Elizabeth: May 1563, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: May 1563, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp311-331 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1563, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp311-331.

"Elizabeth: May 1563, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp311-331.

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May 1563, 1-10

[May ?] 685. — to the Privy Council.
Confesses that he has greatly offended the Queen, and thereby deserved his grievous punishment. Begs them to relieve his long and lone imprisonment, and his daily torments and dolefulness, with some enlargement of liberty to walk and exercise himself, and some repair of his friends to him.
Orig. Hol. [?] Pp. 3.
May 1. 686. Randolph to Cecil.
1. The Queen since Easter has remained at St. Andrews, looking daily to hear from Lethington. Yesterday received Cecil's letters, with letters to the Queen from Lethington. He wrote that it passed his capacity to understand what shall come of the accord. He mislikes altogether their doings, but most of all those of the Prince. He wrote that the Queen Mother will not let him depart before answer come out of England from the gentleman that is sent to the Queen, whereby the writer conjectures that as she likes that answer she intends to frame her requests hither. She desires to have these letters of hers sent to him by the next messenger, unto whom also there is a letter from Murray. Some now begin to doubt whether the Parliament do hold; it will greatly depend upon Lethington's return. She doubts also to be at that time sore pressed for matters of religion. It should begin the 20th inst. There were apprehended in the west country five or six priests at Easter, saying Mass and ministering unto the people, some in secret houses, some in barns, others in woods and hills. They are all in prison.
2. Sends a letter he received from James Macconel since his return out of Ireland. If he purpose to do as well as he writes, his service may stand his Sovereign in good stead. The Lord of Argyll puts him in good hope of him. This Queen takes her journey to Argyll. Hears nothing of her journey into England. One Challoner came to Edinburgh out of Ireland; cannot yet learn what his affairs are in this country. Is doubtful of all men that come from thence. Sends to Cecil the letter Challoner wrote to him [Randolph]. " Adonel father is dead, I mean the old man whom his son kept prisoner." The Earl of Sutherland (that was of the conspiracy with the Earl of Huntley) has been at a friend's house in Fife, and spoken unto Murray. He is content to put himself unto the Queen's will. Lady Huntley has been here suitor to the Queen, but could get no presence. She speaks with Murray, but receives little comfort. She is this day gone to Edinburgh.— St. Andrews, 1 May 1563. Signed.
3. P. S.—Asks him to remember his suit.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 1. 687. The Queen to Smith.
1. M. Bricquemault came not before the 26th, and, coming with the French Ambassador, gave her letters from the Prince and the Admiral, without any from the King. Next day he sought to speak with her apart, but she thought not so to commune with him, but to have some of her Council present; for when he was with the Admiral in Normandy he reported certain things of her speech touching Calais untruly, as the Admiral himself told Throckmorton, and therein the Vidame of Chartres and La Haye were said to be his witnesses, who deny it. Gave him to understand that she would not speak with him apart, whereupon he seemed perplexed, and perceiving her offence utterly denied it. But knowing how it had passed she left that matter and heard him further in the common cause. Recites his speech touching the Queen Mother's offer of sureties for the delivery of Calais, etc., and her answer.
2. Directs Smith to declare to the Prince and the Admiral what she has written, and press them with their own covenants.
3. He is to continue in demanding Calais by force of the treaty, whenever he deals with the King and the Queen Mother. He is to advertise her of his proceedings, and not impeach their devices in any other overtures to be made to her more likely for her satisfaction than these, nevertheless giving them no occasion to think that he allows of anything but only the restitution of Calais.
4. He shall (fn. 1) say that she has commanded him to tell them that this dealing, so contrary to their promises, moves her to think her benefits to them the worst that ever Prince could bestow, and how she sees on some of their parts that religion served but for a colour to bring them into authority, and to rid them of such as letted them.
5. He shall extend her offence for their ingratitude, and let them think that she will notify to the world in whom the fault is.
Orig. Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 1 April 1563. Pp. 4.
May 1. 688. Smith [to Cecil.]
1. Can hear nothing of what has been negotiated with M. Bricquemault, nor of anything said or done in England since he sent his man Barlow on the 2nd ult. It appears that they will with all their power to Newhaven. This night the King came to St. Germain-en-Laye, from thence he will to Gallion besides Rouen. All the men at arms are commanded to be in readiness to follow. Paris is without fear, and excuses itself to the Queen Mother and the Prince, and denies that there has been such murdering of Protestants as rumoured. And indeed they are now very quiet among themselves. There is no talking but against England. The Admiral and D'Andelot are not yet come to the Court, and the Admiral has or seems to have fear. Condé almost openly professes himself the Queen's enemy.—Paris, 1 May 1563.
2. As he was closing this Lethington's man brought him his letters dated upon St. George's Day. Marvels that M. Bricquemault was not then arrived, who left Orleans on the 4th ult. By his long tarrying some such dealing was meant.
3. Whereas it appears by the Admiral's letter that Bricquemault should declare to Warwick what he had to say to the Queen, neither he nor the Queen Mother would declare any particularities to him [Smith] because he could go no further than his commission, and because of other reasons mentioned in his letter to the Queen of the 31st March.
4. In the Admiral's letter to M. De Beauvoir he goes like a Frenchman. If he means of treaty of peace that the writer was called to it, it is untrue. He was at no communication either with the Queen Mother or Condé touching it before it was concluded, signed, published, and printed, etc., as appears by the book set out in print, for that is dated the 19th of March, and he was not sent for before the 27th, on which day it was published and registered in the courts of Paris, as appears by the same book. This edict is in the latter end of the book which he sent by Barlow.
