Elizabeth: November 1562, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: November 1562, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp429-452 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1562, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp429-452.

"Elizabeth: November 1562, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp429-452.

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November 1562, 6-10

Nov. 6. 989. Charges at Berwick.
Charges for the garrison unpaid for three-quarters of a year. For the ordinary charges of the garrison, 17,202l., and for extraordinary, viz., for Mr. Randolph, in Scotland, 20s. per diem; Richard Goodall, miner, 4s., and George Moore, gent., 2s. per diem, 357l. 10s. For transport of two bands and victuals by sea to Newhaven, 238l. 15s; prests to the same, 285l. 2s., which are to be deducted by the Treasurer who next pays them. For works and fortifications, 7,144l. 4s. 4d. Repair of storehouses at Berwick and Holy Island, 323l. 18s. 2d., which amount to 25,561l. 4s. 6d. for the three quarters ending Michaelmas last, towards the payment of which he received of divers persons 6,681l. 8s.—Berwick, 6 Nov. 1562.
Pp. 3.
Nov. 6. 990. M. De Beauvoir to the Queen Mother.
Has received her letter. Praises the fidelity of her subjects. Reminds her of the misery occasioned by the ambition of the house of Guise. If she listens to their counsel it is impossible that she should be obeyed. Their rage has appeared against the Church in the person of the late M. Marlorat, principal minister in France. The English protest that they are commanded to employ their lives in the conservation of the King's subjects, their liberties and goods. The Scottish example might cause her to believe what goodwill the Queen bears towards her. Is certain that all their forces are not sufficient to encounter only with M. D'Andelot's band. They are resolved to accept nothing so long as the Guises are about her, for they have proved how faithless they are.— Newhaven, 6 Nov. 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 4.
Nov. 6. 991. Translation of the above into English.
Endd. Pp. 4.
Nov. 6. 992. R. Skinner to Cecil.
Master Holyday, one of his brethren, says that Cecil is offended with him because no order has yet been taken for the preaching at Berwick. They excuse themselves that some be aged and cannot travel so far; some be officers, and cannot be absent so long; and some be at their corps and impropriations. Trusts that he will consider how hard it is to bind only part thereto without the consent of the Chapter. Notwithstanding, if he will but write two words commanding them all to provide for it, he will be able to cause every one to keep his course quarterly, either by himself or by deputy. Durham, 6 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol.[?] Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 6. 993. William Raven to Challoner.
1. It has pleased God to take his good friend and master, who promised to use his influence that the writer might have his office, for the price of which they had agreed, but he was not spared to come to town to finish it. As Challoner has a parsonage at Steeple Claydon he would gladly be his farmer on lease for years, and will give him either a yearly rent or money in hand.
2. Asks his consent to marry his kinswoman, Mrs. Elizabeth Challoner, as she is agreeable if he can obtain the consent of her friends, and begs him to write a letter of commendation to her father. Renews his application for the lease of Challoner's parsonage, the rather for his kinswoman. —London, 6 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received, 7 Jan. 1563. Pp. 3.
Nov. 6. 994. Juan Hordella[?] to Challoner.
Forwards certain goods, the property of the Queen of England, which he received at Vigo from Duarte Boruyll.— Medina de Rio Seco, 6 Nov.[?] 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 2.
Nov. 6 and 7. 995. Intelligence from Rouen.
Information respecting the movements and proceedings of D'Andelot, the Admiral, the Duke of Guise, the King, the Rhinegrave, and the Prince of Condé, sent from Rouen on Nov. 6 and 7.
Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 2.
Nov. 7. 996. Smith to Cecil.
1. On the 3rd inst. had access to the King in the monastery at Rouen, with the Queen Mother and the Duke of Orleans, attended by the Prince of Rochesurion, the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and the Duke of Etampes. He excused his delay, and expressed the Queen's desire for peace. Throckmorton, he said, had declared to him that a nobleman here in the Court told him that they must find the means to get him and cut off his head. As for his going to Orleans, he did not know of it. The Queen Mother said she found this matter very strange, that the Queen should send men to surprise the King's towns, etc., and then say she kept them for him. He answered that the Queen, espying that it was done under pretence of religion, did well understand what inconveniences would come thereby to France.
2. The Queen Mother again asked why she favoured rebels. He answered that when the Queen understood that all moderate means were laid aside, (one party going to it with massacring all that came and ransacking of towns, and that there was a league made by certain Princes, who laid their money together to exterminate all who are of the religion which the Queen professes,) it was time to look about and prepare her forces. The Queen Mother asked what cruelties were used, they being rebels, and should not the King compel them to obey? He answered none doubted of the King's clemency, but not so of some of the Lords. The Queen Mother said, "Why send force, and not an ambassade?" He said he thought she did not understand him, he speaking such naughty French. She said she understood him very well, and the Queen knew what she did when she sent him hither, which he said was against his will. She wished he had been sent before instead of Throckmorton, for they took him here to be the author of all these troubles.
3. He then saluted the King, and said he reminded him of King Edward VI., whose virtues he doubted not but he had. The King answered, that which he had not he would study to have. He then wished the King an evil wish, which was that he and the Queen [Elizabeth] had changed ages, at which the Queen Mother laughed, who said he would say it were a good marriage. Smith said the last time he was in France it was for a marriage between Edward VI. and Lady Elizabeth, her daughter, which, if it had been accomplished, then must Edward VI. have lived longer than he did. The Queen did not remember him, although he was one of the Ambassadors, it being so long since. Making his obeisance, he then turned to the Duke of Orleans, and speaking a few words he took his leave.
4. After that he did the Queen's commendations to the Prince of Rochesurion, the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and the Duke of Etampes, to each of whom he made a speech of no importance, and at compliments he is "the veriest calf and beast in the world." As he thinks none can do them so well as M. Bizzarro, he asks Cecil to speak to the Earl of Bedford to move him to write him some forms of such entertaining speeches to all kinds of people in Italian, and he will get them translated into French, and learn them by heart; but is afraid Bizzarro will be too curious, and then they will not agree with his rude manner of speaking.
