Elizabeth: June 1563, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: June 1563, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp424-436 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1563, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp424-436.

"Elizabeth: June 1563, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp424-436.

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June 1563, 21-30

June 21. 929. De Foix to Cecil.
Desires permission to visit the French hostages who are in the Tower, in order to see how they are treated; and further requires that they may immediately be allowed to go back to their lodging. Desires him to consider that their fifty or sixty servants have been turned out of doors,—London, 21 June 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal of arms. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 3.
June 21. 930. Denys to Cecil.
1. Has received his of the 14th inst., and offered Mr. ViceChamberlain accordingly (although money is scant), but he refused to take any.
2. Mr. Pelham is captain of the pioneers; he has not 300 able to serve. Mr. Portinary is surveyor of the works. It would be well that Pelham should have the charge of 200 men, as thereby that entertainment might be saved, and Portinary satisfied for his present one, for which he does nothing.
3. The plague is very great here; 200 soldiers die every week at the least. The next month is much more to be feared.
4. Marvels that he and Lord Robert will not be the means of the Lord Lieutenant coming away, for it is dangerous for him to continue in this corrupt air. The writer would not stay here for any money if he might choose, yet will not crave to come over. He must confess he is more afraid of this plague than of all the cannon in France.—Newhayen, 21 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 22. 931. The Queen to Lord Scrope.
Having entered into the charge of the wardenry of the West March and of the castle and citadel of Carlisle, and finding things far out of order, she allows him to repair to his house for twenty or twenty-one days. At his return he shall meet the Master of Maxwell.
Orig. draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 22 Junii 1563. Pp. 2.
June 23. 932. Provision for Newhaven.
A new proportion for 9,000 men made the 23rd of June, amounting to 6,413l. 13s. 4d., with a memorandum of victuals remaining at Newhaven the 16th of June.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 8.
June 23. 933. Provisions for Newhaven.
The proportion for 9,000 men, after the rate of 6,413l. 13s. 4d. per month, beginning the 15th of June 1563, amounts to 32,068l. 6s. 8d. for five months, with one for the same number to remain in Newhaven for a dead staple, made the same day (23rd June), 4,623l. 12s. 4d. after which proportion for three months to remain in Newhaven will extend to 13,870l. 17s. Totals of both proportions for 9,000 men, eight months, amount to 45,939l. 3s. 8d., towards which there is delivered to John Abington, and prested to him towards the transportation, etc., etc., 18,967l. 9s.; yet remain for the said proportions, 26,971l. 14s. 8d.
Endd. Pp. 6.
June 23. 934. Challoner to Cuerton.
Is sorry that as yet he does not hear of his folks from Plymouth. The letters of the Courts of Monçon are already dated and sent away. If he can have commodity, he will make a start and see him.—Madrid, 23 June 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
June 24.
Forbes, ii. 440.
935. Requests for Newhaven.
Requests made by Poulet at Greenwich for Newhaven, viz., for the garrison, provisions and stores.
Orig., with notes by Poulet and Cecil, and endd. by the latter. Pp. 4.
June 24. 936. Gresham to Cecil.
This morning received letters from Flanders of the 20th inst. from Conyers, whereby the Queen's creditors are contented for the debt due on the 20th ult., having paid 10,000l. sterling, which in Flemish amounts to 10,836l. 8s. 6d. Sends the note of the prolongations to whom new bonds must be made for recovering the old ones. Requests him to give order for the payment of the 20,000l. sterling due the last of this month for the payment of his bills of exchange.—London, 24 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 25. 937. The Queen Mother to the Queen.
The bearer, Mr. Dannet, will inform her of the answer of the King, her son.—Bois-de-Vincennes, [blank] June 1563. Signed: Caterine: De L'Aubespine.
Add. Endd.: 25 June 1563. Fr. Broadside.
June 26. 938. Randolph to Cecil.
