Elizabeth: October 1562, 26-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: October 1562, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp398-418 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1562, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp398-418.

"Elizabeth: October 1562, 26-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp398-418.

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October 1562, 26-31

[Oct. 26.] 915. Wages at Newhaven.
1. To the Earl of Warwick, with forty servants, twenty horsemen, and four officers, 182l. 18s. 8d. Two Ministers, three Curates, &c. with a pursuivant and his man, 42l. 4s. 8d. Sir Adrian Ponyngs with 200 soldiers, &c., 245l. 9s. 4d. The same, in absence of the Earl, 18l. 13s. 4d. Sir Maurice Denis, with 200 soldiers, 248l. 5s. 4d. Cuthbert Vaughan, with 200 soldiers, 231l. 9s. 4d. William Bromefeld, with 100 soldiers and fifty gunners, 174l. 13s. John Fisher with 100 soldiers, 122l. 14s. 8d. William Robinson, with ten servants, 14l. 18s. 8d. The Clerk of the Council, 6l. 10s. 8d. Stranguish, with seventy mariners, 76l. 10s. 8d. Mr. Barry, the provost marshal, 7l. Sum 1,371l. 8s. 4d.
2. The number of persons 1,081, so there lacks of 3,000, 1,919.
3. Note, the 1,081 before mentioned is 1,371l. 8s. 4d., 1,000 soldiers with officers is, per mensem, 1,073l. 6s. 8d., 900 soldiers is, per mensem, 966l. Total. 3,310l. 15s.
Orig. With notes by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 26. 916. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 2.
[Oct. 26.] 917. Garrisons of Newhaven and Dieppe.
List of the officers and others appointed to serve in the garrison of Newhaven, with the retinue assigned to each, amounting to 2,593. List of the number of men to be supplied by several counties, amounting to 3,500. The garrison of Dieppe amounts to 635. An addition of 1,300 men to be made.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 26. 918. Challoner to Clough.
Francisco [Bravo] has not yet paid the 1,420 ducats. They do wrong to charge for exchange 6s. 5d. a Flemish ducat, as 6s. 1d. was charged last June. Did not receive his last 300l. till the 25th of last April, although it was delivered in London the previous October. Twenty-five galleys were lost in the late tempest, and three others are past service.— Madrid, 26 Oct. 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
Oct. 28. 919. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Huntly, having assembled 700 persons, marched towards Aberdeen to apprehend the Queen and do with the rest at his will. She sent forth a sufficient number against him before he came to the town, so that this day the Earls of Murray, Athol, Morton, and 2,000 others marched to the place where he was encamped, about twelve miles from hence, and environed him, so that after some defence he yielded himself, as did John Gordon, and another son named Adam Gordon, seventeen years of age, who are brought into this town alive, but the Earl, without blow or stroke, being on horseback before his taker, suddenly fell from his horse stark dead; he is brought into this town. One of his sons will be justified to-morrow, whatsoever favour be shown to the other by reason of his years. He had only present with him his friends, tenants, and servants, of whom divers in two nights stole away. Of those who remained there were slain nearly 120. Of the other party not one man, but divers hurt and many horses slain. Was not there himself, but had two servants there to see the matter. Has seen the corpse of the Earl and the others brought into the town.
2. Has received Cecil's letters of the 10th and 16th this afternoon, together with the Queen's letters to this Queen, which he could not present this night, as she was much occupied. There were found about the Earl certain letters, very suspicious against some. The defeat was between 3 and 4, and word was brought to the Queen at 6, and this letter written the same night. Desires him to let Lord Robert know that he will answer his letter with all expedition.—Aberdeen, 28 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 28.
Forbes, ii. 143.
920. Vaughan to Cecil. (fn. 1)
1. Rouen was taken on Monday last, at the third assault. At the second assault Mr. Leighton with his company, after the enemy entered, forced them out again. Montgomery has brought with him ten or twelve chests with his baggage, and forty or fifty soldiers, but has left behind his wife and children to be violated by the enemy; therefore suspects some practise by him. "The market," being furnished with 2,000 men, never attempted to relieve the English, but upon the entry of the enemy ran away. "A man of that courage to steal away, leaving his wife and children behind him." He also says that, being on the river in his galley, he saw Leighton pass the bridge with his ensign displayed, accompanied by sixty or eighty English and French, so if he could recover the woods he would recover this town. They have sent six boats to attend the other shore for his company. It is possible for him to recover the brigantine and pinnace, and set himself upon this shore above the strait, and so come through the woods. He is in doubt of Killigrew, for he lies in his bed wounded. Some that came with the company say that the Duke of Guise proclaimed before the assault that none should fall to any spoil before execution of man, woman, and child. One of the flanks was blown up with the mine, which they were not aware of in the town till it was done.
2. Dieppe and this town must now be provided for in time. Of Dieppe he can give no advice; for this town it is necessary to have 3,000 soldiers till the fortifications are in a better state. Asks for reinforcements for the works. Has taken on fifty or sixty boys to carry baskets, and pays them 5d. per diem; they do as much service as the labourers. They have put Mount Royal (towards the two hills where the mill stands) in good force already. Asks that Abington send over two horse mills.—Newhaven, 28 Oct. 1562. Signed.
3. P. S.—If Killigrew is "otherwise than well," the writer wishes Cecil would obtain for him the office which he holds in the Exchequer.