5. On the 4th inst. the Cardinal of Ferrara (whose embassy has ended), by his man Shakerley, signified to the writer that he would gladly see him. At 2 p.m. he was brought to the Cardinal's chamber, and presented the Queen's commendations as commanded; plainly, but with gentle words, showing that as to such authority as he had of the Pope the writer had no commission to treat with him, but as a friend to the crown of England, and especially because he was willing to see some unity made in France. The Cardinal answered he had a great affection for the Queen, and would forget his authority which he had of the Pope; that he longed to have a conference with the writer, but he thought it strange that he should enter another Princes' realm and take his towns. Smith answered the Queen could not think herself sure so long as her next neighbours were in such trouble; so long as the Duke of Guise manages the affairs so near to her with fire and sword she cannot but fear. The Cardinal said the Queen could soon quench the fire by removing her force, giving the other party over, and joining in amity with the Queen Mother. Smith said there were two ways of ending it: there is judgment and extremity of law where one wins all and the other loses all, and there is arbitrament. The writer said he perceived that he [the Cardinal] had been with the Queen Mother and discussed all that had passed between them, to which he answered in the affirmative, and that a book had been delivered, which he had not seen, but thought it was much to the same purpose as he [Smith] had declared to the Queen. Smith said it was.
6. They then discoursed together of the authority of the Pope, the unity of the Church, the General Councils, the antiquity of the time, the sacrament of the altar, the receiving under both kinds, and other questions of religion. At last the Cardinal said he saw that he was furnished for all matters, and that he heard he was learned; to which Smith answered that, having been many years at home, passing his time hawking and hunting, and now and then reading a book as a philosopher, he must needs covet to understand of matters of religion.
7. The Cardinal then desired to know what the Queen would have. Smith said, to have arms laid down and end this strife. The Cardinal said the Queen Mother had been to and fro with them and made reasonable offers. Smith said it might be, but he had not heard of them. The Cardinal said they desired to bring all to the form of a republic, like Geneva. Smith said he could not think that, and if the Queen understood they went about any such matter she woul employ all her forces against them. He further said he must signify to the Queen what answer he had, and there should be no time lost to have an answer in return. The Cardinal asked if the Queen Mother offered them their goods, lands, offices, and that they might live quietly to their own consciences, whether it was not enough and reasonable. Smith said it was reasonable, but he thought it would not please them. The Cardinal said, "No;" they would have their preachings. Smith said it was granted to them by the edict of January; but he was answered those assemblies were the cause of all the mischief, for they took up arms contrary to the edict. Therein they varied a little, for Smith said it began at Vassy, and the destroying of the pulpits at Paris, and the fear which caused the Prince to flee to Orleans to save himself; whereas the Cardinal said that the Prince and Admiral first began with force to compel the other; and as for preaching, it was but as they in England, who would have no mass, because it is fit in one realm to have but an uniform ceremony. Smith would have had a church assigned them, or some hours in the other churches, wherein they could not agree. Smith prayed he would help him to have a good answer from the Queen Mother, for the Queen desired to hear from him. The Cardinal said he would go to the Queen, and he should hear from him either that night or the next morning.
8. Has said so much at length that he may perceive "how he had need of a long spoon that should eat potage with the devil," and also by these conferences with the Queen and the Cardinal that he was put in some comfort; and how precise again her answer was he may perceive by Smith's letter to the Lords of the Council. The Cardinal has continued his offices, and sends him his own bread and wine.
9. When he did his message at his first access to the Queen he declared that there was one Mr. Middlemore with him, who was formerly with Throckmorton, who had letters to the Queen of the same effect as he had before spoken of, and the letters were dated when he was at Paris, who came hither three weeks since, but Smith would not allow him to deliver them till he had audience. Middlemore then delivered the letters. When Smith had received his answer he moved the Queen Mother to grant a safe-conduct for Throckmorton, who replied that she had read his letter, but did not believe there was any such matter, and that it was but fear invented. He might come when he would, and would be welcome, and the Prince could make him a passport for horses, but she would send no other assurance. She also said he is never well but when he is making some broil, and was so passionate and affectionate on "their" side that he cared not what trouble he made. Smith said if he [Throckmorton] was suspected it would be better for him to leave the realm, and so satisfy him with a safe-conduct. He was answered that he [Throckmorton] gets not other than she has said.
10. He then made a motion for a passport for divers merchants here in Rouen at the time the gates were shut. The Queen Mother said he must give a request and she would consider it. Has caused the merchants and the soldiers who have agreed for their ransoms to make each a brief petition to him in writing, which he has sent to Secretary Bourdin.
11. A great number of English soldiers who were hurt and laid together in a house, a short time before the soldiers departed hence had their throats cut and were thrown into the river. Eighty of the strongest of the English prisoners they have put to the galleys. The trouble he has to save some of them the bearer can tell.
12. Being sent for on Friday by the Cardinal to dine with him this day (7th inst.), he perceived that he should not have a passport for post horses until he had again spoken with the Queen Mother, and he was not deceived; for as soon as he came home M. De Sevre came and said she would have him come to-morrow after dinner to speak with her.—Rouen, Saturday, 7 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 20.
Nov. 8. 997. Valentine Brown to Cecil.
Sends a declaration of all the charges which are unpaid since Christmas. They are in great need, because of the scarcity of all things, which might not be borne were it not for the Queen's store, now almost utterly consumed.— Berwick, 8 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 8. 998. Smith to the Queen.
1. The French are high upon four things. The chief is to have aid of the King of Spain, who now assists them with men and money, and has promised to come into Flanders in the spring, and to bring with him twenty-five or thirty galleys. The next is to make the Scotch rebel, and to conclude a marriage between the Queen of Scots and the Prince of Spain. The third is to make sedition in England; and they think they have good intelligence of England, and the affections some of the nobility bear to them as the English have of theirs, and better. The fourth is, that as soon as they make a strong navy (they expecting twenty-five or thirty galleys within three or four months from the King of Spain,) they intend to surprise Rye, Hastings, or Portsmouth, and there fortify. They do not intend to surrender Calais.
2. The remedy for the first is to have an eye on Flanders, or more on the King of Spain, which is hardly kept from altering the religion. To the next, to give warning to the Lord James to take heed thereof. For the third, to allure to her all such Lords and others as favour the Papists' religion, yet having an eye to their doings. To the fourth, she will have an eye to the coast, especially Portsmouth. A good opportunity was lost when Rouen was taken, for 12,000 men would have driven the camp away, saved Rouen for her, and made all Normandy hers. In Rouen the English and Scotch did all.
