Elizabeth: December 1564, 16-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: December 1564, 16-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp263-277 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 1564, 16-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp263-277.

"Elizabeth: December 1564, 16-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp263-277.

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December 1564, 16-15

Dec. 16. 864. Cecil to Murray and Lethington.
1. Asks them to take in good part that he has not sooner answered their letter of 3rd inst., considering the let thereof proceeded of the late sudden sickness of the Queen by her taking cold, whereof he certified Randolph, as likewise of her recovery. The matters in their letters being so weighty, they cannot find it unconsideratly done of him to pass over some time so that she should consider thereof. Recites the principal parts of their letter of the 3rd inst. Is glad they have used more consideration of this matter at their return than by their answers they seemed to do at Berwick. Whereupon he thinks they have perceived by Randolph what resolution Her Majesty here began to conceive, and how she thought it meet for her to forbear further dealing therein without some new and urgent consideration.
2. Thinks it true that sundry practices are imagined abroad for the marriage of their mistress, as the like has long been and continues for the marriage of his. And there is good reason to move many to think and devise both their marriages, being for their persons of such singular estimation and for their monarchies of such reputation as in Christendom none has been these many ages comparable to either of them.
3. How friendly his Sovereign will deal with theirs in this matter, she has this year or more by her letters and messages spoken very plain to them. Nevertheless for their satisfaction he has conferred with her herein, and finds her always of one mind, willing to conserve the natural love betwixt her and her sister inviolable, and in her marriage to advise that which shall be most beneficial for her state.
4. Passing over some subjects of altercation and seeing they both now mean to return to a new consideration of this cause, and that understanding the intention of Her Majesty here they will (as they write) fall roundly to work, he will go as roundly to work with them. Thinks the Queen would be loth to deal in their Sovereign's marriage, and yet being required she has given that advice she thinks most profitable for them, and named whom she thinks best for all respects. First, he is noble of birth, and void of all evil conditions that sometimes are heritable to princes, and in goodness of nature and richness of good gifts comparable to any prince, and much better than a great sort now living. He is an Englishman, and so meet to carry with him the consent of this nation to accord with theirs. He is also singularly esteemed of the Queen, so as she can think no good turn or fortune greater than may be well bestowed upon him. And for his degree at this time, he is already an Earl of this realm, and she will give him the highest degree. But yet they look for more, and so may they be sure to have, as much as rests in her power and honour to do. This should content them, if they themselves might expound the speech. But he will omit words and come to the matter. They would have with the Earl the establishment of their Sovereign's title to be declared by Parliament in the second place to the Queen. He thinks the Queen will never willingly consent to so much of this request, either in form or in substance, as with this nobleman already named. And with him he thinks (finding other respects answerable), she will cause inquisition to be made of their Sovereign's right; and as far as shall stand with justice and her own surety, she will abase such titles as shall be proved unjust and prejudicial to her sister's interest, and so leave to her entirely her whole right, whatsoever it may be.
5. Has now spoken plainly, and trusts they will weigh his words favourably, for hitherto he has not uttered the like. But yet they must needs think that all she minds to do must be ruled by her laws, and by consent of her three estates, and therefore she can promise no more but that which she may with their assents do. And considering this nobleman is so in her favour they shall not doubt but her power will be great where her good will is greatest. Being by their occasion entered thus deeply with them, it is expedient that he should understand their judgment; for indeed for his own, because he thinks it of all choices the best for both their countries, he would refuse no labour to further it.
6. After he had thus written he had a second communication with the Queen hereupon, which being long he cannot well recite. The sum thereof is that she is bent to proceed wholly herein in conditions meet for friendship, and is disposed to do more of good will than upon any pressing or request. They both know how ticklish a matter it is for princes to determine of their successors. Wherefore he asks them to think hereof, and not let this their negotiation, which is full of terms of friendship, be converted to a matter of bargain or purchase. Though in the face it appears a device to conciliate these two Queens and countries by perpetual amity, in the unwrapping thereof let there not be found any intention to compass at his Sovereign's hand a kingdom and crown, which, if it be sought for, may be sooner lost than got, and not being craved may be as soon offered as reason can require.—Westminster, 16 Dec. 1564.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 14.
Dec. 16. 865. Randolph to Cecil.
