Elizabeth: April 1563, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: April 1563, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp272-282 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1563, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp272-282.

"Elizabeth: April 1563, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp272-282.

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April 1563, 6-10

April 6. 586. Cuerton to Challoner.
1. Sent him four days past a letter and two chests of Lenares'. Charles is at Portugalette, ready to depart. He may send any money to him by Martin Ochoa de la Rovea, or by Lenares. Has heard nothing of Robert Farnham.— Bilboa, 6 April 1563. Signed.
2. P. S.—Hears that all our nation at Bordeaux are released, yet they say here still that England and France have war.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
April 6. 587. Advices from Italy.
1. Inspruck, 29 March 1563. A week ago the Emperor demanded a contribution from the Tyrolese to meet the excessive expenses of the late coronation of the King of the Romans. The Duchess of Mantua has arrived, and the Archduke Charles is expected; also, two Ambassadors from Genoa.
2. Rome, 3 April. Last Monday the obsequies of the Duke of Guise were performed in the presence of the Pope and all the Cardinals. Cardinal Sciatiglione has been deprived of his cardinalate for heresy, but a period has been allowed him for repentance of his errors. M. De Sevres, Ambassador from the French King, has arrived; he asks to have a grant from the clergy, permission to sell Church benefices to the value of 100,000 crowns, and that the Cardinal of Bourbon may be permitted to marry and govern France in the place of his brother, the late King of Navarre. It is thought that this will be granted. The terms of the peace are little to the honour of the King and prejudicial to the return of France to its former obedience to the Apostolic See. Don Luigi D'Avila has had an interview with the Pope; the subject is unknown.
3. Ferrara, 6 April. On Sunday the 4th died Donna Julia della Rovere, of Este (sister of the Duke of Urbino and wife of Don Alfonso), by the ignorance of the doctors, who did not know that she was in the family way. Cardinal Morone has arrived on his way to Trent and Inspruck. The Constable of France and the Prince of Condé are going in person to recover Havre-de-Grace from the English.
Orig. Endd. by Mason: 8 April 1563. Ital. Pp. 3.
April 7. 588. Warwick to Cecil.
Has caused an inquisition to be made for merchandise appertaining to the Lord Mayor of London, but none such is here.—Newhaven, 7 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 8. 589. Condé to Beauvoir.
Has received his letter, and desires that he will continue to inform him of any news, and also what are the intentions of the English.—Amboise, 8 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 8.
Forbes, ii. 379.
590. Middlemore to Warwick.
1. The late troubles here are so wrapped up amongst them by the late accord that he cannot tell yet what to make of them, but he is sure neither think themselves safe. Condé is at the Court, and governs there. The Admiral retires home for eight or ten days, and so returns to the Court. The Parisians will not allow the accord of peace to be published there, but exercise their old cruelties upon the faithful. They will not consent to render Calais forthwith to the Queen; the Prince and Admiral are against it until the time limited by the treaty be expired. Warns him to beware of treasons. Wrote his opinion to Cecil on the 2nd inst. The place should be well manned and victualled, so that he may be able to tarry the levying of a siege by succours out of England.
2. By this change he must suspect all Frenchmen, and for a little number he has there as "subtle and fine merchants as be betwixt him and this." He cannot learn that they intend to take anything in hand as yet, but they say that if Newhaven is not rendered shortly into their hands they will make war. They send most of their footmen in "garnison" into Normandy and Picardy. Eight ensigns of footmen have gone to Mans. The King of the Romans is coming to besiege Metz; these here so little believe it, as that they send thither fifteen or twenty ensigns of footmen and certain cavalry. M. De Briquemault is sent from hence to the Queen to give thanks for her aid, and see if by thanks he can content her.
3. The Admiral is in great danger, and many practise to destroy him. Of all the rest, he would have him saved for more causes than one. This day he goes to Court, where Condé has given him order to come and reside. Smith can always tell where he is. It is necessary for Warwick to have good espials abroad. If Mongomery stay in those parts, it will be well done that he win him the best he may.
4. Had written thus far on the 6th inst., intending to have sent it by the first messenger, as the bearer hereof arrived with his Lordship's letters dated 28th ult. on the 7th inst. His Lordship writes that he was sent purposely to him, but he cannot understand it; but he is sure this man brought many letters, and has great business with Condé. Wishes his Lordship could find out some meet peasant thereabouts that might pass between them. Many have offered to carry his letters to Rouen, because they did not know the country further, and the most danger lies betwixt that and Newhaven, so he could not get them to pass further. He that should go betwixt must be such an one as knows the country about him so well that by night he can come and go, for until he approaches within eight or ten leagues of his Lordship there is no danger. Hans arrived here with his letters of the 2nd inst.
