Elizabeth: May 1565, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: May 1565, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp348-359 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1565, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp348-359.

"Elizabeth: May 1565, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp348-359.

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May 1565, 1-10

May 1.
Keith, ii., 276.
1129. Determination of the Privy Council.
The Queen, finding the intended marriage of Queen Mary with Lord Darnley strange, has communicated the same to certain of her Council, who with one assent thought that it would be unmeet and directly prejudicial to the sincere amity between both the Queens. They desire her so to say, and to offer Queen Mary a free election of any other of the nobility in the whole realm, or any other place.—1 May 1565. Signed by Winchester, Norfolk, Edward Derby, Pembroke, E. Clinton, W. Howard, E. Rogers, F. Knollys, W. Cecil, Ab. Cave, William Petre, John Mason, R. Sackville.
Orig., with a few corrections by Cecil and endd. by him: Note, this is the copy of the paper delivered to Sir N. Throckmorton. Pp. 4.
[May 1.] 1130. Another copy of the above.
Mutilated. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 1. 1131. Robert Brandling to William Drury.
Has received from the Lord Treasurer letters for helping him with 200l., and requires him to stay till the coming of Mr. Ashton's deputy.—Newcastle, 1 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 1. 1132. Munition at Berwick and Newcastle.
The remain of powder and weapons in Berwick taken by Wm. Drury, John Bennett, and others; also the remain of powder, armour, and weapons in charge of John Bennett at Newcastle.—Signed: John Bennett.
Orig., with notes by Cecil, and endd. by him, 25 May 1565. Pp. 3.
May 1. 1133. Charles IX. to the Queen.
Desires her to command the release of a merchant of Calais named De Lastrille, who was made prisoner during the last wars and who is too poor to pay ransom.—Bordeaux, 1 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
May 1. 1134. Smith to Cecil.
To all the ambassadors there is appointed a village, St. Sever, eleven or twelve Gascoin leagues from Bayonne, which is above twenty-five English miles; and he can yet get no place to lie any nearer. Neither there, nor at Bayonne, nor wheresoever they shall be know they how to get meat for their horses.—Bordeaux, 1 May 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 2. 1135. Instructions for Throckmorton.
1. He is to tell the Queen of Scots that as for this matter of her marriage with the Lord Darnley, the Queen simply mislikes it as a matter dangerous to the common amity of the two kingdoms. This judgment is grounded upon the advice of her nobility and Council.
2. She is content to permit to her a full liberty to consider of all the rest of her nobility, and will be well content with the choice of any. Has motioned this to Lethington, but finds him tied to his message for Lord Darnley. If Queen Mary will send some persons to her with sufficient authority, she will not spend long time, but will devise for some meeter marriage than this is. If she disallows to have it here, will be content to direct some one to her own Court.
3. He (fn. 1) is to let Queen Mary know that she is presently resolved to commit the consideration of her title to certain persons; but until she finds Mary determined to give ear to some other device agreeable to her, the Queen means not to cause any person to discover his opinion in the matter of her title. Sends him a copy of the resolution of the Council. He may say that others of her nobility are of the same mind, and not one known to be of the contrary. He is to use all means to understand what manner of offer would be more acceptable than this. As to any public declaration of succession, he may say that only with the Earl of Leicester could she be brought to yield.
Draft, corrected by Cecil, partly in his hol., and dated by him: 2 May 1565. Pp. 14.
May 2. 1136. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Sends a packet for Lethington, which his brother (the Laird of Whittingham) sends from Murray, as he writes. If he suspects intelligence from Fowler, he may use his wisdom in the matter. There is now an assembly of 5,000 or 6,000 men at Edinburgh for Bothwell's matter; and whatsoever be said or doing to the contrary, he will do well enough; for the Queen favours him better than Murray.
2. Here is great lack of money, for of the Queen's money there are not five marks, neither any coals to serve the works; and grain begins to wax scant.
