Elizabeth: March 1563, 26-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: March 1563, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp237-259 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1563, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp237-259.

"Elizabeth: March 1563, 26-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp237-259.

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March 1563, 26-31

March 26. 519. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Desires that he will travail further for a full pay here. Will stop more of the works, that the charges for burning lime this winter may be abated. Besides the pays due to Christmas last, for which the warrants are passed, there must be some prested to pay them that shall be cassed unto the last day, and the like will be required if any of the crew should be diminished. Many of them are linked in marriage here, have fallen to traffic, and are entangled with the factions of the country.—Berwick, 26 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 26. 520. Beauvoir to the Lord Admiral of England.
Desires him to show favour to one Wilford, an English captain, whom he licensed to bring victuals into this town, when their enemies had cut off all communication by land. Wilford cannot come over himself as he is employed on the Queen's service, but the bearer will go in his place. The vessel which took the prize belongs to him.—Havre de Grace, 26 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 26 March 1563. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 26. 521. The Queen to Frederic, Count Palatine. (fn. 1)
Has heard from Knollys of his good will towards her, and approves of his not entering into any association with those of different opinions. Sent her envoys to see whether he and the other Princes of the Confession of Augsburg were willing to enter into a mutual league.—Westminster, 26 March 1563. Countersigned: R. Aschamus.
Copy, injured by damp. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
March 26. 522. The Dean of Daventer to Cecil.
Received Cecil's letter yesterday, and will send this Easter one with whom Cecil may communicate freely.—26 March 1563. Signed. (fn. 2)
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.
March 26. 523. Cuerton to Challoner.
Three days past he received a letter from Bordeaux of the 18th inst., in which they write that the Governor of Bordeaux is dead. The day before they wrote there came thither M. De Lutt, who stayed all the English ships, which are eight; all the sails taken on land, and the masters and merchants put in prison. Thirteen sail of Normans were also stayed. It was thought that the Scotch ships should be stayed, there were forty or fifty. The Huguenots have taken a town in the river of Bordeaux, and have killed all that were in it. The Grand Prior is dead; and the Cardinal of Lorraine is fled into Italy with all the treasure he could get.—Bilboa, 26 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received, 9 Aprilis. Pp. 2.
March 27. 524. John Martines De Recalde to Sancho Lopes De Recalde. (fn. 3)
Requests him to pay to John Cuerton 1,500 reals.—Madrid, 27 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 2.
March 27. 525. Another copy of the above.
Orig. Endd. Span. Pp. 2.
March 27. Certificate by Joan Martinez De Recalde, Proveador of Biscay that he has received for the Ambassador of England 1,500 reals, to be paid to John Cuerton.—Madrid, 27 March 1567. Signed.
Orig. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 2.
March 27. 526. Gresham to Cecil.
1. Sent his last of the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd inst. Since then he has satisfied all the Queen's creditors, and prolonged the debt due the 20th February last, till the 20th August next. Asks Cecil to make a payment in May and August next, for thereby the Queen will gain much credit for so doing, and will cause all merchants to seek him to take their money for her; all other Princes are out of credit here. Lazarus Tucker has departed, to whom the Queen owes by her new bonds 118,584 florins, due on 20th of August next. Has had much trouble to content his executors. Wishes Cecil to have the bonds made according to the note enclosed, for the recovery of the old one; he also sends the new bonds he brought over with him.
2. This day received Cecil's letter of the 20th inst., wherein he perceives he is not to make any promise that any part of the debt due in May next shall be paid, in consequence of the subsidy not coming in so soon; has not therefore made any kind of motion to the creditors, nor will he till the day comes for advancing the credit, and so leave this town with contentation of all men, pretending to repair home with the old bonds. Upon the coming of Richard Clough from Daventer he will call himself to account again, for it is now twelve months since he accounted; trusting she will give him her royal gift for his service in such sort as King Edward and Queen Mary did, who gave him between them land to the value of 300l. a year to him and his heirs, for his services. He has done greater services for the Queen than he did for both of them, and the Queen promised she would give him as much land as both they did, if he did the like service for her.
3. It is said here that peace is concluded in France. There is a murmuring that the Cardinal of Lorraine should be slain, being now at the Diet. Asks Cecil for the 5,000l, that runs upon the exchange, and that there may be order taken that his bills of exchange may be paid, and that it may not be returned, if possible. Sends his commendations to Lord Robert Dudley and Lady Cecil.—Antwerp, 27 March 1562. Signed.
4. P. S.—He has received a letter from Mr. Smith, which he sends enclosed, writing for more credit. Trusts Cecil has sent him the letter which the writer gave him, wherein was a bill of credit of 1,000 crowns. He writes also of the accord in France, that they will have war with England, and that they have stopped certain English ships at Bordeaux. He trusts the Prince and Admiral will remember themselves better. Frenchmen are not to be trusted, especially being "our ancient enemies."
5. Wishes he could persuade the Queen to make stout provision of saltpetre, for 15,000l. or 20,000l., also more handguns and curriers, (for that is the weapon every man fears,) and to train up men in the discipline thereof, and spare the bows and arrows, for they are of no force against an armed man; which provision will take a long time, for it must be transported to Hamburg and Bremen to be shipped, and then stay for wind. The provision the Queen has of saltpetre and powder would soon be spent, if she sent an army of 20,000 men over, and chanced to besiege any place. The longer saltpetre lies the better it is. He assures Cecil 20,000l. worth of it would stand her in better stead, than in laying up 100,000l. in gold and treasure; whereof she has had experience of late days, by the provisions he has made for her since coming to the crown, which have made her feared by all Princes. It is said that the peace made is not for the benefit of the Queen. If the Prince of Condé takes that way the Queen shall plague them well enough to their dishonour, for it is well known that the Prince and Admiral would never have come to this estate had it not been for the Queen. Herewith he sends the particularities of the peace in France. The King of Muscovy has taken a town of the King of Poland, called Polotsk. He was fain to give four assaults, and has destroyed both men, women, and children. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: 27 March 1563. Pp 4.
March 28.
Forbes, ii. 366.
