Elizabeth: April 1563, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: April 1563, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp259-272 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1563, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp259-272.

"Elizabeth: April 1563, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp259-272.

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April 1563, 1-5

April 1. 557. The Privy Council to Fetiplace and Johnson.
Received their letter written in Kintyre and brought by John Inglish, by which it appears they make suit for pardon for their evil living, and offer to recompense the same by doing some good service in those parts. The writers return the bearer with these letters, letting them to wit that if they do some service against such rebels in the north of Ireland as Shane Oneyle, or against such as aid him, the writers will be the means to procure their pardon. They should therefore let the Earl of Sussex, Lieutenant there, understand how they will serve her against such as he shall appoint them. But if they shall not endeavour to do some service, but shall continue their unlawful trade, they shall repent per force and shall have what obstinate subjects deserve.
Orig. Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 1 April 1563. Pp. 2.
April 1. 558. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Thanks for speedy advertisements of the state of things in France. All those that favour Christ and His Word have perpetual cause to rejoice.
2. Since the beginning of this Queen's sorrows she has taken pleasure to ride, hawking and hunting daily from place to place. On the 19th inst. [ult.] he convoyed her to Falkland, and obtained leave to return to St. Andrews, finding himself evil at ease. At his departure she renewed him all her griefs, and the adventures that have fallen to her since the death of her husband, and how she was destitute of all friendship, wherefore he should not wonder to see her at so extreme point of sorrow as she was, whereunto it was not possible for her to put any end. He assured her that to those that live in the fear of Christ all things should turn unto the best, and that of friendship she could not think herself destitute, seeing that God has left her the Queen, of whose goodwill she has had good trial since her arrival, and should find more. She heard this with goodwill.
3. On the 25th inst. [ult.] Murray returned to this town to see his wife, being sick. He also visited the writer, who that night received Cecil's of the 15th of the report of the death of the Grand Prior, and of the apprehension of the Cardinal of Lorraine. They had then good liberty to laugh at their wiles. Lethington also wrote a letter to his Sovereign, which the writer delivered to his Lordship [Murray]. It only contained news of the Admiral's doings in Normandy, assuring nothing for truth. His report is honourable of the Queen, and good entertainment of her Council.
4. On the 25th [ult.] she returned to Petlethie, a little house of Murray's, four miles from this town. The 28th [ult.] received his of the 18th, with a letter to this Queen from the Queen. Next morning he met her upon the fields hunting. He had before given knowledge to Murray that he had letters unto her. She asked him how the Queen did, and what he had heard of her. He said he had a letter unto her, but would not interrupt her pastimes. She said, "I have now received no small comfort, and the greatest that I can, coming from such one as my dear sister, so tender a cousin and friend as she is to me; and though I can neither speak nor read but with tears, yet think you not but that I have received more comfort of this letter" (and incontinent putteth it into her bosom next her skin) "than I have of all that hath been said unto me since I heard first word of my uncle's death. Now I trust God will not leave me destitute; and for my part I will show myself as loving and as kind unto my sister, your mistress, as if God had given us both one father and mother. It is most needful for us both, and I perceive it to be God's will it should so be; for I see now that the world is not that that we do make of it, nor yet are they most happy that continue longest in it." He gave her as good answers as he could, confirming her in that mind, and so continued talk until they came unto her dining place. Such as were about her (specially the ladies) gave him many a bitter curse, hearing nothing of what was said, nor knowing what was in the letter. Being at dinner, (only those about her that served,) she took out the letter and read it again, and said to those about her, "God will not leave me destitute. I have received the best letter from the Queen, my good sister of England, that ever I had, and I do assure you it comforteth me much."
5. In this time another packet came to him from Lethington. At this time she knew nothing of the Grand Prior's death, nor did any man let her know it, some thinking best to let it be deferred; others to let her know all her sorrows at once. Mlle. Beton, the hardest and wisest, gave the first adventure, as a thing heard by his [Randolph's] report, praying her to take the works of God with a meek heart. Here they have not a little ado. All the Court seek out corners to retire themselves; some to ease their hearts with a few tears, others not to be seen, that had not so great sorrow that any water would be wrung out of their eyes. And for some, he never saw merrier heart with heavier looks.