3. Wrote yesterday that Fowler was passed into Scotland. If he returns this way he shall be stayed.—Berwick, 2 May 1565. Signed.
4. P.S.—This assembly in Edinburgh is of the noblemen, who come each with a great train of his kinsfolks and friends, yet all in a peaceable manner.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 2. 1137. Smith to Cecil.
On the 27th [ult.] the Baron de la Garde was sent from the Queen to say that certain Norman mariners and merchants complained to her of being evilly handled and chased by certain English ships. He answered that he had forgotten to tell her that Stukely was taken in Ireland, and Tho. Cobham in London, at the suit of the Spanish ambassador, and the other by the Queen's ships, which were sent to scour the seas; and so there is no English pirate left upon the sea. The Queen Mother has since sent him a complaint, the copy whereof he forwards.—Bordeaux, 2 May 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
[May 2.] 1138. The Merchants of St. Malo to Charles IX.
Certain merchants of St. Malo complain to the French King that they have been plundered by English pirates at Conquet.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 2.
May [2.] 1139. Answer of the English Commissioners at Bruges.
Replies to certain articles of the Commissioners of the King Catholic touching alleged infractions of the treaty of intercourse by restraint of the navigation and by the imposition of excessive tolls and duties.
Copy, dated by Cecil: 2 May 1565. Endd.: Sent 20 May 1565. Lat. Pp. 5.
May 3. 1140. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Upon Tuesday night came to this town the Lords of Murray and Argyll to keep this day of law against Earl Bothwell, who appeared not, nor is it known what has become of him, though the report is that he embarked at North Berwick. The company that came in favour of Murray are esteemed 5,000 or 6,000, and more had come, saving that they were stayed by the Queen, who of late has showed mislike to Murray that so earnestly pursues him, and will not give his advice to take the like advantage upon some other whom she bears small affection unto. Upon Wednesday Bothwell was called, and for lack of appearance was condemned, but further the Queen would not that the Justice Clerk should proceed; which has given occasion of such talk against her for bearing with such men in her own cause, that what is already spoken passes all measure. She is entered into suspicion of a great number of her noblemen; and her people finding great cause of discontentment, (as well for her religion and for this match that is a making, as for other things that they suspect, besides her unprincely behaviour in many of her doings), will either shortly have it reformed in her, or give open signification that what she has taken in hand tends to her destruction, and the overthrow of the tranquility of her realm. What by her cannot be remedied, nor by counsel in her take effect, must be sought by sharper means to be holpen. This is not the voice of one or two. They are not the meanest that speak it, nor the unlikest to put it in execution.
2. The speech of this marriage to any of them is so contrary to their desires that they think their nation dishonoured, the Queen's majesty shamed, and their country undone. A greater plague to her there cannot be, a greater benefit to the Queen's majesty could not have chanced than to see this dishonour fall upon her, and to have her so match where she shall be assured that it shall pass her power to attain to that which hitherto so earnestly she looked for, and without that would accord to nothing. She is now in almost utter contempt of her people, and she in doubt of them, that without speedy redress war is to be feared. Many grevious words have of late escaped her against the Duke. She mortally hates Argyll, and so far suspects Murray, that not many days since she said that she saw whereabout he went, and that he would set the crown upon his own head. To this point it is come, that Murray and Argyll will at no time be in court together, that if need be the one may relieve or support the other. The Duke is content to live at home, and thinks himself happy if he may die on his bed. The preachers look daily to have their lives taken from them, or to be commanded to silence, as already she has done one Mr. Thomas Dromonde, a godly and learned young man, that preached at Dumblane.
