Elizabeth: September 1564

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: September 1564', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp195-215 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1564', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp195-215.

"Elizabeth: September 1564". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp195-215.

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September 1564

[Sept.] 641. English Shipping in Spain.
Memorial of Challoner concerning the imprisonment and cruel treatment of the English mariners arrested in the bay of Gibraltar by Don Alvaro de Baçan.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Span. Pp. 28.
Sept. 1. 642. Smith to Cecil.
1. Has received Cecil's letters of 2 July. On 24 August had audience with the King and Queen, and asked for conference with the Council. The Queen asked him to tarry for the coming of the Bishop of Orleans, who arrived on Friday, and on Sunday the 27th they had conference on Cecil's answer to their articles.
2. As to the prisoners, they think that none of those left in either realm can pay their ransoms and charges. He said there were more French prisoners in Rye and Sandwich, and no English save in Rouen, who were almost dead of famine. It was agreed that a certificate of names, &c. on either side should be delivered. They will not allow the judgment of Ogier D'Estreille, and wonder that the Queen will allow such a sentence. They like the order of the commerce, saving the exception of fine cloths and kerseys not to be conveyed into Picardy and Normandy. They asked him to translate into French the order of the traffic, which he did. The Queen and all the court were weeping and lamenting for the evil news come from Spain.
3. There (fn. 1) is a great practice and continual haste to make a straighter alliance betwixt Scotland and France, and to break the amity betwixt England and Scotland. It is their great study, whereof he is certain, which they cannot do (he thinks) except they make away with, or tread under foot, the Earl of Murray and such lords and great men as are the great favourers of religion there. They think themselves now in great forwardness to do some great enterprise that way, which makes all the Scots and others which are of the religion to be in marvellous fear for the Lord of Murray. Some do not let to say to Smith with tears that the earl is now in as great danger as he was when the Earl of Huntly died, and his sons were taken. These bishops here, and the Pope's council amongst them, are as busy as may be. These men who complain suspect Lethington, whose brother is at "Bruges," and who sues by letters by the Bishop of Glasgow and others for a pension promised to Lethington by the French King, and has one already, they say, of the King of Spain. They here bruit that the Queen of Scotland shall be married to Lord Robert; and say they have advertisement thereof both from England and Scotland. But they mean a far other marriage and practice, as well to reduce the realm to the old Pope as to break the love betwixt England and Scotland. Prays him to give Murray warning to look about him, and to work so warily and strongly that he may be before his enemies and prevent their doings, as he has done other times. Now, since the fresh news of the danger or death of the Queen of Spain, they have in this court married already the King of Spain to the Queen of Scotland.—Valence, 1 Sept. 1564. Signed.
4. P.S.—A post is come with news of the Queen of Spain's amendment.
Orig., portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
Sept. 2. 643. Bedford and Others to the Privy Council.
1. Ask for men and money for the garrison and works. Ask for increase of the horsemen's wages, which is but 6d. the day, and was lately 8d.; and for that of the twenty watchmen, which is 3d. the night, and was 4d. Many of them suffer imprisonment rather than tarry sixteen hours upon the walls.
2. The Scots have of certain years sowed corn in the English ground, which the Lord Grey used to destroy. For that purpose issued out of this town Mr. Marshal with 250 footmen, at whose coming the Scots made bravery, and came far upon English ground. The Laird of Cessford offers to do justice, whereunto he has been pricked by some of the councillors of that realm. The Queen of Scotland has returned out of the north, and come near to Edinburgh.—Berwick, 2 Sept. 1564. Signed: E. Bedford, William Lee, William Drury, and John Selbe.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 2. 644. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Here is no money for the soldiers or other things. The Scottish Queen is returned from the North. Great alteration is feared by the Protestants. The coming of Lennox will nothing amend the matter on their side. Bedford's intelligence thence comes not so thick as it was wont to do; such as resort hither are had in great jealousy, which makes some withdraw. There is great fear of the plague in Edinburgh through two ships that came out of Danske.
2. The day of meeting for division of the debatable grounds is appointed to be after the 20th inst.—Berwick, 2 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 2. 645. John Fitzwilliams to Cecil.
Wrote last on 21st ult. of the proceedings of the Easterlings. It will be shortly known wherefore the meeting is at Lubeck. The first worker for the keeping of the English cloth out of these Low Countries is said to be the Cardinal, who with the President devised this stay of the English cloth, in consideration of the death in London, whereby the town of Antwerp and all the country were fearful for infection. After the Cardinal was forced to depart from the Court, the noblemen began to come into the Council, which they would not do so long as he was there, who understanding of the edicts passed for the stay of traffic between England and this country, (whereunto they were not made privy,) the President declared unto them the circumstances. The magistrates of Antwerp perceive that the meaning which the Cardinal and President had against the Queen was for religion's sake and against them, because they have withstood having a bishop in Brabant. They would gladly be suitors again.—Antwerp, 2 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 2. 646. Challoner to the Queen.
The Queen Catholic waxes stronger. The King, she, and the Prince for accomplishment of their vows will visit our Lady of Guadaloupe. News from Corsica. Hopes for his revocation.—Madrid, 2 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 2. 647. Draft of the above.
In Challoner's hol., and endd by him: 2 Sept. 1564, per G. Goldwell. Pp. 5.
Sept. 2. 648. Challoner to Cecil.