5. The Duke de Nemours is dead. It is again confirmed that the Emperor is coming to Metz. It is said Captain Richelieu goes to Caen with seven or eight ensigns of footmen, to take in charge the castle and town. Wishes his Lordship to inform him in the next the state of things there, and what the Rhinegrave does. On the 7th inst. Condé was made the King's Lieutenant-General throughout the realm. He does not see as yet any likelihood of their assailing the English.—Amboise, 8 April 1563. Signed in cipher.
Orig., considerable portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
April 8.
Forbes, ii. 375.
591. Warwick and Poulet to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. Having occasion to send his secretary to the Rhinegrave upon the exchange of prisoners (especially for Leighton and Killigrew), he requested him to send news of the conclusion of the late peace, and his own determination thereupon. The Rhinegrave answered that he had more to say than he could well write, or would declare by mouth to any but himself. Hearing from him [Warwick] again that he could not ride far abroad, he requested that Poulet should meet him between this and Montvillier. So they met within a cannon shot from here.
2. The Rhinegrave affirmed he desired to serve the Queen before any Prince, but having served so long in France with honour, if he should now serve against them, all would reproach him; but if it comes to peace he will visit her, and be at her commandment against Spain, Scotland, or any other nation, France excepted. He said the King of Spain minds to have war with England, and has not only wrought by his Ambassador here to have the French King declare war against the Queen, but would have taken it in hand himself long before this if the Flemings had not stopped it by reason of their intercourse of merchandise between them.
3. The Rhinegrave has promised not to be a participant of any practice, of treason towards him or this piece, but will give him warning of the same, and also if any force comes to besiege it. Sends the Queen a present from the Rhinegrave of a "workmanly chain of gold and a little clock of crystal to the same," as a token of his good heart.
4. The Rhinegrave says that the Spaniards which were at the French camp have returned into Flanders, and that the King of Spain has 3,000 footmen and 600 horses at Bayonne under the command of the Duke of [blank]'s son, meaning to pass the same way, and has 6,000 footmen also at Perpignan; also eighteen galleys in readiness, of the which seven come into these parts to join with the thirteen galleys of the French King.
5. Although peace is proclaimed according to the edicts enclosed, yet the French will not enter into war with the Queen if they can avoid it by any means agreeable to their purpose. They will go so far as to proffer her the repayment of the money which she has disbursed this way, and may add thereto a free trade for the Englishmen into all parts of France, with liberty to transport from thence all forbidden wares and merchandise now in restraint which may benefit England. They request to have this town delivered unto them from the Queen's possession out of hand.
6. He said they would not agree to render Calais before the time fixed by the former treaty, neither would they assent that she should keep this town by way of gage, but that it shall rest upon hostages, as it does now. If more can be got as assurance of that treaty for Calais by confirmation of the Estates of France, it will be as much as she shall get by composition.
7. The Rhinegrave said that Condé and the Admiral deny that she came into possession of this town by their means or assent, but put the same wholly upon the Vidame and M. De Beauvais. He affirms also that the Prince and Admiral have assured the Queen Mother to avoid the English from hence, and render their town to the French by treaty or force. He thinks they will draw shortly hither, saying he told Middlemore before the death of the Duke of Guise that the Queen should have an enemy in Guise as long as he lived, and should find the same if the Admiral succeeded in authority.
8. The Rhinegrave promised to send one of his servants to the Court for more certain knowledge of proceedings there, and shall have return of the same within eight days, whereupon he will send Poulet to him to know the same. He proffered to repair himself to the Court, as a negociator of peace touching the Queen, if she will have him deal therein. He was answered that the Queen would not seem to be a suitor in any such behalf; nevertheless, she shall be advertised of his good meaning.
9. He also said that Marshal Vielleville was sent to Metz in doubt of the Emperor's approach there, which comes to nothing, being stayed by the treaty of the Cardinal of Lorraine, Bishop of Metz, by whose means there is a marriage concluded between the Queen of Scots and Charles Duke of Austria, the Emperor's second son; so it is not the Prince of Spain that is to marry her.
10. M. De Beauvais (not being made participant of any part of the premised declaration made by the Rhinegrave touching the Vidame and him,) upon understanding the same by other means, (viz., that the rendering this town to the Queen is laid to the charge of the Prince and Admiral,) has affirmed to the writers that he has the Prince's commission under his "sign," whereby it shall appear that it was done by his commandment. He prays the same to be kept secret, as the Rhinegrave likewise does.
