Elizabeth: May 1563, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: May 1563, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp342-358 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1563, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp342-358.

"Elizabeth: May 1563, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp342-358.

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May 1563, 16-20

May 16. 750. Smith to Cecil.
1. The Queen's letter of the 8th inst. is full plain to direct him, for which he thanked her.
2. Sees no certain ground to build upon, peace or war. His legation is painful, costly, unpleasant, &c., with staying the money he should have for his diets. Prays him to read the two letters of Gresham, and he will understand whether he has cause to complain. Trusts he may be discharged of the subsidy at home. On condition that he might come home before he runs more into debt, he will pay her five subsidies for one.
3. France is enough to vex any man. It is so unstable, uncertain, impudent, unfaithful, and ever inclining to the worst, and like the disease that has their name, easily rubbing the same upon her neighbour to make him in the same torment.
4. When the Prince went to meet the Admiral the writer lent Middlemore and Steward a horse each. The 10th inst. he had a long talk here with M. De la Haye, but his talks were so light he thinks them not worth writing. Has also had talk with Lethington, who says he has communed with the Queen Mother, but it comes to no particularities. Now his Lordship has the Queen Mother so ready to grant to the Queen of Scotland all her requests that he has been these four days at Paris about the despatch of them, and in a few days goes home.
5. Has had conference with the Ambassador of Spain, whose secretaries visit him, for he lays at Paris. Perceives they would fain have the English and French together by the ears, and then do as children do when they see two dogs rend each other's coats with their teeth; clap their hands and say, "Hist! take him, that is a good dog, let him not go so;" so should his master take sport, whosoever had the worst.
6. In talk with the Prince of Rochesurion, he learnt that he was sent to Paris to make money for the King, which he perceives is but a loan. That city maintains the King in all these troubles. The Prince said there were above 200 Huguenots come in again, and suffered quietly enough. Does not believe it. All such as were of the law have licence to sell their estates, and other Huguenots that have houses there may sell them, and dwell where they will.
7. The Parisians care not what they give to recover Newhaven, it has been a scourge and loss to them of many millions of francs this year. He would that the English merchants would be as frank for Calais. The Prince also said that the reiters cannot be gotten forth till they have money.
8. On the 15th inst. Orleans men came to complain to M. D'Andelot and the Prince that an edict is made that all strangers, and such as have not dwelt in Orleans twelve months, should avoid upon pain of confiscation of all their goods, and imprisonment. They who have so lately come there to dwell must be those who, for religion, fled thither from other places.
9. Marvels what the French mean to be so hasty to Newhaven. They have not money enough to pay the reiters and the rest of the soldiers for what is past, and they have lack of powder and munition. Seven leagues round Paris they are fain to fetch all their wine and wheat at Paris. All the villages are eaten up of their camps. All Normandy is also spoiled by the camps, the reiters, and the Rhinegrave's Almains. They have no strangers but a few Swiss, who be but unhandsome men for any assault, wherefore the rest must be of their own nation. And for ships, Cecil knows in what case they be; and yet they are as brave and brag as though no man knew their estate. Thinks they will offer him no conditions. Prays Cecil to let him know what he would have him do.
10. Minds while the King is at Paris to speak with the Prince. Has sent to him, and thinks he shall speak with him and M. D'Andelot to-morrow.
11. They find fault sometimes that Cecil offers nothing. Does not fail to send to Warwick almost every five or six days, so long as his men can have passage. Lost one that way, and cannot hear of him.—Poissy, 16 May 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
May 17. 751. The Queen to Powlet.
He shall thank the Rhinegrave for his present of horses before the war, and more recently of a chain and little clock; and say that she trusts he will remember his promise made to Warwick. Has not sent before, as she heard that the Count had gone to the Court.
Corrected draft. Endd.: 17 May 1563. Fr. Pp. 2.
May 17. 752. Smith to Cecil.
1. Sends him a packet to the Queen of Scots, sent to him by Lethington from Paris, who told him that he would write to Cecil before he went. Here are also certain letters to MM. De la Ferté and De Paliseau. Mme. De la Ferté is a great suitor to have her husband come home. Has not learned the value of the livings of such as she named to the writer.
2. M. Liggyns, the bearer, desires to serve in Newhaven. To furnish his journey the writer sent him with the Queen's packet. Has advanced him twenty-one French crowns, i.e., 7l. sterling.—Poissy, 17 May 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: By M. Liggons. Pp. 2.