The bearer, Mr. Goldwell, who has had here a fruitless suit, asks him to help him towards his charges, which are quadruple what he received, viz., fifty ducats. Is sorry for the accident of Lady Catherine's case, and also for Mr. John Hales, his friend.—2 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Sept. 2. 649. Leonard Chilton to Challoner.
1. Since coming here has sent letters and such provances and testimonials as were to be had touching the suit with Don Alvaro. Excuses himself from the charge of slack writing, and sends information touching the progress of the suit for the restitution of the said ships.
2. At the last shipping there went to Emden forty-eight merchant ships and four of the Queen's to conduct them, where they had good entertainment; and the young Duke and his wife, who is the King of "Swayland's" sister, were feasted aboard the Queen's ships. There is great preparation in England of fifteen or sixteen ships to go to Guinea, and Mr. Hawkins for captain; they will be ready to depart the 15th inst. Wrote him of Don Garzia de Toledo's coming hither, where he tarried but two days, and on the 28th ult. departed from Malaga with ninety-two galleys, fifteen chalupas, and other "foists," brigantines and munitions to conquer Barbary.
3. They have buried here Richard Cawsten, Mr. Tipton's old factor.—Cadiz, 2 Sept. 1564. Signed.
4. P. S.—Longs to hear whether he can obtain the suit of Don Alvaro to be committed to some other judge.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 4.
Sept. 3. 650. Smith to Cecil.
A messenger has arrived from the new Emperor, and the Court removes to Estoil and forwards to Avignon. It is impossible to get a good rider here, there are none. Has written to Lord Robert what trouble he had for the Italian he sent him. And Mauvissier is threatened also to be beaten or slain for that matter. The Duke of Longueville, D'Anville, and two or three more were about having him. The Court has two designs; one to break the amity betwixt England and Scotland; the other, to reduce at once the Huguenots in subjection to the Papists. It is easily known how fair the Pope, King Philip, and the House of Lorraine would serve their turn. It is possible that Nenion Cocborne (fn. 2) may come shortly into England, either with Villeros (fn. 2) or of some other errand. If Cecil handles him well he may learn somewhat of him; but he must not let him pass away (as he did the last time) without reward.—Valence, 3 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 3. 651. William Hollway to Challoner.
1. Has delivered the King's sedula to the corregidor, who will make no delivery of the ships, men, and artillery without a new suit. Beseeches him to advertize the King, that he may have redress hereof. All his mariners are delivered saving the captain and two masters, who were carried to Tolosa in irons.—St. Sebastian, 3 Sept. 1564. Signed.
2. P. S.—Since writing, the captain and the two other men are condemned to death.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Pp. 3.
Sept. 4. 652. The Earl of Murray to Randolph.
Wrote to him before touching one of their countrymen who has been held in captivity at Wales. Thanks him for purchasing the man's pardon, which has been delivered to his keeper, Pirot, who retains the same, and the man is not yet restored to his ship nor goods. Asks him to procure a letter from Cecil.—Dynnottar, 4 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Pp. 2.
Sept. 4. 653. English Shipping in Spain.
Sentence pronounced by Maldonado de Salazar upon Oliver Harris and others, on 4 Sept. 1564.
Copy. Endd. Span. Pp. 2.
Sept. 4. 654. Intelligence from Abroad.
1. Rome. The Pope announced in a consistory held on the 5th inst., that he would help the Emperor in Transylvania; also that the decrees of the Council of Trent had been accepted by the King of Poland. The Cardinal de Sta Fiore died in his journey between Venice and Milan. There has been another earthquake in Piedmont.
2. Vienna. The Emperor has sent 800 men to Transylvania against the Vayvoda. The ambassador appointed by the late Emperor to go with the pension to the Turk has departed. The Emperor will accompany the corpse to Prague, where the Archduke Fernando is preparing all things for the solemnity. The Emperor has received the embassy from Venice.
Pezaro, Oct. 1. The Duke of Mantua has arrived with forty horses.
4. Cracow, Sept. 24. The King will give battle to the Muscovites.
5. In Spain, the bishops proceed with rigour against the clergy, to make them accept the Council. The Queen not yet recovered; the Prince continues with his tertian.
6. Constantinople, Sept. 4. The Turk prepares an army, moved thereto by the doings of King Philip in Africa.
Copy. Endd.: 14 Oct. 1564. Pp. 4.
Sept. 5. 655. Oliver Harris and Others to Challoner.
Although the corregidor was by the Council commanded to restore all ships and goods against which nothing was alleged, yet will he not deliver theirs. Are in prison in irons. Are accused of being companions of Phetiplace. St. Sebastian, 1 September 1564. On the 4th the corregidor pronounced sentence against them. They ask him to seek their release from this condemnation.—From prison in Tolosa, 5 Sept. 1564. Signed: Oliver Harris, Wm. Gawde, John Perdue, Stephen Nayler, Richard Yarde.
Orig. in Harris's hol. Add. Pp. 5.
Sept. 5. 656. Advices from Abroad.
1. Spain, Sept. 5. The army for Pegñon de Velez was ninety galleys, sixty ships, 11,000 foot, 400 horses, &c.
2. Rome, Sept. 23. The secretary of the Duke of Savoy excuses the Duke because his master has been compelled to permit the exercise of their religion to such places in Switzerland as have been rendered to him. Sr. Visconti has commission from Rome to make suit for a marriage between the Prince of Florence and one of the Emperor's daughters. The Pope has taken measures to keep the plague out of the city, and has shut all the gates save five. Two Turks have lately been christened at Rome. It is reported that the Turk has asked the Pope to send five theologians to instruct him in the Christian faith, and says he will come to Rome to be christened.