11. Sends herewith the proclamation of peace in print. Chatteler has passed this day from hence towards the Admiral, and Briquemault and Teligny are coming from Orleans to the Queen.— Newhaven, 8 April 1563. Signed.
Orig., in Poulet's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 11.
April 8. 592. Poulet and Others to the Privy Council.
They have examined the accounts of Mr. Abington, Surveyor of the Victuals, and Mr. Bromefelde, Master of the Ordnance. They ask them to peruse the books sent by the bearer, Hugh Counsell.— Newhaven, 8 April 1563. Signed by Poulet, Denis, and Vaughan.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 8. 593. Denys to the Privy Council.
1. Received their letters of the last of March. Their order shall be observed for the payment of the labourers. The charges here due for three months ending the 19th inst., with 2,000l. yet due at the 25th of January last, will amount to 26,000l. They think it very necessary that the bands here should be full, with a further supply of men.
2. Has herewith sent his clerk, Hugh Counsell, with his accounts since he entered his charge, until the 25th of January last; it will appear that his payments already past amount to above 42,000l., and no money remains here.— Newhaven, 8 April 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
April 8. 594. Denys to Lord Robert Dudley.
Received his of the last of March, and is sorry that he cannot have leave to come over for a little space. The monthly charge is sent over. If no means are taken for these charges he doubts lest the Queen will grow weary of this town.— Newhaven, 8 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add Endd. Pp. 2.
A.D. 1563.
April 8.
595. Horsey to Cecil.
After long rest, the Rhinegrave lies within three leagues of this town, but says it is only to keep the country from pillage. He wrote to the writer and offered that, if he will return to Newhaven, he shall pass in quiet by water or land; and if he would pass by land he promised not only to conduct him thither, but also to furnish him with victuals, carriages, &c. It appears by his large offers that he would have the English gone from hence. A bruit of peace has continued here a great while, which the Rhinegrave also now affirms, but they have it not for certain. Has not heard from Warwick for these fourteen days. They have no trust in the Rhinegrave for all his promises, and therefore keep a stronger guard.— Dieppe, 8 April 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 8. 596. Sigmundus Augustus to the Queen.
Has received her letter in behalf of the sons of Thomas Martin, and given directions to the magistrates of Dantzic to do justice to them. Petricaw, 8 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
April 8. 597. N. Stopio to Mason.
Wrote last Saturday, since which time he has received the news which he forwards with this. The post now goes on Thursday instead of Saturday as heretofore. The Cardinal of Lorraine is here and is honourably treated by the Signory. Having had information from France that he will be assassinated by one of his household, he summoned them all and told what he had heard. He sets out speedily for Trent. The Session of the Council which ought to be held after the octave of Easter will probably be postponed in order that Cardinal Morone may go to the Emperor at Inspruck. Cardinal Navigero will set out for Trent after the festival. Sends a copy of the recent letter of the Emperor to the Pope, which shows his anxiety to bring matters to a good issue. No news of M. Roberto.— Venice, 8 April 1563. Signed: N. St.
Orig., with seal. Hol. Add.: To Mason, in London. Ital. Pp. 2.
April 9. 598. Consultation for Newhaven.
Memoranda by Cecil respecting the state of Newhaven; viz. as regards pioneers, soldiers, ships, victuals, the galley, the soldiers at Dieppe, the entertainment of captains Mazonero (Frenchman) and Clerk and Hamilton, (Scotchmen,) Ormsby's charge, Vaughan, Thomas Pelham and Captain Leighton.
Orig., in Cecil's hol. and endd. by him: 9 April 1563. Pp. 3.
April 9. 599. Challoner to Cecil.
On the 3rd he despatched his servant, James Goldwell, with letters to him concerning such answer as was made him in the affair of the Bishop of Aquila. Has sent him by the sea passage for more assurance. Of the accord in France ten days ago so freshly spoken of now there is a still flood, which whether it shall ebb or wax greater they shall shortly know. Complains of sickness.— Madrid, Good Friday, 1563. Signed.
Orig. A few words in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 9 April 1563. Pp. 2.
April 9. 600. Holograph draft of the preceding.
A few words underlined, to be ciphered. Endd. by Challoner: 9 April 1563. Sent by the ordinary of Flanders. Pp. 3.
April 9. 601. Challoner to Clough.
