Elizabeth: December 1564, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: December 1564, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp253-263 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 1564, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp253-263.

"Elizabeth: December 1564, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp253-263.

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December 1564, 1-15

Dec. 835. Charges at Berwick.
Note of such sums of money as Richard Asheton paid in Dec. 1564, to the garrisons in Berwick and other holds in the north, and also for the charges of the works and fortifications in that town until Michaelmas 1564. Total, 9,784l. 2s. 5d.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Dec. 1. 836. Bedford to Cecil.
The bearer brought the enclosed, but told him no news. Sent this day Mychell to him with advertisements.—Berwick, 1 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. By Fowler, the Earl of Lennox's servant. Pp. 2.
Dec. 2. 837. Randolph to Cecil.
1. This Queen has taken no great misliking of their last conference at Berwick, thinking now things are more earnestly meant than ever before. This also has given some encouragement to Murray, and put some life into Lethington to talk of the matter bolder than before he durst. They have now taken upon them to see the Queen well and soon bestowed. They have command to commune with him so oft as they list, or with any other whom Queen Elizabeth appoints. To bring this to a speedy end some man shall be sent unto Queen Elizabeth thoroughly to know her mind; or they shall write to him and others to signify fully what they think and find fittest for the continuance of a perpetual love between the countries. They trust well in their Sovereign, and find her daily more and more appliable to the Queen's will.
2. To Fowler's departure he was not privy. Fowler is suspected to be an hinderer of his master's suits here. The contrary he has showed, in that he has spoken in his Lordship's cause to this Queen, as by his Soveregin he had command. Indeed he is evil willing that Lord Darnley should come hither. His special reason is that he finds many that favour the Queen best are most grieved that by her means any such should be sent hither, of whom there is doubt both what is his religion, and what cumbers may arise in the country by receiving such as in times past have greatly disquieted the same. Seeing the Queen and the best of her realm well minded to his Sovereign, duty forces him to give warning of that he fears may be a breach of good will, or may alienate their minds from each other. For that which before was doubted of this Queen's liking him, and of the practices of some men that way to have advanced themselves, it is now well known that except it be offered from the Queen with larger conditions than he believes will be accorded, it shall never be like to take effect.
3. It is committed unto him (but unto few he dare write it), that the Earldom of Angus is confirmed by this Queen to the young Earl of Angus and his heirs from my Lady and her heirs for ever. It was thought better to go this way to work than to have her Grace proved illegitimate, as it was gone about. He had rather that the knowledge hereof should any way come to her than that any suspicion should be that it is known by his advertisement.
4. The Parliament begins upon Monday. No great matters will be done more than the restitution of the Lord of Lennox. Some troubles there are like to arise between the Earls of Eglinton and Lennox for land.—Edinburgh, 2 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Dec. 2. 838. The Count of Egmont to Cecil.
The inhabitants of Bruges have desired him to ask Cecil that he will use his influence that the Merchant Adventurers, and other English, shall continue to reside in or at least hold their marts at Bruges.—Brussels, 2 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 3.
[Dec.] 839. Cecil to Count Egmont.
The recommendation of the Count that the English merchants have their fairs at Bruges, shall more advance the purposes than any on that side; and if it should appear that the English merchants shall have adequate surety and privileges for their persons and goods, they shall be easily induced to resort to Bruges. When Cecil shall hear the offer of them of Bruges he will further the same.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol. Pp. 2.
Dec. 2. 840. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Yesterday and to-day intending, if he had been whole, to have spoken with the Duke of Alva, he stayed the bearer, but was not able to go forth.—2 Dec. 1564.
2. P. S.—Finds the winter worse than the summer here. The rivers are up so that his man shall hardly get to Bordeaux by land.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Per Tho. Dalwood. Pp. 2.
Dec. 2. 841. Challoner to Cuerton.
Desires him to deliver to the bearer 200 reals of plate in case he pass by post through France, and also bills of exchange for 1,000 reals to be delivered in England.—2 Dec. 1564.
Copy. Endd.: Sent by Tho. Dalwood. Pp. 2.
Dec. 2. 842. Challoner to Henry Sackford.
Has spoken to the King for the restorement of Harvy's ships, etc., and when he is well will solicit the Duke of Alva about the matter.—Madrid, 2 Dec. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by Thomas Dalwood. Pp. 2.
Dec. 2. 843. N. Stopio to Mason.
