Elizabeth: November 1564

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: November 1564', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp234-252 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1564', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp234-252.

"Elizabeth: November 1564". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp234-252.

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November 1564

Nov. 2. 768. Bedford to Cecil.
Thanks him for working to get money for a full pay for them. Mr. Marshall here, having to send thitherward, takes occasion to commend him and his service here. Randolph will write to him concerning Walche.—Berwick, 2 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 2. 769. Memorial of the French Ambassador.
Requests by the French Ambassador, at the command of his master, to the Queen of England, respecting commerce, the importation of wines and wood, and the deliverance of Barre.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: 2 Nov. 1564. Fr. Pp. 3.
Nov. 2. 770. English Shipping in Spain.
Notarial copy of a legal paper connected with the English ships seized by Don Alvaro De Bazan.—Seville, 2 Nov. 1654.
Span. Pp. 2.
Nov. 3. 771. Another document connected with the same transactions.— Seville, 2 Nov. 1564.
Span. Pp. 3.
Nov. 3. 772. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Since his last has conferred twice with Murray and Lethington, but hitherto they have resolved upon nothing. Gathers that this Queen will not be hard to show herself conformable, if she might be assured that whatsoever he had spoken in the name of Queen Elizabeth were earnestly meant of her part. But lest it might be thought he had spoken more than he was commanded, he willed them to mark what he had said. The effect was only this, that in case this Queen would follow his mistress's advice in her marriage, she will proceed to the inquisition of her right with all favour; and if it falls out in her behalf, upon plain knowledge whom she [Mary] will marry, the Queen will deal with her as her sister or daughter. Upon these words they agreed all. This they thought nothing to any effect, seeing her right is sufficiently known; but to have that published might peradventure, said they, move her further than yet she can conform unto. In this they accorded not. He said that he had greater cause to doubt what she would do if that were done than there had been cause to doubt of his Sovereign's offer. He looked that something should have been said touching Lord Darnley, of whom no word was spoken; though here it is in the mouths of all men, that it is concluded in this Queen's heart, and that Lethington is wholly bent that way. Has many reasons to the contrary, as well in the Queen as in Lethington; yet can assure him of nothing, men's minds are so uncertain.
2. Many times since his former letters he has talked with this Queen, so that many wonder where they get matter to occupy the time. He makes some believe that lovers never lack language. She is much inclined to think well of his sovereign, and (as she says herself) to please her in all things reasonable, and in her marriage to follow more of her advice than any other. She says that in forsaking of her friends' counsel, and following that of Queen Elizabeth, if she should be deceived, her folly were great, and much dishonour to her sister. What makes her brother and Lethington so loth to give her counsel she knows not, except it be for fear she should be deceived, or that they think it should not be honourable for her so to match. These things, she said, moved her to stay and make her the longer to take resolution, yet will she by no ways offend Elizabeth, but honour her as her eldest sister, and follow her counsel as her mother. She willingly hears now of marriage, and is content to hear as much as he is able to say; yesterday he showed her the Queen's letter, wherein commission is granted to Bedford and him to confer with such of hers as she shall appoint. Has yet got no answer what she will do herein. He finds them willing that this matter should take effect, yet they make it strange to see with what earnestness he will press them, that they may gather what is his mistress's affection.
3. How much Lennox's restoration will profit him the writer cannot conjecture; for he that every three months spends 1,000 marks to recover 300 marks, shall never thrive by the bargain. He is restored to his heritage, but must agree with the most part of them that have his lands. The Duke and he are in this sort agreed. The Queen has commanded them both never to quarrel with each other, and to embrace each other. Lennox made great demands for the loss he sustained by his banishment. The Duke defended himself by the Prince's authority. The matter continued in debate three days; but upon Friday last, before it was ended, it was looked that they should have departed worse friends than they met, which they had done had not the Queen taken the above order. Lennox demanded the Abbey of Paisley out of the Bishop's hands, and to have the Bayliage of Glasgow of the Duke. He obtained neither, saving that the Duke was content to give the bayliage into the Bishop's hands, of whom he held it. The Earl of Argyle has freely rendered what he had of his; and the Queen, content to satisfy Lord John's son of Coldingham with some other thing as good as that which appertained to him by his father. The greatest debate is now between Captain Steward and him, who has made great spoil of his woods and houses.
4. Since the Duke came here the Earl came never further from his lodging than the Court. They never met but in the Queen's sight. The Duke upon Sunday took his leave of the Queen, and got her licence to go to the Castle to see the Earl of Arran, where he was upon Monday, and tarried the whole forenoon with him. Hears that he is well in health, very melancholy, patient in his trouble, but very desirous of liberty. The Duke stands in no small doubt of himself, and thinks this draught to bring Lennox home is chiefly to his overthrow, but specially if this Queen marries Lord Darnley. Had some talk with him of this matter; and by a French person he let him understand that there was no other meant but the undoing of his house. He had no other help but in God, and in the favour of Queen Elizabeth. The bruit is that the Queen will give Lennox the keeping of Dunbarton, which tends utterly to the Duke's undoing. Lady Margaret and Lord Darnley are looked for. Doubts whether she will be as soon restored unto the Earldom of Angus, as her husband was to Lennox.
