Elizabeth: April 1565, 16-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: April 1565, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp337-348 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1565, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp337-348.

"Elizabeth: April 1565, 16-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp337-348.

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April 1565, 16-30

April 16. 1102. Randolph to Cecil.
Desires that he will assist the bearer, William Clerke, in his cause.—Edinburgh, 16 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 16. 1103. Smith to Cecil.
1. Sends a packet to the Queen and him by De Florence. If the matter be so far forward as De Florence makes it, it is but folly to linger. Nothing can be kept secret in the French court, where are so many women and ambassadors. Cecil will see that he [Smith] knew of this negotiation before Florence returned.
2. Sends now by this ship to his wife a chest of superfluous things, and with them certain roots of "hyacynthe," and two or three of "asphodel," because he has not seen them before in England. If he [Cecil] will have a part he may. It has grieved him many times, (and especially when in the mountains of St. Claude, in Provence, and at Avignon,) that he could not send such strange herbs home as they have not in England, and such fruit as he found singular.—Bordeaux, 16 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
April 16. 1104. Smith to Cecil.
1. The Queen Mother has a very good opinion of Cecil, and hopes that as he had a son in his fourteenth or fifteenth year, her son shall have a son as well in his sixteenth year. She thinks he may serve for an example to the Queen not to contemn the young years of the king.—Bordeaux, 16 April 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—Captain Colborne prays Cecil to cause these letters to be delivered. He would fain have his son (who is with the Lord Chamberlain) to come with secretary Lethington to put him to the Queen of Spain at this interview to learn that language.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Imperfect at beginning. Pp. 2.
April 18. 1105. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Has delivered his letter unsealed, as he found it, to Randolph, who is here. Lord Darnley, all the while he was sick and sithence, has been almost continually visited by that Queen, and well near at all hours, few excepted. "It appeareth by her tenderness over him that she feared not whether the sickness were infective." This he had of Lennox's man, who brought him that Queen's letter to Lethington, and one of her Lady's Grace there with Cecil. Is glad that the Lords have resolved upon the going forward of the works this summer; and also that they have given order for the provision of cattle for this garrison; and wishes that it would please them to send hither money for coals and such like things.
2. Their Lordships have written to him to appoint twenty soldiers to the Lord Warden of these Middle Marches to be with him at Harbottle Castle.—Berwick, 18 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
April 18. 1106. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Whatsoever he wrote unto him last about Lord Darnley is confirmed. His whole care is how to avoid the suspicion that the Queen be not thought to have been a worker hereof. It is further suspected that the good amity that was intended to the weal of both the countries shall here be cut off. The Duke takes his house quite overthrown, and with heavy heart beholds them that he fears shall be his confusion. He trusted much in the Queen's favour towards him; now he sees his undoing, and all his adversaries' fetches tending to that end. The godly cry out and think themselves undone. No hope now of any sure establishment of Christ's true religion, but that all shall turn to confusion. It will be long before the Queen will be again at Edinburgh, but from place to place, which is more chargeable for the attendants. When he is out of Edinburgh he bears the whole charges of the house where he lodges. Something must be requited where friendship is showed.—Berwick, 18 April 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—The cave found beside Musselburgh seems to be some monument of the Romans, by a stone that was found with these words graven upon them, "Apolloni Granno Q. L. Sabinianus Proc. Aug." Divers short pillars set upright upon the ground covered with tile stones, large and thick, turning into divers angles, and certain places like unto chimneys to avoid smoke.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
April 19. 1107. Wages at Berwick.
Rate of wages for workmen at Berwick; delivered by Lee.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil, and dated by him: 19 April 1565. Pp. 2.
April 19. 1108. Smith to Cecil.
1. Writes by Mr. James Thornton, the Scottish ambassador's secretary. Yesterday the Conte Egmont and the Prince of Parma arrived here with about twenty gentlemen armed, with great chains of gold about their necks instead of other armour. Le Grand Esquier was sent to meet them. They were very well entertained in the court, and this day they departed. The Prince of Parma is a stripling, and is affianced to a kinswoman of the young King of Portugal. The King takes not his journey out of this town till the 25th of May, because there is no hay, nor provision for men. The Conte Egmont says the Queen of Spain is with child.