6. In this packet she received her uncle's testament, with the prayer he made before his death. It was well washed in reading with many a salt tear. It also moved many to pity that heard it read, but most of all to see her weep so pitifully in the reading.
7. Another letter there was written by a servant of hers that lately departed hence to France, called Clernoc, "a long young man, evil conditioned, without a beard," one of her esquires trenchants. He has written unto her of the manner of her uncle's death. He blames sore the Admiral and M. De Beza as the persuaders, and says that after he took upon him to do it his heart failed him three times when he was in places to execute his will, and, returning unto the Admiral to excuse himself, he sent him unto M. Beza, who said unto him, "Alles vous en, prenes courage, les anges vous assisteront." He never returned nor heard of him until he had his purpose. To this writing she gives great credit, and she takes occasion to speak against the Protestants. This also tends to the slander of the Admiral, but specially M. De Beza, but it is believed of no man here but such as would have it so. Wherefore (seeing there is no appearance of truth, and that it proceeds from him of a malicious mind,) it is wished that the Admiral were warned thereof, that the man might be known, and at the least warning given unto him at his return to speak better than he has written.
8. That night she returned to St. Andrews, and after supper she read the Queen's letter to Murray, Argyll, and the writer. They had so long purposes that they wrung out a laugh or two, and (as far as he can conjecture) this sorrow will break no man's heart here. He left that night with many thanks for that day's labour, and had also some better countenances of the ladies than he had in the morning. They remain here for six days, and from hence go to Falkland, where she keeps her Easter, and returns either hither or to Stirling until the Parliament.
9. Yesternight the Lord of Arbrothe, the Duke's second son, came to the Court to attend upon the Queen by the advice of his father. Knows there is much suspicion that way.
10. Repeats what he wrote to him the 10th ult. touching his charges.
11. Sends herewith a thing lately printed amongst them, esteemed here of no small importance. In matters of religion they retain as much as they have gotten. They hope for wonders this Parliament, and they think it will not be the worse if things fall well out in France. Lethington, before his departure, procured a commission to the Earl of Montgomery, "the veriest, rankest, and dispitefullest Papist of a lord in Scotland. He hath got thereby an evil bruit and much envy. It cometh of a good desire he hath to do good to all men, but it succeedeth evil." After writing thus much the Queen sent to him to stay the post until she wrote a letter to the Queen, herewith sent, as also another to Lethington.—St. Andrews, 1 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
April 1. 559. Smith to the Queen.
1. When he took leave of Condé he talked with him of Lord Robert, showing the good affection which he bore him. After that the Prince asked when and whom she should marry, and whether the Lords and Commons had not been suitors unto her to marry Lord Robert? Answered that he was told by his friends in England that the request was earnest to her to marry, not only not particularly Lord Robert, but not so much as specifying any quality of person, stranger or English. They could be content with whomsoever she should join, so that they might have hope of a successor of her body. The Prince asked what should be the occasion that she should not marry, and whether he understood that she had made any promise to Lord Robert? He answered that as to the occasion he could lay it to nothing but that for their offences God will not join that to His other benefits towards them. Of any such promise to Lord Robert he was not privy; if she had made such he did not see what should let her performing it, nor that any of her subjects would repine at it. It is not unknown, he said, that she bears him great affection. But, peradventure, she would not abase herself to take one of her subjects; but if her mind were not too far gone that way, they have here their King, who is not altogether abhorent for the affection of the Gospel. If she should incline that way, she should have one of the greatest Princes in Europe. She would govern France and England, expel all Papists, and set the Gospel so abroad that all Christendom should be fain to take it. Condé asking him whether he could help that way, or learn whether she could incline to hear of it, Smith answered that he durst not meddle in such matters, and that the marriage seemed very unequal; for when he came to be of age, she would have waxed old, and so he would not set by her, as was between Queen Mary and King Philip, whose men called her the King's grandmother. Again, the English were disdainful of strangers, and might as evil abide that Frenchmen should be in England, as they would abide Englishmen here.
