Elizabeth: April 1565, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: April 1565, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp326-337 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1565, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp326-337.

"Elizabeth: April 1565, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp326-337.

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April 1565, 1-15

April. 1074. Charges at Berwick.
Estimate of the monthly charges of the fortifications at Berwick, 995l. 14s. 5d.
Endd.: By Sir R. Lee. Pp. 3.
April. 1075. Fortifications at Berwick.
Certain considerations as to the height and thickness, &c. of the walls for the avoiding of expense.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: April 1565. Pp. 5.
April. 1076. Walls at Berwick.
Estimate for two walls at Berwick, one 48 feet long, 11 broad, and 10 feet high; and for another 48 feet long, 10 high, and 6½ feet broad. Signed by Rowland Johnson.
Orig. Add. Endd.: April 1565. Pp. 2.
April 1. 1077. Provisions for the North Parts.
A note of things wanted for the office of ordnance in the North. Signed by John Bennett.
Orig. Endd.: 1 April 1565. Pp. 2.
April 2. 1078. Bedford to Cecil.
Recommends the bearer, Mr. Fleming, master gunner here, who repairs thither for the better trial of a matter between him and the gunners of this garrison. Also to help the master of the ordnance for the final despatch of his trouble.— Berwick, 2 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 6. 1079. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Received his of the 28th ult., that Johnson was come up thither, but was not then talked with. Touching the victualling of this garrison, the townsmen have certified what they will do; and the captains have determined not to deal therein. Wishes that some order might be taken that provisions of beeves and other flesh might be had here against Easter.
2. The ado about tippets and caps he is sorry to hear. Always thought that great marriages would be offered to England. Was two days since at a day of Trewe with the Laird of Cessford, where he had indifferent justice. It was said before that there was one in hold in Scotland for prophesying that there should be some bickering between both the realms, which foolishness, albeit he did not believe, yet he provided to go as strong as he could without breach of the amity, "because Bothwell is with such a rout of thieves and lawless people so near. I assure you he is as naughty a man as liveth, and much given to that vile and detestable vice of sodomy; and whatsoever countenance of justice that Queen pretendeth outwardly, yet is she thought to favour him much, and if she punish him not, then will I think she is not so bent to do justice as I supposed."
3. Encloses copy of a letter written to him from the Lord Warden of these Middle Marches, "wherein you shall see what he heareth of Bothwell, which I take to be but practices and devices of his own to bring Murray and Lethington in disgrace with the Queen for procuring justice against him."
4. Prays him to desire the Lady of Lennox's pardon for the slack conveyance of letters to her; and that he will be good to the master of the ordnance for his full restitution to his office. Is desired to commend unto his favour one Edward Shotbolte, remaining in Newcastle prison for this matter of coining.—Berwick, 6 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
April 6. 1080. Bedford to Cecil.
Received this morning the Queen's licence for his coming up, and command to be there by St. George's feast, which is the 29th inst. Fears he cannot so soon be ready, because he has appointed days of Trewe to be holden the Thursday before Easter.—Berwick, 6 April 1565. [Not signed.]
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
April 6. 1081. Drury to Cecil.
The Lord Governor has declared that he has licence to repair thither, and that during his absence the writer should occupy his charge of this town.—Berwick, 6 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 6. 1082. Challoner to Phayre.
Has delivered to Cureton 50 ducats, who has written to a friend to make them over to him.—6 April 1565. Imperfect at beginning.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Phayre. Pp. 2.
April 6. 1083. Challoner to Jehan Girard. (fn. 1)
Desires him to pay 125 reals to William Phayre.—Bilboa, 6 April 1565. Signed.
Copy. French. Pp. 2.
April 6. 1084. Cuerton to William Phayre.
Challoner will embark at St. Sebastian as his passport is not made out for this province. Will content him for the money laid out for the men in prison in Guipuscoa. Sends two letters, one for the Secretary of the Bishop of Seville and the other for Pedro de Roseleas. Has sent to a friend to pay him immediately 50 ducats.—Bilboa, 6 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 7. 1085. Randolph to Bedford.