4. P. S.—Martigues, with the Bretons, were stayed in Base Normandy before Rouen was taken. The Rhinegrave, with 4,000 Almaines, were sent away from the camp; they are planted in villages and towns along the other side of the river, which shows that Guise was in expectation to have the town by some composition. Montgomery also passed Caudebec without impediment. He wishes he [Montgomery] were sent into England after Warwick arrives here. Their money is not current here, thereby they lose in buying anything. Doubts more of Dieppe than of this town. They lack munition.
5. P. S.—Has not received any letters since their arrival here.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 28. 921. Challoner to Cuerton.
Has received his of the 15th and 17th. Recommends Henry Cobham, to whom he shall give the enclosed packet for Cecil. Wishes that Mistress Clarencius's maid was rid of that brabblement, and, with her raiment restored, sent home to England. To-morrow the Count and Countess De Feria and Mrs. Clarencius depart from this Court at Safra, in Andalusia. Three weeks since a monster was born here, two children joined to each others side, who are alive, and cry both at once. Commendations to Mrs. Cuerton and Mr. Jefferson.—Madrid, 28 Oct. 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by Martin Burgoa. Pp. 2.
Oct. 28. 922. Challoner to Henry Cobham.
Is sorry that he has had such naughty weather. The bearer can inform him about the loss of the twenty-eight galleys. Begs him to deliver the enclosed packet to the Queen.—Madrid, 28 Oct. 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Oct. 28. 923. Henry Cobham to Challoner.
Arrived here last Saturday afternoon, and is at Cuerton's house, waiting for a fair wind. Has passed a foul way since he left Madrid, with small contentation and cost enough. Challoner thinks he has dealt honourably with him beyond the nick to give him the Queen's packet, for which he will be allowed 15l., and will have to disburse 20l. beforehand. Although he told him how little money he had, yet Challoner would not lay twenty crowns out of his purse, although it was in the Queen's service; but if he had sent his man he must have disbursed it. Assures him that though he thinks well of himself, others do not think the same. Asks him not to let his anger overcome him after reading this letter, but to have patience and examine himself. He will find the writer's good will truer than the dissimulation of some. At Burgos he had a calenture, but is now well. The bearer served the writer honestly all the way. Steven Challoner's host at St. Sebastian sent this day the enclosed news to Cuerton. Asks him to cause Hooker to send his silk hose by the next bearer to Cuerton. Remembrances to Parker, Huggens, and others.—Bilboa, 28 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
Oct. 28. 924. Philip Yard to Challoner.
Thanks him for his kindness showed to him at Bordeaux, when he was going to and the writer was returning from Spain. Thomas Grygge, who is yet his apprentice for four years, departed wilfully out of Bilboa last June, and owes him 600 ducats. If he be found in Spain, asks that he be sent to Cuerton at Bilboa.—28 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: From Philip Yard, merchant; received by H. King. Pp. 2.
Oct. 28. 925. William Tempest to Roger Hooker.
Complains of Challoner having given him but 4l. for his long service, nor would he even give him a pair of hose, a vest, or cast livery. He has not paid his wages, but has given him a bill. The Jew boy who played on the virginals at Cuerton's has died of the same disease of the throat as Charles Hartley had.—Bilboa, 28 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 5.
Oct. 28. 926. Heretics at Seville.
List of persons who were either released, ordered to perform penance, or punished for heresy or Mahometanism. Amongst them occurs the name of Thomas Carter, sentenced to the galleys for life, for Lutheranism.
Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 4.
Oct. 29.
Forbes, ii. 153.
927. The Queen's Answer to the French Ambassador.
1. Present: The Lord Keeper, the Earl of Pembroke, Mr. Controller, Sir William Petre, Sir Richard Sackville, Sir John Mason, and Sir Ambrose Cave.
2. She having appointed an answer to be given to the French Ambassador's declarations, on Thursday the 29th inst., by such of her Council as were dining with the new mayor in the Guildhall together, with the Ambassador, after dinner, having retired into a council chamber, Mason in the name of the rest, told the Ambassador, that in consequence of her sickness, answer to his requests had been delayed.
3. Before the answer was read the Ambassador said that charge was given him by the King to deal in this matter with the Queen, and not with her Council; whereupon he, taking into consideration her illness, and that the matter required a speedy answer, thought meet to communicate the same to her Council, and therefore delivered to them as well the King's letter for his credence, as also his whole matter in writing. He required the Queen to give him letters to the King of full answer to his, and that he might have a copy.
4. Upon hearing the first part of the answer read, he said his writing in that point was not answered; for the same contained to know her meaning by sending forces into the King's towns, &c., with a request for her to withdraw the same. Things having now chanced as was mistrusted, he had order to proceed in that point as he has done, and that though Mason and Wotton were the first that informed him of the landing of the forces, yet he was directed therein, as if the landing had happened before the King's dispatch came to him.
5. Having heard the whole answer (being somewhat passionate) he requested to have a copy thereof, that he might make an account to the King in writing.
6. The Council answered to the first part, that they trusted the new Ambassador in France had satisfied the King upon all this matter; and to the rest said, that they did not deliver any answer in writing, nor had they charge from the Queen to do so now; but for his better remembrance they would read it again, or he could, if he wished; which he refused to do. He alleged that as he delivered his in writing, he expected an answer in the same way; whereto it was said that he was not thereto requested, and the Queen was not in that respect bound to give hers in writing.
7. In conclusion he desired that the Queen would answer directly to the contents of the King's letter, and also that he might have the copy of this, the Queen's answer, to be by him sent to the King.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 29.
Forbes, ii. 145.
