may be kept from giving or receiving intelligence.
35. That the Earl of Lennox and his son be sent for, and required to be sent home by the Queen of Scots according to the treaty.
36. And if they shall not come, then to denounce to the Queen of Scots the breach of the treaty, and thereupon enter with hostility. By which proceeding hope is conceived that the marriage will be avoided, or at least that it may be qualified from many perils.
37. And whatsoever is to be done herein is to be executed with speed whilst there is a party in Scotland that favours not the marriage, and before any league be made by the Queen of Scots with France or Spain.
38. Some others allow of these proceedings, saving of proceeding to hostility; but all agree to the rest, and also, these following:—
39. That the Earl's lands, upon his refusal or not returning, should be seized and bestowed in gift as shall please Her Majesty upon good subjects.
40. That all favourers of the Earl in the north and elsewhere be inquired for and well looked to.
41. That inquiry be made in the north who have the stewardships of the Queen's lands there, and that no person deserving mistrust be suffered to have governance of any of her subjects or lands there.
42. That frequent passages into this realm to and from Scotland be restrained.
43. That some intelligence be used with such in Scotland as favour not the marriage, and they comforted.
44. That broad talk in the Court against the states of this realm be restrained.
45. That the younger son of the Earl of Lennox, Sir Charles, be removed to where he may be forthcoming.
46. That some remission of the Queen's displeasure to the Lady Catherine and to the Earl of Hertford be shewed, that the Queen of Scots thereby may find some change, and her friends put in doubt of further proceedings therein.
47. That whosoever shall be lieutenant in the north, Sir Ralph Sadler may accompany him.
48. That Ireland be committed to a new governor.
49. That it may please her Majesty to chose which of these advices she likes, and to put them in execution in deeds; for her adversaries will use all means, when time will serve, and no time can serve her so well to interrupt these perils as now, before the Queen of Scots' purposes be fully settled. —4 June 1565.
Orig. Draft in Cecil's hol. and corrected and Endd. by him. Pp. 9.
June 4. 1225. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 8.
June 4. 1226. John Fitzwilliams to Cecil.
1. There goes a report that Nicholas van Eimaren made request for credit for 1,000l. to bestow as he should think good, not doubting but therewith to obtain anything that he desired, although the ancient records should make against them; thus slandering such as the Queen puts in special trust.
2. He has also said that if gunpowder and other munitions were stayed from passing into England, the realm should not be able to defend itself. Victuals are very dear, and they have been eased out of England within these two months with 100 sail of ships, great and small, laden with wheat, &c.—Antwerp, 4 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 6. 1227. Drury to Cecil.
1. Understands that the convention that should have been at St. Johnston on the 10th inst. is broken, and letters sent out for the stay of it. The cause is the doubt of discord that may arise between the factions. The Queen upon Monday last came to St. Johnston. Such as come from Scotland think troubles will rise there; and of her misliking more and more with the Earl of Murray they speak enough.
2. If they hear not from Parkinson, who makes provision of beeves and muttons, this week they shall back of both; and to help themselves either with market or of the country they have no money.—Berwick, 6 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 6. 1228. Smith to Cecil.
1. The matter of the Queen of Scots is much marvelled at here, and taken for done. Whensoever he considered Ireland he was constrained to fall to that resolution that few of their kings and princes (and for these 200 years not one) has taken the right way to make it either subject or profitable. Henry VIII. did much in Wales when he took the authority of "hault justice" from the Lord Marchers, and reduced the country into English shires. But Ireland has remained in that barbarousness that Richard II. left it in, so that the tame part can bring no profit to the crown of England. Only in his time Mr. Bellingham went well to work, but he lacked time and backing. He meant truly, and had the honour of England, the advancement of the Crown thereof, and the profit of Ireland for his mark.—St. Severs (called Cap de Gascogne), 29 May 1565.
2. P.S.—As their commission was, they [the English] have neither encouraged nor discouraged them [the French], but the Queen may be sure that the King here will not be discouraged with a little, for where can he have such a "partido" as she is?—Bayonne, 6 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. with seal, by Cecil's secretary: By Mr. Somer. Pp. 4.
June 7. 1229. Drury to Cecil.
1. This day received by Archibald Graham a packet of letters from Cecil, wherein was one directed to Lee and him for the viewing of Ferne and Holy Islands.
2. There came also proclamation for the taking heed of strange coins, which upon Saturday (which is market day) shall be proclaimed. They have already of the angels of both sorts. This packet from Randolph for Bedford he received now. They of Tivydale are again ridden against Liddisdale. —Berwick, 7 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 7. 1230. Smith to the Queen.