2. The Prince said that laws may be made that all the offices should only be given to Englishmen. That the first child should always remain in England, and if there be two, the second to have England.
3. The writer then suggested that they should first offer to let her have what is hers, and then enter into amity, love, or alliance as God should offer, which he would further to the best of his power.
4. From Condé the writer went to take leave of the Admiral, who had M. D'Andelot and a number of other gentlemen in his lodging. He took the writer aside and said that they meant, to-morrow or the next day, to send M. Bricquemault to the Queen. The Admiral said that they saw that it was necessary, and all here were very desirous to enter into a straiter amity for both realms, yet that it was meet that they first render hers to her; and then he asked whether the Prince had communed with him of that? Smith said that he did not know whereof he meant. He mentioned to him of a marriage, and he declared to him his doubts.
5. The Admiral said that M. Bricquemault should be despatched to-morrow with articles and conditions, which he thought she would allow. Of that, he said, he would be right glad; but in the meanwhile he hears that no man likes this accord, neither Papist no Protestant, nor do they think that it will last twenty-one days. All think it but a train to sever them from each other, and then they would talk with them after another sort.
6. For that matter, the Admiral said they shall do well enough, with the grace of God, and that the Guises' party are not in that power they were, nor the Prince's party in the sort they were when Guise lived. If they could, he said, have had the money at Newhaven thirteen days sooner, they would not have been contented with this accord, and would have driven Guise from his siege, and made him glad to have taken such conditions as they should have offered. Then they could have answered the Queen's demands otherwise than they do now, but he trusts she will be content with their offers.—Blois, 1 April 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 7.
April 1. 560. Condé to Cecil.
Credence to M. M. Bricquemault, who will also assure him of the Prince's gratitude for his services.—Orleans, 1 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 2. 561. Smith to Cecil.
1. Thanks for his of the 21st ult., upon which day the writer's man, Brown, departed with letters declaring to him how the brawl of these troubles turns. Likes his device in his letter, that is, with courageous doings to make his bargain. The Queen shall dispose of Calais within this half year, or else his astronomy fails.
2. Both sides here refuse to particularize with him, or any more to dispute either the right or equity, but they will negociate with Cecil, to whom they appeal from him. Yet he would not that they should use the Queen as children are used, when they have gotten a piece of gold or silver, or peradventure, a knife, they show the child some fair printed paper, or some pretty apple, and say it is a gay thing, and while the child lets fall the one to reach at the other, many times they take the first away, and let not the child have the second. And if it has it, it is but a thing to play withal.
3. From the 1st of February to the 28th ult. no man came to him out of England, but only Lethington's man with letters, in which space he sent eight posts and had no answer. Now M. Bricquemault is with Cecil, he prays him to let him hear of all matters concerning the difference between England and France.
4. Finds fault with him for his not having a copy of the accord and treaty between the Queen, the Prince, and the Admiral. Prays him to send it by the next.
5. They have stayed at Bordeaux ten English ships, whereof one is Sir Richard Sackforth's, of the Privy Chamber. They have stayed Mr. White's man in prison at Bayonne these two months, and ask fifty crowns for his ransom. Their neighbours of Calais stayed two vessels laden with meal, which should have gone to Newhaven. They have taken the meal and lading to themselves, and keep the master in pledge till he has paid thirty crowns.
