Elizabeth: October 1564

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: October 1564', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp215-233 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1564', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp215-233.

"Elizabeth: October 1564". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp215-233.

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October 1564

Oct. 2. 709. Bedford to Cecil.
1. The Queen favours Lennox, whose coming is not misliked; there is no despair but that he and the Duke may be agreed, whereunto Murray seems to be well minded. The Duke prepares to come to the Court with a great company, which Lennox would have away, as well as the Earl. The abstinence of meeting grew by the wilfulness of Cessford, which is now compounded as well as a Scottish promise can make the matter.
2. They must take up the Northumberland men, for lack of others, which is against the Queen's orders.
3. It is thought in Scotland that if the English stand stiff they shall do what they will there. Has received the Queen's letters, concerning the debatable grounds, and their Lordships' touching the 2,000l.—Berwick, 2 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's Secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 2. 710. Advices out of Italy.
1. Messina, 2 Oct. A company of Christian galley slaves appertaining to Aly Cialy, a Greek renegade, have slain their captain and ninety Turks, about Chio, whence they came to Messina in nine days. Their number is 181.
2. Rome, 19 Oct. The Duke of Mantua has arrived at La Vigna de Italy, received by Cardinals Borromeo and Altemps, and all the gentlemen of the Pope's family. He is lodged in the palace, and the saying is that he will from thence to Naples. The news of the death of the Cardinal de St. Fiore has much displeased the court. The abbey of Chianelle which he had (worth 10,000 crowns by the year) is given to Cardinal Altemps. The rest of his preferments are bestowed on the Bishop of Parma, who is like to be made Cardinal. It is thought that the Pope will make 100,000 crowns by the sale of the Chamberlainship. King Philip's army having achieved the enterprise of Pigñon de Velez, has returned to Carthagena. The town of Avignon presented the King with a cup of gold of the value of 4,000 crowns and 200 medals of gold, each weighing two crowns, and to the Queen Mother a like cup with 100 medals; also to the King a hat garnished with jewels to the value of 400 crowns.
3. Vienna, 11 Oct. The Emperor has made great cheer to the Ambassadors of Venice. The confirmation of the treaty of marriage between the Emperor and Transylvania is daily looked for. A battle is looked for between the King of Poland and the Muscovite.
Endd. by Mason: 21 Oct. 1564. Pp. 4.
Oct. 3. 711. Gurone Bertano to [Cecil].
The Emperor Maximilian is as urgent as his father was with the Pope to permit the marriage of priests, which he has enforced with many arguments. The Pope hesitates and wishes to give time for consideration.—Rome, 3 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
Oct. 4.
Keith, ii. 234.
712. Memorial for Randolph.
1. He shall give the following reasons for the long stay of her answer:—That she has intelligence out of France that news had come out of Scotland of the particular offers she had made to her for her marriage, and how she would direct herself by the advice of her other friends; which being meant by Mary to be secretly dealt in, the Queen finds strange. The Queen complains of the answer of the Queen of Scots to her request for the coming thither of Lennox, and of Lethington's letters in the same matter. Both Lord Robert and Cecil have written to Murray and Lethington complaining of this oblique dealing in the matter of Lennox, but have had no answer. In the meantime hears that her subjects, especially on the East and Middle Marches, had knowledge that the Scottish wardens had commandment secretly from the Court not to use diligence in the administration of justice to her subjects, and that at their next meeting they had refused directly without colour to answer justice in manifest causes.
2. Has prorogued her Parliament, meaning to have no assembly wherein the interest of the Queen of Scots might be called in question. Is determined to continue her former motion, and appoints Randolph to attend the Earl of Bedford to commune hereupon with any person whom she shall name. He is to return to Berwick, and upon conference with the Earl agree upon some time and place convenient.
Copy, one of a series. Pp. 3.
Oct. 4. 713. Draft of the above.—4 Oct. 1564.
In Cecil's hol., and endd. and dated by him. Pp. 8.
Oct. 4. 714. Smith to Cecil.
1. Wishes that Cecil had written to him what point they were at with Antwerp, and how Lord Arundel fell to give over his staff, and is in displeasure of the Queen.