527. The Queen to Condé.
Has received his letter of the 8th inst., by the Sieur De Chastellier, by which she learns that he is entering on negociations for peace, and is desirous that she should let the King know the reasons which led her to favour him. This pacification very much affects Condé's honour and safety, but for her part she has always desired that the King's subjects should live in liberty and peace, and hopes that the pacification will not be frustrated by false dealing. Does not doubt that he will observe the convention made between them; although she hopes to be able to maintain her enterprise against all comers. Warns him however not to be too hasty, lest he forget those who have aided him The last point which he asks is answered by her conduct from the commencement, in guarding and helping the persecuted.
Draft. Endd: 28 March 1563; M. to the Prince of Condé, Fr. Pp. 2.
March 28. 528. The Queen to Admiral Coligny.
Has received his letter of the 16th sent by M. De Chastellier, assuring her of his determination to observe all points agreed on between them and the Prince. Is willing to advance the common cause and to defend them, if they will do so.
Draft. Endd.: 28 March 1563; M. to the Admiral of France; and again by Cecil; M. to the Prince of Condé. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 28. 529. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley.
1. Has received no answer to his letters to the Council. Seeing that peace is concluded amongst them, and that the Queen is not so well considered as she should have been, it behoves her to go stoutly through with what she has begun, and not to give any further credit to any of their promises. She has a sufficient gage of this town for Calais, which will be kept despite of all France.
2. Some will put too great trust in the Queen's head touching the Admiral, therefore he should see that she be not abused. The truth is that he and the rest have discarded her already, which she shall perceive soon. The next news from hence will be that their whole force shall be bent hitherward.
3. The peace is proclaimed at Rouen, etc., in Normandy. All strangers must avoid out of the realm, of which number the English are. Asks for a speedy answer by the bearer.— Newhaven, 28 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 28. 530. The Rhinegrave to Warwick.
1. Has not commenced his journey, the Queen Mother having countermanded him, as the Marshal De Vielleville is coming to him. Has seen his letter about his Lieutenant Westerburd, and has ordered him not to allow anything which may displease the Earl. The Admiral has arrived at the Court. Peace has been proclaimed in the camp in Orleans and the Court. The Parisians do not wish to proclaim it, unless the Queen Mother will assist them with two Princes of the blood, who shall be the Cardinal of Bourbon and the Duke of Montpensier. Has written to him about Captain Emery, who does not deserve to be so long detained, and begs that he will allow him to come. Proposes an exchange between him and Captain Bodley, whom the writer would gladly serve.—Rouen, 28 March.
2. P.S.—The son of the Duke of Alva has come to Bayonne with 3,000 Spaniards and 600 horse, and has certain commissions for the King. The Spaniards in the camp will retire to Flanders. The Prince of Spain desires to marry the Queen of Scots. Asks him to burn this letter. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd.: 28 March 1563. Fr. Pp. 3.
March 28. 531. Challoner to Haddon.
1. His sister has had some motion made unto her on behalf of a near friend of Haddon's, and has asked his advice. Desires him to project some good persuasion towards his revocation. —Madrid, 12 March 1562.
2. P.S.—Yesterday he received his letter; can add no more than he has already said. Suggests Mr. Wilson as his successor.—Madrid, 28 March 1563.
Draft. Endd.: Sent by sea by the way of Bilboa. Pp. 2.
March 28. 532. Challoner to Cuerton.
Has received two letters from him by this bearer, Domingo De Sercadillo, of the 7th and 12th inst., with the four demibarrels of herrings, and two firkins of butter. Thought to have sent to him by the last carrier 1,500 reals plate, if he could have found securities for the safe delivery thereof into Cuerton's hands. Has now delivered them to John Martinez De Recalde, to be paid to Cuerton's assignees in Burgos. The contrary parts in France have at last concluded a peace, whereupon Condé and the Constable are at liberty. Is glad Mrs. Cuerton is brought to bed; "next time take better footing for a boy." —Madrid, 28 March 1562.
Hol. Draft. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by a courier, Domingo De Sercadillo. Pp. 3.
March 29.
Forbes, ii. 367.
533. The Privy Council to Warwick.
1. Received by Sir Adrian Ponyngs, his letters, with certain articles whereunto he requests answer; as he has done with those sent by Throckmorton and Oliver Manners. They cannot make further answers than they did to the others. Until it appears that Condé, and the Admiral have concluded with the other parts, without considering the Queen, he is to order Newhaven so that neither ships, victuals, nor merchandise be suffered to pass from hence; but keep them there for the commodity of the Queen. Considering there are certain articles of peace assented to by Condé, wherein it is ordered that all strangers shall be put out of the realm, and the King's subjects shall give their aid thereunto, he must foresee for their surety, until it appears that these articles shall not take effect.
2. As for victuals for 8,000 men, and for more soldiers and pioneers, they allow his requests. Considering the numbers already there, nigh 6,000 men and 700 pioneers, (with charges of ships, and victuals lost,) until they see more of the event of these matters they may not hastily expend further treasure. Provisions for the ordnance stay only in the Thames for lack of wind.—From W[estminster ?].
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 29 March 1563. Pp. 3.
March 29. 534. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. Received letters sent to Caen to Montgomery from the Admiral and Middlemore, directed to the Queen, and one for Cecil, all herewith sent. Opened them that he might the better provide for his charge. Begs to know the Queen's pleasure on the articles sent by Throckmorton and Poynings.
2. It seems that she shall have offer of an agreement, which will extend no further than to a recompence of the prested money; which if she shall refuse, then they will be ready against this piece. Therefore asks that the soldiers and labourers be sent hither with speed. She should make herself strong by sea and also have an army ready in the realm. Heard that St. Ouen is at liberty, whom they should cause to be committed for the treason against Dieppe and this town. Has not heard from them for more than twenty days.—Newhaven, 29 March 1562. Signed.
3. P.S.—The Admiral (or M. Bricquemault in his behalf) has written to M. De Lahey to practise with John Rybald for his return to the French service. He is a man of good credit and service.
4. Captain Blundell is here, against whom there is only what was gathered upon the Rhinegrave's letter. Shall he be sent over; or set at liberty here upon sureties? The best of this town will enter into them for him. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 29 March 1563. Pp. 3.
March 29. 535. —to the Duke of Alva.
Begs that the Duke will excuse him for having failed to execute the commission with which the writer had been entrusted by the Duke.—29 March 1563.
Copy. Endd.: Copy of a letter which I sent to the Duke of Alva. Span. Pp. 2.
March 30.
Forbes, ii. 362.