1. Sir John Forster's strange news he thinks to be a very tale. The Lord of Murray upon Tuesday came out of Stirling towards St. Andrews, and meant nothing less than that; but the writer intends to make him privy what false alarm he gave to the good Earl that drove him to the hills that time of night.
2. Since he wrote last he has been at Stirling, and found the country quiet by reason of Murray's departure. Lethington attends daily his dispatch towards the Queen. Has gotten leave of this Queen and of the lords for 20 days to go where he please. Darnley for five or six days has been very evil at ease; many took it for the cold; and he intending to sweat to drive that away, the measles came out upon him. He was past danger at his [Randolph's] coming away, which was yesterday, Friday. He lodges in the castle, and there is served with a mess of meat at his own charge. Sometimes a reversion comes from the Queen's table to him. His father lodges in the town, and keeps house there. Great expectation what shall become of this great favour borne to Darnley, which makes here amongst them such muttering that burst out it must to some men's cost. Murray has gone, because he will not assist with his presence those ungodly ceremonies used these two weeks to come, yet the bruit is here that he is gone hence with her Grace's disfavour, and that because he has been of late so plain with her for her dilatory and small regard that is taken for redress of things to be reformed in the country. Knows that before her departure out of this town he was in hand with her for those matters, but it grew not to any displeasure as is reported.
3. Desired Lethington either to take speedy order for the borders, or by proclamation to give them leave to take redress into their own hands.
4. This is the first Lent that this Queen, having her health, did eat flesh. The next thing he trusts shall be that she will leave her mass; for preaching, she comes to very few, but says herself that the doctor is but a fool.
5. There is found a cave beside Musselburgh, standing upon a number of pillars made of tile stones curiously wrought, which signifies great antiquity, and strange monuments found in the same. Will himself go to see it.
6. Played at a play called "biles," Beton and he against the Queen and Darnley. Beton and he had the better; Darnley paid the loss, and gave a ring and a brooch with two agates, worth fifty crowns.—Edinburgh, 7 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
April 8. 1086. Bedford to Cecil.
Received not an hour since the enclosed letter, containing a discourse of Randolph's, and of the sickness of Lord Darnley. Asks what he thinks of his coming up, and for some resolution for the fortifications; and also that some order be given for beeves and muttons against Easter.—Berwick, 8 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 8. 1087. The Marquess of Winchester to Cecil.
1. Has made ready the letters for Parkinson's dispatch, and written articles for the Lord Governor. The victualling of the garrison and workmen there must be done by the townsmen of Berwick, with the help of the market and of Scotland, having their payment every half year. If the town of Berwick will take the charge, there must be a staple of wheat, malt, oats, salt, and such like as be durable, whereof there must be a governor.
2. The Queen has 3,000 tons of timber in Mr. Whalley's charge, whereof good part is at the water side, and Lee might send for a part every summer.
3. Has sent him two commissions, one for Anthony Roue, and the Commissioners in the East Marches; also another for John Swifte and the commissioners of the West Marches. Signed.
4. P. S.—Lee and other officers of Berwick being here, it would be well for him to confer about the fortifications of the West Marches.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 8 April 1565. Pp. 4.
April 10. 1088. [The Queen] to Bedford.
Wills him to come hither to Court when most commodious, and dispenses with his absence on St. George's Day.
Orig. Draft corrected by Cecil. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 10. 1089. Dr. Wotton to Cecil.
The chief points have been debated, and finally they have disagreed. Sees very little hope that any good is like to be done at this time. Has divers times called for direct and full answers to the English book of general complaints, but hitherto the Flemings have excused themselves.—Bruges, 10 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: By Mr. Sheres. Pp. 2.
April 10. 1090. Smith to Cecil.
