Elizabeth: May 1563, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: May 1563, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp331-342 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1563, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp331-342.

"Elizabeth: May 1563, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp331-342.

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May 1563, 11-15

May 11. 736. Smith to the Queen.
1. On the 4th inst. Mr. Killigrew arrived at Paris with her letters. Next day the writer came here; and on the 6th sending for an audience had it appointed for the 7th. Not finding himself well on the 6th, and next day worse with catarrh and fever, he sent an excuse, and finding small amendment on Saturday, and understanding that M. Bricquemault was either come or would shortly arrive at the Court, he sent Mr. Middlemore thither with his instructions, to declare to him according to her letters. The Admiral, M. D'Andelot, and others are not yet come.
2. In declaring her answer to Bricquemault, and refusing of those offers, and how she thought herself unkindly handled to have such offers made by those who promised far otherwise, the Prince said he was sorry that she refused such reasonable offers.
3. When Middlemore replied that if she were thus dealt with she should be compelled to manifest to the world all that has passed betwixt them, and how little they regard their promises, contracts, &c., the Prince said that he was content that anything that had passed betwixt him and her should be published; for the keeping of Newhaven till Calais was rendered, he never consented to it; they had blanks sealed and signed by him, wherein his ministers were forced to consent to the putting in of that article; he did not know or agree to such. He also said that she took pleasure to speak evil of him. Middlemore said he could not think so. The Prince replied that Bricquemault told him so. But in the end he asked that Smith would write to her to have a better opinion of him, and entreat her to devise some order whereby these matters might be appeased.
4. Feeling better on Sunday, he deliberated on Monday to go to the Court, for he perceived he was daily looked for. So on Monday he came thither, and was better entertained than before; the King, the Queen, the Duke of Orleans, Mme. Marguerite, and the young Prince of Navarre being there.
5. He said that his desire for peace was the occasion of his desiring of audience. He thought that M. Bricquemault's visit to England should have done some good; but it has done little. For, first, his mistress thinks it strange that Bricquemault (dispatched about the 2nd ult.) should not be there until three weeks after the arrival of the writer's man, who set out on the same day. Also that he should come without a letter from the Queen or the King, which should have been his chief authority.
6. The Queen Mother said she knew of his going, but he went not from the King nor her, but from the Prince and Admiral. As to the promise, she asked what promise had they made? It is they that now call most upon her, and most encourage her to go against Newhaven. The writer said that this was strange, but that she [the Queen Mother] knows, and has always known, his mistress's demands. She said that Bricquemault went to the Queen but to remind her of her protestation and promise. He replied that she did not go for that; and as for that protestation printed in Orleans, she did not take it to be hers.
7. The Queen Mother said that in the protestation which he delivered her at Rouen she said that when the King's subjects were at accord for religion she would retire her force and render Hable de Grace. He did not, he said, take any such promise to be there; but that she would not appropriate any town unto herself; neither did she claim Newhaven as hers, but kept it as a pledge till she had the right which is hers by the treaty. The Queen Mother replied that if the English demand nothing but that the treaty of Casteau Cambresis be kept, they would soon be well content; but she must tarry eight years for Calais. Smith confessed that by the eighth chapter it was so, but in the thirteenth a condition was put, which being broken, Calais immediately appertained to her. Upon that matter they had some disputation. In the end he said that she saw what reason his mistress has to demand her right; and in his mind it were better for her [the Queen Dowager] to call some learned men to judge of their reasons than to go to it by force.
8. She answered that she would not come to force with her goodwill; but this manner of doing would but protract the time. His Queen takes the French ships and goods, whereas the English ships which were at Bordeaux have been restored.
9. "If they" (quoth he) "of Newhaven, hearing of this force coming to assiege them, took such ships as might serve them, specially for victual, a man cannot blame them. And upon the rumour of the taking of their ships at Bordeaux, if others bye-and-by took ships about Portsmouth it is no marvel. There being in both realms, specially in England, men ready to do that."