Wrote last Saturday as usual with the news then sent. Letters from Constantinople of 19 Oct. have since arrived.— Venice, 2 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Mason. Ital. Pp. 2.
Dec. 2. 844. Intelligences from Abroad.
1. Genoa, 2 Dec. News about the proceedings of San Piero Corso and Gio. Andrea Doria.
2. Milan, 6 Dec. Andrea Marino is about to be created a cardinal. News from Corsica.
3. Vienna, 8 Dec. The expedition to Hungary against the Turks.
4. Rome, 9 Dec. News from the Court respecting the Pope, cardinals, and others.
Orig., with seal. Add. by Stopio: To Pasquali Spinula. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
Dec. 3. 845. Murray and Lethington to Cecil.
1. Since the conference they had at Berwick with Bedford and Randolph they have more earnestly weighed the matter. The Prince's marriage is, for a subject, so full of peril that if they respected only their own surety they could forbear any dealing in this case. It lacks not danger to compass it before the match, but thereafter comes the most of all, for if anything falls out contrary to expectation, it is a sure overthrow for the servant. But the love of their country leads them to the consideration of the public state. For this purpose they resolved to write to him, not only to utter some part of their conceptions, but also to serve for a foundation of greater work which may be built hereupon. The writers will fall roundly to work if they may know that his mistress will deal so friendly with theirs that Queen Mary be not forced to have recourse to foreign friendship. They will do what they can to induce their mistress to embrace such friendship and alliance as in reason ought to content his, and will endeavour to disappoint the counsels of such as have gone about to procure the contrary; employing to that end not only their credit with her, but also joining themselves with such of the nobility as will follow their advice, to whose suit they trust she shall incline. And if she will not, reason being once offered her by Queen Elizabeth, but will follow foreign practices contrary to the counsel of her subjects (which they cannot suspect), in that case it shall appear to the world that she has neglected the counsel of those she ought rather to trust. Cecil may see by this how far they mean to go and how to proceed.
2. They perceive that some foreign practices are already set abroach, and come on so quickly that the matter may not suffer any long delays, but must shortly grow to some resolution one way or the other; which makes them thus give the push at the very first. For all this, they intend not to deal with him at all in this matter unless they perceive he means to deal frankly and friendly with their mistress, having good respect to her honour and surety. This matter is for them full of hazard, knowing that they must become as it were parties, and oppose themselves to overthrow the devices of men of great credit, and no small force and authority. Wherefore it is convenient before they enter in it they should foresee what may be the issue, lest they should repent to have been utterers without doing good to the cause.
3. For this purpose they require him to procure from Queen Elizabeth a letter whereby they may understand she will deal frankly in this case, and so they shall be encouraged to proceed; or if she thinks it inconvenient to write, that at the least he will write plainly what they may look for. For the better ordering whereof, it were not amiss that she should direct to the Borders some men of credit privy to her conceptions, with authority not only to devise, but also to resolve and conclude upon all things fit to be considered in so weighty a matter, with whom they may treat. This they desire to know beforehand, since it is like that they two will be employed in this matter. Not without cause he has judged them well affected to the maintenance of the good intelligence and not unfit to travel betwixt the Princes.
4. If they shall be encouraged by Her Majesty's letter, or his, in this great adventure to take up so difficult and dangerous an enterprise, and then find themselves frustrated of their expectation, in default of friendly dealing on their part, they protest (fn. 1) that Cecil must not find it strange if they thereafter change their deliberations and seek to save themselves the best way they can. They do not mislike that he commit the sum of this letter to the Queen, to the end that it may draw on such an accord as they wish, or serve for an excuse hereafter if that cannot take place.—Edinburgh, 3 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil, and with a few marginal notes by him. Pp. 5.
Dec. 3. 846. [Shers to Mason.]
Forwards intelligences from Constantinople, 3 Dec. 1564; from Rome, 6 Jan. 1565; from Vienna, 27 Dec., and from Genoa, 29 Dec. [imperfect at end].
Orig. Ital. Pp. 4.
Dec. 3. 847. Intelligences from Abroad.
Another copy of the above, differently arranged.
Copy. Ital. Pp. 3.
Dec. 3. 848. Intelligences from Abroad.
Extracts from the above.
Orig., in Mason's hol., and endd. by him: 13 Jan. Pp. 6.
Dec. 4. 849. Randolph to Cecil.
