Elizabeth: May 1563, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: May 1563, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp358-377 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1563, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp358-377.

"Elizabeth: May 1563, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp358-377.

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May 1563, 21-30

May 21. 776. The Queen to Edward Randolph.
Appoints him High Marshal of the garrison at Newhaven, with the same allowance as other Marshals have had there.— Westminster, 21 May, 5 Eliz. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 21. 777. Thomas Goldwell to Challoner.
Fourteen days ago he came to the Court and had audience with Cecil (to whom he gave Challoner's letters) as he was going into Lord Robert's chamber to supper. At his coming home to Challoner's house he found at supper Mrs. Farnham (very shortly Mrs. Saunders), Mr. Ferrers, Francis Challoner, and Mr. Bowyer, and their wives. Landed at "Learpoole," and was ten days on the sea. "We met with nobody, and nobody met with us. Thanks be unto God." Charged the Mayor of West Chester ("who is a man that keepeth his bed by the reason of the gout") to convey the chest and the skins of wine. On Thursday week the Queen supped with Cecil, with many of the Lords and the Vidame and other Lords of France. On Sunday the bastard son of Vendome invited all the Council to his lodging at Charing Cross, where there was good cheer and trim music. On Ascension evening the Ambassador of Spain, accompanied with a gentleman of Flanders, had audience with the Queen. Dr. Story has broke forth of the Marshalsea, and was hid for some space in the Ambassador of Spain's house, as the latter confessed. "He is very often with the Queen, in a manner for every small trifle." Touching the persons that have been slain or poisoned (as the Dukes of Vendôme and Guise, the Mareschal St. André, the Grand Prior, the Duke De La Miyers [?], and many other noblemen of France), the report goes that the Protestants are as strong as the Catholics. They say that Condé has turned his coat, and is become a Papist, and that there has been a bickering between the Admiral's men and the Catholics about Paris. The Prince is made Governor of France. Thinks that they will have war, as the Queen will not depart from Newhaven until Calais be restored and her charges paid. The Parliament is prorogued until the 2nd of October. Lord Grey is dead. On St. George's day the Earls of Warwick and Northumberland were created Knights of the Garter. The Earl of Bothwell, Admiral of Scotland, going into France was taken in this country, and is now in the Tower. He is taken to be a great Papist and enemy to England, to which he intended some mischief. Cannot get more of Challoner's diet money, and can perceive nothing of the shortening of his time. Sir Richard Shelley's brother, who came from Italy, has a patent from the Queen for 40l. the year, and shall be general of her galleys. Harry King has gone to Plymouth with six fair geldings; the Council would have smelt him had he gone for Flanders. Garcia showed him (after he had delivered Challoner's letter to Dr. Wotton) that he said that Challoner could not tell when he was well, and that if he were home he would find another world of loans, subsidies, and fifteenths. Garcia has now Dr. Wotton's livery upon his back. The Earl of Hereford is condemned. The Germans will lay siege to Metz.—London, 21 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
May 22.
Forbes, ii. 422.
778. The Queen to Warwick.
1. She has compassion of such French as for the benefit of their country were willing to receive her power into Newhaven; and having heard that they left without their goods, it is her wish that permission be given them to have the same, not being merchandise of value or victuals wherewith the enemy may be accommodated. He is not to allow any victuals to be carried from thence, nor any quantity of riches or merchandises belonging to any Frenchman whose devotion has been against her. She hears that M. De Beauvoir's goods are arrested, which seems very strange, considering in what hard terms he stands with his own country for giving up possession of the town to her.
2. Some things are more disordered than he knows of. Great riches were found, and have come to that town by many means; and considering she is answerable to all demands that shall be made therefor, she thought that the same had been safely kept. But it is reported that a great quantity thereof has been by private officers corruptly licensed to be conveyed thence; and that part has come into private hands. Requires him to see the same seriously examined, for she intends to have an account made thereof. She is sorry to hear there has been such scarcity of victuals lately, and that amongst the captains and soldiers no manner of days are observed for fish days and fasting, which ought to be chiefly considered, seeing how chargeable and far off the victuals are brought.
Draft. Endd.: 22 May 1563. Pp. 4.
May 22.
Forbes, ii. 423.
779. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
1. Received a letter yesterday from Smith, which he sends to the Queen, and a copy thereof to their Lordships enclosed, trusting they will furnish them with those things mentioned in former letters.
2. Yesterday (upon a letter sent to him from the Rhinegrave) he sent Captain Horsey to see what he could learn, he having lately come from Court; who sent him word that until this day in the afternoon he would not molest any of the garrison, but afterwards at their peril. Contrary to his promise, he sent this morning, about two o'clock, about twenty ensigns of footmen, and 300 horse within a flight shot of the new fort in the old town, with bag and baggage, intending to encamp themselves there in a little village. Thereupon Warwick went to the new fort, where the night before he had placed four captains of 200 apiece, namely, Reed, Antwisill, Appleyard, and Manners. He put certain of them and others (with Captain Tremayne's band of horsemen) to skirmish, and they repulsed the Rhinegrave's whole force, and slew and took nearly 400, with one ensign and seven drums, with not more than twenty of theirs killed and wounded, and to their knowledge not one was taken. So leaving their baggage and victuals, they went over the hill, where they are now encamped, above Englefeld, and have placed two or three field pieces upon the hill and shot towards this town, but done no harm. The rest of his conference with Horsey they shall receive herewith in writing.