2. Their designs here are two. One of the Papists, to reduce by all means all to the Papistry again. Others travail to give the Gospel more liberty. In this realm the Italian and Papist leaders would break the amity between England and Scotland, or bring that realm into full subjection to Papistry. The Earl of Murray and other lords are of the contraband, and do what they can to interrupt this their design and purpose; he has an eye to these things. The Bishop of Glasgow is here well entertained, no ambassador greater. He is now more a Papist, and has reason, for his profession and living is thereby. He has an abbey in Poitiers, which is of great rent to him, and his bishopric in Scotland is wholly reserved to him. He has hither despatches often, and so much as may be from Scotland and France to Rome. What practice they have he (Cecil) can guess, if Murray and they of the Congregation there have any eye to his doings, and good espials here. He is wise, and they too negligent. The marriage of the Queen of Scotland troubles them, as that whereupon they make their surest anchor. What they talk of Lord Robert or of the Earl of Warwick, and most of all of the Prince of Spain, to marry her, is but their talk and bruit. They mind two marriages for her; one with the Earl of Arran, with compact to change his religion, and to revenge himself upon Murray and others of the religion as authors of his imprisonment (and this the Queen Mother would gladly have), the other with the young Duke of Guise, and of this the two Cardinals and all their kind are most earnest. It is possible the Queen Mother would not be so glad of that marriage, as making that house of Guise stronger, which is too strong already in France to be well ruled. John Baptista, whom they sent into Scotland, is sick in London; they would fain have him come or see his despatch. Now they are in most fear that there should be a privy practice betwixt Lennox and the Queen to marry his son. She was before computed to have a good mind to the said young Duke or to the Earl. They fear that she is inclined to this last offer of Lennox's, and take it concluded. —Avignon, 1 Oct. 1564.
3. P.S.—M. de Sevre prayed him in behalf of Oliver Sterley, Knight of Rhodes, who is in Malta He is desirous to return into England, and be a faithful subject to her. He is in credit amongst them of the Council of Malta, and has the watch of the isle. He is chief of the English there. Asks Cecil to show favour to the bearer, Mr. Andrew Beton, brother to the Bishop of Glasgow, ambassador here, who desires to make speed to Scotland.—Avignon, 4 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig., portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 4. 715. Another copy of the above, without the P.S. Dated Oct. 2.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Sent to Mr. Secretary by Mr. Andrew Beetone. Pp. 4.
Oct. 5. 716. The Duke of Savoy to the Queen.
The French King's determination to send the collar of his order to the Lord Robert furnishes the writer with a favourable opportunity to visit the Queen.—Avignon, 5 Oct. Signed: E. Philibert.
Orig. Add. Endd: The Constable of France to the Queen, by Malvisiere. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 5. 717. Smith to Cecil.
Recommends his man, Tho. Cheveley.—Avignon, 5 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 6.
Labanoff, i. 237.
718. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
Prays her to grant letters of safe conduct and passport to David Allane, to pass and repass to France for one year.— Holyrood, 6 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Oct. 6. 719. The Queen to Bedford and Randolph.
Commission to treat with the Commissioners of Scotland, on the affairs of the Borders.—6 Oct. 1564.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd. 6 Oct. 1564. Pp. 2.
Oct. 6. 720. Bedford to Cecil.
Captain Preger's sight not serving him well, he is willing to leave his pension to the bearer, the writer's servant, Henry Astell.—Berwick, 6 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 6. 721. John Rudyord to Challoner.
Has received advertisement from Mr. Francis, his brother, that Robert Farnham is behind with his reckoning. Keeps his rents until he advertises him to whose hands he should repay the same.—London, 6 Oct, 1564. Signed.
Orig. with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by Mr. Burlace. Pp. 2.
Oct. 6. 722. Hugh Tipton to Challoner.
Is informed from the court and Safra, that Roger Bodman is with him, who writes he has caused him to stay and not to present the proofs of their suit which they have there until he [Challoner] has answer from the count of Feria. Neither Bodman nor the rest of the nation in these parts have showed the English much favour.—Seville, 6 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
Oct. 7. 723. Instructions for Bedford and Randolph.
1. Nothing is more meet for the profit of the two realms than to have the Queen of Scots married to some of the noble blood of this realm, and amongst all she can see none for her own contentation meeter, nor for that more apt, than one whom for his noble gifts she esteems meet to be bestowed in the company of Kings or Princes; for if he were not born her subject, but had happened to have been as nobly born under some other prince, as he is under her, she thinks the world should have as well perceived this, her estimation of him in deeds, as she notifies to Queen Mary in words. The person is Lord Robert Dudley, whom she has lately authorized to be Earl of Leicester, whose conditions, qualities, and virtues are able to make a nobleman. And Randolph can tell how far this motion has passed. Her earnest desire is that her sister might content herself therewith.
2. For persuasion whereof they may use these reasons, viz., that nothing can more conserve the amity betwixt these two nations than that she may marry with one of this nation. Seeing they two cannot be joined by marriage, the second degree to make them and their realms happy is that Mary marry him whom Elizabeth favours and loves as her brother.
3. The respects thereof are not particularly for his commodity, or for hers, but therewith are joined such advantages for her sister as she knows not how by any other person she should have the like. Of what account Mary makes of Elizabeth's amity to continue she may, by accepting him, make most assurance. What favour of her subjects towards her interest she would look for in her marriage, she shall find no one greater elsewhere for the nobility of his house and connexion in blood with the greater part of her nobility. Reminds her of the favour he has by his own merits gotten of a great multitude. Besides this, he shall bring with him no controversy of title. Lastly, whatsoever pleasure she could show to her with any other as her brother or cousin German, she means to show it with him.
