Elizabeth: June 1563, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: June 1563, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp416-424 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1563, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp416-424.

"Elizabeth: June 1563, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp416-424.

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June 1563, 16-20

June 16. 909. Provisions at Newhaven.
The remain of victuals at Newhaven 16th June 1563. The allowance per man per diem of the different kinds of wines was, of sack, one pint; French wines, one quart; cider one pottle.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4.
June 16. 910. The Queen to Gresham.
She requests him to put over upon exchange 2,000l. (being parcel of 4,000l. left unpaid at Antwerp in February last) due to him, until next month, when the same shall be paid to him.—Greenwich, 16 June 1563.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 17. 911. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
Encloses two letters received this day from Montgomery, and prays them to grant him his request therein.—Newhaven, 17 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Partly in Warwick's hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 17. 912. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. His of the 20th ult. came to hand the 6th inst., after making this up, which has laid by him for want of a messenger until this despatch. Would have said to M. De La Haye what he willed him if he had not been departed thither, where Cecil can say that, and much more, to him. La Croc arrived here the 8th inst., and brought them nothing but war from M. D'Allouy; who wrote then of the Queen having said to him that neither the cause of religion, nor the respect of any person, nor the aiding of the King, had moved her to keep Newhaven, but to revenge the wrong done at and since the taking of Calais, and that she would keep it to that end. The Queen Mother has not only made Condé believe this, but has published it to them of the religion, who say they see more malice than truth in the report.
2. La Croc brought them letters and news out of Scotland that their faction there increases greatly, and that if need be they are able to put 20,000 men in the field by the end of July next. He is departed to find the Cardinal of Lorraine, unto whom he brings answer from the Queen of Scotland touching the motion of her marriage with Charles of Austria. She sends him word that although she likes the life she leads best, yet, preferring his advice and counsel, she is desirous to do what may stand him and his house in best stead, and that she will do what she can to bring her nobility and subjects to find the motion good, for which purpose she has presently caused a parliament to be assembled. In the meantime she has sent De la Croc to the Emperor and to his son to thank them for the honour they did her; wherein she desires the said Cardinal to accompany him with his letters to them. Croc is charged to note well the personage of the Duke, to learn his nature and conditions, and his living and revenues. On the 9th inst. the King went from Bois de Vincennes to Paris, as well to keep the people from sedition as to assist at the feast of Corpus Christi, which, was the next day. Condé (who had refused to go thither) was won to accompany him, and on the morrow brought him to Our Lady Church, where he left him at the door, without entering. These ceremonies passed, the King, about 7 p.m., came back to bed to Bois de Vincennes, accompanied by his mother and the Prince. As they passed the town gates they found 600 horsemen, well armed and mounted, who were assembled to slay the Prince and all his if they could have taken him out of the presence of the King; but perceiving the King, they divided themselves on both sides of the way and suffered him to pass, quietly, on whose right hand at that time the Prince was, and the Queen Mother on his left. The Princess, his wife, coming in her coach a little after, was assailed by them, and would have been murdered had not the cochier bestirred himself; and such gentlemen as were about her cried to them that it was not the Princess of Condé, but the Queen's maids, which kept them from shooting their pistols at her, having them ready bent, until they overtook the King, in whose presence (when they saw that they had failed of the Prince and Princess) they killed a captain of the Prince at the side of his wife's coach, and took five or six of his gentlemen prisoners, and retired. This outrage is greatly stomached by the Prince, who has been since assured that some of the house of Guise did "dress" him this party; and therefore he told the Queen, before the whole Council, that he will not tarry in the Court unless the whole house of Guise retire from thence, and so has desired her to consider which of them shall do the King better service, and that the others may be commanded forthwith to dislodge. It is thought that if the Queen Mother does not again enchant him, those of Guise will retire to their homes, and the Admiral, M. D'Andelot, and their friends shall take their places, whom he has already sent for.
3. They have news here that they lately met again at Newhaven, and that the Rhinegrave's lieutenant is taken and many of his soldiers slain. They have unfurnished their frontier and other towns of munition and men to furnish their army before Newhaven. It is said here that the Kings of Denmark and Sweden are at war; and that the Count Palatine and the Landgrave take part therein with the King of Sweden, and Augustus, Duke of Saxe, Elector, with the King of Denmark; which is likely to breed great troubles in Almain. The Cardinal of Lorraine is at Ferrara with the Legate, where they have essayed to make a league, but cannot. The defeat of the King of Spain's galleys, whereof he wrote him, is confirmed. An Italian has newly arrived at this Court, sent to the Queen Mother from the Count Palatine, the Landgrave, and certain other Princes of Germany, to declare that if she will favour the religion and join in a league with Elizabeth and them against the persecutors of it, they will lend her as many men and as much money as she shall require. He has no answer as yet but good words. Asks that an eye may be given towards Brest, where they prepare their ships. The reiters are still at Remorantin. Six months' pay is owing to them, and they are paid for two. They received at this pay 300,000 francs, and have accepted respondents for the rest of the merchants of Strasburg and Lyons. It is doubted whether they will retire or no. Understands that whilst Lethington was here letters were secretly dispatched out of Scotland by Flanders, and signed by twenty-eight noblemen of that country, by Stephen Wilson. It is reported to him that they say that so long as the Earl of Marr [sic] and Lethington rule in that realm they will never suffer the Archduke of Austria to have the Queen of Scotland, nor to come there; and therefore means must be found to make them away.