10. He did no more press to speak, but desired a passport to send a courier into England, which was granted.
11. The above passed betwixt them without storming words or any unkind or angry countenance. Thought that the King looked sadly upon this matter, or else as though he had been half sick.
12. From the Queen he went to Condé's chamber, who being occupied, he was brought to that of the Princess, where he declared that he heard there was rumour in the Court that the Queen spoke evil of her husband, not only in words, but also by letters to this Court.
13. She answered she had heard so, and her husband could tell more. He was bound unto her, but could not do so much as he would. The writer would fain have pressed her to declare to whom that letter (said to have been from Queen Elizabeth) was written; for it is reported that the Queen Mother showed such a letter to the Prince, wherein were many injurious words of him, and hereof the Princess herself complained to a lady of the Court. She repeated that such bruits run in the Court, and that M. Bricquemault brought the same report out of England.
14. As they were talking the Prince came in, and prayed him to have him excused, as he was despatching to the Admiral a thing which required haste. He trusted the Queen should have no cause to conceive any evil opinion of him; when the time and place would suffer, he would show himself her affectionate servant. Smith said she did think much to have now such offers made her by them whose hands and seals were at the contrary. The Prince still denied that contract to be his. Smith said that his hand and seal were there, and if not his, he must take it upon those whom he most trusted; the Admiral and many more were at it, who now again at the last coming down ratified it. He said that he [the Prince] was prisoner at the time; but that there is nothing which the Admiral and he can do but what they will do, but now he meddles not. Seeing they have begun it without him, they shall go through with it, if they will. They would have him to be the chief in it, but he flatly refused it. Smith then prayed him to let him know whether they will even straight to Newhaven to besiege it. The Prince said he could not tell, and assured him that he would there were some other way taken in the matter. "You come new from the Queen" (saith he) "what did she say?" Smith answered that he did not perceive she was hasty, but thought rather she might be persuaded to let the matter be communed of. But she told him that he [the Prince] hastens her to it. "I," (saith he, "and smiled,) doth she name me?" Smith answered that she spoke of the persons for whom she has done most, and whom she trusts most.
15. "Does she so indeed?" said he, "I must move her another way. Ye see how they stand here now." Smith said he could not perceive that they stand very sure for religion. "No, I do assure you," saith he. "What" (said Smith) "do the Parisians? They were here yesterday. Do they agree to the peace, and show themselves conformable? I hear say they promise money apace." Condé admitted that that matter was not at a point yet, and that neither he nor the Queen Mother think themselves sure if they should come thither. The writer saw here what guard they keep about the King.
16. Smith asked how it is that the Admiral came not. Condé answered that the Queen Mother sent for him, for he is afraid that among so many men of war here some should discharge a pistolet at him. Smith observed that Mme. De Guise does pursue. The Prince said that was true.
17. Smith repeated the report about the Queen having spoken evil of him. "I know" (quoth he) "the Queen Mother well enough, and am partly acquainted with these practices."
18. Upon this the Prince excused himself, and said he desired nothing more than once to have occasion to see her. And for himself, he would wish to see England and France joined in one, that he might be her servant, and that nothing grieved him so much as those evil reports, or that she conceived any evil opinion of him.
19. When he pressed him for some authors, he would name none but M. Bricquemault and those that came from thence. Whether it was the Ambassador of France in England, which is most likely, or some other he meant, he knows not.
20. The Prince seemed in his talk drowsy and pensive, and to speak as one who had his head occupied, or not very well pleased.—Poissy, 11 May 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal, a few passages in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 10.