6. Yesterday, about 10 a.m., the Queen entered Orleans, and was solemnly received. She comes here to-day, and so to Amboise, where the Court shall be till after Easter, and then the King goes to Fontainebleau. Cecil may tell the Queen from him what Bricquemault does is as well the Queen [Mother's] doing as the Prince's. The edict printed at Orleans is in Mr. Midelmore's packet, so the writer sends his to the Earl of Bedford. He sends a book of the Prince's, in the end of which Cecil will see their doing in the articles of accord, and how kindly they always handled the Queen, even when Throckmorton was with them.—Blois, 2 April 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
April 2. 562. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. Since he wrote, M. De Bricquemault was stayed two days longer, contrary to what the Prince and Admiral before determined. He is no less despatched from the Queen Mother than from the Prince and the Admiral. Is afraid he bears no great affection to England. There is now news that the King of the Romans is ready to besiege Metz. The last of March the Queen Mother dined with the Prince here, and on the morrow they went together to find the King, and still remain by him. Will not leave the Prince until he hears Queen Elizabeth's pleasure. The Queen Mother will not like his following the Prince. The Legate departs hence shortly towards Italy, who gave Smith to dinner at St. Mesayn, the day he departed this town. The news of Flanders of the killing of the Cardinal of Granvelle by the Count D'Egmont, and of the taking of Antwerp by the Count and the Prince of Orange, and the stir of the whole country for the cause of religion; he has better means of hearing the truth thereof than they here. Should the Prince find it is so, (he has sent to know the certainty,) the writer believes he will give them aid from hence. Many gentlemen of this company are resolved to find themselves in that enterprise. It is now said that the King will be shortly at Fontainebleau, that he may be more of a bridle to them of Paris, (whose fury is more than ever,) and to back such as shall be sent by him to take their arms from them.
2. Still believes that by keeping Newhaven it will bring Calais; and if the former should be gone, Calais would be also lost. This day he departs towards Amboise.—Orleans, 2 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., portions in cipher deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
April 2. 563. Guido Cavalcanti to Cecil.
The object of their proceedings here is to deal in generalities, and to avoid any particular statement. The Prince is about to despatch a gentleman. They are anxious to get quit of him. They wish to hold him to general matters, and to turn his stay there to their own ends. Has discovered the drift of their proceedings, which he will recount when he has an interview with Cecil, which he hopes will be speedily, yet a little delay is necessary.—Blois, 2 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Ital. Pp. 2.
[April 2.] 564. — to Cecil.
Being at Blois he was sent for by the English Ambassador, and told him that he had been five times into England on the Queen's service, when Throckmorton was Ambassador, and was willing to go again. The Ambassador, not having heard from home desired him to do so, as he expected that Havre would be soon besieged; and also to go to the Earl of Warwick on his way. It was for this reason that he passed through Lower Normandy; and he declares that he would not do so again for 1,000 crowns, if it were not for the Queen's service, as the roads are full of robbers. He would not have escaped so easily if he had not been provided with a passport by the means of Madame De Lorges, and had also a letter of Throckmorton's, the one serving as a passport among the Papists, and the other among the Huguenots. If the Queen will employ him he can do good service, as he is not well known.
Orig., in a French hand. Add. Fr. Pp. 5.
April 2. 565. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley.
God has worked His will upon their friend Sir Thomas Finch, whose brother, Erasmus Finche, has employed himself since his arrival here attending the coming of his brother. He prays his Lordship to be his friend to the Queen, for him to keep Deal Castle, in Kent; and if it be past, to help him in some other matter.—Newhaven, 2 April 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 2. 566. — to the Rhinegrave.