3. As corn is like to be very dear in England this year, with a little provocation of some Papists, it might make some stir this summer. For remedy she should take order with the merchants of London, to bring from Danske to London a great store of wheat and rye.—Rouen, 8 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
[Nov. 8.] 999. Decipher of the ciphered portions of the above letter.
Pp. 3.
Nov. 8. 1000. Smith to [Cecil.]
1. The communication he had yesterday with the Cardinal was to help to conclude a peace. First, he would know if Smith would be content if the Queen Mother did accord with the Prince; to which he answered in the affirmative. He then asked if they would not surrender Newhaven until they have Calais restored. Smith replied he had no commission to treat of that; but if that was the only let to the peace, if the Queen Mother would show her mind, he would signify the same to the Queen. The Cardinal said they [the English] had no right for four years and a half. He said he did not know the time, but if it was theirs and the time limited, what hindrance were it to restore it straight, to avoid all quarrels betwixt the realms, and save a great cost the King is at for keeping it ? He said they would keep their promise, and otherwise, but by their good wills the English shall never be able to take it by force, the place being impregnable. Smith said it was taken; at which the Cardinal smiled and said he knew how it was; to which he answered, if it was not surrendered it would be the cause of war betwixt England and France; and now they fortify as though they would never render the same. The Cardinal said he wished those in Orleans would accord with the Queen Mother. Smith said that the Queen desired to see peace in France, and until it is so she cannot consider herself safe. The Cardinal said Smith knew that they capitulated not to make any accord without consent of the Queen, nor she without them; and that it was Throckmorton's doings, who sent the articles ready made to her, and so brought her into this trouble; but he assured him [Smith] that the Queen Mother could accord with them when she pleased. He then asked what would the Queen be content with; Smith answered that those of the religion may live with safety of their consciences, and if they allow the articles and agree to them, then the Queen must also. The Cardinal said that would take some time sending to and fro to them and into England. He replied, there may be made as much haste as possible; and if the Queen Mother would send him to Orleans, he would forsake no travail to treat with them. The Cardinal asked that the Queen should write what articles she would require, and Smith that he should rather learn of them to what points they would condescend; and then he would send to the Queen to judge of them. The Cardinal said that the conditions were not perfect, but he should have them; they shall be remised again in the King's grace, have their goods and lands, offices, &c., shall not be troubled by any process for what is past, and shall have their consciences free for the time to come; and what more could they want ? Smith said they would have preaching. The Cardinal asked if he thought it fit there should be but one religion in England, and will they allow mass to be said in their churches, or any other religion to be heard than that the Queen professes. Smith said this was true. "Why, then," said the Cardinal, "it must be reasonable that that religion be held here only which the King professes." Smith said it was not altogether alike, for many Protestants think they may not come into the churches where these images are used. "Then let them stay at home," he replied. "But how about baptism and marriage? for many would rather die than come to Mass." "Why, then, let them marry at home, and do their ceremonies privately." Smith said this was a liberty, but the assurance must be debated afterwards.
2. They then digressed of the cruelties lately done in many towns by the Papists, at Vassy, Sens, Paris, Poictiers, Blois, Angers, and Toulouse, where Smith said the Pope had paid 100,000 crowns towards oppressing the Protestants, and other Princes laid to their money and helped with men. The Cardinal said the Pope had paid but 25,000 crowns by his hands, although he promised 100,000. It was reasonable for him to defend those of his religion, whereof he is head; but if he and other Princes make a league to destroy those of the Queen's religion, it is also reasonable that she should aid them.
3. They then came to these articles of agreement. The Cardinal said it was against his profession to agree to any such articles where men should take any other way than the Church of Rome prescribed, much less travail in it; yet he desires peace before he returns to Italy. If Smith can bring the Queen to some reasonable conditions, he would move them here to agree to it. Then it was debated whether to send them as from the Queen Mother, or from the Cardinal, or as of his own head. The Cardinal promised that some should be drawn up and sent him, which he received this night. And for these pains he takes here he desires Cecil will send for him home betimes. The Queen is somewhat angry for Newhaven; but the Cardinal speaks so well of him that they think him the best Huguenot that ever was; but he is afraid if he stays long they will do with him as they did with Throckmorton. Of Middlemore, the Cardinal sent him word by Shakerley that he [Smith] was the worse welcome because he [Middlemore] came with him, and that the Queen and the Lords cannot abide him. Bethinks himself of the fable of the raven and the fox.
4. The Cardinal is a wise man, and reasonable to talk with. Many things are to be considered, especially the charges that will grow of the war; and that they have had the chief towns and lost them.
5. The adversary has the King and Queen Mother, and has reduced to obedience all the chief towns in France, except Orleans and Lyons. They have all the King's revenues and receipts. They may tax and tail at their pleasure; all the rich men and lawyers are on their side. The Guisians are of great power, and well divided. The Duke, the most notable captain and soldier in France, Great Master and Chamberlain; the Constable of all the men of arms is chief captain by his office; and the Marshal St. André and Brisac are of great experience.
6. The Admiral and D'Andelot will give place to none of them for courage; but things have gone slowly; and if they had an overthrow now where should it be repaired?
7. Smith speaks like a peace maker, and so he takes his commission to be. The other is of Newhaven, and he desires Cecil to assist him with some excuses.
8. They tell him of articles between the Queen and the Prince, yet they were but in drawing, and not concluded.
9. At his first coming M. De Sevre was sent to him under colour of entertainment, but to watch what resort he had, and to get from him all he could, to understand Smith's inclination. Desires that Sevre may have thanks from the Queen by some letter in French, or a present, which will not be lost. Sevre shall accompany him to Paris, and be there also, so they are careful of him; and in the Court it is as if he was excommunicated, none dare accompany him, either Scot or Frenchman. As for King Philip's ambassador, he will write in his next. The Cardinal of Ferrara and M. De Sevre (who is lodged next him) are all the company he has.