4. If the Scotch shall press Bedford and Randolph to know what Elizabeth will do concerning establishing Mary's title, (who claims to be her next cousin and heir,) they may well say that they see no way in her power more likely to further it than this; for first, by thus dealing against such as further contrary claims, Mary may see how well Elizabeth means to further the justice of her title. And further, that she prefers him to be a partaker of all her fortunes, who, if it might be in her power, Elizabeth would make owner or heir of her own kingdom.
5. If they shall require of what sufficiency she will make Lord Robert for his private estate, they shall say she has already begun to advance him both to honour and livelihood, and therein means not to deal sparingly with him. And this also shall most content her that if she, Mary, shall be conversant with her, Elizabeth, in this realm, and living with her, she will gladly bear the charges of the family, both of the Earl of Leicester, and her, as shall be meet for one sister to do for another.
6. In this manner may they treat with the commissioners; and in anywise to obtain of them as many requests as they will make, and by reasoning with them reduce them to as few as they can, and to the meanest estate and conditions that they may, and to omit no means to understand whether this offer is like to take place. For if they shall see the contrary, she would then the less communication to be had, and some other way devised for amity to continue betwixt them, as necessary it is for both their people; and upon that part she prays them to stay themselves, and as cause shall arise certify her of their doings.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 7 Oct. 1564. Pp. 8.
Oct. 7. 724. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Received on the 2nd inst. the Queen's letters for deferring the meeting with the Commission of Scotland for the division of the debatable grounds till Randolph comes, whom he looks for daily. Application for money for the men here.
2. On Monday, the 9th inst., he will meet Cessford at Ridingborne. Magill comes also for the furtherance of justice. —Berwick, 7 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 7. 725. Challoner to the Queen.
1. Wrote to her on 27th ult. The Queen Catholic is perfectly amended and the Prince of Spain is well. Yesternight and this forenoon the funerals of the late Emperor were here celebrated by the King, with no very great solemnity; for excepting the King, the Prince, and certain gentlemen (in all not eighty), the rest wore no dole. The Nuncio, the Ambassadors of France, Portugal, and Venice, more than ten days past, were required solemnly to be present at the exequies, but of him not a word. Since his being here the feast of her order has not been kept, where yearly the feast of the order of France has not been pretermitted. On Monday next the King and Prince depart hence, in a manner of progress, to pass a month or six weeks in hunting. Asks her to provide for this place a new broom to sweep cleaner, for he is worn to the stumps.—Madrid, 7 Oct. 1564. Signed.
2. P. S.—The talk here of the tumult in Ireland, touched in his last, is converted among some here to the north of England. The new Emperor, by his Ambassador here, urges a direct resolution on the marriage of the Prince with his daughter. They here drive the matter at length to win time.
Orig., portions in Challoner's hol., and portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
Oct. 7. 726. Challoner to Cecil.
Wrote on 27th ult. Writes now by Gamboa, who is sent to Mme. De Parma with news of her son's amendment, who of late here has been dangerously sick. If he knew whether Queen Elizabeth minds the return of their merchants to Antwerp or no, and with what conditions, perchance he could have supplied here a great piece of this traverse, where it sticks most. The Spanish Ambassador in England has every fortnight or three weeks advices, and the writer none for half a year together. Wishes, therefore, this room to another of better credit and fortune, being thus disgraced as no ambassador in this Court is the like. Prays him to help him hence. —Madrid, 7 Oct 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol, with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
Oct. 7. 727. Copy of the above.
Endd. by Challoner: Per Artus. Pp. 4.
Oct. 7. 728. Challoner to Farnham.
Since his of the 26th August last has received none from him, yet daily expects to hear from the Queen as to his revocation, seeing that Goldwell arrived at Exeter on the 10th ult. If Hoker writes to him for more money than ten pounds (which in his last he wrote him to pay), bids him send 10l. on account. Various details as to money matters.—Madrid, 7 Oct. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Per Gamboa, sent to Clough. Pp. 4.
Oct. 7. 729. George Goldwell to Challoner.
At Somosierro, his horse being tired, he bought a new one. The postmaster of that place told him he had then horsed one of his [Challoner's] servants, named Anthony, with letters for him.—Saint Sebastian, 7 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Oct. 8. 730. The Queen to the Queen Mother.
Has lately understood by M. De Foix the King's intention to gratify her with a singular argument of his good will. Circumstances here move her to desire some delay herein.
Hol. Draft by Cecil, and endd. by his secretary: 8 Oct. 1564. P. 1.
Oct. 8. 731. [The Queen of Navarre] to the French Ambassador.
A vessel having been pillaged by an English ship, begs that he will procure its restitution.—Vendôme, 8 Oct. 1564. Signed: Jeanne.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 8. 732. Tipton to Challoner.