536. The Queen to Warwick.
Has ordered her Council to send answers to certain letters and articles sent by Throckmorton and Oliver Manners. She also licenses him to put in execution such former com mission as he had under the Great Seal of England, that may tend to his surety, and to the offence of any that shall damage him, or any of her subjects serving there under him, if the Prince and Admiral shall have accorded with their adversaries and not considered her, so as he shall see doubt of hostility on their part. As she gives him that authority, he shall not be scrupulous to do anything that belongs to him as her lieutenant, and which may seem necessary for preservation of that town.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 30 March 1563. Pp. 2.
[March 30.]
Forbes, ii. 369.
537. Proclamation for removing Foreigners from Newhaven.
1. Although M. De Beauvois, by command of Admiral Coligny and Warwick, has commanded that foreigners (not being inhabitants of Newhaven, nor of the garrison or the English army,) should depart upon pain of being taken prisoners, yet numbers still continue to abide in the said town; wherefore the Earl gives authority to the Provost Marshal here to apprehend all such foreigners, as well soldiers and mariners as others without exception, who shall be found in this town after five o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday next, excepting Beauvois and his family, and the ministers within the town. The Provost seizing any such offender shall not spoil any of their houses, nor "mell" with their purses or goods upon pain of death.
2. Upon the rigging and sending to sea of any ships in this haven in trade of merchandise, such number of mariners, foreigners, of those that shall now depart, or others, may return by the Lieutenant's special licence. The proclamation does not extend to any at present so sick that they cannot depart, nor to any foreigner of Honfleur, or other parts, lately come in, or that shall come hereafter with victuals, and have to stop for sale of the same. These may remain here safely for a reasonable time. All persons who depart from this town may leave their goods in the custody of their friends here, by leaving a bill of those goods with the Provost Marshal before they depart. All persons who are known to be good "fedellis," may retire to England, where they will be treated as the Queen's subjects.
Endd. Pp. 4.
March 30. 538. Smith to the Queen.
Condé and the Admiral, after long debate with the writer, having thought good rather to send the bearer into England than come to particularities with him [Smith], seeing they could not agree in the chief point of his demand, he signifies thus much to her. Will send all their reasons and talks as soon as he comes to Blois, till which he prays her not to be hasty in giving the gentlemen answer; for she is not well handled by them.—Orleans, 30 March 1563, Signed.
Orig., with seal. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Bricquemault. Pp. 2.
March 30. 539. Middelmore to the Queen.
1. The Admiral arrived here on the 23rd inst., leaving his reiters in garrisons five or six leagues off. Next morning the writer declared his charge to the Prince. He said that next to God the Queen was the only person whom he holds his life of, referring only his duty to the King, with other fair words. Also how much the Queen Mother seemed to be for him at this day, and that she had said to him that the death of the Duke of Guise had no less redeemed her out of prison than it had set him at liberty. She advised him always to have a good troop of gentlemen about him in the Court, for his surety, and that he might be obeyed. As for the Queen of England's satisfaction, he had left it unmoved, abiding the arrival of the Admiral.
2. The Admiral and Prince have been twice with the Queen Mother since the writer came hither. The Admiral has been earnest for further liberty in religion, and has obtained that there shall be preaching in three towns in every balliage, whereas before it was accorded but in the suburbs of towns only; and that the gentlemen of the viscounty and provostry of Paris shall have in their houses the same liberty of religion as is accorded elsewhere. So the Admiral seems now to like well that he showed by the way to mislike so much, namely, the hard articles of religion concluded by the Prince in his absence. The Prince and Admiral will not be "acknown" to the writer that they have as yet spoken of her demands to the Queen Mother otherwise than in general terms, but he is sure that they have resolved therein. Gathers from language holden to him daily by them that she cannot have Calais forthwith, and that the Queen Mother and her Council will never consent to it. But any other assurance that it shall be rendered to her at the term limited by the treaty, she shall have granted. This the writer utterly refused.
3. On the 26th the Prince told him that he had requested of the Queen Mother leave for the English Ambassador to come hither to him to participate their doings, and the more freely to hear and have the Queen's opinions of them; adding that he would not suffer the peace to be published until he [the Prince] had made her privy to it. He required the writer to tell him her very demands, which he did, according to the instructions given him by Throckmorton, at Caen, the 15th inst., viz., to have Calais with the adjacent country rendered presently to her according to the treaty of Cambray; that hostages for two years be given to her that peace may be kept until Calais and other places of force thereabouts, (ruined at the taking thereof, and since,) may be re-edified; and that such sums as she had lent to the Prince and the Admiral might be repaid. The writer declared how much she might demand, adding, that if she had any other than him and the Admiral to deal with, she would not content herself with the less than what he had named.
4. The Prince said he was sorry to hear her demands, and that it was impossible to have Calais rendered before the term limited in the treaty, that the Queen Mother would never consent. Also, he trusted she [Elizabeth] would stand to her protestation, which was that she only came to aid the King against such as usurp upon him, and overthrow religion, whereas now she says that she will not part with Havre De Grace until Calais be rendered; showing that neither the King's case nor the cause of religion moved her so to do, but only her gain, which will be a great discredit to her, and a great hindrance to God's religion. By these demands she makes him utterly unable to do her the service he desires; for if she would now show that nothing has moved her to give aid here, but to go against such as were against the King and the religion, she would bind the King, the Queen, and himself to gratify her in all they could, and so they might be won to render Calais before the time limited, yea, peradventure sooner than may be imagined; whereas to go this way to work, is to bring him into disgrace, and also to make her never have Calais rendered. The like language was used to the writer, in every point, by the Admiral.
5. The 27th inst., he went to meet their Ambassador and made him privy (before he came either to the Prince or Admiral,) of all instructions received from Throckmorton, and to the answers made by the Prince and Admiral.
6. The Prince and Admiral told him this day that they would send M. De Bricquemault to her to ask her to consider their honour, and to declare their requests, which hitherto they would neither let her Ambassador nor him understand, but in general words. Bricquemault is sent, because he is well known to her. His special charge is to persuade her to change her demands for the present rendering of Calais.
7. The Prince and Admiral have said they trusted that if she would tarry to be satisfied in these demands, not only shall she have them granted, but they hope that this shall be an occasion to make an alliance between the two realms. He always answered that the way for them to make that alliance is to satisfy her now in these demands, without which they may assure themselves never to have amity or quietness with England.