Lethington arrived here on Thursday last, and these three days past have been too little to satisfy the Queen's demands. Perceives no misliking of his doings, nor worse opinion of himself than at his departure. She takes well all things that have been reported unto her of his travails with Elizabeth. Within four days she departs towards Stirling. Trusts to repair homewards. Makes also the less haste for that there arrived an Ambassador from the King of Sweden at St. Andrews the 24th inst. It is suspected he comes to renew the old suit for his master to marry this Queen, or to crave support against the King of Denmark or the Muscovites. There are only five in company, and the secretary that was lately here is the principal. She is not minded to tarry their coming hither. These five days past Murray has been absent at St. Johnston; this Saturday he arrived here, and found Lethington and the writer communing of those points of which the unkindness rose between them. Their natures are both so good that he neither mislikes nor mistrusts but all matters shall grow to a good end. This night received Cecil's letter to Lethington, which he has sent.—Edinburgh, 26 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 26.
Forbes, ii. 442.
939. Condé to the Queen.
Having seen her letter and heard what MM. Dannet and De la Haye were charged to tell him about the pacification of the differences between her and the French King, he thinks it would be better to endeavour to arrive at some composition rather than to try the issue of arms. Has told Dannet that he thought it would be satisfactory both to the Queen and her subjects if she would give him [the Prince] authority to demand in her name from the King that when he comes of age he, the Queen Mother, the Princes of the blood, and the nobility should ratify the contents of the treaty of Cambresis, so that all suspicions might be removed, the ancient amity renewed, and their neighbours be disappointed in their hope of profiting by their disputes.—St. Prix, 26 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 26. 940. Copy of the above, dated at Paris.
Copy, in a French hand. Endd. by Challoner: Received by Garcias. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 26. 941. Smith to the Queen.
1. Would have wished her instructions and commission more ample. This Court changes so often that it is hard from thence to prescribe with whom to deal. The Constable now does all; the King and Queen repose all their trust in him. He bears himself very moderately for religion now; indeed it had been better to have dealt with him and his son, the Marshal, in this matter than with the Prince; but having no commission but to him or the Admiral, they have ordered the matter as well as they could.
2. The Admiral is yet at Châtillon, and D'Andelot. De Rochefaulcauld is not here; they will not come to the Court while the Guises are there, and the Court so near Paris, nor so long as it is going to Newhaven, or about it. It is again thought the Guises will leave the Court. Much travail in the Council to make reconciliation betwixt the Prince and the Duke De Nemours; so the Prince told him. It is certain that the Prince and they are more moderate enemies. The killing of the Prince's man near the Princess's coach, and the outrage done her, are passed over without punishment.
3. They make apace towards Newhaven. They have the ordinary bands of the Rhinegrave and the French bands of Normandy, whereof he sent a note from Blois. There are companies (ten or fourteen ensigns) from Metz, which came from Piedmont, of whom young Brissac is colonel. The bands of the Swiss (who have laid so long about Poissy) are marching thitherwards; they are about 4,000. The King shall lie within two leagues of Newhaven. It is said in Paris that the plague is very sore in the army before Newhaven.
4. The eight cannon last sent from Paris with powder and shot sunk with the boat in the Seine last week about Vernon.
5. No talk of anything done betwixt the English and them at Newhaven since the 6th instant.
6. Bassompierre is a Lorrainer; he is the doer and counsellor for the Rhinegrave; he was in great favour with and enriched by the late Duke of Guise. He is very wealthy, and his ransom is worth 20,000 crowns. Not long ago D'Anville and his brother, Marshal Montmorency, were at words, and if gentlemen had not gone betwixt them they had drawn their rapiers. One maintained the quarrel of the Prince and the Admiral's quarrel, the other that of the Guises.
7. Hitherto has not used the Latin tongue, and to begin now would be strange, as they understand his French.— Paris, 26 June 1563.
8. P. S.—Prays for licence to depart hence, for it is not safe for him to tarry here.—Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
June 26. 942. Smith to Cecil.
1. They had need be well instructed. When Cecil restrains them to certain persons he must blame himself if it has not such success as he would; it is as though he would have him "growncell" a house, and appoint him no timber but a willow block.
2. On the day Mr. Danet arrived here the enclosed proclamation was made at the Court, and again yesterday, that all persons appointed to recover Newhaven should be at the camp there by the 14th of the next month.—Paris, 26 June 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 26. 943. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. Thanks him for a letter sent by the bearer, Danett. Mr. Stuart thanks the Queen and him for the answer sent; and during his abode here he will do her what service he can; and if there be war he will retire thither to be commanded by her.