4. If M. D'Allouy has made no other offer to Her Majesty than the new ratifying of the treaty of Cambresis, the Queen here has dealt double with Condé, for she made M. D'Allouy show to the Prince other instructions and larger offers. The Prince and the Constable (who is now for the Prince and his nephews) have sent for the Admiral to come, who will not so long as the King is so near Paris. On the 14th inst. It was again concluded in the Council that the arms should be deposed through France, the edict of peace observed, and transgressors declared traitors, and their lands and goods confiscated to the Crown; and to show good example to the rest, Paris is ordered to begin. This grows upon the Marshal Vielleville's sending to Lyons, where they are still in arms, and will not suffer Papists to enter for all the Marshal's promises. There are eighteen deputies here for the churches of the faithful of eighteen countries of France with complaints of the Papist's cruelties towards them.
5. The 15th inst. there departed from Paris to Newhaven ten cannon and more powder and shot, so they will bring before it fifty cannon. Certain in this Court set on the Queen to make this war; some say that she herself believes it is the only way to maintain her authority.
6. Here is an Italian of Lucca, who has been servant to this Crown twenty-six years. He is a wise man, a good man of war, and honest of religion. He would retire from hence into England to serve the Queen. He has a pension here of 500 crowns a year, but paid after the French manner. His name is Le Segnor Fanchiot. The writer's old master knows him. No man here will give money for the church lands that these would make merchandise of.
7. On the 16th inst. M. D'Allouy arrived at this Court with the news which had been sent by La Croc, viz., that the Queen will come to no composition, and has now reported to the Queen, the Prince, and the whole Council that she told him the reason that moved her to take and keep Newhaven was as above mentioned. A declaration of the truth of these matters would do much good here. The Duke De Nemours will be at this Court within two or three days. Believes they shall see some bravery between Condé and him, for there is some difference between them. The French Ambassador's steward came hither with M. D'Allouy. It will be good to beware of rebellion as well in England as in Ireland, and to have a good eye to their doings in Scotland, for these say their instruments are working. At the despatch hereof they had not certainly resolved of the time of the King's going into Normandy, nor was anything spoken of his dislodging from hence, but it is held that he will do both shortly. The Prince accompanies the King wheresoever he goes. Hopes that Cecil has resolved upon his return. Asks for answer for Mr. Stuart and Le Segnor Fanchiot.—Bois de Vincennes, 17th June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Large portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 6.
June 17. 913. Musters for Newhaven.
Numbers of men belonging to different counties appointed to be in readiness within the realm on June 17, 1563, with the names of those who were appointed to have the charge of them. Also the numbers sent to Newhaven at different dates.
Corrected draft, with notes by Cecil. Endd.: 17 June. Pp. 4.
June 18. 914. Sir John Selby to Cecil.
Thanks him for discharging his Privy Seal, and begs his help in obtaining some recompense for exercising the office of the East Wardenry since the death of Lord Grey. Has had to keep two deputies, a clerk, and two serjeants, who are ordinary officers, and sending to Mr. Randolph on matters between the wardens of that country and himself.—Berwick, 18 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 19. 915. Randolph to Cecil.
1. They have looked so long for Lethington that they are at their wits end. The Queen has stayed her journey towards Argyll these seven days, with the purpose, whether he come or not, to depart upon Tuesday next. Some think that misfortune is fallen unto him, others maliciously report that he is stayed there and commanded to keep his house. Upon Friday night after supper he presented the Queen's letters for his return. She gave him good words, and spoke of her good will to his Sovereign. She is content that he should depart, but not before Lethington's return; for she looks for answer of some letters by him from the Queen, sent unto her by La Croc, and by the writer would write unto her again. Looks not therefore to leave until two or three days after Lethington's return, who, if he come not before Tuesday, must follow her. As he was that night talking with her, a Scot merchant came out of Flanders that arrived at Holy Island. At Berwick he was searched, and the Queen's packet that he brought was broken up, which he delivered in Randolph's presence. She was at first earnestly moved therewith, but finding nothing but the covering taken away, and a letter of Murray and two of her gentlewomen open, she desired the writer to advertise that the like might not be used hereafter. Excused it as well as he could. She assures herself it was not their Sovereign's will. In that he confirmed her. It grieved Murray, not for his own which were broken open, but that the enemies' mouths are opened to speak as they do of it most spitefully. To his face it was said that if that were used his packets should be visited. The man who that day brought him advertisements of the 6th inst. of Newhaven, was threatened by the way to have his letters taken from him. Most part of the letters came from Captain Colborne, written long since, and to little purpose.