8. The Emperor's Ambassador, presently in this Court, may serve her to some purpose by pressing stoutly the rendition of Metz, Toul, and Verdun, but the same must be wrought from her by way of Germany. Nothing can pre-, vail more to have her demands than to show herself stout and to do herself reason if they will not.
9. The Spanish countenance now shines upon the English by the open show of their ministers here, which is but a declaration of their misliking this peace.
10. Hears that the Queen Mother and the Prince are secretly accorded that he shall be Constable after the King comes to his majority, and that although the present Constable is alive, he shall resign his office, having the name and fee during his life. Has also been told secretly that the Prince would gladly enter into a particular alliance with her, doubting greatly the enterprises of his enemies here; but of these matters he has said nothing to the writer.
11. The Admiral had many enemies before, and, by this imputing the death of the Duke of Guise to him, the number is marvellously increased, and his person is like to be in danger from their practices.
12. The 27th inst. the peace was proclaimed in the palace at Paris, in the presence of all the Parliament, but the doors were shut for fear of mutiny by the people. Since then they have not otherwise dared to publish it abroad. The populace there much mislike it.
13. The Queen Mother will come here within three days, and so take the Prince to the Court, to establish him in the authority that the King of Navarre had.
14. News came this day to the Prince that there is coming in Lorraine for his service 4,000 reiters and 8,000 footmen, led by the Count of Oldenburg; also that the Emperor prepares a very great army.
15. If she will still have him reside by the Prince, it would be greatly for his credit if she wrote to that effect to the Prince and the Admiral, having hitherto only had a letter of credit from Throckmorton.—Orleans, 30 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 30 March 1563. Pp. 7.
March 30. 540. Middlemore to the Queen.
The bearer, M. De Bricquemault, is despatched by the Prince and the Admiral to declare their minds to her. He has commission to open at large their whole intent. Hopes Smith's courier will arrive before Bricquemault, to whom he has given letters to her of the state of things here, which he trusts she will see before she answers Bricquemault. He has two things specially to treat of with her; viz., to qualify her demand of Calais; and to seek a straiter alliance with the Prince and Admiral.—Orleans, 30 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. M. Bricquemault. Pp. 2.
March 30. 541. Middelmore to Cecil.
Wrote to the Queen from Brou in Perche on the 21st inst. He will find in the Queen's letter all that has passed here between the Prince, the Admiral, and him since he last wrote. These men greatly mislike her demand of the rendering of Calais forthwith, and have cast out words as though she might lose all if she persisted to come by it so hastily; and that the other party having their forces in readiness, they could not tell what they would do when they understand what she demanded. Answered that if by force they keep her from her right, she must defend both that and herself, and peradventure those who first took the matter in hand might soonest repent. The Prince answered that his sword would never cut against her. Howsoever Cecil may find them by the Ambassador's letters affectioned to her demands, they have always declared the contrary; and now, whatsoever they promise by M. De Bricquemalt, if it be not earnestly followed it will prove to nothing. If the Prince once quietly enter into his government before the Queen is considered in her demands, it will afterwards be very hard to bring him to do her any reason. Finds the Admiral more misliking her demands since he came here than he was in by the way. Asks for a letter of credit to the Prince. The Prince and Admiral, with the noblemen and gentlemen in their companies, made the "Cene" in this town the 28th inst. The forces on the other side are dispersed, at least all retired from before Orleans; but the Prince's forces are yet not discharged. A great garrison of the other side goes to Calais, and very many towards Newhaven. Whatsoever he may hope of this peace, the wisest sort believe it will prove a marvellous confusion. Lyons has refused to have any Mass there. All the faithful in Orleans have protested to leave it, rather than have Mass in that town. Private quarrels begin already between gentlemen. Theodore De Beza so mislikes their doings here now, as that he retires this day towards Geneva. He told the writer all will be nought, and that he will not come here until he sees the world amended.—Orleans, 30 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 30 March 1563. Pp. 3.
March 30. 542. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. The bearer, M. De Bricquemault, and the Ambassador's courier received their despatches in one day. After he delivered his letters to the Ambassador, to be sent with his, he wrote to the Queen and Cecil by Bricquemault.—Orleans, 30 March 1562.
2. P. S.—Peace was proclaimed here this afternoon. The Ambassador gave him this letter to send to the Queen.— Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 30 March 1563. By M. Bricquemault. Pp. 2.
March 30. 543. Richard Overton to Cecil.
1. Wrote him from Rye how rawly he found the labourers of Kent were left by their conductors, and how by the evil levying of them the Queen was like to be charged without any service. By their reckonings he finds this falls out; where there was imprested 3s. 4d. to every labourer levied in Kent, besides their conduct, to be defalcated out of their next pay, as it should be, a great part of the same is lost, because many labourers are not inhabitors there, but vagabonds, and be run away. Having had some part the doing and perusing of these reckonings of Kent more than of any other, he has by name touched them, fearing lest the like loss will happen to the Queen in other counties.
2. Enters into details respecting the pays of the garrison, the mort pays, the reckonings of the Treasurer and Mr. Abington, and the disorders of the water bailiff's office.— Newhaven, 30 March. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 30 March 1563. Pp.2.
[March 30.] 544. Memoranda for Newhaven.
Heads of instructions intended for the guidance of the Earl of Warwick as to the government of Newhaven while the designs of the French were uncertain; chiefly to allow nothing to pass from the haven, "and so to use it as, if the peace shall not follow, the Admiral shall conceive no offence." To warn the English victuallers to come as near as they can To victual the foists. If the Prince breaks, to keep the town for the Queen. If they break, then to get the English away. To forbear enterprising, unless there be evident advantage to take Fécamp and the ships. Victuals from Abington and Bashe.
Memoranda, in Cecil's hol. Pp. 2.
March 30. 545. Challoner to Cecil.