2. The 25th inst. the Court removed from Bois de Vincennes toward Gallion and Newhaven. It will be three days going betwixt Bois de Vincennes and Gallion, where they will tarry only four or five days, and so take the highway to Newhaven. The Queen Mother has so well played her part that the Constable has taken the charge of the whole army, and says he will soon recover Havre de Grace, before which there will be by the midst of next month 12,000 footmen, (which is the most they can bring thither,) of all sorts and nations. It is still thought here that they rather go with the intent to fortify about it than to attempt to take it at present, unless some unlooked commodity is offered. The Queen Mother so feeds the Constable with her authority, and suffers him so to rule, as that she makes great profit of him. The Prince will not offend her, although he be by Danett's coming brought to show some good affection to Her Majesty's service; yet the writer fears ere long his enemies will change it. Mme. De Roye has arrived out of Germany, and brought a motion of a marriage betwixt this King and one of the daughters of the King of the Romans, together with her picture. These seem to hear of it willingly, and have sent by the Prince of Porcain (who departs this day thitherwards to carry back the reiters and to thank the Princess) the King's picture to the said King's daughter. This Prince being despatched to lead the reiters home, without doubt they go away satisfied. The Admiral is still at his house; and there is no bruit now of his coming to the Court. Condé and the Duke De Nemours are agreed; the latter follows the Court, and so do the Cardinal and Duchess of Guise.—Bois De Vincennes, 26 June 1563. Signed.
Orig., parts in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 26. 944. Hugh Tipton to Challoner. (fn. 1)
1. The English are desirous to have their privilege of St. George (which Sir Thomas Chamberlain left with him) confirmed. Asks help for a poor Englishman, named George Norris, whose chance was to kill a man here. He is retained in the church, and has obtained the pardon of the party, and lacks now only the King's pardon. Alo Troxillo has the doing of the matter. Four days past came in a ship from the Indies from Porto Rico, which at Cape St. Vincent met with two small ships, who killed two or three of her men, and hurt divers, and robbed them of 3,000 pieces of money, ten chests of sugar, 200 great hides, and all their ordnance, cables, and anchors. The mariners say they were Englishmen, for that they shot so many arrows that they were not able to look out. They carried away the pilot of the Spanish ship. If they do more hurt, all the English goods here will be embargoed. Tipton tells them that they were Scots and Frenchmen, and some Englishmen amongst them, a sort of thieves gathered together to go a robbing.—Seville, June 1st, 1563.
2. Are now in the 26th of June. Has received letters from England of May 25, in which they write that there is great likelihood of war betwixt England and France; and that the English have taken and sent above 100 sail of Frenchmen to Newhaven. Here is a general embargo of all ships. The Countess of Feria was misdelivered of a daughter at ten weeks end. Signed,
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
June 27. 945. Sir Thomas Dacre and Valentine Browne to Cecil.
They have despatched towards Newhaven by sea, in a crayer of London, John Cooley and John Doo, chief gunners of this garrison, and eighteen of their fellows, and have paid them to their wages to the 23rd inst., and given them prests for 53l., to be defalcated at their next pay at Newhaven. The Treasurer encloses a memorial of the pays and prests to be sent to the Treasurer at Newhaven, which begins where the former ended.—Berwick, 27 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[June 27.] 946. Charges at Berwick.
The monthly wages of Captains Cornewall, Carew, and Tremayne, with their bands and twenty gunners, amounting to 3,063l. 10s. 8d., to 23 June 1563; also the prests delivered to them on their departure for Newhaven, amounting to 145l. 3s. 0d.—Berwick. Signed by Valentine Browne.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 27. 947. Condé to Smith.
Letter of credence for Henry Middlemore, sent from Condé to Smith.—Pontoise, 27 June 1563.
Copy. Add. Endd. partly by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 27.
Forbes, ii. 443.
948. Thomas Wood to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil
1. The letters sent herewith have been delayed two days by contrary winds, in which is plainly declared their miserable state, not only by the plague (whereof sixty or more die daily), but for want of money to relieve the poor men. At present there are twenty, thirty, and forty of a band sick. Some that had 200, have not sixty able to serve; and of these that once fall sick few or none recover, partly by the disease and partly for want of fresh meat to comfort them, which is not to be had, neither drink, except wine (which they drink with the lees) and sour cider. At present they have not lost any captains nor gentlemen, except John Horsey, Chidley, and Mannering, lieutenant to Captain Sanders, who was buried yesterday. The rest were soldiers, and officers of inferior rank, but they were the best of all the garrison. A note was sent by Sir Francis Knollys that more than 5,000 were here in pay at his departure; but the writer believes that there are not 4,000 soldiers able to serve at this day, and not above 100 labourers. Never saw such misery at Boulogne nor elsewhere. The enemy has been quiet these five or six days, whereby it is thought they tarry for a greater force, or else are practising some great enterprise —Newhaven, 27 June 1563. Signed.