2. The French have changed their manner of beginning their year at Easter, and begin it now the 1st of January; and so he wishes that in the next parliament they should do theirs, for as it is now at the Annunciation it has no good reason, and brings but confusion.—Bordeaux, 19 April 1565. Signed.
3. P.S.—Has sent him certain edicts newly set out here, and an arrest of Toulouse of a strange case. There is a book set out of the Cardinal of Lorraine's entry into Paris in arms this last winter.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
April 19 to 21. 1109. Intelligence from France.
1. April 19. The Duke of Savoy persecutes no more in his dominions those professing the reformed religion. It is thought that the Duchess in heart favours them.
2. The going of M. de Mornes into Spain was to clear a suspicion that the King here had that King Philip had intelligence with the Marseillais that they would have rendered that town unto him in favour of the Papists' religion. King Phillip had also suspicion that the King here did help St. Pietro Corso underhand against him and the Genoese. This was cleared on both sides. And where the Queen Mother feared that he was offended with the maintaining of two religions in France, it is said that he said the King therein did wisely when by such means he did pacify his people, and that he would rather do so than have civil war.
3. Some think the King of Spain is somewhat offended with the Spanish Inquisition, because at the procession made at Galicea for the Queen's delivery and health, a friar, one of the Inquisition, went before the governor of the town.
4. April 20. All men (and especially the young Duke of Guise) make preparation to be brave at this meeting.
5. April 21. Fresh news that the Turks' army departed from Constantinople about mid-March.
Orig., with seal. Add. to Leicester and Cecil. Endd. Pp. 4.
April 20. 1110. Requests of the Courts of Emden.
1. Arnoult Walwick, in the name of the Countess of Emden, and her sons, makes the following requests.
2. The Count John desires that he may have letters patent, receiving him into the Queen's service, and also that his last year's pension may be paid. Considering the great expenses, trouble, and losses incurred by the sudden withdrawal of the English staple for cloth from Emden, they beg that their subjects may have licence annually to export from England certain quantities of cloth, paying thereon the same duties as the English.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 6.
April 22. 1111. [Alexander Clerk] to Randolph.
1. His (Randolph's) mistress, Maria Beton, is both "darimpus" and "sckeubrunit," and he in like manner without "contrebaxion or kylteparante," so that they are both worth little money. Lethington's message is very evil liked here by the Protestants. Their Queen is still at Stirling, very quiet. The Lord of Argyle was there last Monday, and spoke with her that night, and departed early in the morning. Athol kept his house, as he does yet; some say for displeasure of Lord Darnley's sickness, who is somewhat convalescent. The Queen was purposed to have ridden to Saint Johnston's this Tuesday after Paschal day, but she, now she does not stir without Lord Darnley may travel, which will not be shortly. She has been greatly offended about the handling of a priest taken for saying mass. This priest was found guilty by his own confession in the presences of the judges, &c., and so did two men confess who were taken for the hearing of the mass, one called John Leith, and the other Kennady, who were found guilty by an inquest of 13 persons, half Papists and half Protestants; whereupon judgment was given by the "dempster" that the priest should stand at the market closs betwixt 3 p.m. and 6 p.m., and after returned to prison, and so it was done. There were 10,000 eggs spent upon him, and at his down taking, because the people were not so satisfied with that punishment, there were 300 or 400 men ready with batons to have killed him, and the Provost was for the safety of the priest compelled to come to the market cross and bring him down, and made proclamation that no man should stone him under pain of death, and so returned him to the Tolbooth and made him fast in irons. The two hearers of the mass had their goods confiscated and their bodies in prison made fast with irons, there to abide the Provost's will. This was the manner of the process; the Lord Controller sent to her Grace, and this Saturday departed to Stirling himself to satisfy her. Nevertheless she has sent this Sunday and commanded the Provost and others to set the two hearers of the mass at liberty, and to restore them their goods, which charge is obeyed, but not without great offence to the whole people. As she was enraged against this town, and was taking her journey to make punishment, yea, and to hang some whereof she was informed, even so the most part here are greatly offended with this charge to deliver these two. There is now greater rage amongst the faithful than ever the writer has seen since her Grace came into Scotland.