5. On Sunday the 28th [of March] the Prince, the Admiral, and M. D'Andelot had first their communication of it, the effect whereof he sent to the Queen on the 31st of the same by Barlow. If he speaks by writing betwixt the Prince, D'Andelot, Steward, Cooke, and the writer, that is no calling to it. But what shift he made to know it, and how he liked it, appears by their letters to him and his to them and Warwick, viz., such as he sent by Brown, on the 19th of March, and De Favoris. He would have it appear that all the other had been before his return from Normandy, whereas the writer had never in his life seen either him, D'Andelot, or the Prince, before the Admiral's return from Normandy, and never since that Saturday night and Sunday the 28th of March. Assures Cecil he never liked one of these accords, but told them that the Queen, who intermeddled for them, would have wished more; yet if they were pleased she would not quarrel for it. The Admiral founded himself upon Throckmorton's sayings, and he cannot tell whose in the Parliament house, and certain words said to such as he had sent into England, whereof the writer said he was ignorant. But his commission he did declare, not doubting the Queen's goodwill to the peace; yet he would, he said, have wished that she might have been privy to it, before it had been concluded. But when they would come to no particulars with him, but send Bricquemault thither to do all, there was no remedy but to suffer them to do so, especailly when they said the Queen must be satisfied, though not even presently, yet as it might be. Trusts that Cecil is able to satisfy the Queen for this matter, wherein the Admiral does him great wrong. Will say untruth for no man; and prays that it is as well meant of him as Cecil guesses, and that he does not, as the Spanish Ambassador said he would, show himself untrue as soon as he had what he would have.
6. Trusts that Bricquemault has been with Cecil, for he that brought his packet met him at Canterbury on the 25th ult. Asks him to send some man of reputation to this Court to communicate with the Queen Mother, the Prince, and the Admiral.—Paris, 1 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 4.
May 1. 689. Cecil to Challoner.
Is sorry that so few of his letters sent since Christmas have come to him. The Queen has willed him to send from herself at some length the present state of affairs. They are so fully bent upon Calais that they regard no charge to the maintenance of Newhaven. There are 200 good French ships without merchandise and 100 with merchandise and victual, as wine and salt, and they intend to let none slip by. If the French will break they will not be behind. For his coming home Cecil is not forgetful, but he must needs bear with the unhappiness of the times. Thinks that Mr. Farnham will shortly come to him. Sir James Stump [?] and the wife of Mr. Frampton are dead. Thanks him for the hope given of his guadzillhos.—Westminster, 1 May 1563, Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received at Madrid, 8 June 1563, by the means of Francisco Bravo. Pp. 2.
May 1. 690. Challoner to Cecil.
Letter of commendation for the bearer, a gentleman sent to the French Court by the Ambassador of Portugal, with presents of gloves and other things. Has also written to Smith, with the double of a letter for Cecil, which he has sent by way of Flanders.—Madrid, 1st May 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 1. 691. Draft of the above.
In Challoner's hol. and endd. by him: Sent by a servant of the Ambassador of Portugal in France. Pp. 3.
May 1. 692. Challoner to Smith.
1. Things are a great deal less pleasant here than in France. Spain and France are not comparable for cheapness or delectation, nor yet in the facility of the people's customs, nor in other things that may relieve the irksomeness which a stranger must needs incur that is not here for pleasure. His greatest grief here has been his having rested four, five, or six months without letters from the Queen or Council, which maims his place. As Smith's predecessor Throckmorton and the writer gave each other to understand their novels by letters, he desires that the like may be used between them, and if any great matter occurs that shall require a cipher, if he [Throckmorton] has left with him the counterpane of that cipher which was common between them, he will use it, otherwise they may devise some new means.
2. After many proffers the King Catholic has resolved about mid June next to go from hence towards Montzon, to keep his Court of Aragon, and take the oath of those States to the Prince his son. Dare not write what is uttered here of his going into Flanders in September, but wise men think it is like enough.
3. The Turk's "armata" of 100 ordinary galleys, besides as many galleys and foists of corsairs and Moors, are looked for this summer to do some enterprise on this side. Already the Moors besiege Oran.
4. The bearer is a gentleman of the Ambassador of Portugal in France. He says it is possible the Ambassador will send him into England with certain packets to the Queen. Requires him in that case to give him letters of commendation. Forwards a packet to Mr. Secretary.—Madrid, 1 May 1563.
Hol. Draft. Endd. Pp. 7.
May 1. 693. Challoner to the Countess of Feria.
Was grieved at their departure thence. Has not heard from England for four months. If the King's departure to Monçon holds he purposes to proceed towards Seville, and by the way to kiss her hand. Hopes that Don Lorenzo may love a grammar as well as his father loves a " gavillan."—Madrid, 1 May 1563.
Hol. Draft. Pp. 3.
May 1. 694. Bill of Exchange.
First bill of exchange by Philipo Catanes, for 367 ducats, payable to Challoner on 1 July upon Gresham.—Antwerp, 1 May 1563.
Copy. Add.: To Stefano Tercaro, at the Court of Madrid. Ital. Pp. 2.
May 2. 695. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
Theirs of the 1st arrived here. The stay of the passing of victuals, etc., from hence shall be accomplished, and provision made here. Wine, salt, etc., may be provided here. Of wheat they can make no sure account. The inhabitants live upon the store that Abington left. Ask that the victuals for this garrison may be speedily furnished.—Newhaven, 2 May 1563. Signed: Warwick, Poulet, Denys, Fisher, Bromefeld.
Orig., with Warwick;s seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 3. 696. Sir Thomas Dacre and Valentine Brown to Cecil.