2. That same day it was reported unto the Queen by a man whom the writer knows that the English in Newhaven were in great extremity, hardly besieged, and in distress for the lack of water that was cut away from them. Cecil's advertisement of the success of the English on the 5th inst. he took to her; she read it, and reported to divers about her what she found there written. She asked him what man Gilbert is, whom he knows not. The Controller, he said, was Mr. Vaughan. Pelham is well known here. Bassompierre, she said, she does not remember, but thinks him to be one that dwells not far from the frontiers of Lorraine.
3. "Our pestilent prelate, put in the castle, made great means unto the Queen for his deliverance, so far that he won her consent. It came so far that the lords were fain to resist her will so far as that the tears burst out, but nothing able to prevail."
4. They have daily complaints from the Borders. Some seek to revenge injury by injury rather than to reform matters by justice. It is time that some man were appointed to have charge at Berwick.—Edinburgh, 19 June 1563. Signed.
5. P.S.—Asks him to excuse him to Lord Robert. Has many tokens of Murray's good will towards him.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
June 19. 916. Writ from Lord Clinton, Admiral of England, to Sir John Foster, and Others.
Ordering them to levy 1,200l. from Thomas Clavering, of Norham, and others, at the suit of William Ker, the elder, whose ship they plundered at Saturburn Mouth.–19 June 1563.
Copy. Lat. Pp. 5.
June 19. 917. Smith to the Queen.
1. Is sorry that MM. D'Allouy and De La Haye have negotiated no better, but the fault is not altogether in them. Perceives no inclination to such commission as should bring peace or reason to be done with quietness, but all to the war. Seeing this inclination he thought good not to importune the Queen Mother till he understood what D'Allouy and De la Haye should bring from thence. As De La Haye is not come he has therefore not been at Court since his last access at St. Germain.
2. Has written all occurrences to Cecil. When he motioned to speak with the Prince, what answer he had she may perceive by the enclosed letter, sent from a gentleman he thinks she has heard of, who is well affected to religion, and has always declared himself her servitor. Throckmorton knows him.
3. As soon as the Admiral comes to the Court he will speak with him, and also with the Queen. Hears that Foix makes suit by his steward to be revoked.—Paris, 19 June 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
June 19. 918. Smith to Cecil.
1. Here they have been in suspense until D'Allouy came, who tarried after his leave-taking five or six days belike, for Barlow arrived here on the 9th, and D'Allouy on the 15th inst.
2. Now that the house of Guise is out of the Court, these men will have the rule.
3. The Admiral is at Châtillon, and D'Andelot with him. They have been sent for once or twice, and gave doubtful answers. De Rochefaulcould comes shortly. All means are used to persuade the Church and Protestants that the Queen does wrong. They hide both her right and demand, also their promises and contracts, and spread unlikely tales. He sees no remedy, but to declare the occasion that moved her to descend into France, and to keep Newhaven. —Paris, 18 June 1563.
4. M. De Foix's steward came with D'Allouy, he says he does but solicit the revocation of his master, seeing the Prince of Porçain is at the Court, come from the reiters. M. Monluc is looked for this night in Paris; he and De Nemours go to Newhaven.
5. Madame De Foix is suitor unto him to know whether the Queen will receive the Baron D'Aubret for her husband. Has sent his value and the doubt he found. Sends two letters from Challoner brought by a Portuguese gentleman; also a box from the Ambassador of Portugal to the Spanish Ambassador there, which is for the Queen.—Paris, 19 June 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 19. 919. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
Sent them by Bodley the letters which Montgomery sent him by the bearer, his servant, who repairs towards them touching his master's affairs.—Newhaven, 19 June 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 19. 920. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. The inconstancy and miserableness of Condé are won by the Queen Mother to go to Newhaven against Elizabeth, and above all others he persuades them of the religion to find his going thither good and lawful, and solicits them to serve against her. On the 17th he talked openly that the Queen Mother would have him to go thither, and that he would go, and therefore all his should prepare themselves for that voyage, meaning to make it out of hand. He also declared what D'Allouy reported the Queen to have said to him touching her reasons for taking and keeping Newhaven, and that this being true, there is no Protestant in France but may with good conscience employ himself in the wars against her. This report turns many in this Court. The Queen Mother, Condé, and the Constable confederate in this point; specially the Prince, who desires to have every man as wicked as himself. He has sent for the Admiral and M. D'Andelot to come to the Court (taking order that all their enemies shall retire to bring them there), where he thinks to win them to take in hand the said enterprise. It is necessary that a declaration should come from England to put men out or these doubts, and to keep them from offending by false persuasions.