2. At the court is the Lord Chancellor, who arrived last Saturday, also Lords Lennox, Athol, Casillis, Glencarin, Ruthwen, the Justice Clerke, the Lord Advocate, and now the Controller with the rest, as Corbet can declare at more length. Murray is still at St. Andrew's; he departed to the court this Tuesday because sent for by her Grace, where he will remain till the 29th inst. and then come to this town to keep his justice court, where the writer believes shall be such company of gentlemen that there was not seen together, without command of the Prince, in any time; for he trusts the most part of the honest Protestants of Scotland will be here. Bothwell takes shipping to France, for he has been here at More and at Creighton; so the bruit is that he is to part. The Papists affirm the contrary. It is believed the Queen "wald him good," but he trusts she will not declare the same at this present. The Elliotts of Lidisdale have taken some goods of the Scottes their neighbours, slaughtered some men, and burnt some houses. The Scottes are at the court to desire licence to take revenge at their own hands.—Edinburgh, Sunday night. Signed: "Ye knaw quha."
3. P.S.—Kyncaird has him recommended; "further ane good bow may mak me an archer, for I traist gif I do anything good it sell be the bow and not the man."
Orig. Hol. Add. Pp. 4. (fn. 1)
April 22. 1112. John Shers to Cecil.
Has been unable to pass over from Dover through the wind and the seas. The harbour at Dover decays daily.— Dover, Easter morning, 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April. 23. 1113. Bedford to the Privy Council.
They have taken order with Parkinson, the purveyor, for beeves, &c. to be had here, whereof part they have received. Asks for instructions as to the allotment of twenty soldiers to the Lord Warden of the Middle Marches.—Berwick, 23 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 23. 1114. Bedford to Cecil.
Lord Darnley is troubled with an ague now after his sickness of the measles. The Queen there most commonly till midnight tarries with him, and sometimes after. Thinks it well that the Lord Warden of the Middle Marches were holpen and all other events might the better be met with, if any business should happen by Bothwell "whose devotion is "well known to you." Sends him a letter to her Lady's Grace. Berwick, 23 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
April 23. 1115. Randolph to Leicester.
Lord Darnley remains doubtfully sick. He is visited by the greatest, and lacks no company of the fairest. The court is now small; there are no noblemen, but the Earl of Athol, the father and son. Upon Palm Sunday there was a priest taken at Mass in Edinburgh, who was brought in his vestments to the market cross and tied with a rope three hours together three several days. The boys of the town have . . . . . so many eggs upon him that he had . . . . . with his life.—April, 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 23 April 1565. Injured by damp and much mutilated. Pp. 2.
April 23. 1116. Occurrences in France.
1. April 23. Here passed by one Morgan, (as he called himself) of Kent, whose man said he was of Essex. He said he was the Queen's servant, and would go to see Spain, and had licence for eight months. He is not greatly Protestant.
2. April 26. M. de Peron has affianced Madame D'Annebaut, widow of M. D'Annebaut, slain at the battle of Dreux. He returned from the appointment of that marriage hither this night, and she and her mother, Madame Dampierre, with him in the King's barge.
3. A letter sent from the Duke D'Aumale to his brother, the Marques D'Elboeuf, has been intercepted, which has been seen by the Admiral, M. D'Andilot, and others. It discloses the conspiracy of the Guisians against the Admiral and his adherents; for in it D'Aumale declared what captains they have got on their side, so that they are able to make 50,000 in armour, and that they have money to entertain them a month or two. The Prince of Condé is suspected to be of the conspiracy, and that he shall marry the Duke of Nevers' widow, daughter of the Duke of Montpensier. There are daily messages betwixt the Cardinal of Lorraine and him, which he will not communicate to the Admiral and others of that faction.