3. Cracow, Sept. 17. The King of Poland with 40,000 horse approaches Muscovy.
4. Vienna, Sept. 21. The Turks have taken two fortresses near Vienna, and are lying before a third.
Endd: 30 Sept. Pp. 4.
Sept. 6. 657. Bedford to the Privy Council.
Has sent the bearer, his servant, Mychell, to solicit help in their necessity.—Berwick, 6 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 6. 658. Bedford to Cecil.
Solicits a supply of men and money to be sent hither. Is glad to hear that he is well again, and that he has been at Bever and elsewhere abroad.—Berwick, 6 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 6. 659. George Gilpin to Lord Robert Dudley.
It is talked that next spring the Prince of Spain comes hither; and a marriage is concluded upon betwixt him and the daughter of the King of the Romans. Preparation was made by the King of Spain by sea, pretending to be against Algiers, having secret intelligence with some captains and rulers there. The same is revealed and the practisers put to death. Flanders and other places which make cloths find such gain in the utterance of theirs since the restraint began, as if they may have English wools come to them, they would wish their cloths banished out of all places of the Low Countries. —Antwerp, 6 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 6. 660. Sir Francis Englefield to —
There is some hope of the finding out of the forger of those letters which were lately let fall in the court, to the infamy of Mr. D. Awbrey and himself. In order that the devisers of the former lewd libel which belied him two years ago may also be found out, he begs the person addressed will be a means with Lord Robert that the same may with diligence be examined. The Queen by such suggestions has been procured to believe worse of him than he deserved.—Antwerp, 6 Sept. 1564. Signed: "Your own poor cousin."
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 6. 661. William Preston and Others to Challoner.
Complain of the Corregidor of Tolosa, who will not put the men to liberty or deliver the ships. He has made them pay above 1,200 ducats, besides the maintaining of all their mariners for these eight months, and also the pay of forty or fifty soldiers put on board to keep the ship. Harris and four others are sentenced to be hanged.—St. Sebastian, 6 Sept. 1564. Signed: William Preston, Robert Clarke, and Wm. Holburne.
Orig. Add. Pp. 5.
Sept. 6. 662. Robert Clarke to Challoner.
The Corregidor of Tolosa has set all the mariners of the four ships at liberty except five, but he would not deliver ships or goods without sureties to answer what should be laid against them. Two mariners are condemned to be hanged, but place of application is given them, so that their hope of life is through Challoner's help. Signed.
P.S.—This coreo departs Thursday, 6 Sept., and must be in Madrid by the 13th.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 11. 663. The Queen to Smith.
The French ambassador here travels to advance the trade of the merchants of France, taking occasion of the abstinence of the intercourse betwixt her countries and the countries of Burgundy, and daily presses her with the words of the treaty, which promises free intercourse to the French without exception of country. He may declare that during this abstinence of intercourse of merchandise betwixt the Low Countries and her's given last year, the merchants of Antwerp and the Low Countries (intending to get into their hands the monopoly of all the commodities coming either from her countries or theirs), procured a prohibition that none of her subjects should either bring thither or hither any commodity or merchandise. After the plague ceased, they continued their prohibition, devising new pretences; whereupon she was forced to proceed in like manner against them. Antwerp, finding itself greatly damaged, has made suit to have the intercourse set at liberty; and therein she has been lately moved by the ambassador of the King of Spain. In the meantime, they have sought how they may release themselves by suborning merchants of France to bring the commodities of the Low Countries into Picardy, and from certain ports there to bring the same into her realm; and in like manner to return with the commodities of her countries into Picardy, or other parts of France. Wherefore she doubts not but that the King will not mislike that his subjects might be moved to forbear intermeddling in this cause betwixt hers and the merchants of the Low Countries, whereby such manifest benefit to them and detriment to hers may ensue. And if herein he would admonish the ambassador here, not to follow so much the appetite of particular merchants in this point as it seems he does, he shall therein show friendship to her. (fn. 3) He is to make solicitation for the liberty of the prisoners in the galleys. If he cannot get them full liberty, yet that they be released out of irons, that they perish not, as many of them have done, by famine and oppression.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 11 Sept. 1564. Pp. 6.
Sept. 11. 664. Clough to Challoner.
Has arrived out of England; and encloses letters from thence. Details of money matters. The progress is now ended, and to-morrow the Queen will be at his master's house by Brentford, where she tarried four meals. The Earl of Pembroke lies at God's mercy. Lord Robert, the Earl of Warwick, and Throckmorton are in great favour. The controversy between them and this court hangs as it did. Has been in England almost three months. Their being at Emden is not well liked amongst their merchants.—Antwerp, 11 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
Sept. 13. 665. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Cecil's letters to the Queen of Scotland were delivered, but the messenger could get no answer. Mr. Abington is come, and has brought no money, nor looks for any where it was appointed. Asks him to send some forthwith.
2. The Scottish Queen comes to Edinburgh on Saturday next. The Earl of Caithness is committed to prison, for a brawl between him and the Earl Marshal. The Duke is gone to a castle called Arran; and his second son is shipped to Italy or Spain with licence to be absent. For the division of the debatable grounds the meeting will not be till October. The Earl of Lennox will be here on the 19th inst.—Berwick, 13 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Sept. 13. 666. The Lubeckers to the Queen.