Writes by Richard Baret, who carries with him a provance in favour of the English merchants, in whose behalf he asks Challoner to intercede with the King.—Seville, 8 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. by Challoner. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 9. 733. Randolph to Cecil.
Writes by the bearer with the two inclosed letters. The man for whom they are suitors was condemned (and, as he believes, worthily) for piracy. In respect that he was a stranger, execution was deferred, and since that time his pardon granted, or at the least a letter sent to Sir John Parot for his deliverance. Trusts that the Queen will give order for his liberty.—Huntingdon, 9 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 9. 734. The Queen to Smith.
The French Ambassador here has declared to her the nomination to the Order of St. Michael, and the acceptation of Lord Robert Dudley thereto, which nomination she has gratefully accepted; and the Ambassador having required her to intimate this to the French King, which she now requires may be done by Smith, she wishes that proceedings herein were stayed for the present, or to commit the nomination generally to any one whom hereafter she shall signify. If pressed, for a reason, he shall say that she would not have Lord Robert burdened by way of calumniation and envy. Herein he shall use his wisdom.
Copy. Endd.: 9 Oct. 1564. Pp. 7.
Oct. 9. 735. Another copy of the above.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 10.
Labanoff, i. 239.
736. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
Prays her to grant a passport to William Lockhart, burgess of Ayr, and two in company, to trade in England.—Holyrood, 10 Oct. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Oct. 11. 737. Pacification at Avignon.
Articles of pacification for those of the religion in Venaissin and Avignon agreed to by the ministers of the Pope and those of the Prince of Orange. Signed by the Vicelegate, the Bishop of Fermo, and Fabritio Serbellione.
Copy. Fr. P. 1.
Oct. 11. 738. Donatus Rullus to Mason.
Desires a copy of a letter of Cardinal Pole in the form of an apology to Paul IV. It is in a cabinet of the Cardinal, which on his death came to Cecil, who promised him a copy. Has not been able to give him one on account of the absence of Sir N. Throckmorton, into whose hands the writings and cabinet of the said Cardinal have passed.—Padua, 11 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Donato Rullo to Sir N. Throkmorton [sic]. Ital. Pp. 2.
Oct. 13. 739. Bedford to Cecil.
They here must break the Queen's order, as the meetest labourers to be soldiers are either all or most of Northumberland. The men that are discharged of the works and not entertained as soldiers cry out for money. Had at the last meeting with Cessford, the 9th inst., justice done, whereat was Magill. Lord James is made lieutenant by the Queen and the lords.—Berwick, 13 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 13. 740. Bedford to Cecil.
Has received the enclosed, whereby Cecil shall see the restoring of Lennox, and that Murray is chosen LieutenantGeneral, but he is not yet proclaimed. They think much of the stay of meeting for the debatable grounds.—Berwick, 13 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 14. 741. Tydo Van Knepena to Mr. Needham.
1. The Earl Edzart of Emden (fn. 1) has been with Count Christopher of Oldenburg, and was well received. Count Christopher thinks that the Duke of Cleves will give him no council against King Philip and the Duchess of Parma, by reason that he has yearly 10,000 crowns pension of the said King. The King of the Romans has promised to be their friend. The Earls Christopher and John of Emden have of the Palsgrave and the Marquis of Brandenburg very good answer, and are willing to further the handling between the merchants of Emden and England. The King of the Romans has confirmed the privileges.
2. Touching the alliance between the Queen, the Palsgrave, the Marquis of Brandenburg, and the rest, the Earls Christopher and John of Emden think good to follow it; but before they break it unto any they would know if the Queen thinks that the King of France would enter into the same, when they would move the matter to the Palsgrave elect and the rest. They desire that he should learn from Cecil and the Earl of Leicester what hope there is of the French King; that at this day of meeting (where the King of the Romans shall be put in the Emperor's place, where all the rest of the amity will be also,) it will be good to practise this matter.
3. The writer can come thither with one or two of the Lady of Emden's people to further all things. With the Kings of Denmark and Sweden there is great variance, the former waxes weary for lack of money. Begs that the Earls of Oldenburg and John of Emden may know how their matter stands with the Queen.—Emden, 14 Oct. 1564.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: A letter to Mr. Needham from Embden. Pp. 4.
Oct. 14. 742. Challoner to Preston and Holidaye.
Has received the appellation of Oliver Harris and the other four condemned men. Encloses the King's schedula commanding the process original to be sent up to the Council. Desires further instructions and a copy of the original process. —Madrid, 14 Oct. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: M. of the letter to Preston and Holidaye at Stephen Samson's. Pp. 3.
Oct. 14. 743. English Shipping in Spain.
Schedula of King Philip II. requiring the Corregidor of Guipuscoa to send up the process of the prisoners from St. Sebastian.—Madrid, 11 Oct. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Span. P. 1. (fn. 2)
Oct. 15. 744. Works at Berwick.
Estimate of the charges for the works at Berwick from Oct. 15, 1564, to Feb. 3, 1565, amounting to 1,650l. 6s. 7d.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 15. 745. Leonard Chilton to Challoner.