1. On the 28th ult. received his of the 23rd, with a packet for Mr. Randolph, which they sent. The number and charges of the garrison have been abated by 250 soldiers sent to Ireland and Newhaven. This place may be guarded by those that remain of the new crew; forty-two footmen of the old crew are for no service, and twenty gunners of the great ordnance; yet they dare not advise therein, as the place is of less strength than formerly, and more cumbersome to guard, the old walls being most defaced by the taking away of the ramparts, and the new in no perfection, insomuch that it is as easy in wet weather to come over the walls from the outside as for any to approach to defend them from within. And the quantity of furniture, artillery, munition, etc., is more than have been here before, which cannot be keep at need without continual charge. They think that 8d. instead of 10d. a day may serve an armed man as it does an arquebusier, the latter being at a greater charge for powder than the other, whereby 840l. per annum may be saved. The abatement of the charges for the works is done according to the Treasurer's order, the charges being now limited to 378l. a month, for winning, hewing, and carriage of stone, of which and also lime there is as much ready as can be laid and walled in a year.
2. By the continual sickness of the gentleman porter (who lies at the point of death) having charge of the East Marches, and the small estimation the Warden of the opposite Marches has of him and the country, there have been very few days of March kept to repress the disorders committed by the countrymen and Scots.—Berwick, 3 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. partly by Cecil and partly by his secretary. Pp. 3.
May 3.
Forbes, ii. 408.
697. The Queen to the Lord Admiral.
1. He shall understand the state of the navy, and confer how the same might be ready for sea with the number of 6,000 or 7,000 men, and to consider what captains are meetest to serve under him for a voyage. He is also to understand what number of ships appertaining to her subjects in any ports on the south part this realm may be, upon the proper adventure of the owners, made able to go to sea for her service within twenty days' warning, and thereof cause the owners to have charge not to employ their vessels otherwise, but remain in readiness to receive further directions.
2. Perceiving that her subjects trading upon the ports of Gascony and Bretagne are kept in prison, he is to cause the like order to be given to stop quietly all ships of France coming into the same ports, and to keep in safety all their goods and merchandise, without hurt and diminution thereof. The same arrests should seem to come rather of the private intention of his Vice-Admirals or others, than by his order. For (fn. 2) satisfaction whereof they may say that as sundry Englishmen with their ships are arrested in France, they think it meet to stop the French until some answer may be had from them. He is to cause 100 men to be sent to Newhaven for arming of the galley there.
Draft. Corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 3 May 1563. Pp. 3.
May 3.
Forbes, ii. 406.
698. The Queen to Wakwick.
1. Gives him knowledge of the message brought by Briquemault, what has passed, and what she has resolved to do.
2. After this answer, mixed with some tart words here and there, taxing their unkindness, Bricquemault made many means, by himself and others, to procure some other answer, or to some other demand, with some qualification. Knowing her right to Calais and to the money lent them, she could, nor would not, come to any other moderation but either to have the same restored and paid to her, or else keep Newhaven. Finding her resolved to give no other answer, he, and others of his nation here, did by indirect means seek to dissuade her by notifying that within a few days, if he returned without other answer, she should hear of war, adding that the town was imperfect in many places and not tenable. But, considering the old manner of French brags, she dismissed him without any comfort to accord with her, except they deliver Calais and pay her her money and the charges sustained there.
3. Since his departure she has considered with the Council what is meet to be done; thereupon she resolves to keep the town, also to impeach the entry of the Seine, and stop as many vessels with goods or victuals as may be brought into the said town. He is to notify the same to all serving her there under him. She will use all good means to maintain them, and will prepare her forces for the sea and land.
4. She does not mean to begin any hostilities against them, but if they show any towards him, or shall not come shortly to reasonable accord, she means to be able to answer them. He is to cause all merchandise, etc., within that town belonging to the French to be safely preserved, and that which shall come into the haven hereafter to be preserved in a like manner; so in case of hostilities she may take the benefit of the same towards the maintenance of that town, and if they come to accord then she may cause restitution to be made thereof; for doing hereof Poulet shall be a principal director. As soon as he has made valuation, separating that which may serve as victual, he is to send a certificate thereof to her.
5. She perceives by his letters that for impeaching of the mouth of the haven it is necessary that the galley there which she had from the Count Montgomery should be armed, and that it requires 300 men, of which he requires a hundred and odd from hence, which number the Admiral shall send with speed. He will further put the navy in readiness to go to sea within a few days. She will procure payment to the garrison.
Corrected draft. Endd.: 3 May 1563. Pp. 4.
May 3. 699. Smith to Cecil.
1. On 25th ult. he despatched Cook with Middlemore's letter and his to warn Warwick that all the power of France was bent to Newhaven with haste and fury.
2. The 28th ult. he sent the like warning to Cecil in a letter in cipher, by a Scottishman, by way of Arras, thinking the ordinary way might be stopped. Yet he had then sent his man to the Court for a passport; for not only the writer but the grand Council and a great sort more have got their lodgings at Melun before, looking for the King to come thither, as was appointed. His man brought him the passport here. Sent Gilbert Hawkins by way of Flanders with his letters, and two packets of Middlemore's, by whom he wrote at large, and answered Cecil's letter sent by Lethington's man, touching the charge made against him by the Admiral of France. This is a strange kind of dealing of these men, so is the delaying of M. Bricquemault coming into England, and this hasty coming to Newhaven before he returned. But Cecil knows the French doings, and so is provided for them. The packet which Favoris brought was delivered to him yesternight by another, but cannot tell who. He [Favoris] is such as Cecil wrote to him. Favoris writes to the writer's steward that he was robbed by the way and sore hurt, and a sort of vain excuses sending for money to bring him home, etc.