Complain that they have been summoned by the Lord Mayor to account for their privileges, and of other interferences with their liberty of commerce.—Lubeck, 13 Sept. 1564.
Orig. on vellum. Add. Endd. Lat.
Sept. 16. 667. The Requests of the French Ambassador.
Requests made by the French Ambassador to the English Privy Council respecting the exchange of prisoners, increased facilities for trade between the two countries, the seizure of the goods of French merchants, and piracies committed by the English off the coast of Normandy.
Copy, with a few marginal notes by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 6.
[Sept. 16.] 668. English Piracies against the French.
On May 3, Jehan Conrel was plundered to the amount of 1,500 crowns by two English vessels off the castle of Guernsey. About the same time two other Frenchmen were plundered to the extent of more than 5,000 crowns by an English row-boat. Seven other Frenchmen were plundered of divers sums, and had their vessels taken in the neighbourhood of the Channel Islands during the following three months, and most of them by a pirate named Derthune.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 2.
[Sept. 16.] 669. Goods seized by English Pirates.
List of goods seized and stayed from different French merchants.
Fr. P. 1.
Sept. 16. 670. Richard Barret to Clough.
Informs him of the various proceedings on both sides in the suit about the Bristol ship.—Seville, 16 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Pp. 3.
Sept. 17. 671. Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil to William Drury. (fn. 4)
Commend his good service at Berwick.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 17 Sept. 1564. P. 1.
Sept. 17. 672. Richard Barret [to Challoner.]
Informs him of the condition of the English prisoners detained in Spain.—Seville, 17 Sept. 1564.
Orig. Hol. Add., by Challoner. Span. Pp. 3.
Sept. 18.
Labanoff, i. 227.
673. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
Desires a passport for John Sinclair, Dean of Restalrig, who is returning into France.—Holyrood House, 18 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Sept. 18. 674. Maitland to Cecil.
1. Received his letter from Cambridge the 8th ult. At that time they were in Ross, and he purposely delayed his writing till their return that he might answer him at more leisure; besides that in the other sent to the Lord of Murray there appeared some clouds. Another letter he has received within these five days from a house in Bedfordshire the 4th inst. Thanks him for his plain writing and frank dealing with him, finding fault where he thinks there is cause. He marvels that a matter tending so far to their commodity as that propounded by Randolph is so lightly weighed, at least so coldly dealt in upon their part. Obscure dealing is disliked by his mistress. Could never obtain from the Queen to come to any special reasoning of these cases. If she will recall to her memory what passed between them she will remember, that when he took his leave he plainly declared that either her words were so obscure or his wit so dull, that he could not fully conceive her intent so as to report to his mistress her conception, of which he asked a memorial in writing. Since that time Randolph has brought two messages from her at two several times, to both of which he has been answered directly. In the answer to his last proposition an overture was made that for the better digestion of all those cases a secret commission might be given to the Earl of Bedford to confer at Berwick with some of this side. Whether the overture was liked or misliked does not appear by any answer; and there they have rested. If misliked, Cecil should have propounded one more convenient.
2. In answer to Cecil's of the 4th, vindicates himself by repeating that his silence has proceeded, not from any lack of good will, but want of time during the Queen's progress. They had resolved that on their return this gentleman, Mr. Mailvyn, should be directed that way. Since he cannot come himself, has chosen one whom he trusts as himself. The next fault he finds in his is for the answer sent to the motion made by the Queen in the matter of the Earl of Lennox, wherein his mistress commanded the bearer to declare her own meaning at large to Cecil. What cause Murray and he had to write roundly Cecil. may easily judge, for that matter touched them in honour. Where he writes that the informers which came from hence stand to it, he trusts none will say that ever he conferred one iota to and fro in that matter. Murray has uttered by his letters unto him and Randolph what was his part, and so has he before now. Where Cecil writes that his (the writer's) letters contained sundry both hid and apparent reprehensions, he reserved not any copy of them, at least he cannot find any; for he seldom reserves copies of what he privately writes. Will not deny that the first sight of Cecil's letters stirred him to some choler, wherein he says that the stay of Lennox by the Queen was at their request. If so it had been, their mistress might have thought them trusty servants indeed. And in that passion he wrote his letter. Towards the end of his letter Cecil charges him with remiss dealing; what he means thereby the writer does not understand. Has written both to Lord Robert and Cecil. Will shoot at no other mark but the service of his mistress and the weal of his country. Prefers the amity of the Queen of England to that of any foreign prince, and trusts that his mistress will as soon follow her advice as to her marriage as that of any other friend she has, provided that respect be had to honour and surety. These two points being considered, he is sure if they will fall roundly to work a good end shall shortly ensue.
3. The general proposition made by Mr. Randolph was not only well taken, but also directly answered. The special overture was propounded so nakedly that the Queen had reason to know more before she should answer it. And where he desires to have some inkling of him whether to forbear or to continue that intention, he is perplexed what to answer. Cecil may well judge that he dare little meddle with Queen Mary for any special person. To forbear this person or that person in their country or in another he may speak to her his opinion; but he must see either some show of liking in herself, or else an evident grandeur to herself and commodity to her country to ensue infallibly by the match, before he names any special person to her. It were courteously and friendly done if Queen Elizabeth would have Queen Mary forbear matching with one, two, or three great houses; and to remit the choice of those few persons that remain fit for her to her own option. Herein a good part of her advice would be followed. And in case she would recommend any more than others, to do that she should not abase herself under the degree of him she had. And if he requires more than is here he trusts the bearer can satisfy him, to whom he prays him to give credit.—Edinburgh, 18 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 7.