3. Certain of the prisoners have confessed that they expect certain ensigns of Swiss, Spaniards, and others shortly; so they trust their Lordships will see them furnished, especially of men and victuals, and with money for the relief of needy soldiers.
4. Sends herewith a note from the Clerk of the Victuals, whereby will be perceived what small provision there is here. Mr. Winter has selected such things as he thinks may be taken from hence. The Scotch bands are mustered, and are now upon their despatch, so soon as they can receive their pay. It seems they were willing to serve the Queen, and therefore loth to depart.—Newhaven, 22 May 1563. Signed: Warwyck, Poulet, Denys, Vaughan, Bromefeld, Fysscher.
5. P.S.—Mr. Winter, the bearer, can certify what he has seen. Hopes they will have Mr. Portinary in remembrance for his entertainment.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
May 22. 780. Skirmish before Newhaven.
Account of the skirmish on May 22 before Newhaven, in which the English troops were engaged under Captains Apleyarde, Reade, Antuyssel, Zouthe, Martin, and Warde. They were engaged for an hour and a half in a hand-to-hand fight, in which 600 of the enemy were killed, and not above twenty-five of the English.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 3.
May 22. 781. Smith to [Cecil].
1. His communication with the Prince and M. D'Andelot has taken some effect, for the Prince despatched to the Queen, and about midnight answer came that he should speak with her at Paris. He and M. D'Andelot went next day to Madrid, where they had long conference. They returned the same night to St. Germain, which was the 18th, and at 10 p.m. Middlemore came from the Prince to require him to stay his courier till he had word from him. Next day, the 20th, at night, he sent Middlemore to him again to stay his courier; and that night William Killigrew sent a letter to Middlemore that Lethington had leave of the Queen that his brother Henry [Killigrew] should go with him, by whom the writer sent a letter on the 20th inst.
2. The 21st, at night, he had word by the enclosed letter from Middlemore for him to stay his courier. Since the despatch sent by Liggens sees no alteration worth writing; but the Prince is warned by his communication of the 18th inst., and pricked forward to look about him.
3. At this he does not marvel, for the Protestants think that if the forces come to Newhaven the Queen would utter what they would not gladly hear. The French will be left in infamy, both towards the English and as much, or more, towards their own country. If they lose it, then they may look to have their throats cut and their religion extinct in France.
4. The others have two causes not to make haste to Newhaven. They see doubts how to win it by force. The other is, they do not trust the Protestants, who do not deny they are bound to the English for their lives and all that they have.
5. If the English put them to rebuke at Newhaven, then they may doubt they will join the Protestants again for religion, and not be content while the Pope and Mass be sent out of France. And if the English are driven out, many think that they will seek by alliance both with the Emperor and their own men and others to be fully revenged.
6. The Queen Mother swims betwixt two waters, neither the Papists or the Protestants love her. Cannot tell of which of the two she is most hated.
7. The 22nd inst. M. D'Alluy was despatched to England with conditions to be offered to the Queen. He goes by way of Chantilly to the Constable, where the Prince has required that he might stay this night. The Queen Mother will have him go, because he is an indifferent man. The Prince would have had some great personage, and of his faction. M. De La Haye shall come shortly, or the Bishop of Aix.
8. Yesterday twelve cannon, powder, shot, wheat, and timber was sent by water from Paris towards Newhaven, which will be at Caudebec about the 12th or 16th of June. Belike they look to have some galleys to keep the seas about that time. The King will have twenty-two of his own from Marseilles, twelve of the Pope, and sixteen of King Philip in June or July.
9. Within these two days four or five ensigns of footmen, Frenchmen, were met towards Rouen. Both the Prince and D'Andelot, and all that faction, desire that the matter were friendly accorded; and the others are not greatly unwilling. They would fain have Newhaven and not part with Calais.— Poissy, 22 May 1563. Signed.
10. P. S.—Has also sent some occurrences, and such books and proclamations as are new. Prays him to send his man as soon as D'Alluy has his answer. They be here in a marvellous bravery, specially the Papists. Mme. De Ferté has been earnest to allow one for her husband. He is called Le Baron D'Aubert, Secretary of the Queen.
Orig. Pp. 4.
May 22.
Forbes, ii. 426.
782. Kemys to [Cecil].
1. To let the fortifications began since Portinary arrived, the enemy hastened their coming too soon for themselves; for on their first approach into the village close by (where they intended to encamp) they lost 500 footmen and horsemen, of whom the greater part was slain and the rest taken and brought into this town before eight o'clock this morning by Captains Read, Darcy, South, Appleyard, Antwysell, Tuttye, Warde, Perkinson, and Tremayne, with their bands, with the loss of twenty, chiefly common soldiers. Their number could not have been less than 4,000. Being repulsed to the abbey they drew up to the hill, and there joined the rest of their company, and so marched along the same till they came to that part that lies near the town, Englefield being between both; and there by noon settled themselves and planted certain small pieces of artillery. In the afternoon they descended into the village and the marsh (being dry) and skirmished with them, but to no purpose, other than for perusing the ground.