5. Lethington has been in hand with him touching Archibald Graham's suit.—Edinburgh, 31 Oct. 1564.
6. P. S.—Has seen a letter from Cecil to Bedford, asking what has been heard of Walche's doings in the time of his being here. The most he knows is this: he entered at the West Marches, and was conveyed to this town by a servant of the Master of Maxwell, and from hence to the Queen, being then in the north. He talked with her long, and afterwards gave a letter in French to Lethington. The effect of that letter was that she had communed with that Englishman, who had told her many things, and therefore willed him to inquire and examine him further. He came here and spoke with Lethington in the Justice Clerk's garden. What the purposes were in special the writer knows not, but that the Papists in England were her's. He named divers that were of Lady Katherine's faction, more than ever the writer heard, but Cecil in special, for one; which gave Lethington occasion to write the letter he [Cecil] saw, in which he wondered how so many wise men could be of that opinion, and meddle in such matters. After this talk he spoke with him once again, riding in the highway beside Longniddery.
7. Intending thus to have ended, Lethington sent him word that the Queen desired him to speak with her before he wrote to his mistress. The next day he attended upon her, but heard nothing. Upon Allhallows day he was desired to sup with Murray. After supper he [the writer] spoke a good while with the Queen. She said she had conferred with her brother and Lethington of all those matters he propounded, as also they said he had done with them. For the meeting of some of her's with Bedford and the writer she has appointed Murray and Lethington.—Edinburgh, 3 Nov. 1564.
8. Clernaue, servant of this Queen, will shortly be at the Court, by whom she intends to write to the Queen. Three of his men are sick of the small-pox, so thinks that for a time he must absent himself from the Court. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 11.
Nov. 4. 773. Lethington to Cecil.
In all the conferences they have yet had with Randolph he has not uttered so much of his mind to them as they can lay any great foundation, although he has made rehearsal of the Queen's good meaning generally, the particularities being remitted to some conference with Bedford. Is perplexed what to write plainly in the mean season, so forbears to touch any of these difficulties. His mistress has agreed that Murray and the writer shall speak with Bedford.—Edinburgh, 4 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 4. 774. Frederic II., King of Denmark, to the Queen.
Recommends the bearer, Dr. Albert Knopper, whom he sends to settle some matters yet in suspense between their realms.—Nieburg, 4 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Nov. 4. 775. Advices from Italy.
1. Rome, Nov. 4. The Duke of Florence makes great suit to be made a Cardinal. News of different appointments, &c.
2. Ferrara, Nov. 30. There has been a meeting at Châtillon of the Queen of Navarre, the Prince of Condé, the Admiral, D'Andelot, and the Scot who slew the King.
3. Vienna, Nov. 28. The Emperor has sent an army to Transylvania. Orig. in Mason's Hol. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 5. 776. The Earl of Murray to Cecil.
Received his from Randolph, and is rejoiced to understand his bent to travail for continuance of the amity betwixt their sovereigns, whereunto his labours shall not be spared.— Edinburgh, 5 Nov. 1564. Signed: James Stewart.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 5. 777. Challoner to Mrs. Stradling.
Asks her to excuse him not writing now to the Countess, his head and stomach being out of temper, and the bearer will inform her of the rest.—Madrid, 5 Nov. 1564.
Copy. On the same page as the following article.
Nov. 5. 778. Challoner to the Count de Feria. (fn. 1)
Has received the Count's letter of the 9th ult., and thanks him for his good offices in the matter of Bodenham and Tipton.—Madrid, 5 Nov. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 3.
Nov. 5. 779. Intelligences from Italy.
1. Milan, 5 Nov. The disputes between the Duke of Savoy and the Bernese.
2. Rome, Nov. 18. News from the Papal Court, from Geneva, &c.
Orig. Endd. by Mason. Ital. Pp. 4.
Nov. 5. 780. Translation of the above into English.
Orig. in Mason's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 6.
Nov. 6. 781. Bedford to Cecil.
1. They still lack money for the garrison, and want a treasurer and surveyor of the victuals. Has been driven to deliver out of the money now come 1,500l. to the purveyor for beves, for else those that now have charge say they could provide no meat. Walshe is in the Tower. Was not privy to what he practised in Scotland.—Berwick, 6 Nov. 1564.
2. P.S.—Here is such acclamation made upon him and others for the levying of money for the Scottish ship as is incredible; and it is piteous to see how they are driven to take their cattle and sell them, making forays as it were upon the Scots. And some townships that had not 10s. worth of goods are rated at 20 marks. The 160l. to make up his 400l. he shall have at Martinmas, but the 900l. to be levied here is not to be had. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary, and again by Cecil himself: Archibald Greham. Pp. 3.
Nov. 6. 782. Henry Sadler's Bill.
Saturday, Oct. 21, 1564. His lord dispatched him from Tarascon, and he arrived the same day at St. Bastard,
6 posts.