Sept. 18. 675. Challoner to the Count de Feria.
Complains of the conduct of Don Alvaro de Bazan in reference to the English captains and sailors, and asks the Count to show favour to Roger Bodenham, in whose cause Challoner is interested.—Madrid, 18 Sept. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 5.
Sept. 18. 676. Challoner to Mrs. Stradling.
Has written to the Count and Countess in behalf of Roger Bodenham, her kinsman, touching a matter between Tipton and him. The unwillingness of the merchants to help their folks has hurt their case, and kept him here eight months longer than needed, with the expense of 1,000l. Recommends Bodenham's cause to her.—Madrid, 18 Sept. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Sept. 18. 677. Roger Bodenham to Challoner.
When Alvaro came with the ships to Cadiz composition was offered for them to have delivered them all for 1,000 ducats, and it was thought that for 500 they might have been all delivered. The matter was communed with Richard Cawsten, Hugh Tipton's deputy, who would not put himself in bonds, although he knew he should lose nothing thereby. Signed.
Orig. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Sept. 18. 678. Leonard Chilton to Challoner.
Sends information and documents relating to the suit for the nine ships stayed by Don Alvaro. Here are about twenty English ships.—Cadiz, 18 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 19. 679. Murray to Cecil.
Now answers Cecil's letter from Cambridge of the 8th ult., brought by Graham. The state of their two sovereigns and their countries requires for their conservation a mutual care to be had interchangeable of the ministers. Queen Elizabeth's care towards the estate here the writer, with many more of this country, has good cause to acknowledge, and also to acquit, if possible, by all good offices of friendship. It grieved him that the letter of Queen Mary to Queen Elizabeth (as also that of the writer to Cecil), was by Cecil thought strange, for nothing was therein mentioned or meant but simple truth and uprightness. That Lennox's coming hither was principally against the writer's will, the reporter thereof follows his own passion; for no such thing was ever meant by him [Murray], as afore he signified unto Cecil by his former letter. Had he thought so, he might have found a more honest and commodious way to have stayed his coming than privily to have signified there that the purpose misliked him [the writer]. The sincere meaning of Queen Elizabeth to Queen Mary and to the quietness of this realm appears in her letters. Whereas she takes grief thereof, and Cecil declares that to answer such plain meanings he did not look for such strange writings, it makes the writer most sorry, knowing nothing to be written to her whereby any of them intended to displease her. Thanks him for his plain writing. Farther of his mind the bearer will declare unto him.—Edinburgh, 19 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil Pp. 3.
Sept. 19. 680. [Kirkaldy of Grange] to Randolph.
1. Understanding that the English are to hold a parliament, has thought it necessary to let this gentleman understand their good mind in adventuresome matters that may be to the hurt of the Scotch. First, if they will perform what they have offered, the Scotch will marry where the English please, so that it may stand with their honour. As to Lord Robert, albeit they like his virtues, yet because he came not of a great old house, and that his blood has been spotted, he fears she shall not accept him. If the English begin to drive time with them, necessity will compel them to marry where they may. Offers are made by France and by the mother of the Duchess of Dorset, yet the English, if they will earnestly press, may cause her to take the Lord Darnley.
2. Their nobility are all sent for except the Duke, who is at Arran, and who minds not to use the Court without he be sent for, and some think scantly then. At this convention the Earl of Murray gets his commission of lieutenancy; who begins to take the burden of the Queen's affairs, for now, when any come to present any supplication to her, she bids them go to him. If Her Majesty continues in this mind he is assured that they themselves shall live in quietness and friendship. Suspects she shall "tailzie" the crown to the Stewards, "and for that effect will set a parliament after Paice" [Easter]. Thus he may see what is meant towards the poor Duke. Albeit this be shapen he fears it shall be a civil suit; for the Lord of Argyll (who purposes to be a continuer in Court) and the Lord of Murray conclude that the Duke shall suffer no wrong by any party. The secretary's wife is dead, and he is suitor to M. Flemyng, who is as meet for him as the writer is to be page. Some follies of the Lord of Holyrood house and of Captain Stewart he remits to the bearer. "Ye shall wit your brother William, as commanded by the Queen's own mouth, to be a continual waiter." Wishes Cecil were here; he could do his country good service. If their Queen has determined she will altogether bear upon Murray, things should be handled to his contentment. Lethington repents writing his crabbed letters.—Edinburgh, 19 Sept. "Your brother ever at power."
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: A Scotchman to Mr. Randolph. Sealed with the Earl of Bedford's seal. Pp. 3.
Sept. 19. 681. Bedford to Cecil.
Asks for men and money. The Scottish Queen came to Edinburgh last Friday night. Of the Earl of Lennox's coming hears no more than he last wrote, yet they look for him here. —Berwick, 19 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 19. 682. Bedford to Lord Robert Dudley.
For lack of money some workmen are kept whom Lee would ere now have discharged. They work to send up the trea surer's book. The Queen of Scots came to Edinburgh on Friday night last.—Berwick, 19 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 19. 683. Gurone Bertano to Cecil.