10. All the posts and ways are stopped. None come to Newhaven nor go to Flanders, the ways being so strictly kept, so only one way is left, that is to send from England, for then he must return again.
11. He desires Cecil to send back the bearer Barlow, and asks that he may have his money for his diets for three months. Cecil had better increase it, else he is undone, for his diets will not daily find him and his horse, it being war time, and wine is very dear, and there is scarcely a man he employs but he stands him in 12d. a day for his drink, which would only be two-pence in England. Also to take order with Gresham that he may have credit for 2,000 or 3,000 crowns of the sun, to be taken up at Paris of Burlomachi. Lately wrote to the Earl of Warwick for another matter, which letter he sent open.
12. The King of Navarre is not dead yet, but is without hope. The French condescending so readily in religion, it stands upon other matters, but to the English in two; the one, they fear the descent of more men, and they feel their weakness, distracting them of their force to be sure against the English. The garrison in Dieppe, the Rhinegrave and his men, the Switzers, and another band in Rouen; thus they are distributed. Another thing is, as he hears said, that Cecil has given a "skako" at Antwerp; the bankers have no money. Smith desires to know if it be so.—Rouen, 8 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 12.
Nov. 8. 1001. W. Whitingham to Cecil.
The Christian religion depends upon the Queen. The President can declare the dangers here. The Lord Lieutenant desires that he may be not left destitute of some wise counsellor whose heart is bent to this cause, now that the Lord President has departed. The Rhinegrave was within half a mile of this town with a great company of Almains, pretending no harm, but meaning no good. The next day (the 7th inst.) he left twelve ensigns of Almains within two miles of this place. Guise has gone towards Paris; some say the Prince has taken all such plate and treasure as the King had left at Fontainebleau. M. De Beauvoir is left here as governor under the Vidame, in such things as shall appertain to the duty of the French towards their state. He married the Vidame's sister and is well disposed towards Cecil. Certain orders are drawn up concerning religion, but not yet published, for prayers to be had daily, and for the suppression of vice, which in a short time would infect this flock. Mr. Brodbrige, a minister, came hither with his Lordship; and since the departure from Dieppe, Mr. Viron. The soldiers are so void of knowledge and fear of God that he thinks, considering the number that is to come, they will be well occupied.—Newhaven, 8 Nov. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 9.
Forbes, ii. 174.
1002. Warwick to the Queen.
1. Her letter is a great comfort to himself and his officers. The Duke of Guise never met with such a company of willing men to resist him, for the simplest man here would rather be cut in pieces than allow a soldier of the Guise to put his foot upon the wall.
2. Sidney would have been with her long before this if the wind had been favourable. Refers all things to his report to her.—Newhaven, 9 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Nov. [9.] 1003. Warwick to the Privy Council.
Received their letters of the 3rd inst. by this bearer, W. Winter, to whom the Council here have not only declared their opinions by word, but also given in writing an answer to all the articles. Newhaven, [blank] Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 9.
Forbes, ii. 175.
1004. Warwick to Cecil.
1. Thanks him for his letter of the 3rd inst. whereby he perceives that the news of Rouen drove him [Cecil] into an ague. In two days will despatch Winter to Cecil with answers to all his instructions. Even now the Count came to inform him that the Prince is marching hitherward, and desires to know what aid he is able to give him. They affirm that he makes sure account upon the Queen's promise. He comes the nearest way towards Rouen, which has caused Guise to stay and call back his men and ordnance, which would otherwise have been with them shortly. How shall he answer his demand ?
2. Cannot come by espials, whereby he wants intelligence. Has requested Beauvoir herein, but as yet none can be got. Has not heard from the Ambassador.—Newhaven, 9 Nov. 1562. Signed.
3. P. S.—He has appointed Mr. Pelham, captain of the pioneers.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 9. 1005. Warwick to Cecil.
Asks that some further consideration of men be made to the Gentleman Porter here, he being charged with guarding these gates daily.—Newhaven, 9 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 9. 1006. Poynyngs to Cecil.
Desires that he be not abated a mark a day, which has been allowed him by Mr. Treasurer until the arrival of the Lord Lieutenant; all things being so dear here, and the English money not being current, the charges are very great.— Newhaven, 9 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 9.
Forbes, ii. 176.
1007. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. Received Cecil's letters of the 30th ult., and of the 3rd ult., which he understands to be the 3rd inst. Is glad that he [Cecil] is despatched of the ague. To the first point of the last letter (wherein Lee has written that this town is not strong in situation and fortification), wherein Cecil requires his opinion; he remembers his report made upon his first sending hither. He began upon the plat of the castle, and allowed that curtain being in length 1,406 feet to the bulwark of St. Addresses, to be by the height of the wall (being stone), and the depth of the dyke, well watered, as he thought not in any way approachable, "but not vamured nor well rampered." The bulwark, if it were filled and the flank covered, he also thought was unapproachable. From thence to the bulwark St. Michael, 1,300 feet, and so to the corner called St. Francis' bulwark towards the north, 1,260 feet, by reason of the marsh containing half a mile to the foot of the hill, and the dyke well watered and of good depth, he thought it was not subject to battery. He declared to Cecil the slightness of the ramparts and imperfection of the whole curtains and bulwarks on that side, yet he thought it no discredit to the situation. From St. Francis' bulwark to Ryall bulwark, 1,348 feet, where the weakness begins and most subject to battery, it is thinly "rampered," but well dyked and watered. From Ryall bulwark to Bulwark de la Grange, 820 feet, where the "staynke" of stone is well watered, but the ramparts thin. From thence to Vidame's Tower is all stonework unvamured and dry at low water, but dangerous to approach, as by a slight defence made within the haven, he thinks it would be the strongest part of the town if not subject to the mine. Since his coming he has seen nothing to cause him to alter his opinion. There is no way to hurt it by battery but from the two windmills; and yet when bulwarks Ryall and Le Grange can keep their flanks (as he trusts shortly they shall), he does not mind the harm that can be done to them on that side, though there were no curtain at all. The part abandoned is of such force that almost as small a sum of money would make it strong and guardable as will cost to deface it; 500 or 600 men nightly sent out of the town will defend it. If they should win it we should at least win twenty days, and leave it when we would, without loss to us or gain to them.