4. May 1. Peguillon that is come out of Scotland likes nothing his entreaty there. He tells that he was put in prison a day or two, and when he came forth the Queen said she knew not of it; it was the Lords that did it. He says she will marry Lord Darnley before Midsummer next. This gives alarm to some in France.
5. Twelve companies of footmen are raised in Gascony, some say they be to go to those maritime places in Provence as need be furnished if the Turk should arrive there. Others suspect some practices against them of the religion; others say the King will have so many legionaries which shall be ready at all calls. This was M. De Monluc's device, who at Toulouse was made of the Privy Council. The device was sent to the Constable, who would not agree to it because they are all Catholics. The Chancellor agreed with the Constable, and named a number of the captains who were known to be such as the Constable said.
6. It is believed that the King of Spain himself will be at Bayonne; for the ambassadors is appointed the town of St. Sever. The excuse is that all within that space is taken up, and cannot furnish Bayonne and the Queen of Spain's train. All the ambassadors, saving the Spanish ambassador and himself, have refused to go thither.
7. May 4. Thursday morning the King is gone to Potensac, and so to Langon back again, to find towns to nourish his camp till he comes to Bayonne.
8. It will be a secret colloquy. The Pope's ambassador and the Portugal ambassador will be there. The Scotts' ambassador, Venice and Florence refuses to go nearer to see.
9. May 5. Is also minded to tarry here with them, for here they may daily have news from the Court and Paris.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 7.
April 23. 1117. Roger Hocker to Phayre.
1. Understands that Mr. Shelley's discontent is because Phayre makes him not privy to everything in their business. Would have him keep him at the arm's end.
2. Sends him eleven pistoles at twelve reals each.—St. Sebastian, 23 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Phayre. Injured by damp. Pp. 2.
April 24. 1118. Instructions to Throckmorton sent from the Queen to the Queen of Scotts.
1. After his arrival he shall understand how far the intention of marriage is betwixt that Queen and Lord Darnley, and of all other circumstances thereto belonging.
2. He is to procure the stay or dissolution of that purpose of marriage with Lord Darnley.
3. He shall procure her to be content to accept either the Earl of Leicester or some foreign Prince.
4. He shall also say that Queen Elizabeth has thought meet to address him thither to impart to her sister the unseemly reports spread about her, as also so to understand her intention in this marriage.
5. And when he sees convenient he may declare how it is reported by Lord Darnley's friends that she has so far proceeded in love of Lord Darnley, as he being sick of the measles, she could not be persuaded to tarry from him, but attended upon him with as much diligence and care as any could. Yea, and that she so much desired to proceed in marriage with him as, if others had not been scrupulous and fearful to assist the same, she had been allied to him; with sundry such fond tales to signify her earnest affection towards him.
6. As for this marriage with Lord Darnley she would have him tell her there are many just causes why it is not meet for her. And if she shall press him to declare what causes move her so to think, he may say that she did not open them to him to be declared. But he shall say she earnestly required her (as she shall think that the Queen's amity shall further her), so to forbear from this intention, and rather return to the consideration of that for the Earl of Leicester.
7. And if she shall show herself to like hereof, so as she may have good assurance to have her title established, he shall say that the Queen will omit no good mean both to inquire of the truth of Queen's Mary's title, and to establish the same so as she shall have no cause to doubt thereof.
8. And if she shall not like hereof, he shall say that the Queen can better allow of Queen Mary's marriage with some nobleman of France of the King's blood than with Darnley.
9. But if, before he speaks with the Queen, he shall understand that the matter is either so concluded or so intended as none of these former speeches can dissolve the intended marriage with Lord Darnley, he shall alter the order prescribed, and deal in this sort following, he shall show the message done by Lethington.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol. and endd. by him: 24 April 1565. Pp. 8.
April 24. 1119. Viscount Montague to Cecil.
Mr. Shers arrived yesternight. On Wednesday they meet again.—Bruges, 24 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 26. 1120. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Yesterday he received the Queen's letters and despatched the same to Randolph, who that morning departed from Alnwick (where the writer then also was) towards Carlisle to talk with the Master of Maxwell in his way thence towards the Court of Scotland.