2. Yesterday the English brigantines going out to bring in a ship which was passing up the river espied before Honfleur three or four pinnaces, upon whom they and the galley bestowed many shots, but could do but little harm, for the water would not allow the galley to approach them. This day there arrived from Rye 300 mariners to transport the ships which Mr. Winter has selected; he wishes there had come also 1,000 pioneers to perfect that which the soldiers have begun about the "ramforcing" of the new fort. Asks for a new supply of men.—Newhaven, 22 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 2.
May 22. 783. Middlemore to [Smith].
There has been "a great hold" about him whom they would send into England. The Queen would have M. D'Allouy to go. The Prince desires one more a friend to the religion, and so would accompany him with M. De La Haye. Fears it will not be so well, for D'Allouy is come to the Prince about his going. The Prince desired him to tarry the return of his [Smith's] man for answer to his letter. Lethington departed from Paris this day.—22 May. Signed.
Orig. Hol. P. 1.
May 22. 784. The Lady Cecilia of Sweden to the Queen.
Has received the Queen's letter of 16th March, with a table ruby. Thanks for permission to come into England, and has made suit to her brother to license her to go over, who does not mislike her request. Asks the Queen to write three or four lines to him in her favour. As to the cause which prevented the Queen to write of late to her brother, "God forgive those which from time to time have been the occasioners thereof, and have sought always to hinder my brother's pretensed voyage into England." —Stockholm, 23 May 1563. Signed; Cecilia.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 22. 785. The Lady Cecilia of Sweden to Cecil.
Having intelligence by Peter Schinkelle (servant to the King, her brother,) of Cecil's furtherance of her late suit to the Queen, she thanks him for his goodwill. Asks him to use his influence with the Queen to write to the King for his licence for the writer to come over.—Stockholm, 22 May 1563. Signed; Cecilia.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 23.
Forbes, ii. 427.
786. Warwick to the Queen.
On the 22nd inst. the Rhinegrave (thinking to do some great exploit upon the old town, which they are now fortifying,) came thither by three o'clock in the morning with at least 4,000 footmen and 500 horses, but finding all things in good order there they durst not attempt it. Yet they had a hot skirmish close to the fort, to the end that they might plant themselves in the village. He called the captains to him and told them how dangerous it was to allow the enemy to lodge so near, for which he thought it requisite to charge them. He forthwith appointed six or seven ensigns, and made Captain Read the chief thereof. The enemy had a position of advantage, and besides had planted all their arquebusiers in such sort that the soldiers might as well have gone to an assault as to assail them in the place where they were so strongly planted. Yet through their courage they got one place, then another, and so little by little drove them out of their place of strength, and entered pell mell with them. When the armed men joined together and they came over to the push of the pike they then showed themselves like Englishmen, and in a short time put the enemy to flight. There were slain 400 footmen and eighty horsemen, and about 120 taken prisoners, besides numbers that were hurt.—Newhaven, 23 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.
May 23. 787. Copy of the above in Denis's hol
Endd. Pp. 3.
May 23. 788. Smith to the Queen,
Has written to her on the 16th inst. and to Cecil. Some effect has followed for D'Allouy is sent to her; and some one come more authority and a surer message than the last is to with on behalf of the Prince.—Poissy, 23 May 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 23. 789. Montgomery to Warwick.
Is at his house waiting to see what will happen. Warwick may always count on him as one of his most faithful servants. —Duce, 23 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
May 23. 790. Denys to Cecil.
1. The 19th inst. his servant arrived here with 2,000l., wherewith Warwick thought that the Scottish horsemen should be first paid and discharged. Their pay will be 1,345l., so with what was paid in England to Captain Leyton there will remain not above 500l. towards the payment of the works here, which will be a small relief, 1,500l. being already due for the same.
2. A new fort is now begun, which must be brought to some good perfection within fourteen or fifteen days.
3. The 20th inst. his Lordship put therein four bands of 800 men, and means to relieve the same with as many more until it may be made stronger.
4. These works will amount to above 4,000l., whereof he reckons that this 2,000l. to be a parcel, although he must now borrow thereof for the pay of the Scottish horsemen.
5. Here has been of late much contention betwixt the Controller, the Master of the Ordnance and the water bailiff before his Lordship and the rest here. Gives an account of the skirmish on the 22nd. Must call upon him for men, money, and victuals.—Newhaven, 23 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
May 23. 791. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. That he may make more speed to relieve them, thinks it necessary that he should know the danger they are in by the negligence of certain officers They have not one piece of artillery mounted or placed that may not in two hours be taken by the enemy; nor a mound or gabion made, nor stuff to make them. Yet if supplied with 2,000 soldiers more, 500 pioneers, and victuals for them, they will yield a good account of this town. If the old town be put in strength before the coming of the whole power, then the French will seek peace; for without they surprise that piece there is no way for them to hurt this town otherwise than by famine.
