Elizabeth: July 1563, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: July 1563, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp436-448 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1563, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp436-448.

"Elizabeth: July 1563, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp436-448.

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July 1563, 1-10

July. 961. The Queen to Smith.
1. Upon committing the French hostages to the Tower the French Ambassador desired audience. She appointed her Council to inform him of the offence of the hostages in breaking faith, and the cause she had to detain them for the forfeiture of 500,000 crowns due to her by order of the treaty. The Ambassador yielded many vain reasons to maintain their departure, because the treaty was dissolved by her keeping Newhaven, wherein he was refuted, but would not give place.
2. On Tuesday, St. Peter's Day [June 29] he entreated her to have other consideration of the hostages than to keep them prisoners, requiring her to put them at liberty in their own houses with a guard, or permit them to accompany together in the Tower, and have their friends and servants, and himself also to come to them. She challenged him in that he would seek this to abuse her gentleness and courtesy to hostages as to practise to their stealing away, adding that she could not but think unkindly of him. He entered into certain passionate speeches, with other inconvenient words, and herein he fell to quarrelling with her Council in her presence, so that she broke off giving him further audience.
3. The Lieutenant two days before had ordered that they should at certain times a day walk in his company or his son's within some of the gardens; and two days after their entry they were permitted to have all their necessaries, and cooks to dress their meat according to their own diets; and two days before the Ambassador came to her she had determined to let them come together in the Tower, and at their pleasure to eat and drink together, but his inconsiderate dealing made her stay therein. And yet she means to give them liberty to walk in the gardens amongst themselves, secluding them only from the Green and Hill, and those outer parts. She orders Smith to declare her doings to the French King, and to add that the Ambassador's words were such towards her that if she thought not he did repent she would require the King to revoke him.
4. Marvels that she has not heard since Dannet came to him.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: July 1563. Pp. 4.
July. 962. Thomas Romney to Cecil.
Sends a book of a survey of Berwick, with every particular title. Many of the inhabitants having slender or no titles are discouraged to build other than thatched cottages, both incommodious and perilous for fire. The same should be granted under the Chamberlain's seal, and a record thereof made, as was used by Sir Ralph Ellerker, late Chamberlain. Grants from the Prince have been passed without record kept. They live for the most part in beggar's estate, in idleness and by filching. Great abuses prevail in the town, especially touching the administration of justice. There is no town between Berwick and Newcastle able to resist the advance of the enemy. Large quantities of hewn stone and lime are at Berwick. Being restrained by the proclamation from coming to the Court, sends the book of survey by Troughton, the porter. Fears it will procure him illwill. Asks Cecil to advertise Browne hereof.—Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: July 1563. Rumney, Val. Browne. Pp. 3.
July 1. 963. Warwick to Cecil.
1. Has received his of the 25th inst. [sic] touching the practice intended for burning their ships here.
2. The 1,200 Suffolk and Norfolk men have not yet arrived.
3. Wrote of one Bunga here in prison, against whom nothing can be proved, though a brother of his has been suspected to have practised against this piece. As many report well of him, asks to know the Queen's pleasure touching his delivery.
4. Wrote to the Queen for Clerker's pardon, who is willing to serve.
5. It is reported that there were lately at Portsmouth eighty or one hundred tall men desirous of coming hither, but for want of money for their passage could not be suffered to pass, although they offered their swords to gage.—Newhaven, 1 July 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd., partly by Cecil. Pp. 3.
July 1. 964. Cuerton to Challoner.
Ships from West Chester bring news that about London great preparations were made for Newhaven. Out of France is news that there is gone against Newhaven 20,000 Frenchmen, under Condé. Hears nothing of Challoner's geldings. Hopes he has received his pewter vessel by Lenares.—Bilboa, 1 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
July 1. 965. Carlo Spinello to the Earl of Bedford.
Has written twice since his return from Flanders without having received any answer. Is anxious to do some service to him and the Queen. The Count, the writer's son, is well. —Naples, 1 July 1563.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Endd.: 1 Aug. [sic] 1563. Ital. Pp. 4.