Oct. 22. Laid at L'Auriol. 18 posts.
Oct. 23. Went to Fontaigne. 11 posts.
Met this day Hume, a Scottishman, who told him he came lately out of England, and had a packet for his lord. Was with the governor, M. de Lesse, for a pass. The plague begins to cease.
Oct. 24. Went to Varrenes. 8 posts.
Oct. 25. Went to Briare 13 posts.
Oct. 26. Went to Paris. posts.
Oct. 27. Came to Britwell [Breteuil]. 6 posts.
Understood that they preach here; and lately learned also that the Prince of Condé was determined to come shortly to Picardy.
Oct. 28. Came to Boulogne. 8 posts.
Met this morning a courier betwixt Flers and Amiens, who came out of Flanders. Understood there that Aire was delivered to the French, and that three of the inhabitants were hanged for the same, the chief of whom was Fontaigne. Found there Sir Robert Peckam; the hostess of the house showed him that he was a devout man, and how that he had heard the same morning three masses.
Oct. 31. Embarked, and being hard at Dover was driven back.
Nov. 1. Learned of a gentleman of M. D'Andelot's, that he was married to the Count Sommes' [Salm] daughter, and that in going through Lorraine was uncourteously dealt with by all of the Duke of Lorraine's line, but after well used by the Duke himself.
Nov. 2. There arrived at Boulogne three French gentlemen, viz., M. Bertillac, M. le Controller, and M. Mauvissier, his younger brother. They say that they belong to the Queen of Scots, and that they go thither.
Nov. 4. They embarked and came hard to Dover, and from thence were driven to the Downs, and there laid all night.
Nov. 5. Came again to Dover and were driven to the Downs again.
Nov. 6. Landed at Sandwich and came to London.
5 posts.
Laid for his passage at Boulogne, 8 days.
From Tarascon to Lyons, 18 posts.
£ s. d.
Paid for every post a third more than ordinary. 79 posts 18 7 0
Passage at Boulogne 3 12 0
Charges at Boulogne for eight days 1 0 0
22 19 0
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Nov. 6. 783. Requests of the Spanish Ambassador.
That a commission be appointed to try the causes of those merchants who are spoiled of their goods, from whose decision there shall be no appeal. The judges to sit thrice a week. A reasonable time being given for the collection of evidence, no adjournment shall be allowed. Decisions to be enforced by letters from the Privy Council. Those who refuse to obey the decisions to be fined. Not only pirates, but their abettors also to be punished. Officers refusing to carry out the decisions to be punished. All impending causes to be tried before the commission.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: 6 Nov. 1564. Lat. Pp. 4.
Nov. 7. 784. Randolph to Leicester.
The Prince of Condé is suitor here, supported chiefly by the Cardinal his uncle. If John Steward comes over, as is reported, believes Throckmorton is best able to deal with him. Has written to the Queen. The 18th inst. he would that Leicester were at Berwick to say some what for himself, for then somewhat will be said of him that may tend to little good. How happy is his life that between these two Queens is tossed to and fro. His luck is evil if he lights not in some of their laps that love so well to play. Much more than being of the order of St. Michael hangs over his head when God wills it to take place.—Edinburgh, 7 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 8. 785. Bedford to Cecil.
Repeats his letter of the 6th inst. Asks for money, and that Cecil will take order there that no more be paid by this country.—Berwick, 8 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 9.
Labanoff, i. 246.
786. Queen Mary to Queen Elizabeth.
Asks for a passport for Thomas Douglas and Robert Bog to pass and repass to France for one year.—Holyrood, 9 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Nov. 9. 787. Smith to the Queen.
1. Received here her's (dated at Harrow-on-the-Hill, 12 Sept., sent by the Earl of Bothwell) on the 4th, by one of the Scottish ambassador's servants. Sent by Henry Sadler, Sir Ralph Sadler's son, the answer to the thing therein required, who left on 21st ult., which he could not have done had not it come by others dated at St. James', 24 Sept., and delivered him on 14th ult. by M. De L'Aubespine. Objects to this kind of sending of letters.