1. By the written answer in Spanish he may see what account is made of the Queen's motion, and what account they make of their Ambassador. "You must for a while make much of him for a jewel, unless ye would fall into a further jar, which I would not wish as now until we see what stay we shall be at with our French neighbours." It had been better, without setting any lock on the watergate, to have appointed to him a fitter house, telling him that the Queen would otherwise employ the other. "Hereafter, using him ceremoniously for the while, ye may both take a guard to his trades, and find the means to shift him off ere long time without demonstration or giving matter of pique, which needeth not." Sends his guardamezzilles. It is no small commodity for England to have the trade of these leather hangings, where sheep skins are so cheap. If the Queen will grant him and his assigns a privilege for ten years to exercise the trade of these leather hangings (alias gwadamezzilles), gilt, painted, or coloured, he will bring two or three master workmen from hence at his own cost. Touching his revocation, he suffers more danger here of health and life than they are aware of. Desires a passport for a couple or three "footcloth nags," to be brought from Plymouth by Robert Farnham. (fn. 4) Of two books in verse, De Republica Anglicana, he has already finished the first, containing above 1,700 verses. In his elegy, De Motu Gallico, written in July past, as matters have fallen out, he seems to have been half inspired with prophecy. Could tell him good reasons why it were meet that the Queen should entertain the new rising sun, the King of the Romans. (fn. 5) —Madrid, 30 March 1563. Signed.
2. P. S.—Touching the two Spanish papers he sends herewith, the translation of the Council's conference with the Bishop was his; the other, though it seems imperfect in one sentence, he has had religiously copied. Mr. Hampton or Mr. Armigil Wade, so sufficient Castilians, shall well translate it.
Orig., with armorial seal. A few passages in cipher, deciphered. The P.S. in Challoner's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
March 30. 546. Holograph draft of the above, with corrections.
Passages underlined, to be ciphered. Endd. Pp. 7.
March 30. 547. Challoner to Mason.
By his letters to the Queen and the Council he shall perceive the state of occurrents here, and what answer has been given him in the Bishop of Aquila's case. Wishes they had appointed him another lodging, and not proceeded so overtly with him; it is highly taken here. Would that Mason had been at the Court when he was conferred with. Here this French accord is much misliked, but they consolate their own frustration, because they account the French will frustrate the English also. Oran already is besieged by the Moors from Algiers by land; the loss thereof is feared. By sea the Turk and Moors to the number of 200 galleys are expected. Julian Buers is sent to the isle of Ivica with a good garrison. On the 25th inst. there was a solemn joust; the pomp cost above 50,000 ducats. Has known the third part of so many jousters break as many staves. Thanks him for Haddon's verses. Seeing he likes his verses of Mr. Edward Shelley, he sends him a copy. Sends him an elegy made nine months past, Super hoc Motu Gallico; likewise another in dispraise of Court life. "Also a double translation, English and Latin, of those French verses which the Scottish Queen sent last summer to ours with the diamant." His elegy this last New Year's tide sent to the Queen he would have sent, save that Mason writes that she bites not at that bait. Seeing verses are not to be read by water drinkers, sends him by this bearer a cuero of St. Martin's wine. Complains of his sickness, and begs him to aid in his revocation. Has written of Mr. Wilson as his successor. The Queen (which she likes well) may beneficially recompense his service with not a groat out of her own purse. Sends him a taste of a new work in hexameters, De Republica Anglicana. —Madrid, 30 March 1563.
Corrected hol. Draft. Endd. Pp. 6.
March 31. 548. Smith to the Queen.
1. On the 26th inst. received letters from the Queen Mother, wherein (at the request of the Prince,) she prayed him to go to Orleans to speak with the Prince. Wrote by her messenger that he would that night lie at St. Laurence des Caus, and the next day come to Orleans, and would do his duty to her by the way. When he came there more courtesy was showed him than ever before. He said that he congratulated her upon the peace. She answered that she knew well he was ever desirous of peace, and so was she.
2. He said he was desirous to speak with the Prince, whom he had never seen: but that he had no commission to him. "So much the better," she said, and so said the Constable, whom he embraced, and said he was glad to see him at liberty and merry again. His commission, he said, was to the King and her; and now all was done here, if they would satisfy the Queen they shall have a happy government. "Have you any commission to me?" said she. "Nay," he said, but he had a general commission of Ambassador, and his demands were known, for besides words they have them in writing. "I trust," she said, "that your mistress will be content with the treaty, and leave Havre de Grace." Answered that by the treaty what she demanded was presently due.
3. "Well," she said, "if the Queen have her demands she will be content." He said he was sure she would demand but her right; and added that there were there with him certain merchants who complain of the detention of their ships and goods, under pretence of war between England and France. She said, "Because ye detain Newhaven our subjects take it to be war; but first we must compound those greater matters, then the rest will follow well enough."
4. "He would," he said, "that that were gone about that they might have war or peace." "No," said she, "we would have peace with you; and now when you go to the Prince he will commune with you of that matter."
5. Came that night to Orleans; and after supper he went to the Prince's lodging. He is not only Governor of Orleans, but commands all in both camps as Lieutenant to the French King. In a chamber there, only the Prince, the Admiral, and himself sat as it were in council. The Prince with a long oration declared that he owes his life and all that he has to her, and what honour she has gotten to have taken such travail for the Word of God, and for delivering this realm and the King out of captivity, and the tyranny of him who would have destroyed them all; with other pleasant words, as one very ready and eloquent. At last he came to this, that whereas he [the writer] desired particularities, he deferred it until the Admiral was come, who (having Throckmorton with him, and having had conference with her by messengers,) could declare better how things proceeded; whereas he [the Prince], by reason of his imprisonment, could little understand how they went, and what promises were between those two.
6. The Admiral then showed how first Middelmore came, and after Throckmorton, and how letters and messages passed between her and him; that she still pressed him to come to some accord with the Queen Mother, and showed how necessary and convenient it was now, and what charge it was to maintain the war, and that she required but to be certified of their doings at all times. He said that he and the Prince had done so, and that nothing was done without her knowledge; and so they had fulfilled all they had promised to her.
7. This manner of dealing being much unlooked for, he went roundly to the matter, and showed them he took both of them to be men of honour, and that they well understood what her doings were. And now, seeing that God had sent this accord and all seem satisfied, she should also be satisfied and have what is her own, viz., Calais. The rest might then be concluded.
8. They said they desired nothing else, but that he knew they had not the power to deliver any of the King's towns; that was to be asked of the King or the Queen Mother.