1. On Friday and Saturday, the 15th and 16th inst., he received from him a packet of letters. In the first he found cause of grief for lack that was found in his insufficient deal ing with the two lords at Berwick; yet in the other there was such occasion of sorrow that except he be with better comfort sooner relieved, would that his days and Her Majesty's might both be one. His former letter came at such a time that he could not long defer to communicate to Murray what he thought best to be spoken in that matter. Upon Friday Murray took part of an evil dinner at the writer's lodging. There kept him company the Lords of Argyle and Erskine. He told him he had received letters from the Queen and declared the contents. Murray's advice was that he should make Lethington privy to as much as he had made him. The writer accorded thereunto, and his Lordship, to have the more commodity to confer privately together, would make him a dinner the next day in his (the writer's) lodging. Nothing was refused that was his will, and those bid to the dinner that were at the other.
2. About 10 a.m., before their dinner, he received Cecil's other packet, before Murray and the rest came. After dinner he told Murray and Lethington what letter he had received from him. It abashed them not a little. Of the former matter they promised him to speak nothing to their Sovereign, nor also of this until he speaks with her. Of Murray, he [Cecil] shall have occasion to increase his good thought. For Lethington, he beseeches Cecil not to let yet any evil opinion enter into the Queen's mind of him. Somewhat Lethington doubts that there is; two causes move him so to think, first, Welche's talk, of whom he misliked, but could not refuse to speak with him, being directed by his Sovereign. The other, that he has heard that the Queen thinks that without other respects he seeks nothing but assurance of the crown to his Sovereign. This Lethington conjectures by what the Queen merrily told Melvin of him, that he did ring always her knell in her ears, talking of nothing but of her succession. These things have somewhat grieved him, but he never thought better of Lethington than at this present.—Edinburgh, 16 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Dec. 16. 866. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Received within three days three packets from him, viz., the 1st of the 7th; 2nd, having the Queen's letter to Randolph, and the 3rd of the 10th inst., and such as were for Randolph he forthwith addressed to him. Is sorry that lack is found by her Majesty concerning the matter that Randolph and he dealt in. Thanks him for sight of Her Majesty's letters to Randolph, and of his [Cecil's] last letter to him, wherein God knows what grief of mind he felt and does feel concerning her health, and how much he fears the troubles of alteration and discord. Asks him to remember the pardons; the horsemen's wages, his warrants for venison, and licence to send three or four geldings into Scotland. Has been here two days for certain malefactors.—Newcastle, 16 Dec. 1564.
2. P.S.—There is labour for the stewardship of Hexhamshire which is in the Lord Warden's charge, though he has no patent thereof. Sends a letter for Lady Lennox. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Dec. 17. 867. Smith to Cecil.
1. His of the 26th ult., dated at St. James's, he received the 13th inst. by M. De L'Aubespine. That intercourse is long knitting; thinks the Flemings are very stout, and more than they have occasion. There is here some talk and fear of a marriage betwixt the Queen of Scotland and Charles of Austria. The coming of the Rhinegrave is uncertain, and rests upon the Queen's signification of how many and whom she will have of the order, and when the apparel should be brought by one of the order to Leicester or to the other, or to both of them, whom she shall name.
2. De Mauvissier comes with presents, of which he wrote before, and camels and mules.
3. It was rumoured here that M. de Foix should be revoked. Trusts if that be he will not forget him.
4. Sends an extract of the Estates of Provence, and also a copy of the confirmation of the Edict of Pacification published at Marseilles and Aix. All is done that can be to quiet the two factions, but the Gospel, which should go abroad, is kept straight. At Nismes on the 13th inst., by command, fires of joy were made for the alliance newly confirmed with the Swiss Cantons.—Montpellier, 17 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
[Dec. 17.] 868. Another copy of the above, dated 18 Dec. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 19. 869. Philip II. to the Queen.
Desires her favour on behalf of Antonio De La Barzena, whose ship and goods have been seized by her subjects off the coast of Portugal.—Madrid, 19 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Span. Pp. 2.
Dec. 19. 870. The French Ambassador to Cecil.
Desires him to aid the bearer to recover his goods of which he has been plundered at sea.—London, 19 Dec. 1564. Signed: Paul De Foix.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
Dec. 19. 871. Mundt to Cecil.