May 17. 753. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. The Admiral being on the 11th inst. at Essone, in his way to the Court by command of the Queen Mother, Condé by her order went and met him, whither the writer went in the Prince's train. The secret enterprises of his enemies were then discovered to the Admiral, and his friends advised him not to come there; of which mind was also the Queen Mother, but rather for fear of him. She entertains all such practises as may ruin him. His enemies meant to put the following into execution against him: They obtained secretly what they call here a "prinse de corps" against him for the death of the Duke of Guise, to be served upon him on his coming, having won all the guards about the same. And if he should resist, they meant to cut him in pieces. This enterprise would never have been taken in hand without the connivance of the greatest of the Court. The Admiral retires to his house of Châtillon, where he is like to remain a good while before he is sent for. To keep him from enterprising, they have ordered his brother M. D'Andelot shall be a courtier.
2. On the 12th inst. the writer declared to the Admiral how little the Queen looked to have from him and the Prince offers so contrary to their promises. She had bestowed great benefits upon ungrateful persons. The Admiral bemoaned himself of words she had used of him. He understands that the Queen said that he is the falsest and most dishonest man that lives; and that she will declare that their intent was not to establish religion, but to destroy the King and make themselves kings and rulers. The writer answered that he believed such reports had been made, for he knew that many did nothing but sow false bruits to put division betwixt the Queen and him. If she is offended she has good cause to do so, considering how contrary to his promises he now does by her.
3. The Admiral said that she has no cause to be offended if her money be rendered to her and her right to Calais be assured her. Of what he had said for the keeping of that treaty with her, God and the Queen Mother can be his judges. He has always been of that mind, and so declared to the world. As to any letter of his to her that she should keep Newhaven until Calais were rendered unto her, he never made any such; and if she has such of his he would be glad to see them. As touching the contract the writer speaks of, the Admiral protests he never saw it, nor knew what was in it, until his coming into Normandy, when Throckmorton showed it him. M. De La Haye wrote to him to Orleans soon after the contract was made in England. After the King he was most bounden to her, and wishes to say that she should have assurance for rendention of Calais at the term specified by treaty. She should accept it without further troubling herself and endangering her friends by war, "for," said he, "although Newhaven be very strong, yet she will lose it if they go to it by force."
4. When the writer seemed to stick upon the contract and recited to him the words therein, he said that if the contract comes to disputing it is the weakest weapon the Queen has. For they cannot give away what is none of theirs, nor can the King lose his right by any promise they have made.
5. The writer of late discovered to the Earl of Warwick two practices intended against Newhaven. Some here have of late taken in hand to set the powder on fire. The Constable is at his house at Chantilly; he refuses to come to Court, and yet burns with desire to be there. He has refused to take the charge of the army to Newhaven, and bids them employ such as they bestow their estates and offices upon. He would not suffer the Admiral to come at him when he was going to him. Whatsoever is said, these will seek to recover Newhaven. Paris presently sends 300,000 francs to besieging it, and will give the King as much more. The preparations go forward. The Ambassador sends the cry, printed, exempting all from tribute that will victual the camp before Havre. The reiters have come back, and are near Rheims. The Queen Mother sent gentlemen to them, who returned but yesterday, to desire to them to depart. They answered that until they are paid, or the town of Strasburg will answer for what is due to them, they will not leave France. That town will probably refuse to respond. There are, by report of the said gentlemen, in Lorraine 8,000 footmen and 2,500 horsemen coming hitherward, which they say here are for Her Majesty's service.
6. Since De la Haye's coming the Prince is more reasonable. He was troubled with the reports that the Queen said that he was not worthy to be given to dogs; but now assures the writer that he thinks she never said such a thing. M. D'Andelot has arrived at the Court.
7. The Vidame should be well used and looked to, for they here would fain have him away. Yesterday the King went from hence to Paris (which yet stands in arms) for five or six days, and so return hither, and go first to Gallion (the Cardinal of Bourbon's house), and then nearer to Newhaven.
8. On the 8th inst. Bricquemault said to the Queen Mother that if she had given him commission to have dealt further with the Queen, he could have made such an offer as she would have accepted, and yet Calais should not have been rendered until the time limited in the treaty. The Queen Mother asked him what it was ? He said, to give her assurance that Calais would be rendered to her at the end of the term, and to grant her in hostage either her son, the Duke of Anjou, or the Prince of Navarre, and the Duke of Guise to remain with her until the term was expired. At this the Queen Mother laughed. "What care you," he said, "who or how many you give in hostage, if you do not mean to keep the treaty, and render her Calais?" "It is not along of you," she said, "that all things be not well compounded. Go your way, and rest in your house, and in the meantime, we will lose no time."