The bearer can inform him as to the ships and masters still under arrest to Don Alvaro. The three that remain will be sold for nothing shortly.—Cadiz, 15 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Oct. 16. 746. Randolph to Cecil.
1. When he arrived at Berwick he found there Archibald Graham attending upon an answer of letters he brought from the Lords of the Council touching his suit. Sir John Foster has answered the said letters, as he thinks to their Honours' contentment.
2. Here he met the bearer, Lord Lennox's servant, hasting to the Court. He will not tell how many of his master's men went unto the mass until such time as friendly advice of those that wish Lennox well, caused him to look better unto such disorder, as the whole town speaks thereof.—Dunbar, 16 Oct. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 16 Oct. 1564. Pp. 2.
Oct. 16. 747. Meliadus Spinola to Challoner.
Apologises for not having written to him from Medina del Campo. Has applied to the Commendator, as Challoner wished him to do.—Vallidolid, 16 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd by Challoner. Ital. Pp. 2.
Oct. 18. 748. Challoner to the Countess De Feria.
Recommends a mode of settling the dispute between Bodenham and Tipton, viz., to divide the stake between them. Does not write to the Count at this time. Hopes to make a start to Zaphra.—Madrid, 18 Oct. 1564.
Orig. Draft in Challoner's hol. Pp. 4.
Oct. 18. 749. Challoner to Mrs. Stradling.
Has answered the Countess's letters, to which for haste he refers her. Desires her to continue her favour to Bodenham, her kinsman, that the contention atwixt him and Tipton may be ended.—Madrid, 18 Oct. 1564.
Draft in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him: With a letter to the Countess De Feria. Pp. 3.
Oct. 19. 750. Bedford to Cecil.
Two thousand pounds are come to Newcastle; the writer will stretch it as far as it can go. They will soon need more for the full pay of the soldiers and the works. Lee repairs home till spring.—Berwick, 19 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 19. 751. Smith to the Queen.
Hers, dated at St. James's on the 23rd ult., he received the 19th inst., and the same night sent to have audience. The next day when it was appointed, (as the Queen Mother was not well,) was required to declare what he had to say to the Council. Both the Pope's and King Philip's Ambassadors had audience that day. The Council was full, all being present save the Constable, who lies sick of the gout. Discussed the four points whereof the Ambassador resident in England had made complaints, viz., of the prisoners in general, of the intercourse of merchandise, of depredations, and of particular prisoners, to which the English Council had answered in writing. Discussion on these points.—Avignon, 19 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 12.
Oct. 20. 752. English Shipping in Spain.
Testimonial respecting the English shipping seized by Don Alvaro De Baçan.—Cadiz, 20 Oct. 1564.
Copy. Endd. Span. Pp. 4.
Oct. 21. 753. Bedford to Cecil.
Oswald Muschaunce, and certain of the "Walles" dwelling in the uttermost frontiers of the East Marches having suits in the Court of Wards, as they cannot be well spared (the nights being long and the thieves of Scotland like to do ill), the bearer is sufficiently authorized to answer their causes in the said Court.—Berwick, 21 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Injured by damp. Pp. 2.
Oct. 21. 754. Smith to the Queen.
1. Although he had sent letters to her by Mr. Andrew Beton, brother to the Bishop of Glasgow, Ambassador for the Queen of Scots here (dated the 2nd inst.), yet now being advertised that the Rhinegrave shall bring it, and on that sort and condition as he wrote to her, and that De Mauvissier shall also come with him from the Queen Mother with certain attires of divers nations, set upon puppets to show her, he thought it not amiss for these two reasons to send expressly. Wrote to Mr. Secretary on the 2nd inst. Matters now grow daily more and more to the calm.
2. The King would not depart hence until he had made an agreement betwixt the subjects of the Prince of Orange and those of the Pope, touching such as were in doubt amongst themselves for diversity of religion. By the articles she may perceive that the King had care also of others, and has provided a certain liberty of religion, even to the Pope's own subjects, which he has had much difficulty in obtaining.
3. The King is marvellously in debt, all men are evilly paid, and the realm poorer than some men would think, not only of money but also of credit. Such are the wars nowadays that a small war consumes a rich prince, which is now the greatest occasion that the peace is so well kept.—Tarascon, 21 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 21. 755. Smith to Cecil.
1. Is sorry he was diseased in his eyes. It grieves him more that everybody says here that he goes to the Emperor, and for another matter than to condole or congratulate; and he shall be well yoked.
2. It is well done to make funerals of the Emperor. They are here half Papists and more, and yet they do no such thing.
3. Of the twenty-two men Smith brought over with him he has (now the bearer is in England) but two; the rest are either buried in France, or else sent into England.