2. Repeats the sum of the answer he sent to her dated the 19th ult.
3. Received her's (dated at St. James' on 9th ult.) on the 6th inst. at Marseilles, delivered him by M. De L'Aubespine, sent, he thinks, in the French packet. That day the King made his entry into this town. Next day asked audience and was referred to the 8th inst. Delivered her letters to the Queen Mother, who was with the King, the Duke of Orleans, Mme. Margarite, and the Prince of Navarre. Although he had declared before that he had letters to the Queen, and not to the King, the Ambassador of Scotland had audience before him, and was not departed from the King when he was brought in. Upon this occurrence he was fain to change his proeme, and after reverence he told the King his suit was to him, and his letters to his mother, so that if they could not agree she should aid him. At this the Queen repeated his tale again to the King, and took his letter and told the effect to him. Smith said by that message which they sent him on St. Michael's day by De Mauvissier, he took it that the Queen had free choice given her to nominate whom she would to be of the order, and so he had written home. The King and Queen said it was so. Smith said that Queen Elizabeth willed him to require them not to take it amiss that she would deliberate awhile and deliver this honour to whom she shall think good, to Lord Robert or any other. The Queen Mother said that what Queen Elizabeth wills shall be done, and that she may bestow the King's order on whom she would; and further, that if she shall name any other besides, her son will employ his order upon him also. Smith said this was more than he durst have required; and asked if he should write so home. Yea, said the King, and she shall do what she will and command what she lists, for he would gratify her in anything she desires. Yea, said the Queen, if she will keep this gift in hand to employ it upon another, well, or upon Lord Robert, or she shall name another when she will. The Queen Mother asked Smith when his mistress would marry, and whether she would not marry Lord Robert. To the first he said he knew not; to the second, he thought rather nay than yea, for nothing letted her marrying him long ago if it had been her pleasure; and the whole Parliament had required her to marry divers times, not making choice of any person, but referring that to her. She said that was reason, but yet that they thought better she should marry within the realm than without. Smith said there were reasons and opinions on both sides. The Queen Mother and the King would have known his opinion, but he would not answer. The Queen Mother said that they knew that he [Smith] loved Lord Robert, and if it were in his power it should not be long undone; to which he answered, that he loved him, and was ready to do his service at all times, but must prefer her judgment and pleasure above his or his own either.
4. Smith mentioned his negotiating with the Council at Avignon, touching the merchants' matters and two or three other points, and hoped that all was well satisfied. The King said, yea. The Queen said, yea, they have and must have always a good opinion of his mistress, and what shall be agreeable to her shall be to the King. Smith asked if they made any dispatch shortly into England; for if they did, he would then send his also. The Queen said as soon as they came to Arles the Rhinegrave should be dispatched into England with the order, with such conditions as he [Smith] had heard.
5. Touching the Queen appointing whom she would to the order, he wrote by Andrew Beton, the Scottish Ambassador's brother, who departed from Avignon on 6th ult. The King, Queen, and Council are very desirous to know whom she will take to her husband, and had much rather she should marry within the realm than from without, and from any other place than from France; and the same mind they have of the Queen of Scots.—Marseilles, 9 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 7.
Nov. 9 788. Confirmation of the Edict of Pacification.
Confirmation by King Charles IX. of the Edict of Pacification of March 19. Marseilles, 9 Nov. 1564. Signed by the King in Council and countersigned by De L'Aubespine.
Copy. Endd: Sent in the F. par. Fr. Pp. 4.
Nov. 11. 789. Guido Giannetti to the Queen.
Has not had anything of importance about which to write, Italy being at rest. The object of the embassy of M. de Lansac from the King of France to the Emperor has come to the writer's knowledge. He is commissioned to procure unity of action between the King and the Emperor in the matter of religion, and for an alliance between the families. The Duke of Savoy and the Switzers have come to terms. News from the Papal Court.—Venice, 11 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Mason. Ital. Pp. 4.
Nov. 12. 790. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Having concluded with Murray and Lethington as much at this time as could be said, thought best to be with Bedford, that they might be better prepared against the time of conference. So he arrived here yesterday. Because this matter might be the more covertly handled without suspicion, they have concluded upon this device. The Queen comes to Dunbar, where she remains six or seven days. In the meantime Murray and Lethington have leave to ride into the Merse ahawking, and also to visit some lands of theirs. Whilst there, Bedford shall send a gentleman to them, and desire them that forasmuch as there are divers matters in controversy upon the Borders, he desires them to rest one night in Berwick. This was thought better than that they should come to entreat of the debatable ground, because Murray and Lethington have not been accustomed to be employed in such affairs.
2. Wrote in his last of Beton's arrival here, and the cause of his coming. Now confirms the same with better assurance of the truth, saving that he wrote John for Robert Steward. Before Beton's departure out of France, Robert Steward had his dispatch of the Cardinal to this Queen and was gone with the same to the Prince. The Cardinal excuses himself to this Queen that he shall not be inconsistent, because he commended to her before, by John Baptista, the Duke of Orleans, of whom then he thought best. He added also with vehement signification of his sorrow, and the danger that he stands in for fear of the Protestants, if that his desire for her take not effect, and that he has no other man so fit to use as Robert Steward, though beforetime the man undertook to kill him.
3. The Queen having considered her sweet uncle's letter, said to one these words: "Truely, I am beholding to my uncle; so it be well with him he cares not what becomes of me."
4. Wrote that Walche spoke with this Queen, which he again calls in doubt, though it be earnestly affirmed unto him that he did. All the rest that he has written is true. It is now openly known that he is in the Tower, but little regarded what comes of him. Fowler arrived the day before the writer's departure from Edinburgh. Many of that faction are greatly disappointed that the Lord Darnley comes not Thinks it no small purpose that his father was so desirous to have had him here; but those are most his friends that are most against it.—Berwick, 12 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Nov. 12. 791. Roger Alford to Challoner.
Their state here is quiet, and his friends are in health, and so is Challoner's sister, Farnham. Of particular news the bringer can inform him, who is his wife's brother. "I can be content you use the company of Eve now and then, but take heed of glutting."—London, 12 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by Mr. Burlace. Pp. 2.