1. On the 13th inst. received letters from the Duke of Wurtemberg containing the Emperor's reply to the Duke. Where he writes that his brother has as yet not been able to make up his mind, it is a proof either that he was very prejudiced against his dead father, or that in his narrow mind he does court favouring fortune.
2. The difference between the merchants of England and the Low Countries is little convenient for this deliberation. On the death of Ferdinand, Hungary was invaded by the Turks, so that his sons had no leisure to perform his funeral in Bohemia, where he had directed himself to be buried beside his wife. Lately the Emperor has levied 2,000 cavalry and 4,000 foreign foot for the defence of Hungary, and placed them under the command of Lazarus van Schwende.—Strasburg, 19 Dec. '64. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 2.
Dec. 20. 872. Certificate of the Eschevins of Biervliet.
Certify that Nicholas Scharrinus, a Florentine, established salt pans at their town for producing salt from sea water, on 15th August 1564, and that they have examined the salt which they find to be good and well adapted for the curing of herrings.—Biervliet, 20 Dec. 1564. Copy attested 11 Jan. 1565.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 5.
Dec. 20. 873. Advices from Italy.
1. Venice, 29th. Genoa, 20th. Preparations of the Turk. Affairs of Corsica.
2. Rome. The conspiracy against the Pope is true. Movements of different noblemen. Stir at Naples.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: 29 Dec. 1564. Pp. 3.
Dec. 22. 874. Cornelius De Alneto to Cecil.
Is very desirous to employ the results of 30 years' labours in the Queen's service. Fears lest his proposition should not be accepted on account of those impostors and cheats, the alchemists, whom his sect deem worthy of extreme punishment. They follow the art used by the leaders of the Egyptians, Arabs, Persians, and Israelites called "Boarhchadamia." Could make every year 50,000 marks of pure gold, besides other metals, and diamonds, emeralds, and other precious stones. Can also distil from metals, stones, herbs, and wine water, oil, sulphur and salt, wherewith he compounds "pantaura," having the virtues of "anima mundi" for healing diseases instantly. For ten marks of gold he could produce 1,000 within four months, which would pay the expenses for doing all which he mentions above.—Bruges, at "The Golden Sword," 22 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 3.
Dec. 23. 875. Bedford to Cecil.
Cecil's last of the 17th he received the 22nd of the same, being then at a day of trewe, and upon his return, after perusing his own and that in answer to Murray and Lethington, he sealed them and sent them to Randolph. Has sent four packets within these ten days, and therefore asks allowance, because a trusty person must always be dispatched with them. Concerning the Lord of Sussex, Cecil says that he writes too roundly to him; is of opinion that plain dealing is best, and likes his opinion the better as he learned of Cecil to deal plainly with all. Asks him to remember the pardons for those three men that Michell named to him. Hears that the Rhinegrave shall come to present the French order, and that he will come hither and pass further. Could for the sake of his mistress, or rather for his (the writer's) mistress' sake, receive him; but knows no soldier of like calling in France to whom he has less affection, for he accords not to the truth of religion.—Berwick, 23 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Dec. 23. 876. Intelligences from Italy.
1. Genoa, 23 Dec. Intelligence respecting Nicolao Marino, the Marquess of Pescara, and others.
2. Rome, 30 Dec. News from the Papal Court.
Copy. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
Dec. 24. 877. Murray and Lethington to Cecil.
1. Having this day by Randolph received his of the 16th inst., they resolve to answer him without any drift of time, being more easy to them so to do than it was for him, as they have none with whom they either dare or will communicate anything passed betwixt them. In another point he has more advantage, having warrant for that he writes; and they, without command, write such things as being brought to light are sufficient to overthrow their credit at their Sovereign's hands.
2. In his letter he has provided that they shall find no lack for shortness. He could in fewer lines have comprehended matter more to their contentation, and better for the furtherance of the purpose intended. They speak not thus as suspecting his meaning, whereof they have no other opinion than they have of their own, but rather thinking without a special command (which he lacks) he dare not utter his own mind to any stranger. He has written that they have used more consideration of this matter at their return than by their answer and replies they seemed to do at Berwick, whereupon he thinks they have perceived by Randolph what resolution the Queen there began to conceive, and how she thought meet to forbear further dealing, and yet to remain in her amity as constant;—to this they reply that Randolph did not impart in sufficient time such matter to them, and if he had, they assure him they should not have gone so far as they have done. They do not mislike that his Sovereign should marry; and whosoever advises her to the contrary does not give her sound counsel; neither will their mistress find any fault if she matches with the greatest prince.