Has received double bills of exchange directed to Stephano Lecari for 374 ducats sixteen soldi, which amounts to 4177 reals of plate, and likewise in February the 700 ducats and odd which he sent him. Desires him to send bills of exchange for the 114l. he has to receive in Antwerp. They have news from France that the peace is concluded. The Turks army by sea this year, to the number of 200 galleys, with the Moors and Corsairs is looked for. Oran is already besieged by the Moors.— Madrid, Good Friday, 9 April 1563.
Hol. Draft. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by the ordinary of Flanders. Pp. 4.
April 10. 602. Randolph to Cecil.
1. On the 7th inst. Raulet arrived here. He reports honestly of his good usage. He brought letters to this Queen out of France full of sorrow. She received from the Queen Mother two letters; one contained the rehearsal of her griefs, and the other signified the state of France, in what sort things were accorded, and what further was intended. If reason could not be had of the Queen of England France should find her ready and willing to support and defend the right thereof, as by friendship and old alliance between the two realms she is bound. Cecil knows that nothing will be left undone of her part that may move debate between this Queen and their Sovereign. It was much mused at by the Queen herself how this new kindness came about, that at this time she received two long letters written with her own hand; seeing that since her return she never received half so many lines as were in one of them; which he can testify by the Queen's own saying and other good assurance. And he can assure him further that she has said that she knows now that the friendship of the Queen may stand her more in stead than that of her good mother in France; and as she is desirous of them both so will she not lose the one for the other." I may also further assure your honour that (whatsoever the occasion is,) this Queen hath somewhat in her heart that will burst out in time, which will manifest that some unkindness hath passed between them that will not be easily forgotten." In talk sometimes with him she says that the Queen Mother might have used the matter otherwise than she has done; and doubts much what shall be the success of her great desire to govern alone, and in all things to have her will. Seeing them in such terms he thought it best to confirm her in that mind. And yet he is assured that she shall receive as friendly writings from this Queen as the other did write unto her. Whether the Queen Mother will speak unto Lethington of that she wrote to this Queen, he knows not; but if she does, he thinks it hard if Cecil can get no savour thereof at his return, or the writer here. It may be written by her to try what answer this Queen will give, or to understand what mind she bears to their Sovereign.
2. Since Raulet's return this Queen (being advertised that the peace was concluded and that all strangers should void the realm,) asked him what should become of his countrymen in Newhaven. He answered that they were no strangers to France; they did but re-enter into their own, and old possessions, whereof there was no man that doubted anything of their right, no, not she herself, if she should be judge. She said she knew what he meant; and in good faith she would that he had Calais again and they their Newhaven.
3. Yesterday, (Good Friday,) he received Cecil's of the 2nd inst. touching the Lord President of York. He heard of the murder, but never heard of any that came into this country of them. Trusts shortly to hear that the conditions of the peace are such that God may be glorified, and His Word set at liberty through the whole realm. The book he [Cecil] sent has satisfied a good many here. He put it into the Queen's hands, who read part herself, and heard the rest. As he cannot honestly crave that book again, he asks for one or two more of the same.
4. The Queen knows now that Bothwell is sent for to London. She caused a gentleman of hers to inquire. He answered that his takers were in controversy who took him, and that he should be judged there. Knows that she thinks much that he is not sent into Scotland. It is yet greatly doubted that if he were here he would be reserved for an evil instrument. If Lethington has not been plain with him [Cecil] herein, he is in the wrong to his friends here, but most of all to himself "if there come such a volter in this realm." There is not a worse, nor a more spiteful man of Scotland to England than Sir Andrew Car, who being advertised that the Queen had knowledge of his practises with the Earl of Huntley, procured his own entry into England, and is now in Tynemouth. (fn. 1)
5. There came lately advertisement unto Murray from the Borders that at one time 400 men of Riddesdale made a " roode " into Scotland and hurt three men and have taken seven prisoners of the best of Liddesdale, and driven away above 100 oxen and "keye," besides spoiling sixteen houses; and that the chief authors are John Hawle and the Captain of Harbottle. He answered that he thought the information was false; and if it were done, it was by the consent of the Scots themselves. He promised to write to Sir John Foster to know the verity, which he has done. Bothwell had a good resort unto him where he was, both of Scotsmen and women.