2. This day came an ordinary post with Cecil's of the 23rd, wherein was written that her Majesty had commanded to stay the order of proceeding for calling home the Earl and his son, whereupon he despatched a post after Randolph.— Berwick, 26 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
April 27. 1121. Smith to Cecil.
1. Has visited the Constable, who said that he understood what has been negotiated betwixt them and him of late; and that there is no man knows it but the King, the Queen, the Cardinal of Bourbon, himself, and the secretary. Smith rehearsed to the Constable what Cecil wrote to him of the debating in the Council of England touching the meeting of three English ambassadors and three on behalf of the King of Spain at Brussels, and how that it was concluded that the Queen should have wrong if the crown of England should give place to that of Spain, and therefore determined that they should take the precedence. The Constable said that he has ever heard that the ambassador of Spain had the precedence of theirs.
2. On the 23rd of April (which was St. George's day) the King sent M. De Plessie to pray him to be at evensong about three p.m., for the King would then begin to celebrate the feast of St. George and honour the Queen's Order. Understanding that the Pope's ambassador, the new made Cardinal, the Spanish ambassador, the Venetian, the Florentine, and the rest were invited to come, and that Pope's and the Spanish ambassador were already gone to the church, he went to the Court and required audience with the Queen. He declared to her what he understood by his letters, viz. that it was judged in the Council of England that the Queen should have wrong if her ambassador should not preceed the ambassador of Spain. She made the matter marvellous strange, and said that she never heard of controversy in that matter before, but that always the ambassador of King Philip had the precedence of the ambassador of England. When he came down he found the Pope's ambassador in his Cardinal's "wede" and the ambassadors of Spain and Venice together. After the salutation the priests began to come in before the King. He was placed betwixt the Spanish ambassador and the Venetian on one form, on one side of the degrees before the high altar; and on the other side sat the Cardinals of Bourbon and of Guise and the Pope's ambassador, Cardinal De St. Croce. A chair for the Queen with a cloth of estate, and the arms of England on the right side of the Queen, and the like for the French King on the left side, and a seat also was set for the Constable, with his arms, who could not come for the gout. The evensong was sung, but without censing the altar or images, or kneeling. Their setting him under the Spanish ambassador as appeared by the sitting of the Cardinals, how he took it he may guess. Smith told M. De Lansac that he was not satisfied. They have put her Majesty's cause in the same case it was before. Lansac bid him not be offended, and he would to-morrow satisfy him that at all times it has been otherwise.
3. Next morning he sent to Lansac, who said he had spoken with the King and the Council, and when he came next to the Court he should hear the Council contest and affirm that it was always used here.
4. On Wednesday, the 25th inst., he declared to the Queen Mother what he said to Lansac. She said that the whole council agree that hitherto the ambassador of Spain had the pre-eminence without any contradiction, and therefore they marvel he should move this question.—Bordeaux, 27 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 15.
April 27. 1122. Challoner to Phayre.
Has delivered 200 reals of plate for Cuerton to send to him. Even now he embarks. Sends his commendations to Sir Richard Shelley. They have news that the Count De Feria is undoubtedly Viceroy of Naples.—27 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Phayre. Pp. 3.
April 28. 1123. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Lord Darnley's matter is commonly talked of in the Court, and the Queen there shows herself very much to love and favour him. The good continuance of religion is much feared, for she has used more toys of Popery in open sight this Easter than heretofore, and suffered others also to do the like. Murray is in some disgrace, as it is said, and neither likes nor mislikes Darnley's matter, but this talk passeth that he is in some displeasure.
2. Bothwell is embarked, it is said, but whether he will return after some show of his departure or no is uncertain. His day of trial at the assizes holds in May, as it was appointed. A priest of late was taken in Edinburgh for saying mass, and by the people was bound to the common market cross, and with eggs and filth of the streets so handled as it was thought he had been slain by them. The Queen supposing he had been dead, caused all those of Fife, Lothian, Tividale, and Liddesdale, to rise to revenge his death; but finding him not dead she assuaged her displeasure, and sent them home without doing anything.
3. Sends herewith a letter from the Earl of Lennox to his wife, and he may use his wisdom in retaining or delivering thereof.