3. For their own mistress's marriage they wrote that there are sundry practices in hand, which they mislike, and which they will disappoint so far as they can.
4. In his letter he seems to have conceived that in their conference at Berwick the Queen's offer was extenuated to nothing. Upon what ground he wrote so they cannot judge, knowing how friendly they were content to interpret her desires. It may be that in long conference such words as these might have passed their mouths, viz., that Lord Robert, simply considered as Lord Robert, was no fit match for their Queen, being by inheritance Queen of a realm, and once matched with the greatest king in the world. All they stood on in that communication was the honour and reputation of their mistress, for which they demanded that she might have free choice, rather than for any misliking they have of the Earl of Leicester, whom they do not esteem inferior to any of his countrymen in any respect, and in some to overpass them all, and of whom they have good cause to think well. They trust it appeared not by their talk that they meant to prefer any to him, albeit for reputation's sake they thought it more honourable before the world that she should have free choice than to be restricted to any one person.
5. They would he were informed that Bedford and Randolph mistook them, if they wrote that the writers demanded any yearly revenue out of England, for as far as they can remember they required no such thing. Whereas Cecil addresses his speech to him [Lethington] and finds lack, that in conference of friendship between the princes, he would ask more than can be ascertained for the present, and let that which should be desired depend upon uncertainties, he protests that no diffidence of his person, nor better liking of any other, nor private passion led him to demand or speak as he did at that time, but only the desire he has to further the purpose, and his mistress's honour. He knows she will never yield to any marriage, how fit or profitable soever it be for her, unless she may see that her reputation shall not diminish by her match. And for the other point, to let it depend upon uncertainties, he never meant so, but that the demands on both sides should proceed pari passu.
6. When they came to these words of his letter, viz, "That seeing they mean to fall roundly to work, he will go also roundly to work with them and proceed plainly," they looked for a plain resolution. But having read what followed, he must bear with them if they find themselves nothing satisfied.
7. Although he has said much to Lord Robert's praise, yet it is no more than he deserves. In general terms he wrote so much as more cannot be demanded, which is that they may be sure to have as much as shall rest in her power and honour to do. If that should not content them, he might think them unreasonable. But when he expounds the speech, it is nothing like the general proposition. He wrote that they would have the establishment of their Sovereign's title to be declared by Parliament in the second place to the Queen. It is so they cannot deny. But they do not understand his conception towards the inquisition to be made of their Sovereign's right. He said he had spoken very plain, yet in that there are many obscure words and dark sentences. They wish to understand these words, "By honourable means to be provided," as also what he means by these, "As shall stand with justice and her own surety;" for in all their negotiations or devices for this matter they never meant anything prejudicial to the surety of Queen Elizabeth, and they are sure that nothing sounding thereunto ever entered their mistress's mind. And if the matter be favourably interpreted, it is no less surety for his Sovereign than for theirs to have that point orderly established. It would be a general satisfaction to the whole nation, a discouraging of disordered subjects, and a bridle to repress the insolence or conspiracies of such as might in her time attempt any novation.
8. Touching the leaving her sister entirely her whole right, whatsoever it be, as they cannot deny but it is friendly, and should not be taken but in good part; so do they not esteem it sufficient, if they shall come to the terms of this conference. Pray him to consider what is demanded on his part, and lay in a balance for and against that reservation of title, whatsoever it be. Their mistress yielding to his request must presently enter into a bond which shall last for life; which once done nothing rests to be done. Having rendered up herself and all she has under the obedience of another, she must become thrall in her own time. Touching his finding Her Majesty herein bent to proceed in terms of friendship, but not in way of contracting, how she understands that they cannot judge. But they know that whatsoever their mistress is minded to perform she will not stick to promise it, and herself make for it what surety is convenient. However hard it be, his Sovereign, they think, has resolved with herself what she will do in it. If Elizabeth loves their mistress so well that she can find in her to bestow that benefit upon her, and the rather that she will incline for her request to marry an Englishman, or one of her subjects, the matter may be prosecuted by further communication. And they do offer themselves to join with him to that end, as he will devise. On the other part, if her Majesty will nowise establish the succession of her crown, then he may conclude also absolutely that they will never have the credit to induce their mistress to marry an Englishman, lacking the chief argument that may work any persuasion; neither will they speak one word more of it. If they do not misconstrue his device, might not they say that he also hunts for a kingdom, and goes about under that pretence to make an Englishman King of Scot land? Let them both leave these unfavourable constructions, fall roundly to work, and proceed orderly. To break off would be less offence now than when they have further proceeded.