1. Sent by De Florence on the 10th ultimo a letter to the Earl of Leicester, and to Cecil the occurrences from the 10th of February to the 8th ultimo. Florence pretended that he came to procure M. de Foix's return. He had long communication with the Queen Mother, who liked Foix's negotiation, insomuch that the King has given him the archbishopric of Bourges, which is accounted worth 16,000 or 17,000 francs, that is about 2,000l. English a year. Florence was quickly dispatched, and four days after another courier was sent into England, whereof also Smith must not know till he was gone. He told at the Court that Smith should shortly be revoked, and that Sir Nicholas would send hither his cousin Midlemore.
2. Florence, for Foix's return, had like answer as the writer's men had there of his, viz., that about August they will consider it. It were not amiss if Sir Nicholas or Midlemore were sent in the meanwhile to the Prince of Condé, who lies in Picardy, and to the Admiral, who lies either at Châtillon or Vendôme, to know what answer they would give for the money the Queen lent them at Newhaven. That secret matter that they would keep from him he knows, and has already written of it to the Queen and him [Cecil] by Barlow.
3. The Court removed from Toulouse to Bordeaux for default of victuals for men and horse. He may perceive the dearth of other things by the proclamation he sends him. Bayonne men say is worse furnished than Toulouse.
4. Is glad that the Lord Keeper is restored to Her Majesty's favour. Wishes that he had been at the tragedy of Massinissa and Sophonisba. Supposes it was in Latin.
5. Wrote touching Oliver Starky, Knight of Rhodes, who is in Malta. Men give him a good report both for wisdom and valiantness. But he is poor, and not able without more help than he has of the order there to maintain his estate. He is desirous to return home. If he does come he will conform to their religion. Sends herewith the edicts against killing of flesh, and of laying down arms, and a book of their French poet to the Cardinal of Lorraine.—Bordeaux, 10 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
April 11. 1091. Occurrences in France.
1. March 10. An edict against killing flesh this Lent; an edict again set forth for laying down of arms; and all those of Toulouse compelled to bring in their armour and weapons into the town house. The edict against great hose and "vertyngoilles" put in execution in the Court and town.
2. De Florence, M. de Foix's secretary, brought word that Lord Darnley is gone into Scotland accompanied with 50 horse. This news wonderfully awakened them here. They believe that the Scottish Queen shall marry him; and the young Duke of Guise and all other designers shall be frustrated. It is also told that the archbishopric of Bourges in Berry is given to M. de Foix.
3. Letters from Italy state that the marriage betwixt the young Duke of Florence and the Emperor's sister is concluded. The Duke of Ferrara has married the other.
4. March 15. The Admiral and M. D'Andelot are at Vendôme with the Queen of Navarre, and Cardinal Châtillon is at Paris.
5. The Prince of Condé has by a certain gentleman stolen Mademoiselle de Lymoel from Tournon, where she was kept, and has her with him.
6. Letters from Almain state that the Emperor's chief preacher, being a monk or friar, has changed his habit and preaches still before the Emperor, and that the Emperor is earnest to have the priests married and the communion under both kinds.
7. The rumour in this Court of the imprisonment of the Conte D'Egmond is laughed at by the Spaniards.
8. March 16. Granade, a little town two leagues from Toulouse, is appointed to the Huguenots to exercise their religion according to the edict, whereat the papists of Toulouse are offended.
9. The second day in Lent there was a procession in Toulouse, with all friars and monks, and their crosses, relics, and saints of silver and gilt carried about the town: The Cardinals of Bourbon, Armagnac, and Guise, the King, the Duke of Orleans, and Madame Margarite, the Queen Mother, with a few lords, and not many gentlemen on foot, went through the town in procession. There was no ambassador there but the Pope's Nuncio and the Ambassador of Florence. The same day the Duke of Orleans and Madame Margarite were bishoped; and the Duke instead of Edward Alexander (of which the first was given him by King Edward of England, and the other by the King of Navarre, being his godfathers), is now named Henry at the confirmation.
10. Orders are also taken in the Court that no gentleman shall talk with the Queen's maids, except it is in the Queen's presence, or in that of Madame la Princess de Roche-sur-Yon, except he be married; and if they sit upon a form or stool he may sit by her, and if she sits on the ground he may kneel by her, but not lie long, as the fashion was in this Court.