3. Lethington dined with him yesterday. Takes him to be a honest and well meaning man. He complains of the Queen's letters to him being too general, and that he is not answered in that he most desires, viz., whether he should move to have commissioners or no. He was deceived by the King's sudden leaving his journey to Fontainebleau as well as the writer. He went to the Court this morning. Some say that the King does not tarry there but goes to Gallion, and so near to Newhaven. They make small account of it, and think to have it within twenty days after they have laid their battery. They contemn the English captains and soldiers as unskilful, and say that the Queen is not able to put 10,000 men a-land of her own, except she hires strangers. Thus a little patience make them insolent. They say here that Newhaven is even now besieged. Neither the Admiral nor D'Andelot are yet come to the Court. Some say that they are forbidden, and that the Admiral keeps himself very strong, and will not come with less than 500 or 1,000 gentlemen, which they will not be content with. The Constable has refused to come. Wrote what the Prince is. Trusts Cecil will either send full instructions what he shall do, or else command him to come into England. By continuing here he will be utterly beggared.
4. Cecil shall not need to send Mr. Killigrew, as the writer and Lethington will despatch his brother. The Rhinegrave came to the Court in post within these two days. Lethington says the Admiral went out of Normandy discontented with the Queen, for that he had no footmen as he required, nor his money in time.
5. The Emperor's Ambassador told the writer yesterday that the first day that the Constable and Condé met in the Isle beside Orleans Condé, said to Martigues, "If they agree, there shall be none in France more ready to spend his life to drive the English out of France than himself." " I always told you," said the Ambassador, " how you should find all Frenchmen." They have, he said, so long had amity with the Turk, that they have learned his conditions, and they esteem their promises and treaties no longer than they make for their profit.
6. Lyons still holds out, and will not agree to the peace, nor receive the Mass. Although nothing is openly done, yet known Protestants dare not return to their houses in Paris. All are yet in fear amongst themselves. If they had any wit it is not time for them to call for a new war with a foreign Prince.—Paris, 3 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Entirely in cipher. Add. Endd. Pp. 7.
May 3. 700. Decipher of the above.
Pp. 3.
May 3. 701. Middelmore to [Cecil].
1. The 2nd inst. the Rhinegrave came to the Court at St. Germain. Does not know what news he brought, nor the occasion of his coming. Is sure they were displeasant to the Queen Mother, and (as he can learn) to this effect: that the Queen had great forces in readiness to send to Newhaven, that 3,000 or 4,000 persons were fortifying that town, and that his Almains would not march until they were paid. The same night the Prince asked the writer if he had lately had letters from England. Answered that he had not heard from thence since M. Bricquemault's going. He then told him that he understood by his minister there that the Queen was become his enemy, and would him all the evil in the world. If she has, the writer said, she has no great cause to be his friend, considering the promises he made her, and how he now handles her. He said he never made such a contract with her, nor consented that Calais should be now rendered, nor that she should have Newhaven until Calais was rendered. Replied that such as had his commission and express command made it for him, because he could not be thereat. And in such cases what is done by ministers is always advowed of the principal. " But," said he, " if my ministers agree to putting anything in my blanks contrary to my meaning I am not bound to perform it."
2. He said that if he would offer the Queen Mother his head to satisfy Elizabeth with the rendering of Calais, she would not do it. If Elizabeth perseveres to have Calais presently rendered, or to keep Newhaven until it is, it would cause her to lose both and all the right she can pretend to Calais, for Newhaven is not long guardable.
3. Is told in great secret that at this present the Prince has written to persuade the Vidame of Chartres to deny that he was consenting to the article in the contract touching the Queen keeping Newhaven until Calais be rendered. This is the Queen Mother's device, and the Vidame is promised great things to do it. If he answers to this foul act, the Prince has written to him to convey himself out of England hither. And being here he shall make open protestation, and send it to the Queen, that he never knew of it or was consenting to it. And if he will not do it the Prince has written to him that he will utterly deny it, and charge him wholly with all, whereby he should lose his living and country, and be esteemed a traitor all his life after; whereas if he will do this to content the Queen Mother there never was a man that should be made more of. This is so secretly practised that only two know it besides the Prince. Cecil should have an eye to them, that they be not suffered to depart. He that discovered this matter to the writer is a great friend to the Vidame, but a greater to the Queen. It would serve the Queen that a declaration were set forth in print, together with the contract between her and the Prince, for the justification of her doings, so as it might not prove prejudicial to the Admiral, who must show himself her friend. Whereof the writer sees little likelihood. But until the Admiral is thoroughly deciphered the declaration cannot be made, which will be soon done after his coming to the Court.
4. Recites what he wrote to him the 22nd ult. about Mr. Robert Steward, who is here, and adds that he daily gives the writer advertisements for the Queen's service, and last of all of this practise of Condé with the Vidame. Desires to know how he shall answer the said gentleman.—3 May 1563.
Orig. Cipher, with decipher annexed. Pp. 7.
May 3. 702. Victuals for Newhaven.
Memorandum of victuals which arrived at Newhaven.— 3rd May 1563.
Endd. Pp. 2.
May 4. 703. Smith to Cecil.
1. Sending thus by byeways and means Cecil does him, his men, and himself displeasure. He lacks his men here to send, and they are stayed there sometimes for a month or two, spending their money, having nothing to do because he has no house in London. And Cecil's letters are not sure. A packet sent by Favoris he received but since he came here, and open; and another, which he thinks was sent by M. De Foix's secretary, was carried up and down in Orleans, and he has not yet received it. Prays him to find some means to send his men to him, especially this busy time, at least once a month or six weeks, for he dare not trust any to carry his letters to England but such as he knows well. He has eight of his men there, whom he brought from England, whereof two wait upon Cecil continually.
