Elizabeth: April 1563, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: April 1563, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp293-310 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1563, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp293-310.

"Elizabeth: April 1563, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp293-310.

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April 1563, 21-30

April 18. 639. The Privy Council to Warwick.
1. They think the Queen should not stand charged with the entertainment of Mazinero, and that Captains Hamilton and Clerk, Scottish men, with their bands of horsemen, might be likewise discharged, considering they heretofore served France; yet they do not precisely will him to discharge them, as he may see more cause than they do to keep them. Captain Tremain should make his band 100 horsemen, so as they be Englishmen only. There are almost 800 labourers under Captain Pelham, which should be daily viewed, and paid by poll.
2. Direct him to look diligently into the matter of Christopher Pruene's ship.
Draft, corrected by Cecil, and endd.: 18 April 1563. Pp. 4.
April 19. 640. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. These men are resolved to make war, yet does he not believe it, for all of the religion were never more likely to grow into a broil again. No Papist town in France has yet obeyed the late edict of peace. Private quarrels begin to spring among the greatest here. Marvels most that Condé this day said plainly to two of the chiefest about him, that they have resolved (including himself,) to make war upon the Queen if she continues in her stubbornness, and will not leave Havre. They answered him that he should do against what he had promised her, and that they would leave him and those who should take it in hand. He misliked this language, but they answered him that not only would they do so, but also many other gentlemen.
2. Trusts, by the help of Robert Stewarde, so to work that many of the gentlemen of the religion in this realm shall not meddle in this matter. The Duke D' Aumale presently assembles forces in Normandy, which are to go to Newhaven, but it is secretly said in this Court that they are for a quarrel that he has to the Admiral for the death of his brother. Paris and Rouen have intelligence with him therein. Nevertheless, he suspects that these forces are meant to Newhaven. They do not bring them before Newhaven so much to besiege it, as fortify about it. They have now in deliberation to make two forts there, one unto Seine Head, the other near unto the town on the side of Harfleur. More than 2,000 Swiss are coming, and will be with the others by Blois in a few days. Hears of no other new forces. Sent his last letters of the 13th inst. to him by a Scottishman despatched hence by Lethington. The King of Spain promises great aid. The Prince has said sundry times (and last to M. Bouchevannes), that if the Vidame of Chartres had put into the contract betwixt the Queen and him that she might keep Newhaven until Calais were rendered unto her, he [the Vidame] should answer to it, and not be; for he [the Prince] had sent but his blanks thither, and they had put what they would into the contract. Meantime the confiscation of the poor Vidame's living is given.—Amboise, 19 April 1563. Signed.
Orig., nearly all in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
April 19.
Forbes, ii. 390.
641. Warwick and Poulet to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. Warwick understands by De Favoris (who lately went to England with letters for the Queen, and has returned with others for Smith and Middlemore), that M. Bricquemault's secretary showed him Bricquemault's instructions, which tended to this effect;—that the French require the delivery of this town, and will thereupon repay the Queen the money which she prested to Condé and the Admiral for the payment of their soldiers, one half to be paid in hand, and the other half at a future day; and they will put in good hostages for the delivery of Calais at the time heretofore prefixed. The writers are also confirmed in like effect by M. De Beauvoir's declaration thereof, made to Malby, Warwick's secretary, since Bricquemault's coming hither. The hostages shall be of the best in France that the Queen can require, except the King's brethren.
2. The secretary also said to Favoris, that if she does not accord to these articles, then Condé will besiege Newhaven; meaning (as the secretary, who is an engineer, showed him,) to raise a fort upon the hill toward the sea for the beating of Seine Head, and another fort upon the hill above Ingouville, for battery of the town. He said the Prince and Admiral have promised to achieve the enterprise.
3. The secretary being asked by Favoris of the enterprise against Metz by the Emperor, and whether the reiters and Almains had left France, told him that the Cardinal of Lorraine had stopped the Emperor's enterprise, and that the said soldiers were conducted by the Prince of Porcean to within sixteen leagues of Paris, where they would stay until it was answered whether the Queen would accept the said articles or not. The same being refused by her, they returned to join the rest of the power of France against this town, which are no more dispersed than that they may be soon reassembled. Of this he has sent information to Smith and Middlemore, so that they may make further inquisition.
4. The French ships and vessels in this haven, with their merchandise, are estimated at more than 20,000l. Alleges reasons for the fetching in and staying of this latter company, besides the Queen's commandment to suffer none to pass up the river.
5. A gentleman of this town, M. Francville (who was lately with the Admiral, and came hither on Wednesday last from his house at Châtillon,) has declared that the Emperor's enterprise upon Metz is reduced to a treaty, and the forces stopped that should have passed that way, and that the French army is so dispersed that they can soon be assembled.