2. P. S. (fn. 2) —This evening Doctor Julio has fallen extremely sick in Warwick's house, who has removed thrice, and has already four dead out of his chamber.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 27. 949. Sale of Ships at Newhaven.
The Queen appoints William Winter, Geffrey Vaughan, and Botolph Mongey to repair to Newhaven to sell, to her own subjects only, certain French vessels there, for ready money or take bonds for the payment thereof in England.
Orig., draft corrected by Cecil. Endd.: To Sir H. Paulet, Sir M. Denis, C. Vaughan, W. Winter, G. Vaughan, and B. Mongey, to go to Newhaven to survey the ships, 27 June 1563. Pp. 3.
June 27. 950. Prizes at Newhaven.
1. John Bryan, captain of a bark of his own, and servant to Warwick, has taken twenty-three sail of Bretons and Normans, and brought them into Newhaven.
2. He has made three voyages from Newhaven to Dieppe, having sixty men aboard at his own charge.
3. Mr. Appelyard has also taken and brought into Newhaven four ships of Bretons.
4. Captain Jones has done the like to six ships of Bretons.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: 27 June 1563. For reward of them that brought certain ships into Newhaven. By Sir H. Poulet. Pp. 2.
June 28. 951. Victuals for Newhaven.
Victuals (live and dead) shipped and ready to be shipped at Portsmouth for Newhaven.
Orig. Endd.: 28 June 1563. Pp. 3.
June 29.
Forbes, ii. 449.
952. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
1. Yesterday Marshal Brissac sent the Swiss with certain French bands to the village close by the new fort, with eight cannon. They offered skirmish, supposing they would have issued out, as they did at the Rhinegrave's first coming; but perceiving not more than fifty or sixty arquebusiers put out to prevent them discovering their trenches, they retired to the village and orchards thereabouts, and placed themselves so near that this morning they shot by forty at once into the fort. This night they planted their cannon upon the beach betwixt the said village (called Lure) and the sea, to annoy the vessels entering the haven. The Rhinegrave (who continues with his force upon the hill) has this night planted six or seven cannon at the end of the beach on this side of the lime kilns, which will scour all along the windmills, and so to the gate and castle, and also annoy ships coming into the road.
2. They are now environed by land every way, and the wind has been so contrary these four days that none could pass from hence; neither have they heard from England since the Vice-Chamberlain came here. Since that time their numbers have wonderfully decayed by the plague, whereof seventy-seven died yesterday (that were carried out of the town); they lose now above 500 a week. There are not at present more than 3,000 able to serve for both pieces, and for labourers there are not now above eighty able to serve. Numbers die daily for want of wholesome drink, and fresh victuals; some captains have fifty-three of their band sick, and some not above ten or twelve able to serve. Unless necessary things are supplied soon, they will be driven to greater extremities than they can well endure. Their state is known to the enemy.—Newhaven, 29th June 1563. Signed: Warwick, Edward Randolfe, Denys, Vaughan, Bromefeld, Fysscher.
3. P. S.—Since writing here arrived this day five small vessels laden with victuals, at which the cannon planted yesternight beside the lime kilns shot all along the castle, part whereof fell in the mouth of the haven, but did no harm. Ask them to send hither 4,000 hand baskets, 100 dozen of shovels and spades, 200 pickaxes, helved, and 1,000 black bills, over and above the proportions heretofore requested.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
June 29.
Forbes, ii. 444.
953. The Lords of the Council to Warwick.
1. They impart to him the following resolutions made before Poulet's coming, with others taken since the return of Sir Francis Knollys, the Vice-Chamberlain.
2. First, the demand made to have full pay. The Queen has appointed treasure to be delivered, which shall be sent with speed. Money was paid to Hugh Counsell on the 11th inst. towards the works there, which must have arrived before this time.