9. Has sought to understand whether Lethington has in charge the renewing of the old league between France and Scotland, and understands that he has commission to treat with them in some of it. Yet the commission is so little agreeable to him that he would not have spoken of it if they here had not moved it to him. Of late these have been earnest with him about it, and offered to give and do what the Queen, his mistress, shall demand of them, so as she will break the league with England, and renew theirs with Scotland. Lethington has said that it would be best that the league remain as it is, without any talk of renewing it, for it needs no new ratification.
10. There is no more talk here of the Queen of Scotland's marriage. The Cardinal of Lorraine travails hard in Almain to dress the English some trouble. The King of Spain says that his own troubles in Spain and Flanders give him enough to do to put them in order, and that he will not break the old league between England and him. The Queen Mother has promised Lethington that he shall have Harry Killegrew home with him. The Rhinegrave is at Paris to get money for his Almains. James Wynner, a Scottishman, has newly come here, to practise for Bothwell. Encloses a request made by Condé to the Queen Mother touching the Admiral's case against those that charge him with the death of Guise. Asks for answer for Steward. What shall the writer do if the King goes into Normandy ?—St. Germains, 17 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., large portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
May 18.
Forbes, ii. 417.
754. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
1. Send herewith Mr. Middlemore's letter deciphered, and Smith's. Having apprehended John Brittain, specified in Middlemore's letter, and one Bunga, a merchant of Orleans, who bears some of the marks mentioned in the same; being in doubt whether it is the man, because he has a brother (who they hear was here last Sunday before the receipt of these letters, and returned again the same day,) who bears more nearly the prescribed marks. They are assured that this John Brittain is the man intended. It is likely that although Bunga shall not be approved to be the said pretended practiser, yet he is participant of the pretence, and can declare the whole, of whom, hitherto, nothing can be got by search or examination. They pray that their former requests in men, money, victuals, and munitions may be supplied in time to resist the enemy's attempts against this place. This piece being divided by the haven will require, without further enlargement, a greater number of pioneers and soldiers than are here at present.
2. They are glad Mr. Portinary has arrived here, by whose direction the fortifying of a piece in the old town goes forward according to the plan sent to their Lordships; they hope it will be perfected within fourteen days. They have only at this present 600 pioneers who are fit for the spade and basket, as appeared to Portinary, who saw the musters taken of them.
3. The late brawl at Paris has hitherto retired the French King's power from this part. Yet his forces remain "unsparkled," and divers bands are already drawn hitherward. The galleys are coming from Marseilles, and they are sure that in the meantime those of Rouen, Quillebœuf, Honfleur, and Fécamp have prepared all the vessels they can to serve upon this river and about Seine Head.
4. They may perceive by examinations enclosed what practices there has lately been for burning the ships in this haven, which was revealed by Mr. Whitingham and the parties found out by him upon intelligence given by M. le Barre, principal minister of this town, who has now left here for Caen with a great number of the burgesses. The bruit of war was the cause of their going hence; and now, upon receipt of a further proclamation, (which herewith they shall receive,) further order is given for removing the rest of all sorts. The Queen has determined well in taking away the serviceable ships from hence; of which she may have ten or twelve fair vessels in readiness with a little help to be put to sea; and a number more may be made serviceable. In the meantime the danger of fire is very great, there being so many and lying so close together. Here are three handsome pinnaces and shallops for this river, which with a little change might be set forth, and be a great aid to the galley.
5. On the 13th inst. Hans arrived here from Smith, affirming that his letters were taken from him at Honfleur, which gave suspicion that he had not done his business honestly. There was another messenger despatched at the same time from Smith, who brought the letters enclosed two or three days before Hans came to this town. Upon these presumptions they have sent him to Throckmorton, his old master, to be further examined. On the 16th inst. Coke came hither with letters from Smith and Middlemore, much to the same effect as the former. After delivering the same he was told to go and repose himself in a chamber in Warwick's house, whereupon he departed immediately out of the gate, and so about the ditches to the old town which they are fortifying, where he was stopped and committed. There was found about him an unknown and double cipher. A boy (that came from Smith) that was with Coke at Rouen came hither on foot on Friday last; but Coke, being well horsed, was not here till Sunday at noon following, which with his doings is suspicious.