May 11. 737. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. The writer's letter of 22nd April was delivered to Smith on the 24th to be sent, but he finds that the way of Flanders is the speediest. On the 4th inst. arrived William Killigrew, by whom he received Cecil's letter, and has communicated the part to Smith which he willed him to do. On the 5th he presented Killigrew to the Prince, who read Lord Robert's letter and said that he would do all he could for the delivery of his brother. The same day he told them that the Queen Mother would neither deliver him or any other Englishman until the Queen delivered Havre to her, and desired him to speak no more of it. Middlemore moved him to be more earnest in the matter, when he said that he would do the best he could. Next day being occupied in affairs he did not move her touching Killigrew, and told Middlemore that the Queen Mother and he had been at great words touching Havre, whither she would have him go as chief of the army, and because he refused she was marvellously angry; and to avoid all these troubles he would retire to his house and tarry the issue of these matters. He wished that the Queen of England would take some other way, for this will make her lose all. When Middlemore was about to answer M. De Bricquemault's son came in with news that his father would be here on the morrow, and so the Prince left him. For his part believes but little of the Prince's former words.
2. On the 8th Smith desired him to declare to the Prince what the Queen had given him charge to say touching Bricquemault's message. Having done so he told him that the Queen said that she had good cause to think that if they continued in that way she had bestowed her benefits upon very ungrateful persons, and should be constrained to make known to all the world both their promises, contract, and letters. The Prince answered that he was sorry that the Queen refused the reasonable offers made to her by Bricquemault. And where she taxed him with ingratitude, his obligation towards her had not been great before these troubles, and she had done no great thing, but only lent the Admiral 100,000 crowns. And as to the contract, letters, and promises, he would be glad that the Queen should make them known to whom she pleases, for he never made any such; and as to the contract, he sent his blanks signed, and they forced his ministers to consent to the articles of the keeping of Newhaven, which he protests he never knew of. He thought, he said, that the Queen by going this way to work would lose both Newhaven and Calais.
3. When Middlemore spoke of the exception of the Princes of the blood, the Prince added to it those of the King's Council. Middlemore's advertisements are verified by the Prince's words. The Prince is ready to meet the Admiral. Will not be absent from that meeting.—The Court, 11 May. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Mostly in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
May 12. 738. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. Advertised how scant their victuals waxed, but since then there are come out of Flanders about 1,500 or 1,600 quarters of good wheat, which the Queen shall have at more reasonable prices than she is served out of England. Has great lack of millage here, especially when the wind waxes scant, but there are four horse mills at Portsmouth that will grind thirty quarters apiece a day; for one of which he has written several times to the Lord Treasurer, but can get no answer. Forbears making out last month's warrant till he has passed the next musters for this month. Touching the information given against him for his dealing in this office, he repeats that he is aggrieved therein. Enters into details respecting the same. Hopes Cecil will consider his dealing herein, for no business of his own ever moved him in respect to the care he has taken in this service.—Newhaven, 12 May 1563. Signed.
2. P.S.—The information touching the horse mill was given him by the Clerk of the Victuals, who requires him to write that he is but to grind malt, which is so necessary that it cannot be spared.
Orig., with seal. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
[May 12.] 739. Vaughan to Cecil.
The tasks given out by the Master of the Ordnance are not finished according to the bargain. He is unwilling to consent to any abatement. The price is 3l. a rod; they have taken it "a great" and let it to the soldiers at 35s. or 40s. the rod at the most. The money for the tasks is 1,011l., viz. 337 rods at 3l. Opens the exactions of the water bailiff. Sends the books, that Cecil may see how matters stand against him. There are many other disorders.
Orig. Pp. 2.
May 12. 740. Victuals for Newhaven.
Statement of various sums of money awarded for the victualling of Newhaven from 20 Oct. 1562 to 12 May 1563, with notices of the mode in which they were severally expended, and by whom.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 7.
May 12. 741. Accounts at Newhaven.
The water bailiff of Newhaven (Mr. Robinson), accounts for divers sums of money paid by merchants and others for licence to pass up the Seine, from the 1st Feb. to the 12th of May 1563, amounting to 446 crowns, two double ducats, one crusado, and twenty-six tuns of wine, besides divers customs, and 2,000 crowns taken from merchant strangers within the town.
Pp. 5.
May 13. 742. Gresham's Accounts.
Bills of Gresham delivered to Richard Stonley, one of the tellers of the Exchequer at Westminster, 2,597l.; to William Patten, 4,483l. 16s.; remaining with William Burd 13th May 1563, 2,210l. 10s.; sum total, discharged of the Queen's whole debt of 31,800l., 9,290l. 18s.; and so remain to the merchants 22,509l. 2s.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
May 14. 743. Henry Cobham to Challoner.