2. It will be a hard matter to take the water out of the dyke towards the village beyond the windmills; for between the dyke and the said town is 3,000 feet, and ascending. It may be said time and labour will do much, but they shall draw the water either into the place where they must lodge, or else drown all between them and Harfleur, and so on that side besiege themselves; yet they may keep it with a "travers" hard at our dykes' side, and fill it every tide. Then come to the stone travers at Bulwark Le Grange, suppose they even let out the water there, it may either be kept as it is, or so forced that by no means can they take it. Keep the water and keep the town, for he thinks before any can enter he must wet the crown of his head.
3. Concerning the hill on the north side, where they will beat them within the town with their ordnance; he grants it, but they would have to beat a long while before they beat them out of the town. Then come nearer the marsh, with piles, hurdles, and faggots they may bring their ordnance nearer and make battery, then fill the dyke with faggots and so enter. If they do so and tarry the spring tide he thinks their ordnance will come to them by water, and they will escape well that guard the same if they are not cut in pieces; for they cannot dig a foot without being in water and in danger of three bulwarks. If they make a breach before they enter and fill the dyke, they will not do it at the first or second attempt, and if the King were there he would not be able to persuade his people to make a third. If the fortifications were perfected according to the plat begun, a reasonable number of men and victuals will keep it against all France; and Mr. Lee will commend both the site and the plat. Thus according to Cecil's request he has declared his opinion. Asks to be remembered to Lord Robert and Lord Pembroke.—Newhaven, 9 Nov. 1562. Signed.
4. P. S.—As Cecil requires his opinion concerning the sending away of the ships, he has debated sundry times upon it with Warwick and M. Beauvoir. He thought the best that Warwick should cause a watch of forty or fifty to attend nightly upon the wharf alongside the ships, and that every ship should have four ton of water in them. The second time, upon the coming of Winter, he had resolved that all the Papists' ships that are serviceable shall be sold in England and the money go to the use of the English and French soldiers, and to the fortifications of the town; those that are unserviceable of the Papists to be broken up for the fortifications without paying for them; and those belonging to the Protestants and unserviceable to be likewise broken up for reasonable composition. The residue shall use their traffic, and may come hither at all times and lie here without danger of fire. This answer Warwick and the rest thought reasonable; till this is put in execution a good watch is to be kept as aforesaid. If all should be sent into England it would cost more than many would be worth, and also mislike this faction; and it would give the Papists great occasion to persuade the rest from their good opinion of the Queen's meaning towards them. The other matters touching the musters and the state thereof Cecil shall receive by Sir Henry Sidney or Mr. Winter.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
Nov. 9. 1008. Vaughan to Cecil.
Sends the present state of the muster rolls. Cecil need not trouble to prevent the cunning of the captains, for not many travail that way, yet if they leave it not he shall know them. He is so bearded by mean men for doing service here, that without he is well backed he will not be able to execute the same. Will remain with the Earl of Warwick here without charging for his entertainment until Christmas. Nature has fully bestowed her benefits on this town, yet he has reported that fresh water might be taken away from them every day. With a little cost however, places could be made to keep water for four or six months.—Newhaven, 9 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 9. 1009. Garrison at Newhaven.
A declaration of the captains and soldiers serving at Newhaven entered since 20 Oct.
Pp. 4.
Nov. 9. 1010. William Killigrew to Cecil.
1. Has not done the commandments Cecil gave him at departing, as he would fain have certified truly of his brother's estate, which he could not do. At his first arrival he heard of the loss of Rouen, since which he could not hear from thence, although he sent three different ways; tomorrow he will send his brother's man, who awaits for the Queen of Scots' packet, with him that Cecil sent by Mr. Winter. He would willingly have taken it, but his Lordship did not think it good. He has heard divers times of his brother since he came by those who escaped from Rouen, who all affirm he was wounded in the foot, and in danger of a maim, and that he was lying with a French captain named Gordes, who had both his legs shot off. A Frenchman came from thence six days since the town was taken, who assured him the Queen Mother sent for him, and that he saw him ride, wounded as he was, to the Court to her, and that he was sent from her again to the captain who has him prisoner. Since then he has heard that had it not been for M. D'Anville, the Duke of Guise would have put him to death, saying he was one who had deserted his country unknown to the Queen. He is prisoner to Captain Causin (gentleman of the horse to the Duke of Longueville), who has removed him from his lodgings and placed him in the castle of Rouen. Expects to hear from him hourly, and then he will inform Cecil in what estate he is, and whether they intend to ransom him.
2. M. De Beauvoir has a prisoner who is son to Pecquillon, that brought Lord Robert the dagger from the Queen of Scots, and is content to redeem him for his brother, which matter is now in hand. His brother is much beholden to Beauvoir, and desires Cecil to thank him for the same, and to do the same to the Vidame, who is his brother-in-law.— Newhaven, 9 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Nov. 9. 1011. John Fisher to Cecil.
There being here three gates that must be kept open, and having only six persons to attend to them, the time being so dangerous, the enemy so near, and his entertainment being so small (5s. per day), he cannot do as he would wish. Therefore desires that some consideration be had of him, and also favour for his cousin Wynnington.—Newhaven, 9 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 9.
Forbes, ii. 180.
1012. Wood to Cecil.
1. If the Lord President does not return, some skilful man in these affairs should be sent hither to assist the Lord Lieutenant. Private and old grudges betwixt some here have been no furtherance to the service, the causes whereof the President will inform him. He lacks espials, as appeared by the Rhinegrave's coming hither, who sent to speak with the Lord Lieutenant before he knew of his [the Rhinegrave's] coming. He rode in post immediately after to the Court, and his band has retired. Mr. Killigrew lives. They have at Rouen executed an excellent and learned preacher.
2. Sends herewith the copy of articles lately augmented, which will be proclaimed to-morrow. The poor here have been heretofore pitifully spoiled by the soldiers, and none before this time presented whereby justice might be administered, and by Mr. Whitingham and the rest there wants no admonition in this behalf. Proclamations are set forth in the King's name with liberty of religion to all and pardon for the past if they will join together to expulse their ancient enemy.—Newhaven, 9 Nov. 1562.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 9. 1013. John Young to Cecil.