6. They send a note herewith from the Master of the Ordnance of wants for the works here and his office; there is a great need especially of shovels and spades. Five hundred reiters and eighteen ensigns of the French have lately arrived at Montivilliers and Harfleur. Hope they will send by the next some French money for paying the spies, and consider how necessary it is to have the Marshal's place furnished with a man of knowledge and experience. They send a note herewith of the remainder of their victuals at present.—Newhaven, 18th May 1563. Signed: Warwick, Poulet, Denys, Vaughan, Bromefield, Fysscher.
Orig., with a few marginal notes. Pp. 7.
May 18. 755. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
Has returned Edward Dudley and Captain Saunders, for whom he asks that they may have the conducting of certain men hither, and that Dudley may be considered for Mesnill, his prisoner.—Newhaven, 18 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 18.
Forbes, ii. 420.
756. Warwick to Cecil.
1. Has received Cecil's letter. If the enemy gives them but a month's respite he hopes to make the old town of such strength as to withstand all their malice. It is of as great importance as the town itself, for by this means they can keep the haven in despite of the enemy. There is nothing but talk of war here, and for better confirmation of it he sends a proclamation. The Admiral will not come to Court; there never was a man so evil spoken of as is this inconstant Prince.
2. There shortly came one from Paris who informed him that he saw forty-two cannons shipped there to come hither. —Newhaven, 18 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
May 18. 757. Poulet to Cecil.
The French King's late proclamation is little less than an open declaration of war against the Queen. Will speedily return a certificate of the French vessels lying here in arrest. —Newhaven, 18 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
May 18. 758. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. Because the wind has not served the bearer, his servant, to pass, he has added these few lines, which he must send by some trusty messenger, for doubt of "pyekynge," which is in ordinary use here.
2. Asks for information upon several points connected with the various payments to be made at Newhaven, respecting which he offers suggestions.—Newhaven, 18 May 1563. Signed.
3. P. S.—The fortifications at the old town go forward apace by the help of the soldiers in tasks; and no marvel, for it is let after the rate of the others by the Master of the Ordnance and Pelham, wherein he has a vehement suspicion that they are partners; for he finds that the Queen paid 20s. for the work of a pole at Berwick, of twenty-one feet square and six deep, which was thought a great price, and a pole of this last work is but twenty feet in length, twenty in breadth in the bottom, forty in the top, and ten feet deep, which is not a double pole of Berwick work, and therefore dear enough at 40s. But grant something more be allowed towards casting up the loose earth of the first cut of the dike, yet 50s. is enough for a pole, and they give 4l.
Orig. Pp. 2.
May 18. 759. Vaughan to Cecil.
The book touching the water bailiff which he sent he doubts not he will so consider as he may not thereby purchase his own undoing. For other matters, of which he dares not write, he asks him to give credit to the bearer. Business is so great that he is troubled for lack of trusty men, and therefore beseeches him to deliver him out of this troublesome office, and to send Overton.—18 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's clerk. Pp. 2.
[May 18.] 760. Vaughan to Cecil.
Since sealing this packet the Clerk of the Check of the labourers told him that Mr. Pelham forbade him to meddle any further with the check of any of the labourers under his charge, and that he will have no man to meddle with his doings. Where he has taken this "heart of grace" the writer knows not, but he will speak to him. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 18. 761. Provisions at Newhaven.
List of provisions remaining at Newhaven on May 18, 1563, with calculations of the cost of victualling the town for a garrison of 8,000 men for two or three months at the rate of 642l. per 1,000 men, per mensem.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4.
May 18. 762. Remembrance for Wants at Newhaven.
The victuals only come in such quantities as serve from hand to mouth. The garrison rest unpaid for four months. The work in the old town will cost 2,000l. 100l. can scarcely be made amongst the whole Council. Of the 6,000 soldiers and 2,000 pioneers needful for the surety of the piece there want 2,500. May Warwick make restitution upon the prizes of Fécamp and St. Valery to certain Englishmen lately spoiled by those of Fécamp and Brittany ? Are in distress for spades and shovels. Desire to know the Council's pleasure touching Coke, who is staid here.—18 May 1563.
Orig., with a few notes by Cecil, and endd. partly by him. Pp. 5.