3. With Argyll there came to this town Lord David, the Duke's son, with the most part of the Duke's friends. Bands and promises are made between the Duke and Murray that nothing shall be attempted against the other, but it shall be defended to the uttermost of their powers. The Earl of Glencairn having been required by the Earl of Lennox to enter unto the like bands, has refused it and joined the Duke. The Lord of Morton this time was absent, but is so misliked that the writer has not heard any man worse spoken of. He is more in hopes that the Lady's Grace will give over her right of Angus, and so will he become a friend to her side. In this Lethington labours not much to his own purpose. Lord Ruthven, Lethington's chief friend, is wholly theirs, and chief councillor amongst them. Suspicions rise upon every side, in which the writer has his part; as of late for that he was at the West Borders, and is thought to practise with the master of Maxwell. Murray was willed not to have to do with him [Randolph], which, when he spoke well of him the Queen said, "Well, if you will, let not Argyll have to do with him." For all that he has supped twice with Murray, and Argyll came to him and brought with him Lord David. He [Argyll] mislikes all. The Master of Maxwell leaves not his company as occasion serves, but as he is wiser than many, so he more deeply laments the fate of his country, and is ashamed of that he knows.
4. The country is so far broken that there is daily slaughter without redress between the Scotts and Elliotts; stealing on all hands, and justice almost nowhere.
5. Mr. Fowler brought the Queen a letter in cipher from Lethington. It is known that the Queen has an utter mislikeing of the matter. Part of the letter was shown to Murray, the rest at his departure was not deciphered. Fowler has reported that Queen Elizabeth said openly that she had no liking of the matter, and that if it took effect then the Duke should be put down within one month after, and the good Protestants driven out of the country, which she would not suffer. The words are in many men's mouths, and many glad to hear it. Through this and somewhat else that the writer has spoken, many are now satisfied of the Queen, that he [Darnley] was not sent hither for any such purpose as now undoubtedly shall take effect, whatsoever may be borne in hand that it shall go no further than the Queen's will is. Knows it already past that point. It may be said that Murray is the contriver thereof, which the writer knows to be otherwise, for if that had been he would not have refused to be present at the assurance and contract making. What practices are in hand or how long this matter has been brewing he knows not, but knows that the father has said that he was sure of the greatest part of England, and that the King of Spain will be his friend.
6. It is feared that Her Majesty will oversoon allow hereof, and over hastily accord unto this Queen's desire. At least it is wished that some open show there may be of Her Majesty's discontentment. Lethington is suspected to favour Darnley more than he would seem, and yet he is scarcely trusted amongst them; and of late dispiteous words were spoken against him upon certain words he wrote to Murray that he should persuade the Queen to make no haste in the matter, but keep it in the stay it was when he left.
7. The chief dealers in these matters are David Riccio, the Italian, Mingo, valet de chambre, Athole, and Ruthven. Lennox is quite without money. He borrowed 500 crowns of Lethington, and has scarcely enough now to pay for his horse meat. If he has no more from thence Cecil shall see him shortly put unto his shifts. His men are bolder and saucier, both with the Queen and many noblemen, than ever he thought could have been borne. Divers of them now resort to the mass, and glory in their doings. Such pride is noted in the father and son that there is almost no society or company amongst them. The young lord being sick on his bed boasted that he would knock the Duke's pate when he is whole.
8. Writes these things with more sorrow than in any passion than that he is desirous that the work wherein he has been a labourer almost six years (which is to maintain amity between his country and this) should not be overthrown, nor that the goodwill the Queen has gotten amongst this people should here take an end.
9. This day, Thursday, the chief of the Protestants, with the ministers, assembled in the church. Their deliberations contained three heads first, how to remove idolatry out of the realm, containing in that as well the Queen's chapel as others; next, that her own laws might be put into execution without offence; the third, that liberty might be granted without inhibition or reproof to such as are admitted to preach the true word of God. It was determined that the requests should be put in writing, and certain appointed as messengers for the rest.