2. Asks him to cause his money to be paid at his day, that he may be able to employ it by exchange, and not to take credit here, wherein 1,500 crowns are taken up, which is 300l. English, and he is fain to pay in England above 52l. upon sight of the bill. If it were not for Gresham's means he wist not how to have it. And if neither his diets may be increased, nor the exchange altered, nor money advanced, yet prays him to take order that he is paid when the time comes, that his charge there for it may not be grievous.
3. This day MM. of the Parliament and the other chief rulers of Paris have been with the King at St. Germain. They are commanded before Sunday next to obey the edict of peace, as to let go the prisoners for religion, etc., and to lay down their arms and obey. Minds to go the Court tomorrow.
4. If the English hold out lustily and show themselves stout they shall have such peace as they will desire. Marvels that Cecil will restore them any ships.—Paris, 4 May 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 4. 704. Denys to Cecil.
1. Poulet sends a note of the musters taken on the 30th ult. Can hardly think there are so many men here as thereby appears, for there are many here having pay in two or three places.
2. Now the Controller is well amended, asks Cecil to set him in order to keep it well, and thereby save the Queen the most of any here.
3. The Queen might save at least 1,000l. every month, and yet this town would be as well guarded with as many men as are here. Suggests certain retrenchments. Now they have not sufficient victuals of the store for two days, except bread and water, whereof there is also a scarcity. Warwick is much troubled to keep the soldiers from mutiny for lack thereof.
4. His Lordship lately sent over the remain of the victuals here on the 19th ult., wherein the writer noted there were then ninety-five oxen remaining, and on the 27th there was neither beef, mutton, nor any victuals left. It was strange how so many oxen and other victuals could be spent among this garrison in so short a space. And since then there has been but little to help the poor soldiers, which has made him more liberal of presting among them the money he had remaining.
5. The Scottish horsemen are to be mustered in two or three days. It has been deferred in hope of money being sent hither for their discharge. The task works in the ditches here still take all his money. The charge for them increases, and will the coming month amount to 2,000l., whereof he has paid the two past weeks 400l., and this next it will be at the least 300l. These will be better looked after, now the Controller is recovered. Asks him to provide money for the same.
6. Notwithstanding the brag of the French, they will have no peace but such as the English like. The great store of their ships in this haven may be so ordered that they will gladly accord to any reason.—Newhaven, 4 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
May 4. 705. Mundt to Cecil.
Wrote last on 20th April. There lately passed a person who is on familiar terms with the chief people in France, with whom Mundt spoke about Calais. He said that the only way was for the Queen to hold Newhaven until Calais was given up. The French fortify Metz more than ever. Vielleville has returned thither and has reviewed the garrison. The expedition against Metz is almost entirely broken off by the Emperor's command, who lately had one Islinger as his envoy in France. Condé has one Sturmius with the Protestant Princes to thank them, and ask for a delay in paying them the money for furnishing his reiters. It is said that an embassy will soon come from the Queen Mother and the French King to the Protestant Princes, to conclude, a league with them for the defence of the religion. One of the royal paymasters has come from Metz to pay Grombach and the others, although they did nothing during the war. The least of the pensions is 8,000 crowns. The Cardinal of Lorraine has gone to Trent with certain Bishops, and they will have a session on the 22nd. Guise's reiters are returned home, but the Marshal of Hesse's men still remain near Chalons.—Strasburg, 4 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 3.
May 4. 706. Clough to Challoner.
Has received the Queen's packet from London, which he has required Christopher Prune to forward under his packet to Francisco Bravo. Sends him the first bill of Catanes, for 367 ducats, payable in Madrid on 29th June.—Antwerp, 4 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received, 8 June, at Madrid, by means of Francisco Bravo. Pp. 2.
May 4. 707. Clough to Challoner.
Forwards the Queen's packet, and sends Catanes's second bill. Is departing for England.—Antwerp, 4 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Pp. 2.
May 4. 708. Challoner to Cecil.
Copy of his letter to Cecil of the 30th April, with the following additional information: M. D'Oysel has done his message, and within a day or two returns. He and M. St. Sulpice visited Challoner with friendly talk, letting not to declare that it was time to respect what their own estate required rather than the exhortations of others, who could perchance have been content they should have holden on longer. Both of them wore the collar of St. Michael. The same night there came the Bishop of Maçon, who will have his audience to-morrow. Has not heard from the Queen since the 9th of January. Here they talk strangely of certain new Acts of Parliament touching the restriction of religion. Prays him to let him know what has passed. —Madrid, 4 May 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. A few passages in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 3.
[May 4.] 709. Corrected draft of the latter portion of the above, in Challoner's hol., and dated by him 3 May.
Pp. 4.
May 5. 710. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
1. Encloses the Spanish Ambassador's letter, whereupon a factor of Petre Mousteron, a Frenchman dwelling at Antwerp, has required the delivery of two ships laden of woad stayed here as Frenchmen's goods, for it appears by their charterparty to have been embarked in a Flemish hoy at Bordeaux to be delivered at Rouen at La Malarie; so by the places of unlading it rather appears that they are Frenchmen's goods, coloured by Mousteron, he being a well known colourer of Frenchmen's goods. Will not deliver them before they know their pleasure. Send also a proclamation in the French King's name required by the inhabitants to have been proclaimed, which the writers have stayed.
2. Since the date of the other letters, here arrived with Thomas Wood four hoys from Portsmouth, and out of Norfok two vessels. These parcels are contained in a bill, also enclosed, which are like to be spent with the rest of the store before any supply comes, so they are fed in a manner hand to mouth.