9. They see no cause why the amity should be dissolved, although Queen Mary marries where her heart shall be best inclined, in whatsoever country it be. And they believe this liberty on both parts shall best content Cecil's mistress. However the matter falls out they pray him to handle it so that they receive no hurt thereby; for if it comes to light that they have thus meddled without her Majesty's knowledge, the opening thereof will overthrow them both. They also pray him to hasten them the answer of this letter, whether they shall look for any further proceeding in this matter; and if he sees likelihood, to write to them his opinion in what order it may be best prosecuted. In their judgment the best way would be for him to come here to treat of it with the Queen, with whom they will join their counsels and labours. No man will be better welcome nor yet better trusted of all. If not so, at least he may come to Berwick, where they will meet him.—Edinburgh, Christmas Even 1564. Signed.
10. P. S.—Either by negligence or of purpose Cecil omitted to subscribe his name to his last letter. (fn. 1)
Orig., with a few marginal notes by Cecil, and endd. by him. Add. Pp. 10.
Dec. 24. 878. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Immediately after the receipt of his on the recovery of the Queen, he imparted the same to Murray and Lethington, who desired him to show the same to their mistress. That day, Wednesday, she kept her chamber, as she has done ever since, not for any sickness, but for the cold which proceeded of the great storm of snow and wind, as the like many years has not been seen. He had only been absent three days from the Court, and yet she blamed him that he had been so long, especially until she heard better news of the Queen. He informed her that he had heard of her amendment. She wished that anything she had might do the Queen good yea, her own presence. He thanked her. Informed Murray and Lethington of the occasion of the stay of the answer to their letter. They asked him to excuse to Cecil the strangeness which has been used by them. Finds in them now a new nature and other disposition than formerly. He now finds them better disposed than himself. Finds that she has committed herself to be advised in her marriage by these two. He will not say that she has given them under her handwriting liberty to dispose of her as they will answer to God and their country, but believes they are wholly bent towards England, and will direct their course thither.
2. The Duke begins to smell whereabouts they go, nothing misliking thereof; the Lord of Argyle is made privy to it, but no man approves it better than Lord Erskine, who wishes her to marry with an Englishman before any other.
3. Shane O'Niel leaves not to solicit daily to have support out of Scotland and offers great service to this Queen. He saw two of his letters to that effect, as they were expounded to him. By this time it is thought that O'Donnel is at the Court, whose wife Shane possesses, and by him is with child. She is all the day chained by the arm to a little boy, and when he is present is at her liberty. James Macconel is also here. He desires still to have those lands in Ireland that were granted unto him, to be confirmed as they were signed by the Lord Deputy. To have anything done against O'Neil that may be to his overthrow, the writer finds the Lord of Argyll and James ready to do what they may. From the West Borders he has heard lately that certain of the Grahams are suitors to become Scots. Muses what makes the Master of Maxwell so earnest here in council to have the Queen's consent. In the west sea there is an English pirate that to Irvine and Ayr sells wine better cheap than he drinks London beer in his house. His name is Whyte. After writing this yesternight at six p.m, he received Cecil's letter with the letter to the two Lords.—Edinburgh, 24 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Dec. 24. 879. Challoner to Cecil.
The voice of the King's arming here for next spring continues, which is supposed to be for Corsica, and the supplement of the Neapolitan garrison. Asks him to let him to be here no longer. Desires the Queen to write unto the King that till things be better established, it seems meet to her that her ambassador should reside in the Low Countries, &c. These six weeks no rumour has so occupied the Court as the Prince of Condé's suit to marry the Queen. They talk here of millions laid up for some great enterprise. Stukeley's piraces are much railed at here, and the writer hangs his head for shame. Though it costs the Queen roundly, he asks that he may, for honour's sake, be fetched in.—24 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
Dec. 24. 880. Challoner to Clough.
