Elizabeth: November 1562, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: November 1562, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp418-429 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1562, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp418-429.

"Elizabeth: November 1562, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp418-429.

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November 1562, 1-5

[Nov. ?] 957. The Queen to the Prince of Condé.
To prevent misunderstanding she assures him that she continues in her former purposes to aid him and his just cause, tending to God's glory. He being thus warned will continue the like on his part.
Draft by Cecil. P. 1.
Nov. 958. The Vidame of Chartres to Lord Robert Dudley.
1. Regrets that he has hitherto been prevented from having an interview with the Queen, as he is anxious to know what answer she will make to the French Ambassador, by which he will learn what he has to hope from her, and whether she will accept his offers of service. Wishes his Lordship to remind her of this. Hopes she will continue to succour the afflicted Christians, and that she will have a happy marriage and issue.
2. Thanks him for the ring sent by the Earl of Bedford and professes his devotion to Dudley.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: Nov. 1562. Ital. Pp. 3.
Nov. 959. Paul De Foix to Cecil.
Expresses his esteem and regard for Cecil, and requests him to assist his friend Florentius [Florence de Diaceto] in the matter which had been mentioned to the Queen. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Nov. 960. — [to Cecil.]
Desires that the Queen will send to the Count Montgomery and the others in Dieppe 10,000 out of the 40,000 crowns of the sum which she has granted for the defence of Normandy. The 1,000 crowns sent to him have been used at Havre. He has six ensigns of foot and four cornets of horse.
Orig., signature torn off. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 1. 961. The Privy Council to Cecil.
1. They have revoked Count Montgomery and others of the French being notable in service, from thence hither, upon pretence that they would confer with them upon matters of importance. He is to send the same to the Vidame.—Hampton Court, 1 Nov. 1562.
2. P. S.— It is meant to call the Count and the rest hither if the Vidame can be brought to agree thereto, and Warwick thinks it convenient, to whom they have written. They would gladly see him [Cecil] to-morrow. The Vidame is at the Earl of Bedford's house. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 1. 962. John Abingdon to Cecil.
Mr. Treasurer arrived this night, and as soon as the wind serves Abingdon is ready to send with him to Newhaven 10,000 weight of biscuit and 200 quarters of wheat. His clerk bakes above fourteen cwt. daily, which is almost the full proportion for 4,000 men, after the rate of half a pound of bread a day. Trusts that he has sent to Young and Bashe to forward meal to Newhaven.—Portsmouth, 1 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 1. 963. Sir William Keyllway to Cecil.
1. This day the Phœnix arrived from Newhaven. The new bark remains there for the transportation of the Lord President, who comes away on Tuesday or Wednesday.
2. P. S.—Sir Maurice Denis arrived here very late yester day.—Portsmouth, 1 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 1. 964. Articles presented by the Inhabitants of Dieppe, etc.
1. That those soldiers and citizens who have taken arms for the defence of the town, as well as those who were at the first siege of Rouen, shall be included in the treaty of accord. Also that the gentlemen may have permission to carry pistols for their protection. Granted.
2. An amnesty for all pillagings, burning of churches, breaking of images, plundering of bells and ornaments, and for all outrages and murders committed since the beginning of these troubles. Granted.
3. That the money expended on the fortifications of Dieppe shall be allowed out of the taxes of the said town. Granted.
4. That the King will confirm all that he has conceded to Dieppe. Granted.
5. That he will restore to La Caille, lieutenant of the Prevost des Mareschaux in Normandy, his wages which have been stopped during the time he has been in Dieppe.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Nov. 1. 965. William Jaye to Cureton. (fn. 1)
Calais, Dieppe, Newhaven, and Brest are in the hands of the English. 5,000 Englishmen on their way from Newhaven to Rouen were slain by the French and all the English in Bordeaux are stayed.—St. Sebastian, 1 Nov. 1562.
Copy, on a small piece of paper. P. 1.
[Nov. 2.]
Labanoff, vii. 304.