4. The Prince of Condé, the Admiral, and all of that faction since the Court was at Chalons, and the peace made with them, have never come to the Court; and of the "Curterobe" knows of none of the Council that favours religion but M. De Ourselle. The Chancellor sustains the Huguenots. They carry the King about this country now mostly to see the ruins of the churches and religious houses done by the Huguenots in this last war. They suppress the losses and hurts which the Huguenots have suffered. M. Danville is reputed to have the room of the late Duke of Guise, and is taken for the most zealous champion of the Romanists, and is complained of to have exercised great cruelty of late against the poor ministers of the Word of God in his government of Languedoc. All the lusty captains of the Papists hang upon him and the Constable, who now bears a great stroke in the Court. But the Bishop of Orleans and De L'Aubespine are esteemed most in credit with the Queen. The most part of Dauphine is of the religion, and have their ministers in every town. In Province as yet they have no exercise of their religion, but it is not destitute of them that favour it. In Languedoc, at Montpelier and Nismes, they have ministers and preaching and in some other towns. Of these matters has sent him a book made and printed at Avignon, which tells of the late wars. It lacks wit, order, and truth, and is not in good French.—Tarascon, 21 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: By Mr. Sadler. Pp. 5.
Oct. 21. 756. The Duchess of Parma to the Queen.
Desires her favour for Dr. Ambrose sent to England by certain merchants of Antwerp to prosecute their claims for losses sustained by English pirates.—Brussels, 21 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
Oct. 24. 757. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Arrived here on Thursday last. Next day at the sermon he met such of the Lords as he had most to do with. With Murray and Lethington he had almost two hours' talk. They had liberty to say what they would, as well why the answer to their last message by him was deferred, as also of the occasion of the late unkindness betwixt their mistresses, and of the suspicion that was risen between them. They also fell to talk of the book. Two ways they were grieved, one that the authors and supporters thereof received so slight punishment; the other that by no means a copy thereof might be had. Willed Lethington not to make over great account of his party with the English, except he had greater assurance than Welche could make him, who said that all Papists in England were this Queen's own. With these words they grew both into further choler than wisdom led them. They agreed in the end that no way was better, either for his mistress or for her country, than to seek it that way which they had begun. Well, said Murray, what had he [Randolph] now brought? Many grievous complaints, quoth Randolph, of the Queen of Scots' injuries done to his mistress, wherein he thought that neither he nor Lethington could purge themselves. He reckoned unto them the effect of all that he had in his instructions, and remained longest in the matter of the Earl of Lennox. Lethington said that they were both more bound to the Queen than any common bond of amity. They have their country, their liberty, and their lives, which they acknowledge to enjoy by her, with the loss of many of her people and great consumption of her treasures. He alleged that the earnestness of his writing to him [Cecil] was but a signification of his desire that the matter propounded should be continued, lest the long delays in handling this matter might breed suspicion that nothing was intended.
2. Dined that day with Lennox. The house where he lodges is well hanged, two chambers very well furnished, one specially rich, and a fair bed, with a passage made through the wall to come the next way into the Court when he wills. He saw him honourably used of all men, and that the Queen liked his behaviour. There dined with him the Earl of Athol, in whom he reposes singular trust. They are seldom asunder, saving when the Lennox is at sermon. There was also his brother the Bishop of Caithness, a Protestant, who sometimes preaches. His cheer is great, and his household many, though he has dispatched divers of his train away. He finds occasions to disburse money very fast, and of his 700l. he brought with him is sure that much is not left. He gave the Queen a marvellous fair and rich jewel, whereof there is made no small account, a (fn. 3) clock and a dial curiously wrought and set with stones, and a looking glass very richly set with stones in the four metals. To Lethington a very fair diamond in a ring; to the Earl of Athol another, as also to his wife he knows not what. To divers others somewhat, but to Murray nothing. He pre- sented also each of the Marys with pretty things. The bruit is here that Lady Lennox and Lord Darnley are coming. There is here a marvellous good liking of the young lord.
3. Word was brought him after dinner that the Queen tarried his coming. Lennox went with him to the Court. Found with the Queen the most of her nobles that were in town. The Queen's commendations and letters were thankfully received. She heard with good patience what he had to say, never interrupting him, though he perceived that some things discontented her in his speech. She said that she understood that there has been some great grief in the Queen's mind since he departed hence; and she promised him she herself had been as much grieved to see that any occasion should chance why they should not so continue. She was not able, she said, to answer every word he had said, but she asked him what occasion her good sister has to be angry with her, if the secresy of her marriage be disclosed by her own ministers ? As if she would name them she could, and also have in writing their talk in the French Court at the swearing of the peace. She would not say (quoth she) whether it were the Lord of Hunsdon or any of his company; but she assured him that John Baptista came over with the novels to her, which she found very strange, and was loth that any of her private doings with her good sister should come to such a man's knowledge, whereas she herself kept it secret from many of her friends there. She showed herself discontented with his coming with such a message, and gladder to have him dispatched than she has been accustomed to any of that country. And for the French Ambassador she prayed him how long it was since she told him that he (the Ambassador) had got knowledge out of France, that this matter was known there by the French Ambassador's advertisement to the Queen Mother, whereof she showed him the letter. She said that she and those about her can keep counsel, and that he did her wrong to charge her therewith.