A passenger from Newhaven (who was there at 3 p.m. yesterday) declared that the Rhinegrave, with 600 horse and a number of foot, sent his trumpet to the Earl of Warwick on Friday last with a messenger, and the Earl willed that the Rhinegrave should come himself to speak with him, and went out of the water-gate and met him on the sands. The King and the Guises remain at Rouen. The Lord President would have come away but for the foul weather. Denis departed on Friday night with three of the Queen's ships and all the other soldiers and the hulks laden with rye. Captain Leyton is a prisoner, and sore hurt. Mr. Killigrew is a prisoner at Rouen, hurt of one of his feet. John Marychurch was taken prisoner and ransomed. The voice was that the Lord President and the Rhinegrave agreed that whoever was taken of either party was not to be killed, but to be ransomed.—Rye, 9 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 9. 1014. Smith to Cecil.
1. After his conversation with the Cardinal of Ferrara he was sent for by the Queen Mother, who only declared that certain Englishmen had taken seven of her subjects' ships to England, and also that the Earl of Warwick had sent some artillery from Newhaven to England; and that although she could bear for the Queen to enter the King's towns to keep them, yet this was plain hostility.
2. Smith answered that at his departure the Queen was loath to have war, and he thinks she is of the same mind still. She then asked if he had not heard of the Queen's illness. He said only by the courier Nicholas. She replied she was well again. He said it was the small-pox, which disease has vexed England these two or three years. They have had no plague to speak of for twelve years. The Queen Mother said they had enough in France, and the small-pox is nothing. He said not amongst children, but in England it took aged folks and ladies. The Duchess of Suffolk had it first, the Countess of Bedford died of it, and divers ladies of forty, fifty, and fifty-five years of age have died of it; this disease is best acquainted with Duchesses, Marchionesses, and Countesses, so it is no marvel that at last the Queen should have it. Where they use no physic nor strive with it they escape best. The Queen bathed herself before they came out, which put her in great danger.
3. In the Cardinal's conversation Smith perceived that he would fain dissever the Queen and the Prince, and first agree with the one, then with the other; and further, as he is the author of the troubles in France, and so has obtained honour at the Pope's hand, now would he be the first for compounding them, and get the opinion of an indifferent man at the Protestants' hands.
4. The King of Navarre is dead. The Court is in great fear; they have great want of money. It is doubted that the Prince will now expect to be Lieutenant, as his brother was. They are not ignorant that in every house there are as many Huguenots as Papists, whom the Papists fear if it comes to a battle. Now is the time to offer a good peace, which is necessary for France and honourable for the Queen. Prays Cecil to make much haste, and let the conditions be reasonable. He desires to know the Queen's resolute mind, and he doubts not but it will be brought to pass. The Cardinal has a bad way to go into Italy, for if he goes by Flanders he must pass some Protestant towns.—Rouen, 9 Nov. 1562. Signed.
5. P. S.—Desires Cecil to allow the man his post money, for it is hard to spare any here.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 9. 1015. The Princess Cecilia of Sweden to the Queen.
Has received no reply to her letters sent by Kele, who (she having heard that the said Kele has fallen under her displeasure) she begs may be pardoned and restored to favour.—Stockholm, 9 Nov. 1562. Signed: Cecilia, manu propria.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Lady Cecilia, the King of Sweden his sister. Lat. Pp. 2.
Nov. 9. 1016. The Chancellor of Sweden to Cecil.
Wrote to him on September 14 concerning the calumnies of Francis Barth, who has also traduced him to the Queen. Further, he has accused him in a letter to William Herle (the factor at Hamburg) of speaking ill of Cecil. Hopes he will not believe him. Begs that he will certify how he has behaved in his embassy and during his stay in England; also that the arms which the Queen allowed him [the writer] to have finished by her smith may be sent.—Stockholm, 9 Nov. 1562. Signed: Nicolaus Guldenstern.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Nov. 9. 1017. The Chancellor of Sweden to Sir Ambrose Cave.
Begs that Francis Barth, the interrupter of the negotiations, may be properly punished, he not having spared in his accusations the English any more than himself.—Stockholm, 9 Nov. 1562. Signed: Nicolaus Guldenstern.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Broadside.
Nov. 9. 1018. Henry Cobham to Challoner.
1. Received his letters by Martin De Burgoa. The writer lately sent him two letters, since when he has heard that war was proclaimed against England at Bordeaux on the 25th ult., and that two English ships were stayed there.
2. The ships which arrived at Laredo from Flanders have been much beaten with storms. There have been severe storms here, the like of which has scarcely ever been seen. The weather is still foul, and the wind is north-west.
3. Hopes that he will write to Mr. Secretary to have consideration of him and his charges by reason of lingering on the wind. His ordinary charges are ten rials of plate a day. Waits here for the wind, which they do not look to serve for six days. Encloses a marvellous prognostication in Spanish, and, as he had it in secret, prays that he will so use it. A friar made it and put it forth in the name Nostradamus.— Bilboa, 9 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 22nd of the same. Pp. 3.
Nov. 9. 1019. Cuerton to Challoner.
Thanks for kindness to Martin De Borgoa. Went to the haven of Portugalette five days since with Master Cobham. He has a proper ship of thirty-five tons belonging to the river of Bristol. Delivered to him the packet for Cecil. Would that Mistress Clarentius' maid was in England. Thought that there would have been provision sent to have had her raiment priced, and sureties given for anything which might be called for. Will send some other cheeses when Lenares comes, also a barrel of salmon, some dried hake, and some firkins of white herrings of this year.—Bilboa, 9 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: Received the 22nd of the same. Pp. 4.
Nov. 10. 1020. Lord Dacre to the Privy Council.
1. Received their letter of the 30th ult., commanding him to repair to them for causes touching the Marches, and to bring George Lampleugh with such matter as he has to charge him withal.
2. The impediment of his body, his years, debility, and this cold time of winter considered, he will not be able to travel without danger of his life; therefore begs the Queen to spare him until the spring.
3. On the 15th of September he informed the Lord Chancellor of the behaviour of Lampleugh; and being at Carlisle on the 26th of the same, he openly charged Lampleugh with disobedience to the Queen, which he confessed. Notwithstanding that he entered into a bond to appear upon warning, he now obstinately refuses to do so, and for that alone he remains in and about Carlisle.—Kirkoswald, 10 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Add. Endd: Delivered at Kirkoswald 10 Nov. at nine forenoon. Received at Newcastle 12 of Nov. at 12 o'clock before noon. Pp. 2.