966. Mary, Queen of Scots, to the Queen.
Is glad to hear of her recovery, and that her face will lose none of its perfection. Randolph has asked her to send a receipt for some wash for the face; but Fernel, the King's physician would never give her that which he used. If she had known of it earlier she would have sent another. Randolph can inform her of the pacification of the troubles here. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by a nearly contemporary hand: May 1566, by Malvisier. (fn. 2) Fr. Pp. 3.
Nov. 2. 967. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Excuses his delay in answering Cecil's letter, and in presenting that of the Queen to the Queen of Scots. Attended upon her on Thursday at supper, when she (being privy that he had a letter) asked him how he would answer to his mistress for keeping her writing so long. Said he saw she was occupied. She answered that nothing imported her more than to hear from the Queen. This was said that those about her should gather that the goodwill between them was so great. Told her that the packet was too much for her to read before supper; she said that if she had but a sight of it she would end her supper. When he presented to her only a little letter, she said if it was no more than that it would help to digest her supper. On her saying that the letter was not in the Queen's hand, he answered that whoever wrote the superscription he was sure that the letter was her own writing. She read the whole incontinent; her countenance being before prepared that whatsoever was contained in it there should be no alteration. After she had done she passed the rest of her supper in mirth, as she had done the beginning. She said she trusted next year to travel as far south as she had done north. Answered that now she might be assured of good quietness at home. There will be now, she said, more willing to go this year than there was last; meaning the Duke, who was confederate with the Earl against that purpose.
2. After supper she entered her chamber and called Randolph aside and asked whether the Queen was sick. He said that it was the small pox. She said that she was glad that it was no more. She then spoke at length on the Queen's letter of Oct. 15th, and said that where the Queen desired her to lay aside all affection, and regard her doings with the simple eye of reason, notwithstanding the affection she bore to her uncles and to the Queen, in this matter she was indifferent to them both. She thought that the one did nothing but by commandment and as by duty he was bound, and that the other might have as well provided for herself as to have entered into a new cumber in the time of a young Prince, whereof how good soever her meaning be the worst will always be spoken. She must say in defence of her uncles that they are true subjects. She heartily wished them well, as by nature she was bound to do; but she would not condemn those who were not of her mind, and so he might report of her.
3. He forbore to say anything more grievous against her uncles at that time, knowing how tenderly she favoured them; but told her that he had received a writing from the Queen to the effect that the King when he came to years of judgment would think himself beholden unto her. At these words she smiled and said that they had enough of this purpose, and asked for news.
4. He concealed nothing that Cecil had written to him. He gave her none of the books, but thought to find other means to bring one of them to her hands, lest she should think that he did all things of purpose, and so should "crase" his credit. In these purposes she spent a whole hour with him in sight of many of her nobles, ladies, and gentlemen, who judged the conference to have only been upon some offer of harquebusiers from Berwick. The Queen and he were content that they should think the same, and here they left off purpose as merrily as they had begun.
5. On Friday after dinner (knowing the Lords to be in the Tolbooth sitting in judgment on the prisoners), he presented himself again to the Queen, who declared how detestable a part Huntly thought to have used against her; as to have married her where he would, to have slain her brother and whom else he liked, the places and the times where it should have been done, and how easy a matter it was if God had not preserved her. She said that in two days she would write to the Queen.
6. After Huntly was brought into this town it was consulted what should be done with his corpse. Some thought he should be buried and nothing else done; others that he should be beheaded; the last was that his bowels should be taken out and the body reserved until Parliament, that there he might be convicted of treason, in which mind they remain. John Gordon has confessed all and lays the fault on his father. He is not yet condemned, but doubtless will not escape. Some of the others are hanged and more are like to suffer. The manner of his taking was this; they had encamped on the top of a hill from whence they were driven with shot of harquebus into a low mossy ground where the horsemen dealt with them a good space, and at length forced them into a corner, whence (by reason of the said hill and the marshy ground) they could not depart. There were they set upon, and when they came to the shock those of the van-guard gave back, and many cast away their spears ready to run away. The Earl of Murray and his company, being behind them, seeing the danger, came so fiercely upon them that he caused the other to turn again, and so stoutly set upon the enemy that incontinently they were taken to the number of six score and about 220 slain. Huntly's whole company was not above 500. Some say he fought and others the contrary. Upon Friday there came a servant from the Duke with assurance that he would take no part with Huntly. Lord Gordon has departed from him re infecta. Lethington desires to be excused, he will answer Cecil's letter in two or three days.—Aberdeen, 2 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 8.