4. Seeing her in this somewhat earnest, he would not move her too far, but said that this was a matter that might move suspicion; but the Queen had commanded him rather to speak this as a warning, that matters between them might secretly be handled in time to come. Well, said she, for Lennox's coming home, why did he say to her that his mistress, for special care she had of her and her estate, advised her that it were better he should not come, seeing that she herself was the first motioner for her to be good to him, which she could not be without his coming home to restore him to his own and to agree him with the parties with whom he was out ? And if that were not, he being of her blood and name, why should she be so unkind as to refuse him to be restored to his own country and to stand to his trial, whether he had right or wrong? He said that his mistress, finding so many that misliked it, feared that inconvenience might ensue. Queen Mary said she was willing to take it in good part if she knew that it was done rather in respect of herself than any other, who were the solicitors to her so to hinder her purpose, and that she had granted what with honour she could not revoke. For Cessford's doings he (the writer) knew how many times she has been offended with him and angry with her Council that the Earl of Bedford was not satisfied. She confessed that Elizabeth has more cause to be angry with this than any of the rest.
5. For the last matter, he talked with her of sending some to confer with Bedford, to which she said she must commune with her brother and Lethington, as also she prayed him to do. After this she asked him of his mistress's health, her pastime, and hunting this last summer, and gave him many good words, blaming him somewhat for his long absence. She asked by name almost for every nobleman that haunts the Court, and what ladies there were. She willed him to be no more stranger than he was wont, and to thank her sister for the usage of Melvin, as also Lord Robert for his cheer unto him. After having thus taken his leave of her, he saluted divers ladies that stood about in his mistress's name.
6. The next day, Saturday, he understood that the Lords would be occupied the whole day about a murder committed by some of the Eliots upon certain Scots, and that also the Queen would not come forth that day. He neither spoke with her nor any of the Lords, who for this matter kept the Tolbooth until five p.m. There were of the Eliots and Scots five condemned, and three of them beheaded that night after eight p.m. at the Castle hill by torchlight.
7. On Sunday there was married a daughter of the Justice Clerk, three miles from Edinburgh, where the most part of the ladies were. After dinner thither went the Queen and her four Marys to do honour to the bride. She returned that night and supped with Lennox, and the writer also. In the midst of her supper she drank to Queen Elizabeth, adding these words, "De bon cœur." That night she danced long, and in a mask; and playing at dice lost Lennox a jewel of crystal set in gold. The Lords from the bridal went unto the Lord of Morton's house, where there they have tarried these two days. Touching the purpose he travails in, what shall be the end he knows not, nor yet what he may conjecture. To-morrow the Duke will be here, well accompanied. The next day there will be here again the Earl of Argyle. The Queen is determined to accord the Earl of Lennox and the Duke. Much talk there is to what end all this favour showed to Lennox tends. He is well friended of Lethington, who is now thought will bear much with the Stewards for the love he bears to Mary Flemynge, of whom there is more spoken than yet he finds certain of her marriage. Much discord there is here between divers noblemen and gentlemen in divers parts of the country. The Lord Seton and Lethington, of great friends, are become mortal enemies for the cause of one Francis Douglas of Longniddery, to whom Lord Seton has done wrong, and of this bargain is like to have the worse. The day the writer came here he saw 500 horse assembled to have debated this action with spear, sword, and jack, had not the Queen sent a discharge to the parties. In the determination of the lieutenancy to be given to Murray, there is some alteration of mind in the Queen, and much thought thereof by Protestants. All pensions granted by this Queen since her coming are called in, considering how greatly she was charged for small service. There shall also be a new reformation of the things of the benefices to be paid to the preachers. The Abbot of Crosraguel is dead, and the Kennedys ready to fall by the ears for his goods. Mr. George Buchanan has given unto him by the Queen the whole temporalities of that abbacy. With the spiritualities he will not meddle, because he cannot preach. The Queen would have made him an Abbot. The ClanGregor (that in the beginning of last spring went to Ireland), being pursued here by the authority, (the Earls of Argyle and Athol having commission to apprehend them), are now returned into Scotland very poor, and have made means to the Queen to be received to mercy. Great bruits here of much harm lately done in Ireland. James Macconel being lately here (understanding of the writer's coming hither) left a servant behind to speak with him touching his matters in Ireland, to what effect he knows not yet. Has done the Queen's commendations to the Master of Maxwell, and thanked him for his good will towards Lord Scrope and earnest mind to justice.—Edinburgh, 24 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 12.
Oct. 24. 758. Hedley to Randolph.
They say that the French are coming thither and that a great number are ready at Dieppe. Men have devoured the thanks that Randolph deserved in writing from time to time the intelligence to the Court, which was purloined from him by staying his letters here, and sending their own with his news.—Berwick, 24 Oct. Signed.