Nov. 10. 1021. The Queen to the French King.
Has seen his letters of the 2nd ult. delivered to the Council by the French Ambassador on the 19th ult., which were not read by her until the 9th inst., by reason of sickness. Certain persons named in those letters being persecuted by such as nourish troubles betwixt the King and her, she will not yield to their desires. Such persons as have come to England for refuge from persecution will be ready to recognize their loyalty unto him, and answer before him, when he is able to direct his own affairs. Refers to the treaty betwixt Henry II. and her, which was broken by Francis II. Wishes they had thought that their present intelligences with certain traitors, her subjects, might have been revealed, as they have been lately.
Corrected draft, dated and endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 4.
[Nov. 10.] 1022. Another copy of the above.
Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 4.
[Nov. 10.] 1023. Translation of the above into English.
Corrected draft, endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Nov. 10. 1024. Vaughan to Cecil.
Since his last letters giving his opinion of the situation of Newhaven, he has secret knowledge that Mr. Lee has persuaded a gentleman serving the Queen here to alter his letters to Lord Robert, in great commendation of the situation, and has caused him to term it a meetly good site; for which the gentleman is much troubled. Desires Cecil to make Lord Robert privy hereof, and then he may conjecture who it is, which Vaughan thinks will make him blush. There are other alterations in letters.—Newhaven, 10 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 10. 1025. Thomas Kemys to Cecil.
Returned to Portsmouth, where he found his men indebted upwards of forty marks for victuals, and intending to embark them that night (5th inst.), he paid the said sum to them, commanding each to pay his debt, and embark, which they did with the exception of twenty-five or twenty-six, who stole out of the town without paying their debts, with the most part of their furniture. Departed with the rest and arrived safely at Newhaven on the 8th inst., but in disorder, the ship being leaky, and the pump broken, and being obliged to lade out the water twenty hours together. —Newhaven, 10 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
[Nov. 10.] 1026. Forces at Newhaven.
"Names of the captains, and the numbers serving at Newhaven since 20th October, to which day all the bands of the first arrival are paid."
Pp. 4.
Nov. 10. 1027. Garrison at Newhaven.
1. The bands of the first arrival are paid to 21 October. Total number of the garrison 3,900. Employed on the works 229. To attend on the Provost Marshal, ten.
2. Thirty-three boys are employed to labour in the works at 5d. per diem. Scottish horsemen; the captain at 6s. per diem, the lieutenant 3s., the guydon 2s., the trumpeter 1s. 6d., and forty-eight horsemen at 1s. 4d. per diem. Thirty have entered since the 10th inst.
3. Examined and signed by Cuth. Vaughan.
4. The garrison, 3,900; pioneers, 229 (fifty of the garrison); wanting, 236; total, 3,435. Add hereto, Scottish horsemen, forty-eight, without four officers; head officers, eight; inferior officers, 335; total, 391. Add boys as pioneers, thirtythree. Mr. Horsey with his band broken, 200. From Essex 600, and Devonshire, 500. So there is of all sorts, 5,188.
In Cecil's hol. Endd. Pp. 4.
Nov. 10.
Forbes, ii. 181.
1028. Orders for Newhaven. (fn. 1)
The days for the captains and soldiers to repair to the church to prayers, are Wednesdays and Fridays between nine and ten o'clock a.m., and upon Sundays at the same time, and at three o'clock in the afternoon; except such as are upon duty; and not to depart during the prayers and sermon. All captains and soldiers that are not upon duty shall go to church to common prayers, upon Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at the before named hours. No soldier is to contract matrimony without consent of the ministers of the church, upon pain of imprisonment and the loss of his entertainment. The imprisonment for adultery is to be six days, and banishment from the garrison for ever. No soldier, or other, shall upon pain of loss of his ears, and banishment of the town for ever, muster in two places, or answer to any man's name but his own. Any captain that shall permit the same shall be immediately discharged, lose his office, and suffer other punishments as shall be thought meet by the Lord Lieutenant and Council.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4.
Nov. 10. 1029. Smith to Cecil.
1. On Thursday the 5th inst., he had his answer from the Queen Mother, and then he requested a licence for post horses, which was not granted until Monday night. When his man should start, they had no horse; and when the passport was shown, they said a new restraint was made, and that it must be subscribed by another secretary, and that he should have it this morning. This morning he sent to the Cardinal to declare how he had been kept five days after receiving his answer; who said that if the passport came not this morning, he would go to the Queen Mother in the afternoon.
2. It is said that M. D'Andelot's band gave an overthrow to the Lieutenant of the Marshal of St. André about Ferté, not far from Gien, besides Orleans. Their chief design is to divide the Queen and the Prince, and protract the time till the spring; and in the mean time to corrupt the Almains with D'Andelot, and those at home, wherein the Pope is a worker with large offers.
3. They talk here of a fort to be made at Newhaven like garden Châtillon, which should beat into it, as that did into Bas Boulogne and the Haven, and of cutting the water from it. There is a valley not a league off, where they may lie safe, and keep it so strait that those within shall have no commodity from the land.
4. It is said the Rhinegrave has been at Newhaven; also that an English herald, who came to Rouen to the Court, before he delivered his message was slain.—Rouen, 10 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 10. 1030. Smith to Warwick.