2. It is needful that a supply of powder should be sent hither. None of the Council here are privy to the store of munition otherwise than by the report of the Master of the Ordnance, who will not suffer it to be known.
3. There is also a great want of serviceable arquebuses, for there is not one in store that the soldiers dare serve with, many have been maimed with those they have received.
4. Has only mustered the bands of Mr. Pelham, the Master of the Ordnance, and the Scottish horsemen. They discharged of Mr. Pelham's 120 sick and unserviceable men, and tomorrow he minds to discharge all the Scots in the foot bands, and the sick.—Newhaven, 23 May. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
May 24. 792. The Queen to Warwick.
Authority for Captain Leighton to have one French ship such as he shall think convenient.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 24 May 1563. Pp. 2.
May 24. 793. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. Since his last by William Killigrew (which he misdated the 23rd for the 20th) the way to treat by commissioners is thought too long, and M. D'Allouy is come hither to declare to the Prince the Queen Mother's resolution for sending him into England. This the Prince found very evil, yet in the end he must obey. The Queen Mother is pleased that the Prince shall send M. De la Haye with D'Allouy. The latter departed towards England on the 22nd inst., passing by Chantilly, where he spent a day with the Constable. He is very young for so great a charge. The Prince, M. D'Andelot, M. De Grammont, and others, their friends here, have resolved to send M. De La Haye to declare the Prince's great desire to have her satisfied. But M. De La Haye declared to them that unless he hears of such offers before he goes as she will accept, he will never take the journey. So it will be a day or two before Haye departs. He goes as from the Prince, and shall have that authority which Bricquemault lacked. D'Allouy comes first with the late offers of Bricquemault enriched by the authority he lacked; and where they shall not be liked, with offer of some greater personages for hostages. If the Queen will render them Havre, and forbear her right of Calais until the time of the treaty be expired, they will gladly give the greatest hostages in France, the King's brethren only excepted. They have again within these two days received news out of Spain, but of cold operation. The Huguenots at St. Germain say that in the Low Countries there is a broil for religion, and that the Protestants have taken the Castle of Tourney, and keep it.
2. Word came to the Prince betimes this morning, the 23rd, that the King would not be here, but desired him to come to Bonshommes, a league out of Paris, to meet the Queen, where she would declare the occasion of their longer stay there. The Prince grew offended with the matter, and sent word that he was not well. Within two hours he sent M. De Grammont to her to declare that he was resolved to be no more her cipher.
3. M. D'Andelot is gone to his brother, the Admiral, at Châtillon, and does no less stomach the Queen's misgivings of the Prince than he himself. So if this matter is not quickly practised, or the Prince changed, they shall hear of some garboils amongst them again.
4. It is thought that D'Allouy is sent by the Papists, and therefore brings greater offers and authority, to render the Protestants altogether odious in her sight. It is also feared lest she, falling to accord, the Papists will seek by a new treaty to bind her from aiding any more those of the religion in France. The King and the Queen Mother have been marvellously feasted in Paris, which was never more out of order than at present. The 21st inst. there was a great play before the King at Paris of the Protestants and Parisians, in which, after a long war, all the Protestants were taken and destroyed, Condé beheaded, the Admiral, De Beze, and Malo [Marlorat?] burned, and the rest executed. Most of those of the religion begin to see their danger, so that they cry out and desire the Queen will keep Newhaven until she sees God's enemies underfoot, and religion have free course through France. If the King should still tarry in Paris, Cecil will hear of great troubles, for the Prince will not come there; they begin to say that they hold the King prisoner there. Twenty cannons, with powder and shot, wine, and corn, have been sent by water, and the rest of their preparations will be ready at Rouen by the midst of next month. This new alarm here has broken M. De la Haye's journey Lethington has secretly commission to treat with the Queen from the Queen here. For all this new anger the Prince goes this morning to speak with the Queen Mother at Bonshommes. She sent him word that if he retires she will follow him. It is like enough that the Prince will to Bois de Vincennes.—St. Germain, 24 May 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. partly by Cecil, partly by his secretary. Pp. 5.
May 24. 794. Goods taken by François Le Clercq.
1. "Note of such goods as be lacking in the ship named the 'Little Abraham,' at Newhaven, as appears by the declaration, written in Flemish, by the purser of the said ship."
2. The total sum of the said goods, beside the silk, silk hosen, and mariner's stuff, with the victuals, amounts to 4,850 crowns. Attached is the declaration in Flemish.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 24. 795. Challoner to Clough.
1. Sephano Leccari, for fear of trouble about conveyance of money out of the realm, is fled of late into Portugal, so Clough is not to address any more bills to him. Has been now five months without letters from the Queen or Council, to his great grief and displeasure. They stand in expectation of the success of Oran, besieged by the King of Algiers. The King's repair to Monçon is again cold.
2. The two sons of the King of the Romans are looked for about September, with conclusion of a marriage between the Prince of Spain and the daughter of the King of the Romans.—Madrid, 24 May 1563.
Hol. Draft. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by the way of France. Answer to Clough's letters of 27th and 29th of the last. Pp. 3.
May 25. 796. Summons to Council.