Nov. 13. 792. The Lord Treasurer to Cecil.
Details respecting the payment of the charge at Berwick and the continuance of the victualling there. Inquiry to be made of Lee. If this devise be not agreeable, thinks that 6,000l. for the half-year's pay to the soldiers should be left at Newcastle, and that there should be a staple for corn for eight months. Has written for the Lincolnshire rent to be taken from York to Newcastle.—13 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 13. 793. Smith to Cecil.
1. His man that should have gone is stopped of his journey this day for lack of post horses. Wishes for more frequent intelligence. Cecil should not speak in parables. Still calls upon him for Scotland. In so great a calm they were never here in so great a trouble, for they provide for a hard winter.
2. The posts come continually. These are wise men, and consider what he says; knowledge makes good service, ignorance brings error and repentance. Sometimes fifty crowns save 5,000. This day there departs a post for Scotland, who goes by Dieppe or otherwise by sea; all go and come by the Cardinal of Lorraine, for without him nothing is done, and yet there is strife of all sides. The matter is hot, and is chiefly the marriage matter, and a great stir who shall bear the belle away. All must not be committed to letters, and still Cecil keeps his [Smith's] men in England, by whom he dare speak.
3. At Valence he visited in the Queen's name the Duke of Ferrara, and at Avignon the Duke and Duchess of Savoy, with whom he had courteous talk at all times.—Marseilles, 13 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Nov. 14. 794. Charges at Berwick.
1. Valentine Browne states that he has paid in prest to the officers, captains, soldiers, and workmen, between Michaelmas 1563 and Lady Day 1564, 4,195l. 8s. 11d, and for victuals within the same time 1,878l. 10s. 4d.; total 6,073l. 19s. 3d.
2. Also that the treasurer's clerks have disbursed, between Lady Day and Michaelmas 1564, to the garrisons 2,812l., and for victuals for the same 3,273l. 12s. 5d,; total 6,085l. 12s. 5d.
3. Total for the year 12,159l. 11s. 8d.
4. And that there is estimated to be owing to the garrison from the 8th of August 1563 to Michaelmas 1564, 12,890l., and to the works 8,100l.; total 20,990l., showing that there is due at Michaelmas 1564 8,831l.
Orig. Endd.: Val. Browne's reckoning. Pp. 4.
Nov. 14. 795. Guido Cavalcanti to Cecil.
Has written by the bearer to the Earl of Leicester, who will probably show that letter to Cecil. The occurrences at this Court will doubtless be communicated by the Ambassador.—Marseilles, 14 Nov. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 14 Nov. 1564. Ital. Pp. 2.
Nov. 15. 796. The Queen to [the Lord Treasurer.]
Sends to him her letters to Ashton, the receiver, to be sealed. All haste shall be made that Ashton may resort to Berwick with the money, which cannot be less than 9,000l. He cannot have the whole, yet if half were there to be prested to the garrison it were convenient, for they are in need, and within three days Murray and Lethington will be at Berwick, as commissioners from the Queen of Scots to treat with Bedford and others; and she would be loth that they should understand the garrison's lack.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: M. of the warrant that Val. Browne thinks meet to be written to Mr. Ashton, 15 Nov. 1564. Pp. 2.
Nov. [15]. 797. Warrant for Mr. Ashton.
Authorises him to take certain money to Berwick for the payment of the garrison and works there. From the Court at St. James.—Nov. 1564.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 15. 798. Condemnation of John Panant.
Having robbed and murdered two women he is condemned to be broken on the wheel in the market-place, and his head broken with the hammer with which he committed the crime. —Brussels, 15 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 3.
Nov. 15. 799. Henry Kylligrew to Challoner.
The Earl of Leicester travails to supply the writer's place with some other, and thinks he is in good towardness. For other matters refers him to the bearer, Mr. Wm. Borlace, who can inform him of his state with his love and mistress, and what a hell he left him in. He is a gentleman of an ancient house, servant and friend to the Earl of Warwick, under whom he had charge at Newhaven.—London, 15 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by Mr. Burlace. Pp. 2.
Nov. 16. 800. Passport for Thomas Douglas.
Passport by Bedford for Thomas Douglas, of Scotland, to pass to France with one servant and three geldings. Signed: F. Bedford; W. Sage.
Pp. 2.
Nov. 18. 801. Richard Brakenbury to Challoner.
Asks him to send a pair of silk hose.—From the Court at St. James, 18 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: Received by Mr. Burlace. Pp. 2.
Nov 19. 802. Queen Catherine De Medicis to the Queen.
As soon as the writer and her son heard from M. De Foix of the wishes of Queen Elizabeth on the subject of her letter of the 8th ult., they replied conformably to her intention, which had also been declared by Sir Thomas Smith.—Marseilles, 19 Nov. 1564. Signed: Caterine.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
Nov. 19. 803. The Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
1. Has had no difficulty with the King and the Queen Mother, but has had some with the Prince of Condé. The King has desired him to publish an ample declaration, in which he has set forth that when the Queen of England engaged in that enterprize her principal aim was to succour the King and his subjects who were oppressed for the Gospel. The Queen Mother has shown herself favourable towards him, by whom indeed he has been preserved. Shall always consider himself bound to serve the Queen of England after his master.