1. Leighton and Killigrew are still at Rouen; the former wounded, but not dangerously; he is kept very close by M. D'Anville; the other has more liberty. Eighty of Leighton's men have been put to the galleys; and they have cut the throats of many more who were wounded, and cast them into the river. Thomas Swan, ensign bearer to Leighton, and John Lion, would have had their throats cut since he came hither to Rouen, if they had not got merchants of the town to become securities to pay their captors 100 French crowns and six of the sun. Lion bears yet the mark of that cruel taker's knife. Part of the said sum he [Smith] was obliged to pay in hand, and be bound for the rest. The poor men were stripped of all they had. The merchants account the sum he must pay for these two to be 34l. 9s. English. He has paid 3l. 3s. 4d. for Richard Streate's ransom. Asks that this money may be stayed from the wages due to them. He will recover the rest as well as he can.—Rouen, 10 Nov. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—"Warm this well to the fire and you shall see more." (fn. 2)
3. Guise and the Constable with the greater part of their forces have gone towards Paris, and so to Etampes, to meet the Prince, D'Andelot, and Rochefoucault, who have joined together; or if they dare not fight, to defend Paris, which is threatened by those of Orleans. Has been solicited for peace, and is now in communication thereof. Desires Warwick to look to his charge, for the Rhinegrave lies about him. There shall be left a garrison of Swiss in Rouen, who in the winter nights may surprise him. The King of Navarre is dead. Warwick should leave no piece of paper untried by fire that the writer sends. Within five days he goes to Paris, and lodges where Throckmorton did. All ways are cut off for sending to his Lordship. They hear of an English trumpeter being slain here, sent from Newhaven.
4. Sent thus much in a previous letter; has it come to hand?
5. Hears they mean to divert the water from Newhaven and to make a fort within a mile on the highway to Harfleur. He hears of an overthrow being given by M. D'Andelot's men to Marshal St. André's lieutenant of 1,500 men, fifteen leagues from Orleans.
Orig. A few words in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Nov. 10. 1031. John Young to Cecil.
This day came over a merchant of Rouen, he was a man of great substance, and now all that he had is spoiled. He was conveyed away by one of Captain Ricarville's soldiers, and brought to Dieppe with six Scotch soldiers, one of whom was at Rouen last Sunday. They say that the King and his mother remain in Rouen, and that the King of Navarre is very sore hurt, the bullet remaining in his body. Montmorency, D'Aumale, and the Rhinegrave with all their power are sent to meet the Duke of Guise and the Constable and all their power at Paris, and have carried all their ordnance with them. The Prince is come out of Orleans, with D'Andelot, the Admiral, Count Rostock, and the Prince of Rochsurion with 8,000 horsemen and 15,000 footmen to meet the Guises in the field. There are but a small number at Rouen for the safe keeping of the King. Montmorency when he entered Dieppe hurt no one, and made no spoil, but called before him the rulers of the town, requiring them to show themselves true to their Prince. There are no ships setting forth; for the masters say that they will rather be hanged than go against the English.—Rye, 10 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 10. 1032. The French Ambassador's Declaration to the Council.
1. This declaration was delivered to the Council in the presence of the four hostages, in addition to his remonstrance addressed to them on the 19th October.
2. Three weeks ago the King addressed certain just remonstrances to them, viz., that the Queen should not hinder him from reducing his rebellious subjects to obedience. As she has sent forces to Dieppe, Havre, and Rouen, and has entered into a league with his treasonable subjects, the King desires that she will at once withdraw her troops and deliver up those rebels who have taken refuge in England. The King remained in hope of peace till the 29th October, when the Chancellor read a reply from the Queen, to the effect that he, De Foix, was not acting by the command of the King, and that Smith had been sent into France to declare her intentions, and denied that the French rebels who had taken refuge in her realm were guilty of treason. He has been unable to procure a copy of the said answer in writing. Sees that it is simply a refusal. She has also sent 3,000 more men to Havre under the Earl of Warwick. De Foix has the King's express commands that if she refuses to withdraw her forces immediately, and to deliver up the rebels within twenty days after they were demanded (which was October 19), he shall protest that the treaty of peace has been broken. He therefore requires that the hostages shall be restored, she having forfeited all benefit that she might have claimed by the treaty, and the King being absolved from his promises through its infraction. The King will use all his power to resent the injury done to him.
Copy, in a French hand. Endd. and dated by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 7.
Nov. 10.
Forbes, ii. 183.
1033. The Privy Council to Smith.
1. They have not heard from him since his going to the camp from Paris, which was the 15th ult. The French Ambassador has pressed to have the Queen's answer delivered to him in writing; which has been denied. Also to have an answer to the King's letter, which has been foreborne until the last few days by reason of her sickness, but it is at length finished; of which a copy is sent herewith, besides the original letter signed and sealed by the Queen, to be delivered by him. This protracting has been by reason of the Queen's sickness; yet the nature of the disease would not allow them to deal with her in State affairs. If the King find fault therein, he is to allege these just excuses.
2. The Queen did not come hither till yesterday; and audience was granted to-day; which was as follows. The Ambassador brought with him the four hostages; alleging he was commanded that they should be present at his speech. Having passed a preface, he entered into his charge from the King. That the matter should be better understood, he had put it in writing; and caused it to be read by his secretary to them in full Council, and to be then delivered to them. They would not be induced to grant the like unto him, but would keep their old custom of answer by speech. Having heard it, they answered they would communicate the matter to the Queen as soon as they could conveniently; and upon her pleasure being known, he should receive an answer. They send Smith the copy of the writing. They have not as yet received the Queen's answer what shall be answered to him; but they will prove that the treaty was first broken on their part, in the time of Kings Henry and Francis, by arrogating the Queen's style and title, with other insolences, which he may maintain if he sees cause. If he considers the Queen's letter to the King, he can well surmise the answer. He is to maintain in all his doings that the Queen takes all these troubles in France to have been begun by those that have given arguments to extend the same in the name of religion, and for their old quarrel to this realm. Whilst the Guises govern the King by force, the English shall think that the King and the Queen Mother are not at liberty.
3. They inform him of the state of the Earl of Warwick and his company at Newhaven. If he hears complaints that merchantmen coming into some ports here with grain are stayed, he is to say that there is no stay contrary to the usage of friendship, which is in time of need to stay all victuals coming into our ports and to buy the same at reasonable price and with ready money.
Draft, corrected and endd. by Cecil. Pp. 6.
Nov. 10. 1034. The Chancellor of Sweden to the Queen.
Begs that she will remember his petition of 14 September. —Stockholm, 10 Nov. 1562. Signed: Nicolaus Guldenstern. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.


  • 1. These orders to be observed by the English soldiers at Newhaven are supplemental to those given at No. 713 (p. 326).
  • 2. This passage is expressed in cipher, and the subsequent P. S. is written with ink of a different colour from the body of the letter; lemon juice probably having been employed.