9. He answered that they should understand what manner of proceeding was used at the beginning. First, she would establish the true religion here, at the least that they thereof should not be so cruelly persecuted; and those to have always a refuge into her realm who could escape thither. Secondly, that the faction of the Prince (whom she took for allies in comparison of the house of Guise,) should not be oppressed in the King's minority. Thirdly, that, these troubles compounded, she might enjoy what was her own. As for Calais, she takes it to be hers, and not the French King's, even at this present; and she requires it by the treaty. Without having it she could not think herself anyway satisfied; and this was her proceeding continually since his coming here, as he could show them by his demands, one given upon the 19th Dec., and subscribed by him, and the other by the treaty of Câteau Cambresis. They asked if he had them; and on saying he would bring them as to-morrow, the rest of their talk was referred till the next day.
10. Next day, which was Sunday, the Prince, the Admiral, and all the others went to the church, where, after their order of prayer and a sermon of Theodore Beze, the communion (or cene) was celebrated, where the Prince and the rest, and all men and women, (numbering he thinks 5,000 or 6,000,) received at two tables. The preacher said it was that day twelve months that they received at Meaux to conjoin themselves for the defence of the religion; and now it was when they shall sever themselves each to his house to such liberty for religion as God had given them; not so ample, peradventure, as they would wish, yet such as they ought to thank God for. The writer dined that day with the Prince, where the Admiral, MM. D'Andelot and Rochfaulcault, and others dined. After dinner the Prince retired to his chamber with the above-named and the writer. They asked for the writings, which he showed. So he read first and explained his demands; standing in three points, viz., religion, their ranks and offices, and Calais. Then he read the first and second chapter of the treaty, and the seventh, wherein is the rendering of Calais after eight years. The thirteenth says it is to be rendered upon any attempt against her, which being done, (by the bearing of her arms, by the pursuit at Rouen, and by sending force into Scotland, which declared their attempt to invade her realm and despoil her of her crown,) the treaty was broken, and Calais became due to her.
11. There was some replying that she wears the arms of France. That is no invasion, he said, and her ancestors have long done so. But this new bearing of arms, and new taking of style does declare a new intent more than before; as when King Edward the Third did first use the arms and style of France, he declared his intent to conquer it if he could. They replied that the wearing of the arms was before the treaty. No, he said, the treaty was begun in Queen Mary's time. But they were first taken away when Throckmorton came as Ambassador, who came after the treaty. It was replied that that was the Scottish Queen's doings. He said, that was enough, by the words of the treaty. "Well," said the Admiral, "it is yet in controversy who first broke the treaty; you in entering so in manner of war into Scotland, or no." He declared that by the end of the trouble of Scotland, and the treaty thereof, it appears that the Scottish Queen was judged by the Commissioners to have done wrong; and that she must leave the arms and style, and send the force away which she brought. And there is a clause in the same treaty that their right and the force of the treaty of Cambresis should be saved, notwithstanding the treaty in Scotland. Wherefore these two make their cause plain.
12. The Admiral said that this ought to be declared to the King and his whole Council. They cannot be judges here, and treaties should be handled among Princes. He declared that they should not be ignorant of the Queen's right; and might understand that she if moved war, or detained any other place until what was hers were restored, she did it not against conscience. And if the Admiral do not hinder her, she doubts not but to recover her right, as her ancestors did. Now that they are at quiet he thinks that she should likewise be satisfied.
13. Then the Admiral was very earnest with him, and asked how her forces entered Newhaven, and on what pretence, and that it was only for the religion, and what he [the writer] spoke of was not in her protestation. He answered that as he was never in Newhaven he knew not how her forces entered, nor what pretence was made between them that delivered it up and them that took it. As for the protestation, he delivered that himself to the Queen Mother. Having small memory and little French and divers things told him, he desired that it might be in writing, and so he had it; but he thought some Frenchman made it. But, as he remembers, the protestation contains those three causes; one, the persecuting for religion; the other, the greatness of the house of Guise; the third, that the Queen feared by him to lose the fruit of the treaty at Cambresis, which was Calais. The Admiral said that he had her protestation under the Great Seal (whereat he marvels). So they brought their books of the protestation printed at Orleans.
14. He said that they did not agree in divers points with the protestation he delivered. And even in that point it lacks and alters, of which he gave instances, showing that in the margin of the copy which he delivered Calais is specially mentioned; whereas in that printed at Orleans it is omitted.
15. The Prince began to declare that she was worthy to be renowned for ever for what she had done for the glory of God, the benefit of France, the advancement of true religion, the delivery of a poor orphan from a tyrant, and for saving of him and many others as no other Prince was able to do. But if she should stain this with a private matter of her own, and under pretence of religion seek her own gain it should be dishonour to her; and how evil the Papists, yea and all others, would speak of her; and that she has said that she sought nothing but the safeguard of France, the advancement of true religion, and setting forward the Gospel.
16. When they touched her honour he waxed somewhat hot. He answered that she has spared neither men nor money; her care and peril by embassy, by lending, by sending men of war and by adventuring and taking upon herself of war for their sakes; and had put in hazard (if need had been) the displeasure of the greatest Princes in Europe. She had not ceased till they have had their wills, lives, lands, and honours saved. And though the religion is not so fully advanced as they would, yet so much is propagated as they are therewith contented. Till they had their purpose she has not intermeddled her private cause, nor would that it should prejudicate their commodities. And should they, he asked, now think much if she asked what is her right ? What shall be judged of their gratitude time shall declare. And for himself he would gladly hear some experiment in deeds, not in words only.
17. The Admiral said that they confessed how much they were bound to her for their lives, etc., but if they should now deliver Calais, or if she should still keep Newhaven, it would be infamy to them for ever. The English could never get Calais again, it was impregnable. Newhaven was so chargeable to keep, and the commons and nobility of England were so weary of the wars now, that it was re ported to him of one, (whom if he should name he would think it true,) that rather than be at such charge for the sake of Calais as to keep Newhaven, they would renounce their right to Calais. But if it were for the propagation of religion they would yet voluntary spend two millions of gold. The writer replied that he knew no infamy could come to them more in rendering Calais according to the treaty, than to those who rendered Piedmont according to the treaty. "Yea, but the time is not yet come," said the Admiral.