928. Answer to the French Ambassador.
1. The Queen's sickness has prevented an earlier answer to the declaration and requests made by the French Ambassador on Oct. 19. That declaration did not come from the French King, but was devised by the Ambassador to avoid the displeasure of the Guises. It is spoken of as the answer to the message given him by Mason and Wotton, but this could not be the case. (fn. 2)
2. The Queen now answers as follows:—To the accusation that she has entered France with soldiers, she replies that they who entered were invited to preserve the King's subjects from the tyranny of the Guises, and in so doing she has broken no treaty. She will preserve the King from violence by the help of such of her subjects as have entered Normandy. The Guises began the quarrel, and the other party have used no violence, but have acted on the defensive. The King was never denied access to Orleans, Lyons, Bourges, and Rouen. None have molested the Guises in their religion, whereas no person could be suffered (though the law allowed it) to use any religion contrary to that of the Guises.
3. In reply to the request for the revocation of her subjects from Normandy, she sees no reason to do so until the King is safe and his realm quiet. The Ambassador does not allow this manner of defence, but asks her to prepare it at home in her own country; yet she is not to be taught what is best for her to do by those who speak in behalf of her enemies.
4. As to the delivery of certain French subjects, she knows nothing of such persons. Some have fled hither to escape persecution by the Duke of Guise, and desire to remain here until the troubles are ended in France.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Pp. 8.
Oct. 29.
Forbes, ii. 150.
929. Translation of the above into French.
Endd. and dated by Cecil. Pp. 5.
Oct. 29. 930. The latter part of the above answer, imperfect.
Endd. by Cecil as imperfect. Fr. Pp. 3.
Oct. 29. 931. Cuerton to Challoner.
1. Five days past Mr. Cobham and Tempest arrived here. Thinks it a shame that Mrs. Clarentius looks not more after the matter of her maid. Will send him by Lenares some salmon, of which he has received 100 quintals from Ireland, and also some good dried hake.
2. Has received a letter from a friend at St. Sebastian, which mentions the proceedings of the troops sent into France by the King of Spain, and who have been engaged near Montauban; from which he gives an extract.—Bilboa, 29 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
Oct. 30. 932. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Received on the 20th inst. her letters of the 11th, by his servant John Rogers. Perceives she is offended with him for his long abode at Orleans, and not venturing to the Court upon the Queen Mother's letters. His fear is grounded upon some probable cause; as the fear of the plague might stir him to be from hence. Offered to come to the Court without passport, upon the word of the Queen Mother for his assurance, which she refused. M. De Sevre said that if he were in his case he would not hazard himself into their hands.
2. At Abbeville, the Cardinal of Bourbon stopped his servant and at last sent one of his servants with his courier to the camp before Rouen, where at his arrival (15th inst.), he was brought to the Queen Mother. She was accompanied by the Cardinal of Ferrara and the Constable, who were coming from Mount St. Catherine, where they had been to see the assault that day. She said as he had letters for Smith, he should be dispatched forthwith, and knowing he would go to Orleans he was to recommend her to the Prince, and tell him that his brother was wounded with an arquebus, but not dangerously; and also to inform Throckmorton that a company of lewd vagabonds of England had come into France without the Queen's leave; that she had some of the arrows in her hand shot from the town by them; that eleven had been taken, whom she caused to be hanged; that the rest will be so served if taken, and all other English who have come over as fugitives, or do what their Queen will not avow.
3. This matter touches him very near, if the Queen will not authorize his being at Orleans. Whatsoever discourse is made, to advise her to sail, as it were, betwixt two waters, cannot but turn to the disfavour of her service; for if the King of Navarre escapes this wound, and continues with the Queen Mother, the House of Guise, and the Constable, the estranging of her ministers from the Prince, and disguising to have intelligence with his party, can in no way better her proceedings already attempted. On the other side, if the Prince defeats his enemy, or the King of Navarre dies, the Prince obtains the King's charge in France; and if she deals so coldly with him now as not to avow his doings, she will be left destitute of the friendship of both parties; and the papistical faction will neither favourably interpret her doings or moderate their attempts against her. Trusted that she would have declared that if he were ill-used here, others should smart for it. M. De Foix was charged to depreciate his doings to the uttermost, so that he might be brought into disgrace; and is enjoined to decipher whether the Queen makes any account of him, or whether it would displease her if he was rid of the world.
4. Condé is informed from a friend at the Court that the King of Navarre died of his wound, on the 26th inst. at night, whose place he must now occupy in the Government of France, it being appointed to him by the Estates. Although at this assembly the Estates excluded the Cardinal of Bourbon because of his priesthood, and that he had taken oath to the Pope, from any government of the King, or his realm, yet the Queen Mother (by the advise of the Cardinals of Ferrara, Lorraine, and Guise, the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and Marshal St. André, with the special solicitation of the Spanish Ambassador here), is resolved to establish the Cardinal in the authority the King of Navarre held, alleging that he is the elder brother. The Prince intends to send forth his commission to the Constable, the Marshals, the gendarmes of France, and all the governors of provinces and places to repair to him as the King's Lieutenant-General and Governor of France. Before the King of Navarre was wounded, the Queen Mother and he sent secretly hither two sufficient personages to treat with the Prince and Admiral for a composition of the troubles; offering favourable articles for the restitution of all of them into their estates and offices, as also assurance to enjoy peaceably their religion without danger, after a private manner in their houses, etc., upon condition that they, and the Almaine force brought by M. D'Andelot, should be wholly employed to expel the Queen's force from France, as the ancient enemies to this Crown.
5. The Prince and Admiral made him privy to this treaty, and refused upon conference with him, to accept such conditions, principally because of the Queen. Although he esteems the Prince and Admiral honourable, yet she should with all speed assist with sufficient force the places now in her possession; so that if these persons should be otherwise than they ought to be, she may have some reason at their hands.