July 2. 966. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. There is one Colff, an apothecary, in Cornwall, who has had experience in curing the diseases reigning amongst them here, and who will leave his family for this service if he may have 100l. advanced. Prays him to despatch him with speed, with some discreet physician, for Doctor Julio, being sick, departs presently.—Newhaven, 2 July 1563.
2. P. S.—This morning Captains Liggins and Stucley [?] arrived here, and if the wind serves the rest of that company will be here to night.
3. Where he wrote to his brother yesterday that he was minded (on the revolting of two or three of the Scottish footmen) to discharge the rest, he has appointed the marshal to call them before him, and despatch such as are willing to depart with their full pay, and the rest to take an oath for their fidelity during this service. There is not meal to make bread for four days, and of beer but seventy-four tuns.— Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd., partly by Cecil. Pp. 3.
July 2. 967. Edward Randolph to Cecil.
The mortality increases here; there have not been so few as sixty a day die since ten days before this. Their enemies are entrenched within arquebus shot of the counterscrap of their ditches, for which audacity they had paid dearly ere this if their chief had had his wants, whose behaviour has won the hearts of the garrison.—Newhaven, 2 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 2.
Forbes, ii. 452.
968. Thomas Wood to Cecil.
1. Since writing the letters already packeted, the enemy has these two nights past made a trench from the old wall at Englefield town end, almost to the gibbet before the Green bulwark, where last night they began to make a mount. This afternoon they assembled out of the country two or three hundred women, whom they forced to bring in faggots for raising the said mount, which they intend to bring to some perfection this night. Warwick will do what he can; which might be better performed were it not for a watered ditch betwixt them and the trench, that cannot be passed without boards or some other device. They have fired very much into this town to-day, and the haven, at the entry of ships wherein the 1,200 men were shipped. If they may finish this mount and plant their ordnance, they will dismount all the guns upon the said Green bulwark, and go near to do the like upon the steeple.
2. Therefore they must be furnished with speed of men and victuals, as Cecil may perceive the enemy do not intend to dally any longer. The Controller told him there is not meal to make bread for six days, and of their windmills there is no more hope. The enemy has planted his ordnance in four places to annoy them within and without the town, and they approach so near the new fort, that divers are wounded daily by the enemy with small shot.—Newhaven, 2nd July 1563.
3. P. S.—There are not sixty pioneers here able to serve Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd., partly by Cecil. Pp. 3.
July 3. 969. Sir Thomas Dacre to Cecil.
1. Has received the Queen's letters for sending three bands to Newhaven. Perceiving by Randolph that there is good hope of quietness with their neighbours, he has asked the Earl to send but 400 men hither, who are needed for watch and ward, because of the weakness of this place, and the want of 500 labourers.
2. Begs that he may be considered for sending letters to Randolph in Scotland, the charges whereof amount to 25l. 5s. —Berwick, 3 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 3. 970. The Admiral of France to Smith.
Has received his letter sent by Middlemore (the bearer of this), and will do all in his power to preserve the amity between France and England.—Châtillon, 3 July 1563.
Copy. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 3. 971. Memorial for Newhaven. (fn. 1)
1. To have warrant for the money requested for the pay of the garrison and victuals.
2. In the margin, 8,171l. 16s. 1d. and 24,971l. (fn. 2)
3. To have order for a navy upon the seas.
4. To have order for the transportation of the soldiers and pioneers; 300 pioneers more are requested than are appointed.
5. For the appointing of a civilian, another physician and some surgeons, a chief porter, twelve water millwrights, for the water-mills in the town, and for good espials out of all parts.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: Sir Hugh Poulet's new memorial. Pp. 2.
July 3 972. Cuerton to Challoner.
Has received his letter of the 23rd ult. in which he writes that the Cortes are appointed for the 5th Aug., and that he thinks to make a start hither. Has not heard of his geldings, or of his affairs in England. Cannot promise him beer, but will give him Gascon wine, cheese, and bread, more at his content, "for I have bought English wheat for your coming."—Bilboa, 3 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
July 4. 973. Smith to Cecil.
1. Received this day his of the 22nd ult. The French can quickly dispense themselves with their oaths. Is sorry that John Ribaude should at the last now declare himself so much "oversent;" but the French will always be French. This news he heard of the Ambassador of Spain six days before he received [Cecil's] letter.