6. M. De Beauvoir (now gone to England with Bricquemault) is one on whom the Queen may rest assured; he will conceal nothing that comes to his knowledge which may stand her in stead. Nevertheless, his wife and children, with his horses and other things, passed into France last Saturday, as he says, of necessity, to be a suitor for the surety of her living and his; he minded of late to have sent her into England. If he intended otherwise than well, "one may beshrew his schoolmaster." Warwick had warning by one of Beauvoir's family not long since, that if his wife were sent away, then to look to himself.
7. The process of the prisoners here for treason proceeds so slowly that he is determined to send them into England. If there should be service here, there will be great want of iron pieces for flankers; he hopes they will be sent hither as speedily as may be against all events. Notwithstanding this treaty of peace, the French will practise to obtain this town by treason. This is like enough, besides Middlemore's advertisements; and as much declared by the Rhinegrave to be in practising. No such practice can have any hope without the Captains of the ships and their retinues, of whom the most to be doubted are Captains Francis Clark, Soras, and Bonetamps. Lately wrote to them to have Clark and Soras entertained of the Queen by some pension. It would be well for her to send for those three to repair to her by some gentle letter to them, purporting the same to be intended for taking their advice upon the discharge or order of the French ships stopped here. This may be the means of their departure from hence, and their abode in England until the danger at this place has passed. If any of them refuse to go, he will take means for sending them from hence.
8. Captains Horsey, Blunt, and Hamilton have come from Dieppe with their horsemen and footmen, they were well used there by the inhabitants. In consideration whereof he has permitted six vessels of that town, lately stopped, to pass freely unto them.—Newhaven, 19 April 1563. Signed.
9. P.S.—The rumour still continues of the coming of the galleys; if they once enter this river all the Queen's ships cannot drive them out, because the river is full of "shelfs," and many places where ships cannot approach.
Orig., with seal. A few marginal notes by Cecil, and endd. by him. Add. Pp. 6.
April 19. 642. The Rhinegrave to M. De Bricquemault.
Hopes that Bricquemault's journey may be delayed until he can see him, when he will tell him the news of the Court, in which however there is nothing strange, "comment y ayant faict la barbe grise."—19th—. Signed.
Copy. Add. Endd.: 19 April 1563. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 19. 643. Charges at Newhaven.
The debt at Newhaven for two months, ending the 22nd of March 1563, is 10,075l. 10s. 4½d., which with another month due the 19th inst. is 17,075l. 10s. 4½d.
Endd. Pp. 2.
April 19. 644. Victuals at Newhaven.
Victuals at Newhaven, 19th April 1563, sufficient for six weeks. Money due to Mr. Abington, to the same date, 3,812l. 15s. 7d.
Endd. Pp. 3.
April 20.
Forbes, ii. 393.
645. The Queen to Smith.
1. Since the receipt of his last of the 2nd inst., she has expected M. De Bricquemault. It seems strange to her that she cannot hear of his coming, nor the lets thereof; although she understands by Leighton that at his coming from Paris, M. Danville was at his house of Marlow, [Marly] with commission to come hither upon Bricquemault's return, whom he expected about the 12th inst.
2. Unless he finds that the Prince has dealt better with her than she can gather by his last information, he is to request them in her name to deal more plainly, and not abuse her by pretending to send messengers. If he should get into argument for the restitution of Newhaven and recovery of Calais, she sends an extract of a special article betwixt her and Condé, by which it appears in what way she may avow the keeping of Newhaven, and how the Prince is bound to do nothing prejudical to her; for assurance whereof she has his hand and seal, and also the Admiral's and others. For further confirmation thereof, she has a new covenant from the Admiral and his society under their hands and seals, made at Caen in the end of February last, of which she sends him a copy. When he has considered the same, he can maintain a good argument with them to prove that her expectation is not satisfied. If they show no reason to the contrary, he is to say she is determined to maintain what she has taken in hand. As for her right of Calais, she perceives he is able to maintain her title thereto; which he is to declare at such time and place as shall seem meet to him.
3. She finds some lack in his last letters, of the state of things in France; viz. who had the principal governance of affairs, or what authority was likely to come to the Prince and his party; in what sort the accord was allowed on either part; and what became of the armies on both sides, as well the French as the Almains and Spaniards. If these matters had been known, she might have guessed the sequel of things likely to follow; he is therefore to write more fully hereafter.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 20 April 1563. Pp. 3.
[April 20.] 646. Petition of the Papists of Orleans. (fn. 1)
Certain Papist inhabitants of Orleans offer to put from 200 to 400 well armed men at the disposal of M. De Cipierre for the purpose of suppressing the Huguenots. This copy was made from the original by Nicholas Provenchiere and Francis Stuart, Notaries Royal at Orleans, 20 April 1563. Signed: F. Stuart.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
April 20. 647. Laurence St. Marie to Warwick.
Has been ordered by the Marshal Brissac, to transfer the government of Honfleur to Captain Hemery. Does not wish to do so before he has heard from Condé, and desires his advice hereon.—Honfleur, 20 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 20. 648. Christopher Pruen's Ship.
Answer to the replication of M. D'Assonville respecting the capture of Christopher Pruen's ship.