6. This was the intelligence the Prince received of the King's death seven or eight days since; but at the despatch hereof, he assures the Queen that the said King was alive, who was wounded in the left shoulder in the jointure behind. The bullet was not found, but remains in his body, so his wound could not be well sounded or cured, and therefore he cannot live, although he may linger for a time.
7. Two days since the Queen Mother wrote a kind letter to the Admiral, naming him her cousin and Admiral, notwithstanding the late donation of his office to M. Damville. This fair weather arises from these respects, viz., for that the Prince's force begins to approach unto him, the King of Navarre's danger, and that she is desirous to expel the Queen's force from France.
8. Of all sorts of soldiers and townsmen in Rouen able to fight there are 2,000 men. Most of the captains are wounded except Montgomery. The parliament having lasted eight or ten days about an accord, broke off uncompounded on the 22nd inst., so the enemy forces the town; but the mine is feared the most, and there are no expert men for mining within the town. He has not heard of any more of the Queen's soldiers entering Rouen, than Mr. Leighton's company. The passage betwixt Newhaven and Rouen is so guarded at Caudebec and other places, and the navigation of the river so destroyed, that no succours can come from Newhaven to Rouen unless they are strong enough to march by land. The Rhinegrave has marched with 2,000 Almaines, and 300 pistoliers, accompanied by 500 horse of the King's camp to stop the passage of the English that way. Four ensigns of Almaines went to the assault of Rouen. For these and others of his proceedings he is noted a dangerous man, for now none does so much harm as he and his Almaines. The Count of Rochefoucault with 1,000 horse, and M. Durasse with 2,000 footmen, marched towards this town within four days journey.
9. The Prince is informed that M. De Monluc has practised with the Viceroy of Aragon and the Governor of Pampeluna to deliver into the King of Spain's hands the whole of Guienne.
10. Lately there was a new conflict betwixt the Baron Des Addresses in Dauphiné, and M. De Somariva and M. De Susa; at which conflict, the Baron has slain 2,500 footmen, defeated 400 horse, and taken five field pieces of artillery. Somariva, chief of the Papist party was slain, and De Susa wounded.
11. The Prince is informed that M. De Nemours, not far from Vienne in Dauphiné, is brought into such a strait as he can scarcely retire in safety from the place where he is.
12. The Queen Mother has accorded the rendition of the towns in Piedmont to the Duke of Savoy.
13. These letters have remained in his hands six or seven days longer than he expected. In the mean time the Prince and Admiral were informed from M. D'Andelot, that he was to pass the Seine on the 29th inst. at a place named Crevant in Burgundy, accompanied by 4,000 reiters, 5,000 lansquenets, 1,000 French horsemen, and 2,000 French foot men. In his passage through part of Champagne, the Duke of Nevers viewed his force, but allowed him to pass unassailed. St. André will do the like, who, nearer Paris, abides the approach of D'Andelot. The Prince will join D'Andelot by the 7th November, who intends to march to Rouen to give the enemy battle, or cause them to raise their siege, which upon the 25th inst. sustained another assault, upon the blowing up of their mine under St. Hilary's gate. Since the approach of the Prince's force, and the small fruit of their minings and siege at Rouen, the Queen Mother has renewed to treat. His being at Orleans has served well for the Queen's service; for he well perceives the divorce amongst these folks is not so desperate but that the same may be accorded, and little to the purpose for her case. Intends to accompany the Prince to the field, and abide in his camp until he [Throckmorton] may safely recover Rouen, and from thence he means to make as good shift as he can to go to Dieppe, and then to repair into England.
14. Doubting in what terms Smith stands in by not hearing from him, and suspecting by what means he may by his courier send safely to the Queen, he sends this despatch by one of his own to Dieppe.
15. The Prince has desired Montgomery to keep Rouen until the 10th of November, by which day he has promised to levy the siege, or to lie by the way.
16. On the 26th inst. the Dukes of Guise and D'Aumale in a fury caused another assault to be given to Rouen by the Frenchmen, who were repulsed at first; but it being renewed by the Almaines, and continuing so long, those within the town being overworked, and in no great numbers, were forced to retire, and allow the enemy to enter, who now possess the rampart of the town, where the breach was made. Those within the town have retired to their new entrenchments, which it is feared they will not hold, until the Prince raises the siege. Nevertheless Montgomery is a very resolute and valiant man. At this assault the Duke of Guise was wounded either on the hand, or arm, but not dangerously.
17. At the despatch thereof the doctors were of opinion that the King of Navarre would escape his wound. Cannot learn where Smith is.—Orleans, 30 Oct. 1562.
18. P. S.—Rouen was taken by assault on the 26th inst. where many Frenchmen were slain, yet there was not such cruelty used to them as to the English, for commands were given that they should all pass the sword. Such few as were taken were all committed to the galleys, except Mr. Kelligrew, and Mr. Leighton, both of whom with the soldiers under their charge behaved very valiantly. Killigrew was wounded with an arquebus. Signed.
Orig., portions in cipher deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 15.
Oct. 30. 933. Decipher of the ciphered portions of the preceding.
Pp. 4.
Oct. 30. 934. Copy of the latter portion of the preceding, partly in Throckmorton's hand.
Portions underlined, to be expressed in cipher. Endd. Pp. 12.
Oct. 30.
Forbes, ii. 156.
935. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Received his letter of the 11th inst. on the 19th inst. and thereby perceives his infelicity since his doings are neither grateful there nor here. Is sorry he has not been able to please the Queen so much as others have done, but he can advow what he has written to be true by greater authority than M. De Foix. Amongst his surmises he informed the Queen that he [the writer] was willingly taken by the Admiral at Châteaudun.
2. MM. De Briquemault and De La Haye should be well used and the matter so handled as they may advertise the Prince and Admiral of the Queen's devotion to their cause. Cannot leave here until Condé procures him either the King's passport, or makes him an open passage.
3. Begs Cecil to send some preachers to Newhaven, Dieppe, and Rouen, to retain the people in the fear of God, and has written to Ormsby once or twice to remind him [Cecil] thereof.
4. The recovery of Calais shall be as honourable as the loss thereof was dishonourable. Hopes Cecil will not allow Dieppe and Newhaven to be lost for lack of men, as Rouen is likely to be.—Orleans, 30 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 3.
Oct. 30. 936. Throckmorton to Lord Robert Dudley.
His brother's doings will renew the memory of the old honourable acts that the Earls of Warwick have done here. Would gladly leave Orleans if he could tell how to get hence. Though in a noisome place where the Queen does not allow his being, his abode in no other place has been so necessary for her service. Condé is here attending the coming of M. D'Andelot with the Almaine force and M. De Rochefoucault with that of Guienne, which being arrived he means to go and seek the enemies of God. There has of late been some bickering betwixt M. De Monluc and M. Duras in Perigord, where Duras for lack of good conduct lost 300 men. In Provence the Baron Des Adrets has again overthrown M. Somariva and others with a loss of 2,500 foot and 500 horse.—Orleans.
Copy. Endd.: 30 Oct. 1562. Pp. 2.
Oct. 30.
Forbes, ii. 155.
937. Lord Robert Dudley to Cecil.
1. They are not discouraged at the loss at Rouen, though it is to be lamented. The death of the King of Navarre is another good token of hope, that may be occasion to defeat the usurpers.
2. Concerning Knyston's lands, the Queen says she owes him [Cecil] a better turn than the ten years purchase. Has somewhat prepared the way with her concerning the loss of Rouen, by saying that there was a bruit that lately a terrible assault was made against it, and the loss thereof doubted.
3. Perceives a remorse in her that she had not dealt more frankly for it, and would seem to blame Poynings for only sending 200 men and not more, saying, "His blame had been as much for 200 as for a 1,000." She would now send forthwith to help them, for as yet she does not know the loss of it. Asks his goodwill for Killigrew's office for John Duddeley (if he be dead), also that he will speak with the Lord Treasurer. —30—. Signed.
4. P. S.—"I have made such haste, as I know not what I "have written."
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct, 30.
Forbes, ii. 158.
938. Warwick to the Queen.
1. On the 29th inst. he landed at Newhaven. Newhaven wanted both men and munition; and as for Dieppe he fears it cannot long continue.
2. The strength of the town is nothing in effect to that which has been told her; the situation is good, but it is as weak a place as ever a man came into, which she will perceive by Sir Richard Lee, whom she has appointed here for that purpose. Sidney and the writer, Poynings, Vaughan, and others all agreed that without more men the town would be in peril whensoever it was besieged. In the meantime the captains, soldiers, and he will become labourers until the town is in a better state of perfection.
3. Is happy in having the company of M. De Beauvoir, who is faithful. Here is also Montgomery, who escaped narrowly with his life out of Rouen; he is in great reputation here amongst them.
4. Whilst he is writing, a person is sent to him from Dieppe by M. Ribaulde informing him that the 400 men which were sent to Dieppe could not be received by the townsmen, without knowing the King's pleasure first. Belike they have made their way to Guise already. Has sent for them hither, not only for their safety, but that they may do better service here.—Newhaven, 30 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 30.
Forbes, ii. 161.
939. Warwick, and others, to the Privy Council.
1. They shipped at Dover on Tuesday last, and arrived here yesterday. They find the town not so strong as reported, the plat indifferently devised, in no point perfect; therefore not guardable otherwise than by force of men. The Queen should send 2,000 soldiers and 1,000 pioneers. If any attempt is made in the meantime, both the place and people are in great danger. Within a few days they will send over Henry Sydney with fuller instructions.
2. There is great want of current money here, "so that more will be had for a brass penny than for two pence of ours." If any carry the English money amongst the Papists, they die without redemption.
3. Many ships are here, the continuance whereof may cause peril.
4. On Monday last, about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, after eight assaults, Rouen was taken; which was defended with great loss to both parties until the bulwarks were blown up. Captain Leighton and his band fought valiantly; and when all hope was past, he was seen to cross over the bridge with his ensign displayed in his hand. It is certain Killigrew was wounded, but whether he is alive or dead they do not know. Strangwishe was wounded at Caudebec and died at Rouen. Thus much they understand by Montgomery, who escaped out of the town (having shaven off his beard), leaving his wife and children behind. He passed Caudebec in a galley by help of the slaves, promising them liberty, which he has performed; so the galley remains here without men.
5. They ask that victuallers may come hither; for it seems that some bring the whole victualling into a few persons hands, to the hindrance of this garrison.—Newhaven, 30 Oct. 1562. Signed: Warwick, Sydney, Poynyngs, Lee, Vaughan.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
[Oct. 30.]
Forbes, ii. 160.
940. Warwick to Cecil.
1. Came to Newhaven on the 29th inst., which he thought to have found stronger. This morning (30th inst.) M. Ribaulde sent to tell him that the people of Dieppe would not allow the 400 Englishmen to enter the town, until they knew the King's pleasure. Has just received word from a Scottish gentleman who came from Dieppe that he saw them all embarked coming hither.