1. "If I have not written to your Excellency as often as duty would have required and as I could have wished, be not surprised. Grave circumstances have prevented me from so doing, as you will hear from M. Sebastiano Bruschetto, or his father, both of whom have my full confidence. I will not stand on ceremony with you. If you chose to believe me I will let you see the results of my service; and if not I shall still believe your Excellency, whom I intend to serve in every way. You know I am at Rome, and that wishing to serve you I must beforehand offer you that which can be got here. To accomplish this I have been obliged to wait for an opportunity to make this my desire known to your Excellency, which opportunity has presented itself by the coming of this youth, M. Sebastiano, who will most faithfully give you my letter either personally, or will cause it to be presented by his father, in which letter I mean to speak my mind freely to you. You will hear, moreover, certain other particulars by word of mouth from the said young man, or from his father, on whom you may place full confidence, believing them as entirely as you would do me personally.
2. "Be it known then to your Excellency that in consideration to your high dignity I have persuaded the Pope that it is in your power almost exclusively to cause the present parliament to settle the true form of religion in the kingdom. I have likewise persuaded the Pope that your Excellency knows without doubt the true doctrine and way of the Catholic religion, although here some persons have frequently affirmed the contrary, and the opinion has been that you were fomenting the party hostile to the Catholic religion in the kingdom; and this is still the current opinion. This may be true; or you may have thought it expedient so to do, regard being had to the state of affairs; or you may have been temporizing, waiting for the opportunity to accomplish so great an act, which ought to be done with the greatest prudence. This act I think you can accomplish at present in the parliament, as you have the esteem, the authority, and the confidence of both parties.
3. "Being fully persuaded that this is the case, I have endeavoured to persuade the Pope that the matter so stands, who has not only believed my words and changed his opinion respecting your Excellency, but has given me leave to write to you, to the effect that if you would do this work (consistently with your service to the Queen) he promises you every kind of honour and dignity which can be given by him, together with whatever besides may tend to the service of the Queen and the realm. Likewise I have most willingly charged myself with this command, and I have profited by the coming of this youth, who I am confident will not speak of the transaction to anyone. Also, because I know that it is in your hands to accomplish this; and lastly, because the Pope's only object is the peace and tranquility of the kingdom, which, if not brought about in this parliament, the result will be misery, disunion, and discontent, which things can be avoided only by upholding the religion embraced by other Christian princes. And it is worth notice that, up to the present time, neither by force nor by preaching what is contrary to the sentiments of the people has this after all taken such a deep root as to have gained the superiority over the other; rather (as we have heard here) it is much inferior, as your Excellency knows better than anyone else.
4. "You may possibly say, what are the Pope's promises which you hold up before me? Perhaps you intend to deceive me first, and laugh at me afterwards. I will not believe that any such thought can cross the mind of your Excellency, I have too high an opinion of your goodness; and to give you a proof of it, please to ask yourself what you think the Pope might do (for after all he is a great prince both in a temporal and spiritual point of view, moreover he is a good man), and he will do it consistently with his dignity and honour. Now is the time for your Excellency to see if the Pope is what you should wish him to be. Have therefore full confidence in Bruschetto in England and in me here, and if you find yourself deceived, show me up to the world, as you would do with a traitor. By this letter I give you full liberty so to do; and do not think this a little matter, for I would not have this done to me for all that England is worth. I am drawing near the end of my life and have always held honour in high esteem, nor could I consent for anything that it could be proved by my handwriting that I have been unfaithful to my word.
5. "Trust then M. Antonio who is with you, and this letter of mine, which you may always keep by you. My great esteem and my affection for you are such that I feel full confidence in you, feeling that what you shall ask, either in particular or in general, will have nothing objectionable in it, since it will have for its object the good and peace of the kingdom, the preservation of the succession of the most Serene Queen, and obedience to her, which things I know well she has not at present as fully as the king her father (and my lord and patron) had. What the Pope can do for your Excellency, and for the realm, and for the Queen I have written once and again to your faithful and honourable friend M. Antonio Bruschetto, and I am sure that if you ask him he will not conceal anything from you, provided your Excellency will permit him to speak with you frankly and take no offence, which you may and ought to do; for my words ought not to be injurious either to you or to me, all my pro positions being such as you ought not to believe except with my statement in your hand; for so do I promise."—Rome, 19 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 4.
Sept. 22. 684. The Queen to Smith.
Since her last (of the 11th instant) the French Ambassador resident has been importunate for her to allow his countrymen to trade with merchandize to and from her realm and the Low Countries. Would have Smith consider the reasons alleged on her behalf against the Frenchman's new invented trade; and with such others as he may add, to travail earnestly with the king and his mother that they will no further press her in this matter of traffic.
Corrected draft. Endd.: 1564, Sept. 22. Pp. 3.
Sept. 23. 685. The Queen to Cecil. (fn. 5)
Is perplexed how to reply to the Queen of Scots. He must tell her what to write to Randolph. Desires to know his opinion.
Hol. Endd. by Cecil: 23 Sept. 1564. At St. James. The Q. wrytyng to me being sick. Scotland. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 23. 686. Murray to Frederic the Elector Palatine.
Is glad that Melville saluted him in his name on account of his virtues and zeal for the Christian religion. Apologises for not having written sooner. Their only study is God's glory. Believes that there is a perpetual bond between all good men through a hidden instinct. Lest this should languish through want of frequent signification of good will, he notifies his friendship and promises his services if occasion should arise.— Edinburgh, ix Cal. Octob. 1564. Signed: Jacobus, Comes Moraviæ.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Sept. 23. 687. Guido Giannetti to the Queen.