Nov. 2. 968. Warwick to Cecil.
Has not written oftener because of Sidney's return to the Court, who will declare the state of the town. Sends the demands of Montgomery and others, with his answer to them, with the advice of the Council here. The Count was glad he made his escape from Rouen, else it is likely he would have shared the fate of his companions; for Guise has beheaded six of the principal men of the town, and hanged certain ministers. Is desired by Montgomery to present a galley to the Queen; what shall be done therewith? It would do service here to keep the haven, so that none might pass the river. Stranguadge being dead, another must be appointed to serve in the galley, else they might pass the river in spite of all; Burroughs is a meet man to supply the place. Four thousand Almains are coming hitherward to keep Harfleur and Montreville. Considering what mischief it will be to this town to have them planted so near, Montgomery has determined to see if he can possibly win these places before the enemy takes them. Sidney can at large declare all things.—Newhaven, 2 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Nov. 2. 969. John Young to Cecil.
1. About 3 o'clock M. De Veles, lieutenant to M. De Fors, of Dieppe, with divers other counsellors of Dieppe, and many other simple people of that place, arrived here. Has learnt by them that this day M. De Montmorency enters Dieppe, and that all the people there shall live after their own consciences, but that they shall have neither preachers nor ministers. All there have submitted to the King. Learns further from M. De Veles' servant (who was at Rouen during all the siege) that it was got thus:—On 26 October, in the forenoon, about 9, the assault began, where in the trench on the one side lay Englishmen, and on the other Scotchmen, which continued until 12, and then they made entry. Six hundred English and Scotch were slain, and not above twenty saved, amongst whom Mr. Killigrew was taken sore hurt. The Almains and soldiers all that day destroyed many women and children. After the King, the Queen, the Guises, and the Constable were entered, the Guises and the Constable, calling before them the burgesses and soldiers, demanded how they durst bear arms against their King, to whom they said that they were enforced to do so by the chief governors of the town against their wills; whereupon they were commanded to yield up all their armour and weapons. In the afternoon of that day the Constable inquired after M. Montgomery's wife, and finding and saluting her, he said that he was sorry that her husband was such a disordered person against his King, and that the King had pardoned her; willing her to repair to her lodging and attend upon the Queen next morning to know her further pleasure.
2. Mr. Leyton escaped from Rouen in company of Montgomery. The King's guard of Scots declared that M. D'Andelot should enter France with 10,000 Almains, and that the Marshal St. André was gone to meet him with 15,000 soldiers. Condé has returned to Orleans. The King of Navarre is alive, but hurt in the shoulder, and lies in Rouen in the house of the Bailiff of Dieppe. Guise, with a great oath, wished 10,000 English in Dieppe. There is daily great preparation of men towards Newhaven. Already 500 persons are there, and they are in great want of corn for their aid. What shall he do with the Breton ship? There are certain Bretons abroad adventuring against them and the Protestants.
3. This day came two ships of Dieppe full of people; one bound to Newhaven (having English soldiers on board) could not fetch that place, and would have returned, but the soldiers forced the mariners to bring the ship hither. Desires to know his pleasure herein; the ships are handsome and serviceable. Here enclosed Captain Ribaud has sent certain articles of agreement between the French King and the people of Dieppe. The chief counsellors of Rouen are put to death, as M. Mantreville, President there, Hauderfelle, Noel Coton, and many others. Intends to send Mr. Bashe's hoy and hulk to Newhaven laden with corn.—Rye, 2 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Nov. 2. 970. The French Ambassador.
Notes taken out of Poole's examination concerning the French Ambassador.
1. It appears in Barwick's confession that Bingham moved him to tell the French Ambassador that he knew a mean how to stay all the men that were now passing over. Barwick said to the Ambassador, "What will ye say if there be a young nobleman that will pass the seas and may chance to stay all these men now going over?" The Ambassador asked who it was. Barwick answered, hereafter he should know more.