2. Fifty Scottish horsemen have arrived here to offer their service to the Queen; they are as good soldiers as needs be to serve any Prince. "Those nation be compted the best discoverers in the world." Keeps them until he hears further from Cecil. He understands Winter has stayed two ships laden with corn; it is necessary they were sent hither, for they have great need of it.
3. Now Dieppe is gone they look for Guise coming. He has showed such tyranny to all the English taken as was never heard of before. In the meantime they will employ all hands to fortify this town.—Newhaven, 29 Oct. 1562 [sic]. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 30. 941. Poynyngs to the Queen.
Received her letters of the 6th inst. by Sir Richard a Leye, [Lee], who arrived at Newhaven with the Earl of Warwick on the 29th inst., with whom he has conferred concerning the state of the town. As for the captains, every man shall fortify himself with the strength of their band; and now the munition being come, they will so labour as their duties require. Will pay the 1,000 crowns to M. De Beauvoir out of the 1,000l. he received from the Treasurer's clerk.—Newhaven, 30 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 30. 942. Poynyngs to Cecil.
Perceives by Cecil's letters of the 6th inst. that there is thought to be great slackness in his writing. He has written to the Queen, and has conferred with Lee, according to her letters.—Newhaven, 30 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 30. 943. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. On Wednesday night at 12 o'clock the Lord Lieutenant, the Lord President, with 400 soldiers, viz. Mr. Dennys's and Mr. Horsey's band, arrived safely in the road, to the comfort of all here. Asked licence for his man to pass, which is denied, and thereby his beeves and muttons are stayed at Rye. Asks that his man may pass. Next Monday (with the approval of the Lord Lieutenant) he will call out 400 men for the works, whose places must be supplied with speed.—Newhaven, 30 Oct. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—The stopping of his provisions has troubled him, for since the loss of Rouen the country is afraid to bring them anything; and the Queen's wheat is so musty that the people will scarcely eat it, although it is 28s. a quarter; therefore the supplier of the same ought to be punished.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 30. 944. Composition of Dieppe.
1. The inhabitants of Dieppe beseech the King to receive them for his faithful subjects, and to declare that he has taken them to his protection in body and goods; also to enjoy their privileges, without enforcing their consciences in the case of religion. They ask that they may hear the Gospel preached by a minister, as the King has permitted them by the edicts passed by the parliaments. Also that nothing be imputed to them for the troubles of religion passed, and that his declaration be published in the town and throughout the bailwick of Caux.
2. The King accords to these requests, except for sermons, nor will he allow of any other course in France than is used in his chapel; yet they shall live in freedom of conscience in their houses, without being impeached in any way.
3. The King intends that the English shall retire upon Sunday; in the rest he expects a resolute answer from the inhabitants as to-morrow, so that he may give dispatch for the town and citadel by Marshal Montmorency, who in the meantime marches thitherwards. — Rouen, 30 Oct. 1562. Signed: Charles;—Bourdin.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Oct. 30. 945. Translation of the above into English.
Copy. Pp. 2.
Oct. 30. 946. The Queen Mother to the Inhabitants of Dieppe.
She returns the bearer with the resolutions which the King has taken upon the articles presented by them. She expects that by their ready obedience they will deserve the favour which he uses in their behalf. The acceptance of these articles shall be enrolled by the Court of Parliament.— Rouen, 30 Oct. 1562. Signed: Catherine;—Bourdin.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 30. 947. Another copy of the last two articles.
Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 4.
Oct. 31. 948. Eric XIV. to the Queen.
Although he has not been able to send an embassy to her as he explained in his last letter, yet he writes to her in order that she may know that his love for her remains unabated. He hopes that her letter to him was not written deliberately. That she may see how unfeigned his love is, he is ready to lay down his wealth and his kingdom, and even his life, in her service. Hopes that she will again consider what advantages would result to herself and kingdom from this marriage. Begs that she will give him letters of safe-conduct according to the form which he sends with this, on the receipt of which he will make all haste to England and finish the matter. If, however, she does not like to do so, but decides entirely to break off the match, he then requests, as a memorial of his affection, and in order to strengthen the friendship between their subjects, that the same privileges and immunities in trading may be granted to his subjects as are granted to the Hanse Towns; and that his factors may be allowed to buy and export yearly sufficient cloth for clothing his retinue free of toll, in return for which he will grant similar privileges to her subjects in this realm. —Stockholm, Prid. Cal. Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 3.
Oct. 31.
Forbes, ii. 163.
949. Smith to Cecil.
1. At his last despatch (sent by Christopher Archer, his man) he lay at Poissy, taking his journey towards Evreux, where the Queen Mother pleases he should stay until she gives him audience. After twelve or fourteen days passed in sending to and fro, he determined to go to Court alone. When he sent to have audience, M. De Sevre would not suffer it, but said he would send himself, as the Queen Mother had taken order with him in post. He sent, but four days passed before he received an answer, which came just as he was going to horseback to proceed to Court, whether he had answer or not. Sevre said he was to conduct him to Evreux, there to remain quietly until he might know the Queen's pleasure.
2. He arrived here on Thursday night; "a pretty city, and standing most by prebendaries, priests, and friars, which kind of cattle I have no delight in." As soon as it was known that he had arrived here, Sevre was sent to keep him company, but this was to espy his doings, to see what persons would resort to him, and learn the effect of his ambassade. He is a man of jolly head, good discourse, and of great experience both in Christendom and Turkey.