May 18. 763. — to [Philip II.?].
The French Ambassador resident here has made an urgent remonstrance on the part of his master respecting the occupation of Havre de Grace by the English. He received for answer that they will continue to hold it until Calais is surrendered, which the writer thinks they will never do. The French troops threaten Havre, and the English are fitting out a fleet to relieve it.—London, 18 May 1563.
Span. P. 1.
May 18. 764. Mundt to Cecil.
1. The Envoy of the French King and the Queen Mother to the Protestant Princes (whom he mentioned in his letter of the 4th) has arrived; his name is Rambouillet. He met the Duke of Wurtemberg and the Landgrave at the nuptials at Stutgard, and has now gone to the other Princes. Condés envoy (his name is Sturmius) told the Landgrave that the money for the reiters should soon be paid, and he comes to desire the Princes to persuade the Queen that she cannot decently continue to hold Newhaven after her proclamation.
2 To-morrow Mme. De Roye goes to the Duke of Wurtemberg and the Marquis of Baden, who will give her audience in Bruchsal, a town belonging to the Bishop of Spires, thence she goes to the Count Palatine and the Landgrave. She will declare to them two requests of the French King and the Queen Mother; first, that the reiters who helped Condé may be summoned home, and their pay shall be ready for them at Strasburg at the feast of St. John, as they have been doing great mischief about Chalons. The other point is to persuade the Princes to send an embassy to the Queen to ask her to give up Newhaven under the excuse of Calais.
3. John Sturmius goes with Mme. De Roye to treat with those of the Princes who do not understand French. All the French with whom he has spoken are very adverse to the surrender of Calais. The French are accustomed to fight more with crowns than arms, and threaten that if they are not successful they will beg for the King of Spain's assistance. After the marriage at Stutgard the Duke of Bavaria was summoned home to meet the Emperor, who returns through Bavaria into Austria. The Landgrave's daughter has not yet set out for Sweden.—Strasburg, 18 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 3.
May 19. 765. Smith to Cecil.
1. On the 18th inst. M. De La Haye and Mr. Steward came to accompany him to the Court at St. Germain, where were only the Prince, M. D'Andelot and their train; the King, the Queen, and the Chancellor being at Paris. Dined that day with the Prince, and before dinner talked with him and the Princess.
2. The occasion of his going to him was to understand, now after his last communication before the Queen and the Council, what way they would take, either to go to Newhaven with force and have war, or by gentle means to do right and reason to the Queen. And if they tended to accord (as he thought by the talk of the Queen Mother she did rather incline to) it were better for the Prince and those of the religion to have the honour of it than the other faction.
3. The Prince's communication ("and he hath words at will") was that they meant surely by force, and that no hold is so strong as to resist the power of a whole realm; and if not won in one month, it would in two, three, or twelve. They were determined to employ "le verd et le sec," and the whole force that way. If Newhaven was lost, then all the right of the English to Calais was lost; and if the Queen would needs stand upon Calais to be rendered, he knew no remedy.
4. Smith answered that they had no fear of their force; they had looked for it these seven months, and his coming hither now was not to pray them to leave off, but to let them hardily make the attempt; yet if they rather incline to accord, that he and his should rather take that honour than ever part any part of it to the Papists. This communication passed before dinner, as they were walking together in the Park at St. Germain. And when they came in they had talk touching the Queen's protestation in print and under seal. "The Princess breaking our talk by pressing him to prayers, all that our talk passed without any resolution."
5. After dinner the Prince and he began again, and D'Andelot came and sat with them, and the Prince called M. Grammont, who stood by. There the Prince declared to M. D'Andelot the writer's good affection for all those of that religion, and his desire to have a good order taken for peace. But he could not, he said, get of him that the Queen will be content with anything but first to have Calais rendered immediately, and that cannot be, or else she will keep Newhaven. D'Andelot knew what force and power is toward, and what danger is like to come of it if it should be lost.
5. Upon this D'Andelot began ("he is not uneloquent nor unready of his tongue") touching the Queen's protestations; the honour she should get in showing herself to have kept her first promise, and to have only come for religion. That the contracts made for Newhaven were but blanks, signed with protestations before made, and were meant only for money, and that the article of Newhaven was extorted of them by force; also that subjects could not give away the towns of their prince. Now the French can but aid their King to recover his own, and that should be dangerous to the Queen. Herein also the Prince added that he was sure she would not help herself with those contracts, for even contracting with the King's subjects was forfeiture of their right to Calais.