2. Desires him to show favour to an inhabitant of Havre whose vessel has been stayed, and who did great service to the English by bringing victuals to that town. Asks him to send him the book which Mr. Edein formerly gave him, being a compilation from sundry works on Philosophy; he will have it copied and sent back to him.
3. Salutes (fn. 2) the Chancellor and his wife, and Cecil's little Marie.—La Ferté Vidame, 19 Nov. 1564. Signed: J. Ferriere.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 4.
Nov. 19. 804. The Request of the Ambassador of Portugal.
The King of Portugal having understood that certain of the Queen's subjects were rigging ships to sail to the coast of the Myne, Minaguette and Guinea, and other places under the dominion of Portugal, which is forbidden to the King's own subjects, desires that she would command the said ships to be stayed and unarmed, and that those who have already sailed may be punished. As her subjects cannot but meet sometimes with the navy of Portugal, the King would be sorry for any damages which they would receive.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 3.
Nov. 19. 805. Translation of the above into English.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Nov. 20. 806. Smith to Cecil.
On 14th inst. he dispatched from Marseilles Edmond Mathir, an Englishman newly come out of Italy, with letters to the Queen. Nevertheless because the bearer, Adam Hume, comes by him, he would not let him go without his letters. At Arles all stand as they did. The Three Estates of Provence began on 20th inst. at Tarascon. The coming of the Rhinegrave and De Mauvissier is prorogued they say, because as Queen Elizabeth is not resolved who shall have the order, but delays, so belike will they. The bruit is that the Queen Mother hopes to see her daughter, the Queen of Spain, about Toulouse or Bayonne before the King departs out of these south countries. News is in the Court that the Prince of Condé and the Cardinal of Lorraine have intervisited each other. The bearer, Adam Hume, (fn. 3) he perceives by Mr. Alington's letter, which Cecil sent him, was well rewarded. What he deserved he cannot tell, but it was he (or at least he was one of them) who with lies and forged inventions to let the peace at the making thereof, made Sir Nicholas almost or altogether mad. He laid this time with the Ambassador of Scotland here, who suspects him to be sent from the Protestants of Scotland. The Ambassador is wholly for the Papists, and therefore is glad to be rid of him.—Arles, 20 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 20. 807. John Cuerton to Challoner.
Received from Challoner 1,000 rials to send unto Exeter to Master Hocar [Hooker] for his (Challoner's) use. Many ships of England are laden here and at other ports.—Bilboa, 20 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Brought by Mr. Parker. Pp. 2.
Nov. 22. 808. Smith to Cecil.
1. Cecil's letter of the 29th ult. was delivered here on Tuesday the 21st., by M. De L'Aubespine. The 6th ult. sent a packet of letters by Andrew Beton, the Ambassador of Scotland's brother, who went he said directly to London. Thinks he tarried long to make twenty-four days betwixt Avignon and London. It makes him more to muse, for at the same time that De L'Aubespine sent him this of the 29th ult. he delivered another for the Scottish Ambassador, written by the said Andrew at London. If he came not to the Court of England Cecil should inquire for the packet at the French Ambassador's hands. The silks of the Medes to come by Muscovia into England is a strange hearing. The French Ambassador is very dainty if he takes missing a dinner so heavily. As for the Ambassador of Portugal, if there be no other sent than he which is, and has been ever since he [Smith] came into France, he will not contend for that matter. He has lain almost this twelvemonth at Paris sick, some say of the King's evil, others of the disease of this country, that has eaten almost his throat asunder. He has not come much abroad since Rouen was won.
2. If Cecil means the Lord Darnley, men have the like opinion here. Of that matter he wrote by Beton, and of the Archduke Charles by Mathir.—Arles, 22 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. A few words in cipher. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 22. 809. Smith to Cecil.
Recommends the bearer, William Seres, a Scottish gentleman, who being taken on the sea in their last wars was put in the galleys with his company, but is now released, and minds to go home by England.—Arles, 22 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 22. 810. Estates of Provence.
Proceedings of the Estates of Provence assembled at Tarascon, Nov. 22, 1564. They appoint officers and judges, give salaries and pensions to different people, and arrange other local matters.
Copy. Endd.: Sent in the F. par. Fr. Pp. 27.
Nov. 22. 811. Another copy of the above.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 16.
Nov. 22. 812. Challoner to Clough.
Details of money transactions between them since August 1563, through the agency of Alex. Bonvise, Lopez Del Campo, Nicolao Palavicino, and others. Also some paid to James Coldwell, the writer's servant, for his posting. Thinks that neither the King nor the Prince of Spain will come to Flanders till September next.—Madrid, 22 Nov. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by Stephano Leccari, his means. Pp. 7.
Nov. 23. 813. Bedford and Randolph to Cecil.