2. Middlemore was rejected from Condé to him with a letter to tarry with him for a time, and as the writer would not have him remain idle here, he sent him with a letter to the Admiral. De la Haye and the writer have been together in conference. Finds him the honestest, but thinks him a Frenchman when all is done. The King is at Mante sick of the flux. The Court is nowhere settled. Knows from a sure place that the Spanish Ambassador in England has written to the Queen Mother that the English are determined to abandon Newhaven; that the plague is there, and those in it think it not guardable against the force of France, and have so written to her; and that the Queen thinks it should not be kept, the charge is so great, and that they want money to keep it.
3. Here they think it "winable" neither by mine, scaling, assault nor famine; so that Papists and Protestant, captains, soldiers, and pioneers, have no courage to go against them. In talking with a friend he said that they were like two dogs that "narre" against each other, not daring to join, but each looks when the other should depart his way.— Paris, 4 July 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp 2.
July 4. 974. Another copy of the above. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 5. 975. The Queen to Smith.
1. Has perused both his common and his private letters, and heard Thomas Danett, and allows his diligence; but in the matter that caused Danet's journey, finds not such success as she meant. It seems that others have more to do there than the Prince, yet none can be so meet to deal with in her cause as the Prince or the Admiral. Sends an answer to the Prince's letter. If neither cost nor treaty can recover Calais presently, then it is wise to be contented with what may stand with her honour and surety. She never said that "she would never deliver Newhaven except she might have Calais presently;" but the phrase of her speech has been, "except she had reason rendered her for Calais," so as one or the other may be answerable for her honour. Though she prescribes him to deal with the Prince and Admiral, yet he may deal with the Constable, or others whom he shall think meet, and his speech shall appear to come of himself. Is content to render Newhaven so as she may be answered for her money lent, and her charges, and sufficient assurance made her to have Calais at the end of three years. If the French mean the same, he may ask why they allow not of commissioners, and name them. Sees not who should more readily do this than the Prince, though not directly himself, yet by others.
2. As she means herein sincerely to attain to peace with surety, so she is also determined to maintain her enterprise with force if her adversaries refuse to come to reason in the above manner, which he is to express to them. He should let these overtures grow from them, lest otherwise they should think that they come of weakness in her; and thinks a a third person might be used, such as La Haye. He may also tell the Prince that (as the world is let to understand she keeps Newhaven without any colour,) she must let it be understood abroad what covenants she has of him, the Admiral, and others, under their hands to the contrary, and what further offers were made her of more importance than Newhaven. Which she has kept silent, because she would not harm them so long as there remained hope of gratitude in them.
3. They may say that offers were made by Bricquemault and D'Allouy, wherein she takes herself rather deluded than well used, for the offers of the former were slender and without warrant. And for D'Allouy's proceedings, she refers to La Haye, how he understood them to be not only uncertain, but also so overthwart, as he appeared to be an instrument rather to increase discord than to make peace.
4. He may also say, she would not refuse to refer it to be heard by any Prince of Christendom, specially by King Phillip. If they mean otherwise than peace, why should not she keep the gage she has ? Many other reasons move her to be precise in seeking assurance. There is great cause of diffidence that the French mean not the delivery of Calais by force of treaty or compact, as she knows by the reports of their own ministers here.
5. The motions moved by him to the Prince and La Haye do not content her, neither do those contained in the Prince's letters, and therein she marvels that no mention is made of repayment of her money and her charges.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol., and dated by him: 5 July 1563. Pp. 4.
July 5. 976. Another copy of the above, with the corrections inserted and a few additional ones also by Cecil.
Pp. 4.
July 5.
Forbes, ii. 454.
977. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
1. Have received their Lordships' answers on instructions sent to them by Poulet and Knollys, to which they give their opinions in certain things.