3. That the garrison be furnished to the number of 7,000 soldiers and 1,000 pioneers. Order is also given to make the garrison above 7,000, besides 250 of the retinue of the officers, forty-five horsemen, and 211 under the Master of the Ordnance. Also to send 700 to supply the pioneers. Also to put in readiness 30,000 men within this realm for a greater supply, as cause shall require.
4. The victualling of the town. There shall be provision for eight months for 9,000 men in the following manner. Three months provision of dead store to remain in that town; three months victuals for ordinary expending, and two others to be at Portsmouth, Dover, and Weymouth.
5. The demand for powder is to be executed and the gunners sent thither; the fifty carpenters and joiners with the sawyers were sent hence with their tools three days past. The galley, drawing eight or nine feet of water, cannot traverse the mouth of Seine by reason of the flats and sand; but the frigates there are more convenient for such service, by not drawing half so much water. According to the reasons declared by Knollys and Winter, it is thought meet that four or five frigates shall speedily be sent thither, and the charges of the galley converted to that purpose. These are the resolutions taken with Poulet.
6. Upon conference with Knollys they find the like report of things there and the like demands as they heard before by Poulet. They think it meet to impart their opinions in certain things not mentioned here before. For avoiding the ships out of the haven they should be sold, for execution whereof the Queen has given commission to Winter and others.
7. They are sorry to understand by Knollys and Poulet the uncertain state of the merchandise and goods there, of which account was made that the profit therefrom should have countervailed a great part of her charges sustained in defence of the town. As express command was given to have the goods viewed and inventories thereof made, they hope that it may be known into whose hands the missing portions have come.
8. They allow that the sluice between the castle and the jetty may be made serviceable for a small time at little cost, and that it is convenient to have a platform made upon the same for scouring the back of the beach. Also of converting of the few horsemen into footmen, the choicest of whom may have 12d. per day, and the rest as others have.
9. This supply should be distributed to such captains as he shall think requisite. The armour of these and others must be preserved, so as the counties which have been charged therewith may be answered of the same.
10. As a small charge would repair one of the other sluices within the town (which John Fleming offers to do), if he thinks it necessary he is to cause it to be taken in hand.
11. As the French pass up the river on the further side at any time when the wind is in the south or south-west, for the remedy thereof, the Vice-Chamberlain upon conference with Winter, could see no other but that the frigates might lie upon the other side, and to be backed with some greater vessels, for otherwise the French might pass freely. At Knollys being there a road was found on the other side where the Queen's ships may safely ride; they pray him to confer with Winter therein and cause the matter to be well debated, and information is to be given them.
12. They perceive that Mr. Portinary does diligently serve in his office, and that he finds great hindrance, because the labourers esteem him so little that he cannot get any of them to do what he commands. In his letters written before Knollys returned they understood he meant to send the stranger named Megliorino with a report of things to the Queen. They cannot perceive the cause of his not coming.
13. They have given order to Abingdon and Darrell that one of them shall visit Newhaven monthly, to see the state and order of victuals there. One of the garrison should be appointed to keep an account of such victuals as arrive there.
14. The cause of the lack of surgeons is that they require greater entertainment than is allowed. If there were a small allowance made out of the monthly wages of the soldiers, as in other garrisons has been done, there would not be such scarcity of them.
15. Where requests are made concerning such of the Queen's subjects as have brought in upon their own adventure prizes of the French, they cannot resolve what is meet to be done therein. Pray him to cause a note to be made of all of them, with his opinion what is convenient to give them in reward.
16. Where he requests to understand what should be done with the three prisoners he has there, viz., Bongaye, John Brittain, and Cooke; upon conference with Poulet, they think meet Bongaye should be delivered upon the requests made to him by Smith and Middlemore, that Brittain be stopped or sent over to be kept here in surety, and Cooke also, he being an Englishman.
Corrected draft. Endd.: 20 June 1563. To the Earl of Warwick from the Council. Pp. 7.
June 29.
Forbes, ii. 451.