2. Since writing these premises he has been advertised that for all these brags they mean to come to peace, but will not show it yet, hoping by bravery and approaching Newhaven to come by it cheaper, specially by bringing Condé thither. The Admiral advises them not to take it in hand by force, but wishes that an end of these differences should be sought by composition, which he believes the Queen will not reject if assurance of her right to Calais be made to her. Marshal Brissac is also against the voyage. The Constable rather desires to have peace than to go and besiege Newhaven. The Queen herself goes to Harfleur to make better show of their doings. This deliberation holds so long as they despair of winning Newhaven. M. De Foix has written hither that one of the English privy councillors lately said to him, that if such hostages were offered to her as she should think sufficient, and the King of Spain would respond to her for the rendition of Calais at the time limited in the treaty, she would accord.
3. On the 18th inst. The King here fell from his horse, but goes hence on the 24th to Gallion. The Duke De Nemours has arrived at Paris, and to-morrow comes to this Court, where there will be some broils betwixt Condé and him. There was never greater hatred amongst the noble houses here than at present, nor more likelihood of a new broil.—Bois de Vincennes, 19 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., chiefly in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
June 19. 921. Edward Turner to Cecil.
If he understands anything (who has seen so many towns won and lost which were thought guardable), this is not to be kept, if Cecil may come to any reasonable end with the French. For what man of war can see its situation and weigh their state and common weal at home without seeing that it is likely to grow to so dangerous and chargeable a matter as is not to be spoken? "God send us peace."—Newhaven, 19 June. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 19. 922. De Foix to Cecil.
Cecil having asked him to go to Greenwich to hear what the Queen had to say, he replies that he has already written for an audience. Intends to send his secretary to him tomorrow.—London, 19 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 19. 923. Supplies for Newhaven.
The desires of Sir H. Poulet, Knt., in the behalf of the Lord Lieutenant and Council of Newhaven for the better furniture of the same, with provision for 9,000 men till Michaelmas, amounting to 24,000l. 12s. 8d.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: 19 June 1563. Pp. 6.
June 19. 924. Accounts for Newhaven.
Hugh Counsell's reckoning, 19 June 1563; received from the Queen's officers since 21 February 1562, 24,401l. 9s. 11d.; paid to Abington for victuals, 11,769l. 16s. 7d.; sent to the Treasurer of Newhaven, 7,200l.; paid to different people, 3,407l. 14s. 4d.; remain, 2,000l.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 6.
June 19. 925. Challoner to the Countess of Feria.
Has received her letter by Charles, and asks her pardon for not having answered it before. Is glad to hear that she is in such good terms that another may succeed in Don Lorenzo's place. His long expectation to see what issue shall succeed of these doubtful terms about Calais and Havre de Grace has been the cause why he dare not absent himself from the Court. If the King goes to Montzon he will have scope to play the truant.—Madrid, 19 June 1563.
Hol. Draft, Endd. Pp. 4.
June 20. 926. Valentine Brown to Cecil.
Sends a certificate of money had from the receivers to Lady Day, and the number of soldiers and captains, and the charges to this date. The receivers have offered to pay him 600l. or 700l. onwards, which he refused; and now they have appointed that he shall have 2,500l. at Newcastle between the 26th inst. and the 4th of July, viz., of Mr. Dakins for York, 1,400l., and of Mr. Ashton for Northumberland, 1,100l. Will also then receive 100l. from the customers of Newcastle. Is answered that he cannot have anything from the Receiver of Lincoln.— Berwick, 20 June 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 20. 927. Charges for the North.
The yearly charges at Berwick for 979 officers and men, amounting to 13,777l. 6s. 8d., with the charges for fifty-six officers and men at Holy Island, Fern Island, Carlisle, Wark, and Tynemouth Castle, amounting to 14,094l. 9s. 8d.
Orig. Two notes by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 5.
June 20. 928. Smith to Cecil.
Had word from the Court yesterday that De La Haye had passed the sea and was at Boulogne with Dannet, wherefore he staid his courier, but not knowing how long Dannet may tarry here he despatched him this morning. He also sends a bill of his extraordinary charges, which he prays him to sign. Also to let him have answer whether he likes M. D'Aubert (otherwise called the Baron De L'Aigle) to be an hostage for De La Ferté. Many here desire peace.—Paris, Sunday, 20 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.