Orig. Add. Pp. 2.
Oct. 25. 759. The Queen to Queen Mary.
Whereas she has heretofore, as well by her own letters as by Randolph, recommended unto her the complaint of William Clarke and his associates concerning a ship and goods taken by a French ship through the aid of a number of her subjects, she again desires that he may have restitution.—St. James's.
Corrected draft. Endd.: 25 Oct. 1564. For Yarmouth men. Pp. 3.
Oct. 25. 760. Intelligences.
1. From Rome. Appointment by Cardinal Vitelli to the Camerlengato. 300 Spaniards have made suit to the Pope to prolong the execution of the Council in Spain touching residence upon benefices for a time, which he could not grant.
2. Vienna, 9 Nov. M. De Lansac is arrived. The war in Transylvania continues. Doctor Vessalius, returning from Jerusalem, is dead at Zante.
3. Cracow. The Lithuanians have had an overthrow.
4. Constantinople, 25 Oct. 4,500 houses have been burnt. An ambassador has arrived from the King of Poland.
Copy. Endd. by Mason: 19 Nov. Pp. 6.
Oct. 27. 761. Bedford to the Privy Council.
Received 2,000l. towards some payment of the works, which is distributed. The soldiers being unpaid so long call upon him as earnestly as the workmen did for money. Asks for a full pay for them, and that a treasurer and a surveyor of the victuals be appointed. The town and neighbourhood are quiet. Leaves news of Scotland to Randolph.—Berwick, 27 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 27. 762. Bedford to Cecil.
Besides the 2,000l. they had for the works must be suitor for more money to pay the soldiers, who are behind for a whole year at Michaelmas last. Hears from thence that there is much ado for caps and surplices. Is sorry to think that the Church, that already lacks many good pastors, shall now by this means lose some of those she has already, and such as the world has a good opinion of, as well for learning and godliness as for wisdom and other good parts. Fears it will discourage many and make the Papists rejoice to see it. If it might be otherwise, in his opinion it would do more good. And for that, by order of law, new fish days are commanded (for which he has caused proclamation to be made), this season of the year serves not for fishing here, and the store was wont to be had out of the palace, as well of butter and cheese for all times, as for salt store for these days, where none is now.— Berwick, 27 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 28. 763. Vitus Wolfius to the Queen.
Has been informed by his agent that he delivered his letters to her, and has been asked whether he had a certain precious jewel (fn. 4) with him, and whether he could swear that it had never been offered to any other prince. It was also objected that he asked too much money, and that if he wanted anything certain to be done, he should first of all send it where it might be seen. Declares that he acts in good faith, and offers to send his gem to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, or any other place she may direct, and exhibit it to the persons she may appoint.—Dantzic, SS. Simon and Jude, 1564. Signed: Vitus Wolffius a Souftenberg.
Copy. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
Oct. 28. 764. Another copy of the above.
Add. Lat. Pp. 4.
Oct. 28. 765. George Gilpin to Cecil.
Such ships as were sent by their Prince in aid of the King of Spain's armado have their commission to make towards Cape Virido, and there wait for such English ships as are gone or shall go towards the Indies; which ships (as they have advertisements out of England) they say carry masons, carpenters, smiths, and other workmen, with tools; whereupon they conjecture that some fort is to be made, whence the going of English ships thither will not be any longer suffered. They name their armado that goes thither above twenty sail. Desires his aid for the carrying out of his patent for making furnaces in England.—Antwerp, 28 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 29. 766. Clough to Challoner.
In his last told Challoner what money of his he had. Trusts the controversy between them and this country is ended. Lord Robert is made Baron of Denbigh and Earl of Leicester. The plague is sore throughout Germany and Eastland, but it is not in these Low Countries.—Antwerp, 29 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by Arthus. Pp. 3.
Oct. 31. 767. Francis Peyto to Throckmorton.
The Prince of Condé's complaint to the Queen Mother was in form very humble, yet it insinuated that if no better regard was had to the Edict of Pacification inconvenience might follow. The Queen answered that the King sincerely meant to have it kept, but if those of the religion again disturbed the realm they should receive just chastisement. The constable's sickness is reported. The difference between the Houses of Guise and Châtillon is set forth at large in print, without name of author or printer. Another treatise steps a foot further, and maintains by Scripture the lawfulness of the Duke's death; so Poltrot shall also have his place among the martyrs. Hears that Throckmorton will shortly visit Almain. Also of the creation of an Earl of Leicester. —Paris, 31 Oct. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.


  • 1. All the names are fictitious, and the true designations are written above.
  • 2. On the same sheet as the letter from Challoner to Preston and Holiday, 14 Oct. 1564.
  • 3. This passage, as far as the word nothing, is an addition in the margin of the letter.
  • 4. Istud pretiosam gemmam.