Yesterday being at the Court he was desired by Murray and Lethington to send him the enclosed letter. Their wills seem to be very good, and as they receive answer from him they will apply themselves to further the matter intended. It seems to him that to this writing Queen Mary was not privy.—Edinburgh, 4 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Dec. 4. 850. The Magistrates of Bruges to Cecil.
They beg his favour for their town that the English merchants may reside and hold their fairs therein.—Bruges, 4 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
Dec. 6. 851. Advices from Abroad.
Intelligence from Milan, Dec. 6, from Vienna, Dec. 8, and from Rome, Dec. 9. — Venice, 16 Dec. 1564. Signed: Marsilio della Croce.
Ital. Pp. 4.
Dec. 8. 852. Randolph to Cecil.
Recommends the bearer, M. Beton. The Scottish Queen writes also by him to Queen Elizabeth, to whom Beton hopes to have access. He knows all things here, specially the entry of Queen Mary into the Parliament house, and what she pronounced there.—Edinburgh, 8 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: By M. Betun. Pp. 2.
Dec. 8. 853. Advices from Italy.
Genoa, Dec. 12, touching the proceedings of San Pedro Corso in Corsica. From Milan to the same effect. From Vienna respecting affairs of Poland and Transylvania; and from Rome on the proceedings of the Papal Court.
Endd. by Mason: Dec. 16. Pp. 4.
Dec. 9. 854. Notes of Letters on the Affairs of the Borders.
Notes from the Council book of the contents of letters received by the Privy Council from Sir Tho. Dacre and Valentine Brown, dated the 5th of Feb. 1563, and from Bedford, dated the 25th of Sept. 1564. Also of the contents of their Lordships' letter to Bedford, dated the 26th of Sept. and 9th of Dec. 1564.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 10. 855. Bedford to Cecil.
The bearer brings Cecil news from Scotland. Hears no more from Randolph but that Lennox is restored, that the Parliament is young, and the Duke but lately come thither. Their pay is not come. Is going to Newcastle to keep an Oyer and Terminer.—Berwick, 10 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: By Mr. Beton. Pp. 2.
Dec. 13. 856. Challoner to the Count of Feria. (fn. 2)
Hears that the King has gone to Guadalupe to accomplish his vow. The writer is now a confirmed invalid and cannot visit the Count at Zafra. For English news refers him to Mr. Parker.—Madrid, 13 Dec. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: By Mr. Parker. Span. Pp. 4.
Dec. 13. 857. Challoner to the Countess of Feria.
Does not write a longer letter by reason of his sickness.— Madrid, 13 Dec. 1564.
Dec. 13. 858. Intelligences from Abroad.
Intelligences from Constantinople, 16 Dec. 1564, from Genoa (no date), and from Rome, 13 Dec.
Orig. in Mason's hol., and endd. by him: From Venice, 20 Jan. Pp. 4.
Dec. 14. 859. Randolph to Cecil.
1. The day after he sent the letter of Murray and Lethington to him he talked with them. Their good will towards Queen Elizabeth never appeared more. Towards Leicester they gave token of their good will and desire that he were matched with their Queen.
2. Because the like suspicion is had of Throckmorton to favour that way that he [Cecil] is suspected for, they desire that the same grief that perchance he conceives thereof might be taken away, but with all their powers they will do what good they can to bring that to pass that may be most for the profit of both countries. They wish that Queen Elizabeth may be satisfied in her desire as to this Queen and Lord Robert. The stay now stands with the Queen to have all settled, or in his lordship, who has the matter so well framed to his hand that much more they need not than his consent with what the Queen will do for him. It abides no longer in deliberation. They look for a full and resolute answer to their letter, with frank dealing. Queen Mary's friends press her to marry. The offers are such as without good cause cannot be refused. Practices there are diverse in hand. They have concluded that amity with England is fittest. No man will be more acceptable to the people than Lord Robert.
3. There has been more thought of Lord Darnley before his father's coming than is at present. The father is now here well known. The mother more feared a great deal than beloved. If Lord Darnley should marry this Queen, and his mother bear that stroke with her that she bore with Queen Mary, which she is like to do (Cecil may conjecture the causes why), this would alienate as many minds from the Queen as that which to her honour, and perpetual love of the faithful and godly, she drew out of the same when the French were forced to retire. They must also consider the afflicted Duke; himself in suspicion, his eldest son prisoner, the second happy to leave the country, the rest out of favour and looked down upon by all men; their enemies brought home and placed at their nose, with authority and credit in Court, and nothing left him but hope in well-doing to comfort himself with, and good assurance of Queen Elizabeth's favour if needed, or at least that by her means he shall take no further hurt. Within these four days Lord Darnley's father (Lord Athol only present), told Mr. John Lyslaye, Lord of the Session, that his son should marry this Queen.