2. Barwick brought Foscue to the Ambassador, who were in conversation more than half an hour.
3. Anthony Foscue confessed about a month before his apprehension he was with the Ambassador, and was let in a secret way, and the Ambassador promised him and his company his letters in their favour when they arrived in Flanders. Foscue broke this journey with the Spanish Ambassador, but he would not meddle withal whilst they were here, but when they were in Flanders he would do the best he could. The French Ambassador, in conversation with Foscue, said Guise would never assent to set up any other state in this realm than the Queen of Scots, whom he meant to set up as Queen of England.
4. Arthur Poole in his confession says that Foscue told him that the French Ambassador had promised them furtherance as soon as they crossed the sea, but would not meddle in the matter so long as they remained here.
5. Foscue in his third confession says that Humphrey Barwick told him that the French Ambassador had given him ten crowns last summer, when the ships were first prepared, to ride to Gillingham and inform him what ships were prepared for sea, and also to give him the captains' names.
Orig. Dated and endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Nov. 2. 971. Clough to Challoner.
1. Wrote on the 13th ult. Marvels he has neither received his money nor the bills of exchange. Has shown John Fleming Challoner's letter in which he says that Francisco Bravo has not paid him. Fleming said that they had both been deceived. Encloses a packet which he thinks came from the Queen. She is sick of the small-pox, but not in danger.
2. Received letters from Frankfort stating that all the Princes of Germany are there, and that provision has been made for 9,377 horses.—Antwerp, 2 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by the ordinary of Flanders, 23rd of the same.
Nov. 3. 972. William Cocks to the Marquis of Winchester.
1. Received his letter of the 9th ult., and the like for the Mayor of Newcastle for 1,000 chaldrons of coals for Berwick. Few men are willing to venture hither with their ships in the winter, because the coasts are very dangerous; the freight for coals is then 3s. 4d. per chaldron more than in the summer, and from their being then so wet, and being received by weight, twenty chaldrons will not be equal to sixteen when delivered at Berwick. There is at the least 400 chaldrons of coals at Berwick, which will with some more serve to pass the winter.
2. The bearer [Bertram Anderson] will be glad to furnish a great part of the 1,000 chaldrons, and also the shipping when the season serves. He and his partners have a great mass of felled and rough-squared timber within nine or ten miles of this place; has had fifty tons of them. By the late bargain with Mr. Whally timber cost 10s. per ton at Stockwith, 3s. 4d. more before it was shipped, and about 10s. more for freight, whilst the cost for this is but 5s. 6d. per ton in the wood, 3s. 4d. for the carriage to the water-side, and so aboard the ship boats 4d. or 6d., and the freight will not be more than 6s. 8d. per ton.—Newcastle, 3 Nov. 1562. Signed: William Cocks, servant to Sir Richard Lee, and Purveyor for the fortifications at Berwick.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2. (fn. 3)
Nov. 3. 973. William Reed to Cecil.
Was lately a suitor for a tithe in Northumberland, to have a lease thereof for twenty-one years. He is answered to have it by lease so long as he is Captain of the Islands. Asks if the Queen will grant him a patent thereof for life.—Newhaven, 3 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 3.
Forbes, ii. 170.
974. The Queen to Sir Hugh Paulet.
He is appointed one of the council of the Earl of Warwick at Newhaven, and to be High Marshal there vice Poynyngs, Captain of Portsmouth, who is to return to his former charge.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 3.
[Nov. 3.]
Forbes, ii. 169.
975. The Queen to Warwick.
If Sidney has not left, she wishes he should abide there. She sends letters by this bearer to be sent to Sir Hugh Paulet, Captain of Jersey, to come to him, and as cause requires will send more thither.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 3.
Forbes, ii. 171.