3. The Queen Mother intends to dally with him till Rouen is taken either by composition or by force; they intend now to take it by undermining. Guise cannot like peace where the Queen is one of the party at the making of it, but would rather see (as they have said) all France in ashes; he rules all, and seems to do nothing, but lets the King of Navarre and the Constable bear the name of all that is done.
4. The Queen's remonstrance, or apology, in French, is in Orleans printed, and carried about in baskets to be sold for a sou; he sends one, by which Cecil may see the difference. A Scotchman brought it to the Court from England either before or as soon as it was printed in England, and before the French Ambassador had it. The Guises seem to know their fare, if any accord should come by the Queen's practice.
5. Thus far he had written on the 26th inst. On the 28th inst., not having an answer to his letter sent to the Queen by Sevre's man, he wrote again, and sent his own man Wilson, and with some difficulty he has got the proclamation, which he sends here. The 30th inst. his man returned, and brought the Queen's letter to him, that he might come to Rouen the morrow after All Saints, when he will go thither.—Evreux, 31 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 31.
Forbes, ii. 165.
950. News sent from France.
1. "Such news as we [Smith] could learn for the time that we lay at Evreux."
2. 18th Oct., Sunday.—400 English and French came from Newhaven and Dieppe, who were met from the camp and dispersed; forty were taken and brought to the camp, and eighty slain; the rest fled.
3. On Friday night, the 23rd inst., a gentleman of Orleans coming from the camp, passed this town, who said that the King of Navarre was indifferently well, that Condé is in the field; that D'Andelot is with 14,000 men in Champagne, and that they batter Rouen, but with not more than twenty shots a day.
4. On the 24th inst., a gentleman came who confirmed the news of the dispersing of the said 400 English and French; and upon Wednesday the Rhinegrave was sent to meet 3,000 English who were coming to rescue Rouen. They went beyond Caudebec, but found none, and so returned.
5. At Dieppe the French govern the town, and it is said the English have Tréport or St. Valery, "M. De Duras is clean broken," and Guienne is at the devotion of the Guise, Monluc having there the whole rule. Rochefoucault has joined the Prince at Orleans, bringing with him 500 horse, good and bad, and 3,000 footmen. The King of Spain will come to Flanders in the spring, or this month if he can; he has gathered all his galleys.
6. Oct. 25.—D'Andelot has gone two days journey back, not taking the way of Champagne. Condé has taken up all the poor men's horses in Beauce, almost to Etampes, for carriage.
7. Oct. 26.—They undermine Rouen in two places, one is the old castle, which is joined to the walls of Rouen; to-day or to-morrow they intend to put in fire to the mines. Monluc and Montpencier have broken the bridge, where Rochefoucault should pass, and intend to entrap him, not being arrived at Orleans yet with the Prince.
8. This day (27th inst.), betwixt 1 and 2 o'clock in the morning a post came to this town, declaring Rouen was taken, and that as 3,000 Bretons came to aid the camp, the King's soldiers entered the city. This day at dinner there came a post, a gentleman of the Queen of Navarre, who has been at the Court, sent from the Queen to visit her husband. They sent for him to dine with them. At dinner he told this news: that he came from the Court this morning, and that yesterday, being Monday (26th inst.) betwixt 1 and 2 p.m., Rouen was taken by assault. The nobles and gentlemen gave the first assault, amongst whom was the Duke of Guise; they were repulsed. Then came a band of gentlemen, who were repulsed also. Whereupon a captain with his band was set to it, who repulsed the defenders. They which defended the other breaches, seeing the enemy entered, went to save themselves; the enemy then entered farther. Yet the cavalry in the town kept them back, until the Almaines followed in great force, whereupon every man saved himself. The horsemen on this side the water got them forth of the town, others by water, others into the churches and the old castles. The mines did small service except one, which terrified more than it hurt. Not more than 500 were slain. Many captains of the assailants are slain, the most part of whom were Protestants, who fought against their conscience. There were no Englishmen in the town, or very few. The Queen made haste this morning to enter the town, and order was given that the footmen should retire, so as to save it from being sacked. This gentleman goes now to bring the Queen of Navarre to her husband, who desires to have her with him to cherish him. There is some treating for making an accord, and the King of Navarre and the Queen Mother desire to have Condé to speak with them for that purpose. The King offers his son as a pledge, which is not unlikely, as appears by what he wrote the 23rd inst.
9. Rochefoucault and Duras have joined at or near Orleans. Duras was not broken nor taken. He esteems their numbers at 5,000 or 6,000 footmen, and 700 or 800 horsemen.
10. Whether the Queen of Navarre will come or not, there is yet some doubt. She lies at Pau, besides Bearn. The Duke D'Etampes with a few Bretons came to the camp the 25th inst. Count Seningham has joined D'Andelot, their force is 6,000 footmen and 4,000 horsemen. The Duke De Nemours with 4,000 men has joined Marshal St. André Young Fravois with his company of forty horse and fifty footmen is broken.
11. Yesterday, the 28th inst., the horsemen and footmen of the camp still spoiled in Rouen, although the King was there, who entered about 10 a.m.