4. It is looked for that some understanding might be had what liking there was of the last conference at Berwick. It is oft complained of that such strangeness is used, that so few writings pass to and fro. It is said this Queen has written twice or thrice to the Queen, whereof not so much as knowledge has come to her of the receipt of them. Of those last written by Murray and Lethington there is daily expectation what shall be the answer. Upon them many matters are delayed here that otherwise are resolved upon. Of this he is desired to put him in remembrance, and to assure him from the writers that nothing is meant from hence but what they think he desires.—Edinburgh, 14 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 6.
Dec. 14. 860. Smith to the Queen.
1. Wrote on 25th ult. by Hume. The 25th ult. he got knowledge that there were three English prisoners in the galleys at Marseilles, and also that Captain D'Albisse was come to the Court, who had come from Rouen round about Spain with his galley, in which there were sixty English prisoners. Hereupon the next day, the 26th, he went to the Court, and by the way spoke with the Constable and M. De L'Aubespine together, and after debating the matter with them came to the King and the Queen Mother, complaining of the evil handling of their prisoners. He had again but general words, and for payment the Queen began to charge him with the articles wherein Queen Elizabeth, they say, does not according to the treaty. To which he answered as well as he could; and so with promises that they would consider of the matters he departed. The 28th he received from De L'Aubespine a writing, copy whereof he sends herewith.
2. In this meanwhile he had been with the Bishop of Orleans, and recited what had passed betwixt them for the courteous treating of the prisoners, and of how small matters the French complain, and in the meanwhile how rigorously the English are handled. The next day he brought him word that the King's pleasure was that they should no more be kept in chains, nor at the "rame." On the next day he sent to De L'Aubespine a writing, copy whereof is enclosed. The two writings above mentioned contain the sum of what passed betwixt the King and Queen and him the 26th ult.
3. On 30 Nov. M. de Oissie, King's herald of St. Michael, came to him, appointed to go with his man to visit the English prisoners in the galleys, and said that the galley of D'Albisse was gone from Aiguesmortes to Marseilles. Sent a man of his with him. They took horse the 1st inst., and coming to Marseilles, understood that the galley was not yet come from Aiguesmortes, wherefore they came back to Aiguesmortes to see them. And so his man came to him to Nismes the 11th inst., and brought him a note of the prisoners, the copy whereof he sends her.
4. This D'Albisse had been with him at Arles, who said he was offered by certain English merchants, at a place where he arrived in Spain, 200 crowns for two of the English prisoners in the galley. Smith said of that he could say nothing, but he thought the King would not suffer that the prisoners of war should be kept as galley slaves; and therefore he would be a continual crier upon the King that some reasonable ransom might be set upon them, for such kind of soldiers their month's wages, or six crowns apiece if they were mariners and fishers taken on the sea. And in the meanwhile that they be set in prison, or where they may be nourished like men of service.
5. Of him he could have nothing but bravadoes; but he said that if Smith would answer for their ransom and support, he would deliver them all to him.
6. On the 12th inst. the King entered Nismes; on the 13th he was busy, and it was said that he should depart the next morning. The Bishop of Orleans and De L'Aubespine came to Smith's lodging to have answer to his three demands, which they discussed.
7. De L'Aubespine said it was an English galley wherein M. Montgomery saved himself at the taking of Rouen, and discharged all the slaves, and filled the same again with priests, friars, and monks, and other poor Frenchmen of Normandy, for each of whom he took of them six crowns, which galley was consigned to Queen Elizabeth, and is now in England; and she has made no certificate of those prisoners, but of seven or eight only in two ports. He said if it were so he was glad, for he doubted not but they would then change one for another. The end was that he [Smith] should certify her of the said French galley and the persons in it, to the end that she should advertise their ambassador who they be, according to the agreement at Valence, and the French would certify their ambassador what had been found at Marseilles and Aiguesmortes.
8. De L'Aubespine declared that as yet from Normandy and Bretaigne, &c., they had not been so certified of the prisoners as they required, which was the occasion why they could not certify him. Smith agreed to write to them the names of their men found in the galleys in English, for they nickname them so that they cannot be known in England or in France, so that their ambassador by his men may inquire of their ability.—Nismes, 14 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
Dec. 11. 861. Another copy of the above. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 8.