1. List of noblemen and gentlemen to whom a notice should be sent to repair to the Court in order to give their advice on the affairs of France, whether it would be best to terminate them by war or by treaty.
2. The draft of the notice in Cecil's writing.
Endd. by Cecil: 25 May. Pp. 6.
May 25. 797. The Queen to the Lord Admiral.
He shall set to sea the "Swallow" in the place of the "Greyhound," and the bark "Fawcon" to conduct certain munition to Newhaven.
Draft. Endd.: 25 May, 1563. Pp. 2.
[May 25.] 798. [The Rhinegrave to Warwick.]
Whereas he writes that Poulet has commandment to speak with him, he does not think such honour belongs to him.
Copy. Fr. P. 1.
May 25. 799. Warwick to the Rhinegrave.
1. Whereas he writes that his people are roughly imprisoned, he has so many of them that they cannot keep them comfortably. If the writer had not drawn off his people through friendship to the Rhinegrave, the defeat of the latter would have been much more severe. The Rhinegrave's drum will give him the names of the prisoners.—Havre, 25 May 1563.
2. P. S.—Has received directions from the Queen to send Poulet to him, but after what has passed he thinks any further parley would be vain.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: 25 May 1563. Fr. Pp. 2.
[May 25.] 800. French Shipping at Newhaven.
Arrangements to be made by the English for the removal of the French shipping at Newhaven; 300 mariners to be sent thither for that purpose under Morley, Garston, and Jones.
Draft in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him.
May 25. 801. Men fit for Service.
Names of twenty-two men who have had and are meet to have charge; also of forty-three in service, besides one in Ireland and three at Berwick.
Endd. by Cecil: 25 May. The names of several men of war. Pp. 2
May 26. 802. Smith to Cecil.
1. Condé, seeing so many of the religion sueing him for the reformation of their injuries, and that he can do them no good, is in a marvellous perplexity.
2. On Monday the 23rd inst. the Prince sent M. Grammont to tell the Queen Mother that he would leave the Court; at which she started back and said, "Tell him if he goes thither I will follow him, for I cannot be without him; I will be but where he is." Grammont replied that the keeping of the King at Paris was because she knew that he [the Prince] would not come to Paris; for he fears lest some of the people should do him a displeasure with a pistolet. She said if he fears that, he shall ask the Chancellor (whom the Prince trusts) why she stops here with the King so long.
3. The Chancellor said that the only cause was lack of money to take their army from the Parisians. In the end the Queen Mother sent word to the Prince that she and the King would be either at Bois de Vincennes, Madrid, or at St. Germain.
4. Thus she has won the Prince again, and this day, the 26th, word is looked for where the Court shall rest now this Whitsuntide, and till word come out of England. There is no more talk of the King going to Gallion again. The Papists fortify themselves, and levy men in every place, D'Aumale in Champagne and Brie, Montpensier in Touraine and Maine, and Brissac in Normandy. The other faction covertly do as much on the other side. All Lyons, Dauphiné, and Languedoc still hold out and will not receive the Mass, where also Cardinal Châtillion keeps and gathers force.
5. The Duke De Nemours is still at Vienne, and into that quarter M. De Viellville is also sent.
6. Both the Prince and Princess of Condé have confessed to the writer that he has no letters yet of the lieutenancy, nor is he admitted to it, because he would not be general against the English at Newhaven. But the writer knows it is the craft of the Queen Mother, who would have the Prince still to bear the name, and to be the buckler of her doings, as his brother was. And because she cannot win him to the old religion, as the King of Navarre was, she will so handle him that he shall be so weak that if he would he should not be able to resist. So she has got the Admiral away, and now M. D'Andelot, which two being gone she can tell how to tune the Prince.
7. Now they say that he will be general against Newhaven. He is as mutable as the rest, and his house discordant. Steward sent him the Prince's protestation, which the Prince gave in writing to the Queen Mother. After it Marshal Montmorency (in his father's name and his own) made the like, and likewise gave it up in writing. Yet the Guises have won D'Anville to their side. They say here that the King returns to St. Germain, and will there keep his Whitsuntide. —Poissy, 26 May 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 26. 803. Letter of Marque.
Licence, signed by Pierre Gougeart, lieutenant for the King at St. Valery, and Jehan Bouye, authorizing Jehan Le Conte (of the ship L'Espoir, of thirty-five tons) to cruise against the English and the King's rebels.—St. Valery, 26 May 1563. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
May 27. 804. The Queen to Warwick.
Warrant to deliver to Christopher Velsar, merchant of Almain, twenty chests of saffron in the custody of Denys; being part of twenty-six taken out of a Biscayan ship, last January, by Clerk, Sores, and other Frenchmen, and brought into Newhaven.—Westminster, 27 May, 5 Eliz.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 27. 805. Smith to the Queen.
1. The Prince has gained that the King and Queen are returned to St. Germain, and that D'Allouy is stayed till De la Haye can overtake him. The latter is also sent, so there are two whom Lethington has to travail with her for peace. Thinks the Prince has negociated with the Queen here, that De la Haye might be able to offer her the largest conditions. If they are but equal, the writer would that she accepted them from the Prince, which must strengthen her and her realm; for if France still enjoy the liberty of preaching the Gospel, she gains a hedge betwixt herself and the Papists, if they again enter into a league for reducing by force to the Pope's church and authority those who have refused it. Thus she will always have a faction in France to help her to obtain her right.