1. The 6th inst. M. Bricquemault (who had been here afore as a minister of Condé) came with letters to the Queen demanding Newhaven, and offering that her charges in the time of this confederacy shall be defrayed and her money lent repaid, and that till all these be accomplished she should have the choice of any pledges in France. Her answer was reasonable and stout, pretending to keep her right and denying to be deluded by the French; and in seven days Bricquemault went back with this sharp answer, which it is thought will breed blows. Thinks that it will not fall out so; notwithstanding the French have sent twenty pieces of battering artillery to Rouen, and boast that they have in store 25,000 men for this enterprise. At Newhaven there work daily 2,000 labourers. All the French are put out of the town. The Queen's fleet is armed, and on the 22nd the Lord Admiral minds to be there. In Newhaven they have 120 sail taken from the French. Twenty-five of the same are as well appointed as any in Christendom, the English excepted. Portinary has gone over about the fortifications and the fresh water; if they obtain it within the walls, all the force of France cannot win the town, as the navy shall keep the seas and victual it in spite of the enemy's beard, and put in fresh aid at their pleasure. The Admiral and Châtillon come not yet to the Court; the Constable is retired to his house discontented; though they seem to agree, there is no brother's love amongst them, and he doubts not but that the Guises will be revenged. The Prince may repent him of breaking this "rush." Cannot think that they will long agree with this "gallimaufery" of two religions. The Vidame of Chartres and Beauvoir are banished France. M. Savine, Vendôme's bastard, is here, brave and youthful, and makes good cheer with Don Antonio De Toledo's money. Most of the French ladies are repaired to their homes.
2. Scotland is yet in good quietness and is their friend. A servant, or as it were an agent, of Daverildes [?] was headed of late in Scotland. He first spake for his master, and then liked so well of his entertainment that he thought too good for himself, and found means to hide himself behind the hangings of the Queen's bed chamber. The Queen being abed, and everywhere hushed, he stole from behind the hangings and started to her bedside, and would have lovingly assaulted her. She misliked the matter and called to her maids, who cried out to the guard, who burst into the chamber and took this bold lover, this other Tarquinius Collatinus. With judgment shortly after he was made shorter by the head.
3. Sir Thomas Finch was drowned going over to Newhaven as knight-marshal in Sir Adrian Poyning's place, who is come over. James Wentworth and his brother John were cast away in the same vessel, on the sands near Rye, and little Brook and some other petty gentlemen. Sir Thomas Gresham's only son is dead. "Sir Geames Stumps" is dead, and Henry Knevet shall have "is ayer." Charles Haward and Catherine Care are commanded from the Court; the Queen is discontented with their marriage, notwithstanding they mean to be married afore Whit Sunday amongst their parents. Southwell has leave to marry Mansfield, and willows be green. Lady Lennox lies at St. John's. The Poles are close prisoners in the Tower, condemned long since, and one Foscue, with three more of that company. The Lady Katherine and Lord Hertford are close prisoners in the Tower; his mother sues diligently. It is thought that the Court will hover about London all this summer. The Earls of Northumberland and Warwick are chosen of the Garter, and Lady Warwick is dead. Young Cecil shall marry one of Lord Latimer's daughters. Has emptied his bag and there is nothing left to write. When he was at Bilboa in Challoner's packet he enclosed a letter to Mrs. Stradling, with a case of glasses, and desires to know whether she has received them, and also whether the bill of Mr. Parker for a debt is discharged.—Westminster, 14 May 1563. Signed.
4. P.S.—Sends his commendations to Mr. Shelly, his cousin. Barnardine Young goes to Terra Florida with Stuckly, who has furnished five ships and a pinnace. Yesternight the Queen supped with Mr. Secretary, when he took occasion to entreat her for revoking Challoner home, and the Marquis said that it were good to send some of the long robe in his place. All this seemed however to profit nothing.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 7 July, per manus Fr. Bravo. Pp. 4.