10. The chief desire of the writer to go to Carlisle was to return home by the Master of Maxwell's, and to behold such work as he has in hand. In Annan town the Master has built a tower able to receive above 100 persons and forty or fifty horses, and made divers fortifications. From the sea into the land he has cast a trench a mile long or more, with only three ways to enter. It saves a great part of the country from thieves and sudden raids. Within two miles of that he builds two other forts, one great, the other a watch tower of great height; in that he has a bell to warn the country when need is, and beside the same a beacon. In this shall be a continual watch, and in the other twenty-four horsemen to follow and ride upon all occasions. There is also another trench cast down to a moss side of a great length and breadth, so that out of England it is not possible for any horsemen to come towards his bounds but he must enter in at some of these straits, and not pass forth except he be seen and known. This he has provided for himself, and thinks his cost well bestowed. He is well affectioned to live in peace, and has promised to continue the same. For justice in time of peace the writer would that all the rest of the wardens were like him.
11. All men here repair homewards. To-morrow Murray will to the Court, and within one day the writer will follow him and see what countenance now will be made unto him. There arrived this day one from Lethington, who passed to the Court. He spake not with Murray, but told that Lethington will be at home within eight days, and that Sir Nicholas Throckmorton shall shortly be here.
12. His former suit he desires him to remember. His charges are far above his allowance.—Edinburgh, 3 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 8.
May 4. 1141. Bedford to Cecil.
1. A captain of the Queen of Scots, called Lawther, brought this packet from her, with request to cause it to be conveyed to him. Randolph remains at Edinburgh, where the Estates are assembled for Bothwell's matters and his trial; and Fowler by his coming has filled the Court full of talk of Lady Lennox's disgrace. Meynes, Lethington's man, came by two days since, and told him that Throckmorton and Lethington would be here within ten days. Lee is come and has begun to set men to work.—Berwick, 4 May 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—The manner of Fowler's passage was that he practised with a soldier and another in Tweedmouth to have horses there to carry him to Norham, where by their help at midnight he was set over the water, and so got horses on the other side. Has these men in hold, and will see them punished.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 4. 1142. The Countess of Feria to the Earl of Leicester.
Letter of recommendation for Roger Bodenham.—Valladolid, 4 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Span. Pp. 2.
May 5. 1143. The Queen of Scots to Bedford.
Asks a passport for John Beton to go towards the Court with her letters to Lethington.—Sterling, 5 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Pp. 2.
May 5. 1144. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Preparing to come away shortly, and being written unto by Randolph to send these letters enclosed, he forbears to write any news. His charge of this he will leave to Mr. Marshal; and the wardenry he will commit to the Lord Warden of the Middle Marches.
2. There has of late happened such a feud upon the Scottish borders between the Scots and Ellwoods as thereupon have been burnt on the one side and the other above a dozen houses, and this is like to continue among them.—Berwick, 5 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 5. 1145. Smith to Leicester and Cecil.
1. May 5. Sudden death of M. de Fize, secretary to the Queen Mother.
2. May 6. The Protestants of Bordeaux requested the King that they might in their houses sing psalms for their recreation, and that they should not be compelled to go in procession, nor to "tapisse" their shops or houses on Corpus Christi day. Also, that they who profess the new religion may be admitted to office, and to be of the Council of the town, which contrary to the edict was of long time refused them. Also, that they might have some place nearer than St. Macaire wherein they might have their preaching and other exercises of religion.
3. To the first it was answered that they might do it, so it were not to make tumult, or any conventicle of other strangers. The other two were granted. To the fourth it was answered that they shall have a place nearer, for which they will speak with the governor of the Prince of Navarre and his Council. This has since been revoked, and they must be content with St. Macaire.
4. Upon the pacification of the troubles in France, and the peace of Orleans, the Parliament of Aix was suspended, and twelve presidents of Paris were sent thither. Now the King being at Toulouse they were restored to their rooms, as well Papists as Hugenots; for there was of each almost an equal number.