The Queen Mother entered on the 1st, to meet Condé and the Cardinal of Bourbon, and walked between them; the Constable, the Duke of Montpensier, Bourdillon, Cipierre, and others going before, and the Chancellor and Admiral coming after. They all went to the King. The Prince gave a dinner to the Constable, his brother, Montpensier, and others; and the Admiral to the Chancellor, Bruleure, and others. The townspeople visited the Queen Mother and presented her with wine and fruit. They accepted Cipierre for Governor. The six companies of Gascons and Provençals which they had are gone, and so are all the nobility. The town is all ruined. The Constable and Cipierre remain to take order. The Queen Mother goes this morning to Blois. Condé has promised to be there this evening, and to-morrow goes to Amboise to keep Easter. They say she will return to fetch the King, who will pass all May at Fontainebleau. Brissac will govern Normandy, and Bourdillon Dauphiné. Ten companies with Sarlabois go to Metz; Schaire with ten more go to Verdun and Toul; Richelieu with ten others go to the Rhinegrave. Four go to Calais, and four others remain to guard the King. The bearers of the news of the peace are M. De L'Oysel for Spain; Octavian Farneze for Savoy; Martigues for Venice; Jean Andre D'Agoubre for Ferrara and Florence. The Legate starts this morning for Amboise, but hopes to pass Easter at Bourges. The Prince is beginning to be suspected by the Huguenots, and the Admiral trusts in very few persons. Beza has gone to Switzerland. The young Duke of Guise is going to Ferrara. The Admiral is at Châtillon. D'Andelot meditates an enterprise against Corsica. The Turk with 200 sail has overrun nearly the whole isle. The Queen Mother will not let the Spaniards pass through to Flanders. The Prince's reiters have gone towards Metz, a secretary of the Landgrave having come with orders to the Marshal to return without delay. The Count Palatine and the Duke of Deuxponts were preparing to attack Metz. The King has countermanded the levy of 4,000 cavalry and three regiments of lansquenets.
Copy, headed: Extract of a letter from Orleans to the Rhinegrave. (fn. 1) Endd. by Cecil: 2 April 1563. Fr. Pp. 3.
April 2. 567. King Philip II., to Queen Elizabeth.
Has received her letter written 9th January in which she complains of his Ambassador. He does not think that he has acted contrary to his instructions. If he has not done his duty, their friendship would demand his recall. Challoner can more fully inform her of his intentions.—Madrid, 2 April 1563. Signed, Philippus, — G. Perezius.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Broadside.
April 2. 568. [Challoner to the Count De Feria.]
Apologizes for not having written sooner, and regrets his inability to write easily in the language. Is sorry that he has been unable to come to Safra, but hopes to be able to do so ere long. Salutes Madama and Don Lorenco.—Madrid, 2 April 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 2.
April 2. 569. Challoner to Mrs. Clarentius.
1. Her maid embarked for England more than six weeks past. Touching the money delivered to him he stands in some perplexity, for her man says that it was 8l., and he supposes it was but 6l., wherefore he desires her to call to mind the certainty. Through these troubles in France he is withholden from his desired visitation of the Countess and her. —Madrid, 2 April 1563.
2. P. S.—To his remembrance she sent him twelve demisovereigns.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by John Hall. Pp. 2.
April 2. 570. Paul Van Dale to the Queen.
Her factor has required them to allow him to put off the payments due at the Cald mart till the mart of Pentecost; which he cannot do, but has been content on the condition that at the Easter mart (May 20,) 3,600 florins should be paid. Gresham could not promise this for certain, but declared that by the mart of Pentecost about 100,000 caroli should be paid. Begs that she will command the Governor and the Court of the English at Antwerp to use expedition in his suit against Roland Heyward.—Antwerp, 2 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 2. 571. Paul Van Dale to Cecil.
Has a suit against Roland Heyward before the Court and Governor of the English in Antwerp, from whose judgment he has solemnly promised not to appeal. Notwithstanding this the affair makes no progress. Has written to the Queen begging her to command them to expedite the matter. Although Cecil wrote to them last year, they have done nothing. Gresham can tell him what injury Heyward has done. Last mart they thought to be paid what the Queen owed them, but Gresham has given them new bills for the 20th August, which has been a great inconvenience. They have however agreed, upon the express promise that by the 20th May at least half the debt be paid.—Antwerp, 2 April 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Sir Thomas Gresham. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 3. 572. Poulet to Lord Robert Dudley.
1. Has no news other than what has been signified to him and the Council by his brother and the Council here. Upon the repair of the bearer, his son, George Poulet, from Jersey, he has thought it his duty to attend Dudley in any way about the Court that he shall command. Asks him to continue his friendship to his nephew, Thomas Stewcley.—Newhaven, 3 April 1563. Signed.