6. Is informed by the Lord of Argyll that Shane O'nel has lately had slain two or three of his men by the Lord Deputy. James Macconel is in Ireland with Carliboy his brother, as the Earl thinks, to conclude with the Lord Deputy. Argyll looks daily for one from O'nel; if he comes the writer will see him and know his errand. This Queen is purposed this year to take her progress into Argyll. Hears no word of their voyage into England. This Easter she has left not one iota of her solemnities unobserved. Sees neither amendment in her religion nor hope thereof. Her only stay is the Cardinal of Lorraine, for whom there is now no small moan made, and doubt of danger that may fall unto him. Captain Colborne attends his despatch. Their Court removes within three days, and within eight shall be at St. Andrews. Thanks God they have well shaken off their sorrow.— Falkland, Easter Eve, 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 10 April 1563. Pp. 6.
April 10. 603. Valentine Brown to Cecil.
1. The allowance of the late Lord Grey, which since his decease has been saved to the Queen, (between 15th Dec. and Easter,) amounts to 444l. 11s. 3d.; viz., his fee of the town and castle 42l. 3s. 4d.; retinue 92l.; espial money and carrying letters 13l. 6s. 8d.; the Queen's reward in respect of his baronage, 63l. 5s.; his own fee for the wardenry 125l. 2s. 11d.; and for the fee of his deputy warden and servant 7l. 13s. 4d.
2. Has travailed to discharge such of the works as are appointed, and being unable to do so without grudge begs that he will help him.
3. There are more hewn stone and lime ready than can be spent in one summer, and so much filling stone in the town and field that what shall be taken from the quarries must be left midway, whereby will grow a double charge for carriage.
4. Since it is determined not to work the wall this year he thinks through pays should be made, and order given for the sure keeping of the provisions.
5. Since the news of the Duke of Guise's departure, many Scotchmen, sometime numbering 200, have sought to pass through here, pretending poverty and lack of living in their own country, (where at present there is great scarcity,) and going to seek service in Newhaven, but they turned them back. Doubts not they will pass through the Borders, where there is no regard paid to them.—Berwick, 10 April 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
April 10. 604. Middlemore to Cecil.
Having an honest bearer he writes a few words by way of Newhaven. Since his letters of the 30th ult. and the 2nd inst., things go strangely here. Those of the religion find themselves in more danger than heretofore, and declare their discontentation. The redress is holden almost desperate, for they believe that he who has the means and should help them, is (or will be shortly) against them. As yet no Papist town obeys the edict of peace, but they continue their cruelties towards them of the religion, who have now no Orleans to retire to, M. De Cipierre being governor there with his company and certain arquebusiers. The trouble is like to grow as great as ever it was ere long. The Constable is much displeased because the Queen Mother and the Prince will not consent that his son, the Mareschal of Montmorency, shall have the estate of Grand Master; but the young Duke of Guise shall enjoy it still. On the 8th inst. Condé was established in his lieutenantship for the King, and the next morning took his oath in the presence of the King to do him faithful service. He uses the same language to the writer still, as he advertised her, showing himself in words desirous to do her service if she moderate her demands and seeks not the rendering of Calais so speedily. Fears that all will be but words in the end. The Admiral is greatly desired at this Court by the good sort, and no more than needful; but his friends advise him not to come yet, and when he does, that his brother, M. D'Andelot, be ever abroad, for their being here both together might prove prejudicial to them. Such as be here of the religion now make their "appuye" more of the Chancellor of France than of Condé. Has now advertised Warwick of the state of all things here, and has done so sundry times since he came from Normandy. —Amboise, 10 April 1563. Signed.
Orig., portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
April 10. 605. Thomas Kemys to Cecil.
Advertised him in his last that he sent Mr. Middlemore's money back again by Mr. Wood. The Rhinegrave, (who is gone to Dieppe, from whence they look for Horsey,) came to the foot of their hill here last Monday where Mr. Poulet conferred with him for two hours. On Wednesday all the French strangers were "expulsed" this town; and on Thursday little Dryver, Lord Robert's man, departed this town into France without his lordship's knowledge, it is thought not to return again. This day two of those who ran away to Harfleur were executed. They hear out of England of a supply to be sent hither.—Newhaven, Easter Even. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 10 April 1563. Pp. 2.
April 10. 606. Affairs of Newhaven.
Remembrances for Richard Overton to declare to Cecil respecting the state of certain offices at Newhaven, viz., that of the water bailiff, searcher, and customer, the master of the ordnance, the victualler, "the mort pays," the check, and the galley and frigate.
Endd. by Cecil: 10 April 1563. Overton's declaration from Mr. Vaughan for Newhaven. Pp. 3.


  • 1. This sentence is written in the margin of the letter.