1. Departed from Bordeaux on the 22 ult., and on the 26th after dinner Somer and he had an interview with the French King and his Mother. Somer declared how the matter of the marriage had been treated with M. de Foix in England, and repeated her answer to him, with which the King and Queen were well satisfied. The latter asked within what time Queen Elizabeth would make resolute answer. Smith said by that time the King should be near Paris. She said the King did not mean to be thereabout this good while; and as at this meeting with the Queen of Spain some overtures would be made for the King, therefore no time should be lost. Somer said that seeing she was now determined to marry, the loss of one month is more to her than the tarrying of two years can be to the King; that within four months the King might know it, and that he would not come near Paris before that time.
2. After this they were conveyed to where they dined, and there tarried De L'Aubespine coming to them; who discoursed to them with what good faith the King went about this matter and the difficulties and doubts which lingering would bring.
3. He said that no more were privy to it but the King, his mother, the Cardinal of Bourbon, and the Constable. Smith said she had done the like.
4. The next day he [Smith] went to the Court, where the Queen Mother told them that her son had considered the Queen's answer, which he sees full of goodwill but no certainty of assurance; and therefore, he now requires that if any offer be made to him, the Queen should be not offended if he gives ear unto it. Smith answered that her answer was reasonable, and that was the request of his mistress.
5. Somer asked whether he should return. She said yea. He asked whether he rightly understood her words, which he repeated. "That is the King's answer," quoth the Queen. And if any such thing happen whereof as yet (she said) they know nothing, they will not fail to let his mistress understand it.
6. The chamber was full of princes of the blood and other nobles; but none stood so near as to understand anything that was said, saving the Duke of Orleans, and he gave no great ear to it.—Bayonne, 7 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 11.
June 8. 1231. The Queen to Randolph.
1. Perceives by his letters that diverse doubt that by this marriage with Darnley the cause of religion should be oppressed there, and consequently the peace betwixt these two realms should decay; for the care of which she much commends such there as have good regard thereunto. Thinks they are to be esteemed the best councillors to her sister; although perchance her mind be otherwise transported by such as have, to her dishonour, for their present interests led her to forget the counsels of her best servants and friends.
2. He shall therefore assure such as shall appear to him well minded to keep the realm without alteration of the religion received, or without neglecting of her amity, that she not only commends them therein, but determines to proceed the same way in all her actions to maintain the same.
Copy. Endd.: 8 June and 10 July 1565. Pp. 3.
June 8. 1232. Inhabitants of Berwick.
Garrison (soldiers, officers, &c.) 1,202
Workmen, artificers, and labourers 845
Freemen and their servants 228
Stallengers and their servants 203
Women servants and widows 275
Children under 14 251
Men's wives of all sorts 507
Endd. Pp. 2.
June 9. 1233. John Fitzwilliams to Cecil.
Warns Cecil against Nicholas van Eimaren, a seditious person. It has been declared to him that the Prince of Orange, the Counts of Egmont and Horn, and other noblemen, are earnestly bent for some means that such towns in the Low Countries as in times past have been in good sort by indrapping of woollen cloth and are now in decay, might be brought to the same trade again. They have set certain particular persons awork to learn the opinions of the most experimented whether the forbidding of English cloth in the Low Countries would not help, what hindrance it might be to change the traffic of cloth from hence, and whether it would hinder the traffic of other commodities. The magistrates are of opinion that there will be report that by following to that extremity, within few years after, not only the town of Antwerp should come to low sort but also the whole land should feel it.— Antwerp, 9 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 9. 1234. Lord Paget to the Earl of Leicester.
News of a peace between the Emperor and the Vaivode of Transylvania, and that the Turk has taken a town of some importance there. Gives divers rumours current about affairs in Italy. The Turks have landed an army in Malta, and intend to batter the castle of St. Elmo. St. Petro Corso is fighting the Genoese in Corsica. Sends a plat of Malta.— Venice, 9 June 1565. Signed: Henry Paget. Injured in margin.
Orig. Hol. with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
June 10. 1235. Charges at Berwick.
A brief note or rate of the yearly, monthly, and daily charges of the garrisons at Berwick, Holy and Farne Islands, Tynmouth Castle, and Wark Castle, which for a year amount to 17,076l. 4s. 2d.
Orig. Endd.: Sent from Mr. Drury, marshal of Berwick. Pp. 4.
June 10. 1236. Montague, Wotton, and Haddon, to Cecil.
Commend the bearer, Mr. Nichols, who has given them assistance for the better executing of their charge here.— Bruges, Whitsunday, 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 11. 1237. Lee to the Privy Council.
1. Thinks the fort a meet place for the office of munition, and that the hall in the castle will stand to good purpose for a house for the powder.