18. He said that they take but the seventh chapter, where eight years are determined, and he the thirteenth, where the condition is expressed, which, broken, Calais is due, as well as the cities of Piedmont were due. And it is all in one treaty, and all of like force. Of Calais being impregnable, of the chargeable keeping of Newhaven, and of the evil will of men towards it, what they had heard he could not tell, but what he knew he dare say. There are, he said, 500, yea 1,000 gentlemen in England that rather than the Queen should not have her right and be thus eluded will follow the war twelve months upon their own charges without costing her a penny, and he is one of them, who will make such a war as they never had the like in France. And what their merchants of London and other cities, and all Kent will do to have Calais again, and what the rest of the nobles and commons would conclude upon, he is in no doubt. But whosoever said, either in the Parliament or out of it, what the Admiral reported, he should lose his head for it, and well worthy, and the whole Parliament would condenm him to it; for they take Calais to be their pathway into Flanders and the Low Country, and to be parcel of Flanders, not of France. And the very treaty of Cambray gives them but possession of it for years and upon conditions, not the propriety.
19. Then the Admiral said that Throckmorton showed him that she was content to tarry for Calais the time limited in the treaty; and that M. Bricquemault and others affirmed that for the zeal of religion she could be content not only when they were agreed here to leave Newhaven, but rather than that should hinder, to acquit Calais.
20. Answered that what Throckmorton had said, and what she had said to others there, he could not do with it, but what she had said to him and what commission she had given him, he would not go from. He had always found her at one point, that she would never reckon she had her right, or account amity, love, or peace at their hands, till she had Calais.
21. "Well," said he, "the Queen shall have her demand, she shall have Calais. Is it not possible she may be entreated for a time upon good assurance to forbear it, and to leave Newhaven? It shall be the ruin of us all, and the discredit of the Prince, and we shall be able to do no good."
22. What assurance (quoth the writer,) can the English have of Frenchmen, whom no promises, accord, treaty, seal, nor other can hold ? as all Princes, strangers, and almost all their ministers do testify. "I see," he said, "no assurance but the sword, and in the meantime to keep that we have." They made no answer to this, but one of them looked upon another. After this the Prince said they must needs satisfy the Queen, and must not be unkind. But if there might be some way found that she might have her desire, and yet they be put to no extremity, or rather impossibility, were it not much better? He said that he would gladly hear that; for if the Queen might be satisfied he would count himself in Heaven.
23. "Let us devise somewhat," said the Prince; and as he was about to come forth with something, the Admiral stayed him, and said that he saw that he would not go past his commission, nor agree to any other conditions. The writer said, that if he heard them, possibly he might say something that should do no hurt. The Admiral answered, it was all one, for as the writer would but send to her, and make her answer here, it would be as well to send at the first some gentleman to negociate with herself. They said they would send M. Bricquemault the next day with the articles and conditions, to know her mind therein. Once or twice he attempted them, for he would fain have known what they would have done for her satisfaction, but he could only come by fair words, whereof he sees Frenchmen have enough, and with them mean to pay the world. Attempted to ascertain their meaning more fully, but without success. Thus they ended.
24. If she would have him negociate any more with them, or howsoever it be, he need have the copy of those articles and agreements between her, the Prince, and the Admiral. Wrote for them before Christmas, suspecting that he should have cause for them. Knows not the cause, but it is the fashion, they say, of England to keep their Ambassadors as ignorant as they can. Asks again that she will let him know what she has done in those matters, wherein he shall have to do, which he takes to be all French.—Blois, 31 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 18.
March 31.
Forbes, ii. 370.
549. Warwick and Others to the Council.
1. By intelligence from Orleans they understand that peace is not only proclaimed, but that the Prince is by the same constituted Governor of the King and the realm, with great feasting and rejoicing by the Queen Mother, to whom the King repairs in person. The Queen is to "avoid" this town, and she shall be satisfied of the money prested to the Prince. So they reckon to attend the siege here shortly with all their forces united together. Warwick intends therefore to execute the contents of their letters of the 25th inst.
2. They purpose to rid this town of all foreigners who are not inhabitants, which was proclaimed yesterday. To take all armour and weapons out of their hands who remain here. To take a muster of all inhabitants that are permitted to remain; and call out all those upon whom there appears to be any cause of suspicion or misliking. To see what victuals they have in each house, and how the families are provided. If there appears to be any forwardness of a siege, then to avoid those inhabitants who will not take the oath of fidelity to the Queen. To pull down all the walls of decayed houses in the old town and also a little church, whereof the enemy might make a platform. To reduce the hills and raised heights in the old town, and especially to reduce the hill and old bulwark where the windmill stands. To cut down all trees and hedges about the villages on the windmill side, and the village called Engoville. Upon hearing of the approach of the enemy, they intend to burn or pull down all the houses in the said villages; and so make the ground flat about the town. To make places to receive water in the town, and wells also. To advance the fortifications of the town, with the pioneers that are here; who are now working upon bulwarks Le Grange and Royal. To bring those places in better strength. Two thousand pioneers might have been well wrought here to great purpose, from the time the Queen has had possession of this town.
3. There are many weak parts about this town. The whole circuit of the same it is requisite to see to; for there is not one part thereof strong enough to stand against a royal power; as Sir Richard Lee, Mr. Winter, and Mr. Portonary can testify. They depend upon the defence of the same more with heart and hand. They require to have 2,000 pioneers and 600 soldiers, besides the help of Fleming's "jynns" [engines] not yet come hither, with three months victuals for the said 8,000 persons. They deceive their Lordships who inform them there is not stowage for the same. And if matters of store for a time of need may be reduced to barrelled meal, biscuits, wines, vinegar, oil, honey, prunes, raisins, rice, and other things not cumbersome; then the furniture may be extended for longer. In the meantime hand-mills will be very requisite to be sent hither. The most assured way to attain a good peace is to make speedy advancement of the fortifications, and to have the town manned accordingly and victualled. Such a power should be upon the sea, that they may re-victual and relieve the same; and to have an army gathered within the realm in readiness to be sent over.
4. This town is subject in sundry parts to approaches of battery, and it is in subjection to the hill on the north side, as they can so annoy the same with shot from thence that men cannot rest in surety in the houses, or in the streets. Also from the place under the west end of the hill where the brick houses are, they can annoy with their ordnance the entry of vessels passing in by Seine head, and damage the same at the turning into the mouth of the haven from parts of the old town; from whence they cannot keep them, having once planted their power on that part.