12. This day (29th inst.) the writer sent to have audience. As yet the old palace and castle of Rouen hold out; there have fled into one of them 500 or 600 men, or more; they cannot hear as yet that they have surrendered. A proclamation in print is set out, that all who have borne arms in this matter of religion shall have a pardon, if they will come into the King's camp and help to expel the Englishmen out of Newhaven and Dieppe. The town was taken easily; at the breach which the townsmen kept, they willingly let the soldiers enter, and even helped them with their hands to climb up where the breach was high. There is here one who speaks English; he says there were 800 Englishmen in Rouen when it was taken, what has become of them he knows not. Those English they take the French-kill without mercy. He has learnt from an English soldier that was there, that there were not more than 200 Englishmen there, who were under Captain Leighton. They passed by Caudebec when the other three hulks were taken, for the French had staked half the river, so the ships and boats were constrained to go near the shore on Caudebec side, where provision was made with old ships and "hacquebutts of croket," to shoot at such as passed. This man passed in the first foist, and all the company of English. Killigrew escaped in another with a number of French. The other ships were towed by the French, who when they perceived the shot of those of Caudebec, and divers hurt and killed, cut the ropes, and so they were taken. Strangwishe was captain of them, who being sore hurt was saved by a small boat, but died on the way to Rouen. Killigrew was wounded in the leg before the town was taken. He also says that there was no great ordnance in the town; they lost almost all at St. Helen's fort. The Englishmen were the only armed pikes, they used to show themselves in one place and another to make the enemy believe that there were armed men in every part. The band of Scotchmen did manfully, and almost every night skirmished with those of the camp, and drove them from their ordnance; but they could never get a French footman to go out with them; if they had, they might well have "cloied" their ordnance. The Scotch were almost all slain before the town was taken.
13. This day (29 Oct.) at 1 o'clock p.m. they came to Louviers, where they learnt that Montgomery and the President of Rouen had escaped, which way is uncertain. Divers of the Scotch horsemen and others escaped and took their way to Newhaven or Dieppe. Many escaped this side of the river, some go to Orleans, Caen, or other places. They are sacking and pillaging Rouen, although the King and Queen Mother are there. One declared to them that he saw about thirty Englishmen drawn forth, naked all but their shirts, by the soldiers who had stripped them, and when asked what they did there, they could not speak a word of French. Their captain (who, by description, is Leighton), was with nine or ten more in the hands of the Scots of the guard; but he was stripped as well as the rest. The breach, partly by the mine and the shot, was made so easy that the informant rode into Rouen on horseback.
14. They say that the eleven that were hanged with papers on their heads were not Englishmen; eight were Scotch, who had a passport from the Queen to serve under Guise, and the rest were Frenchmen, their pilots.
Endd. Pp. 7.
Oct. 31. 951. A Memorial for Warwick.
To understand the wants of the town of Newhaven. 1,000 men have been sent from Dieppe, and 400 from Rye. That the ships there be sent to England. That the mouth of the Seine be guarded by the English, and not the French. That some device be used to put the Papists and discontented men out of the town. To order that the families of Papists who have fled may be put out of the town, as well for surety as for saving of victuals. A fresh proportion of artillery shall be sent from London. To know what number of ships are at Dieppe, and to devise to bring the same into the Queen's possession, or otherwise that they may be made unserviceable. To enquire in what state the navy of France is. This may be obtained from Francis Clerk, and such others. To write to Portsmouth that the Phœnix be not discharged, but kept in service, as the Fleur-de-lis was. To write to Abington to make all provision of victual. To devise that more armour be sent to Portsmouth.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 3.
Oct. [31.] 952. The Mayor of Rye to Cecil.
'This day there came from Newhaven a boat of this town, the men of which said that Warwick landed on Thursday last, as also the 600 soldiers who went from Rye. There was great murder done at Rouen; Captain Leyton with his men got into the castle, but others say that he went over the water with seven score of his men. The Queen's pinnaces and the brigantine were burnt. All the men are well at Newhaven, and they hear as yet of no coming of any power against them.—Rye. Signed: John Young.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 31. 953. The Mayor of Rye to Cecil.
Wade is departed to-day to London. Cecil may be assured that Ormesby and those that were at Dieppe with him are now at Newhaven; for Wade did not depart hence until he had perfect advertisement thereof. The wind has been fair these six days for the ships that departed from the Thames with provisions for Newhaven. Divers passengers from Dieppe have declared that all the captains and their men were shipped away yesterday to Newhaven, and that 4,000 of the Guises' men are at Arques castle. They say the number lost at Rouen was great, "but the English and Scots they cut them all in pieces;" that M. Montgomery escaped clear away, and sent a letter to Dieppe that they should keep the town and he would bring them 4,000 men, which they refused, and said that they would deliver it to the King A great number of poor people are come to this town this day, who say that there was a man of Dieppe with the Prince of Condé in Orleans within these six days, who said he had much people about him who were not his friends. They hear not where M. D'Andelot is.—Rye, 31 Oct. Signed: John Young.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 954. Patent for Sir Adrian Poynyngs.
The Queen appoints him to be Marshal of the garrisons which she sends into Normandy.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
Oct. 955. The Queen to the Sheriff of —.
He shall levy [blank] soldiers for service in Normandy The conductors will give each soldier four shillings for coat money, and a halfpenny for every mile from the shire town to the coast.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 956. Provisions for Newhaven.
A note of provisions for Newhaven; viz., meal and grain 1,500 quarters; biscuit, 500 quarters, etc. Also store of beer, for the wine is near spent and of fresh water there is none.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.


  • 1. The P.S. only of this letter now occurs in the French Correspondence.
  • 2. Note by Cecil. "The French King's letters bear date 2nd Oct. Our men landed in Newhaven 4th Oct. Mr. Mason and Mr. Wotton were with the French Ambassador the 13th. The writing of the Queen was published the 12th. The Ambassador delivered his writing the 19th, so could he have no message from the French King of the matters opened after the 2nd Oct."