May 14. 744. Victuals for Newhaven.
"A proportion thought good to remain in Newhaven for store, over and besides the ordinary provision for three months," viz.: Milan rice, Jordan almonds, figs, Malaga raisins, Damask and French prunes, Northampton honey, meat, pease, salad oil, Bordeaux vinegar, Seck, and Rochell wines, amounting to 2,165l. 14s. 8d.
Endd.: 14 May 1563. Pp. 2.
May 14. 745. Confession of Nicholas Preudhomme.
Nicholas Preudhomme, aged seventeen, servant to Captain Porcier, says that early this morning a lad came from Montivilliers, who told him to go to his captain at St. Vict, where he found the lacquey of François Le Clerc, who bade him come and speak with his master at Montivilliers. Le Clerc directed him to place a slow match in two barrels of powder which were on board a ship at low water. He would not do so without first telling his parents, who informed the minister. On the same day Michael Le Clerc, aged seventeen, servant to Captain Francois Le Clerc, confessed that what Nicholas Preudhomme said was true.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 4.
May 14. 746. Challoner to John Conyes.
Stephano Leccarie, the Genoese, has fled, and his goods are confiscated to the King, therefore he requires Catanes and Doria to make out their bill to some other good merchant here. Is grieved for the death of Sir Thomas Gresham's son. —Madrid, 14 May 1563. Signed.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: M. to Mr. Clough and John Conyes, 15 June 1563. By the Catanos. Pp. 2.
May 15. 747. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Before the coming of La Croc they had so little to think upon that they did nothing but pass their time in feasts, banqueting, masking, and running at the ring. He brought such a number of letters and abundance of news that for three days they gave themselves to nothing else but to reading and hearing tales. Among his tidings is that the Cardinal of Lorraine, at his being with the Emperor, moved a marriage between his youngest son, the Duke of Austria, and this Queen, which is come to this point, that if she finds it good the said Duke will send hither an ambassador and proceed with all speed. La Croc is sent with this message from the Cardinal, who has promised the Emperor to have word again before the end of May; for this cause Croc is ready for his despatch, and his letters are written day and night. The Queen has sought to know Murray's mind herein, but would never so plainly deal with him that he could learn her meaning. She uses no man's counsel, but only La Croc's; and until Lethington's return will keep it secret. As resolution in his absence cannot be taken, she will return La Croc with request to have longer time to devise, and after advertise her uncle of her mind. Of this matter Lethington is made privy. The Emperor has offered with his son, for this Queen's dowry, the country of Tyrol, worth 30,000 francs a year. Of this matter the Rhinegrave wrote to this Queen out of France not long since.
2. Has received Cecil's writings by the Scottish man that last came into these parts. He brought also letters unto this Queen from Lethington; their date was old and only contained news of France. Canis timidus fortius latrat. What means soever they make, they will receive small comfort for their long ally. They stand daily in doubt what friendship they shall need themselves, except they put better order unto their misruled Papists than they do, or know how to be void of their cumber.
3. To-morrow, the 16th, the Queen departs hence to Edinburgh. If his harp be good Cecil shall shortly hear some merry tidings of the Bishop of St. Andrews. On Wednesday next he will be arrained, and five other priests, for the massing at Easter last. The Lord of Murray has a humour in his arms. —St. Andrew's, 15 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
May 15. 748. Occurrences in France.
1. The 1st inst. the men of arms that were hereabouts towards Normandy were sent back, and passed this town on the 6th to Parisward to lodge about St. Cloud.
2. The 6th, two were killed for Huguenots at Paris.
3. The 7th, one captain of the Prince was killed for a quarrel he had with the steward of the Duke of Guise's house.
4. About these times there has been a broil in the Court, Mme. De Guise purchasing that the Admiral and such as are suspected for the death of her husband might be put to trial.
5. There has been a skirmish in words and deeds betwixt the Prince of Navarre and young Guise, for which they were chastised. Some presage that these two bloods and humours shall evil agree hereafter.