2. Concerning the full pay to the 14th ult., they doubt whether the sum will go so far; therefore they wish that a sufficient sum may be sent without delay. The Treasurer will make payment for the works, as far as the sum sent will go. It seems their Lordships have accounted for the supplies of the soldiers and labourers according to the numbers given by Poulet and Knollys, which are so diminished by the plague, that the 1,200 Suffolk and Norfolk men (whereof 500 have not yet arrived) will not be able to supply the decayed bands. And there are not sixty pioneers able to serve. Touching the victualling of the town, they likeit very well if the same be as well performed as it has been many times determined, which hereunto they have not seen. They have received the carpenters, sawyers, and certain smiths. Those are the great matters whereupon the preservation of this town and garrison depends.
3. Whereas upon conference with Mr. Vice-Chamberlain they have altered their determination touching the galley, they are sorry that the frigates devised by Winter (having but one left here) cannot supply this present service, to stop the French boats which pass daily this river. These cannot be impeached by them for want of small vessels; and for stopping the greater ships which pass, they refer the declaration thereof to Winter. Knollys took order with Winter concerning the ships here. Time will not permit to do more than is done for the merchandise and goods here before Poulet's return. They have not leisure nor means for mending of the sluice betwixt the castle and jetty, and also the other sluice in the town, and setting up of the mills devised by Mr. Fleming; being constrained by the near approach of the enemy to take such things in hand as present necessity requires. Ask for supply of soldiers, labourers, and other necessaries; for of their men they lose 500 weekly, besides those that fall sick.
4. Last night the enemy brought a trench (began two or three nights past) through the marsh, within arquebus shot of the counterscarp before Bulwark St. Addresses, which they have cut this night into the beach towards the sea side. They planted this night for the battery before the new Fort "within twelve score," and placed other pieces wherewith this day they flank and batter their defences there. They have also 2,000 or 3,000 pioneers at least, and so many women out of the country to carry faggots and earth. Their galley and two brigantines have come down the river this day well appointed.—Newhaven, 5 July 1563. Signed: Warwick, Edward Randolfe, Denys, Vaughan, Bromefeld, Fysscher.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
July 5. 978. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. Wrote lately to them by Poulet's man of their state here, since which has received answer to instructions sent by Mr. Vice-Chamberlain and Poulet. As they are not so full as he looked for, they have returned their opinions briefly touching certain articles therein.
2. The enemies intend to lose no time nor advantage; and having great numbers of pioneers, both of men and women, they bring great things to pass; and of these kind of people they are altogether destitute through this great plague which continues to weaken them.—Newhaven, 5 July 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
July 5. 979. Warwick to Poulet.
Has returned the answer of the Council. Mentions the approach of the enemy.—Newhaven, 5 July 1563.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 6. 980. Charles IX. to Smith.
Before setting out on his expedition for the recovery of Ville Francoyse and Havre de Grace, would be glad to see him.— Gaillon, 6 July 1563. Signed.
Copy. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 6. 981. Another copy of the above.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 6. 982. Occurrences in France.
1. M. D'Anville, appointed to go to his government of Languedoc, yet tarries at the Court, 6th July.
2. 26th June, at night one was hanged about the cemetery of St. John, and soon after (because he was a Huguenot) the populace of Paris cut him down and hewed him. As they were taking him to the river the Provost of the Merchants took some of the varlets, whereof three were whipped in the Châtellet, and two, who cut the rope, were kept in prison.
3. 28 June, Monday. These two (because it is death to cut any down from the gallows before twenty-four hours,) were brought to be hanged, but the populace hewed the gibbet to pieces and made a great tumult. The Lieutenant was struck with a stone and one of the clerks slain; so they let the prisoners go.
4. About the 25th or 26th of June, the tents, armour, victuals, and munition at their camp on the hill beside Newhaven were set on fire. An Almain (who was taken prisoner into Newhaven, and let go again,) was hired by the English to do it. After his examination they hanged him, and within three hours after this fire chanced. There is great dearth of victuals, especially of horse meat. The soldiers steal away by forty or fifty in a night.
5. St. Peter's day [June 29] and the next Paris was full of soldiers of the Duke of Nemours' regiment, which is to go to Newhaven, 5,000 or 6,000 strong. The most parts are arquebusiers and pikes, indifferently well armed.
6. 1st July. The King lay at Mantes three or four days, sick of the flux, and from thence he went to Gallion, 5th July. The Cardinal of Lorraine is still about his marriages; viz., the Queen of Scots to Charles, the Emperor's son; and the King of the Romans' daughter to the French King. Their pictures have been interchanged.