2. The present occasion is such as is seldom the like for her to make war. For peace, the King being under age, contracts made now are less sure. And as for Calais, without she binds them with adamantine bands, he believes that they will never render it without war.—Poissy, 27 May 1563.
Orig., with seal. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
May 27. 806. Warwick to Cecil.
1. The Rhinegrave has come as near as he can, and though his camp is above the hill, yet he has placed certain of his men and ordnance in Engouvill, who skirmish with them and shoot into the town. They are looking daily for the rest of the power of France.
2. That the men coming from Berwick have captains already appointed he cannot like thereof, as he has divers skilful men here who have served without entertainment, in hope of being considered on some such occasion. Asks for supply of victuals and munitions.
3. Thanks for advertisements of disorders reported to be here, and would be more beholden to him if he let him know the author thereof. Gives explanations about passports and the disorders of the soldiers.
4. Here is as ordinary coming to Common Prayer and hearing God's Word four times a week, as little swearing and hazarding as has been seen in any garrison. There has been some whoring amongst them, occasioned by a number of "queanes" being brought out of England by passengers, and kept here unknown to him and the Council. But this is reformed, and the place shall be purged of the offence by chasing those harlots away, and looking that no women come hither without his licence.
5. This is as noble a garrison as ever served a prince. They fight like Hectors, labour like slaves, are fed worse than peasants, and are poorer than common beggars. They have only fish, without butter or cheese, two and three days a week, and for the rest a small pittance of salt beef or bacon; and many times when they have a little meat they have lacked bread, and having little thereof have wanted drink, and this for many days together. And now they are reduced to have fish two days in the week, and butter or cheese one day, although most part of them labour all day, and wake or lie nightly in their harness. They are like to win the fresh water (whereof the enemy have taken away all the currents) to the conducts in the town. They have so wrought upon the said fort that it will be past danger to the soldiers in eight days, and in point of defence against cannon within fourteen, if there be money to pay "the taxers," and victuals for them.
6. M. Glatteiné took away as much as he liked, so nothing was stayed by the Controller before his servants were gone and had delivered the keys, leaving nothing of value, as appears by the enclosed inventory taken by the Controller.
7. If any man can allege wherein the French have been injured by him or the Council here, he asks that he may be heard.
8. Yesterday the Rhinegrave came down the hill with his main force to visit them, having two days before sent to Captain Hemerye from Honfleur with his company on that side the water, for the better maintaining of his enterprise, which he supposes was partly to show bravery, and partly that he might view their new works in the ditches. They were so well answered that they lost in the field two captains of ruiters, one enseignbearer, and about 150 soldiers. And at the encounter they lost Captain Tremayn, who was slain with a pistolet in the left side of his head, by a "chain shot, which the rutteres commonly use." The conflict ended in three hours with the loss of twenty of their soldiers. Their men did as well as any could do. Captain Horsey with his band pushed with the pike against their horsemen, and hurt and overthrew divers of them and their horses.—Newhaven, [blank] May 1563. Signed.
9. P.S.—Commends the bravery of Edward Horsey. (fn. 1)
Orig. Add. Endd.: 27 May 1563. With an inventory of such things as remain in M. De Beauvoir's house at Newhaven. Pp. 7.
[May 27.] 807. M. Beauvoir's Furniture.
Inventory of goods remaining in M. Beauvoir's house after the departure of Glatteiné and others, his servants, appointed to be kept by the Controller for the use of the said Beauvoir. —Signed by Cuthbert Vaughan.
P. 1.
May 27. 808. Poulet to Cecil.
1. Thanks for his advertisements of the 22nd inst. It is not possible to have this great garrison (specially in such a divided government as this has been,) without some disorderly people; but the disorders are not so great as he is informed.
2. Encloses a copy of Warwick's letter to the Rhinegrave, with his answer.—Newhaven, 24 May 1563. Signed.
3. P. S.—William Wynter imparted to him the state of all the French ships here.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 27. 809. Bromefeld to Cecil.
1. Since the coming of their new neighbours the writer has caused the gunners and others to follow the exercise of the double "coryers," which are of such service that he desires 100 more, if there are so many in the Tower. Asks especially for shovels and spades. Their new fort has not such speedy despatch as the present necessity requires.
2. They have had a skirmish, in which Captain Tremaine was slain (it is thought by the restiveness of his horse), and about twenty soldiers.—Newhaven, 27 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with two seals, one Warwick's. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 27. 810. Memorials for Newhaven.
Various memoranda respecting Newhaven: reinforcements to be sent thither; the appointment of Portinary as surveyor of the works there, at the rate of 10s. per diem; bands to go from Berwick; munitions to be sent thither; and ships to be fitted out for the sea; Meliorino to be sent away.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him: 27 May 1563. Pp. 4.
May 28.
Forbes, ii. 428.