The articles of the treaty mentioned by him do not apply to this case. The Queen cannot be responsible for what happens on the high seas. If it had been taken in her harbours she would have ordered speedy restitution. If it can be proved that any English were in company with Clerk, or afforded him succour, they shall be punished. Though Havre is in her possession, yet she has bound herself not to meddle in any suits of law there; the justiciaries of the King remaining there to try causes. She has nevertheless determined to order her Lieutenant in Havre to arrest the said ship, and cause an inventory to be made of its contents.
Endd.: 20 April 1563. Fr. Pp. 6.
[April 20.] 649. Translation of the above into English.
Endd. partly by Cecil: 20 April 1563. Answer to the replication made by M. D'Assonleville, the [blank] March 1563.
April 20. 650. Chart of Conquet.
Chart of the coast in the neighbourhood of Conquet.
Endd. by Cecil: 20 April 1563. Folded sheet.
April 20. 651. The Duchess of Parma to the Queen.
Desires her favour for Christopher Prunnen, whose ship, freighted with alum, has been captured by Pied De Bois (François Le Clercq), and taken into Havre.—Brussels, 20 April 1563. Signed: Margarita.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
April 20. 652. Mundt to Cecil.
Since his last letter of the 16th of March nothing of importance has happened. The expedition to Metz is stayed, the Emperor having written to the Duke of Deuxponts not to proceed therein. The Cardinal of Lorraine has persuaded the Emperor that if those places were restored, they would be a refuge for the heretics from Lower Germany and Luxemburg. More than 40,000 gold crowns have been already spent on this undertaking. The German reiters will soon return from France. On the 12th of May the Landgrave's son Louis will be married to the daughter of the Duke of Wurtemburg. Vielleville is about to come to the German Princes from the French King. The Council will not remain much longer at Trent. The Emperor wishes to retire into the Jesuits' monastery, which he built at Inspruck.—Strasburg, 20 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
April 21.
Forbes, ii. 395.
653. Warwick and Poulet to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. Received yesterday a message by mouth from Montgomery, that although one Richelieu is coming to Caen with commission from M. Brissac to take charge of that castle and town, the Count will not receive those forces into the same, but will continue the government thereof until he hears from Condé. He has sent the like advice to the Captain of Honfleur, who stands upon the same point, as may appear by his letter, herewith enclosed. Will encourage the same, and refer to their discretion what further comfort may be sent from the Queen to the Count.
2. Upon sending a messenger on Monday last from Bricquemault to the Rhinegrave, there was a letter returned unto him of the effect herewith appearing; whereupon Bricquemault dined yesterday with the Rhinegrave, and had secret talk together after dinner for three or four hours, which he cannot judge to tend to any good purpose concerning his charge.
3. In the end one of the Rhinegrave's servants came hither with a request for Poulet to come to the Rhinegrave, which was interpreted by Bricquemault to extend unto him, and Poulet to be present at dinner this day with the Rhinegrave at Harfleur; which was not thought meet because of staying his journey to England, and that the message done by the said servant extended not to that effect. It was answered that Poulet would come at any convenient time that he should appoint, which he thinks will be within two days, it being reported that the Constable has departed in malice or displeasure, or both, from the Court to his house.
4. The Rhinegrave writes daily for delivery of the ships of Fécamp lately stayed here. The Queen will be pressed not only for the re-delivery of those prizes, but also for setting of the ships of this haven at liberty. Brissac is at Rouen as Governor of Normandy, to whom there are coming twelve ensigns of footmen. The galley and galleon of Rouen with two other shallops, are coming up this river, whom they will not be able to match before the galley be set forth, which may do great service upon this river.—Newhaven, 21 April 1563. Signed.
5. P.S.—Bricquemault was not satisfied of his long talk with the Rhinegrave yesterday, but seeing he could not have Poulet for a colour of his repair again, he said to Warwick this day, that he must take his leave of the said count. Thinking they should have met together about Monstrevillier, the matter was so handled as the Rhinegrave came down along the marsh side, within a mile of this town, where they bestowed the afternoon together, viewing the situation of the town upon that side, and to consider where they might best encamp thereabouts. They will talk shortly with the Queen upon the peace, in an open show of war against this place, whereof he has received certain intelligence this evening by Captain Appleyard from the late captain of Honfleur named St. Marye (being discharged this day from that charge, and Captain Hemery, a cruel tyrant Papist, appointed thereunto by Brissac), the said Appleyard being sent thither from him this morning. St. Marye declared to Appleyard that he saw the ruin of all the Protestants in France, and that Warwick should look shortly for the power of France; saying that a great company comes to Rouen where Brissac lies, another power to Monstrevillier and Harfleur, and the eight ensigns to Caen, as before mentioned. None of their late powers are further than the parts about Paris. He assures the Queen of 2,000 gentlemen and good soldiers to serve here when she pleases to employ them, and also showed Appleyard a place where the Castle of Honfleur might be taken at all times with 200 good soldiers. Warwick will have a great loss in this man, and he is assured that Hemery will stop the coming hither of victuals out of those parts from whence this town has had their greatest relief since St. Marye's coming hither. He will hear from Montgomery within two days, who St. Marye declares is forced to leave Caen, and disposes of all his things in such a way as it is likely he will avoid the country.