7. 2nd July. A skirmish at Newhaven. The Rhinegrave approached, and the English made a sortie. He is hurt in the arm with an arquebus. 100 French slain, divers Almains, and seven or eight English captains.
8. 4th July, Sunday. Trouble at Orleans about Corpus Christi and bonfires. It is reported that the Admiral sent a gentleman thither, who agreed with some to stay the Swiss guard and take a gate there, which is not true; for he remains at his house at Châtillon with his brother D'Andelot quietly.
9. 6th July. At Paris they make out 300 pioneers to Newhaven. They are making sacks at Paris, as they did at Orleans. Some name them 50,000, some 100,000. They are to be filled with earth, to make a mount or platform to set their ordnance upon. Others think they are to fill the ditches. At St. Germain are new devises of timber against Newhaven. All that Italian heads can invent are now "put in ure." Marshal Brissac seems to have the chief doing of it. He will take upon himself the assault with his men, chiefly they who came out of Piedmont. It is not yet assaultable.
10. 6th July. It is reported here that about the last of June there was a skirmish at Newhaven, where the French were beaten and young Strozzi slain.
Orig., with Smith's seal. Add. to Cecil, and endd. partly by him. Pp. 4.
July 8.
Forbes, ii. 458.
983. The Queen to Poulet.
Has commanded Lord Robert to write to him concerning a certain matter which she wishes to be communicated to the Rhinegrave. He is to tell him that whatever he writes she will not fail to perform. Has written this in French, in order that he may show it to the Rhinegrave.—1563, July 8.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: 8 July 1563. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 8. 984. Smith to the Queen.
Sent Mr. Middlemore with a letter to the Admiral, and instructions. The Admiral took his advertisement in marvellous good part; thinks himself much bound to her, and laments the imbecility and pusillanimity of the Prince, and thinks her offers and conditions are reasonable. He said that he would despatch Bricquemault to the Court to stir the Prince and to work what is possible. Bricquemault came on the 6th inst. to Paris to speak with De la Haye, who was then removed. Smith complained to him of the Prince's letters which he sent to her by M. Danet. De la Haye is willing that all things should be well, but he is sick; nevertheless, on the 7th he sent word that the Prince had written to him that he had obtained of the King, the Queen Mother and the Council, to like the offers which he had made to her in his letter. This seemed very slender, so once again De la Haye has dispatched to the Prince. On the 7th there came a gentleman of the court with a letter, a copy whereof he sends. The like letter is sent to all the Ambassadors who are at Paris. They will be lodged at Louviers. It is thought that there will be some protestation or declaration of war made before all the Ambassadors against the Queen. The Admiral and D'Andelot are sent for, and so is the Duke of Guise.— Paris, 8 July 1563.
Orig., with seal. Portions in cipher deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 8. 985. Stores for Newhaven.
Victuals, munition, and tools shipped, and ready to be shipped.—8 July 1563.
Copy. P. 1.
July 8. 986. Challoner's Expenses.
Bill for articles of dress, &c. purchased by Challoner from Castilio, amounting to seventy reales, and paid 8 July 1563.
Orig. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 2.
July 9. 987. Brown to Cecil.
The 700 men in supply will this night be at Durham or Newcastle. There are not sufficient victuals for them here until it be removed from Norfolk. — Berwick, 9 July 1563.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 9. 988. The Queen to Dennis and Hugh Counsel.
Has delivered to them 2,000l. above what ought to make a full pay to the 14th June, out of which they shall pay Sir Francis Knollys what is required at Portsmouth for sending soldiers, labourers, victuals, &c. to Newhaven.
Draft. Add.: To Lord Dudley, Sir Edward Ashton, and Sir Ralph Bagnall. Endd.: From the Queen to Sir Mauris Denys and Hugh Counsell. Pp. 2.
July 9. 989. Poulet to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
Received the enclosed letter yesternight, wherein the writer's intelligence is referred to others addressed by Meliorino, the Italian, to the Council in England. The garrison will make a valiant defence. Learns by Meliorino that the enemy's forces approach. As to the remedy thereof, there must be a power royal or a peace.— Portsmouth, 9 July 1563.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
July 9. 990. News from France.