2. Also thinks it necessary that the bridge of stone be set as low as "the pallis," whereby it will out of danger of the castle hill. Dare take upon him to make an estimate for the bridge, which costs yearly 200l. or 300l. in repairs. A small charge will serve to make the prison house strong enough to keep them till a place be appointed. Is defacing the castle, and minds not to leave one piece standing, and yet will leave the town strong. Will put to task the countemure wall. Will not meddle with the cut towards the Catwell, the placing of the principal gate towards Scotland, or doing any other thing to the ditch in the Snowke but to dig.
3. Money here is none, nor victuals for this day. Encloses the rate of the monthly charges of the works.—Berwick, 11 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 11. 1238. Drury to the Privy Council.
Has received their letters of the 4th to Lee and himself. Sends herewith a declaration of the yearly, monthly, and daily charges of the garrison of this town received from Mainwaring, servant to Mr. Browne. Sends declaration of the number of inhabitants of this town, the greatest number whereof are fed of Her Majesty's store.—Berwick, 11 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 11. 1239. Drury to Cecil.
The labourers complain much; the garrison is tractable. How they shall do next week he knows not, for only bread and drink is had of the Queen's store. "With robbing of Peter we pay Paul."—11 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 12. 1240. Randolph to Cecil.
This Queen has sent her Master of Requests, Mr. John Haye, to persuade the Queen's Majesty to have a liking to this marriage. She remains in the same mind she was of, never to alter her determination towards Lord Darnley. Advises that some power sent down to the Borders to take that advantage that may now be had. Is assured that no great force can be made in Scotland to withstand it. His other advice is to let this Queen take her will, bridle their Papists at home, cut off all intelligence that passes between, leave her to her will to be guided and led by such as now she has; then shall he either see her put to the hardest shift that ever Prince was, or such stir between themselves that what part soever is strongest shall be the longer liver. Trusts that for the honesty of her Ambassador, and for the favour he bears to Christ's true religion and goodwill towards the Lord of Murray, his welcome shall be according to the goodwill he knows Cecil bears to Scotland.—St. Johnston, 12 June 1565.
2. P.S.—The Earl of Argyll desires answer of such matter as he moved to Throckmorton, and is as much the Queen's as may be. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. partly by Cecil. Pp. 4.
June 12. 1241. Lethington to Cecil.
Has received by the bearer his writing. Howsoever the Princes' matters fall out, he trusts their friendship shall not be violated, and he will always remain of his mind, pressing by his labours the conservation of the mutual intelligence betwixt the Princes.—St. Johnston, 12 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 12. 1242. Nicolas Malby to Cecil.
On the 6th news came that the Turk besieged Malta with 150 galleys and as many other ships, 50,000 janissaries, 3,000 horse, and other furniture of war. Having offered his services, the King appoints him to go to Don Garcia de Toledo to-morrow.—Madrid, 12 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 13. 1243. Gresham to Cecil.
Sends a brief note of the Queen's debts, which he cannot make certain until he has received out of the receipt that which was promised towards the payment of his bills of exchange, which will not be passing 2,600l.—London, 13 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 14.
Labanoff, i. 271.
1244. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
Asks audience for the bearer, John Hay, Commendator of Balmerino, her principal Master of Requests.—St. Johnston, 14 June 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
June 14. 1245. Lethington to Cecil.
His mistress, having sent her principal Master of Requests to Queen Elizabeth, the writer prays that he may be admitted to her presence and obtain speedy answer.—St. Johnston, 14 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 14. 1246. Drury to the Privy Council.
As the soldiers and labourers here must be helped with meat to relieve their hunger this next week, he is forced to take such nowts and sheep as the Lord Governor has here for provision of his household.—Berwick, 14 June 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 14. 1247. Drury to Cecil.
As now a company of labourers came to him affirming that these fourteen days past they have had nothing but bread and drink. Repeats what he this day wrote to the Council. Lee has been sick three days of a hot fever. This week will make an end both of his money and meat.—Berwick, 14 June. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 14. 1248. Commissioners at Bruges.
Memorandum of the arrival of three Commissioners sent by the King of Spain from the Low Countries.—[Apparently the last leaf of another paper.]
Copy. Endd.: Sent 20 May 1565. P. 1.
June 15.
Labanoff, i. 273.
1249. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
Sends her master of Requests to state how desirous she is to do everything in reason not to give the Queen occasion for changing her good opinion.—St. Johnston, 15 June. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 15. 1250. Drury to Cecil.
This day came thirty oxen and 100 wethers to serve this week from Parkinson, who promised that when they are spent they shall have more.—Berwick, 15 June 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.