976. Writ to the Sheriff and Justices of Essex.
To levy 600 men for service at Newhaven, half of them to be embarked at Ipswich and the rest at Rye.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 3. 977. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. Sidney carries with him an account of their state and wants here. He has called out 150 soldiers, but the captains are loth to have their bands diminished. Could pick out many meeter for the works than to be soldiers. Has moved to have a searcher allowed. Of the number now in the works he found aboard ship at one tide, ready to pass, fortyeight of sundry bands that were discharged ten days before, and the captains were paid for them. Now (because of the chain across the haven and the diligence of the searcher) he has them brought to him as they seek to pass, and examines their discharges from their captains. Many other foul shifts are offered. Trusts Cecil will obtain his discharge, as he cannot do the Queen such service here as he would. Is thankful the Queen is restored to health, who (as it appears by Cecil's letters of the 23rd ult.) was in great danger.— Newhaven, 3 Oct. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Mr. Pelham is appointed to have the charge of the labourers. He sees few men, and little done about the ordnance.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
[Nov. 3.] 978. Another copy of the above, without the P. S., and dated 4 Nov. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 3. 979. William Bromefeld to Cecil.
Has received Cecil's letters of the 13th and 23rd ult., and has sent the plat of Newhaven, with notes touching the seat thereof, which is not so perfect as the next shall be, for there is an error in one of the curtains. Sir Richard A'Lee is making one by the aid of him who made this, to send over by the Lord President. The next will set forth the seat of the town and country adjoining. The Earl of Warwick arrived here on the 26th ult. On the 30th ult. he received from Lord St. John two lasts and a half and twenty-eight pounds of corn powder.—Newhaven, 3 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 3.
Forbes, ii. 171.
980. Orders for the Sea.
1. Portsmouth is the meetest place for relieving Newhaven. List of ships to be placed and kept there this winter. Certain ships to be victualled for wafting of victuals, etc., and the remainder are to be in readiness upon all suddens to take in men and victuals. One thousand mariners be prested upon the coast of England, next Newhaven, to be transported thither for setting away the ships that are there. Twentyone days' victuals is to be prepared to serve the 1,000 men.— Signed: T. Norfolk; Pembroke; E. Clynton.
2. P. S.—For 1,000 men for Newhaven, 500l. For 320 mariners to carry the five ships to Portsmouth, 64l. For 1,000 men's victuals for three weeks to be sent to Newhaven to bring away the French ships, 500l. For victuals to be provided at Portsmouth for setting out ships there, 800l.
Corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 4.
Nov. 3. 981. Gresham to Smith.
1. Received Smith's letter of the 18th ult. respecting money matters.
2. The Queen orders him to give him [Smith] credit in France for 2,000 crowns. Sends herewith another letter of credit for 1,000 crowns more to receive of Gerardo Burlamachi.—London, 3 Nov. 1562.
3. P. S.—If Throckmorton wants money he desires Smith to assist him, for which he will send him credit.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 4.
Forbes, ii. 173.
982. Warwick to the Queen.
1. Has informed M. De Beauvoir of the danger that would arise to this town if it were besieged by reason of the ships remaining here, and that the Queen had therefore commanded them to be sent to Portsmouth. Beauvoys for his own part approves of it, but fears the owners would not consent. Offered him [Beauvoys] the choice of twelve of the ships, as it was agreed upon between her and the Vidame. Beauvoys made as though he had never heard of the motion before.
2. Montgomery has requested him to present a French galley to her from him. Sidney can better declare to her the state of this town than he can write.—Newhaven, 4 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Nov. [4.] 983. The Answer of M. Beauvoir concerning the Ships.
Does not think that Havre will be besieged; so the ships may remain until more forces come from England and occupy Fécamp and Honfleur, where they can be placed. The masters equip their vessels during the winter for their voyages to the Brazils, Guinea, Newfoundland, Barbary, Spain, and other places, who if they were removed would be deprived of their livelihood. The vessels belonging to Papists should be removed to some place where they can do no harm; they might be sent to England.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Nov. 4. 984. Nicholas Malbie to Cecil.