6. Is advancing the fortifications with the furniture of Fleming's engines, and it will amount unto the monthly charge of 300l. for this month and next. The soldiers must have their pay forthwith.
7. Poulet was requested this evening to meet the Rhinegrave to-morrow about Harfleur, which he will do. The Rhinegrave sent information to Poulet in his own writing that a gentleman has come from the Court with certain news, which he will impart. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
April 22. 654. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. Sent his last of the 19th inst. by Le Crock, servant to the Queen of Scotland. On the 21st inst. a gentleman of the King was sent post to the Rhinegrave to make his approach to Newhaven and lie within shot of the harquebus of crok. Sent this news to the English Ambassador. The wisest sort think that if forces are sent to Newhaven it is either to fortify about it so that the English shall not stir out, nor to have victuals by sea, or to make them so afraid as to accept easier conditions. Paris, and the rest of the great towns, at the solicitation of the former, will neither accept the late edict of peace, nor lay down their arms, nor receive any of the religion before all the King's towns are rendered to him, and all strangers driven out of the realm. This is also thought to be a piece of the Queen Mother's divinity to make the Prince their chief enemy; wherein no man is more forward against them. All here hold that Newhaven, if manned and furnished, is impregnable, and that they will never lay siege to it. There are not above 2,000 footmen in all Normandy, besides the Rhinegrave's. They have only five other ensigns of Frenchmen about Blois, and their Swisses there, who are so increased that the Swisses are 4,000, and 1,500 Spaniards are lying at Remorantaine. These are all the footmen they have, or are like to have. They have sent many horsemen towards Newhaven, so as to prevent sallies out of that town. Robert Steward, a Scottish gentlemen, is here again, who has been this long time belonging to Condé, more for the sake of religion than for any entertainment. Throckmorton can tell of his good will to the Queen, and the Ambassador here has cause to witness of the same. Stewart wishes to retire into England, and there to do her service. He can do her service now through his credit with all of the religion. Need does not compel him, for he is so beloved here, as he wants nothing. He hopes that the Queen will help him into the Queen of Scotland's favour again, which he lost by the Duke of Guise reporting to her that he went about to kill him; since then she could never abide to see him. Stewart travails to persuade the churches of the religion to find this war unjustly made upon the Queen, and so to excuse themselves, and not meddle in it. Asks that he may know by the next her pleasure herein.
2. This sudden commanding of the Rhinegrave to go before Newhaven grew upon M. De Chastelier coming to the Court on the 19th inst. He had letters with him from the Queen to the Queen Mother, Condé, and the Admiral. Has not received one word from him since he came on this side. Hears that these have great practises with Spain, and their continual sending thither gives no less suspicion. The King of Spain will not suffer any other Prince now, in the time of his minority, to invade the French King's country, but will aid him with men, money, and ships to invade England, to do which, preparations are already in hand in Spain and Flanders. He is like enough to promise them aid to set the French and them together by the ears, lest they join his subjects, and bring Flanders to revolt from him. Has sent to give Warwick warning of the Rhinegrave's coming. Prays that the Pope's territory of Avignon may not prevail as much with Condé as Sardinia did with the late King of Navarre. The King of Spain will see that the Pope shall be no loser by that bargain. The reiters are in the skirts of Lorraine going home, where they tarry to be paid. All here cry out for money, but there is not a penny stirring. Marshal Brissac now goes general for the King to Newhaven.—Orleans, 22 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., wholly in cipher deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
April 22. 655. M. Perrenot De Chantonnet to Warwick.
Requests that he will procure the restoration of two vessels laden with woad, belonging to certain merchants of the Low Countries, going to Rouen, which have been taken into Havre.—Paris, 22 April 1563. Signed, Perrenot.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd.: M. De Chantonet, Ambassador for the King of Spain in France. Fr. Pp. 3.
April 22. 656. Quittance of Meliadus Spinola.
General acquittance by Meliadus Spinola to the effect that Sir Thomas Challoner has discharged all debts due to the writer.—Madrid. 22 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 2.
April 22. 657. Another copy of the above.
Orig. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 2.
April 23.
Labanoff, i. 180.
658. The Queen of Scotland to the Queen.
Asks a passport for John Achesonne, her master coiner, to pass through her realm to France and to return hither.— St. Andrew's 23 April, 21 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. Broadside.
April 23.
Forbes, ii. 398.
659. Warwick and Poulet to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. According to his of yesterday, Poulet met the Rhinegrave, who willed him to beware of a surprise, for such a practise is in hand, to be executed by others on the other side of the water under M. De Brissac's government, with the aid of those within this town, of whom he would not name particulars; affirming Brissac to be a great enemy, and that the Queen Mother and he have reproved the Rhinegrave for taking truces with him, and suffering him to fortify, and for not lying near this town to impeach all commodities.