6. Upon this manner of talking Smith was somewhat heated, and began to declare his zeal to religion, and how that he is well known in England in those matters from the beginning, not only to be a follower, but at all changes of religion to the new and Evangelical to have been a special doer and setter forward, etc., and affectionate to help forward the Gospel, not only in our own realm but in all places. He said that if this matter break into war, then the Queen must set out her apology, wherein she will declare her right to Calais by forfeiture immediately by the same treaty, which M. Le Chancellor, the last time the writer was before the Council, passed over; as he was sure the Prince remembered. "Marie, you, M. D'Andelot, was asleep all the while." As D'Andelot passed it over lightly, Smith said neither he nor any man living was able to answer it.
7. Smith said the English joined them for two causes. One was for religion, and the other to have their right more quietly. This was the Queen's doing at the beginning, and has continued to the end. Witness first the contract made in England for Newhaven before he came forth, and before any man of war came into France, which is not only signed by him [the Prince] but by many others, and sealed with his seal. And whereas he speaks of the protestation in print, it is one thing to show to the Commons and the populace, and another to those of the affairs. This intent of the Queen he has declared to those who have negociated with him, M. De Sevre, the Cardinal of Ferrara, the Queen Mother and the whole Council at Bois de Vincennes; and he gave it in writing the 19th of December, a copy whereof he read the last day, and the Queen could not deny it. This the Admiral signed and sealed when he was last in Normandy, and when the reiters were paid, and also a good number of gentlemen who were with them. "And will ye," Smith asked, "say ye were forced to it ? So is every man that borrows money forced with need to borrow it."
8. Nor will it be honourable for the Prince to say that they were signed blanks, and that he had protested before. Then he meant to mock his friends. If the Council of England have note to be fools in their bargains, the note of ingratitude and another note are as dishonourable.
9. The Prince called M. De La Haye, "How say you?" said he, "M. l'Ambassador says that if we come to Newhaven, the Queen will set out in print all our bills and contracts for Newhaven, and that that article was not put in by force." M. De La Haye said, God forbid it should come to that, for then they would be utterly dishonoured for ever. Smith said to the Prince that if a Papist were here he would not have said so for 10,000 crowns. If it comes to force, the English have Newhaven and they can take all Normandy, Calais, and all Picardy. The English will make them three wars at once; 5,000 men will keep Newhaven against all France. And what shall the rest of England do in the meanwhile ? They will make them war they know not where; and being masters of the sea who shall let them to land where they shall find commodity?
10. The English seek no old titles, they demand but what is theirs by the last treaty; they agreed better when they were but two. Also that they see that all that he said is true, and that it comes of his love for religion and them. The Prince prayed him to say what he would have them do to satisfy the Queen.
11. Smith answered that the Prince had committed two great errors; first, when he was stronger than his enemies, at the first making of the peace, he submitted and took laws from them. Another was in sending one with so slender a commission to the Queen, with not so much as a letter of credit. If the Queen had condescended to the offers what authority had he to ratify them ?
12. The Prince said that he had none but the letters of himself and the Admiral, and that there were no authority to ratify or affirm.
13. Smith said belike they did it but to tempt the Queen to see what she would say to it. God loves not to be tempted, no more do great princes. Then the offers were of so small force, and so far from her expectation. She is of great spirit and understanding, and will not stick to say her mind plainly, as M. Bricquemault can witness. And yet she sets more by him than all the rest of the princes in France, and would be loth now to owe any benefit to any other faction. Smith said he would tell him what he would have him do. The Queen of England must have reason. She demands but her own, and it is not worth making a war for it.
14. The Prince said to M. D'Andelot "That he told him that M. l'Ambassador and he would agree better," and that it would be well to consider what he says, for he thought he has said well.
15. The Prince said to Smith that he had put things into his head which they had need think of, and that he would send one straight to the Queen, and that he and the writer would debate how to order them. Could he put them in some comfort that the Queen would relent? The writer assured the Prince that he had no commission for that, nor to say so much as he does.
16. The Prince wished that he might see Lord Robert come hither to see the league sworn, and then he might for the same matter go into England to see that Queen whom he loves, and to whom he is so much bound. But he trusts, he said, it shall be. He told him that the person with whom he talked so long before dinner came to him from the Constable, who had not visited him for a long time, but now they are great friends. He prayed Smith to stay his courier till he heard from him, and so willed M. De La Haye and Mr. Steward to conduct the writer to his horse.—Poissy, 19 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. with armorial seal. Add. Endd. partly by Cecil, partly by his secretary. Pp. 11.