Has not written to her since April last, not having news of any importance to communicate. Intelligence from Rome about the settlement of the question of precedence in favour of the French, to the great annoyance of Spain. From France they hear tidings of the state of parties since the proclamation of the peace. The policy of the new Emperor is not yet certain, but it is thought he will not be so scrupulous as Charles and Ferdinand were.— Venice, 23 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
Sept. 24. 688. Lethington to Randolph.
At Murray's request Cecil obtained the Queen's remission to Alexander Hog, Scotsman, detained captive by Sir John Perrot, Vice-Admiral in Wales, who keeps him still prisoner. Prays Cecil to command the said Perrot to put him to liberty. —Edinburgh, 24 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 24. 689. Works at Berwick.
Estimate of the monthly charges for the fortifications at Berwick, from the 2nd of April 1564 to the 14th of October 1564, 7,707l. 14s. 1d.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Sept. 25. 690. Bedford to the Privy Council.
Sends by bearer the replication of the captains and others here to the Treasurer's answer concerning the disorders alleged in their former declarations. The books of other persons sent herewith, in answer to the Treasurer's, he has caused them to confirm by their hands.—Berwick, 25 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: With books against Val. Browne. Pp. 3.
Sept. 25. 691. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Received his of the 11th and 17th inst. Trusts he understands that he delivered to the Earl of Lennox the Queen's letter, and that he thankfully took it. Thanks him for helping to get them some money for the discharge of the works; 2,000l. is promised to be sent. For the supply of men to be had this winter can use no more husbandry than he has done, 300 being the least that here can be had.
2. For Tanner's house in Covent Garden, if Cecil likes it he is glad. Of Melvine's coming trusts he has heard, whom he neither trusts himself nor wishes others so to do.—Berwick, 25 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
[Sept. 26.]
Labanoff, i. 229.
692. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
Asks letters of safe conduct for her servitor, Adam Home, going to France on her affairs.—Holyrood House, 26 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Broadside.
[Sept. 26.] 693. Complaint of the French Ambassador.
On the 3rd of August a French vessel called the Marie of Fécamp was pillaged near Guernsey of goods to the amount of 15,000 livres, by-an English pirate named Gisbroke. Has received letters from the King, the Duke De Bouillon, and the Queen of Navarre in favour of the owner.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 6.
Sept. 26. 694. Petition of the French Merchants to the French Ambassador.
Relying on the late treaty they have brought certain merchandize, not prohibited before the wars, part of which is arrested; and further they are prohibited from importing any goods either belonging to, or which may have passed through, Flanders, upon pain of confiscation. Beg that he will obtain remedy for the same.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Sept. 27. 695. Challoner to Cecil.
Since his of the 14th of July last has not heard from any at home. Their ambassador, Don Diego, is diligent in writing hither. Wots not to what purpose he serves here. Eats not a pound of flesh a day, and most part of the night cannot sleep for cramp, and has no comfort but in his books.—Madrid, 27 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Sept. 27. 696. Another copy of the above.
Endd.: By Geo. Goldwell, by Bilboa. Pp. 2.
Sept. 27. 697. Challoner to the Queen.
1. Has had no answers to his letters of 22 June, 11 July, and 27 Aug. Is tired with his useless suit about the English prisoners and ships here. The Queen here has not fully recovered. The Prince of Spain lately fell sick of another surfeit, but is amended. The funeral of the late Emperor will be solemnly kept here, when the hearse is set up; but very few in this Court wear the dole. The galleys have taken Peñon De Velez. The Spanish Ambassador has left Rome in displeasure, and the King has commanded all his Spanish servants to withdraw. The Prince of Parma will marry a daughter of the brother of the late King of Portugal. M. De Chantonnet is dispatched ambassador to the new Emperor. The writer's credit no longer serves with the merchants of Flanders.—Madrid, 27 Sept. 1564. Signed.
2. P.S.—Divers ships are arming to the Indies. Since 14 July Don Diego De Guzman has written hither three or four times, and yesterday came a packet dated on the 15th inst. of a new stir in Ireland of some rebels, with copy of a proclamation printed in Dublin in August last. His diligence in such kind of argument Challoner nothing likes, knowing what an eye these men have always cast to Ireland, and what intelligence his predecessor had with Shane O'Neyle's priest and others. He has also written that she sends to Ireland for their repression 3,000 soldiers. O'Conor's faction without other assistance he trusts can prove to no great consequence.
Orig., partly in Challoner's hol. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 7.
Sept. 27. 698. Draft of the above in Challoner's hol., with a P.S. to the effect that the Ambassadors of France, Portugal, and Venice have been specially spoken to accompany the King at the exequies of the Emperor, but to him ne verbum. For three years the celebration of S. George has passed here unspoken of, without any show of excuse.
Endd. by Challoner: Sent by the ordinary of Flanders by the Fowger's factor. Pp. 20.
Sept. 27. 699. Parliament of Scotland.
1. On the 21st many of the nobility were convened at Edinburgh. The Duke was not there. On the 22nd divers matters were debated concerning disorders betwixt different families. On the 23rd other matters were treated on, and by the Queen's command Lennox (who had newly arrived) was welcomed. On Sunday the Earl kept his house quiet, and at night banquetted the four Maries. On the 25th (the Queen being present) it was agreed that Lennox should be restored, and it was devised that letters in gentle terms should be sent to the Duke to come or send some one, so that the matter might be communed of to appease all the griefs of both sides.