2. He also says, that the whole army of France, numbering 10,000 French, and 6,000 Swiss (besides the Rhinegrave's bands), are directed this way, and sundry companies have already come to hand, meaning, to attend hereabout for the Queen's answer to the articles of peace. If she refuses them, they will approach this town with their army. The French are desirous of war, so as it may appear to be entered by the Queen, which they will follow if this town is kept against them by force, and she will thereby lose her title to Calais and other things comprised in the treaty, amounting in one part to 600,000 crowns, wherewith they reckon to maintain a sufficient power to drive them from hence and keep Calais also. They will not give up Calais, nor make any other compact than has heretofore passed. The Queen Mother has forbidden any motion to be made thereof; insomuch as the Rhinegrave has seen a protestation signed by her to that effect; which must have been (the writer judges) shown him by Bricquemault amongst his instructions. The said Rhinegrave affirms again to Poulet that the Queen may have peace with France if she will, with consideration of the money wherewith she aided Condé and the Admiral; but if she will keep this town, and demands Calais, she will have war with all the power of France by sea and land, adding thereunto, that (with the King of Spain's aid,) there are twenty-five galleys coming hither.
3. He thinks the Admiral's reiters pass into their own country upon the Landgrave's commandment, and that the Constable has gone from the Court discontented that the Prince of Condé's son should be made Grand Master of France and not he. The Rhinegrave also affirms that the Emperor's enterprise against Metz is stopped, and reduced to a treaty by the solicitation of the Cardinal of Lorraine, by whose means the marriage of the Queen of Scots to the Duke of Austria (the Emperor's second son) is undoubtedly concluded, and shall take effect shortly. In the treaty thereof the Cardinal has affirmed the Queen of Scots to be inheritor to the Crown of England, and not only stirs the Emperor and the Duke to enter by war for recovery of that title, but hinders this treaty of peace, and wishes the French to proclaim war. The Rhinegrave says that he [the Cardinal] is one of whom the Queen may be assured to have a continual enemy, that will procure France and Scotland to make war against her as much as he may. He also says that the Duke of Austria prepares to enter Scotland with a number of reiters.
4. This is the sum of the Rhinegrave's discourse, omitting the talk wherewith the same was interlaced on the other part; he promises to inform Warwick of such news as he shall learn from the French Court hereupon, where he wishes to be, and would take the journey if his repair thither might stand the Queen in any stead.—Newhaven, 23 April 1563. Signed.
5. P. S.—The Controller here is not likely to live, and the writer is unfurnished of a Marshal.
Orig., in Poulet's hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 7.
April 23. 660. Denys to Cecil.
1. Received by his servant 1,200l., wherewith he means presently to discharge the sick and to employ the rest upon the works.
2. One hundred rods of ditching about the walls are let out to the soldiers at 6l. 13s. 4d. the rod of twenty feet of length. Two cranes have been set up to take the earth out of the ditch, each with thirty soldiers, and another is ready. The charges for the three will be 30l. weekly. Has paid two weeks after this sort.
3. Four gunners are also set in work.
4. Mr. Pelham cannot agree to have his labourers paid by poll, nor to have them in the Controller's check orders, but stands so much upon his reputation that he will pay them as every captain here pays his soldiers.—Newhaven, 23 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
April 23. 661. Cuerton's Receipt. (fn. 2)
John Cuerton acknowledges the receipt of 1,500 reales from Sancho Lopes De Recalde.—Bilboa, 23 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Span. P. 1.
April 24.
Forbes, ii. 401.
662. The Lords of the Council to Warwick.
1. They hear that since the order was given for the stay of ships, merchandise, &c. within that town, quantities have been carried from thence to Rouen, by sufferance of the water-bailiff there. Besides that, the Queen is so pressed here by the King of Spain's Ambassadors for restitution of his subjects' goods that it must be made, if, by. breaking with the French, she takes that town to her only possession; which cannot be done, if the same shall be suffered to be conveyed thence. He may do well indirectly to stay all merchandise, &c. in that town; to the intent that if she shall retain the same by force, she may have the better part by that means. Yet they mean for him to get out of the town as many of the French as he can, but without any constraint, until there is an open breach with the French; for then it will not be good policy to retain any French within it otherwise than shall be thought convenient to keep such as are of any great wealth or estimation, as prisoners.
3. It appears that he will send over certain Frenchmen which he has there as prisoners for the conspiracy against that town; they allow the same, and also the stopping of ships with merchandise and victuals which lately came thither; meaning that he should not suffer French vessels to pass that river. They also allow of the courtesy shown by him to those of Dieppe for their ships. In stopping ships, there must be no waste nor spoil of the same; because, as things may fall out, the same must be answered both for justice and honour.
3. They perceive that Horsey, Blount, and Hamilton have safely arrived at Newhaven with their bands from Dieppe; is it convenient for Hamilton, or any other Scotch or Frenchmen to remain in service there to the Queen's charge ? rather some convenient means may be devised how they may be cassed.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 24 April 1563. Pp. 2.