6. The 6th, at night, and the 7th, all the Court at St. Germain was kept with a great number of Swisses, all armed. Some think it is for fear of the Admiral, who will not come to the Court but with a great force of gentlemen. He is this day looked for.
7. The 8th, 9th, and 10th. In the day 100 armed Swisses, and in the night 200, watch about the Court, and search about St. Germain who lodge in every house, and what weapons they have.
8. The 10th, a cry was at Paris, giving freedom of custom to all who would victual the camp at Newhaven against the Englishmen.
9. The 11th, the Admiral's band, 300 horse, and D'Andelot's 200 were lodged within seven or eight leagues at Paris.
10. This 11th, at afternoon, a cry was made in the Court that all gentlemen and others should retire out of the Court within six hours, upon pain to be taken as rebels. And that all soldiers and men of war, not having special charge, should void the Court and retire to their garrison and charges within six hours upon pain of death.
11. The rumour was that the old ruiters are coming hitherwards, and that another number of ruiters and 8,000 footmen are coming after them. Some say it is the Prince's doing; others the Admiral's, and others say the Queen of England's.
12. The 13th the Prince went to meet the Admiral with 200 horse. The Court is yet kept marvellously straight. The Provost de Hôtel keeps the door. None enter but at the wicket, and all about are armed Swisses. The Prince and the Admiral lay that night at Esson. They of Corbeil would not suffer their trains to lodge in the town, wherewith the Prince was displeased.
13. May 12th. The ruiters are coming back from Lorraine; they have been at Montierender and Bar, and are now within five leagues of Troyes. The Duke D'Aumale (who is Governor of Champagne) sent word so. They hang the priests and monks, and spoil the villages. They have 1,500 waggons laden with coffers of the spoil of France.
14. The Prince and the Admiral had communication together, and the Prince delivered him from the King a defence that neither he nor Mme. De Guise should attempt anything by force; but not denying them to prosecute their causes by justice.
15. The 13th, at night, the Prince and M. D'Andelot came to the Court. The Admiral is returned towards Châtillon. The Court of Paris make process against the Admiral for the death of Guise. They of Paris have agreed to pay the King 300,000 francs, others say 200,000 crowns, to maintain his war against Newhaven. The ruiters (not content with the sureties affered by the town of Augsburg) will be paid before they go out of France. They also complain that the Duke D'Aumale keeps victuals from them.
16. On the 14th the Rhinegrave departed from the Court to Paris to get money to pay his soldiers; and from thence he goes to Rouen and Newhaven.
17. On the 15th the cry for victualling Newhaven was made at Poissy. The Court at St. Germain is kept as strongly with armed Swisses as it was.
18. On the 16th the King went to Paris; from thence he comes hither again for three or four days, and then goes to Gallion to the Cardinal of Bourbon's house. The other Swisses that lay about this town march towards Newhaven.
19. M. D'Estres prepares at Paris to send by water to Rouen, and so to Newhaven, twenty-two or twenty-three great cannon.
20. The King's going to Paris is to make the Parisians agree that he may sell 200,000 crowns yearly of the revenues of the Church, being within the resort of Paris, to the maintenance of his wars. On the 15th Condé and Marshal Montmorency made request to the King before all the Council that the debate betwixt the Admiral and M. De Guise might be tried by justice before the King and his Privy Council. And if any of the house of Guise would have it tried by arms, they were content, and the others should have enough of it.
21. All of the reformed Church have required to have "a declination of audience" granted them from the Court of Paris, and other such Courts where Papists are admitted, as judges to them suspected; and require to have their causes heard before the King's Council, which is like to be granted.
Orig., with Smith's seal. Endd., partly by Cecil. Pp. 6.
May 15. 749. The Countess of Feria to Challoner.
Thanks him for his letters, but is sorry that the unquietness of the times has letted him from performing his promise, and defrauded them of the sight of a guest so much desired. Charles has been at Montilla, and brought Lorenzo with him, who has well contented his grandmother.—Safra, 15 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Pp. 3.