2. On the 26th the writer was sent from Murray to desire the Secretary to feel if Lennox would go to the sermon on the morrow with the rest. On Wednesday the Lords rode to the sermon, and Lennox with them. In the afternoon the Council was convened, and the Laird of Cessford demanded why he refused to use such conditions with the Earl of Bedford as he had kept of certain years afore. The Secretary so handled the matter that he deserves thanks of the Earl. It was determined that the Clerk Register should be sent the next day of truce to see Cessford enter of new into an amity with the said Earl. That night Murray sent twenty-four of his servants to Leith to take certain pirates who were convened at a banquet in a house.
3. On the 28th nothing but banqueting of Lennox and the dames. At supper Murray told the writer that Lennox had word out of the west that the Duke had his friends amassed to come to the Court.
4. On Friday the 29th is to be treated of calling back all the thirds of the spiritual lands. The same extends to 35,600l. Scots. After that is to be treated of the commission of the lieutenancy to Murray.
Copy. Pp. 4.
Sept. 28.
Labanoff, i. 237.
Keith, ii. 232.
700. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
By Queen Elizabeth's letters at Northampton the 1st inst., delivered by Lennox, the writer perceives how Elizabeth tenders his cause and his wife's. The writer has shown him her good will in favourably receiving him and hearing his petitions, and also means to proceed to his full restitution.— Holyrood, 28 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Sept. 28. 701. Charles IX. to the Queen.
Asks redress for many of his subjects trafficking in her realm, who complain of delay of justice.—Avignon, 26 Sept. 1564. Signed: Charles; Countersigned: De L'Aubespine.
Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
Sept. 29. 702. Lethington to Bedford.
1. Received his letter from Berwick on 26th inst., and perceives he conceives greater offence against him than he has cause.
2. The Queen has spoken to the Laird of Cessford, and commanded him to show him more favour than was ever done to any that bore rule in that part before. A day of trew is appointed with Colwiche, at which she will cause one of her Council to be present.—Edinburgh, 29 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Pp. 2.
Sept 29. 703. Bedford to Cecil.
1. The frost here prevents the masons and others working, and they cannot be discharged for lack of their pay. The Earl of Lennox on Sunday last feigned himself sick, and came not to the sermon; on Wednesday he came. He claims the earldom of Lennox, but for Angus's lands he does nothing yet. None keep him company but Papists. The Earl of Argyll is at the Court, but the Duke is not yet come.—Berwick, 29 Sept. 1564. Signed.
2. P.S.—This gentleman, Adam Home, was in France when the writer was there, but in some disgrace; has now crept into a little credit in Scotland. He is going into France.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 30. 704. Lennox to the Queen.
Has delivered her letters to the Queen here, who has shown him such graciousness that he must think himself bound to her more than ever he was. Asks her to extend the like favour to his wife, who has not any refuge in his absence but her.—Holyrood, the last of Sept. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Ult. Sept. 1564. Pp. 2.
Sept. 30. 705. Lennox to Cecil.
The Queen here having showed him much goodness for Queen Elizabeth's sake, upon Cecil's letter in his favour, duty binds him to thank him.—Edinburgh, last of Sept. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 30. 706. Smith to the Queen.
On Michaelmas night De Mauvissiere showed him that the King has now, at the Feast of St. Michael, accorded that she should have the nomination of one knight of their order. They have had in talk such as were known to them of the nobility in England, but they esteem no man so meet as Lord Robert, her grand esquire.—Avignon, 30 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. (fn. 6) Pp. 2.
Sept. 30. 707. John Fitzwilliams to Cecil.
On the 26th the Prince of Orange, the Chancellor of Brabant, and the Treasurer Skettz were at Louvain. They were sent to persuade the Council there to grant the King money for his charges in the wars. They have consented for 1,100,000 guilders. It will amount to 6,000,000 guilders, that is, 1,000,000 every year for these four countries. It is given out from Brussels that all matters on both sides, touching the stay of the traffic, should be referred to a diet at Bruges. The English merchants have had good dispatch of their commodities at Frankfort.—Antwerp, 30 Sept. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Sept. 30. 708. Charges at Berwick.
Charges for the garrison and works there remaining unpaid at Christmas 1563, also for the quarter ending Lady Day, 1564, with the charges for the garrison to Christmas 1564, which, with charges for the works from the 1 April to 30 September, amount to 19,625l. 12s. 4d.; towards which has been received from the counties of Lincoln, Yorkshire, Northumberland, &c. 19,000l.
Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. From this point to the end, partly in cipher, deciphered.
  • 2. In cipher, now first deciphered.
  • 3. The whole of this paragraph to the end is cancelled.
  • 4. Written on the back of a letter from Richard Clough [to Sir Thomas Gresham].
  • 5. The letter is worthy of being given entire. "In ejusmodi labarintho posita sum de responso meo reddendo R. Scotiæ ut nesciam quomodo illi satisfaciam, quum neque toto isto tempore illi ullum responsum dederim; nec quid mihi dicendum nunc sciam. Invenias igitur aliquid boni quod in mandatis scriptis Randoll dare possem, et in hac causa tuam opinionem mihi indica."
  • 6. On the back Cecil has written the word Robert.