April 24. 663. Guido Gianetti to Cecil.
1. When the Protestant Princes sent eight envoys to Nuremburg with answer to the Emperor, that they wished to attend the Council, they gave them letters to Ferdinand and to the Synod at Trent, whose sense he briefly subjoins. That as God bound together the adverse particles of the universe in harmony, so by means of the Scriptures the Church ought also to be in unity. They of the Confession of Augsburg sincerely hoped that the Church might be preserved undivided, and it would not be their fault if it was not, as they do not avoid any colloquy on religion, and are willing to agree to a Germanic council, or to a General Council, provided it were free, and not restrained by the Papal tyranny. That it is right that the Scriptures be interpreted by the Word of God, and not by the judgment of a single man, nor should anyone arrogate to himself solely the Spirit of Christ. If they are assured that the Council will be free from constraint, they are ready to promise in the name of their respective Princes that they will attend whenever the Emperor shall appoint.
2. Ferdinand said he would send copies of these letters to the Pope. It would appear that he thought that if the Council were free and without fraud, perhaps the Protestants might be brought back into the Roman Church. It will be wonderful if, starting from different premises, they come to the same conclusion, or if one should convince the other. Sends him a copy of the Emperor's letter to the Pope. (fn. 3) The session of the Council has again been prorogued from the 22nd April to the 3rd June. Refers to his letter in Italian for further intelligence.—Venice, 24 April 1563.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
April 25. 664. The Queen to Sir Edward Rogers.
Warrant for Sir Edward Rogers, Controller of the Household, to pay 300l. (fn. 4) to Sir Morice Denys, Treasurer of Newhaven, or to Hugh Counsell, to be paid to Francis Somerset, for the wages of himself and his band, serving at Newhaven, due the 25th January last.—Westminster, 25 April, 5 Eliz.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 26.
Labanoff, i. 182.
665. The Queen of Scotland to the Queen.
Asks a passport for Thomas Forbes to repair through England into France.—St. Andrew's, 26 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Injured, and slightly imperfect. Broadside.
April 26. 666. The Marquis of Winchester to Cecil.
Newhaven was victualled on 22nd ult. for two months. On that day the money in the Treasurer's hands was 4,918l. 7s. 6d., whereof Mr. Controller paid 4,626l. 2s.; so there remains due to Mr. Abington for victuals, &c, at that date 1,296l. 17s. 3d. The charge of the victuals for the month, ending the 19th inst., is 3,000l.; total, 4,296l. 17s. 3d. Signed.: Winchester.
Endd. Pp. 4.
April 27. 667. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. Sends by the bearer, William Keys, two prisoners, Captains Maucomble and Mesnil. Recommends Keys for an advancement of living.—Newhaven, 27 April 1563.
2. P. S.—Mesnil is household servant to the Duke of Longueville. This day received letters in his behalf from the Duke, M. D'Anville, and the Rhinegrave. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 27. 668. Sir Maurice Denys to Cecil.
1. Has discharged the sick men and sick labourers, and keeps the rest of the money for the task works, whereon for two weeks past he has paid 100l., and this week 150l. It will be about that point every week, for there are about 400 soldiers working in the ditches, besides those attending upon the engines and cranes. The pioneers are still at work upon the bulwarks. Asks for 500l. or 600l. more. Many daily fall sick here, whereof divers die or are despatched away; yet they fill up their bands with others that daily come from England.
2. The Lord Lieutenant has appointed Poulet and the rest of the Council here to take the musters within two days, for the Controller is sick and in much danger.
3. The victuallers still increase their prices, so that the soldiers are not able to live thereon, for their bread of late lacks weight, and they will make only twopenny loaves, whereof every soldier must have but a quarter of a loaf a day, which is too little, considering that the bread is the worst he ever saw, for most part of the corn here is very bad. The beef at twopence the pound they have raised, the beer, and all victuals besides. A great part of the Newcastle coal which was sent hither is uttered for ready money; and if they tarry here till next winter there will be but small store left, for they may have of the strangers what money they will reasonably ask for victuals they have to sell here; and their prices make all things else so dear that no man can live on his entertainment. It costs the writer for his living three times more than the Queen allows, so that all his lands and living will not be able to keep him long after that rate.— Newhaven, 27 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
April 27. 669. Clough to Challoner.
Sends him 374 ducats. Cannot get the 114l. due to Challoner in London. The other 114l. which he sent him he was paid with much ado. The news is that they are agreed in France, but that divers towns will not agree, and that the Admiral keeps his power together. The English fortify Newhaven. The parliament is prorogued till the 2nd of October. In Saxony and Hesse above 6,000 horsemen and 100 ensigns of footmen are ready. In three or four months he goes into England, and remains there most part of the summer, and against the winter goes into Italy, but will leave John Conyers to write to him. Wrote on 9 and 28 Jan. and 7 March.—Antwerp, 27 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received at Madrid by the post of Antwerp, 16 May 1563. Pp. 4.