5. The Prince of Condé has married de Limoel to a gentleman of his, and given them 15,000 livres a year.
6. May 8. The King is at Bazas. De Cipierre is made Marshal of France, and M. de Peron is in his room as chief gentleman of the chamber.
7. The Prince of Mantua is no more called Prince of Mantua, but Duke de Nevers, by reason that he has married the eldest daughter and heiress of that house. The other is married to the Prince of Porcian.
8. May 13. The Duke de Longueville came to this town to court, and was solemnly received by the captains and soldiers of Seignor Strozzi's band.
9. Yesterday letters were brought to the Pope's Nuncio here, the Cardinal de St. Croce, that the Pope has made the Cardinal of Bourbon Legate of Avignon in full consistory.
10. The Prince of Condé is come to Paris and is coming to the Court, but he tarried at Paris five or six days and returned to Picardy. At Paris, on Sunday 13th inst., he had in the two courts of his lodging two sermons; one Peroceli made, the other M. de Malo. The doors were open, and 5,000 or 6,000 persons at them besides the Prince, M. de la Haye, the President de la Place, and a number more of the councellors, and men of mark of Paris.
11. May 23. When the King was at Mont De Marsan, the whole Council, Princes of the blood, and all the Knights of the Order, were called together. The Queen moved to them that it was reported that some would attempt things against the edict of pacification. But she said that the King and she were minded to entertain it to the extremity, and that whosoever should do so the King would repute traitors. She prayed them if they knew any such to reveal them. They said they knew of none.
12. June 3. The King entered Bayonne on Sunday, June 3d. There passed by the court of late an Ambassador from the King of Denmark to the King of Spain, who told the ambassador of Spain that the King had sent letters to his master and other princes signifying of this interview of the Queen and her brother, and that it was rather at the desire of her mother than any seeking of his; and assured them that there should be no negotiation made there which should be prejudicial to any prince of whatsoever religion he be.
13. The Cardinal of Guise, Madame de Guise, and the Scottish Ambassador are in an agony for the news of the marriage of the Scottish Queen with Lord Darnley, which they will not believe.
14. It is written out of Scotland that the Queen is minded to make Lord Darnley Earl of Ross and Duke of Rothsay, and marry him; and that the lords of Scotland will not agree to it, unless he and she declare themselves of the religion.
15. A truce is concluded betwixt the Emperor and the Turk for six years.
Orig. Add.: to Leicester and Cecil. Endd. Pp. 10.
May 6. 1146. Bedford to Cecil.
The bearer, Mr. John Beton, repairs to the Court to meet Lethington.—Berwick, 6 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 6. 1147. Reply of the Queen to the French Ambassador.
She would not refuse this marriage with the French King on account of the difference of their ages. Will consult with certain of her nobility about the other difficulties, and on coming to a decision will communicate it to the King.
Copy. Fr. P. 1.
May 6. 1148. Another copy, varying in a few particulars.
Endd. by Cecil: "6 May 1565. This was in some part corrected by Her Majesty." Fr. Pp. 2.
May 6. 1149. Translation of the above into Latin.
Endd. by Cecil, and dated by him 6 May 1565. Pp. 2.
May 6. 1150. Clough to Gresham.
Has been with Paul Van Dall for the recovery of the old bonds and delivery of the new, on condition, if the Queen paid him before the 20th of August, to deduct the interest for the time. When Clough paid him 4,102l. 8s. 3d. he would have interest up to the day, which Clough would not do.— Antwerp, May [6]. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
May 8. 1151. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Murray departed out of this town towards Stirling upon Friday last, and upon Saturday the writer purposed to have followed, but by his Lordship's advice remained in Edinburgh until such time as he heard from him, to have more liberty and greater commodity either to write or talk with any than he could have at Sterling, but in special to confer with Lethington or any other who should come out of England before he came to the Court.
2. Murray was never more made of than he was for the first night by the Queen and both the Lords, so much that he had no liking thereof himself.