954. Poulet's Replication to the Privy Council.
1. The supply of 1,500 men for completing the number of 7,000 soldiers at Newhaven will fall short of that number, by reason of death, sickness, and wounds since the certificate of them brought from thence. If the supply does not extend further than to 700, there will be want of the number prescribed upon their coming thither by like occasion of death and sickness. There does not appear to be any order taken for transporting the soldiers and labourers to Newhaven; and besides the furnishing those soldiers with corslets will take a long time, if no order is taken for sending of harness from hence into the counties. Whereas the pay of the garrison for the five months ending 14th inst. amounts to 16,171l. 16s. 1½d.; not more than 10,000l. are appointed to be received; so there is no order given for the receipt of the residue, nor for 1,000l. more in prest to the victualler at Newhaven, and no order taken for 2,000l. requested to be put into the Treasurer's hands by way of prest, for the advancement of the task works, the despatch of sick men, and other extraordinaries occurring from and after the said 14th inst. No order is taken for the defrayment of the 26,971l. 14s. 8d. to the purveyor of the victuals, by way of prest towards providing five months ordinary victuals, and for the three month victuals of dead store. Whereas it seems meet by Winter's advice that there should be no other vessels than foists appointed for keeping the Seine; it may be doubted whether these foists shall be of sufficient force without the aid of galleys and vessels of strength.
Draft with Cecil's notes. Calculations filled in by Poulet. Endd.: 29 June 1563. Pp. 2.
[June 29.] 955. Another copy of the preceding article.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil, and dated by him: 3 July 1563. Pp. 2.
June 29. 956. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. When the writer was at Pontoise the Prince desired him to tarry with the Ambassador, as his following him would render him suspected to the Queen Mother. He replied that since he would not have him follow him he had no commission to tarry here any longer; he again asked leave to retire home, and that the Prince would give him his letters for his discharge, with the reasons therein that moved him to return him to the Queen. The Prince would not give him leave to go, but he gave him his letter to the Ambassador and willed him to tarry until he heard from him, so the writer remains with the Ambassador.
2. Desires him to signify by the next how the Queen and he would have him govern himself since he is rejected by the Prince.—Paris, 29 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 29. 957. Safe-conduct for Henry Byllingshausen.
Safe-conduct for Henry Byllingshausen, sent into Dutchland about certain affairs of the King of Denmark.—Flensborg, 29 June 1563.
Copy. P. 1.
June 30. 958. Marie De Bethune to Lady Throckmorton.
1. Finding the commodity of "Lord Randell," the bearer, writes this only to declare that by his report and by a ring and token which in her Ladyship's name was delivered to her by Captain Tramaine at his last being in this country, she was assured of the love which Lady Throckmorton bears unto the writer. For recompence thereof she will do her "utter debvoir" to be equal to her in amity and love, in special in making Lady Throckmorton's commendations to Queen Mary. Sends commendations to her husband.
2. For one token of her love she shall receive a ring, which she was accustomed to wear daily. "Considder noth the sobyr propine, but the sendars hart and guid mynd."— Edinburgh, last of June 1563. Signed: Marie De Bethune.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 30. 959. The Queen to the Lord Treasurer.
Order authorizing John Abington to sell to certain strangers such hides and tallow as remain upon her provision at Newhaven within his charge.
Orig. Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 30 June 1563. Pp. 2.
[June 30.] 960. Smith's Instructions to Middlemore.
1. Middlemore being sent to treat with the Admiral shall state as follows:—It was his desire to have De la Haye sent besides D'Allouy, that the honour of the peace should be only given to the Protestants. He would then have had the Prince take upon himself to make peace, and now again would have him do so. That De la Haye when in England might perceive that the Queen was inclined to peace, and somewhat bound from demanding Calais to be strait rendered; but that as divers counsellors are still animating her to persist in her first demand, it is good beating the iron while it is hot.
2. If it come not to a peace shortly the title and occasion as well to Calais as to enter into this war and Newhaven shall be printed, and all facts and promises made by the Prince and the Admiral to the Queen shall be declared to the world.
3. The Queen looks that for their honour they should provide such offers to be made, so that she might not seem to be doubtfully dealt with.
4. The Prince writes doubtfully and fearfully that he will do his best to bring the King to it, and offers less than ever.
5. He may say that some of the following assurances have been offered by Bricquemault, and other by D'Allouy and De la Haye, viz.:—To have other strange Princes bound to her, either by good hostages of their own or by their writings, as the King of Spain, or rather the Protestant Princes of Almain, or else by some good towns.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. A copy of that portion of the above letter which relates to the piracy is enclosed in Challoner's letter to Cecil, June 15. P. 1.
  • 2. This P.S. is written on a separate slip of paper.