April 28. 670. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
1. The alum, etc., of the Flemings and others of the King of Spain's subjects, taken by Francis Clarke, were stayed and undertaken by M. Beauvois, in whose absence it has been inventoried and put under two locks and keys. The French King has written to Beauvois for the restitution of the goods to the merchants.
2. For a good space neither French nor Scots have been at Caen or Dieppe, in the Queen's pay, other than Captain Hamilton and his band of Scots now returned from Dieppe hither. Hamilton left Dieppe for the Court of France without licence and his band left out of order. They think they shall not need to deal so plainly with Captain Clarke, as it is likely that his band will avoid of themselves.
3. The pioneers and labourers shall be used in their pays and checks according to order already taken here. The sick men are discharged. A thorough muster shall be taken to-morrow.
4. If any French captains be kept here, they recommend Captain Mossonier, without any band, for he has served well.
5. Touching the exploit to be done upon the Bordeaux fleet of Fécamp, mentioned in theirs of the 16th inst., they think all of their ships have returned from thence, amongst them some vessels of that town and Saint Valery, about Seine Head, and in the river, and they shall remain in the haven with the rest heretofore stayed. They think it meet that the Englishmen that have been robbed by those of Fécamp should be satisfied of these goods.
6. Send the remain of the victuals taken the 19th inst., with the quantity arrived since. Also send the prisoners Maucomble and Le Mesnil in the bark of the Master of the Ordnance. Keys will land them at the Tower wharf.— Newhaven, 28 April 1563. Signed: Warwick, Poulet, Denys, Bromefield, Fysscher.
Orig. Pp. 4.
April 28. 671. Victuals at Newhaven.
Victuals at Newhaven the 19th inst., also money due for victuals delivered within the month ending that day, amounting to 2,515l. 18s. 3d., also victuals arrived there since that date. Signed: Geo. Tendring.
Endd.: 28 April 1563. Pp. 2.
April 29. 672. Musters at Newhaven.
At the musters of sixteen bands this day, 110 men were returned discharged, eighteen runaways, thirty-six dead, seventy-one sick, thirty-one absent by passport, and 3,280 present, making a total of 3,382, exclusive of those discharged, runaway and dead.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 7.
April 29. 673. Clough to Challoner.
Since writing his letter he has had a packet out of England, which he sends. A friend writes that if the French King does not give up Calais, the Queen will make open war out of hand.—Antwerp, 29 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received at Madrid, 16 May 1563. Pp. 2.
April 30. 674. Randolph to Cecil.
Writes in favour of Captain Forbes, whose purpose is to repair into France, where it is promised him to have the chief place of a man at arms. Requests that he may have favour to buy an ambling gelding to take with him.—St. Andrew's, last of April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 30. 675. Remonstrance of the French Ambassador.
Requests that the English Council will cause to be made restitution of ten ships laden with wine, which are detained at Havre de Grace, the particulars of each being given.
Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 30.
Forbes, ii. 402.
676. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
1. The French purpose to besiege this town very shortly. Having taken a general muster yesterday of the whole garrison they send a note of the numbers here, except the Scottish horsemen which could not be taken, Captain Clark being at Caen, and the other not yet returned from the Court of France; but they know there is but little difference between their late musters and the present. They have no money to pay them upon their muster, nor to pay the soldiers' "tax works." Of the pioneers specified therein many are sick and scarcely serviceable. If the Queen had furnished this town with 2,000 pioneers, since she has had charge of the same, by this time the enemy would have been out of hope to have recovered it.
2. The estate of victuals here rests now upon a scarce proportion of one month in bread corn (of beer they can make no further account than as long as they are masters of water to brew), having neither flesh, fish, butter, nor cheese, nor any meat of the Queen's store, but bacon for two days. The clerk of the store here is as bare in money as victuals. More might have been provided here. The enemy's chief hope for taking this town rests upon their famine. The French coming to lay siege may be kept in greater distress of victuals than they, if the Queen would put forth such a power upon the sea as may not only keep Seine Head and the entry of this river open, but also place part of the navy upon the west coast to keep the relief of Bretagne and those parts from them by sea, and another part upon the east coast to keep the relief of Flanders and those quarters from coming to them by Dieppe. Besides, this country of Caux and all Normandy are wasted of grain and other victuals; so is the country between this and Orleans on the one part, and as far as Paris on the other. Their whole relief must come to them by Picardy side, which will not suffice long; neither can they be victualled by land any way, if the commodities of the seas be by this mean taken away.
3. They are left long destitute of a marshal here, being the most principal officer. Ask for the speedy conveying of the things specified in their last letters, adding thereunto thirty dozen spades, forty tons of elm timber, and thirty tons of oak. Also sixteen cast-iron cannons or port pieces instead of those heretofore required.—Newhaven, 30 April 1563. Signed: Warwick, Poulet, Denys, Bromefeld, Fysscher.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
April 30. 677. The Privy Council to Warwick.