3. The French King with his whole army is coming within seven leagues of Rouen, approaching hitherwards.
4. Asks them to take order respecting the victuals. There is a restraint at Honfleur for passing of victuals to them, whence comes their greatest relief.—Newhaven, 5 May 1563. Signed: Warwyck, Poulet, Denys, Bromefelde, Fyssher.
Orig., with Warwick's seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
May 6. 711. The Queen to Gresham.
There remain owing by her 31,324l. 11s. to divers merchants, to be paid on the 20th inst. in Antwerp. He shall take up in Antwerp upon his own credit by exchange, to be paid in London on the last of June, 10,000l., with which he is to pay so much of the said debts as the same will extend unto.—Westminster, [blank] May, 5 Eliz.
Corrected draft. Endd.: 6 May 1563. Pp. 2.
May 6. 712. Cuerton to Challoner.
Has received the 1,500 reals sent to him in the bill of Juan Mertenys De Recalde. James Coldwell came in safety with the chest and the wine, and embarked in a ship of "Lyrpo " [Liverpool], on the 25th ult. Steven Beycon left with him two chairs, whose seats and back are of cloth of gold, which he shall receive by this bearer. There is news that Condé is slain with a pistol, and the Admiral fled into England. Yesterday there is come a ship from Westchester; they say that Shane O'Neale plays the gentlemen as he was wont in Ireland.—Bilboa, 6 May 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
May 6. 713. Another copy of the above. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
May 7.
Forbes, ii. 209.
714. The Queen to Charles IX.
Has received his letter of April 30, announcing the close of the civil war, (of which she is glad to hear,) and also requiring the restoration of the town of Francoyse de Grace. As he has rested his demand on the declaration issued by her last September, containing the causes which induced her to arm, she thinks it good to touch upon each of the points. In order that her letter should not be too long, she has given her Ambassador charge to explain them more at length. Firstly, the declaration, written in Latin and English, contained the reasons for which she took up arms, mentioning the welfare of the King's realm and the preservation of his person, her own safety, and the right she has to Calais. As to the points concerning the King she will not dispute. As to those which touch herself, it appears clearly in the said declaration that she foresaw that her right to Calais might be impugned during these troubles, and that it was necessary for her to take measures to prevent it. The translation in French, printed (as she believes) by order of the Prince of Condé, varies considerably from the Latin and English copies; nevertheless the same sense is preserved. She does not deny that she directed her Ambassador to say that her intention was to preserve the places for the King; but, as general expressions may be interpreted in different senses, she expressly ordered him to make mention of her right to Calais, which he did, not only to the Cardinal of Ferrara but also to the Queen Mother. Does not intend to call in question what the French Ambassador has written, but declares that both to him and to many of the King's most trusty subjects she mentioned her intention of demanding Calais before she armed her subjects. Thus may appear her reason for keeping Havre, which M. De Bricquemault can more fully declare. Assures him that if her said town is restored, her desire will be to live in peace with him.
Corrected draft, in Cecil's hol. Fr. Pp. 4.
May 7. 715. Draft of the above in English, corrected by Cecil.
Pp. 4.
[May 7.] 716. Copy of the above, with the corrections introduced into the text, and with further alterations by Cecil.
Pp. 4.
[May 7.] 717. Beginning of another copy, with further additions and alterations, and intended for the Queen Mother.
Endd. Pp. 4.
[May 7.] 718. Translation of the above into French.
Endd. Pp. 4.
May 7. 719. Smith to [Warwick].
On the 6th ult. received his of the 2nd. Guesses it was written with beer or milk. He must do it with onions, oranges, or lemons; it is no sure way to write with the other. Had much ado to pick any English of it. His letter of the 17th ult., sent by Favorys, came on the 4th inst. The same day, viz., the 6th of May [sic], despatched his man Hans with his and Middlemore's letters. The same day at night La Cicognia brought him letters. The 7th inst. Coke came with letters of the 30th ult., so all his [Warwick's] letters came on a heap. He must still prepare, especially against treason, whereof he is advertised by Middlemore's letters sent by Hans, how it is pretended against him with the consent of some of the French within the town. The King still lies here, and the chiefest say plainly that they will against him [Warwick] in all haste. The Rhinegrave is here in the Court, who is the chief setter on of it, but his trust is more in treason than in force. They pretend as though they looked for galleys from Marseilles, and other brags to set upon him as well by sea as land. They will do as they did to Orleans, more in hope of treason than by force. The Admiral and D'Andelot are not yet come to the Court. The matter is not so hot as at the first towards Newhaven. They note that he has not fortified the worst places.— Poissy, 7 May 1563. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 7. 720. The French Army before Newhaven.
The King grants immunity from all tolls to persons conveying provisions for the use of his army before Newhaven. This was proclaimed by sound of trumpet in Paris by Pierre Gaudin, serjeant à verge, the sworn crier.—S. Germain-enLaye, 7 May 1563. Signed: N. Luillier.
A pamphlet, in quarto, printed by Guillaume De Nyverd, with the privilege attached. Pp. 5.
May 7. 721. Prune's Ship.
Notorial copy of the French King's letter to M. De Beauvoir of 12 April 1563, ordering him to restore Christopher Prune's ship with her cargo. Beauvoir replied that he would do so when he received an order from the Admiral of France, countersigned by any of the Council.—7 May 1563.
Transcript, attested by Humfrey Broke, notary public, on parchment.
May 7. 722. Challoner to the Duke of Ferrara.
Praises the excellent qualities of the bearer, the Count Fulino Rangon, the Duke's Ambassador at the Spanish Court, with whom the writer became acquainted in France, and to whom he is indebted for many kindnesses.—Madrid, 7 May 1563. Signed.
Hol. Draft. Endd. by Challoner. Ital. Pp. 4.