2. P.S.—Requests that the affairs of Jersey and Guernsey may be regarded.
Orig., with seal, the P.S. in Poulet's hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[April 3.] 573. Articles for the Clerk of the Market at Newhaven.
1. He shall have two standards, one for land, the other for water measure, and that none other shall be used.
2. He shall have the gauging and prising of all wines, beer, oils, and other liquors brought or bought by the English, being none of the Queen's provision.
3. He shall have the prising of billets, and all kinds of victuals.
4. Sealed weights and measures shall be delivered to the victualler, commanding him to use no others.
5. He shall have regard to the size of beer, bread, and other victuals.
6. He shall keep a court every fortnight.
7. If any victuals brought out of England be sold to the French and by them retailed to the English, he shall see the price reasonably rated.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 3. 574. Challoner to the Queen.
Encloses a letter from the King. The gentleman here looked for forth of France will be M. D'Oysel, "he of Scotland."—Madrid, 3 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 3. 575. Original draft of the above, in Challoner's holograph.
Endd.: Sent by the sea passage by Bilboa, by my servant, James Goldwell. Pp. 2.
April 3. 576. Challoner to Cecil.
Sends him a hog's skin of St. Martin's wine. Six days past the weather was very hot, now it snows and hails with cold winds as at Christmas in England. To the bearer James Goldwell, towards his charges, he has remitted 420 reals of plate. If he wist what term should be assigned to him of return, he would begin to provide somewhat for the Queen. "I dare not present wine to the Queen; but I could perchance provide her of wine to digest her strawberries better than all the purveyors at home." Encloses a book of "La Victoria contra Lutheranos." Laughs to see the fit time they of Alcala (a great university of 4,000 or 5,000 scholars,) have picked forth to print those news so long after the feast; they might rather have entitled it "La Victoria de los Lutheranos contra los Catholicos." Being in hand with a banker to borrow money he had a doubtful answer. These French turmoils have hindered him more than 200l., besides the first wipe at the beginning, of a false knave who ran away with plate and money to the value of 400 ducats, and also the double charge that he was put to by the long stay of his folk through contrary weather.— Madrid, 3 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 3. 577. Hol. draft of the above.
Endd. Pp. 4.
April 3. 578. Challoner to Cecil.
Has delivered to James Goldwell for his posting money 420 rials of plate, which make 11l. 7s. He brings a coffer with Cecil's gwadamezzilles and also a cuero of St. Martin's wine. Is very sick. "Here is now so ill-favoured, raw, and cold weather as if it were Christmastide in England. This air of Madrid is subject to sudden heats (as all March past it was like our English May) and straight again to sudden cold, as a man shall not know how to govern himself." Urges his revocation. Has heard nothing of Henry King. —Madrid, 3 April 1563., Signed.
Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
April 3. 579. Copy of the preceding. Torn at top.
Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
April 3. 580. Cuerton to Challoner.
Challoner writes that he has not sent the 1,500 reals because he would not trust the bearer, Lenares; he assures him that he is a very honest man. Has heard nothing of Garcia since he went, nor of Farnham. Pee De Palo is not about, but between this and the Land's End is small danger yet. From France they say that Condé is Governor with the old Queen. "God help little England." Sends him two chests.—Bilboa, 3 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
April 3. 581. Intelligences from Italy.
1. Venice, 3 April. The Cardinal of Lorraine has had an interview with the Duke of Ferrara on 31 ult.
2. Rome, 27 March. Movements of the Cardinals. Next Monday solemn obsequies are appointed for the Duke of Guise, as for one who had died in the service of the holy faith. The Emperor presses the Council for expedition, alleging that the Princes of Almain and the Imperial towns will assemble a National Council to conclude unity in religion. He exhorts the Pope to come in person to the Council, and offers to do the same.
3. King Philip travails to have the Council free, and that every member thereof may propone whatever matter shall to him seem to conduce to the universal unity. The Legates hitherto have heard such speeches as have been made; and then they publish such matter as they like best, which has caused great murmuring. He also seeks to dismember the archbishopric of Toledo, and to erect a bishopric or two with part of the rents thereof; his meaning is unpleasant to many.