May 19. 766. Vaughan to Cecil.
Recommends the bearer, Mr. Saunders, who served here since the beginning of February, and was appointed serjeant major in the journey to Caen by the Earl of Warwick.— Newhaven, 19 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
May 19. 767. Address to the Pope.
The speaker thinks that the application at this time made to the Pope by the Kings of France and Spain, for permission to alienate a portion of the goods of the Church, affords a favourable opportunity for the establishment of a league, offensive and defensive, for the destruction of the enemies of the Holy Faith, principally of the Queen of England. The French will enter into it willingly, and so will the King of Spain, for the service of religion; for the Queen put the Catholics to death, and does all she can to humble the Holy See and set a bad example to other princes to assume the primacy within their own realms. A great part of Italy and Germany will enter into the design. It would be for the advantage of France and Spain especially that a Catholic King should reign in England. The Queen of Scotland might marry a son of the Emperor, another of whose sons might take to wife a sister of the French King. Condé's mouth might be stopped by the gift of a duchy in England. The King of Spain would advance money for the purpose, and the Venetians would assist. So also would many of the other States, some one way, some another. The King of Spain or the King of the Romans might be captain-general of the expedition. Various subordinate commands might be given to the other Princes. A special legate should be sent for this purpose into Spain; a cardinal if possible, or a private gentlemen. The Cardinal of Ferrara might negociate in Germany and France.—Rome, 19 May 1563.
Copy, in an Italian hand, and endd. by the same: Discorso a S. Sta. Then in an English hand: 19 May 1563. From Rome. Ital. Pp. 8.
May 20. 768. Randolph to Cecil.
The bearer, Mr. Croc, will report the occasion of his coming hither and the state of things here. His report has been honest of his good entertainment with their Sovereign, and her subjects. Cecil will wonder to hear that the Archbishop of St. Andrews had yesterday twelve new godfathers. The shift he could find was to put himself in the Queen's will. This day he is entered into the Castle of Edinburgh. There are also condemned the Prior of Whithern, a notable archpapist, and five other priests as wicked as he. The Abbot of Corsrogall was summoned, and for his absence shall be put into the horn. This marvellous plague has lately befallen on their clergy that they know not where to hide their heads. Many of them "are cropen" into England, as he shall shortly know, with the whole discourse of this strange tragedy, to see the Bishop, (late King of Scotland,) for papistry in the time of a Queen of his own religion committed to prison; and this he trusts shall be example to many other bishops of the world either to know God better or to come unto the like end that is looked for of him. The Queen, to declare it was her will, came to a house not far from the place where the lords sat in judgment, supped, and remained there till all was ended, near unto 8 p.m. He received that night (because his lodgings were near that place) the honour to have the nobles to supper.—Edinburgh, 20th May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 20. 769. Warwick to Throckmorton.
Cover of a letter addressed to Throckmorton by the Earl of Warwick.
Orig., with Warwick's seal. Endd. by Throckmorton's son: 20 May 1563. From my Lord of Warwick to my father, from Newhaven. P. 1.
[May 20.] 770. Middlemore to Cecil.
The Laird of Lethington departs, in whose company William Killigrew, the bearer, returns. The King and his mother continue at Paris. Since he went there he has got the consent of the Court of the Parliament of Paris to sell within the resort of Paris so much of the church living as shall amount to 100,000 crowns yearly; and the town now lends him 300,000 francs besides. The Constable is now a great friend to the Prince, Admiral, and all of that side. Messages pass betwixt them daily, the Constable being at Chantilly and the Prince at St. Germain. On the 21st inst. the Queen Mother (having received the Prince's answer of his willingness to go to Paris) appointed to meet him at the Park of Madrid, a good league out of Paris, and in the way to St. Germain, having a great matter to communicate to him. The Prince went, and M. D'Andelot with him. The Queen came in a coach, accompanied with the Prince of Rochesurion only. They talked there from noon to 7 p.m, and resolved upon sending the Secretary of Commandments, D'Allouy, to Her Majesty, who is now said to pass with the Laird of Lethington, with commission to treat further in the matters of her demands. The day before this meeting the English Ambassador was with the Prince. Does not know with what commission D'Allouy is sent; but is sure he is sent to ask the Queen to leave off her demands for the present restitution of Calais, so as they may render it according to the time limited in the treaty of Cambray. They nevertheless hasten on their preparations for Newhaven. It would be good for him to hear again from hence before D'Allouy is brought to her, for he believes that his going will breed a scab here; for the Prince made account to send M. De la Haye and another of greater quality, and he does not know that this man is despatched thither. The Parliament of Paris is forbidden to take knowledge of the Admiral's case touching Guise's death; and the Admiral and the Guises are commanded to depart from all forceable ways, and to leave the matter to the King. With this the house of Guise is not a little offended.—St. Germain, 23 May, (fn. 1) 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
May 20. 771. The Provost of Daventer to [Cecil].