Dec. 14. 862. Smith to Leicester.
The Rhinegrave will come into England. De Mauvissier makes no haste to come. Mentions the contention betwixt them here and him for the prisoners taken in Rouen, and ever since kept in chains in the galleys, which he wrote to the Queen. Asks his help that he may have a resolute answer what she will have him do further in that matter. By this time all the poor men are brought to Marseilles. The Court goes further from them to Montpellier, Beziers, Narbonne, Toulouse, and so to Bordeaux. And if M. de Foix is revoked, trusts Leicester will remember his [Smith's] revocation.—Nismes, 14 Dec. 1564.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 15. 863. Randolph to Cecil.
1. This parliament, being only assembled for restoring Lennox, began upon Monday and ended the Saturday after. The first two days were occupied about the solemnities, as calling the noblemen and others. The third day the Queen came to the house, where she had an oration of her affection towards her subjects and the weal of her country, which moved her to show her favour towards Lennox to restore him to his country, the rather for the suit of the Queen of England, whose desire to her was of no small moment, which words were doubly rehearsed. She trusted that at all times she should find them good and obedient subjects. The rest that was to be said was committed to Lethington, for the Lord Chancellor was not able for infirmity to speak more than to excuse himself, and request Lethington to speak for him, who also used the same words that the Queen did, viz., that the suit of the Queen of England was unto his mistress of no small moment. It is to be wished that he may be a mean for a continual amity between the two countries, and earnestly embrace Christ's Word, whereunto it is vehemently suspected that his affection is not very great.
2. The first three days neither the Duke nor the Earl of Argyle came to the Court, willing to be absent at the debating of Lennox's cause, whether he were justly lanished or not. The rest of the days he was present, and gave also his voice to the restitution. Divers also had their lands confirmed to them by parliament, as the Earl of Murray his earldom, and other things which the Queen has given him. The like was also done to divers others that before that time had been forfeited, as Graynge, Ormeston, Melvin, and others.
3. Yesterday the Lords assembled to take orders for matters of religion. It is again concluded that whosoever hears mass, the Queen herself and those of her house excepted, shall forfeit their lands and goods, and the life to be in the Prince's will. The like law is made for adulterers. Fornicators shall pay for the first offence 10l.; for the next punishment at the market cross, and their heads and faces shaven; and for the third, banishment for ever out of the place where they dwell. This is the sum of all that has been concluded in this parliament, saving one pretty way to get money to the Queen's coffers, which is that whosoever has heretofore taken any "fewe" land, or holds land that has been granted by the Pope, shall now have the same confirmed by her, paying therefor as the treasurer and they can agree. To this act the whole house accorded, saving three bishops that were present, St. Andrew's, Murray, and Dunkeld, in which they dissented as a thing prejudicial to the Apostolic See. The Bishop of Dumblane lies at the point of death. His goods he has bequeathed to his eight daughters.
4. Remembers writing of Angelo Manolio, an Italian, that came into this country to make salt; he has been a long practiser in Flanders with his acquaintance there for intelligence for this Queen out of divers parts, specially of late by means of a brother of Francesco Betza, he has been acquainted with the Countess of Egmont. By her this Queen understands whatsoever she could advertise. Angelo lately arrived here, and this Queen gave him a chain worth 200 French crowns. He shall be shortly held by the heels or under bonds for 1,500l. which he owes to Springham, merchant of London, whose servant is here, lying in wait to get him. When Clernaue, the Frenchmen, departed hence he took many of his countrymen's letters. The Queen (either suspecting some of her French people about her, or being advertised that divers reports had been made of her doings, and the fashions of the country which they misliked) caused a couple to disguise themselves and by the way to take from Clernaue all the letters he had, saving her own, which they brought unto her. Among others one was found written by one of her own chamber to Sipierre, containing privy matters full of doubtful words that may be evilly construed. This matter is yet dissembled. Raulet also, her old secretary, is clean out of favour. Some would have it thought because he has been familiar with him (the writer), which is not so. Richio, an Italian, occupies his place.—Edinburgh, 15 Dec. 1564. Signed.
5. P.S.—Murray desires that Bedford may come into Scotland to see the Queen. He will think much honour done to them, that forasmuch as he has been at Berwick, the other may also come hither for as little time.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 6.


  • 1. Opposite this passage Cecil has written in the margin "a threatening."
  • 2. On the same sheet as the following letter.