811. The Queen to Warwick.
1. She requests that the names of all those captains and soldiers that executed that service at Newhaven on the 22nd inst. be enrolled and sent to her, with a brief declaration of the manner and proceeding therein. She understands from Winter the particularities thereof. (fn. 2)
2. His necessities in all things, especially victuals, shall be supplied as though it were in her own household for her own diet. She has sent his brother-in-law, Sir Henry Sydney, to Portsmouth, for the execution of certain things thereto belonging.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 28 May 1563. Pp. 2.
May 28. 812. Warwick and Others to the Queen.
1. The French, on leaving this town, have been liberally dealt with. How they proceded and what followed thereupon, will appear by proclamations passed thereof, but more plainly by the worst sort of people having liberty to take their necessaries and household stuff with them, unless they were beds that the captains lodged upon. Such as could not depart by the day prescribed, and could not carry their goods with them, had longer time given them. Some of the best sort repaired to the Court in the name of the rest, protesting that they had always been the King's true subjects, and had not at any time the will to serve the English, but the cause of religion only. The answer was so gratefully received as the head burgesses would not tarry here; and some, upon the apprehension of Bunga and John Brittayn, disposed of their goods and went away by stealth. Seeing that only certain of the simple sort remained, and more likely for working mischief towards this piece (as to burn the ships, or the town, or to impeach their water, of which he had some proof), and upon further consideration of the approach of the French army, he caused them to avoid the town with no less liberty touching the taking away of their goods than was granted to the others. Many of the ministers went to Caen with many of the burgesses and their families, minding to keep together that congregation, who had all the favour that could be shown them, and had three vessels given them for their transportation.
2. Touching the passing away of great riches by licence, he cannot as yet assure her of any such dealing.—Newhaven, 28 May 1563. Signed: Warwick, Poulet, Denys, Vaughan, Fyssher.
Orig., with Warwick's seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
May 28. 813. John Portinary to the Privy Council.
Wants twenty masons, twenty carpenters, 1,500 pioneers, and rods to make maunds; also hand barrows, wheel barrows, etc. The General has set tasks to the soldiers.—Newhaven, 28 May 1563. Signed: John Portinary.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[May 29.] 814. Christopher Pruen's Ship.
Petition to the Queen to request that she would cause the Earl of Warwick, her Lieutenant of Havre, to restore the ship belonging to Christopher Pruen.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: Dassonville. Fr. Pp. 2.
[May 29.] 815. Christopher Pruen's Ship.
Remonstrances by the Spanish Ambassador to the Queen, praying for the restitution of the ship belonging to Christopher Pruen.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
[May 29.] 816. Christopher Pruen's Ship.
In answer to the above petition the Queen has given order to the Earl of Warwick to deliver the above ship.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol. P. 1.
[May 29.] 817. Translation of the above into French.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 29. 818. The Queen to Warwick.
He shall deliver the alum (taken from Francis Clerk in the Little Abraham) belonging to Christopher Pruen, to his factor, Almeric Vallerant, and shall cause the ship to be conducted towards Flanders.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 29 May 1563. Pp. 3.
May 29. 819. Cecil to Challoner.
Thinks the French secretary now come will be strained to make some such offers as he trusts peace will follow.—Westminster, 29 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 7 July, per manus Fr. Bravi. Pp. 2.
May 30. 820. Smith to Warwick.
1. On the 27th inst. he wrote to him by La Cicognia of the occurrences here. They have heard of two skirmishes betwixt him and the Rhinegrave.
2. Begs him to have his charge his chief care, and not to hazard his person.
3. These men think it long till they can keep him straiter, and "crake" that they have already got the fresh water from him.—Paris, 30 May. Signed.
Orig., with seal, entirely in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 31. 821. The Queen to Warwick.
Among other things brought to Newhaven by Francis Clerk there remains under sequestration 683 bales of woad belonging to subjects of the King of Spain. He shall cause them to be delivered to Thomas Keynnys, to be brought to London to Peter De Reux.—Westminster, last of May, 5 Eliz.
Corrected draft. Add. Endd.: 2 June [sic] 1563. Pp. 2.
May 31. 822. Warwick to Throckmorton.
1. Was willed by letter to discharge Captain Clerk and the rest, which they do not take in good part, but have utterly refused to serve the French so long as the amity continues between England and Scotland. Clerk is well able to undertake a charge, both for his knowledge, fidelity, and courage; for the rest no valianter men served any prince, and specially four of them. Desires him to be a means that they depart not without some good consideration for their service. They are able to bring the Queen 100 tall gentlemen. It is no small grief for them to depart, and he purposes to entertain them himself, though he sell a piece of his living.
2. P. S.—Since writing has received letters for the stay of the Scottish captains, but is forced to send them over, for there is no provision for their horses.—Newhaven, 31 May 1563.
Add. Endd. Modern transcript only, from an original among the Conway papers. P. 1.
May 31. 823. Condé to Cecil.
Cannot persuade himself that his friendship can be changed by false reports. All great personages are peculiarly subject to calumnies, but he is grieved that they should come to the ears of the Queen and himself. M. De la Haye, whom he has sent to her, will clear matters up.—Bois de Vincennes, 31 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: By La Haye. Fr. Pp. 2.