11. The Queen has given to each of her ladies and maids five suits of apparel, and the King one; whereof one is a cloth of gold; to the intent that the interview might be more magnificent.
12. March 19. This day the King and Court departed from Toulouse towards Montauban, and from thence to Agen, and so to Bordeaux, from whence they go to Bayonne to meet the Queen of Spain.
13. Carbarion, a little village within two leagues of Montauban, and eight or nine from Toulouse, it given to them of the religion for the exercise thereof instead of Granade, wherewith they are not content.
14. March 28. The marriage betwixt the Prince of Mantua and the Duchess of Nevers was solemnised at Paris with jousts and triumphs five days. The two sisters (whereof he married one, and the Prince of Porcian is husband to the other) may dispend of yearly revenue 100,000 francs, which is above 5,000l. to each of them. The Prince of Porcian is still at Paris.
15. The Pope has beheaded the Conte de Canoza, chief of those which conspired his death, and burned the rest; and to one of the conspirators, who discovered the conspiracy, he gave 300 ducats de camera, and banished him out of his estate. He has also made twenty-four Cardinals, whereof his Nuncio resident here is one, and so has he now made cardinals all his Nuncios resident in every Prince's Court. He has also made Cardinal the new Bishop of Amiens.
16. April 1. The King this day came into Bordeaux privately and in coach; he made his solemn entry on the 9th instant.
17. Some of those which slew De la Curea were in a place not far from Vendome, where the Queen of Navarre lies. She caused a number of men to be raised, took them, and laid them in prison at Vendome. The Duke de Montpensier, governor of that country about Anjou, sent to have them out, but she would not deliver them. Another sort of them who slew De la Curea got into a house which belonged to one of the archers of the King's guard, and would not suffer her officers and men whom she sent to come in, nor deliver the malefactors. They burned the house and all in it. Montpensier took this and other matters so hotly that he assembled a power; and a little before the King came from Toulouse sent him a letter where he is required to give over his governorship.
18. April 10. The young Duke of Guise came into this town. The Cardinal of Guise, the ambassador of Scotland, and the Duke de Nemours went to meet him.
19. At the King's entry on the 9th, the town of Bordeaux made a brave show of their forces. There were above 2,000 warlike men in divers bands, and four ensigns of pikes and arquebusiers. The next day all men were commanded, under pain of death, to bring in all their harness and weapons within twenty-four hours. And no man of Bordeaux, except such as were advowed by the edict, were to wear sword or dagger.
Orig. Add.: To Leicester and Cecil. Endd. Pp. 7.
April 11. 1092. Occurrences in France.
1. The Duke of Etampes is dead, and M. de Martigues has his government of Bretaigne.
2. D'Andilot has had no such hurt by a fall of an old house.
3. April 11. On Wednesday the king gave the red cap to Cardinal de Croce, the Pope's Nuncio here, because the Pope would have it appear that in respect of the king he had chosen him cardinal.
4. The Prince of Condé comes not to Bayone at this meeting, although sent for. It is said he is sick. Nor also the Cardinal of Lorraine.
5. From Paris it is written that the Admiral has been with the Queen of Navarre at Vendôme; and consulted upon all doubts that may occur against them of the religion by the interview. And that the Cardinal Châtillon is sometimes in Council with his red hat, and sometimes in coat and cap à la militaire.
Orig. P. 1.
April 11. 1093. Reply to the Complaints of the Subjects of the King Catholic.
Answers by the English to the complaints advanced by the agents of the King of Spain against the subjects of Queen Elizabeth, 13 in number.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil, and dated by him: 11 April 1565. Lat. Pp. 7.
April 12. 1094. Gresham to Cecil.
On Sunday will attend him to know his pleasure for the new bonds. Thanks him for his warrant for the purchase of Fawkner's fields, which are rated at thirty years' purchase.— Osterley, 12 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 13. 1095. The Laird of Ormiston to Cecil.
Begs him to be a means that he may be repaid money advanced for the ransom of Wm. Raby, an Englishman, and his goods, taken by the French Basque.—Ormiston, 13 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
April 13. 1096. The Laird of Ormiston to the Privy Council.