The King left Paris on the 28th ult. The English Ambassador has demanded the restitution of Calais according to the capitation of Cambray. The English will keep Havre de Grace by force. The Prince of Rochsurion and the Duke of Bordillon (both heretics), have had a conference with the Queen Mother. Condé's mother-in-law has come to the court, of whom the Queen mother made much, and gave her precedence before the Duchess of Guise. The Cardinal of Châtillon treats of returning to the Court and of resuming his cardinal's habit. He hears Mass. There has been a disturbance in Orleans. The people of Lyons have admitted the Mass in two or three churches. At the Court the Huguenots are the most favoured, and have the chief posts. The dispute between Condé and the Duke De Nemours is appeased. The affairs of Flanders will speedily become desperate.—From the French Court, 9 July 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Advises, old, yet in some points to be noted. Span. Pp. 2.
July 9. 991. Another copy of the above. Pp. 2.
July 9. 992. Henry Duke of Guise to Eric XIV.
Supposes that he has already heard of the death of his father. Has received Eric's letter addressed to his father, and (in company with M. D'Aumale, his uncle), has heard what the messenger had in charge to say. Is sorry that he cannot satisfy his demand in an affair of such importance, which concerns the greatness and ornament of their whole house. He can therefore give no other reply than what his grandmother and uncles advise, who will be always ready to do him all good services in their power. The King of Sweden lost in the late Duke one well affectioned towards him. Deeply regrets that by the malice of the adversaries his father should have been betrayed so miserably. His enemies were unable to obtain any advantage in open and lawful warfare, therefore against human and divine right they traitorously murdered him.—Joinville, 9 July 1563. Signed: Henry De Lorraine.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
July 10. 993. Maitland to Cecil.
Cecil remembers what past betwixt them (before he came from thence) touching the meeting of Commissioners on the Borders to take order for offences past, whereof the writer drew a memorial, which he left with Cecil and delivered a copy to Sir John Forster. Has since opened the purpose to the Queen and her Council; who finding it convenient will direct a commission to the Master of Maxwell, Warden of the West Marches, the Lord of Drumlangrick, the Justice Clerk, and Sir Robert Carnegy, to meet Lord Scroope and others to be named. He asks him to send commission for that realm. (fn. 3) Whereas he believed that Thomas Clavering had been kept prisoner at Berwick, he not only was at liberty but was in his own house at Norham. He now troubles the Lord Home in his fishing of Holywell, and cuts his nets. Cecil knows how easily Home will be irritated, receiving injury. Commendations to Lord Robert.—Glasgow, 10 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
July 10. 994. Sir Thomas Dacre and Browne to Cecil.
According to the Queen's letters of the 28th ult. received yesterday, they have despatched eight gunners towards New- haven with full pay and given towards their passage 15s. each. As the spoilers on these coasts might distress them, they have appointed them to go by land to London.—Berwick, 10 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Marshal and Treasurer of Berwick. Pp. 2.
July 10. 995. Gunners at Berwick.
The bearers, eight gunners of Berwick, being despatched towards Newhaven, Dacre and Browne hereby direct all sheriffs to assist them to money, horses, shipping, and other things meet for their journey. — Berwick, 10 July 1563. Signed by Dacre and Browne.
Orig. P. 1.
July 10. 996. The Queen to the Lord Treasurer.
He shall order the Receiver of Northumberland to pay to Sir John Forster, Knight, Warden of the Middle Marches, the fees of his office now due, and those that shall fall due.— Greenwich, 10 July, 5th of Eliz.
Corrected draft. Pp. 2.
July 10. 997. Commission for Throckmorton and Smith.
The Queen authorizes them to ratify the treaty of peace with the King of France.—Greenwich, 10 July 1563.
Draft. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.


  • 1. See Poulet's replication to the Privy Council, June 29, No. 954.
  • 2. These two sums are in Poulet's hand.
  • 3. On the back Cecil has written the following names: Lord Scroope, Sir John Foster, Sir Tho. Gargrave, D. Rooksby.