May 8.
Forbes, ii. 411.
723. The Queen to Smith.
1. Since M. De Bricquemault departed (of whose answer he had knowledge by her letters sent by William Killigrew,) she has had sundry occasions given to hearken to other means of accord than to persist in the demand of Calais; but has not altered from her first determination. On Wednesday last a courier came to the French Ambassador with letters from the King, which were delivered to her yesterday; whereunto she gave no answer, but persisted in the demand of Calais, and told him she would make answer to the King, which she sends now by her letters to him; also sends him a copy of the same, as well as the King's letter.
2. He is to use expedition to deliver her letter, and shall request that besides the Queen Mother the Prince shall be present, so that he may know what he will say herein; and if the Admiral might be present it would be better. After (fn. 3) delivering the same, he shall first maintain that she notified her right to the town of Calais and the lands thereto belonging; and if needful he may show them the book in Latin and English; and concerning the French book printed, he may note to them the variety thereof from that which she published.
3. If they come to discussion of her present right thereto, he shall use his former argument taken out of the treaty, which they broke, and thereby forfeited the title which they had thereto for keeping it for certain years. He is to conclude that the reasons which have moved the King to request her to leave Newhaven are not sufficient, without she is answered for her right to Calais.
4. If he be asked whether she will not leave Newhaven without she has Calais, he can answer that he has no commission but to show her right to Calais; and without being satisfied therein she cannot give up Newhaven. If asked whether no other means for the restitution of Calais at the time limited in the treaty can satisfy her, he is to affirm that he has not had the same signified to him, neither can he devise any; but if they can imagine any such means, they may use their own devices therein.
5. He is to be careful how he utters the answer; so they may not think she would come to any appointment but by restitution of Calais, neither yet to think the matter so desperate to be further treated in. If they offer larger conditions to have restitution made, he is not to give them cause to leave the prosecution of such overtures, but to appear to have no commission to deal with them, and yet to leave the matter to their own choice.
6. The French Ambassador has been with her again this day, offering to treat for peace without delivery of Calais, but he is loth that any reasonable offer should come from himself, but would rather it should come from her; wherein she does not mean to deal so. He has also spoken with her for putting to liberty a number of ships detained in Newhaven, and others stayed at Plymouth and Portsmouth; to which she has not given any resolute answer, but referred it to be made by him [Smith] to the King. Herein he is to answer that she gave no commands to take or stay any, but that her subjects having suffered great losses by the French, she has caused the said ships and merchandise to be safely kept, without any diminution thereof; meaning to restore the same upon satisfaction made to her subjects.
7. If they reply that this manner of dealing of reprisals is not according to the treaties, he can maintain it with justice, seeing that by the troubles of that country no order of justice could be executed by the King.
8. The Ambassador also declared certain matters against one M. De Savigny, who pretends to be the bastard son of the late King of Navarre, whom he requested she would cause to be sent home for misusing the King of Spain's Ambassador coming out of Spain by Gascony; to which answer was made, that a gentleman of that name had come hither, who in these late troubles was one of the society of the Prince, and had done nothing but by the Prince's direction. He may make the same answer without saying whether he should be delivered or not.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 8 May 1563. Pp. 7.
May 8. 724. Middlemore to Warwick.
1. On the 6th inst. sent Hans with letters from Smith and himself; the bearer arrived here with his letters of the 6th inst. On the 22nd ult. advertised him that the Rhinegrave and Marshal Brissac had received orders from the King and Queen Mother to make their approaches to Newhaven. Perceives that their commands are not always executed, nor what they resolved to do to day found good to-morrow, so variable are they for the present. The Rhinegrave came to the Court on the 2nd inst. Is credibly informed that these have a practice to take Newhaven by treason. He has near him Marshal Brissac, who by practice and treason has taken the most towns and fortresses. There is a great practice within his piece, and many are corrupted, and none are more busy nor more ready to lead such enterprise than the Prince. Begs him not to be deceived by men's religion, for that is the cloak whereby they hope to maintain their practices. Has learned out one who is sent thither by the Queen Mother and Condé to spy and practise, named Bunga, a merchant of Orleans, and of the religion, under colour of retiring certain merchandise from thence. Since writing the premises Bunga has arrived from Newhaven, whose working is so well liked that he was two days past returned thither by Condé and the Queen Mother with letters to many merchants there, who have promised (so as they may live safely in France, and in liberty of conscience,) that they will do all in their power to deliver the town to the King by surprise. These men's faults proceed rather from affection to their Prince than malice to the English. Warwick should know these men well, which must be done by making Bunga confess the whole matter and the names and dwellings of all the dealers therein. One in whom he reposes special trust has promised to do great things now to deliver Bunga to him [Warwick]. Bunga is but a little man, of a "swarsh" colour with a little black beard; his face showeth as though he had been burnt; he has a scratch upon his nose, and on either side the same upon his face; he wears a black worsted cloak well worn, stitched thick in the collar with silk which shows a whitish blue; his doublet is of leather, he hath an old jerkin of black leather with long cuts, and has been a soldier.