1. This day a soldier of Rouen informed him the slaughter there was not so great as reported, and that he heard the soldiers of the camp say, "What shall we do at Newhaven ? There is nothing to do but to break our necks, for we cannot come near it by half a league;" so he is of opinion their Rouen victory withdraws their courage meant to Newhaven, where they look to have nothing but blows.—Newhaven, 4 Nov. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Rouen being taken on Monday 26th ult., on the following Friday there was executed one Marlorat, a minister, and a very learned man, Soquences, and John Bigot (a rich merchant and a burgess of Rouen,) and Coton, two ancient men of the church. On Saturday, Mantreville, chief president of Rouen, and M. De Cros, some time governor of Newhaven, with two or three more were executed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 4. 985. John Young to Cecil.
On the 3rd a boat arrived from Dieppe with 150 French, men, women, and children, who declared that Montmorency, with 400 well appointed soldiers entered Dieppe upon Monday last. He is determined to prepare all the ships in Dieppe to stop the English victuallers going to Newhaven. The Duke of Guise intends to go to Newhaven. Desires to know his pleasure concerning the two ships of Dieppe; their owners remain at Dieppe. On the 3rd, being very foul weather, there came in a Flemish hoy with eight dryvats of armour, and dags with flasks, "tuch boxes," etc., which should have gone to Dieppe. The Guises pretend to proclaim war against England.—Rye, 4 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 4. 986. Henry Cobham to Challoner.
1. Received his of the 20th ult., by the Moor, with a letter for the Queen. Has waited here nine days for a fair wind. Has bought a bed and a gown, also victuals and a small barrel of wine, as he thinks that they are like to try the seas some days. Thinks that Alessandro Pallavacino is by this time at the Court, having met him at an inn fifteen leagues from Bilboa.
2. Desires that this letter and a case of glasses sent by this bearer may be delivered to Mrs. Stradlinge; commendations to Mr. Parker and Mr. Huggins.—Bilboa, 4 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Nov. 5. 987. Smith to the Privy Council.
1. On the 4th inst. the Cardinal of Ferrara promised him audience of the Queen. About 3 o'clock M. De Sevre brought him to the Court, where were the King, the Queen Mother, and the Duke of Orleans; the Prince of Rochesurion, the Duke of Guise, the Constable, the Duke of Etampes, and the Cardinal of Guise. He asked for answer to the things propounded at his last being there. The Queen Mother answered that she had perused the book with the Council; and if the Queen wished to have peace in France she should remove her force from Newhaven. And whereas that Elizabeth says that the King and she [the Queen Mother] are kept prisoners, none command here but the King, the Queen Mother, and the King of Navarre. Answered that he had replied to many of these objections before. The Queen wishes to end these troubles by composition, and not by the sword. She fears that those of the contrary religion if flushed with success will perhaps trouble her realm also.
2. Their Lordships understand what this answer means, and it rests upon this that D'Andelot is almost joined with Condé, and these men intend to hazard all in one battle. There is like to be 16,000 or 20,000 on each side.
3. The Duke of Guise and the Constable leave here to-morrow with the camp to go towards Etampes. They will take from about Paris with them, 7,000 or 8,000 men, and will take up the soldiers of the garrisons as they go. MM. De Montpensier and Monluc shall come from the other side of Orleans to meet them; and from the east side Marshal St. André follows D'Andelot. Thus on every side they go to meet about Orleans where the Prince is. All think now there will be a battle.—Rouen, 5 Nov. 1562.
4. The King of Navarre is either dead or cannot escape, but it is kept very close yet. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
Nov. 5. 988. P. E. Herquinigo to Challoner.
His master, John Cuerton, has set out for Portogalato with Cobham. Mentions the loss of twenty-seven Spanish galleys, with Senior Bernardino. His master has received letters which say that there are many English within Rouen, and that they have taken Dieppe and Havre de Grace. Nothing certain is known about Calais.—Bilboa, 5 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 3.


  • 1. "A copy of a letter sent to Mr. Cuerton from S. Sebastian this night, bearing date 1 Nov. 1562, and sent from Bilboa 4 Nov."
  • 2. Notwithstanding this endorsement (supported by the fact that Mauvissier was in Scotland in May 1566, and was not there in 1562), I venture to place this letter as above.
  • 3. The lower half of the second leaf is wanting.