4. The bearer, the pursuivant, complains that he has been evil served of horses hitherward.—Berwick, 28 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
April 28. 1124. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
There has lately risen in Liddesdale between the surnames of the Scotts and Elwoods (by means of some slaughter on either part committed) great dissension, whereupon they daily ride and make spoil upon each other. And now, the Elwoods have secretly, by an Englishman, craved at his hands the protection of the Queen; offering not only their whole surname and friends to become English, but also to deliver their Sovereign's house in Liddesdale, called the Hermitage, and for performance hereof they offer to lay in pledge on their lives four of the best of their name. Whereunto he answered, that in respect of the peace between their Majesties, he could not accept their offer. Desires to know the Queen's pleasure herein.—Carlisle, 28 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 29. 1125. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has received advertisement from Bedford that the Queen's mind for the return of Lennox and his son was altered, and that if her letters were not delivered the writer should no further proceed in that sort. The letters he has stayed, and intends to make no word of the charge committed to him. But thinks if she had so found it good she might have been void of that suspicion that is now almost universal of her, that the sending of Darnley home was done of purpose to worse end than he is willing to write.
2. Darnley is not yet fully recovered, and for that cause the Queen stays her journey for a few days to St. Johnstons. Her care has been marvellous great and tender over him. Such tales spread abroad of her doings that it is wonder to hear what discontentment there is amongst her people. He speaks not of the common sort, but of the wisest in this realm.
3. Murray he has not seen since Easter. Upon Tuesday he will be in this town with all his friends to keep the day of law against Bothwell, who some say is already embarked towards France or Denmark. Murray upon Saturday came to Stirling. He had worse countenance than he looked for. He is suspected not to favour this intent of the Queen with Darnley. If his mind be not altered since he spoke with him, he has no cause nor sees any good why he should allow of it. The writer beseeches him not hastily to believe what may be spoken by some of his good will that way.
4. Sends him a letter written from a friend that is no fool. (fn. 2) Has cut off the beginning because it touches himself chiefly. Greater triumphs there were never in time of Popery than were this Easter at the resurrection and at her high mass. Organs were wont to be the common music. She wanted now neither trumpet, drum, nor fife, bagpipe, nor tabor. The world speaks of it, and Randolph is ashamed to write of her whom he honoured. Upon Monday she and divers of her women apparelled themselves like burgesses' wives, went upon their feet up and down the town, and of every man they met they took some pledge for money towards the banquet; and in the lodging where the writer was accustomed to lodge was the dinner prepared, at which she was herself, with the wonder and gazing of men, women, and children.—Edinburgh, 29 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.
April 29. 1126. Challoner to Cecil.
Is glad to understand that he shall be welcome home. A statute proclaimed a year past has barred the conveyance of Valentian gloves into Castile. Is not able to get away for contrary weather. Recommends the bearer, an Italian.— St. Sebastian, 29 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. partly by Cecil and partly by his secretary. Pp. 3.
April 30. 1127. Cuerton to Phayre.
Challoner embarked on Friday at St. Sebastian in a ship of Lyme. Has sent him 200 reals, making in all 750. Will pay him what he has laid out for the merchants. There is news that the King will come to this town.—Bilboa, 30 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Phayre. Pp. 3.
April 30. 1128. John Shers to Cecil.
1. On Easter Monday he came to Bruges. The English merchants in all post haste have brought over such plenty of wools and cloths as by the same they have hindered their own sales. The like error they have committed in buying, and with like haste they have bought and taken as many silks and other wares as their money and credit could reach unto.
2. The Prince of Parma and Count Egmont are arrived at Brussels. Gives news from Italy.—Bruges, 30 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.


  • 1. On the back of the letter Randolph has written a postscript to the effect that the Queen had written for the most part of her nobility to be at Edinburgh upon Thursday and Friday in Easter week, to have taken punishment of the Provost and Bailiffs. Some come and others prepare themselves for the defence, and unless she had changed her purpose it had come to mischief; of this Lennox and Argyll bear the blame.
  • 2. See the letter to Randolph, 22 April.