5. Captain Horsey and the companies at Dieppe shall be sent for. The orders touching the Flemings and other merchants' goods here, and the stopping of French ships in this haven, and the passing of victuals from hence to the enemy shall be attended to. If any service be to be done for stopping vessels passing down this river towards Rouen, the galley must be furnished and set forth; for without her they are no match for the enemy. All other things requested for this place are so necessary that none can be spared. The most necessary for encouragement of the soldiers is to make them full pay, the estate whereof will be certified by the end of this week.—Newhaven, last of March 1562. (fn. 6) Signed: Warwick, Poulet, Denys, Bromefield.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Ult. Mart. 1563. Pp. 8, and slip.
March 31. 550. Warwick to Cecil.
Perceives by his letter that he has a great desire to hear either from him or Throckmorton. The fault was not in them, but in the wind. For fear of the worst, he has despatched all their soldiers and such as are not inhabitants of this town, and when he hears further of their proceedings at Orleans he will take order with the rest. M. Beauvoir seems to depend as wholly upon the Queen as if he were an Englishman; but as he is a Frenchman the writer will look to him. Recommends the bearer, Thomas Wood, who is like to sustain great hindrance from Lord Paget. Is sorry for the death of Sir Thomas Fynche. Cuthbert Vaughan would supply the room. He has very good experience, and is acquainted with the office.—Newhaven, the last of March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
March 31. 551. Denys to Cecil.
Received his of the 16th inst. Asks leave to come over for a few days. Excuses the slack advertisements of his books. Trusts that Cecil will remember to provide money and prests for the two months, due the 22nd inst. The Queen might be at a less charge, and the town as well guarded, or rather better.—Newhaven, 31 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 31. 552. Cuthbert Vaughan to Cecil.
1. Received his of the 22nd inst. The Lord Lieutenant has taken order for avoiding of all foreigners out of the town. He means to deal in such precise sort with those that shall remain that they shall be little able to hurt. It is full time that provision were made to prevent their purpose, which is to remove the English out of this seat. Now, while they are together, and have new forces both of Spaniards and Almains coming to them, they will not suffer them to linger in pay without doing anything. Their dealing in this conclusion proves that religion was no part of their cause, but malice and ambition; by which, if they attain the government both of the King and the realm, who doubts that the Admiral will show himself in this case towards them, the English, "another Guise?"—Newhaven, 31 March 1563.
2. P. S.—The loss of Sir Thomas Fynche and others is great. Is informed that the master was unskilful, and never had charge of a ship before, and his wilfulness and ignorance was the cause of the loss; for a man of Rye, that went from hence, told him that it would be more than two hours before the tide would serve to bring him in, and willed him to take heed. He scornfully bid him take heed to his fishing, and weighed anchor and hoisted sail, and before they were twenty score past the place where they rode were run so far on ground that she could not get off, and so perished.
3. Asks Cecil's interest for obtaining the office of Marshal. Must resign the office of Controller. Will send the book of the charge for two months ending 22nd inst. Could not conscientiously put his hand to the letter signed by the rest. Mr. Wood will tell him the points on which he hesitates.— Signed.
Orig., the P.S. in Vaughan's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
March 31. 553. Challoner to the Privy Council.
Refers them to his letter to the Queen. Begs them to consider well his request for revocation. Aforetimes he alleged his charges here and his "dissipated" state of living at home and the such like; now he is driven to it through want of health. Complains of the sudden changes of the climate and of his sickness.—Madrid, 31 March 1563.
Hol. draft. Endd.: Sent by Goldwell, by the way of Bilboa. Pp. 4.
March 31. 554. Challoner to Lord Robert Dudley.
Perceived his co-optation into the Council by his subscription to their last letter, and rejoices that he has one voice more at that board to help him in his suit. Touching the Bishop of Aquila's matter, he may perceive by his letter to the Queen that the answer here made is in a high buskin. Desires him to further his speedy revocation. Sends him an Italian description of the late triumphant jousts, banquet, and mask on the 25th inst. Esteems the cost at not less than 50,000 crowns, and much costlier it should have been, saving that gold and broderies were excepted. Has known old lads in plain "packstaff sort" break a great many more staves of stronger assize, and not the fourth man of the number. Their staves were very small, their horsemanship and fair charging commendable in very few. Thought to have sent him two Valencian skins perfumed with flowers for a jerkin, but presently there are none good at the Court. They are more esteemed than those other perfumed with ambergris.—Madrid, 31 March 1562.
Hol. Draft. Endd.: Sent by Goldwell, by the way Bilboa. Pp. 5.
[March.] 555. The Queen to —
The Rhinegrave has many ways declared himself affectioned to her of late, and has not only presented horses afore these troublesome times, but also now of late sent "a chayne and a clook." Hearing that he has returned from the French Court, she acquits his devotion. He may now show his goodwill, and remember what he promised her and him. He may also privately thank him for forbearing to be any principal enemy to that peace.
Corrected draft, in Cecil's hol. P. 1.
[March] 556. Advices from France.
The peace is made on condition of—
1. Liberty for all, and both Catholics and Huguenots to have places for preaching.
2. The King and the Queen Mother are in Orleans, and the Prince and the Constable at liberty.
3. The Prince will govern with the Cardinal of Bourbon, his brother.
4. The Constable will continue in his office.
5. He who killed the Duke of Guise is not yet executed, and has declared that there were fifty persons who had sworn to kill the King, the Queen Mother, those of the house of Guise, and some other Catholic lords. The Grand Prior is dead.
6. The Marquis D'Elbœuf was made prisoner at Caen.
7. All foreigners are to be sent forth of France.
8. The Marshal Montmorency is to be Grand Master in place of the late Duke of Guise.
9. D'Andelot is Marshal in place of M. De Montmorency.
10. The Admiral will continue in his office.
Copy, in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him: March 1563. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.


  • 1. On the back of this letter, Cecil has written in Latin, the style of the Countess Dowager of Sweden.
  • 2. Cecil has written under these letters, P. D. J. V.
  • 3. On the back of this letter is Cuerton's receipt, dated 23 April.
  • 4. In the hol. draft the following passage has been cancelled:—"My sister, Thomas Farnham's widow, as I understand, may prove ere long half sister-in-law to Mrs. Haddon. She wrote unto me for my advice. I have written unto her."
  • 5. In the hol. draft here occurs this sentence, which is afterwards cancelled:— "So as I were hence I could be content in that field to spend two years."
  • 6. Enclosed in a slip of paper headed: "Coats and conduct money of 400 men from Winchester to Portsmouth."