3. The next day, the Queen being in Lord Darnley's chamber, she showed him a writing containing this effect,—that he should promise to consent to her marriage with Darnley, and by all means set forward the same as in any wise she should command. This bill being suddenly offered unto him, he desired to take time to advise thereupon. That was denied him, and he was pressed to set his hand the sooner, for that many had granted (as she said) thereunto, who would the willinglier do it by his example. He used for his defence the dishonour that it should be unto her that way to seek it; what the world already said, and what other princes would judge of her hasty doings, in special the Queen with whom her ambassador was, and from whom she did attend shortly some answer, perchance such a one as might be to her contentment. Most of all, he would be loth to consent to the marriage of any such one of whom there was so little hope that he would be a favourer or setter forth of Christ's true religion, which was the thing most to be desired, and in him so few tokens that any good would be done, who hitherto had showed himself rather an enemy than a professor of the same. Hereupon there arose between them great altercation. She gave him many sore words. He answered with as great humility and humbleness. Nothing at this time could be obtained, nor hitherto the bill subscribed. He remains in displeasure, and in doubt what may be intended against him. He is now thought to be lead altogether by England, insomuch that it was said that it was known from whence he had that lesson. Before Lethington's return he will consent to nothing that that way may further their desires; for that cause the writer is requested to write unto Lethington to hasten hither, for now all matters frame unhappily here, to the discontentment of all honest men in this country.
4. To have the like consent of all other noblemen, or the most part of them, there are divers of the greatest sent to be at Stirling upon Monday next; and this day there has been with the Duke the Justice Clerk to persuade him to be there, and to accord to this marriage.
5. The Queen likes not that Lethington should shortly return; but most of all she wills not that any man should come from the Queen before it be concluded and accorded unto by her nobility, that she may have their hands to show that it is done by their consent. For this cause Beton is sent to stay Lethington there, lest he come before the time; and whether this be done by Lethington's consent or not the writer will not judge, whatsoever others think, nor yet believe he is a man of that kind of dealing. What to say or do he knows not, nor has he of so long time heard from him [Cecil]. If within two days Lethington comes not, and with him Sir Nicholas, the writer will to the Court, where his credit is lost, as also theirs that favour his cause. These times grow so dangerous that he sees good time, and has had good warning, to look unto himself.—Edinburgh, 8 May 1565. Signed.
6. P. S.—The Eliots, 300 in a company, upon Friday last burnt and spoiled ten miles about the Laird of Buccleugh's land, and slew many men and some women and children.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
May 8. 1152. John Bennett to Cecil.
Prays Cecil to help him out of trouble, for that he has not the keys of his office.—Berwick, 8 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 9. 1153. Viscount Montague to Cecil.
Desires his furtherance of M. de Montigny's suit for a poor woman, maid to his wife that shortly shall be.—Bruges, 9 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 9. 1154. Dr. Wotton to Cecil.
Desires him to grant the suit of M. de Montigny for the delivery of Peter Wallet.—Bruges, 9 May 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 10. 1155. Bedford to Cecil.
On his way up, not far from Berwick, on Tuesday the 8th, he met Randolph's man, who brought him a letter from Throckmorton that he should stay. Yesterday, two miles from Topclif, he met Throckmorton, who told him the Queen's pleasure concerning his stay, and imparted to him the cause of his dispatch.—Doncaster, 10 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 10. 1156. Randolph to Throckmorton.
By the enclosed he shall perceive what haste they make to that which they would be at. Seeing Sir Nicholas cannot be here at the creation, he trusts they shall be both at the marriage, though he conjectures they may both be well spared. After he has seen this, prays him to send it to Mr. Secretary, or whom he pleases. Does what he can to stay this haste, and has written to Lethington to speed him hither, but they are both of them like to fail of their purpose.—Edinburgh. Thursday, 10 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Bottom of leaf torn off. Pp. 2.


  • 1. From this point to the end is in Cecil's hol.