To the same effect as his letter to Cecil. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. partly by Cecil. Pp. 2.
April 14. 1097. Vitus Wolffius to Cecil.
Thanks him for his goodwill, and commends his servant, Melchior Ruff, to him.—Dantzic, 14 April 1565. Signed: Vitus Wolffius a Senfftenberg.
Copy. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
April 15. 1098. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Craves his advice touching his coming up before St. George's day. They want here officers, as well for the treasure as the victuals.
2. Lethington will be with him before the bearer, for he departed on the 14th instant. Advises him how to proceed if Lethington makes suit for his man, Archibald Grayme, for restitution of the goods of the ship that was lost.
3. Randolph lies here at great charges, and pays dear to come by knowledge of things. Her Majesty should consider it.—Berwick, 15 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
April 15. 1099. Randolph to Cecil.
The familiarity used unto Lord Darnley by this Queen breeds no small suspicion that there is further intended than to give him honour, either for the nobility of his birth or for the Queen's sake, by whom it is said he was well recommended. It is now spoken that the Queen has already such good liking of him, that she can be content to forsake all other offers and content herself with her own choice. Is assured that, with a great number of the best of his country, Lethington is partaker of the griefs which they conceive of the inconveniences and dangers like to ensue if this matter be not remedied. Wishes that Lethington would be plain with Cecil, and as friendly deal in this as wisely he can work in all that makes to his Sovereign's advantages. However it be, he would that the Queen was void of the suspicion that is here of her spoken to his face that the sending of Darnley home was done of purpose to match this Queen meanly to some further end than to live in amity. How apparent false soever this be, he fears that if these matters ensue, it will be an occasion to alter many men's hearts that were well affected to her. If they have proceeded further than he has written, Lethington (if he be so much Cecil's friend as he pretends), will not keep it from him; peradventure Fowler's coming may better discover the matter with further commission than he has to talk of it. Begs that in some way his charges may be considered.—Berwick, 15 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
April 15. 1100. Smith to the Queen.
1. De Florence, the French Ambassador's secretary, excused himself why he could not speak with him at the first time at Toulouse. Smith said his instructions were to the Queen alone. She sent him word to avoid suspicion that he should speak with the king and her together. The next day (Friday the 13th inst.) he had audience. All were commanded to give place, even the Duke of Orleans and Madame; and besides, the Cardinals of Bourbon and Guise, the Duke of Guise, the Duke of Nemours, and the Chancellor, and more of the Council. He declared to the King and Queen that he had written to Queen Elizabeth what passed betwixt them and him at his last being at Toulouse, viz., the desire they showed to have that amity betwixt them increased to full perfection. He said that his mistress had commanded him to say to them that she takes this demonstration of the king, and the Queen Mother's affection towards her, in good part. Nevertheless she required that they would not mislike if she could not accord so suddenly as their ambassador required.
2. The Queen said that the difficulties are three. The first of the age, which is not to be made; if she likes the age of her son, he will find no fault with hers. "No," quoth the king, "I find no fault. I would she could be as well content with me as I with her age." The next is that if the marriage should follow she should sometimes be constrained to be here. Smith said that is true, and she knows it; nature and love will no other. "Is there none of her kind," she said, "whom for that while she may credit to govern?" Smith said the English people are not so obedient as theirs, and the lieutenants will peradventure be too insolent. The Queen said that is nothing. She has wisdom enough to appoint wise men; and this is but for a time; and sometimes her son must be with her there, as well as she must be sometimes with him here. The third is (as Foix writes to her), the miscontentment of her people, and that the nobility should take it evil also, whereof she sees no cause. For what honour (she asked) can she and her realm have more than to join with this realm? Which done, what realm or prince is able or will adventure to have to do against it ? She writes herself Queen of France, which is now but a title. This way she shall be Queen indeed, and have rule in effect. Smith said he would not reply in that wherein he had no command to speak. "But Sire" (quoth Smith) "what need you make so much haste? Ye have not seen the Queen my sovereign; ye go now to Bayonne. Your age will bear the delay." The Queen promised by Smith that until she had taken resolution touching the King's demand, she will in no place and to no person go so far but that she shall be in perfect liberty to say yea to him or nay.