2. This matter must not be suspected to come from hence, for it might endanger some of the Queen's friends here. Bunga is lodged at John Brytteyn's in Newhaven, who is also of the conspiracy. He brought letters from the Prince of Condé, and had also letters to M. Beauvoir when last there, which he left with a friend in Newhaven, because Beauvoir was absent. If Warwick could get them he would discover the whole matter, and it would be well to send them to the Queen that she might see the Prince's fidelity towards her. If he takes him he should let him have no other hurt, but keep him prisoner until he sees some end in those matters. Asks him to beware of Beauvoir, for he is practised with by the Queen Mother and Condé to betray the piece. The Rhinegrave now returns to his charge, and to devise some enterprise upon him. Bunga has given them here to understand that the best plan of surprise about his town is by the side, near to a great granary, where Warwick has not fortified; and there they mean to attempt the enterprise. The brags are still great. Of late a Frenchman came to the Court from Newhaven, who reports that every man that will may come and go there without search. It would be well to search all that come and go; Paris, Tours, Angers, and most of the greatest towns here keep that order. Some are in hand to set fire to his munition and powder. Coke came with his letters on the 6th inst., and La Cignone has also arrived with his. One of them will return to him shortly. —St. Germain, 8 May. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 7.
May 9. 725. The Duchess of Parma to the Queen.
Thanks her for the favourable audience which she has given to the Councellor D'Assonleville, who she hopes will return with a satisfactory answer.—Brussels, 9 May 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
May 10. 726. The Queen to the Earl of Rutland.
Directs him to muster 500 footmen in Yorkshire and places near Berwick, and 200 footmen in the bishoprick of Durham, making choice of such as are arquebusiers and pikemen; also to appoint captains and officers, carriages, and other necessaries meet for sending them to Berwick with speed.
Orig. Draft, corrected by Cecil and endd.: 10 May 1563. Pp. 4.
May 10. 727. Troops for Newhaven.
Commission from the Queen to the Marshal and Treasurer of Berwick to send 300 of the garrison of Berwick under the command of Captain Cornwall to Newhaven. As many of them as can, are to be arquebusiers.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 10 May 1563. Pp. 2.
May 10.
Forbes, ii. 414.
728. The Queen to the Lord Admiral.
He shall cause 300 men to be prested upon and sent towards Newhaven for divers French ships remaining there, ready rigged for sea, which are to be brought to Portsmouth.
Draft, Corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 10 May 1563. Pp. 2.
[May 10.]
Forbes, ii. 415.
729. The Queen to Warwick.
1. Has given order to the Lord Admiral to send mariners to Newhaven to bring away the French ships. He is to give order for allowing of the same. For avoiding danger from the rest, he is to cause all those that are unfit for sea to be broken up, and the timber thereof employed in serving of the fortifications and traverses; those that cannot be broken up for lack of workmen are to be sunk, so as they may not be subject to fire. The others which are of service, yet for want of time cannot be brought from thence, he is to cause the upper buildings thereof to be broken down, so as there may be less danger to fire them. He is to cause men of understanding to take care hereof.
2. As to the victuals and merchandise claimed by strangers, and by such as are subjects to the King of Spain, he is to give order that all merchandise and victuals belonging to the strangers, as well French as others, may be registered; and so preserved that whensoever cause shall require, good account may be had thereof. All such as shall serve for victualling of the garrison are to be used, so as an answer may be made for the expense thereof. All such as belong to the French, the same should be preserved for her use only, that if they enter in hostility to convert it to relieve her charges for defence of the town.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 10. 730. Vaughan to Lord Robert Dudley.
1. Vindicates himself from the imputation of the Queen being charged with more soldiers than are here, in which he enters into much detail. Omitted not to peruse the books weekly till he fell sick. Cannot prevent the shifts of the captains and his own clerks. Has saved her at least 600l. monthly. Asks for a commission of inquiry.—Newhaven, 10 May 1563.
2. P. S.—Repeats certain charges, and disproves the same by giving details of his proceedings.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
May 10. 731. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. Vindicates himself touching the last credit. If he will cause search to be made at Gilbert Hogg's house, near Redderyf (or Ratclif), he shall hear of some "fat skrappes" that passed from hence. The Clerk of the Ordnance confessed that eighty-two pieces of artillery have been conveyed from the Vidame's bulwark to the bulwark royal, and that divers were brass worth 50l. apiece at the least. Also that he delivered to Mr. Stukeley, by command of the Master of the Ordnance, 2,000 weight of corn powder and 100 curriers, and that he had as much artillery besides of the said Master as amounted to 120l. towards the furniture of his journey.
2. The Master does so little to his charge that he has not a gabion or mound made for the defence of any piece of artillery, neither is there a piece of artillery planted in the defences. He is diligent in setting forward of their works, but when it shall be understood what good bargains he has made his labour shall surmount his thanks.
3. Recommends William Dethyk for employment. Many Bretons have arrived here laden with wine and oil. Does not understand that any order is taken for the stay of anything in them to the Queen's use. If that were her pleasure they have been used otherwise, for many of them have been delivered, but by what order he knows not. Victuals draw very scarce here.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
May 10. 732. Cuthbert Vaughan to Cecil.
Has seen Lord Robert's letter to his brother touching the great lack of numbers here, and as the musters have been committed to him he petitions to have his doings tried. Is weary of the office of Marshal here; he will send his warrant for his charge of the 20th ult.—Newhaven, 10 May 1563.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 2.
May 10. 733. Stores for Newhaven.
The proportion of armour, tools, &c. to be sent to Newhaven for the furniture thereof.—10 May 1563.
Endd. Pp. 2.
May 10. 734. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 2.
May 10. 735. Challoner to Smith. (fn. 4)
P.S.—Sent the above by a Portugal. Has visited and been visited of M. D'Oysel, to whom he has committed the delivery of this. Has aforetimes received courtesies from him.—Madrid, 10 May 1563.
Hol. Draft. P. 1.


  • 1. The remainder of the letter is in Cecil's hol.
  • 2. The remainder of the draft is in Cecil's hol.
  • 3. At this point Cecil's writing ends, and the remainder is in the hand of a clerk.
  • 4. See Challoner's letter of the 1st of May, to a second copy of which this is a P.S.