Require him to stay Pruene's ship and to take an inventory thereof, and deliver one part to the bearer, Ameryck Vallerant, factor to Pruene.—Westminster, 30 April 1563. Signed: Pembroke, R. Dudley, E. Clinton, W. Howard, E. Rogers, F. Knollys, W. Cecil, William Petre, John Mason.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 30.
Forbes, ii. 404.
678. Charles IX. to Queen Elizabeth.
Is sure that she will receive the news of the peace with great pleasure, as she has always shown herself so desirous for it. She has always declared that the cause of her taking possession of certain of his ports was merely to keep them for him, until there should be a pacification of his kingdom, and as this has now happened, he requires her to deliver up the town, haven, and fortress of Francoyse de Grace, with all the ships, artillery, and stores that were then within it. Has ordered his Ambassador more fully to speak to her on this subject.—Dampierre, last of April 1563. Signed: Charles,— Bourdin.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Broadside.
April 30. 679. Message from Condé and the Admiral to the Queen.
1. M. Bricquemault in their name required that she would (according to her protestation) be content (the tyranny of Guise being removed) to restore Newhaven to the French King, and for restitution of Calais to have the treaty of Cambresis newly ratified: and besides the hostages which are here for money, to choose another number out of France for the restitution of Calais at the time limited by the treaty. The French Ambassador avowed that he had authority to affirm anything offered by Bricquemault.
2. The Queen answered that she looked for him to bring some other kind of message. She saw no cause for his taking this journey, for the thanks might have been sent in a letter; and for the rest she saw nothing offered to make her state better, but rather worse, and therefore she had no cause to think any friendship showed herein by the Prince and the Admiral. Contrary wise she had found, instead of gratitude, much lack of consideration due unto her.
3. Next day Bricquemault declared at more length his former speech, and set forth the earnestness of the Admiral above all others for the Queen; adding that after his coming from the Court the Admiral told him that the Queen Mother lately said to him that for more satisfaction of the Queen there should be bonds made to strange Princes for assurance of the restitution of Calais.
4. The Queen answered that she liked no part of these answers, and that she intended not to depart with Newhaven until she had her right, and that she would give no other answer.
Endd. by Cecil: 30 April 1563. Pp. 3.
April 30. 680. Musters at Newhaven.
The muster taken the 29th and 30th April 1563, for the month ending the 19th of the same, besides the discharged and dead men, viz., the sick recoverable 196, absent returnable seventy; total 266; together with the names of thirty-two officers, and footmen 4,151, horsemen 194, labourers 662. Under the Master of Ordnance 210; in the galley 161; the Lord Lieutenant's retinue 162; total 5,540.
Endd. Pp. 2.
April 30. 681. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Begs that he may be licensed to return to recover health at home. Oran is besieged by land. The Turkish army has issued forth of Constantinople in way hitherwards. This morning the Council concluded upon the King's departure to keep the Cortes of Aragon; so about the middle of June this Court will remove, the King and Prince coasting the frontiers, the Queen with the ordinary courts of justice remaining at Segovia. Has heard a secret speech of the King's purpose, after the Prince shall have received their oaths, to leave him behind for the achieving of these Cortes; taking himself in September the passage from Barcelona to Genoa; and so after conference with the Pope and the Emperor to pass through Almain into Flanders. Ambassadors here report that the Cardinal of Lorraine proponed to the Emperor at Inspruck three marriages; the first, for the French King with the eldest daughter of the King of the Romans; the second, for the Scottish Queen with the Archduke Charles; and the third for the Duke of Ferrara with one of the Emperor's daughters. —Madrid, 30 April 1563.
2. P. S.—The Duke of Alba upon his return will repair presently into Flanders, to contain them there until the King's coming. The (fn. 5) articles enclosed upon matrimony from Trent have given here much talk to ambassadors how they should take them. Thinks they are proponed by the Council there only to be condemned as erroneous, more suo. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 30. 682. Another copy of the above. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 30. 683. Holograph draft of the above.
Endd.: Sent by the way of Flanders. Pp. 6.
April 30. 684. The Countess of Feria to Challoner.
Is sorry that he has been so continually troubled with sickness, which he supposes to proceed of the malignity of the air; but doubts not that if he fulfils his "appointed stations," either the wholesome change of air or the assured goodwill of his vowed saints will be an occasion to work that miracle and recover his health again. Understands by Kemp, his man, that his [Kemp's] brother's suit does not go forward through scarcity of money, and has written to her cousin of St. John's about it.—Safra, last of April 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Note in Middlemore's hand: This conspiracy was of late in Orleans against those of the religion, and no otherwise punished than by the whip, wherewithal those of the town be marvellously offended, and cry out at the partiality shown.
  • 2. On the same sheet of paper as the letter of De Recalde of 27 March 1563.
  • 3. See March 8, 1563, No. 425.
  • 4. Altered by Cecil from 1,000l., as it stood in the original.
  • 5. The remainder of the letter is in Challoner's hand. It does not occur in either of the other copies.