3. The Queen said that is not enough; for at this meeting something is to be treated about such matters, and some offers made of some kinswoman of the King of Spain, and her son prefers Smith's mistress; and if that will not be, he would be loth to refuse his fortune otherwise. The King said "Madame I would have the Queen of England if I could, and then you may give good answers to the other." Smith said to the Queen that for so small a space he did not doubt she could keep the matter in suspense. Her son shall have choice. If he had seen his mistress he would not care whom he saw after. The Queen said that is what everybody tells her; and from what she sees painted, she must say she has no good painters. And she would herself send a painter over. "No, Sire" quoth Smith; "if he will see the truth he must send his eyes over." The King said he did not understand him. Smith said that when he comes into Normandy or Picardy he must disguise himself, and see whether men say true or no. The Queen said he did but seek delays. The Queen should do her son too much wrong. Smith said he could not deny but that at Orleans, and after at Rouen and other places, both the King and she cast out words, which he has written to the Queen. But he perceives she never took them in good earnest.
4. Other talk passed to pursuade that the King was not too young. The Queen concluded that she could not give longer time to answer than till the King came to Bayonne, which will be about the 12th of May. Smith alleged the distance of the place, the greatness of the matter, and that the Queen could not conveniently determine before she had communicated it to the chief of the nobility.
5. She answered that at St. George's feast they should be at London, and that feast is on the 23rd inst. She still stood upon this that she need know somewhat, so that she might answer other motions. She said no man shall know this which is done betwixt them till the Queen shall think good. And if this goes forward her son shall be in Brittany and Normandy so soon as possible, that it may be concluded.
6. The Queen mother said that he must write, that he must have some resolution by the time they come to Bayonne.
7. He commended to them certain English merchants; and said they could not complain of justice nor of their sentence in paper, but when it came to execution it is nothing. The Queen bid him speak to the Chancellor, and so should the King. He spoke to the Chancellor, who said he would take order. The King bid him do it with speed.
8. The King was born on 17th of June 1550, and the Duke of Orleans on 19th of September 1551. This winter the King shot up two fingers almost three higher than the Duke. The King is longer faced than he and slender. The Duke looks more like King Edward. The Duke was christened Edward Alexander; now he signs Henry, having changed his name at his confirmation at Toulouse. The King is likely to grow taller, for he is slender, and has great knees, and ancles, and his legs are not proportioned to them. The Duke is better proportioned of his legs and body, which shows he will not be very high. They are both pale and not greatly timbered. They were in their youth sickly, and subject to many physicians and medicines. The King is amiable in countenance and of more gentle nature than the Duke. This is the opinion of the courtiers. Howbeit he cannot perceive but that they are both gentle. The King seems tractable and wise for his years, and understands more of his affairs and gives wittier answers than a man would easily think. If the answer to be given is in few words he gives it, and sometimes out of hand. He speaks somewhat fast and thick, which is a token that he is hot of nature, a greater doer than speaker. But he neither lisps nor stammers; he has not been much brought up in learning and speaks no tongue but his own. If no other thing did let what they haste so much, and she stays as in doubt, then in consideration of his disposition, wit, nature, and inclination, if it continues and increases as it has since he knew him, he dare pledge to her that she will like him.
9. So soon as George Carey comes he will again commend him to the King, and accomplish such things towards him as she commands.—Bordeaux, 15 April 1565. Signed.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 12.
April 15. 1101. The Privy Council to the English Commissioners at Bruges.
Whereas fault is found that the subjects of those parts resident in England are charged in the taxation of subsidies according to their goods which they have as well without the Queen's dominions as within, the writers in reply find that no persons are assessed but for goods within the Queen's dominions.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: Not sent. Pp. 3.


  • 1. On the back of this letter is the draft of a letter from Challoner in favour of Robert Harvey to the Count de Feria.—Span.