May 31. 824. Vaughan to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. Vindicates himself from the complaint of M. De Beauvoir about the arrest of his goods.
2. At the first coming hither of the English he lent Beauvoir in ready money, for the despatch of his soldiers to Rouen, 400 French crowns and six score and ten corselets, amounting to 660 crowns. And at another time he lent him 150 angels; of which sums he remains in his debt 200 French crowns.
3. He also owes him 220 French crowns, in which he became debtor to him for M. Martigues, which he owed him for matters in Scotland.—Newhaven, last of May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 31. 825. Smith to Cecil.
1. M. De la Haye has taken leave of the writer; he fears that his message should not be accepted. He has declared himself an honest man, well minded to religion, and true of his words and meaning. He was in great perplexity whether he should refuse the voyage or no.
2. No occurrences worth writing, save the Constable's declaration made yesterday.—From Charrone, near Paris, Whitsunday, 31 May 1563. Signed.
3. P. S.—Encloses a letter for his wife, which he asks him to send to his cousin Cawode.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: By M. De la Haye. Pp. 2.
[May 31.] 826. Captain Johnson's Vindication.
1. Captain Johnson answers that Captain George Hamilton granted that he would take a noble of every man's pay to give to the Controller, and the soldiers said that they were sure that the Controller would take no such thing; and this he did at Dieppe, as the witness underwritten is ready to approve. This information was given to the Controller and Treasurer the last of May. Signed: Captain Jhonestoune Jhonestoune.
2. Where it is alleged that he reported that Hamilton hired and borrowed certain horses at the last muster made at Newhaven, he answers that if such a thing were, he knew it not. Signed by Jhonesoune, John Watson, Thomas Norton, and others.
Orig. Hol. P. 1.
May. 827. Regulations for Newhaven.
1. The wharf to have a vaumure the height of a man's breast. No stranger to walk on the wharf, for it were very easy to execute a great enteprise. The soldiers for Newhaven to be chosen by men of war; their commission shall not extend to husbandmen, married men, and apprentices, nor to any man above forty years of age. To send them to Newhaven without armour, as there is more armour there than is needful. All pikemen to have cloaks for their livery, and the shot to have mantles.
2. To keep his enemy from trenching nigh the town, there should be a great store of arquebus shot, not smaller than twenty-eight bullets to the pound, wherefore it were good that the Earl assemble all the bands, and sorted their weapons in this sort; 1,500 of the strongest personages for armed pikes, the rest arquebuses, having within every 100 ten swords, ten targets, with dags at their girdle; bills to be placed in divers places nigh the town walls; 2,000 bows in the storehouse ready stringed. The bow, arquebus, sword, and target are the only weapons. The ground gives so much advantage to their footmen unto the top of the hill that they need not fear horsemen.
3. The Master of the Ordnance should cause all the arquebuses of the best calibre in the storehouses there "to have long pannes and good cocks," which may be done for 8d. the piece, because it would be good that every arquebusier have two pieces at every approach.
4. The Treasurer has ten men and a paymaster; the Controller ten; the Knight Porter ten; and the Clerk of the Council. The allowing of bands to these officers in Calais was the only loss thereof. This Controller (who has been a man of war) has a fair band, though it be rare in a Controller.
5. Divers gentlemen of good houses to be sent to Newhaven, having private wages, to learn to serve the Prince in time to come. The captains now (to the great weakening of the country) are both in learning and ability very mean.
Draft. Endd. by Cecil: A memorial for matters of Newhaven, May. Pp. 3.
May. 828. Victuals for Newhaven.
1. Neither rice, almonds, raisins, prunes, honey, meat, pease, beans, salad oils, vinegar, sack, nor Rochell wines, are to be had in this town nor on this side of the seas, except forty tuns of sack, and hot wines, in the Queen's store, and plenty of Rochell and Gascony wines in the town. Also 3,000 or 4000 weight of prunes and four tuns of vinegar.
2. They should have three months' victuals over and besides 1,000 quarters of barrelled meal; because they have but windmills, which stand without the town and are in danger of the enemy. Also they require 1,000 oxen cut into small pieces; 5,000 or 6,000 flitches of bacon; 400 or 500 weys of butter, and 100 cheeses, with supplements for the sick and hurt men, who may not eat salt meats.
3. Men should be appointed at Dover, Sandwich, Rye, Southampton, Poole, and Weymouth for the shipping of victuals.
4. This day arrived one little crayer from Rye with beef and meal, but the quantity cannot be above thirty oxen, and they consume twenty oxen by the day at least. There is no fish in the town; yet if there were butter and cheese, the soldiers would be pleased with flesh four days in the week, and three days butter, cheese, and fish. Signed: George Tendring.
Orig. Endd.: A note of the Clerk of the Victuals. Pp. 2.
[May.] 829. Victuals for Newhaven.
Lists of provisions, with their prices, viz., wheat, malt, oats, beer, Malmesies and sack, cheese, butter, and stock fish, amounting to 5,744l. 3s. 4d.
P. 1.


  • 1. This P.S. is in Warwick's hand.
  • 2. From this point to the end is in Cecil's hand.