Received his of the 13th inst. but upon the 20th, which was long after the time they needed his advice. Refer him to their letter to the Queen. The next morning in private talk, which Randolph had first with Murray and after with Lethington, they severally told him that they found Queen Elizabeth's dealing marvellous strange, and that nothing was intended but drift of time. For the matter itself, though they know not how their mistress is affected, yet they would be loth so to leave this cause so as no further conference should be had of it; but having reported to her what has passed in this talk they would inform him [Randolph] thereof at his return to Edinburgh. Murray and Lethington arrived on Saturday, and on Sunday they began their conference with them, and continued it until the sermon time, and spent most of the afternoon in the same. Monday morning was bestowed in ending controversies between parties of England and Scotland. The Saturday immediately after their arrival one came with a packet of letters to them from the Queen, which came out of Flanders, by an Italian that has long practised with the Countess of Egmont. From whence these men are advertised the writers know not, but they lack no intelligence, neither what was intended for the voyage of Almaine, nor how it stayed. Upon Sunday came two Frenchmen. Some letters they saw delivered to Murray and Lethington, to whom (because they found them so spare of their news) the writers told what they had heard of the Prince of Conde's suit to their Queen.—Berwick, 23 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Add. Endd. Written in Randolph's hand. Pp. 3.
Nov. 23. 814. Advices from Vienna.
Vienna, 23 Nov. 1564. News of military affairs in Transylvania. Rome, 25 Sept. News from the Papal Court, chiefly on the proceedings of the Pope and Cardinals.
Copy. Ital. Pp. 3.
Nov. 24. 815. Smith to Cecil.
1. It is certain that the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Prince of Conde have had conference and banqueting together at Soissons and at Nisseau Le Château, which belonged to the late Cardinal of Bourbon.
Nov. 24. 2. They of Guise complain that all letters from the said Cardinal are opened, principally at Paris and Lyons. The Ambassador of Scotland and the Cardinal, and Mme. De Guise, are daily in great dispatches to and from Scotland, and to and from the Cardinal of Lorraine. The bearer, Hume, is altogether a Lethington, whom he shall find double he is afraid, or rather triple, having pensions of all three princes.— Arles, 24 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Chiefly in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 24. 816. Eric XIV. to the Queen.
Excuses himself for his delay in answering her letters in which she desires that his sister Cecilia may come to her She will not be able to do so, as he has given her in marriage to Christopher Marquis of Baden.—Stockholm, 8 Cal. Decem. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by G. North. Lat. Pp. 3.
Nov. 24. 817. The Duke of Lunenburgh to the Queen.
Letter of commendation and credence for the Count of Schomburch.—Worden, 24 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. [?] Add. Endd. Span. Pp. 3.
Nov. 24. 818. John Fitzwilliam to Cecil.
Has no doubt but that he can disprove anything laid to his charge. John Brown is at liberty upon his oath to the magistrates to return to prison at their pleasure. If he could obtain the Queen's letter, doubts not but that they would give sentence and also apprehend him again. All the traffic for England of commodities of these Low Countries is through France, and the merchant adventurers are much prevented thereby. The English merchants bound themselves too straight not to carry or sell any of their commodities nearer than Frankfort. Certain of Antwerp have been to the Court to declare what hindrance this restraint is to the commons and merchant strangers. The Margrave has gone into the drapers' houses to search for English cloth, and has arrested the same. The report is that divers towns in Flanders, where woollen cloth is made, are at a stay for lack of wool.—Antwerp, 24 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Nov. 24. 819. Petrus Bizarrus to Cecil.
Is at Padua for the sake of his studies, and will go to Venice after the winter. Expresses his devotion to Cecil, the Queen, and England. Encloses a copy of Latin verses. (fn. 4) —Padua, 24 Nov. 1564. Signed: Petrus Bizarrus, Perusinus.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Nov. 24. 820. The Queen's Answer to the Portuguese Ambassador.
She wishes that he had been privy of the answer made to Don Pereira Dantes in June 1562; namely, that although she saw no reason why her subjects might not sail into any country belonging to the King of Portugal, they paying such tributes as belong to the traffic, yet at the request of the said king, she had warned them from the navigation into any ports in Ethiopia in which the King had dominion, obedience, and tribute, which she thinks none of them have done. As for the navigation into other parts of Africa, she does not find it reasonable that she should prohibit it.
Corrected draft. Endd. Fr. Pp. 4.
Nov. 24. 821. Translation of the above into English.
Corrected draft. Pp. 3.
Nov. 25. 822. The French Ambassador to Cecil.
Mr. Somers having complained to him, four or five days ago, that an English ship had been stayed at Havre, he has written to the officers in favour of the owners. He cannot however obtain satisfaction for the complaints of his master's subjects. Desired Somers to tell him [Cecil] that the customers had seized twenty sacks of hops belonging to a Frenchman, and has since sent his secretary to him. Asks him for the third time that the hops may be restored.— 25 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd., by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 3.
Nov. 25. 823. Challoner to Clough.