Has had no letters from him since 29 Oct. The last ordinary from Antwerp, who brought infinite letters to all other men, had nothing for him, to his discomfort and discredit in this Court. Understands that commissions out of England will shortly meet at Bruges.—Madrid, 24 Dec. 1564.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Dec. 24. 881. Another copy of the above.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent under the Fowker's cover. Pp. 2.
Dec. 25. 882. Lethington to Cecil.
The letter written by Murray and himself will sufficiently show their meaning. If Cecil will as earnestly travail for the resolution of it as the writer will do here, they will bring the whole to a good conclusion. One point does most harm with Queen Mary, viz., an opinion that she conceives of unkindness in Queen Elizabeth, that Queen Mary looks for her death, and that all this kindness is pretended only to hunt a kingdom. That is not his mistress's meaning. She rather feels, and they also, a probable reason to lie against the objections which shall be made in foreign nations, contrary to this match, that no vain nor little conceit has moved her to yield to the Queen's request in her marriage. Knows what her friends in France and other places will speak of the Lord of Murray and him, terming them traitors and unnatural subjects, having no respect to the honour and surety of their mistress. If this point were once resolved of the title they would care little of their calumnies, and would boldly answer that this match is more honourable and profitable for all respects than either the King of Spain's or the French King's. The match itself has not so many difficulties but that Cecil may soon know them all if he lists, or will take it in hand. Cannot think he lacks good will, but he requires in him more shortness and courage to speak freely where he has so good ground. The Queen will trust him if he will take the matter upon himself. — Edinburgh, Christmas Day 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Dec. 25. 883. Randolph to Cecil.
1. On Sunday last he delivered his letter to the two Lords, and coming to the Court he found them together of purpose to talk of those things he had written. Both their countenances and speech showed them miscontented, to which he said that he marvelled much, seeing that they had received some news to their contentment in so long a letter as that he delivered to them. They said they desired to talk with him touching the matter, in which they were in great perplexity. They have taken much upon themselves whereunto their Sovereign is not privy, and have plainly disclosed their thoughts in matters they think good for both realms, and see small account made thereof, or at least such answer made thereto that neither have they courage to read further, nor conceive any hope that their travail shall any way profit.
2. He desired to know what it was that they misliked. They answered that of general words they have heard enough, and that when they come to any matter special, there is nothing said that either of them can with their duties to their Sovereign accord unto, or give their advice that may stand with her honour. They crave more plain dealing at Cecil's hands. With anything that he could say for the time they would not be satisfied. Whereupon they chiefly stick Cecil will conceive, and in that point they think the Queen makes further difficulty than there is cause. He looked not for their letter so soon as it came, being sent to him this Monday evening to be sent away, which he would not do until he had further conference with Lethington, at whose bedside he was very early this morning. He said he loved Randolph's Sovereign, and her honour next unto his own, and has studied to do her service. He never found time nor place till now, by uniting these two realms together, and to bring it unto that pass that his Sovereign may wholly be at the devotion of Elizabeth; which being brought almost unto that point which he desires and much further than ever he thought it would have been, he is driven almost to despair that he shall be able to do any good. They have written again their minds to Mr. Secretary, trusting they shall receive better hope of his next writings than they did by the last, after which they can no further deal in this matter, but must be forced to seek the next best. He made him privy to his [Cecil's] letter, as also of the answer thereunto. Finds always in the Queen one cheer and countenance.—Edinburgh, 25 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Dec. 27. 884. The Lord D'Aubigny to the Queen.
Thanks her for receiving his brother the Earl of Lennox into her kingdom and admitting him to his rights and goods, and offers his services to her.—Aubigny, 27 Dec. 1564. Signature torn off.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Dec. 28. 885. Examination of Hugh Partridge, gentleman.
Confesses to having coined money for different people in divers parts of England, and implicates John Bennet, master of the ordnance, for whom he alleges that he has made Scottish money.—Taken at Berwick before the Lord Governor and others. Signed.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 29, 886. Examination of John Bennet.