1. Has not been able to send his servant on account of his illness.
2. The Princes of Germany have made a secret agreement to raise several thousand cavalry, but he does not know for what purpose. Although the Queen of England is safe through the love of her subjects, still it would be well to entertain some of them by some kind of benefit.—20 May.
Orig. Wholly in cipher, deciphered. Endd.: Borteius, Præpositus Daventrensis. Lat. Pp. 3.
May 20. 772. Challoner to the Queen.
1. Wrote to her on 4 April by his servant, Coldwell. Has not heard from her for many months together. Some imagine that the great army now levying in Germany is for the quarrel of Metz; others esteem it is in favour of her pretences. Oran has been besieged by the King of Argiers, son to Barbarossa, since mid April last. Next year this King and his allies will put 150 galleys to the sea. In the meantime the seige of Oran is so pressed, that if aid arrive not shortlier, perchance it shall come too late. Since November last no time could be taken for its reinforcement until now. Lately the Duke of Alcala, the Viceroy of Naples, without commandment from the King, despatched Juan Andrea Doria with twenty-six galleys and 200 soldiers, who arrived in Barcelona eight days past, which service is highly now accepted. Fears lest the unseasonable weather and the contentions of the Captains Doria and Mendoza may so hinder the enterprise as in the meantime Oran will be lost. Others suppose not only shall Oran be rescued, but that Argiers (having a long part of the town wall lately fallen down) may be surprised ere the King with his folks shall return by so long a land journey to the rescue.
2. Sends an Italian pasquil touching their conjectures at Rome upon the causes of Don Luis D'Avila's repair to Trent. They hope that the two eldest sons of the King of the Romans, with their sisters, shall arrive here about September. Reduces to her consideration the advancement of the House of Austria by marriage, viz., Maximilian's two daughters with the Prince of Spain and the King of Portugal, also the Emperor's daughters with the Duke of Ferrara and Prince of Florence; sembably the motion of the Cardinal of Lorraine for a marriage between the Queen of Scots and and the Archduke Charles, which is deemed likely to take place.
3. Craves her clemency for his revocation. Besides his sickness, a process is awarded against his father's executors forth of the Exchequer for 100 marks. Finds it hard that he, who is absent on her service, may not be respected with some special privilege to suspend these reckonings until his return.—Madrid, 20 May 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: The double of my letter despatched 20 May 1563. Pp. 6.
May 20. 773. John Bowyer to Challoner.
Thinks that Goldwell is not a meet person to be their attorney in the matter of Lawrence Turner, as he is going to marry a man's daughter of Cadiz. Desires Challoner nominate some other in his room.—London, 20 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: From my brother-in-law, John Bowver. Pp. 2.
May 20. 774. John Conyers to Challoner.
Has recived two packets of letters for Cecil, which he has sent to Gresham. Thinks that the French and the Queen will not agree. She sends 2,000 fresh men to Newhaven and 20,000l.; also sixteen sail more are setting out. Does not think that the King of Spain will aid the French, as it will cause them of the Low Countries, before the year came to an end, to rise against him, for their living is all upon the traffic of strangers. Condé and the King have entered Paris, and have taken the Provost and divers other councillors. The Constable has gone from the Court in a fume to his own house, because his son is not preferred unto dignity. They are false in their promises with the Queen. Gresham's son died on the 2nd inst. of pleurisy.—Antwerp, 20 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Pp. 3.
May 20. 775. Gresham's Accounts.
A note of 20,000l. sterling taken up in Antwerp by exchange towards payment of the Queen's debts there, due in May 1563. Signed: Thomas Gresham.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4.


  • 1. This letter is misdated; see Middlemore to Cecil, 24 May.