Mentions money matters and the non-arrival of letters sent by Clough and himself.—Madrid, 25 Nov. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: sent by Sor Gambos. Pp. 3.
Nov. 26. 824. The Queen to the King of Portugal.
Has received his Ambassador, Signor Aires Cardoso, and wishes that his requests had been such as she might have further contented him.—St. James, 26 Nov. 1564.
Copy. (fn. 5).
Nov. 26. 825. Translation of the above into French.
Nov. 28. 826. Memorial of M. De L'Aubespine.
1. There should be no restriction whatever in the free traffic between the countries.
2. Barre cannot be called a prisoner of war; he was in the service of one of the hostages, and was arrested on suspicion of intending to escape.
3. Also of that which was done to the Ambassador of France at the feast of the Lord Mayor of London.
Endd. by Smith: Sent to me, 28 Nov. 1564. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 29. 827. Lennox to Bedford.
Thanks for his friendliness and remembrance by the Earl of Murray. Having to send the bearer, his servant, Fowler, to the Court, asks his furtherance of him through his charge, and that he would help him with post horses.— Holyrood, 29 Nov. Signed.
Add. Pp. 2.
Nov. 29. 828. Reply to the Memorial of M. De L'Aubespine.
1. The ambassador's reply to the articles given by M. De L'Aubespine. As to the first, touching the traffic of the French merchants into England, he thought that was all settled, from the replies of the King's Council to him. But as in France it is not permitted to buy Italian silks in gross except at Lyons, so are there certain manufactures in England which are only allowed to be sold in particular places.
2. As to the second, concerning Barre, he has not heard anything about him, and cannot see how he could be the servant of the four hostages, who lived so far from one another.
3. As to the third, it is the custom of the Lord Mayor to invite whom he pleases without the directions of the Queen and her Council. The Ambassador of Spain was not invited. If either of them have cause of complaint it is solely against the Lord Mayor of London.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 5.
Nov. 29. 829. Another copy of the above.
Endd. by Smith: Copy of the memorial which I delivered to M. de L'Aubespine, with the demands which I required to to be answered; at Arles, 29 Nov. 1564. Fr. Pp. 4.
Nov. 30. 830. Accord between England and the Low Countries.
1. The Duchess of Parma desires that a commission, which shall sit at Bruges, may be formed to inquire into grievances, and strengthen the intercourse between England and the Low Countries. It is to consist of six persons: two of the Orders of the Garter and Golden Fleece, two privy councillors, and two jurisconsults.
2. The commission is only to deliberate on those questions which have arisen since the death of Queen Mary.—30 Nov. 1564. Signed: Margarita.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Nov. 30. 831. Challoner to the Privy Council.
Complains of his long service in Spain and earnestly craves for his revocation.—Madrid, 30 Nov. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by Tho. Dalwood. Pp. 4.
Nov. 30. 832. Challoner to Cecil.
M. de Twysnack and other Flemish ministers here seem to have good hope of some speedy composition between England and Flanders. Wrote to the Queen that for avoiding new questions the diet should rather precede their merchants' return thither than come afterwards. There is no likelihood of the King or Prince going to Flanders next year. This day the Ambassador of Venice departs hence, who is the third sent from that Signory since the writer came hither; and February next the Ambassador of France also returns, whose successor shall be M. de Foix, their Ambassador in England, to whom he sends a packet.—Madrid, 30 Nov. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by Tho. Dalwood, by the way of Balbao. Pp. 4.
Nov. 30. 833. Challoner to Mason.
Asks him to help that he be no longer kept here. For his New Year's gift sends herewith a paradox which he dare not, considering the title, Encomium Avaritiæ, address to precise folks; also an epitaph on Lord Paget. Has finished his four books, De Republica, a work as big as Virgil's Æneid; and has made to the Queen orationem pro reditu, but it is so long that he had not a meet man to write it forthwith, so in lieu thereof has made an elegy in verse to her, (fn. 6) which he sends with an epistle, which he prays Mason to cause Croker to write in fair hand, and on New Year's Day present it himself to her. In case the Queen will give him no leave to come home altogether, prays him to help that he may be licensed to return for three or four months.—Madrid, 30 Nov. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Ultimo Octobre. Sent by Tho. Dalwood. Pp. 2.
Nov. 30. 834. Oliver, Count Delfino to Throckmorton.
Having recently left Antwerp to go to the Court of the Emperor on private business has not been able to say what he wished to the Queen of England. His wife and infant son are not well. Has been in communication with Sor. Strange.—Vienna, last Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. to Throckmorton in London. Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. On the last page are a few lines in Latin verse, apparently on the death of Sir William Paget, who died in 1563.
  • 2. This passage is in the hand of the Vidame.
  • 3. From this point to the end is nearly entirely in cipher.
  • 4. Enclosed is a copy of ten hexameters and pentameters, wondering what the strange appearances in the sky and the great storms may portend. Lat. P. 1.
  • 5. This and the French translation are on the same page. Endd. Pp. 2.
  • 6. Fifteen pages of Latin verses are enclosed. Endd. by Challoner: Elegia ad reginam pro reditu.