Says that Partridge, at his house in Newcastle called the Nuns, a twelvemonth past, told him that he had devised a way to coin certain Scottish monies, as placks, bawbees, etc., but has always refused to meddle with his doings. On Christmas Eve Partridge declared that he was in his debt and that he had brought part of it, and gave him five pounds; which he sent to pay certain artificers, who afterwards brought it back. On his reproaching Partridge for bringing such money, he promised he would never utter another penny, whereupon he told him he should have no hurt by him or his for what was past. Partridge desired to borrow of him certain tools, but for what intent he knows not.—Berwick, before the Governor and others, 29 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 29. 887. Examination of Captain Edward Wood.
Says that Partridge declared to him that he had stamps for Scottish money, and thought by that means to get himself out of debt. Gave him some of the pieces, which he kept till he now delivered them to the Lord Governor.—Berwick, 29 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 29. 888. Examination of Edward Shadbolt.
Says that he was a goldsmith at Wakefield, and that he has helped Partridge at Newcastle to forge plates for the twelvepenny pieces, amounting to six pounds. Received for his labour four pieces of the counterfeit coin, one of which he uttered at Newcastle, and the rest he cast into the Tweed, because they changed colour.—Berwick, 29 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 29. 889. The Queen to Charles IX.
Thanks him for conferring the order upon the Earl of Leicester, and also for allowing her to choose some other person to receive the same honour. She will shortly inform him of her choice.—Westminster; 29 Dec. 1564.
Corrected draft. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Dec. 29. 890. Proclamation of Charles IX.
Orders his different officers to publish the article of the Treaty of Troyes, providing that no actions shall be brought by the subjects of either power for the seizure of ships, or goods, or other depredations committed between the 1 Sept. 1562 and the time of the publication of the peace.—Montpellier, 29 Dec. 1564.
Copy, attested by Du Vernet. Endd. Fr. On parchment.
Dec. 29. 891. Intercourse with Flanders.
Proclamation by the Queen for restitution of the commercial intercourse with the Low Countries belonging to the King of Spain.—Westminster, 29 Dec. 6 Eliz.
Copy. Injured in the margin. Pp. 2.
Dec. 29. 892. N. Siopio to [Pasquale Spinola].
Forwards intelligences from Genoa, 20 Dec., and from Rome, 23 Dec.—Venice, 29 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. (fn. 2) Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
Dec. 30. 893. Examination of William Paty.
Deposes to his master, Partridge and others, having made counterfeit Scottish money, a portion of which was brought to Berwick.—Berwick, 30 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 30. 894. John Fitzwilliams to Cecil.
Here is knowledge that the traffic may be used on both sides, and a diet is to be kept at Bruges. It is much liked and has brought down many of the stomachs which thought it would not have come to so honourable an end for the Queen. Certain of them being at Brussels when the news came, the Regent gave them to understand thereof, who advertised it hither to the magistrates of this town yesterday, to send for him and other English merchants to the town house, where they declared how they had travelled to get some good way to be taken for the matter of controversy.—Antwerp, 30 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Dec. 31. 895. John Bennett to Cecil.
Repeats what he stated in his examination touching certain matters between him and Partrige, and adds that two days after he returned the money to Partrige he was taken with the same; and for having showed him mercy he is come into trouble. Asks him to stand his good master in this case.— Berwick, 31 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 31. 896. Alonso Truxillo to Challoner.
Informs Challoner of his proceedings with Tipton, of whose conduct he complains.—Madrid, 31 Dec. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 14 Feb. at Barcelona. Span. Pp. 3.
1564. 897. English Shipping in Spain.
A testimony respecting the goods of Anthony Hyckmans and Edw. Castelans, merchants of London, arrested by the Spaniards at Teneryffe.
Notarial copy. Endd. Span. Pp. 27.
[1564.] 898. Process connected with the English shipping seized in Spain.
Copy. Endd. Span. Pp. 28.
Dec. 31. 899. — to —
Upon leaving Strasburg found it necessary to proceed to Vienna with Dr. Mordesius, and has been scarcely for a single day in any one place. Hence his silence. People have now given up all hope of the Emperor embracing the religion of the writer and the correspondent. His advisers are all Pontificians. Zazius wishes to be thought to be of a different opinion. Things are quiet in Hungary, which the Emperor has placed under the rule of his brother Ferdinand. War between Denmark and Sweden.
Copy. Endd.: Advices, 1564. Lat. Pp. 4.


  • 1. This P.S. is in Murray's hand.
  • 2. The address is nearly effaced.