4. The Bishop of Reggio (who was sent for to come to Rome from the Council for speaking against the abuses of Rome,) has, contrary to expectation of many, been made much of by the Pope, who has made him President of the Inquisition with the provision of forty crowns by the month, and the allowance of his house rent, three servants, and three horses.
Endd. Pp. 3.
April 4. 582. Admiral Coligny to Beauvoir.
Has received his letters of the 23rd and 28th ult., by the first of which he sees that he has not yet obtained the restitution of his merchandise. Thinks that by this time he will have had it from M. De Teligny who returns from England, but if not he had better write to M. De Bricquemault. In his other letter he says that the English are very distrustful about the peace, because it was made in his absence, without mentioning the Queen. Assures him that nothing was settled without the English Ambassador's know ledge, and Bricquemault has been sent to inform the Queen of everything. The article about expelling foreigners does not apply to the English, for on his return from Normandy he spoke with the English Ambassador, who thought that the accord was good. Moreover the Queen enjoined them in any case to make peace.— Orleans, 4 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 4. 583. Challoner to Cuerton.
Has discharged 1,700 of the 2,700 reals that he owed him. Has despatched James Goldwell to England with two cueros of St. Martin wine and three pieces of gwadamezilles in a chest for Cecil, painted with his arms, the fairest that hitherto have been made in Spain. Desires him to send a piece of kersey of a yellow colour to bestow as livery hosen upon some of his servants. If the King goes towards Monçon he will visit him the sooner.—Madrid, 4 April 1563. Signed.
Hol. Draft, and endd. by Challoner: Sent by James Goldwell. Pp. 5.
April 5.
Forbes, ii. 573.
584. The Privy Council to Warwick.
1. By his letters sent by Thomas Wood, they perceive his doubts of the conclusion of peace at Orleans; and they wish to be informed, first, how much more victuals would make a supply of three months for 8,000 men, and what store there is in the town of victuals; next, for the supply of pioneers, they find in one book that Pelham has 930 men under him, in another but 724; also whether some of the soldiers might not be made pioneers; for they can better furnish soldiers than pioneers from hence. They wish to know what number the galley would require of soldiers and rowers; and the number he can provide there, so that the rest may be sent from hence.
2. They like the proclamation he has made for expelling strangers from the town; which he is to execute diligently, and show he is driven to do so by the proceedings at Orleans. They think it necessary, until he hears better of the peace, to keep all ships, merchandise, and victuals within that town as strait as he can; that if they abuse the Queen's goodness, that town must remain to her, as rich as he can make it. Now there is fair weather they think there might be as much work done for reducing or raising of ground, by the captains taking task work with their soldiers, as would be by pioneers, whereof they request his opinion. The engines for Fleming's service have been shipped this fortnight, and all other things required for the ordnance. They labour now to provide him with men and money.
Corrected draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 3 April 1563. Pp. 2.
April 5. 585. Captain Pelham to Throckmorton.
Since his being here they have almost finished a new ditch thirty feet wide, ten of breadth, and eight deep, so that whilst they are cleansing the inner ditch the other may remain full of water. Wishes that the Queen would send 1,000 men more, meat, and money; then shall she see that the least mole-hill about the town shall not be lost without many bloody blows. The coming of the King to Rouen much comforts the soldiers, and makes them work like old Romans. These two Princes play the parts of two cocks, who nod the head at one another, but will not fight before they be angry; "but if our hen would strike the first blow, she may chance to make the French cock cry Creke." The alum is in the house of John Ferysshe and John Brete, burgesses. Touching his councillorship, Throckmorton is the first that ever he heard it of, and hopes he may never hear more thereof. Sends Mr. Tremayne's commendations.—Newhaven, 5 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Throckmorton's secretary. Pp. 3.


  • 1. At the end is the following note in Poulet's hand: Memorandum, that this is the very thing which the county Rhinegrave did send.